[HN Gopher] Blink-Dev - Intent to Deprecate and Freeze: The User...
       Blink-Dev - Intent to Deprecate and Freeze: The User-Agent string
       Author : jasonvorhe
       Score  : 325 points
       Date   : 2020-01-14 12:13 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (groups.google.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (groups.google.com)
       | buu700 wrote:
       | There are many, many cases where UA sniffing is correct and
       | required. Browsers are buggy, complicated pieces of software that
       | don't always behave 100% as specified or expected.
       | Feature detection is well and good, and should be the first line
       | of attack; but sometimes you need to account for things like
       | certain versions of Safari having WebRTC "support" that's
       | actually completely broken, certain versions of Chrome crashing
       | when certain WebAssembly features are used, and Firefox-specific
       | CSS bugs. (All real examples I've run into.)
       | It may not be the worst thing in the world if UA sniffing is
       | broken for all existing web properties though, since anything not
       | well maintained enough to migrate to a new API is probably either
       | working off of outdated information or abusing UA sniffing where
       | feature detection would have been more appropriate anyway.
       | That being said, requiring a server to use User Agent Client
       | Hints is stupid. What are client-side libraries like webrtc-
       | adapter (https://github.com/webrtcHacks/adapter/issues/1017)
       | supposed to do? I don't see any goals listed that wouldn't be
       | addressed equally well while providing an equivalent JS API.
         | crazygringo wrote:
         | > _There are many, many cases where UA sniffing is correct and
         | required._
         | This times a million.
         | Browsers have _tons_ of bugs /inconsistencies where knowing the
         | browser+version is the _only_ way to work around them. Even
         | when browsers fix them, you need to keep the workarounds for
         | people still on the older versions.
         | When I wrote a library that used the audio API, I couldn't
         | _believe_ the number of browser+version-specific workarounds I
         | had to code for.
         | And it's not just "bugs" but things where the spec is unclear.
         | I don't remember the exact specifics, but it was a lot of stuff
         | like "if I send a pause command, will a stop event fire
         | afterwards or a pause event or no event at all?" There were a
         | lot of situations where there was zero overlap between
         | browsers. Literally no choice but to use user agent sniffing.
       | ronancremin wrote:
       | The irony of Google purporting to protect users' privacy while at
       | the same time:
       | - Chrome is still shipping with 3rd party cookies turned on by
       | default (Safari and Firefox have them off, by default)
       | - Chrome usage stats are sent to Google including button clicks.
       | This is admitted in the Chrome privacy policy.
       | - Chrome on mobile _automatically_ shares your location with your
       | default search engine i.e. Google
       | - Chrome sort of forces a login ...which shares browser and user
       | details history with Google
       | - Google redirects logins through the youtube.com domain to
       | enable them to set a cookie for YouTube as well as Gmail or
       | whatever, every time you login. Naughty stuff.
       | So the stated reason for the change doesn't appear to make sense,
       | suggesting that something else is going on.
       | It amazes me that more people aren't calling Google out on this.
         | Ghjklov wrote:
         | From my experience, I always needed to explicitly change
         | Firefox setting to disable 3rd party cookies on a fresh
         | install.
         | jasonvorhe wrote:
         | > - Chrome sort of forces a login ...which shares browser and
         | user details history with Google
         | This doesn't get more true by just repeating it over and over.
         | If you login to Google it'll show up in Chrome next to the
         | address bar but it doesn't enable any syncing to Google
         | servers. That's a different step and it requires opt-in. You
         | can also use Chrome without logging in to any Google services.
         | I don't get why privacy advocates, who often have a point when
         | talking about Google, have to rely on FUD.
           | techntoke wrote:
           | Because most of the negative attention that Chromium receives
           | is FUD by people that rely on feelings and not facts.
             | allovernow wrote:
             | Invasion of privacy is a valid and serious concern. The
             | fact is that Google is collecting sensitive information
             | semi-consensually and semi-transparently and arguably
             | shouldn't be.
           | scarejunba wrote:
           | Because let's be honest, most "privacy advocates" on HN are
           | trying to be purer than the other guy. Ideological purity is
           | what they're after, not privacy.
         | dawnerd wrote:
         | I don't know if google redirecting their logins through YouTube
         | and gmail are as bad as you make it out to be.
         | dhimes wrote:
         | _- Chrome on mobile automatically shares your location with
         | your default search engine i.e. Google_
         | Holy fuck!
         | czardoz wrote:
         | > So the stated reason for the change doesn't appear to make
         | sense, suggesting that something else is going on.
         | That's unsubstantiated and dilutes the discussion IMO. If you
         | read the post, the proposal outlines a bunch of good reasons to
         | stop supporting UA strings (feature detection, etc)
         | glogla wrote:
         | Google is not protecting its users privacy, it is protecting
         | their own business. They want everyone's ads to be worse than
         | Google's, so you use Google. Hiding private data from everyone
         | but themselves is part of the plan.
           | HorstG wrote:
           | Exactly. That is also why "logging in to Chrome" or rather
           | Google is such an insidious misfeature. Soon they will be the
           | only ones with cross-site tracking and third-party-cookie
           | equvalents in the leading browser.
           | That would be check mate for all other advertisers.
           | I'm just not sure whether it's good or bad that antitrust
           | regulators won't notice before it's too late.
           | JohnFen wrote:
           | I think that you're right. Regardless, these moves (as weak
           | as they are so far) are beneficial for privacy in general.
           | I'll take that benefit even if it tilts the advertising table
           | in favor of Google. I don't care even a little about the
           | overall health of the advertising/marketing industry.
         | shadowgovt wrote:
         | Blink is Chromium's rendering engine. It's separate from Chrome
         | the browser application vended by Google.
         | geofft wrote:
         | Chrome also announced today a plan to get rid of third-party
         | cookies: https://blog.chromium.org/2020/01/building-more-
         | private-web-... And in fairness to them, Firefox and Safari's
         | changes are very recent.
         | Anyway, Google is a big company. Different teams have different
         | priorities. Does the US government care about privacy? Depends
         | - at the very least - whether you're the NSA or the FTC. Given
         | the many signs in the past that parts of Google are willing to
         | fight other parts of Google they disagree with, I think a
         | better strategy for us as the community is to call the Chrome
         | team out, specifically, on things under their control and
         | otherwise not be excessive cynical about the fact that they
         | along a hundred thousand other people work for Google, and some
         | of those other people are bad.
         | (Automatic login to Google _is_ a think I think we should call
         | them out for, to be clear.)
           | ronancremin wrote:
           | I agree that the Firefox change is recent, but not Safari.
           | Safari has had 3rd party cookies disabled for many years now.
         | traek wrote:
         | It's pretty silly to claim that the (admittedly bad) privacy
         | policies of Google, or even Chrome, as a whole means it
         | "doesn't make sense" for any team within Google to advance a
         | pro-privacy or pro-WWW project.
         | This all-or-nothing mindset ends up harming privacy in
         | practice.
         | [deleted]
       | Ayesh wrote:
       | This can have a huge impact.
       | - Server log analytics will not be able to provide OS/Browser
       | stats.
       | - Default download pages (Detect OS automatically and redirect to
       | the platform-specific download pages) would not work.
       | - "m." Sites: there are still some sites that sniff the UA string
       | and redirect users to mobile site. It's looking for patterns like
       | "/mobile/" in UA, and don't require a lot of updates as the post
       | argues.
         | onion2k wrote:
         | I think you'll still be able to tell what OS and browser it is,
         | just not the specific major or minor version because they'll be
         | 85.0.0 (if that's the version when this happens) forever. All
         | of the examples you've put there will still be achievable with
         | the out-of-date UA string.
       | [deleted]
       | tjelen wrote:
       | And at the same time they recommend using UAs to detect agents
       | incompatible with SameSite=None cookies (see
       | https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site/incompatible-clie...),
       | including certain Chrome versions.
       | ChrisSD wrote:
       | > On top of those privacy issues, User-Agent sniffing is an
       | abundant source of compatibility issues, in particular for
       | minority browsers, resulting in browsers lying about themselves
       | (generally or to specific sites), and sites (including Google
       | properties) being broken in some browsers for no good reason.
       | > The above abuse makes it desirable to freeze the UA string and
       | replace it with a better mechanism.
       | UA sniffing should have died out a long time ago. It's
       | frustrating that it's 2020 and I'm still having my browsing
       | experience broken for no other reason than the site doesn't like
       | my UA.
         | dTal wrote:
         | Of course, when the User Agent sniffing messes up, you're
         | perfectly free to change it, and see what else you can get the
         | server to send you. Can you still do that with whatever crazy
         | "feature detection" replaces it?
         | DJBunnies wrote:
         | I have some news for you about what year it is.
           | ChrisSD wrote:
           | Thanks, I've edited.
             | cmsd2 wrote:
             | i predict this comment will age badly.
         | gsich wrote:
         | Don't use $current_year argumentation.
           | wruza wrote:
           | It is a subjective version of "too long not fixed". Like gp
           | remembers this exact problem in 1980/1990/2000 and still
           | there it is. A specific year has nothing to do with it.
           | So come on, it's 2020 and we still have to explain idioms to
           | each other :)
           | interfixus wrote:
           | Don't _don 't_.
         | sebazzz wrote:
         | User agent sniffing is still sometimes required. Take the
         | SameSite bugs that Safari had. On the server you needed to act
         | on that based on User Agent sniffing.
           | vdnkh wrote:
           | Agreed. For media streaming UA sniffing is required because
           | of quirks each browser has in decoding media. Safari has a
           | few quirks about the MP4 packaging it likes via
           | MediaSourceExtensions. Firefox's network stack includes a
           | delay not related to the actual request because of its
           | implementation[0] which makes timing of small downloads very
           | inaccurate. None of these differences are discernible except
           | by UA.
           | [1] I believe FF includes in the download length the time a
           | request spends sitting in the request queue, but I can't
           | exactly remember.
           | Macha wrote:
           | I also remember a CSS bug Safari 4 or 5 had with tables and
           | touch scrollbars that we had to resort to UA detection for -
           | it's not always possible to feature detect bugs.
           | nmadden wrote:
           | Right, and it's not just Safari. This is the current
           | complexity of User-Agent sniffing that the SameSite change
           | requires if you need to disable it:
           | https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site/incompatible-
           | clie...
           | jerf wrote:
           | I think it's distinctly possible that the current status quo
           | may cause an overreaction. Feature detection is good. But we
           | may also need the ability to do specific version checking
           | sometimes.
           | What I think would be best is two things: A feature
           | advertising string (preferably with some versioning in
           | itself), and a new User Agent string that is _just that_ :
           | The user agent. As in, "This is Firefox 72.2.813". Maybe the
           | OS in there too. I think a non-trivial part of the problem
           | with the UA today is "Hey... I'm Firefox. Also, I'm Mozilla.
           | Also, I'm edge 3, and Internet Explorer 6, and today I think
           | I'm also Chrome. Also, I may be a monkey with a banana
           | plugged in to an ethernet cable." Part of the problem is that
           | people abuse the user agent, but part of the problem is that
           | the user agent string is also a pack of outright, outrageous,
           | self-contradictory lies. A _truthful_ field may still have
           | significant utility.
           | One of the things I've learned over the years in software
           | engineering is that you should do you best to make sure that
           | your system doesn't contain lies, or, failing that, treat
           | them like any other issues that you should contain at the
           | edges rather than letting it run riot through your system.
           | For instance, if you decide to let customers have 10GB of
           | bandwidth free before you start charging them, you should
           | _never_ accomplish that goal by tweaking the bandwidth
           | counting system to report 7.5GB of usage as 0GB. That is a
           | lie. Tell the truth about the usage and let the billing
           | system apply the discount, which is itself a truth as well.
           | You _always_ pay for lies in the system in the long run. It
           | is a very common pattern in coding as well where some
           | function author figures out how to assemble the correct lie
           | to some other function to make it do what the author things
           | they want, but in the long run you 're better off telling the
           | truth and fixing the code to work with the truth. Otherwise,
           | well, you really do end up with a tangled web of code. Which
           | is... exactly what we've gotten with UA-detection-based code.
           | We won't necessarily get the same mess if there's a new UA
           | that isn't a lie.
           | I'm not claiming this will lead to utopia. Minority forks of
           | popular browsers will fail to pick up the necessary ad-hoc
           | bug fixes this way, for instance. My claim is more like in
           | the _long run_ , the best thing for everybody is just to have
           | a user agent that tells the truth, even if on occasion in the
           | short term you experience occasional problems.
           | (One way to at least partially achieve this is to standardize
           | the new truthful agent string to something like (\w+)
           | ((\d+.)+\d) (\w+), and specify it as "non-conforming true
           | user agent strings MUST be entirely rejected and treated as
           | being absent", so anyone who tries to be Firefox and Chrome
           | and also a monkey ends up being nobody in particular.)
             | ChrisSD wrote:
             | But that's what this proposal is about. Instead of using
             | the user agent string (which lies and needs to be parsed)
             | you have some well specified variables to check.
             | Also I think you're missing why the user agent lies now. It
             | wasn't done on a lark. It's because it's been abused so
             | much by web devs. Both by sloppy regular expressions and
             | deliberately. For example, even big names like Microsoft
             | and Google have at times used it to unnecessarily deliver
             | poorer browsing experiences to people not using their
             | browser.
             | Sure browsers could have stuck to their guns and been
             | "honest" about their UA. But honesty is no comfort to users
             | of the browser when they find websites break for no reason.
             | The average user is more likely to blame the browser than
             | the website.
               | jerf wrote:
               | I am completely aware of why the user agent lies now.
               | Didn't I explain exactly how it is broken in my post? I
               | was basically there for when it broke; I remember when IE
               | came out claiming to be "Mozilla" because otherwise a
               | surprising number of sites wouldn't serve them the latest
               | whizbang Netscape 3 HTML. (I thought it was a bad idea
               | then, but with much less understanding of why.) This is
               | why I kept calling what I'm asking for a _new_ field; the
               | User Agent itself can 't be rehabilitated.
               | The parent of my post is correct; in practice we're still
               | going to need the occasional ability to shim in browser-
               | specific fixes, because even if the browsers do their
               | best, they're going to _inadvertently_ lie in the future
               | and claim to support WebVR1.0 in Firefox 92, but, whoops,
               | actually it crashes the entire browser if you try to do
               | anything serious in it. Or, whoops, Firefox 92 does do a
               | pretty decent job of WebVR1.0 but I need some attribute
               | they overlooked. Or any number of similar little fixups.
               | We know from experience from the field in the real world
               | that we 're talking about crashing bugs here at times;
               | this is real thing that has happened. Whatever proposal
               | gets implemented should deal with this case too.
               | If we standardized on the format like I suggested at the
               | end of my post, it would go a long ways towards
               | preventing future browsers from mucking up the field. If
               | you just get "$BROWSER $VERSION $OS" in a rigid
               | specification, and if the major browsers are sure to
               | conform to that, and the major frameworks enforce it,
               | it'll be enough to prevent it from becoming a problem in
               | the future. It won't stop Joe Bob's Bait Shack & Cloud
               | Services from giving their client a custom browser and/or
               | server that abuses it, but there's no stopping them from
               | doing things like that no matter what you do, so _shrug_.
               | ChrisSD wrote:
               | Then I'm not sure I understand you. The proposal is
               | clearly proposing new fields that are less susceptible to
               | abuse (whether intentional or not). Your idea of parsing
               | a "$BROWSER $VERSION $OS" string seems inferior to client
               | hints that use structured headers.
               | jerf wrote:
               | I'm saying we still need a browser version field, _in
               | addition to_ a feature field. Features would do on their
               | own, if they were perfect, but we shouldn 't plan on them
               | always being perfect. We have a demonstrated, in-the-
               | field history of browsers claiming to support features
               | when in fact they don't quite support them, and can even
               | have crashing bugs. In the real world, supporting
               | WebVR1.0 is more than just putting "web-vr/1.0.0" in the
               | feature string.
               | Culturally, you should prefer to use feature detection.
               | Most developers would never need to use anything else.
               | But when Amazon makes its new whizbang WebVR1.0 front-end
               | in 2024, they may need the ability to blacklist a
               | particular browser. Lacking that ability may actually
               | prevent them from being able to ship, if shipping will
               | result in some non-trivial fraction of the browsers
               | claiming "web-vr/1.0.0" will in fact crash, and they have
               | nothing they can do about it.
               | Besides... they _will_ find a way to blacklist the
               | browser. Honestly  "prevent anyone from ever knowing what
               | version of the browser is accessing your site" is not
               | something you can accomplish. If you don't give them some
               | type of user agent in the header, it doesn't mean the
               | Amazon engineers are just going to throw their hands up
               | and fail to ship. They will do something _even more_
               | inadvisable than user agent sniffing, because you
               | "cleverly" backed them into a corner. If necessary, they
               | will examine the order of headers, details of the TLS
               | negotiation, all sorts of things. See "server
               | fingerprinting" in the security area. You can't really
               | stop it. Might as well just give it to them as a header.
               | But this time, a clean, specified, strict one based on
               | decades of experience, instead of the bashed-together
               | mess that is User-Agent.
               | Or, to put it _really_ shortly, _the fact that a bashed-
               | together User-Agent header has been a disaster is not
               | sufficient proof that the entire idea of sending a User
               | Agent is fundamentally flawed_. You can 't separate from
               | the current facts whether the problem is that User Agent
               | sniffing is always 100% guarantee totally black&white no
               | shades of grey mega-bad, or if it's the _bashed-together_
               | nature of the field that is the problem.
           | xfalcox wrote:
           | > SameSite bugs that Safari had
           | Safari has SameSite bugs and it's infuriating that after
           | years they don't even update the bug reports, let alone fix
           | those.
           | https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=200345
           | JohnFen wrote:
           | Working around browser bugs only helps to ensure that those
           | bugs will never get fixed. Better that things like the UA are
           | removed to make that impossible. In that world, sites would
           | be best served be coding to the standard and putting the work
           | of fixing incompatibilities/bugs back onto the browser makers
           | where it belongs.
       | LyndsySimon wrote:
       | For context, as it's not immediately obvious at the link: Blink
       | is Chrome/Chromium's rendering engine.
         | ShinTakuya wrote:
         | Thanks, I assumed so but it's useful to have this confirmation
         | before I looked it up. Honestly this is a little surprising to
         | me. Sites pulling shit like matching UA usually works out in
         | Chrome's favour so it's nice to see them throwing the minor web
         | browsers an olive branch.
           | close04 wrote:
           | Developers will still mostly target the most popular
           | browser(s), particularly Chrome. It would be great if
           | browsers like Firefox managed to implement a "feature
           | detection spoof" that you can enable to still present
           | yourself as Chrome (or other browsers) regardless of the
           | actual features requested. More or less like changing the UA
           | does now.
             | GoblinSlayer wrote:
             | That's Go Faster addon.
               | close04 wrote:
               | This looks like it's intended to fix specific issues, not
               | for fingerprint blocking. I was thinking more like being
               | able to present yourself as generic Chrome on Windows 10
               | or Firefox on Android if you chose to, even with the risk
               | of breaking the site.
       | CodeWriter23 wrote:
       | > It provides the information in small increments, so servers are
       | only exposed to the information they need and request, rather
       | than being exposed to the full gamut of the UA string even if
       | they are just trying to figure out one detail about the browser.
       | So, an extra RT if your app needs to sense which UA it's talking
       | to.
       | qwerty456127 wrote:
       | > And finally, starting fresh will enable us to drop a lot of the
       | legacy baggage that the UA string carries ("Mozilla/5.0", "like
       | Gecko", "like KHTML", etc) going forward.
       | Why not drop just that and leave nothing but the exact HTML and
       | JavaScript engine names and versions like "Blink a.b, V8 x.y"?
       | And what about robots? Will the Googlebot give the UA up as well?
         | richthegeek wrote:
         | There are plenty of unmaintained sites out there that do stupid
         | things in reaction to UA strings, and one of the stupid things
         | is using a regex that expects specific strings to exist.
         | Using a completely new string format in the same field (or
         | removing it entirely) breaks a lot of sites that'll never be
         | fixed.
         | Freezing it prevents this. And if we're freezing and creating a
         | new system then why not go for something queryable without all
         | the baggage?
           | qwerty456127 wrote:
           | How is something without all the baggage expected to help
           | with the sites doing the stupid things?
             | ajsnigrutin wrote:
             | Users still want to see those pages. If browser X removes
             | the UA string, that site brakes for them, and they change
             | to browser Y that still has the old useragent.
               | qwerty456127 wrote:
               | But won't removing just the baggage parts of the UA
               | ("like Gecko", "KHTML" etc) break those sites anyway?
               | richthegeek wrote:
               | The old UA will exist as it always has done - frozen,
               | unchanged. Nothing will be removed from the literaly
               | `user-agent` header value.
           | GoblinSlayer wrote:
           | Yep, they can receive those crazy UAs, see
           | https://wiki.mozilla.org/Compatibility/Go_Faster_Addon
           | userbinator wrote:
           | I tried using _no_ UA header at all for a period of a few
           | weeks, many years ago when  "appsites" weren't as common, and
           | yet a lot of sites failed to load mysteriously, showed odd
           | server errors, or even banned my IP for being a bot.
           | I expect no UA header to be even less usable now that sites
           | are more paranoid and app-ified, so instead I use a random
           | one. That still confuses some sites...
             | Kaiyou wrote:
             | A random one makes you unique and thus identifiable across
             | sites.
             | zzzcpan wrote:
             | Random UA can get you outright blocked for looking like a
             | bot. So is faking Googlebot and such.
       | LeonM wrote:
       | Good.
       | The only legitimate use case I can think of is exception
       | tracking, it is valuable to know which browser caused the
       | exception.
       | Beyond that, a website should never, ever rely on the UA for
       | anything.
         | qwerty456127 wrote:
         | IMHO you're right but underestimate the value of what you have
         | mentioned. It is VERY valuable to know which browser caused the
         | exception.
           | GoblinSlayer wrote:
           | Hopefully people will think twice before doing stuff that
           | depend on browser.
           | jmcs wrote:
           | Maybe after people stop using the user agent for stupid
           | reasons it can be made useful again. User agents should be
           | stuff like "Firefox 71.0" or "Chrome 79.0.3945", not "Mozilla
           | but really AppleWebKit disguised as KHTML, but no really I'm
           | Chrome but maybe I'm Safari"
             | HorstG wrote:
             | Yes, but unfortunately using the user agent for only non-
             | stupid reasons is a postcondition for the hell freezing
             | over.
         | Tade0 wrote:
         | Last time the UA string was useful to me was to show my SO's
         | uncle that iOS Edge is just a "repackaged and watered down
         | version of Safari".
           | AgloeDreams wrote:
           | In fairness, real (Trident) Edge fakes the Chrome UA. But
           | yeah all iOS browsers are just WebKit.
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | My user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
           | 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko)
           | Version/13.1 Safari/605.1.15". Clearly I'm running a
           | repackaged Firefox browser?
         | smitop wrote:
         | It is still possible to determine what browser caused an
         | exception. The "sec-ch-ua" header is used by Chrome (but only
         | to HTTPS websites) to send the "real" user agent, which for me
         | is "Google Chrome 79" (and I am indeed running Google Chrome
         | 79).
         | zzzcpan wrote:
         | There are plenty of legitimate purposes. I use it to disable
         | keepalive for POST requests, redirect to https:// for browsers
         | known to be able to establish a secure connection, whitelist
         | tor browser bundle, detect behavior of Accept: header, which
         | differs even between browser versions, and some other things.
         | thrower123 wrote:
         | Realistically, we will just find another, more complicated and
         | more opaque, and more error-prone, method of fingerprinting the
         | browser version.
       | ksec wrote:
       | Google's _Good_ Intention were to support _privacy_ , and
       | >the web should be is an _abundant source of compatibility
       | issues. in particular for minority browsers, resulting in
       | browsers lying about themselves (generally or to specific sites),
       | and sites (including Google properties) being broken in some
       | browsers for no good reason._
       | Doesn't that mean every Web feature would be Google's way or the
       | high way. Google, using Blink and Chrome would be dictating the
       | web standards. And if it is incompatible, it would now officially
       | be the browser vendors's fault and not the designer.
         | trilliumbaker wrote:
         | > Google's Good Intention were to support privacy
         | I find this intent for be very difficult to believe. Chrome's
         | privacy policy[0] already lists a ton of information that
         | Chrome sends to Google.
         | I am cynical and simply do not trust Google. I see this as a
         | move for control rather than privacy.
         | 0. https://www.google.com/chrome/privacy/
       | smashah wrote:
       | Is this going to make spoofing UA harder/redundant? If so it's
       | bad news for a lot of projects.
       | EGreg wrote:
       | This is a terrible idea unless the better mechanism includes a
       | way to determine at least basic things like whether this is a
       | mobile browser! Determined web developers will still be able to
       | detect the browser using Javascript and send the info to the
       | server. And meanwhile, we won't be able to send resources
       | optimized for eg mobile browsers vs desktop ones. Now we have to
       | ship lots of crap from the server and hope JS is enabled to load
       | the minimum. The whole deprecation movement has to stop breaking
       | the web for activist reasons.
         | zzo38computer wrote:
         | The resource optimization is mostly needed only due to making
         | stuff too complicated already. Simplify the document and then
         | it should just as well either way.
       | darrinm wrote:
       | How will this affect caniuse.com? I use it every day.
       | kerkeslager wrote:
       | One problem with User-Agent strings is that they actually don't
       | work for their intended use case. Nothing is stopping user agents
       | from lying about who they are to the server, and many user agents
       | actively do this.
       | I've been on teams a few times that tried to use UA strings to
       | try to serve up features per-browser. Trying to do this directly
       | falls apart quickly. There are some libraries that handle the
       | most common problems, but that really only delays the inevitable:
       | eventually some critical user is using a browser that you are
       | detecting wrong, and you end up lost in endless hard-coded edge
       | cases. Using UA strings to determine functionality isn't an
       | effective strategy.
       | sergeykish wrote:
       | How much of the web depends on User Agent header?
       | Maybe it can be removed altogether with small whitelist of
       | exceptions.                   Firefox         about:config
       | general.useragent.override, String, leave empty
       | Looks fine so far
       | close04 wrote:
       | > It provides the required information only when the server
       | requests it
       | In the interest of fingerprinting a server would request this
       | every time.
       | > It provides the information in small increments, so servers are
       | only exposed to the information they need and request
       | Then the server would need and request the most comprehensive
       | list possible in order to fingerprint someone with better
       | granularity than a UA string could.
       | I'm not against this as I appreciate the value of this kind on
       | information for the developers. It would be done one way or
       | another. But why is this billed as mainly a privacy move? Nothing
       | suggests it intrinsically offers better privacy when facing a
       | website configured to fingerprint you. It actually looks like it
       | gives even more granular info over which the user has less
       | control than they used to with the UA.
       | anilshanbhag wrote:
       | The trigger for this was most likely the Brave/Vivaldi browsers.
       | Brave used to 'Brave/X.y' at the end of user agent. Whatsapp
       | didn't work with that useragent. Now Brave uses Google Chrome's
       | useragent.
       | In my app Dictanote (https://dictanote.co) - which uses Chrome's
       | speech-to-text API, I have no way to distinguish Brave/Vivaldi
       | and user doesn't understand why its not working :/
         | alehander42 wrote:
         | so show this as a hint in the UI :) people can still solve
         | problems better than machines often
           | londons_explore wrote:
           | I can imagine the popup now:
           | "Somethings wrong! You might be using Chrome and having
           | connectivity issues, or you might be using Brave who have a
           | dispute with Google about usage of their speech recognition
           | API. In the former case, get better WiFi, and in the latter
           | case there's nothing you can do, switch browsers."
         | RKearney wrote:
         | Using user agents to detect features is the wrong way to do it
         | because you'll have these exact problems.
         | To determine if a browser has the text to speech API just check
         | if the webkitSpeechRecognition object exists (if that's the one
         | you're using). It will exist in Chrome and will not exist in
         | other browsers that lack the feature.
           | scarejunba wrote:
           | > * It will exist in Chrome and will not exist in other
           | browsers that lack the feature.*
           | An incorrect assumption stated as fact with such great
           | confidence. Good job.
           | Even on the face of it, any engineer would know this can't be
           | true.
         | DarkCrusader2 wrote:
         | Shouldn't you be using feature detection[1] here anyway? Making
         | browsers unsupported in a blanket fashion via user-agent is the
         | exact thing people should stop doing.
         | [1] https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2014/01/Web-
         | apps-t...
           | anilshanbhag wrote:
           | The webkitSpeechRecognition object shows up on both browsers.
           | When you start recognition, it acts like you are not
           | connected to the network. Not connected to the network is a
           | common error , so you cannot fingerprint it to Brave.
           | This specific API only works in Google Chrome unfortunately.
           | So we need to stop people from trying in another browser and
           | getting frustrated as to why its not working.
             | exikyut wrote:
             | IMO Brave should remove this API, then.
             | - It's not likely to work anytime soon
             | - "The property doesn't exist or throws an exception or
             | does something else that Chrom{e,ium} doesn't do" provides
             | the necessary fingerprinting
             | - Adding the feature back later can just be chalked up to
             | "growing pains", it doesn't really set especially unique
             | precedent
               | untog wrote:
               | Absolutely they should. But they haven't. Checking the UA
               | string allows a developer to get around the issue, but
               | once it's gone an individual developer will be powerless
               | to fix the issue for their users.
             | ss3000 wrote:
             | We should of course default to feature detection whenever
             | possible, but non-standard behavior like this in certain
             | browsers is exactly why feature detection alone is never
             | going to cover 100% of current use cases for UA detection.
             | To add to OP's point, this thing in Safari also comes to
             | mind as an example of something that isn't easy to detect
             | and address outside of UA detection:
             | https://github.com/vitr/safari-cookie-in-iframe
             | Deprecating UA Strings and moving towards UA Client Hints
             | seems like a move in the right direction though.
               | GoblinSlayer wrote:
               | 3rd party cookies can be assumed to be always blocked, no
               | need to detect anything.
               | ss3000 wrote:
               | Some pages are intended to be embedded in iframes (which
               | have their own security context isolated from the
               | embedding page), and happen to use cookies for
               | authentication. Safari not allowing cookies from third
               | party domains in iframes is the issue here.
               | Assuming these iframes will never work means degrading
               | the experience for all users, when only users on Safari
               | are actually affected. Detecting the UA and branching
               | based on that is a much more pragmatic solution.
         | devit wrote:
         | Just test whether the API works or whether the properties are
         | missing or methods throw exceptions?
         | The kind of testing you are complaining you can't do is exactly
         | why user agent is broken, what if you test for Chrome and then
         | Brave/Vivaldi start supporting the speech-to-text API and your
         | broken website still says "sorry, you need Chrome" for no
         | reason?
           | anilshanbhag wrote:
           | The webkitSpeechRecognition object shows up on both browsers.
           | When you start recognition, it acts like you are not
           | connected to the network. Not connected to the network is a
           | common error , so you cannot fingerprint it to Brave.
       | dbetteridge wrote:
       | While the intent is good, didn't we recently see from the roll-
       | out of secure/strict same-site cookies that feature detection
       | isn't mature enough? Or does that not apply here.
       | Getting rid of user agent strings is great, as long as we get a
       | better way to determine browser capabilities that doesn't require
       | some kind of special feature checking library...
         | rowan_m wrote:
         | For older browsers, the UA string remains - so that's still
         | viable for compatibility issues. https://wicg.github.io/ua-
         | client-hints/ will provide the cleaner, opt-in approach in the
         | future.
           | dbetteridge wrote:
           | The hints do seem like a good approach, though scary from a
           | fingerprinting side as they're much more fine-grained.
             | rowan_m wrote:
             | It changes the passive fingerprinting vector to an active
             | one: https://github.com/bslassey/privacy-budget#passive-
             | surfaces
             | So, while UA hints could potentially supply more
             | information than the current UA string - each item needs to
             | be explicitly requested by the site meaning the browser can
             | make a choice on what to return. This may depend on user's
             | preferences, level of trust in a site, the amount of
             | identifying information already provided to the site, etc.
               | ori_b wrote:
               | > _It changes the passive fingerprinting vector to an
               | active one_
               | You say this as though the ad industry cares.
               | > _So, while UA hints could potentially supply more
               | information than the current UA string - each item needs
               | to be explicitly requested by the site meaning the
               | browser can make a choice on what to return._
               | Let me introduce you to useragent switchers.
               | The replacement is strictly worse. Simply freezing the
               | user agent solves things well.
               | untog wrote:
               | > You say this as though the ad industry cares.
               | They don't have a choice? The point about passive vs
               | active is that it places control with the browser/user
               | where they didn't have it before. You'll be able to
               | respond to some hints and ignore others.
               | > Let me introduce you to useragent switchers.
               | And what's the adoption rate of those, I wonder... less
               | than 1% of users? This client hints standard will make it
               | a lot more reasonable for non-power users to control what
               | information is being disclosed, should they wish.
               | ori_b wrote:
               | > _They don 't have a choice? The point about passive vs
               | active is that it places control with the browser/user
               | where they didn't have it before. You'll be able to
               | respond to some hints and ignore others._
               | So, you are saying that every time someone wants to test
               | browser compatibility, the browser will prompt the user?
               | No, they're not doing that. Which means that the
               | information is in the hands of anyone that cares. It just
               | isn't in Apache server logs by default.
               | > And what's the adoption rate of those, I wonder... less
               | than 1% of users?
               | About as high as the dynamic equivalent will be.
               | Which is why not replacing the useragent string is the
               | only option that makes things better.
           | 1_player wrote:
           | What's cleaner about this new approach? I can't see the point
           | of it.
           | It's exactly the same as the User-Agent header we had, but
           | worse.
           | UA was used for tracking? With this new standard, just ask
           | the user agent to include all details in its Accept-CH
           | header.
           | UA was used for feature detection? People will use this new
           | standard to do feature detection.
           | And it's worse because there's legitimate uses of UA
           | sniffing, and JS won't have access to it anymore - TFA wants
           | to deprecate navigator.userAgent, so only the webserver would
           | have access to user agent details? Why?
             | rowan_m wrote:
             | > With this new standard, just ask the user agent to
             | include all details in its Accept-CH header.
             | That becomes an explicit choice by the site to request more
             | information, it's up to the client/browser how it responds
             | to that. Fewer bits of information are exposed by default.
             | > JS won't have access to it anymore - TFA wants to
             | deprecate navigator.userAgent, so only the webserver would
             | have access to user agent details? Why?
             | I should have linked to the top-level repo with the
             | explainer (https://github.com/WICG/ua-client-hints) as it's
             | not immediately clear from the spec, but access to the hint
             | values is provided via getUserAgent()
         | pjc50 wrote:
         | User-agent was never feature detection, only a proxy for it,
         | and frequently resulted in preventing users from using things
         | that the browser was capable of supporting.
         | Why does edge say "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
         | AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102
         | Safari/537.36 Edge/18.18362"? Because people kept abusing it
         | for feature detection.
       | josteink wrote:
       | Ok. So how do we do OS detection then?
       | How do I know which (binary) download to offer my users?
       | Edit: How do I provide reasonable defaults when the user's OS
       | actually matters?
         | b99andla wrote:
         | https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#examples
         | zzzcpan wrote:
         | Don't. That's an anti-pattern in UX. People download binaries
         | for different OSes all the time, so list links for all OSes you
         | support.
           | josteink wrote:
           | Giving people a reasonable default is bad UX?
           | That's a load of horseshit if I've ever heard it.
             | zzzcpan wrote:
             | What reasonable default? You don't know where people want
             | to install your binaries and you do want people to know
             | what other OSes you support. In UX if the number of choices
             | is very small, like those couple of OSes you support, it is
             | always best to present them all.
               | josteink wrote:
               | Every major player provides the reasonable default when
               | downloading binaries. Every single one. There's a reason
               | for that.
               | Regular users are not technical and if you ask them to
               | make a choice based on technical matters (Windows, MAC,
               | Linux, Apple AppStore, Android AppStore, Chrone WebStore,
               | whatever), where you instead could have had -1 clear
               | choice- already presented by default in a big nice
               | button, you _will_ lose conversions or increase tech-
               | support costs.
               | The evidence for this is so overwhelming that knowingly
               | trying to ignore that makes it look like you have an
               | agenda or horse to grind.
               | londons_explore wrote:
               | A good chunk of users don't know what OS they're running.
               | Perhaps you should propose a feature detection for it. It
               | could look like the media source API for resolutions and
               | formats for web video - except the same for binary
               | formats for software.
               | zzzcpan wrote:
               | No, these are not UX metrics, these are commercial
               | metrics. There is a reason conversions and tech-support
               | costs and almost all a/b tests and all that are not even
               | remotely good UX metrics, as they do not exist to measure
               | anything users care about in the product, only what
               | companies care about.
               | josteink wrote:
               | Okay.so let's hypothetically say I buy your argument that
               | providing a reasonable default is bad UX.
               | In what other places of application development should we
               | also stop providing reasonable defaults and force the
               | user to choose instead?
               | - country? city?
               | - localization?
               | - number for local support hotline?
               | - email of logged in user?
               | - type of currency for payments?
               | No? Then why is having a reasonable default for downloads
               | bad?
               | zzo38computer wrote:
               | My "WebOptions" idea would permit the user to customize
               | these and other settings (both globally and locally;
               | there could be some set of "common" keys as well as
               | supporting keys specific for the server), in a similar
               | format to cookies, although the server and document
               | scripts would not be allowed to set them, and the user
               | only sets them explicitly. For email, there is a "From"
               | header, so that can be used if it is available.
               | But anyways, the service should not make it difficult to
               | download if it detects a wrong computer; it should allow
               | it always, and should not be so difficult by trying to
               | hide it.
             | abjKT26nO8 wrote:
             | Websites presenting me with a big button to download a
             | "reasonable" default and hiding everything else behind a
             | small link that I have to go hunting gor is really
             | annoying. There is nothing reasonable about it. Don't think
             | that you know better what your users want then the users
             | themselves.
               | josteink wrote:
               | Optimizing for the 99% use-case is fairly normal _and_
               | reasonable.
               | iOS users will almost always install apps via the
               | AppStore. Most Windows-users are probably not interested
               | in a DMG. Are you really going to argue against that?
               | I agree that _taking away_ options based on OS-detection
               | is a seriously nasty UX anti-pattern though.
               | abjKT26nO8 wrote:
               | _> iOS users will almost always install apps via the
               | AppStore. Most Windows-users are probably not interested
               | in a DMG. Are you really going to argue against that?_
               | It may be true in the case of iOS and Android, because
               | they are so locked down. However, on more powerful
               | platforms that Windows, Mac and Linux are it isn't. I may
               | want to run it in a VM, or not install it, but place it
               | somewhere on a shared drive, or anything that a non-
               | handicapped OS is capable of facilitating and many of
               | these things will mean I will want a binary not meant to
               | be run by my native OS. Sometimes it happens that one of
               | my devices will break and so I want to use another one to
               | download something that will help me fix the issue. But
               | now I'm going to have to go full Sherlock Holmes on a
               | website that thinks it knows better what I'm looking for.
               | AgloeDreams wrote:
               | In fairness, highlighting the right button for your OS
               | and showing an 'other downloads' button is really a 'You'
               | problem that probably only affects less than half of 1%
               | of users. Almost all sites also show a 'other OS
               | downloads' button. But this is all meaningless, as shown
               | above, UA will be replaced by a client hint property.
       | jamescun wrote:
       | Feature detection isn't the only use case User Agent strings
       | service, two I've seen frequently are:
       | * Exception Tracking - The User Agent string is usually attached
       | to exceptions to aid in reproduction.
       | * Outdated Client Detection - Primarily in internal dashboards in
       | BYOD environments, I've seen the server display an error when a
       | known outdated/insecure browser connects.
         | kalleboo wrote:
         | When Safari froze their UA, another big one that came up was
         | browser bugs. Specific versions of browsers on specific
         | platforms have bugs, and you need to be able to tell your user
         | to upgrade.
           | clarry wrote:
           | Please use the latest supported browser.
           | There, I just told you to upgrade without sniffing UA.
             | HorstG wrote:
             | Also, "please upgrade, then call back" is always the first
             | point on any support call checklist.
         | tsegratis wrote:
         | Possibly add a randomized date to new UA, in range from last
         | fixed CVE, to browser compilation date
         | That would avoid feature detection, but still create epochs to
         | disallow insecure browsers
         | --
         | For exception tracking, the best I can suggest is getting
         | screen size + other features; then storing them, ready to pass
         | with the exception
       | tsegratis wrote:
       | I'd still like a way to feature detect, rather than make a round-
       | trip to the browser. This would let me embed webasm rather than
       | js+branch to begin a second download if feature found... etc
       | I suggest UA string be a bitmask of features. Then feature
       | detection should stop being broken
       | Extra bits could be used for js-on/js-off, and is-bot/is-human
       | --
       | Ah I see they're kind of doing the bitmask, but keeping a round-
       | trip, and making things complicated (though I realize latest http
       | standards can probably remove those round-trips in the average
       | case)
       | I'd still suggest the bitmask for non-sensitive information, and
       | have everything else simply js-tested as it currently is
       | Maybe is-user-blind might be a nice bit too, since canvas based
       | websites could switch to the dom, or whatever
         | tsegratis wrote:
         | Please could we also have a couple more privacy setting bits
         | for i-accept-your-cookies and i-want-to-be-told-about-cookies-
         | on-every-single-website-because-i-forget-what-they-are-and-
         | really-want-to-click-through-to-your-privacy-settings
         | If we have those bits, then the user can make a set of choices
         | once, for every site, and we get rid of cookie pop-ups
         | -- Websites could still ask if they want/need to do something
         | that violates those choices
           | zeven7 wrote:
           | Or we can just assume like reasonable adults that websites
           | are going to put cookies in your browser and promote privacy-
           | oriented tech to users rather than trying to pretend that
           | having every website ask for permission in order to enable
           | basic functionality solves anything.
             | [deleted]
             | pjc50 wrote:
             | > promote privacy-oriented tech to users
             | Like what?
             | > every website ask for permission in order to enable basic
             | functionality
             | I don't believe that purely functional cookies require GDPR
             | permission - that's covered by "provide services to the
             | user". It's the ones which are functionality to third
             | parties _not_ the user which are the problem.
               | zeven7 wrote:
               | > I don't believe that purely functional cookies require
               | GDPR permission - that's covered by "provide services to
               | the user". It's the ones which are functionality to third
               | parties not the user which are the problem.
               | Ah, I didn't realize that. Well, that does sound much
               | more reasonable.
               | pjc50 wrote:
               | Actually the ICO page itself presents a great example: if
               | you go to https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-
               | data-protectio... you get:
               | > Necessary cookies
               | > Necessary cookies enable core functionality such as
               | security, network management, and accessibility. You may
               | disable these by changing your browser settings, but this
               | may affect how the website functions.
               | > Analytics cookies [toggle On/Off]
               | > We'd like to set Google Analytics cookies to help us to
               | improve our website by collecting and reporting
               | information on how you use it. The cookies collect
               | information in a way that does not directly identify
               | anyone. For more information on how these cookies work,
               | please see our 'Cookies page'.
               | The implication is that a consent dialog would not be
               | required if they weren't using Google Analytics or any
               | other third-party.
           | jrockway wrote:
           | That would be nice. I feel like the "cookie warnings"
           | basically read as "this site doesn't actually need cookies to
           | work, but we want to track you". We should just have some
           | sort of "do not track" header that indicates we don't accept
           | those terms, and then websites can badger us if they really
           | need cookies, like for logins.
             | toyg wrote:
             | _> I feel like the  "cookie warnings" basically read as
             | "this site doesn't actually need cookies to work, but we
             | want to track you"._
             | I typically read those warnings as reminders that I should
             | open the site in a FF container.
           | mschuster91 wrote:
           | > If we have those bits, then the user can make a set of
           | choices once, for every site, and we get rid of cookie pop-
           | ups
           | That one was tried with the DNT bit - of course users ended
           | up en masse setting it to "do not track" by default. Sites
           | won't accept that.
             | HorstG wrote:
             | Sites need to be told to obey DNT with a legal
             | sledgehammer. Still hoping...
         | miohtama wrote:
         | The proposed UA Client Hints is more privacy oriented way to
         | get some diagnostics data and detection from browsers
         | https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/
         | __s wrote:
         | > This would let me embed webasm rather than js+branch to begin
         | a second download if feature found... etc
         | This is exactly what you aren't supposed to do
         | Either send the wasm optimistically & fallback to js on error,
         | or send it reactively with js+branch
           | tsegratis wrote:
           | Currently, yes, you are right. But what I'm suggesting is
           | that current situation could be improved
           | A http header bitmask set by javascript:testWASM(), would be
           | equivalent to what you suggest...
           | But avoid the js, and making a second trip to the server
       | [deleted]
       | sheerun wrote:
       | Client Hints won't work with SSR because they are available only
       | on second request... I hope they fix it before deprecating.
       | JohnFen wrote:
       | Removing the user agent string is something that I've wished for
       | for decades. While we're at it, the browser should not be
       | revealing anything else about it or our machines at all unless we
       | consent to it.
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | Must-read bit of webdev lore:
       | https://webaim.org/blog/user-agent-string-history/
       | jonarnes wrote:
       | > The opt-in based mechanism of Client Hints currently suffers
       | from the fact that on the very-first view, the browser have not
       | yet received the opt-in. That means that requiring specific UA
       | information (e.g. device model, platform) on the very-first
       | navigation request may incur a delay. We are exploring options to
       | enable the opt-in to happen further down the stack to avoid that
       | delay.
       | I'm surprised Google goes ahead with this without having a
       | concrete plan to handle the first request to a page. I fear that
       | will become an ugly mess of redirects, js hacks and broken pages.
       | Think Google is under estimating how widespread device detection
       | user User-Agent on the server side is...
       | tracker1 wrote:
       | I'm not sure I get the point of specifically requesting it...
       | also, should have a DOM API to get this information spelled out,
       | not sure where that is...
       | Let alone requiring a round trip for the server to even see the
       | information... does that mean a 302 to itself for initial data?
       | What about a POST? The first render is where this kind of crap is
       | most useful for server-side rendering.
       | The fact is, in general, it would be nice to get the actual
       | browser/version and os/version, and maybe have an engines list
       | for cross-compatibility detection as a fallback.
       | When you come across a bug that only effects a specific
       | browser/version (or other browsers using that engine as a base),
       | it's a pain to deal with... cleaning it up when fixed is another
       | issue, or worse, when you target a specific version, then the
       | next release doesn't fix the issue and you're scrambling to
       | update your range for the fix.
       | It isn't nearly as bad as the late 90's, but it's still pretty
       | bad.
       | dochtman wrote:
       | Quite happy that the market leader is taking this step! Hopefully
       | this will decrease the problems with lacking feature detection.
       | I was surprised that the post doesn't contain any example user
       | agent strings for a sample of how they are expected to look
       | starting from the different milestones.
       | zerotolerance wrote:
       | I think the proposal is well-intentioned and shortsighted. Nobody
       | ever plans for a junk drawer feature, but certain features are
       | destined to be fragile fuzzy contracts regardless. Unless this
       | proposal seeks to eliminate the differences between different
       | user agents, it is proposing moving to a different but equivalent
       | junk drawer. The change would create real pain for service
       | providers and consumers alike and provide little benefit.
       | From the implementation side, I would have preferred to see an
       | OPTIONS request style solution similar to CORS to allow complying
       | UAs to detect what if any UA information will be required.
         | Izkata wrote:
         | > I think the proposal is well-intentioned and shortsighted.
         | Could also be evil and long-term: user agents won't matter
         | anymore once everything is auto-updated Chrome, right?
       | leeoniya wrote:
       | https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/
       | the proposed implementation leaves me questioning how useful the
       | CH headers are for initial impressions of a web property if only
       | the browser and version are sent by default, and more info is
       | only provided on follow-up requests, assuming the user agrees to
       | some permission popup they don't understand. it'll be the "this
       | site uses cookies" nonsense / nuisance all over again. it'll
       | finally push end users to install the native reddit app without
       | those constant annoyances.
       | i have quite a few ux enhancements that need to know or
       | guestimate the screen size, if the device is touch capable and OS
       | (especially for form input styling). i dont see how it is
       | possible without an additional delay, fetch request and some
       | annoying permission popup to deliver a good experience in the
       | brave new CH world.
         | HorstG wrote:
         | There is CSS media query for exactly your use-case. No need for
         | sniffing, round-trips or any server-side activity at all.
           | leeoniya wrote:
           | a media query will not tell me what OS it is so i can infer
           | the metrics of native fonts and form controls. i would have
           | to use JS and create sentinel elements to make the
           | measurements, which would still be a form of slower, shittier
           | sniffing.
           | also, a media query or any other client side method prevents
           | me from delivering exactly the final content that's necessary
           | and not have to do additional reflow-inducing js to get the
           | end result.
       | jchw wrote:
       | I wish people would stop trying to force inject cynicism into
       | this because this is actually pretty amazing of an idea imo. If
       | you look at browsers like Falkon or QuteBrowser they are
       | perfectly serviceable browsers but actually using them can be
       | annoying due to UA sniffing, _even by Google_. In theory this is
       | the solution to that problem. Freezing and unifying the UA will
       | prevent everyone, including Google, from using it to gate
       | features.
       | I am a bit worried, though, about how we will continue to count
       | marketshare. If the intent were to remove the UA it would be
       | worse, but it does seem like browser marketshare analytics based
       | on user agents may be coming to an end.
       | (Disclosure: I work for Google on unrelated projects.)
         | kerkeslager wrote:
         | > I am a bit worried, though, about how we will continue to
         | count marketshare. If the intent were to remove the UA it would
         | be worse, but it does seem like browser marketshare analytics
         | based on user agents may be coming to an end.
         | I think there's an implicit assumption a lot of people (not
         | you) are making: that there's no cost in collecting data. There
         | is: often you change things by observing them, and that's not
         | always a good thing.
         | There are big costs to UA strings.
         | pilif wrote:
         | _> In theory this is the solution to that problem_
         | How so? There is still an API to ask for more details, so you
         | can continue to do exactly the same thing as before at the cost
         | of a few additional API calls
         | What am I not seeing? To me this feels like just adding more
         | complexity to still end up at the same spot we are now.
         | shadowgovt wrote:
         | Does this change allow for the server to refrain from having to
         | do RPCs to the browser to get additional feature information to
         | figure out what quirks the vended page / JS needs to be
         | compatible with?
         | I'm all for more privacy, but IIUC the main reason big sites
         | like Google still do any UA sniffing at all is to minimize the
         | latency / byte cost for the client in vending a web site that
         | is expected to work.
           | jchw wrote:
           | IMO: Old browsers will still send UAs, since obviously
           | they're not going to update for this change. New browsers
           | should support enough of the web platform to obsolete this
           | practice going forward.
             | Zarel wrote:
             | New browsers still don't support everything. One of my
             | biggest questions: "Does this device have a keyboard?"
             | (relevant for "should I show hints for keyboard
             | shortcuts?") is still straight-up unanswerable, and all I
             | can do is guess from the UA.
             | Other questions include "should I tell the user to drag-
             | and-drop?" "should I tell the user to tap?" etc.
               | JoshTriplett wrote:
               | > One of my biggest questions: "Does this device have a
               | keyboard?" (relevant for "should I show hints for
               | keyboard shortcuts?") is still straight-up unanswerable,
               | and all I can do is guess from the UA.
               | Mobile devices have keyboards. If you mean "does this
               | device have a physical keyboard", you don't need to know
               | that. If you mean "does this device have modifier keys
               | like ctrl and alt", someone might have hooked up a
               | bluetooth or USB keyboard to their mobile device.
               | If you're on a large screen, show hints if you have room.
               | (You might also show such hints in tooltips, as devices
               | with a concept of "hover" correlate well with devices
               | where keyboard shortcuts make sense.) If you're on a
               | small screen, provide a way for people to get those hints
               | anyway via a help option.
               | > Other questions include "should I tell the user to
               | drag-and-drop?" "should I tell the user to tap?" etc.
               | 19-year-old advice that remains useful:
               | https://www.w3.org/QA/Tips/noClickHere
               | You can't tell from the user-agent if, for instance,
               | someone might be using a screen-reader or other assistive
               | technology, or otherwise using an interface you don't
               | expect. Tell people what option/link to use, not how to
               | activate it. Help them out with things like highlights,
               | or tours, or sample videos.
               | akersten wrote:
               | > If you mean "does this device have modifier keys like
               | ctrl and alt", someone might have hooked up a bluetooth
               | or USB keyboard to their mobile device.
               | I'll take the liberty to say yes, that is what they mean,
               | and that is their point: there is no way to detect
               | whether those keys are available, so the best we can do
               | is guess.
               | And yes, I might actually need to know whether there is a
               | physical keyboard or not. For example, do I auto-focus
               | the input field? For devices with OSKs, the keyboard will
               | pop up right away and obscure most of the site on mobile.
               | For devices where the OSK won't pop up, I want the focus
               | to land there immediately for usability.
               | robocat wrote:
               | Agree. Also with a physical keyboard (PC) you can filter
               | keypress events in an <input>, but with a virtual
               | keyboard (Android) you cannot (keycode is always 0 due to
               | IME).
               | A time entry input is a good example: on the PC you can
               | accept valid [0123456789:.APMapm] characters as the user
               | types, and have the HTML page do something sensible and
               | show something sensible. On Android you either have an
               | ugly time picker (they are all ugly!) or use hideous
               | workarounds to try and detect keypresses.
               | Android and iOS have `inputmode=` but it is very
               | restricted and there are wierd and sometimes incompatible
               | differences between browsers or browser versions or OS
               | versions. Custom data entry (e.g. time, date ranges, etc)
               | is super ugly in HTML.
               | I have found many browser version and device specific
               | bugs with virtual keyboards or PC keyboard entry that
               | _cannot_ be  "feature detected" (browser version must be
               | sniffed).
               | shadowgovt wrote:
               | > 19-year-old advice that remains useful:
               | https://www.w3.org/QA/Tips/noClickHere
               | Ah, my favorite aspect of the w3c process: responding to
               | the need for perfectly reasonable UX discoverability for
               | users unaccustomed to using browsers with "You don't
               | actually want to do that."
               | There's a reason so much of the web development world
               | considers the documents they make to be "take with a
               | grain of salt and do what works for your users."
               | Zarel wrote:
               | I'm moderately annoyed you think I don't already know all
               | these things.
               | The problem isn't that I don't know these things, it's
               | that I'm beyond those things and trying to add subtle
               | things to improve quality of life.
               | > Mobile devices have keyboards. If you mean "does this
               | device have a physical keyboard", you don't need to know
               | that. If you mean "does this device have modifier keys
               | like ctrl and alt", someone might have hooked up a
               | bluetooth or USB keyboard to their mobile device.
               | Yes, and this makes the experience on mobile devices
               | worse!
               | On a laptop, if you open Discord, click on your friend's
               | name, and start typing, you'll send your friend a
               | message.
               | On an iPad with a keyboard, if you open Discord, click on
               | (tap) your friend's name, and start typing, nothing will
               | happen.
               | You say "there's no way to detect an iPad with a
               | keyboard" like it's a good thing, but it's clearly a bad
               | thing!
               | I go over a similar problem here:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22047246
               | > If you're on a large screen, show hints if you have
               | room. (You might also show such hints in tooltips, as
               | devices with a concept of "hover" correlate well with
               | devices where keyboard shortcuts make sense.) If you're
               | on a small screen, provide a way for people to get those
               | hints anyway via a help option.
               | This is clearly a worse experience for the user because
               | it means hints are shown to users for whom they make no
               | sense.
               | Like, yes, that's what I currently do, and it sucks.
               | > You can't tell from the user-agent if, for instance,
               | someone might be using a screen-reader or other assistive
               | technology, or otherwise using an interface you don't
               | expect. Tell people what option/link to use, not how to
               | activate it. Help them out with things like highlights,
               | or tours, or sample videos.
               | There aren't ways to detect if someone is using a screen-
               | reader, but there are plenty of W3C ARIA tags screen-
               | readers understand, which, if used correctly, can improve
               | quality of life for them. I get a lot of feedback from
               | screen-reader users that they love my graphical online
               | video game, because I went out of my way to improve
               | quality-of-life for them.
               | And now, I want to improve quality-of-life for users on
               | iPads, and you tell me "no! everything must be the same
               | on everything!" No! I refuse to accept that!
               | GitHub has a hint in their comment boxes that you can
               | attach files by drag/drop or pasting. That's the sort of
               | thing I'm talking about. It's miles away from a button
               | labeled "click here". There's no need for this smarmy
               | "don't tell the user how to activate a feature". Some
               | features are subtle and need hints!
               | JoshTriplett wrote:
               | > I'm moderately annoyed you think I don't already know
               | all these things.
               | I was not suggesting you didn't, but more than one person
               | will read this conversation.
               | > This is clearly a worse experience for the user because
               | it means hints are shown to users for whom they make no
               | sense.
               | Or to users for whom _you don 't know_ that they _do_
               | make sense. If you guess incorrectly that a device doesn
               | 't have a keyboard when it does, you'll prevent users
               | from discovering your keyboard shortcuts.
               | I would also suggest that web standards need to _improve_
               | , to make it easier to help figure out which hints to
               | offer. For instance, I think it would be perfectly
               | reasonable to offer a mechanism to detect "should I show
               | hints for keyboard shortcuts", which desktop browsers
               | would always enable, and mobile devices would enable if
               | they have an attached keyboard _or_ if the user is using
               | another mechanism that might allow for shortcuts. And one
               | day, perhaps we 'll have a standard for keyboard
               | shortcuts that will allow users to remap those shortcuts
               | and allow the browser to provide "native" hints that
               | those shortcuts exist.
               | I'm not trying to suggest that the current state is
               | ideal, or that it can't be improved. I'm suggesting that
               | user-agent-based detection is in some ways _worse_.
               | > no! everything must be the same on everything
               | That's not what I said. I'm suggesting that everything
               | should be _accessible_ on every platform. You might well
               | make adaptations and hints based on screen size, or based
               | on whether the user has previously typed keys directly at
               | something other than a text box; just don 't make
               | assumptions the user can't work around or change if
               | you've detected them incorrectly. I've dealt with sites
               | that _force_ the use of mobile if they catch the
               | slightest whiff of  "this might be a mobile device", and
               | the mobile experience is far less capable. (That's
               | leaving aside the anti-pattern of "are you sure you want
               | to use a web browser instead of our app?".)
               | Personally, I would suggest detecting if someone "types
               | at" the page without being in an input box, and offering
               | to not only focus the input box but set a device-local
               | preference to automatically do so in the future.
               | Uehreka wrote:
               | I think the thrust of GPs argument is "Before they take
               | away the UA string (the one clumsy tool that I can use to
               | half-accomplish my goals) I wish they'd add official APIs
               | to detect these kinds of things".
               | jchw wrote:
               | Ideally, imo, _most_ sites should use the web platform as
               | intended and their sites will work fine regardless of
               | input device.
               | If you are using UA sniffing to determine if the device
               | has a keyboard it will be wrong a lot of the time; you
               | can't tell if a Microsoft Surface has the keyboard
               | attached or an iPad doesn't. you'd probably be no worse
               | off trying to detect it by screen width, which is already
               | a defacto way to detect mobile devices anyways, for
               | better or worse.
               | (The _right_ solution is probably a new kind of API or
               | media query.)
               | Zarel wrote:
               | I know, that's why I said "unanswerable" and "all I can
               | do is guess".
               | The specific feature this came up recently is whether or
               | not a chat app should autofocus the input box. Ideally,
               | the answer is "yes" if you have a keyboard (lets you
               | start sending messages faster) and "no" if you don't (the
               | on-screen keyboard would cover up the conversation and be
               | distracting).
               | There's, of course, no way to detect an iPad keyboard, so
               | currently iPads miss out on autofocus.
               | Discord, incidentally, uses an alternate solution: "don't
               | autofocus the textbox, but instead detect keypresses
               | outside the textbox and manually insert the corresponding
               | letters in the box". This, of course, completely fails
               | for various non-Latin keyboards, such as Japanese: if you
               | type "chi", it will insert [chi]  instead of [chi] .
               | phkahler wrote:
               | >> Other questions include "should I tell the user to
               | drag-and-drop?" "should I tell the user to tap?" etc
               | Why are you doing all that? Just offer the desktop
               | version or Mobil version and be done with it. You dont
               | need to figure out dev_caps in such detail.
               | Zarel wrote:
               | Because I still believe in the ideals of responsive web
               | design. If a desktop user wants to use my site in a tiny
               | window (maybe to tile it next to another window), they
               | should still be able to use keyboard shortcuts. And if a
               | user with a large screen wants to use touch interaction
               | (maybe they have a Surface Studio), they should be able
               | to.
               | There's no reason to make multiple sites each with their
               | own flaws, when you can just make one site that can do
               | anything.
               | mikewhy wrote:
               | > should I tell the user to tap
               | I always use the term "tap". MacBook / Magic trackpads
               | literally have an option called "tap to click".
               | > should I tell the user to drag-and-drop
               | Both mobile and desktop support drag and drop, so not
               | sure why you'd want to disable it for either.
               | true_religion wrote:
               | Mobile browsers are space constrained so although you can
               | drag and drop, practically speaking if your drop target
               | is off screen, it's a poor user experience.
         | bryanrasmussen wrote:
         | as I observed in the previous thread on this subject you will
         | still be able to gate features, just you won't use the UA to do
         | it. It might also be that being able to detect exactly what
         | browser someone is using will become a much harder undertaking,
         | requiring significant investment of developer hours, that only
         | some companies will have the resources to invest.
         | owenmarshall wrote:
         | It's a great technical decision that may hopefully drive sites
         | towards web standards, but technical decisions don't exist in a
         | vacuum and can't be analyzed in them.
         | The world's biggest advertisement provider's browser arm isn't
         | going to turn off a source of fingerprinting data unless they
         | simply don't need it anymore. It's far more likely that Google
         | is pulling the ladder up behind them: they can identify users
         | without that fingerprinting data, so it's beneficial to deny it
         | to their competitors.
         | This can be simultaneously a great technical decision and a
         | decision that entrenches Google.
         | cpeterso wrote:
         | Google can start by phasing out UA sniffing on their own
         | websites, such Google Stadia blocking Microsoft's Chromium Edge
         | users:
         | https://winbuzzer.com/2020/01/03/google-stadia-is-currently-...
         | Lx1oG-AWb6h_ZG0 wrote:
         | Meanwhile, Google is forcing this massive change across the web
         | right now by defaulting cookies to SameSite=Lax, something that
         | breaks a lot of login scenarios. The only way to fix it is to
         | start emitting SameSite=None. BUT WAIT, a lot of fairly recent
         | browsers (e.g., iOS < 13, Chrome 51-66) don't support it, so
         | you actually need to do this crazy user agent sniffing to not
         | break things: https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-
         | site/incompatible-clie....
         | I find it ridiculous that one part of Chrome is forcing me to
         | add user agent sniffing while another part is trying to
         | deprecate it. They need to get their act together: their
         | decisions have massive consequences across the ecosystem and
         | they need to be more responsible.
           | StavrosK wrote:
           | I've seen this complaint a lot, and to me it amounts to
           | saying "this default is wildly insecure but is used by a tiny
           | fraction of sites, so I'd rather keep the insecure default
           | rather than ask those sites to add a single header".
           | Perhaps you can correct me on why that's not so.
             | jes5199 wrote:
             | because adding that single header breaks the behavior on
             | old browsers
             | thayne wrote:
             | The problem isn't that they need to add a header. The
             | problem is that they need to add the header _or not_
             | depending on which browser is making the request. Which
             | means you have to sniff the user agent, even though pretty
             | much everyone agrees browser agent sniffing causes
             | problems, and the same browser that is pushing this change
             | is also trying to get rid of the only way to know if that
             | header should be set or not.
             | And I think the chrome team could have come up with a
             | solution that didn't involve browser sniffing, such as
             | sending a header in the request identifying that
             | SameSite=Lax is the defualt, or that SameSite=None is
             | accepted. But instead they recommended sniffing the user-
             | agent string.
               | StavrosK wrote:
               | I don't understand why you sometimes need to not send the
               | header. What happens if you do, in those cases?
               | yuliyp wrote:
               | https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198181 . If you
               | tell Safari SameSite=None it treats it as
               | SameSite=Strict. If you tell Chrome a couple months from
               | now without SameSite=None, you get SameSite=Lax. There's
               | no way to do this without UA sniffing.
               | StavrosK wrote:
               | That seems like a pretty egregious bug, presumably
               | there's a spec someone is in violation of?
               | yuliyp wrote:
               | The blame lies somewhere between Safari and Chrome. The
               | "None" value was added after the Safari implementation,
               | and then Chrome wants to do the default-changing this
               | year now. Unfortunately it looks like the fix isn't going
               | to get backported to iOS 12, so here we are :-(
             | bryanrasmussen wrote:
             | Currently (unless this has change in the past couple weeks)
             | if you add SameSite=None on Safari it will treat it as
             | SameSite=Strict.
             | https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198181
             | So this means that if you need to use SameSite=None you
             | cannot without UA sniffing, which I think is what the
             | parent was complaining about.
         | jackjeff wrote:
         | I have been on receiving end of browser bugs, developing
         | cutting edge JavaScript applications.
         | It's _VERY_ useful to be able to use the UA string to do
         | something like:
         | if (Chrome version X) then { do this crazy workaround because
         | Chrome is broken }
         | No. People don't even necessarily update to the latest version.
         | The "Samsung Browser" was notorious for seemingly _always_ be
         | some old fork of Chrome or Chromium that would _never_ update.
           | AdamTReineke wrote:
           | +1. The number of rendering invalidation bugs I had to work
           | around in mobile Safari is crazy.
           | `if(affectedBrowserUA) { elem.style.transform =
           | 'translate3d(0,0,0); elem.style.transform = ''; }`
           | Edit: I guess you can achieve the same thing through UA
           | client hints. Just need to add a new JS file that reads the
           | request headers and maps them into JS globals.
             | tbodt wrote:
             | There's a proposed API for JavaScript to get the same
             | information.
               | AdamTReineke wrote:
               | Oh, yup, I see that now. That was the next point after
               | the headers one in the spec.
           | kerkeslager wrote:
           | I'd argue that if you're doing this you can't have tested
           | your JavaScript on many platforms. This breaks very quickly
           | in my experience. Feature detection[1] is a much better
           | strategy. That can get complicated too, but often there are
           | third-party polyfills that can do that for you.
           | [1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Learn/Tools_and_tes...
           | pornel wrote:
           | That approach is fragile, because it won't stop applying the
           | crazy workaround after Chrome version Y fixes the problem.
           | You can't know which version it's going to be, and there's a
           | chance you won't be maintaining that code anymore then.
             | wvenable wrote:
             | But if you can't sniff the browser version, you might still
             | have to apply the crazy work around forever because you
             | have no way of knowing when to stop. It works both ways.
               | dessant wrote:
               | The correct approach is to use feature detection. There
               | are libraries available for it, such as Modernizr [1].
               | [1] https://modernizr.com/docs/#what-is-feature-detection
               | Lx1oG-AWb6h_ZG0 wrote:
               | But this is only accessible on the client side, what
               | about all the other backcompat code on the server side
               | (like the SameSite issue mentioned elsewhere in the
               | thread?) Or server-side rendering? Are we not supposed to
               | care about progressive enhancement anymore?
               | microtherion wrote:
               | For that to work, browsers would also have to accurately
               | advertise their own bugs/quirks, which might be a
               | difficult ask.
               | ebiester wrote:
               | Wouldn't those quirks be sufficient to fingerprint in the
               | same way?
               | microtherion wrote:
               | What if the DOM looks perfectly normal, but doesn't
               | render correctly?
               | pixelbash wrote:
               | The fundamental issue with this is it tells you about
               | what's there when what you need to know is what's broken
               | (not even necessarily what's missing).
               | Kiro wrote:
               | I build HTML5 games and I need to use very specific hacks
               | for certain browsers, e.g. use a different offscreen
               | canvas implementation for Safari due to performance. I
               | can't use feature detection since it's not about a
               | missing feature.
               | wvenable wrote:
               | You can't always feature detect bugs. I'm not sure why
               | this entire thread is filled "use feature detection" when
               | it's been historically clear that it isn't sufficient.
               | shakna wrote:
               | Part of the proposed deprecation of the useragent is a JS
               | API to expose the information.
               | [deleted]
               | Rebelgecko wrote:
               | A JS API that tells you which bugs exist in the browser?
               | shakna wrote:
               | > Where feature detection fails developers, UA Client
               | Hints are the right path forward.
               | UA Client Hints will provide: brand, major version, full
               | version, platform brand and architecture, platform
               | architecture, model and whether it should be treated as a
               | mobile platform.
               | If you were using the UserAgent to guess if the browser
               | was a particular version with a particular bug, now you
               | don't have to parse something and probably get it wrong.
               | Jon_Lowtek wrote:
               | > UA Client Hints will provide: brand, major version, ...
               | It seems you are using "Mozilla 5.0". Your browser is
               | really out of date!
               | Please consider updating to rand("Googlebot/2.1",
               | "Version/7", "XUL/97", "HTML/5").
               | shakna wrote:
               | There's no guarantee the user's browser will just hand
               | over that information with the new spec:
               | > User agents ought to exercise judgement before granting
               | access to this information, and MAY impose restrictions
               | above and beyond the secure transport and delegation
               | requirements noted above.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Great, now my server side rendering code needs to inject
               | JS into the customer to feedback agent capabilities.
               | shakna wrote:
               | Or check the proposed headers that will also get sent:
               | Sec-CH-Arch, Sec-CH-Model, Sec-CH-Platform, Sec-CH-UA,
               | Sec-CH-Mobile.
               | Jon_Lowtek wrote:
               | Sec-CH-Mobile ? - please tell me the meaning of this is
               | "user agent changes position, refresh positional data
               | often" ( _checks the specs_ )                 user agent
               | prefers a "mobile" user experience.
               | the spec is a tautology using air-quotes :/
               | shakna wrote:
               | That makes sense to me. Different websites will have
               | different expectations of what specifics a mobile
               | experience will need. It may just be different style
               | sheets, or the dev will need to take into account the
               | activity of their particular site, such as reducing
               | background connections to preserve battery life, etc.
               | Jon_Lowtek wrote:
               | Surprisingly i do know what >> "mobile" experience <<
               | means in this context and can therefor make sense of
               | this, too. I am just making fun of it by pretending i am
               | reading a technical document that is supposed to specify
               | how to build a sane and reliable system ;-)
               | Spivak wrote:
               | Which is silly since the information that's needed to
               | work around version specific bugs is ($vendor, $version)
               | so people will just end up depending on that and it will
               | start the cycle again.
               | I appreciate the idealism of "if your standard's
               | compliant site doesn't work in Chrome 142 then it's
               | Google's problem" but I can't just throw up my hands and
               | let my site be broken.
               | shakna wrote:
               | > so people will just end up depending on that and it
               | will start the cycle again.
               | The User Hints spec specifically says that user agents
               | aren't required to provide them in all circumstances, and
               | that they shouldn't be provided in some.
               | > User agents ought to exercise judgement before granting
               | access to this information, and MAY impose restrictions
               | above and beyond the secure transport and delegation
               | requirements noted above.
               | The message from Google is clear: Whilst we understand
               | you want to work around bugs, and this is the only way to
               | do it, you really should be second-guessing whether you
               | need to touch this API at all.
               | kerkeslager wrote:
               | You can't always detect browser version, either.
               | Hard problems are hard, but my experience, and the
               | recommended approach by browser implementers, is that
               | feature detection works better.
           | henryfjordan wrote:
           | In the short-term this might be annoying, but in the longer
           | term this is going to force browsers to adhere more closely
           | to standards. When sites are less able to write different
           | code for different browsers, the onus to fix inconsistencies
           | will transfer from site-maintainers to browser-maintainers.
           | In 5 years you might look back and realize you no longer
           | write browser-specific code any more.
             | jedberg wrote:
             | > In 5 years you might look back and realize you no longer
             | write browser-specific code any more.
             | We said the same thing when IE started losing market share
             | a decade ago.
             | The problem is, everyone who makes a browser thinks they
             | have the best ideas in the world, and then impliment them,
             | but their users _never_ blame the browser.
             | If someone is trying to access your site and it breaks, do
             | you really think they're going to say, "dang, I should
             | really tell Chrome to fix their incompatibility".
             | No, they will always assume the error lies with the site
             | owner.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | I have been involved with Web development in some form
             | since late 90's, nice utopia that will never happen.
             | Unless in 5 years we have only Chrome left, then surely.
       | danShumway wrote:
       | Requires some complicated conversations about how client hints
       | should work in a privacy-respecting way, but this is still
       | unquestionably the right move.
       | The arguments we're seeing are around what the replacement should
       | be (or if there should be a replacement at all). But either of
       | those scenarios are still better than keeping user agents as they
       | are.
       | arendtio wrote:
       | As a KDE User, I am so happy every time I see 'KHTML' in one of
       | those User-Agent strings, it would be horrible if Konquerors
       | legacy would be removed one day ;-)
       | So it is good they don't want to remove it, but just freeze it :D
       | at_a_remove wrote:
       | I have mixed feelings on this. On the other hand, I knew some
       | people above me who are still stuck on useragent sniffing as the
       | "way to go."
       | On the other hand, I did use it in combination with other
       | techniques to provide some real information. At one point I had a
       | hard-to-even-track kind of problem, with difficulty even looking
       | for common trends. I created a help form for the user. Please
       | fill out when this occurred, where you were (this mattered), what
       | OS were you running, what browser, and so forth. What I found
       | using the UA (and backed by other tricks) was that many users,
       | young users who were enrolled in college, were not only unaware
       | of their browser or operating system version but the OS itself.
       | Its utility began its decline when the browser makers began
       | copying one another wholesale. It's kind of a shame. Capability-
       | testing _is_ better but for some troubleshooting applications,
       | having something particular to pin your problems to is handy.
         | miohtama wrote:
         | Please see UA Client Hints linked in the proposal
         | https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/
         | You should still get this information, but more privacy
         | oriented manner.
           | earthboundkid wrote:
           | I know no one RTFAs (I usually don't even RTFA), but in this
           | case, it's really egregious. The whole discussion is going
           | back and forth about UA sniffing with no one mentioning that
           | the damn proposal is entirely based on adding UA Client Hints
           | as a replacement. It makes this whole multi-hundred comment
           | discussion pretty much valueless. Please, other commenters:
           | read this link before discussing whether you're caremad about
           | "like Gecko" in the UA string!
             | mkl wrote:
             | In this case, it seems like you didn't read the discussion
             | either. Many people have been talking about UA Client Hints
             | here, before you commented.
       | saagarjha wrote:
       | Safari tried to do this but had to walk back some of their
       | changes: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=180365.
       | Currently, it reports the marketing OS and version of Safari
       | truthfully, while lying about the bundled version of WebKit. For
       | example, my user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
       | 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1
       | Safari/605.1.15", but I am running Safari 13.1, WebKit
       | 15609.1.13.4 on macOS Catalina 10.15.3.
         | dangerface wrote:
         | Safari is a broken mess, I have to detect and fix it more than
         | any other browser, makes sense they would make it even more
         | broken.
           | Joker_vD wrote:
           | Oh boy. Right now, I am implementing a workaround for
           | websockets in Safari on iOS 13 -- apparently, they've somehow
           | broken their already non-standard "x-webkit-deflate-frame"
           | compression scheme and can't properly send fragmented
           | messages anymore when it's enabled: they mess up the zlib
           | stream at the start of the second fragment (or maybe at the
           | end of the first fragment).
           | realusername wrote:
           | I agree with that, I don't know if it's a lack of manpower on
           | Safari and Safari mobile or what but it's severely far behind
           | the other browsers.
             | londons_explore wrote:
             | Being a monopoly on iPhones means the rest of the community
             | has to work around their bugs. Why would they put any
             | effort into fixing those bugs - web devs are working around
             | them just fine?
             | Safari could say "Sorry - <div> tags aren't working in the
             | current release", and all big websites would switch to
             | other html tags in a matter of weeks.
             | AgloeDreams wrote:
             | Well, Chrome was based on Webkit for a while and then they
             | forked it and as a result stopped contributing to it. For
             | Google, Chrome is a major product (as it forces their
             | Search engine and products). For Apple, Safari is pretty
             | minor. Apple simply doesn't have a reason to throw so much
             | manpower at it.
             | dmitriid wrote:
             | Chrome published a draft of User-Agent Client Hints only a
             | month ago. They are already moving ahead to deprecate user
             | Agent string and saying "Where feature detection fails
             | developers, UA Client Hints are the right path forward" (a
             | thing that's not even a standard yet).
             | Safari has been very wary of this break-neck speed of how
             | Chrome imposes Google's view of standards onto the world.
             | WebKit team has even walked away from proposals when
             | concerns were not addressed (sadly, I can't find the link
             | in GitHub issues right now. Edit: [1]).
             | And yes, lack of manpower is another pressing concern.
             | [1] https://github.com/WICG/construct-
             | stylesheets/issues/45#issu...
             | "Now I consider this issue as an absolute show stopper. I
             | don't think we want to ever implement this feature in
             | WebKit unless this issue is resolved."
               | ksec wrote:
               | And that is what I like about Safari, instead of blindly
               | following every single proposal from Google. Many of them
               | are not really well thought out.
       | dijit wrote:
       | Google recently introduced a new "secure" login page which forces
       | my chromium based browser (qutebrowser) to fake a Mozilla firefox
       | user agent in order to work.
       | As such, I think if detection comes in some other form, it might
       | be harder to trick some sites into working properly.
         | magicalist wrote:
         | > _Google recently introduced a new "secure" login page which
         | forces my chromium based browser (qutebrowser)_
         | That's an _embedded_ chromium browser and according to [1] you
         | should really be switching to oauth for login, not faking a UA
         | string.
         | [1] https://security.googleblog.com/2019/04/better-protection-
         | ag...
           | The-Compiler wrote:
           | It isn't - in that blogpost, Google describes:
           | "However, one form of phishing, known as "man in the middle"
           | (MITM), is hard to detect when an embedded browser framework
           | (e.g., Chromium Embedded Framework - CEF) or another
           | automation platform is being used for authentication. MITM
           | intercepts the communications between a user and Google in
           | real-time to gather the user's credentials (including the
           | second factor in some cases) and sign in."
           | In other words, the OAuth sign in is intended for
           | applications which want to access the Google APIs in some
           | way.
           | qutebrowser (as an application) doesn't need access to your
           | Google Account in any way. It doesn't care about your Google
           | authentication data, and it doesn't use Google APIs.
         | zzzcpan wrote:
         | Despite all the PR about "privacy", they don't seem to intend
         | to prevent detection at all and are introducing even more
         | surface for detection with client hints. Basically the opposite
         | of what the title implies.
           | rowan_m wrote:
           | Client Hints (https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/) move a
           | passive fingerprinting vector to an active one, i.e.
           | information must be explicitly requested by the site and then
           | the browser can choose how to respond.
           | The default level of information exposed drops to just the
           | browser name and major version, which is only sent to sites
           | on HTTPS and with JavaScript enabled.
           | Additional hints are only sent on subsequent requests by the
           | browser if the site sends the matching header in its initial
           | response and the browser chooses to send a value. The current
           | set of proposed hints define the same amount of information
           | exposed Chrome's User-Agent string.
             | zzzcpan wrote:
             | That's not an active fingerprinting vector, especially
             | within the context of https, still passive one with a minor
             | protocol detail.
             | HorstG wrote:
             | Yes, but the fear remains that all sites will just always
             | request everything from ua-client-hints. It is also totally
             | unclear how browsers will handle this. I think making this
             | permissioned will just add to the PrivacyNagOverload. Also,
             | browsers will continue to lie in the hints because sites
             | will always make broken assumptions or even try to do
             | mischief with the info.
             | I think the only winning move is not to play: Freeze the
             | User-Agent and do not provide a replacement. Or at the very
             | least, make the replacement based on actual feature bits,
             | not version numbers and device models.
               | rowan_m wrote:
               | This is part of what the Privacy Budget
               | (https://github.com/bslassey/privacy-budget) proposal
               | aims to tackle. Freezing the User-Agent string reduces
               | the amount of information exposed by default. UA Client
               | Hints means the site has to explicitly request the
               | additional information. The browser makes a choice about
               | how to allocate / enforce budget. You're right though
               | about how that works and how it would be exposed to the
               | user in their browser still being open questions! More
               | permission pop-ups certainly aren't the answer.
               | HorstG wrote:
               | That would still cause pages to do evil things if users
               | set their privacy budget to "0/paranoid" or anything
               | below "11/just gimme all".
               | Just as with adblockers users will be nagged about
               | "please turn that dial to 11". On average nothing will
               | improve except for users who are able enough to get
               | around those shenanigans even now.
               | danShumway wrote:
               | I think there's a fundamental principle/security in
               | privacy that we don't really understand broadly enough
               | across the industry -- that if you allow someone to know
               | whether or not you're hiding/disabling something, they
               | can often just force you to change the setting.
               | Just as one example, active-permissions that can be
               | revoked after being granted aren't perfect, but are a big
               | step up over manifests, because they're more work to
               | exploit and often allow users to retroactively change
               | permissions after an app checks if they're allowed.
               | Not to pick on the Privacy Budget specifically, but I
               | worry that proposals like this don't really _get_ that
               | larger principle yet -- that it 's still something we
               | haven't quite internalized in the privacy community. If a
               | site exceeds the privacy budget, it shouldn't get told.
               | It should just get misinformation.
               | It's like autoplay permissions. Autoplay permissions on
               | web audio are awful, because you can just keep trying
               | things until you get around the restriction. What would
               | be better is to auto-mute the tab, because that would be
               | completely invisible to code running on the page.
               | HorstG wrote:
               | Agreed, for things like autoplay. But dual-use features
               | like feature detection that also enables fingerprinting
               | cannot be replaced by randomized misinformation because
               | that would really randomly break legitimate stuff.
               | The only privacy-conscious way would be no feature-
               | detection at all or a very coarse-grained approach like
               | "I support HTML2021".
               | danShumway wrote:
               | Sort of.
               | You can't lie that you do support something, but you can
               | lie in the opposite direction. And for sites that
               | legitimately need that feature to function, you don't get
               | much benefit -- if a site genuinely needs Chrome's Native
               | File access, saying that you don't have it just means the
               | site won't work.
               | But there's a grey area past that, which is that sites
               | that don't need a feature, but are just using it to
               | fingerprint, can have that feature broken without
               | repercussion. If a news site requests Native File Access,
               | and I say "I don't support that", then whatever.
               | This puts engineers in an interesting position. You can't
               | just break your site whenever the full range of features
               | that every browser supports aren't available, because:
               | A) You want to support a wide range of browsers, and if
               | your news site doesn't work with multiple browsers you're
               | just losing potential market.
               | B) A fingerprinting metric that just rejects every
               | browser that doesn't support _everything_ is not an
               | effective fingerprinter. At that point, we basically have
               | the corse-grained approach you 're talking about.
               | The problem with this approach is that when a site
               | requests capabilities, you need some way to figure out
               | whether or not they're actually required, and whether or
               | not you can lie about them. Permission prompts are...
               | well, there are probably UXs that work, but most of them
               | are also probably too annoying to use. In practice, I
               | suspect that manually tagging sites is not an
               | insurmountable task -- adblockers already kind of do this
               | today.
               | One thing to push for with Client Hints is that it
               | really, really needs to be an API that's interceptable
               | and controllable by web extensions.
               | The same thing is true of fonts today -- if you lie and
               | say you already have a font that you don't,
               | congratulations, your text rendering is broken. But you
               | can still lie about _not_ having fonts, and you can still
               | standardize your installed fonts to a smaller subset to
               | make your browser less unique.
             | ori_b wrote:
             | > _Client Hints (https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/)
             | move a passive fingerprinting vector to an active one, i.e.
             | information must be explicitly requested by the site and
             | then the browser can choose how to respond._
             | And how much of a hurdle is that, exactly?
       | dangerface wrote:
       | This is a backwards step, I get the user agent is revealing
       | things it has no right to like os, but not all browsers are made
       | equal I need to know what its capable of.
         | AgloeDreams wrote:
         | They are adding a property for this. A browser will expose a
         | bunch of 'I Support this' flags and client hints rather than a
         | browser version.
       | shortercode wrote:
       | This seems particularly unhelpful for bug reporting systems.
       | Being able to see a specific bug is only happening on Chromium 78
       | for Linux can save a lot of time and frustration. In theory the
       | user can fill in the details on a bug report themselves, but it's
       | hard enough to persuade them to copy paste the crash message we
       | generate for them at the moment.
         | penagwin wrote:
         | There should be better ways to identify the browser than the
         | user agent. The user agent is a legacy artifact, have you seen
         | how many "compatibility" parts are in there? Like why does the
         | chrome user agent say "Mozilla" in iy?
           | samastur wrote:
           | Yes, but do you know any?
           | UA is the only thing I get in server logs to discover how
           | much attention I should pay to support particular browsers.
             | penagwin wrote:
             | There's not really a good server side way to do it
             | unfortunately. All the current alternatives to my knowledge
             | require js.
             | It depends on your application but the only real
             | alternative is to use a js analytics library to collect the
             | statistics. The good news is that they're more accurate,
             | can give you more information, and there's plenty of self
             | hosted options like Matomo.
             | But it is yet another thing the client as to load, and
             | adblockers will likely skew your metrics.
             | miohtama wrote:
             | User agent strings will be deprecated in favour of UA
             | Client Hints, as mentioned in the proposal
             | https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/
       | devit wrote:
       | How about doing this but also NOT providing the client hints API
       | and NOT providing any way for JavaScript to explicitly ask for OS
       | and browser product name and version?
       | While browser and JavaScript engines are likely to continue being
       | detectable due to behavior and performance for the foreseeable
       | future, it's probably possible to make the OS, browser frontend
       | and exact engine version undetectable.
         | tracker1 wrote:
         | How do you propose, without some sort of browser and os
         | detection and version to address specific bugs for those
         | environments? Just leave a site/app broken for a few months
         | until/if/when the browser fixes the bug?
         | marcusarmstrong wrote:
         | Browser vendor/version is hugely important information for
         | triaging issues and implementing progressive enhancement
         | approaches on large scale websites.
           | tyingq wrote:
           | Perhaps, but it invalidates most of their stated reasons for
           | doing this. Which makes the post a confusing read.
             | marcusarmstrong wrote:
             | IMO it's explained better in the Client Hints
             | specification.
               | HorstG wrote:
               | Client hints are not any more useful than traditional UA
               | for privacy or progressive enhancement. Its the same
               | content, just split up. Any browser not sending
               | everything will have atrocious permission UX, nagging
               | websites or just get the broken IE5 version.
               | UA hints solve nothing, even after reading the spec
             | magicalist wrote:
             | > _it invalidates most of their stated reasons_
             | The "main advantages" section for client hints all seem to
             | apply there.
           | [deleted]
           | minitech wrote:
           | Triaging issues, sure. Progressive enhancement? If you're
           | parsing User-Agent to implement that, you're doing it wrong.
           | (Feature detection is the correct approach, when necessary.)
             | marcusarmstrong wrote:
             | Can't feature detect during SSR, so making an educated
             | guess and falling back gracefully (when possible--many
             | times it just isn't, as with ES6 syntax) is important to
             | get initial page load right by default.
               | [deleted]
               | zamadatix wrote:
               | Because so many people abused the user agent header for
               | things that could gracefully fall back (or they just made
               | invalid assumptions from it) it was made an unreliable
               | indicator for times you actually want to send shimmed
               | content on first load.
             | nicoburns wrote:
             | There are cases like IndexedDB bugs in certain versions of
             | Safari that are very hard to feature detect...
             | grose wrote:
             | Here's an official Google page telling you to sniff UAs or
             | their new feature will break everything:
             | https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site/incompatible-
             | clie...
             | Edit: OK, this isn't progressive enhancement. But it's
             | still a major problem you have to sniff the User-Agent for.
             | I don't want to sniff UAs either but when Chrome is wont to
             | change how fundamental parts of the web work like cookies
             | it's sometimes necessary. I know UA hints will still allow
             | you to do this, but requiring a second request is going to
             | make things like redirect pages difficult to implement.
               | minitech wrote:
               | SameSite=None isn't progressive enhancement.
               | grose wrote:
               | You're right, I should have replied elsewhere. By the
               | way, if anyone knows what this _is_ called I would be
               | interested to know. As far as I can see it's basically
               | feature detection with no other way of detecting it
               | besides the UA.
           | [deleted]
         | pteraspidomorph wrote:
         | Seems to be the Firefox plan according to the text.
       | toast0 wrote:
       | I may be cynical, but the Accept-CH proposal seems to me like
       | something proposed for appearances only, not with any intent to
       | actually implement.
       | It just doesn't make sense from the perspective of HTTP. The only
       | existing flow where an HTTP server passes context to the client
       | and the client makes a new request based on that is HTTP
       | authentication; but that's not intended to be optional ---
       | generally servers don't provide good enough content with HTTP 401
       | and expect clients to display it in case they don't feel like
       | authenticating. In this proposed flow, the server would need to,
       | at least, start sending the content on the original request, and
       | then send it again in case the client actually sends a new
       | request.
       | If this is an HTTPS only feature, the server to client request
       | could be moved up into the TLS handshake; the client could
       | include an empty Accept-CH extension, and if present, the server
       | could include an Accept-CH extension with the fields it wants in
       | HTTP requests. Then the client would send the fields, or not,
       | according to user preference. Zero added round trips.
       | Otherwise, it might be better if the server were able to indicate
       | to clients what its matching rules were. If the initial response
       | returns best case data, and a list of exception rules, the client
       | could send a second request only if the rules matched. Then you
       | could say if it's a specific build of Chrome where important
       | feature is present but broken[1], or Chrome version before X, or
       | Chrome on mobile if ARMv5 or whatever, please disregard the
       | content and refetch with more details provided to the server, so
       | it could provide an appropriate page.
       | [1] Let's say that particular version crashes when the feature is
       | attempted to be used; it's plausible, and not really detectable
       | from Javascript.
       | peterwwillis wrote:
       | It's going to be fun to watch all the product teams for all the
       | web products stop all their active development so they can push
       | through emergency fixes when this breaks their products. Just
       | like Chrome 80's breaking of an established cookie use pattern is
       | doing.
       (page generated 2020-01-14 23:00 UTC)