[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Joining Big Tech in Ones 40s
       Ask HN: Joining Big Tech in Ones 40s
       Hi HN -- I'm 43, and at a bit of a crossroads. I sold my share in a
       company last year and have been taking time off to figure out my
       next move, and while I've mostly done startups my whole career, I
       am considering going for a job at a big tech company
       (FAANG/Lyft/Stripe/etc.). Does anyone have any experience doing
       this? I can still keep up coding, but should I do that, or try for
       management? What skills should I brush up on particularly? Mostly,
       I am a bit fed up with the stress and uncertainty of startups and
       looking for something more stable, at least for a while.
       Author : kemiller
       Score  : 242 points
       Date   : 2020-01-07 17:08 UTC (5 hours ago)
       | sbussard wrote:
       | Ageism is out in SV, because the biggest perpetrators grew up.
       | Plus experience is worth a lot of money. If you're young or old,
       | don't listen to those who say you can't do something. It's just
       | one more form of resistance that successful people have to plow
       | through.
         | scottlegrand2 wrote:
         | I'm going to disagree. Yes, the biggest perpetrators aged. But
         | in my experience it became more "50 is the new 40" than it went
         | away.
         | fatnoah wrote:
         | I think it's even more than that. I've seen a few companies
         | where "people over 40" are an underrepresented group worthy of
         | specific recruiting.
       | tom_b wrote:
       | YMMV, but in my non-FAANG experience in the mid-/south- eastern
       | US, tech managers seem to make at least 1.25X for X=senior dev
       | salary. Maybe keep that in mind?
       | My dev friends over the last 10+ years have included people who
       | made a management/dev track career decision and anecdotally
       | speaking, those who chose management have earned more and seemed
       | to have more employment stability. In a couple of cases, I have
       | friends in my personal network earning 3X a senior dev salary
       | managing dev teams.
       | Personally, I decided to stick with the dev track and have been
       | somewhat dismayed to find (after 10+years with one employer) that
       | I am often pulled into decision/management-type situations but am
       | consistently evaluated as a lower-level employee because "coder."
       | It's even more annoying when I chat with my peer group who made
       | the mgmt track choice and I find that the overlap between what I
       | do and they do is actually _very_ large.
         | Aperocky wrote:
         | > my non-FAANG experience
         | I think this is highly relevant. Traditional companies have a
         | historically inherited structure where the talents to 'do
         | things' are relatively easy to come by, allowing management to
         | accrue larger influences and hence compensation with the
         | organization. The practice has a lot of momentum as you would
         | hire the same managers even for a software business, they'd
         | come from one of these places.
         | The growth of FAANG and other new tech companies threatens to
         | end this by driving up the scarcity of engineering talents,
         | while creating an entirely new management class that used to be
         | engineers. While they do make more than most engineers in those
         | companies, they take on highly technical decisions that
         | management in traditional industry mostly refrain (drive &
         | initiate vs select from n things).
       | [deleted]
       | ping_pong wrote:
       | Not an issue. I'm older than you by a few years and I'm looking
       | for a new job. I have 5 onsites lined up with more to come. Age
       | hasn't been an issue except for expectations at places like
       | Google that want to interview and hire me at L6+ level which I
       | know I'm not good enough for, hence why I was never hired.
       | Otherwise I'm not concerned... yet.
       | I am an IC so I make sure my code is top notch, which means I
       | need to LC for weeks before I'm ready for the onsites.
       | mikece wrote:
       | 1. Can you do the job? 2. Are you reliable? 3. Will you, as a
       | human being, negatively affect the team?
       | Those are the things I try to determine when I interview someone.
       | czbond wrote:
       | I cold applied for an L7 position at "A" recently. Going in, I
       | had fear that I was under qualified. My background is CompSci,
       | Management consulting and leading teams at global 5 companies,
       | startup founder, and other lead positions. I left the L7
       | interview wholly underwhelmed as I felt I was interviewed by
       | engineers with experience an inch wide, one mile deep. Whereas I
       | like to be a mile wide, 0.8 miles deep. My thoughts "maybe L8" is
       | better didn't set well though...
       | edit: I'm in Denver, and here senior leader positions are not too
       | common.
       | sjg007 wrote:
       | Sure go for it. Pick one company and apply as a manager or lead
       | and pick another and apply as an IC. Decide what you want to do.
       | Tailor your resume for that role.
       | jlg23 wrote:
       | It basically boils down to: what are you more comfortable with?
       | If it is management, go for it.
       | If it is coding, be open about your expectations and go with a
       | company that values your experience while accepting that you're
       | there 9 to 5.
       | downerending wrote:
       | Broadly, you will experience significant ageism trying to come in
       | as a coder/technical type. Probably less of this as a manager.
       | That said, you should do what you want, especially if you have
       | your nut already. Look for an outfit that really needs someone
       | and is willing to look past age (or even sees it as an
       | advantage).
       | robdimarco wrote:
       | I have very similar experience. I'm 42, spent most of my career
       | in startups / small companies in CTO-level positions, but last
       | year took an engineering position in big tech (at one of the
       | companies you mention).
       | My suggestion for someone with a lot of experience is to focus
       | more on networking your way in to the company than on skills
       | brush up. Find contacts at the company(s) you are interested in
       | and try to set up direct meetings (in person, video conference)
       | to find out more about positions, responsibilities, etc. at that
       | particular company. Each company has their own unique
       | philosophies and growth paths for individual contributors vs.
       | eng. managers, so I don't know that there would be one generic
       | piece of advice to follow.
       | Feel free to reach out to me at <username> @ gmail if you would
       | like to talk more specifics.
         | Rickasaurus wrote:
         | As someone in a CTO position now but being a serious IC ~5
         | years ago, I'm curious. How was the transition back for you? I
         | love my job, but I also miss it.
       | wonjohnchoi wrote:
       | I am still in my 20's and recently switched team. Switching team
       | made me think a lot about what I want to do in my life, and I
       | still haven't been able to figure it out. I was feeling anxious
       | and worried as I felt I am old enough that I should know what I
       | want to do.
       | Reading some of comments in this thread made me realize that many
       | people don't figure out what they want to do, even until 40's, so
       | I feel better that I am not alone in this. I thank you all for
       | sharing your perspectives with career. I will bookmark this page
       | and read this whenever I feel lost with direction of my career.
       | chasd00 wrote:
       | i'm at the same spot. I've found the team lead role in the
       | consulting industry to be enjoyable. I mentor junior devs (whole
       | career mentoring in addition to technical mentoring) and try to
       | setup Sr. devs to do their best work. I still get to write code
       | and scratch that itch too.
       | Consulting is nice because projects/customers come and go so
       | every few months you're on to something different. Of course,
       | consulting has down sides too but i seem to have a knack for it.
       | pcurve wrote:
       | Your mileage may vary, but I think management role is hard to
       | come by at bigger companies, unless you have a connection with
       | existing management who already work there. So I would hit up
       | your existing connections.
       | Also, you may already know this, but big companies have their own
       | problems. Unlike at smaller companies, these are deep structural
       | or cultural issues you will not be solve. Instead, you have to
       | learn to make the best of it and not let it get to you.
       | huangc10 wrote:
       | I hate these questions because it honestly puts me off when I
       | think about my future. It makes me scared of being old. 43 isn't
       | even that old (isn't retiring age 65...?) and you seem to be
       | confused what your profession is. I don't want to be in that
       | position.
       | If you're 43, you should know what you want to do. If you want to
       | code, go for a senior/principal programming lead position. If you
       | want to manage, go for a managerial position. You're asking a
       | question a 20 yr old should be asking which makes me extremely
       | worried what the future has in store for me. I hope that when I
       | turn 40 in 2029, I could still do what I love (which happens to
       | be in programming), and not have to fret if I need to change
       | professions or not...this is the way.
       | *Edit, I hope I don't sound like a jerk, but this is really what
       | I feel. I hope when millennials like me start to hit 40, we can
       | change the tech industry's age distribution and we no longer have
       | to worry about problems like this.
         | theflyinghorse wrote:
         | > I hope I don't sound like a jerk, but this is really what I
         | feel
         | You are saying that OP's question makes you afraid. This has
         | nothing to do with OP but everything to do with you. Go chart
         | your own waters.
         | I just clocked in 30 and post like OP's make me rethink the
         | position I've held up until now which is I have until I am 40
         | in tech. I love what I do and if there is a way for me to do
         | for more than 10 years then Great!
         | flurdy wrote:
         | > If you're 43, you should know what you want to do.
         | LOL no. I'm 43. And I change my plan more now as I get older.
         | Probably as I am less scared to change and no longer live
         | paycheck-to-paycheck. The kids act like a small anchor to
         | prevent me from going backpacking for a year but otherwise feel
         | free to change my mind all the time.
         | Granted I have some friends/ex-colleagues at my age who knew
         | what they would be doing until they retire. But they knew that
         | when they joined some medium-to-big corp at 25-30 and never
         | left.
         | But I also have more and more people my age (35-45) who change
         | radically what they do as perhaps it is a midlife crisis or
         | just realised they can afford to change now or need to before
         | it is too late. I am not sure it ever is too late.
         | True, 25-years-old-me thought 35+ me would be a settled dad in
         | a big corp and go fishing each weekend. And it turned out
         | 36-years-old-me old left big corp to oscillate between startups
         | and contracting and hacking each weekend instead.
         | tra3 wrote:
         | As you get older you'll realize that "adults" don't know any
         | better than you do. Consider that moving forward. Nobody has
         | all the right answers, and even fewer people know what the
         | right answer is for you.
         | I'm reminded of this quote by Baz Luhrmann:
         | > The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what
         | they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most
         | interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.
         | Incidentally, I'm in the same boat as the OP. I've done coding,
         | I've done the management gig, not sure what life has for me in
         | store in the next 5-10 years.
           | daxfohl wrote:
           | PG has one too (I think; a quick search can't find it) but
           | there is a perspective change:
           | "At age 20 if you're not doing bad you fell good. At age 50
           | if you're not doing well you feel bad."
           | I find that to be true, causes you to question a lot of what
           | you've done in your past, and what you're doing in your
           | future with the limited time you have left.
           | killjoywashere wrote:
           | My dad will be 75 in a little over a week. I told him I still
           | don't know what I want to be when I grow up (I'm 43). He said
           | he still didn't know.
       | [deleted]
       | daxfohl wrote:
       | Yes, I did exactly this. Stayed a dev, moved to the west coast,
       | got a big pay bump, job stability, and benefits. There are plenty
       | of 40+ devs here. So much of the work at big companies is
       | learning their huge custom domain, don't worry about any
       | particular tech.
       | Only regret is that I absolutely under leveled myself (msft L64),
       | and after a couple years getting dragged through a couple of
       | reorgs, I still feel like promotion is a ways off. Most of my
       | peer group is 10 years younger, and most ICs of my age group are
       | at least two levels up. So wait for an opportunity at the level
       | you think you should be. Don't let imposter syndrome talk you out
       | of it or think you can make it up after you join.
       | But even still, I'm doing way better now than I was back in
       | Michigan working for startups, even accounting for cost of
       | living.
       | Also note the most challenging change for me was getting used to
       | how little control of anything you have is. I really miss being
       | able to basically decide my design and implement it against
       | public well-known technologies. Now so much of it is calling
       | around, trying to figure out how other teams are doing things,
       | coordinating with them, ensuring backward compatibility with a
       | million old things, blah blah blah, it's much slower and less
       | interesting. But, still worth it....I guess. (second-guessing
       | myself now?)
       | rc_kas wrote:
       | what does it matter? global warming going to send us into an
       | apocalypse in 2-3 years anyways.
       | Kirby64 wrote:
       | That's a pretty broad question, isn't it? Besides your age and
       | that you used to work at startups and dislike the stress, there
       | isn't much to go on for guidance. Who knows if you're suited for
       | management, would be better as a code monkey, or what skills you
       | need to brush up on?
         | complianceowl wrote:
         | Not to be disrespectful, but your response sounds like those
         | arrogant Stack Overflow responses that are simply not helpful.
         | There is enough in his question for anyone to provide a proper
         | answer.
           | jimmyvalmer wrote:
           | > Not to be disrespectful
           | It's okay to be disrespectful. It's not okay to preface that
           | disrespect with an overtly false disclaimer.
             | complianceowl wrote:
             | It's actually NOT okay to be disrespectful. Saying
             | someone's response was "arrogant" is not disrespectful;
             | calling them stupid for being arrogant - that would be
             | disrespectful.
             | Perceiving my comment to be disrespectful, I think, is a
             | part of the larger societal problem that exists today;
             | namely, of people being overly-sensative.
             | Friend, I will gently invite you to toughen up.
           | Kirby64 wrote:
           | The only question (and it appears to be the majority of the
           | responses here) that looks like you can answer well is if
           | other people have done what he's considering doing. Maybe
           | that's the discussion he's looking for; the comments to that
           | affect are definitely good.
           | The remaining questions regarding coding vs. management or
           | what skills to 'brush up on' are very person-dependent beyond
           | general platitudes. Sure, discussions can be had, but it kind
           | of depends on what he wants.
             | complianceowl wrote:
             | I appreciate the response.
       | yodsanklai wrote:
       | Same age, I recently interviewed at two FAANG companies.
       | Mostly algorithms and system design interviews. I thought I did
       | pretty well (something like 3 very good interviews, 1 good, and 1
       | ok). In both cases, the conclusion was that my results were good
       | enough for an L4 position, but they wouldn't hire me for less
       | than L5. (Why not, I'd be happy as an L4...). Also, I found the
       | interview process pretty random and arbitrary. One company
       | praised my algorithmic skills, while the other said that I did
       | very well on system design). They encouraged me to re-apply.
       | I'm not concerned about the actual job, I don't feel less capable
       | than my 30 year old self. I'm more knowledgeable, and I have more
       | experience with human interactions.
       | The interviewers all told me that you don't have to be a manager
       | if you don't want to, and that good developers were always
       | valued, regardless of their age. I don't know how much of this is
       | true though. I can't help thinking that my age had played against
       | me in the final decision.
       | The interview process is a pain. It's very random, it takes a lot
       | of time preparing (some people literally spend months working
       | full time). The things they ask you have very little value
       | besides getting you a job. At least, it's kind of fun to work on
       | these leetcode problems, but after 200 hundred variations of BST
       | and dynamic programming exercices it starts to get old. Also, if
       | you already have a demanding job (and maybe a family), it's hard
       | to find the time to practice.
       | If you spend enough time preparing AND if you aren't stressed out
       | during the actual interview, I think you can pass with reasonable
       | probability the algorithm interviews. I found system designs a
       | little more random. My question wasn't in the "syllabus" they
       | provided me. Also, as an older programmer, there may be many
       | things that you knew a few years back. You're disadvantaged
       | compared to a younger graduate.
         | dominotw wrote:
         | its not random, you can learn how to hack it by reading these
         | on leetcode
         | https://leetcode.com/discuss/interview-experience/360829/ama...
         | [deleted]
         | southphillyman wrote:
         | >In both cases, the conclusion was that my results were good
         | enough for an L4 position, but they wouldn't hire me for less
         | than L5. (Why not, I'd be happy as an L4...).
         | Can you elaborate on this? Were you interviewing specifically
         | for L5 roles? I wonder if years of experience or even
         | achievements can be used against a candidate by raising the bar
         | so to speak. Maybe one is a L5 at their current company but
         | only a L4 elsewhere. As long as you can contribute at whatever
         | level is appropriate for the given company I don't think it
         | should be held against the candidate.
           | twblalock wrote:
           | > I wonder if years of experience or even achievements can be
           | used against a candidate by raising the bar so to speak.
           | It can be, and I've seen it. In general there is an
           | assumption that people who come in at too low a level
           | relative to their experience won't be happy and won't stay,
           | so it's not a good idea to hire them.
           | Obviously some people are exceptions, but hiring managers
           | will err on the side of caution.
             | abacadaba wrote:
             | aka, blatant age discrimination
           | yodsanklai wrote:
           | I was applying for a software engineering position. No
           | particular level was specified. After the interviews, the
           | recruiter basically told me that they couldn't make me an
           | offer for a L4 position, considering my experience (I think
           | he mentioned 7 years of experience). Interestingly, I had the
           | exact same explanation at two different companies.
           | A year later a different recruiter from the same company
           | contacted me again to ask me to re-interview. Then he
           | contacted the recruiter from one year ago to see if I had to
           | retake the initial phone interview, or go directly on site.
           | After discussing with her, he told me that they don't have
           | currently an L5 position open, and that he would be contact
           | me again in a few months (which he didn't).
             | southphillyman wrote:
             | Thanks, I hear a lot of stories of people being down
             | leveled but it sounds like some companies have strict bands
             | related to YOE. L4 appears to be mid level and I guess 7
             | yrs if on the upper limits of that but you'd think they'd
             | give you the option of being down leveled or not to get
             | your foot in the door.
               | sokoloff wrote:
               | Farther up the page is a comment that rings true to me:
               | companies who have a surplus of applicants are prone to
               | rationally bias their hiring practice to avoid making
               | poor hires even at the risk of rejecting strong
               | candidates.
               | Just because someone with many years of experience levels
               | lower than typical doesn't make them a bad person or even
               | a bad hire. But it does make them a more risky candidate
               | to hire (more likely to be "middle of the pack"; less
               | likely to be "undiscovered superstar"), and so some
               | companies choose to pass.
               | (I'm arguing that this is _rational_ , not that it's
               | _right_ , _fair_ , or _morally sound_.)
               | lubesGordi wrote:
               | Well, I'd argue it still isn't rational given that the
               | testing done during the interview is usually not telling
               | much about the candidates engineering prowess.
               | StevePerkins wrote:
               | > _" it sounds like some companies have strict bands
               | related to YOE"_
               | I don't see how this could be legal, even in an employer-
               | friendly a nation as the U.S.
               | Sure, there are some outlier candidates who enter the
               | field later in life as a second career. But for the
               | overwhelming majority of candidates, "years of
               | experience" is a very thin proxy for "age". I can
               | understand requiring a _minimum_ YOE, but there 's no
               | reasonable justification for a _maximum_.
               | [deleted]
               | nbm wrote:
               | L4 is an intermediary level between new-to-industry
               | junior (new grads generally start at L3) and mid-level
               | (L5). In many companies, it's expected that people will
               | reach L5 within some time period.
               | Failing to have grown skills and project scope to L5
               | level after extensive time in the industry could be
               | interpreted by some as poor motivation or career growth
               | planning - their thinking is that if you've been doing
               | the same thing for years elsewhere without growing,
               | you'll tend to be trying to do the same things for years
               | there without growing.
               | yodsanklai wrote:
               | > Failing to have grown skills and project scope to L5
               | level after extensive time in the industry
               | The projects I've worked on in my career haven't been
               | considered in the interview process. They just expected
               | better results on their standardized interviews (algo +
               | system design) compared to a more junior candidate. I
               | don't think the question they ask correlate at all with
               | candidate experience, even for the system design part.
               | But overall, I think it's an imperfect but fair process.
               | southphillyman wrote:
               | Is there a guide for what type of projects FAANG expect
               | for L5+? There was just a thread here about a guy
               | slacking for multiple years, so are their L5s even
               | working on complex projects themselves?
               | An individual might be trying to get into a FAANG in
               | order to get experience with technically complex projects
               | of a certain scope. A lot of roles out here at non tech
               | or smaller firms are just building and maintaining simple
               | CRUD interfaces. The business domain may be complicated
               | but the tech execution is probably not. I thought the
               | algo gauntlet was a equalizer where exceptional coders
               | could clear the bar regardless of education or work
               | history.
             | seanmcdirmid wrote:
             | > After the interviews, the recruiter basically told me
             | that they couldn't make me an offer for a L4 position,
             | considering my experience (I think he mentioned 7 years of
             | experience).
             | Unless I'm missing some details, this actually sounds like
             | age discrimination.
               | krn wrote:
               | > Unless I'm missing some details, this actually sounds
               | like age discrimination.
               | Wouldn't it be the same as not hiring a 30-year-old
               | basketball player who is performing at the same level as
               | a 25-year-old player in the same position?
       | sindaccos wrote:
       | in your 40s your big picture management skill would be more
       | valuable than technical skill.
       | you need to disclose what was your role in these startups.
       | if you want to go back to coding at FANG there would be less
       | ageism but it will still be there. Be sure to brush up your algo,
       | data structure. I would suggest finishing a book of programming
       | interview and you should be set.
         | jbverschoor wrote:
         | Big picture yes, but in tech management:
         | Big picture infrastructure
         | Big picture domain knowledge
         | Big picture risk management
         | Big picture release management
         | Big picture languages
         | Big picture frameworks
         | Big picture architecture
         | Big picture maintainability
         | Big picture knowledge sharing
         | Big picture build infrastructure
         | Big picture etc
         | If you have a _GOOD_ senior, you will safe a lot of time on bs,
         | and will make your junior devs shine like rockstars.
         | bilekas wrote:
         | > in your 40s your big picture management skill would be more
         | valuable than technical skill.
         | I don't like this assumption: Some of the older engineers &
         | architects I know are incredibly more adept at developing than
         | management, and speaking with a lot of them, most are pushed
         | into management roles instead of desiring them.
       | cmsonger wrote:
       | I joined Google at the age of 50. Just send a resume. They are
       | not trying to surprise you and want you to do your best.
       | Consequently, not only do they tell you what to expect from the
       | interview process, the recruiter will send you a PDF that talks
       | through what to expect along with a reading list you can use to
       | prepare. (For example: cracking the coding interview and CLRS are
       | on it.)
       | That said, I just went in cold. If you've been coding and are
       | current in one of the 3 big interview languages
       | (C++/Java/Python), and if you still understand your undergraduate
       | level algorithms course and the corresponding vocabulary, then
       | you know what you need to know.
       | Side note: A thing that no one told me but that I had to figure
       | out on my own is that your technical writing skills are one of
       | the most important skills to doing well at google. It was
       | unironically said to me that the highest reward/effort one can do
       | at Google is to write documents. The person who said it was
       | correct about that IMO.
         | decebalus1 wrote:
         | You advice is sound but incomplete.
         | > if you still understand your undergraduate level algorithms
         | course and the corresponding vocabulary, then you know what you
         | need to know
         | speaking from experience, this would not get you nowhere near
         | the level you have to be for passing the Google interview (or
         | any other FAANG interview for that matter). You need to study
         | long and hard in addition to solving OJ problems and
         | familiarize yourself with different problem patterns. Let me
         | give you and example of what I got at Google:
         | https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-duplicate-letters/ Solving
         | this problem optimally with only what you remember from
         | undergrad algo courses is impossible. You either need to have a
         | knack for these types of challenges or solve enough of them to
         | identify a solution pattern.
           | matt-attack wrote:
           | > You must make sure your result is the smallest in
           | lexicographical order among all possible results.
           | Can someone explain this? I can't even parse that sentence.
             | Blakestr wrote:
             | Basically alphabetical order, but if you don't say
             | lexicographical, it doesn't sound as smart. (I am assuming
             | it's a more comprehensive term, having to do with other
             | characters, other than simple letters, so that if integers
             | were used, it would appear as 1234, where saying "in
             | alphabetical order"doesn't make sense. But yeah, I did a
             | double take.
             | [deleted]
             | kayoone wrote:
             | in other words, the shortest string in alphabetical order
               | shric wrote:
               | Smallest as in order not length.
               | In the second example with input cbacdcbc a possible
               | solution would be cbad but acdb is "smaller" (ordered
               | before).
           | krn wrote:
           | > Let me give you and example of what I got at Google: [...]
           | Solving this problem optimally with only what you remember
           | from undergrad algo courses is impossible. You either need to
           | have a knack for these types of challenges or solve enough of
           | them to identify a solution pattern.
           | I have never tried to solve such problems before, but
           | wouldn't it be enough to convert the string into a set of
           | chars, then into an array of chars, sort it, and return as a
           | string?
             | decebalus1 wrote:
             | > wouldn't it be enough to convert the string into a set of
             | chars, then into an array of chars, sort it, and return as
             | a string?
             | No. Please re-read the problem statement. It's way more
             | complicated than that. If you figure out how to do it, try
             | to figure out how to do it in O(N).
           | [deleted]
           | jefftk wrote:
           | For what it's worth, I've interviewed 200+ engineers at
           | Google and I think the problem you linked is not a good
           | interview problem. I'm sorry you were asked it!
           | A good problem gives people with algorithms ability a space
           | to demonstrate that, but it should also give space for
           | demonstrating strengths in design, coding, communication,
           | etc. This one is almost all algorithms, of the "have you seen
           | things like this before" variety, plus a small amount of
           | code.
             | seanmcdirmid wrote:
             | Does Google interview training emphasize that? Even in
             | companies that claim not to give leetcode questions, they
             | do pop up; everyone isn't really on the same page and there
             | seems to be a lot of luck involved.
               | jefftk wrote:
               | I went through interview training 5+ years ago, but that
               | was covered then and I believe it's still covered now.
               | Because interviews are mostly conducted by engineers who
               | do it as an occasional thing there are many inexperienced
               | interviewers.
               | (Speaking only for myself)
       | braythwayt wrote:
       | Anybody in their 40s or older has valuable experience above and
       | beyond ephemeral value of "Hitting the ground running with
       | Cabbage and Sprouts containerized with Cuper9s using ES2020 and
       | JSxyz."
       | One way to deliver that experience is in delivery management,
       | that is, being responsible for teams that ship stuff.
       | Another way to deliver that experience is in people management.
       | Not all companies equate this with the previous responsibility.
       | A third way in in a more nebulous "leadership" role that doesn't
       | have "manager" in the title, e.g. "Architect," or "Principal
       | Engineer."
       | The latter is tricky, but can be a very good opportunity. My 2c
       | on being in engineering leadership is that it's best to think of
       | yourself as a manger without authority, rather than thinking of
       | yourself as an engineer with authority.
       | - - -
       | FWIW, I am 57 and a Principal Engineer with PagerDuty.
         | dfsegoat wrote:
         | > _" A third way in in a more nebulous "leadership" role that
         | doesn't have "manager" in the title, e.g. "Architect," or
         | "Principal Engineer."_
         | As a technical lead (getting into my 40s soon) I try to think
         | of myself as an chief enabler / support net: Let the team
         | figure out implementation, support them as they go where they
         | get out of their depth - and protect them from DIRECT trickle
         | down BS/interruptions from management or clients.
         | This has worked pretty well for me thus far, but I've really
         | got no idea if this is a solid approach or way of thinking.
         | I'm curious to know anyones thoughts?
         | o_____________o wrote:
         | > it's best to think of yourself as a manger without authority,
         | rather than thinking of yourself as an engineer with authority
         | That's great, and resonates
           | vikasg wrote:
           | Andy Grove talks about this in "High Output Management". He
           | says there are two kinds of managers, "know-how" managers and
           | "position" managers. Both have a certain amount of authority,
           | and a successful technology company needs both.
           | If you're a senior enough person who doesn't want to manage
           | people, you should think of yourself as a "know-how"
           | (knowledge, experience) manager and find a role that allows
           | for that.
           | alexgartrell wrote:
           | It's also been my experience as an engineering manager that
           | it's best to think of yourself as a manager without
           | authority.
       | Diederich wrote:
       | I started at my second 'FAANG' company when I was 48, two years
       | ago, and it's been great. The previous 'FAANG' company was less
       | great, but still fairly ok.
       | In between and before those, I have worked at two startups and
       | three other in-between (in size) organizations, as well as two
       | non-tech giants, over the course of about 27 years now. Kind of
       | takes my breath away seeing that last number!
       | As others here have noted, no matter where you work, one of the
       | most important things is your manager. I've had good managers and
       | bad managers, and my less happy time at the previous 'FAANG' was
       | largely due to a bad manager.
       | Having said that, the department/group you're in is also
       | important. I had a great manager at one of the large (but not
       | giant) companies but the department had big problems. It was a
       | relatively comfortable but in the end unproductive couple of
       | years. (And also why I decided to move on relatively quickly.)
       | Re: skills to brush up on: honestly, I suggest just start
       | interviewing heavily and use that as a template to figure out
       | what you need to learn.
       | The big tech companies have the luxury of having tons of
       | talented, qualified people trying to work there, and so structure
       | the interviewing process to be biased toward turning away
       | qualified people rather than accepting unqualified people.
       | That means that the interview process can be pretty strenuous.
       | Re: trying for management: I was a manager briefly, early on in
       | my career, and decided that I was never going to do that again. I
       | was relatively good at it, but I didn't like it, so all of my
       | roles have been technical, though of course a lot of the best
       | things I've accomplished involved large quantities of 'soft',
       | non-technical people work.
       | Re: fed up with uncertainty. Yup, I totally get that, and it's
       | the main reason I haven't done more with startups. I value my
       | personal/family time too much, and always have.
       | Feel free to contact me directly: diederich@gmail.com
       | Best of luck.
       | guyzero wrote:
       | I was 37 when I joined Google in a senior IC role in 2008, so
       | nearly my entire 40's. It's still work, there are still issues
       | with coworkers and there's still stress compared to the startups
       | I used to work at. The company isn't going to go out of business
       | but you can still get a manager who doesn't communicate well and
       | gives you bad performance reviews as a result. Google turns over
       | more employees in a month than the entire headcount of some of my
       | previous companies. And GOOG is a huge company - if anyone says
       | it's either great or horrible that's probably true for them, but
       | it doesn't mean much for what your experience is going to be. I
       | honestly don't think that being young is really much of an
       | advantage one way or other here - there are successful people in
       | the 40's here, even ICs, there are a lot of new grads who wash
       | out after a year or two and go elsewhere. Big companies have much
       | more idiosyncratic tech stacks so knowing any particular
       | technical skill isn't that huge a deal as we probably don't use
       | it anyway. Know the basics, know how to write, know how to manage
       | up.
       | edit: reading some other comments I think it's easier to be an
       | older IC at big companies than startups/small companies. But
       | whether you should pursue a management track is a completely
       | different question.
       | unoti wrote:
       | I was 47 when I joined Microsoft and am currently a principal
       | engineer working as an individual contributor doing engineering
       | work. Before that I was running my own startup for several years.
       | There are jobs available in everything imaginable including
       | product management, engineering, management, and blends of those
       | three.
       | The age thing wasn't a problem for me interviewing for an
       | engineering position. However, I had some difficult engineering
       | interviews with senior and principal engineers. You should
       | prepare hard to interview very well. The hardest part is
       | convincing young senior engineers that you're as good of a
       | develop as they are or better.
       | rb808 wrote:
       | I'm in a similar position. I think if you have experience they
       | really try to interview you for senior positions where you are
       | defining technical architectural standards and teaching others.
       | That makes it tough if you just want to code, but maybe suits
       | you.
       | At least in the initial stages it seems FAANG companies at least
       | are very good at ignoring age for applicants, later stages though
       | are tougher when most people interviewing you are half your age.
       | rlt wrote:
       | I'm not quite as old, but I struggle with this question too.
       | Programming and building shit is my passion, and I'd probably be
       | a terrible manager, but I've been conditioned to believe
       | management is the wise path for aging software engineers.
         | noir_lord wrote:
         | Same and same except I have more management than programming
         | time but I enjoy mentoring so that side is fun, if I want to
         | scratch my own itch I have side projects for that when I want.
         | It's a trade-off though, by choice I'd be programming most of
         | the time.
       | lvspiff wrote:
       | As a senior manager of a development team at a Fortune 10 company
       | that consists of many members who are in their 40's or older one
       | of the things I'm looking at during the interview process is
       | their ability to logic and reason. That ability alone seems to be
       | so much stronger just due to living the ups and downs. Displaying
       | this, focusing on this, is by far one of those things that makes
       | you stand out.
       | One of the biggest pitfalls of ICs regardless of age (but I see
       | it more as some get older) is the inability to break free from
       | the past. If you cant learn, or refuse to accept, anything new
       | have no use for you. Tech is changing constantly and if you can't
       | tout something you are looking forward to and just constantly
       | looking back on that one project you did and using that same
       | method/tool/tech it really makes it difficult to envision.
       | There are IC roles that are "lead" but not management which our
       | company calls "Principal" consultants - that seems to be the
       | latest term in the industry that everyone is going with to denote
       | someone at a high level of expertise who contributes at somewhat
       | of a manager level but not necessarily of people just of projects
       | but is still more of an IC than a project manager.
       | streetcat1 wrote:
       | So you should separate tech companies, from companies that use
       | tech.
       | Tech companies really care about your tech skills (assuming that
       | you do not want to go to the manage route), so age should not be
       | an issue. However, skills might be an issue. I.e. if you spent
       | your career in companies that use tech, you might not have deep
       | specialization.
       | Companies that use tech, are easier, which tends to bring less
       | experienced developers, which usually are younger and might
       | create ageism.
       | nameseemslegit wrote:
       | I joined a FAANG company when I was about 40 years old around
       | just a couple of years ago coming from a sequence of startups and
       | smaller companies. I think the biggest adjustment to make is the
       | performance review systems. At these big companies performance is
       | not about doing right things, but about fitting in with insular
       | expectations. The senior folks who you would hope could mentor
       | you may have no idea that you don't "get it" or what kind of
       | feedback it requires to make the transition. In contrast, a lot
       | of feedback you get at smaller companies is to just focus on
       | doing right things for the business and not worry about any
       | defined expectations.
       | I have seen some people make the transition smoothly... others
       | not so much.
       | 4ydx wrote:
       | I've interviewed and failed often enough (with google) to know it
       | is never going to happen.
       | southphillyman wrote:
       | Not in my 40s yet but I'm in a similar position. I'm going to
       | take some time off and prep for FAANG interviews. The benefit of
       | the algo focused interview is it seems like there would be less
       | ageism there as less of the criteria is based on behavior or fit
       | type questions. Maybe I'm off here but that's what it appears
       | like. I recently attended a Google recruiting event where a lot
       | of the Googlers there were over 40 and recently joined the
       | company, a couple of people even looked to be over 50.
       | harel wrote:
       | I don't know where you live, but I'm guessing you're in the US.
       | I'm 43 as well, been mostly the startup world for 20+ years -
       | similar journey (worked, founded, etc). After my last startup got
       | sold (not at best terms), I also took the time to relax a bit
       | (and ended up rebooting another business and starting another
       | instead).
       | Anyway, after my timeout I got back into contracting. First of
       | all, I've never encountered ageism and my experience was always
       | appreciated. It could be to do with my attitude, or maybe ageism
       | is not a thing in the UK as it is elsewhere. I think attitude
       | helps and if you come across as a friendly experienced person you
       | will be able to get in.
       | My question to you would be why go for the "Larger" tech
       | companies? Why not focus on established smaller companies? I
       | personally equate those with start-up level stress but less
       | ability to affect things. Again, just my personal perspective.
       | Second point - do try contracting. It's quite liberating not
       | being tied to a place in a long term mental-bond. The market is
       | great for contracts (at least in the UK).
       | wefarrell wrote:
       | "I can still keep up coding, but should I do that, or try for
       | management?"
       | HN can't answer this for you. Which do you prefer?
         | jawns wrote:
         | I think the unspoken question is whether it is more prudent for
         | a person of this age to pursue an individual contributor role
         | or a role in the management track. Take this for what it's
         | worth, but anecdotally I've heard a lot of programmers find
         | that once they hit this age, opportunities as an individual
         | contributor are more limited. So if the goal is to get a stable
         | job at a large tech company, then the question is which track
         | to pursue, and I think the decision process should go like
         | this:
         | Really love coding, really hate management: Apply for IC.
         | Tolerate/enjoy management: Apply for management.
           | kemiller wrote:
           | I am a great people manager, but it's subject to the monkey
           | in the middle problem, which I find stressful.
             | ryandrake wrote:
             | Why not try sliding into project management or product
             | management? It's not "real" people management since you
             | typically have no direct reports, but these careers allow
             | you to remain technical and I've encountered way less
             | ageism here.
       | sulam wrote:
       | I would not recommend trying to interview as a manager for any
       | large tech company without having first been a manager in another
       | role. I would also not recommend doing this for small startups,
       | but some may be willing to hire you into such a role without you
       | being able to point to concrete experience in the role (the
       | filters aren't as strong).
       | I say this because that is personally a cardinal rule of mine,
       | and I've never heard anyone contradict it -- hiring a manager
       | comes with inherent risk, and you significantly add to that risk
       | by hiring someone that hasn't done it before. If you want to try
       | out management, you should first get a job as an individual
       | contributor somewhere and then move into a management job in that
       | company. They will know a lot more about you from having worked
       | with you and you will know a lot more about the team, the
       | company, etc and have a much higher chance of being successful.
       | This is really a two-way street, you are much more likely to be
       | successful this way as well. The interview process is simply too
       | artificial to get a good read on how someone will do as a manager
       | when they don't have previous experience.
         | lostdog wrote:
         | > I would not recommend trying to interview as a
         | manager...without having first been a manager in another role.
         | This is my experience too. Companies don't like hiring managers
         | without at least a little experience, and often are resistant
         | to hiring first level managers at all. Instead, they look for
         | "senior IC, but manager material" candidates, and extend an IC
         | offer with a loose expectation of becoming a manager in a year
         | or so. It's not an explicit role you can apply for, but you can
         | target it by applying for an IC role and keeping any leadership
         | and team-focused experience visible on your resume and during
         | your interviews.
         | As I get older, this is the bucket I tend to get put in during
         | interviews, and then after joining I decide if I want to be a
         | manager this time around.
         | syndacks wrote:
         | What's the bar for being hired as a FAANG engineering manager?
         | Prev FAANG management experience? Prev FAANG IC role? Cursory
         | LinkedIn searches show many FAANG engineering managers were
         | promoted from within or came from a similar position at a
         | similar company. FWIW I've been both an IC before and have
         | steadily moved to CTO at my current startup. I come from a non
         | traditional background (non CS) but had several leadership
         | roles there.
         | Thanks.
           | nbm wrote:
           | Being hired in as an engineering manager requires having been
           | an engineering manager previously (at any company), generally
           | for a reasonable period (let's say, minimum two years of
           | full-time management experience minimum with at least 3
           | direct reports), with a career YOE of around at least five
           | years. You're generally coming in at the same pay band as a
           | senior IC (you might be able to see this sort of information
           | in levels.fyi), so you'll be in the same ballpark of
           | experience/career trajectory.
           | If you don't have enough engineering manager experience, you
           | can generally join as an IC (with a full IC interview loop)
           | with a view to converting to manager. You may have additional
           | discussions or even interviews around management as well,
           | especially if converting to manager is something you identify
           | as a career goal (as opposed to an option).
           | Converting to manager from an IC is generally pretty easy if
           | you've shown good aptitude for leadership - the larger
           | companies generally find it a lot easier to hire ICs than
           | good managers externally, so internal conversions are
           | necessary to keep up with demand for quality management
           | attention on teams.
       | danellis wrote:
       | I don't think age really has much to do with it. Apart from
       | having more experience, joining somewhere in your 40s is pretty
       | much like joining somewhere in your 30s. If you want to code,
       | code. If you want to manage, manage. But don't decide based on
       | age.
       | 42 at MS
       | powowow wrote:
       | I'm a Sr Manager at a FAANG company (and I started here in my
       | 40s). My direct reports include other SDMs, senior product
       | managers, and staff/principal engineers.
       | You mention "trying" for management. If you haven't previously
       | managed people, then you probably won't be able to get a good SDM
       | role directly. Instead, your best path would be to be hired as an
       | SDE, demonstrate strong managerial bones (mentorship,
       | communication, process orientation), and then transition to SDM
       | after a few years.
       | If you've mostly been an engineer, then you may want to learn
       | more about what's expected from different levels of engineer so
       | you can determine, realistically, where your experience will be
       | sufficient, and where there will be gap.
         | ryandrake wrote:
         | > You mention "trying" for management. If you haven't
         | previously managed people, then you probably won't be able to
         | get a good SDM role directly.
         | This is very true. No company I've interviewed with so far was
         | willing to hire a manager who hasn't previously managed people.
         | > Instead, your best path would be to be hired as an SDE,
         | demonstrate strong managerial bones
         | I've tried this strategy a number of times and I wish it was
         | that straightforward. Usually, even internal management roles
         | are set aside for people who have already managed people
         | before. So, you'll take the time to be an outstanding IC,
         | develop credibility with the team and good communication
         | skills, focus on process building... then finally the workload
         | grows to the point where you need more than yourself and you
         | think "now is my chance!" You go to your manager and propose to
         | hire a few people under you and SURPRISE he already hired an
         | experienced manager who will have three reports including you!
         | Bummer!
           | fatnoah wrote:
           | >I've tried this strategy a number of times and I wish it was
           | that straightforward.
           | I'm currently at a FAANG and it is that straightforward. You
           | don't just say, "hey, I should have people under me" but you
           | do say that you're interested in managing folks some day. The
           | company even offers a specific development track and training
           | for people that want to do that.
           | That's also how I got into management at a non-FAANG company.
           | I was hired as an IC, but indicated that my desire was to be
           | a manager. I eventually became a VP.
           | Obviously every place is different, but you do need to make
           | your desires known.
             | syndacks wrote:
             | I'm curious if you can answer the question I posed on this
             | thread a few sibblings up. Thanks.
         | syndacks wrote:
         | What's the bar for being hired as a FAANG engineering manager?
         | Prev FAANG management experience? Prev FAANG IC role? Cursory
         | LinkedIn searches show many FAANG engineering managers were
         | promoted from within or came from a similar position at a
         | similar company.
         | FWIW I've been both an IC before and have steadily moved to CTO
         | at my current startup. I come from a non traditional background
         | (non CS) but had several leadership roles there.
           | nbm wrote:
           | Answered at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21985518
         | kemiller wrote:
         | I should be clear. I've been in hybrid or management positions
         | for many years now so it's not a matter of trying out managing,
         | it's a matter of going in cold.
       | bilekas wrote:
       | What do you enjoy ?
       | > I am a bit fed up with the stress and uncertainty of startups
       | and looking for something more stable, at least for a while.
       | I think you have answered your own question there for the most
       | part, and I don't think its too much to ask for a bit of
       | stability.
       | Personally, I would advise you take some time to think about what
       | areas & roles you enjoyed the most, as you're looking for
       | something possibly long term, don't make it difficult `WORK`,
       | instead make it something you enjoy.
       | Then you can dedicate your time looking for the
       | projects/companies you really are excited about.
       | Sounds like a dream, but theres no reason why you can't suit
       | yourself!
       | Best of luck!
       | PS: I don't think you should worry about your age, if thats why
       | it was in the title; but if you're like me, over time I lose
       | patience with people who wonthave a genuine discussion & be open
       | to being wrong. But this is a maturity thing that you can asses
       | at interview time I guess.
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