[HN Gopher] Archive (2020-01-03) - Page 2
 (DIR) A 160k-year-old jaw in a Tibetan cave might explain high altitud...
       91 points by jelliclesfarm (24 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: A simple site to make chessboard images
       56 points by einaregilsson (9 comments)
 (DIR) SoftBank is still writing big checks
       46 points by elsewhen (25 comments)
 (DIR) Why "Gradient" Descent?
       42 points by JunaidB (16 comments)
 (DIR) The Great New England Vampire Panic (2012)
       13 points by dzdt (3 comments)
 (DIR) Some learning is a whole-brain affair, study shows
       27 points by hhs (2 comments)
 (DIR) Particle accelerator fits on the head of a pin
       75 points by rbanffy (34 comments)
 (DIR) Delaying the Inevitable: Muir Glacier and the Ethereum Difficult...
       70 points by cottenio (61 comments)
 (DIR) Sneak peek at future of SaaS investing
       106 points by tomkubik (56 comments)
 (DIR) Microservices and Biological Systems
       33 points by djsumdog (2 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Duktape-eval - a eval library built on Duktape and WebA...
       30 points by maple3142 (5 comments)
 (DIR) IBM Selectric Bug
       12 points by Sami_Lehtinen (0 comments)
 (DIR) Self-taught bloke cracks crypto conundrum supposed uncrackable u...
       9 points by vo2maxer (1 comments)
 (DIR) Ask HN: A New Decade. Any Predictions? (2010)
       835 points by tcharlton (374 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Self-hosted and self-contained web app password manager...
       22 points by jarm0 (14 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Build your own ridesharing, gig, on-demand apps Firebas...
       13 points by tulushev (6 comments)
 (DIR) E-bikes could be the electric revolution cities need
       162 points by rhinoh (163 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Tailwind Button Playground
       30 points by mcbetz (31 comments)
 (DIR) I Lost My Life to Airbnb
       8 points by ALee (1 comments)
 (DIR) Programming Language Checklist
       298 points by lelf (145 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2020-01-03 23:01 UTC)