Logo Dak Dak is a Lisp like language that transpiles to JavaScript. Browser Make browser apps using a Vite/Rollup plugin that hooks into your existing bundler pipeline. Build for Browsers Play Take a tour and write as well as run code using an interactive playground right here in your browser. Playground [?][?] CLI Write one off scripts or server side applications in Node and use anything from NPM. Build CLIs Play If you want to jump in and see what it looks like, explore the Dak Tour. Zen 1. Full access to JavaScript. Be one with the host. 2. No runtime. Participate in the library ecosystem. 3. Perfect is the enemy of good. Versions are infinite. 4. Be useful today. Survive to thrive. 5. Be fast. Stay fast. JavaScript is ubiquitous. It's ecosystem is diverse and populated. Dak attempts to provide a path to leverage and participate in this ecosystem, as a modern lisp like language. It is not a Lisp. It's still JavaScript, but wearing a Lisp outfit. It's not Common Lisp or Scheme, but a bit more like Clojure or Fennel. It doesn't hide it's true nature, and aims to provide access to every feature JavaScript has. Browser Browser output is an important goal. Specifically, small bundle size and tree shaking for pay-as-you-go, are key considerations that determine the design choices. If you are making a browser based application in Dak, a Vite based setup is the recommended choice. ES Modules support is virtually required and baked in. CLI CLI tooling using node can be built using the ESM Loader. It provides a loader but otherwise doesn't get in your way. Maybe look at make.dak or build.dak for inspiration. For one off use npx @daklang/ cli can do in a pinch, though npx adds considerable overhead. Status A language needs an ecosystem. Formatting, LSP, VSCode extensions, REPL, unit testing, benchmarking and so much more. We don't have much here. Macros and the programmable aspects of Dak are what I consider to be it's selling points. It's much easier to achieve this in a Lisp like language. These are still very much a work-in-progress. Expect heavy iteration here. Syntax in JavaScript is quite diverse. Much of it is already supported. What is missing is probably easy to provide. What's Next? It's all a bit fuzzy, but a seemingly good near term goal is to provide a fun, featureful and fast development experience to build browser based UX applications that can use hiccup like syntax and leverage React, lit-html or Solid. * Dak Language * Tour * Playground * GitHub * (c) Naitik Shah