[HN Gopher] Show HN: Bash-My-AWS - CLI Commands for AWS
       Show HN: Bash-My-AWS - CLI Commands for AWS
       Author : failmode
       Score  : 52 points
       Date   : 2019-12-31 14:48 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (bash-my-aws.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (bash-my-aws.org)
       | TheSpiciestDev wrote:
       | Just the other day I was looking for an official docker image
       | that includes the AWS CLI. On top of that, and mainly, I was
       | looking to find more documentation or tooling to better automate
       | the deployment of new AWS projects.
       | Does anyone here have any experience of (starting from scratch or
       | with no AWS resources) setting up
       | policies/users/resources/configurations via something similar to
       | the Deployment Managers of GCP and Azure?.. preferably something
       | declarative or via templates?
       | Bash-my-AWS looks like a great step towards the goal I have in
       | mind but I may also just be unaware of other tooling or AWS
       | capabilities.
         | weberc2 wrote:
         | If I'm understanding you correctly, I think you want
         | CloudFormation?
           | TheSpiciestDev wrote:
           | Thanks, AWS CloudFormation looks like what I've experienced
           | with other cloud service providers.
             | mypalmike wrote:
             | There is also AWS Cloud Development Kit, which generates
             | CloudFormation from Typescript, C#, Java, or Python.
             | https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/getting-started-
             | with-...
             | stevekemp wrote:
             | The other alternative is terraform:
             | https://www.terraform.io/
         | avip wrote:
         | Like it or not (I do...) terraform is the de-facto industry
         | standard, and pretty much the only mature cloud resources
         | management tool I'm aware of.
         | It is unwise IMHO to use CloudFormation currently unless you're
         | provisioning resources so obscure they didn't yet make it to tf
         | aws provider.
         | BTW your Dockerfile pretty much boils down to:
         | FROM alpine:3.10              RUN apk add --no-cache \
         | python3              RUN pip3 install awscli              COPY
         | config /root/.aws/         COPY credentials /root/.aws/
           | crtlaltdel wrote:
           | if you don't want to copy your credentials into the container
           | you can supply them via env vars when you docker run commands
           | in the container
           | bob33 wrote:
           | ansible and serverless are also very powerful IAC tools that
           | let you deploy on top of CloudFormation but give you a much
           | nicer way to do so. Terraform does require state which is a
           | pain point of it for some. Ansible let's you just run their
           | scripts and you don't have to worry about state in S3 or
           | Dynamo DB.
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | > unless you're provisioning resources so obscure they didn't
           | yet make it to tf aws provider.
           | Isn't there precedent for terraform getting support for
           | things _before_ cloudformation?
             | LilBytes wrote:
             | I'd say it's more and more common that CF doesn't support X
             | resource or pattern than anything else.
             | We've got custom resources _everywhere_ instead and only
             | just started on our journey of using TF instead. CDK is
             | trying to drive up adoption though I've not used it yet so
             | can't provide any opinions.
         | zbruhnke wrote:
         | Gruntwork has a lot of Open Source tooling around AWS and their
         | new guides are pretty great for some of what you're mentioning
         | https://gruntwork.io/guides/
         | I am in no way affiliated with them other than being a customer
         | parfamz wrote:
         | I would strongly recommend to use cloud formation through a
         | typed proxy like troposphere. Also would not recommend to use
         | terraform at all since you will run into warts and fundamental
         | issues quickly. I have done projects with both and my current
         | blessed workflow is a custom python driver which uses CF via
         | troposphere and minimal boto3 as glue. Also I work at AWS.
           | ak217 wrote:
           | Several of the warts in Terraform were fixed in 0.12.
           | While I think the HCL DSL was a mistake and prefer the
           | CloudFormation YAML, CloudFormation has its share of warts as
           | well, and the TF community has been doing better than CF in
           | staying up-to-date with the AWS API updates - which reflects
           | quite poorly on AWS actually.
           | > would not recommend to use terraform at all since you will
           | run into warts and fundamental issues
           | It's not a good look to be employed by the 800 pound gorilla
           | and bash your company's competitor without mentioning
           | specifics.
             | LilBytes wrote:
             | 0.12 fixed and introduced warts. It's a buggy mess, but it
             | is at least has better coverage than CF.
         | natekupp wrote:
         | We use Pulumi to manage both our GCP and AWS resources, and we
         | really like it.
         | You might consider using Terraform directly if you want
         | something more mature.
         | cosaquee wrote:
         | At work we are using Terraform to manage everything that is
         | related to AWS resources, including accounts, IAM policies and
         | groups. We also used Serverless framework and CloudFormation,
         | but Terraform is what works for us and I can recommend it as a
         | main IaaS tool
       | Terretta wrote:
       | Interesting this requires 'jq' when JMESpath is built into AWS
       | CLI already.
       | http://jmespath.org/
         | kesor wrote:
         | jmespath has quite a few limitations, even the official AWS CLI
         | documentation states that for the more advanced stuff `jq` is
         | probably the go to tool.
         | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-usage-o...
         | "For more advanced filtering that you might not be able to do
         | with --query, you can consider jq, a command line JSON
         | processor. You can download it and find the official tutorial
         | at http://stedolan.github.io/jq/."
         | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
         | I find jq's language a lot nicer than JMESpath and trend to use
         | it whenever possible
         | justin_oaks wrote:
         | My HN comment detailing several limitations of JMESPath:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16400320
         | failmode wrote:
         | jq is only used in three of the >120 functions. All the rest
         | use JMESPath.
         | If anyone can help with a solution I'd be delighted to remove
         | the dependency on jq.
         | https://github.com/bash-my-aws/bash-my-aws/blob/b74d92a902bb...
       | m0zg wrote:
       | Coming from Google Cloud, I couldn't deal with the atrocity that
       | is awscli, so I ended up eventually implementing the bare minimum
       | of shell wrappers to at least start, stop, ssh into, rsync files
       | to and from, etc, my aws instances _by name_, not by instance ID.
       | Took me a couple of hours to cobble it together.
       | Google cloud CLI offers all of this out of the box. Why Amazon
       | wants to make such basic commands difficult, I'll never
       | understand.
       | pensatoio wrote:
       | What really sells me on this tool is the ability to examine the
       | underlying awscli command and transformations. I'll be giving
       | this a go in the new year!
       | nahikoa wrote:
       | This looks like an awesome project!
       | Meta note: All things considered, Amazon has it pretty good. They
       | put out a barely usable, bare-bones, but fully functional tool in
       | awscli. Paying customers of AWS have to perform the engineering
       | effort to make the API more usable, and some even open-source
       | their projects like this. AWS is an incredible business model.
         | Aperocky wrote:
         | Anything above bare bones will be opinionated, imo this is the
         | best solution for infrastructure provider - maximum freedom,
         | but also providing a UI for simpler access.
         | dajohnson89 wrote:
         | turning the flywheel
       | zk68420 wrote:
       | you can do this in a very simple tip check details
       | here;http://bit.ly/2lRXocyz
       | ak217 wrote:
       | I have developed something similar on top of the AWS CLI that
       | incorporates a bunch of integrations with other tools like the
       | cloudinit and various bits of Batch-related instrumentation:
       | https://github.com/kislyuk/aegea
       | failmode wrote:
       | It's probably my fault if you haven't heard of Bash-My-AWS.
       | Bash-My-AWS is a simple but extremely powerful set of CLI
       | commands for managing resources on Amazon Web Services. They
       | harness the power of Amazon's AWSCLI, while abstracting away the
       | verbosity. The project implements some innovative patterns but
       | (arguably) remains simple, beautiful, readable and easily
       | extensible.
       | The project started in 2014 and while many hundreds of hours have
       | gone into it, far less has gone into promotion.
       | I'm speaking about it at LinuxConf and have created a
       | documentation site at https://bash-my-aws.org
       | https://linux.conf.au/schedule/presentation/144/
         | bob33 wrote:
         | for anyone on this thread that is interested. I run
         | https://getcommandeer.com which is a tool to manage your AWS
         | and IAC infrastructure from a desktop GUI. I love this bash-my-
         | aws, as we are about to release Bash, Docker Compose, and
         | Terraform Runners. We already have Serverless and Ansible
         | runners. They enable you to run your command line system from a
         | GUI, so that you can instantly switch between AWS
         | accounts/regions and even LocalStack. Because it is a desktop,
         | under the hood we are really running cli tools mixed in with
         | some AWS JS SDK.
           | GhettoMaestro wrote:
           | Very cool app. Giving it a try right now.
       | dopylitty wrote:
       | If you want to easily manipulate your AWS environment from the
       | command line use the AWS cmdlets for PowerShell. The fact that
       | PowerShell cmdlets work on objects instead of text makes them
       | miles better than this or the AWS CLI because you don't spend
       | most of your time figuring out how to wrangle text into
       | meaningful output.
         | jrockway wrote:
         | Do you have any insights on how someone who is used to the
         | text-only world of Bash transition to using Powershell cmdlets?
         | The problem I run into is that it just feels like so much
         | typing to me. I have to read documentation. All the attributes
         | HaveReallyLongNamesThatContainCapitalLetters. By the time I've
         | made my beta version of the command I want to run, I feel like
         | I need to open a text editor to finish it. Maybe add some error
         | checking. Some comments too. Maybe a unit test or three. And
         | now I have an entire project and all I wanted to do was add a
         | line of text to the end of a file.
         | Part of the problem on my part is my own ignorance of the APIs
         | and what commands are available to me. But it all seems too
         | verbose to use practically. The Powershell language seems very
         | good for what you would write a shell script to do, but for
         | interactive commands, I have a hard time believing that people
         | use it. It's just so verbose.
           | bob33 wrote:
           | We are starting to solve the command line problem in
           | Commandeer. https://getcommandeer.com/iac-running-suite In
           | the next few weeks we will be rolling out a Bash Runner. This
           | is a preview of the Bash Runner Page -
           | https://imgur.com/Eruzzv7
         | dvtrn wrote:
         | Hasn't AWSCLI supported toggling the cmd output to either text,
         | json or csv for quite some time now or have I misunderstood
         | your comment here?
           | failmode wrote:
           | Bash-My-AWS wraps AWSCLI as thinly as possible and makes use
           | of JMESPath and the text output.
           | The result is you have a simple set of commands that don't
           | require you to type hundreds of characters.
           | instances() {         local instance_ids=$(__bma_read_inputs)
           | local filters=$(__bma_read_filters $@)              aws ec2
           | describe-instances
           | \           $([[ -n ${instance_ids} ]] && echo --instance-ids
           | ${instance_ids})  \           --query "
           | Reservations[].Instances[][               InstanceId,
           | InstanceType,               State.Name,
           | [Tags[?Key=='Name'].Value][0][0],               LaunchTime,
           | Placement.AvailabilityZone,               VpcId
           | ]"
           | \           --output text       |         grep -E --
           | "$filters" |         LC_ALL=C sort -b -k 6 |         column
           | -s$'\t' -t       }
           | jolux wrote:
           | You don't get the impedance mismatch of text to objects that
           | bash has when dealing with the complexity of AWS resources.
       | alpb wrote:
       | Is this primarily required because AWS CLI is not good enough at
       | listing resources in desired format (json, jsonpath, yaml,
       | table..)?
       (page generated 2020-01-01 23:00 UTC)