[HN Gopher] Ask HN: How do you handle conflicts with your peers?
       Ask HN: How do you handle conflicts with your peers?
       The question is a generic version of the problem I am facing in my
       team.  A senior person keeps leaving comments to my diffs which are
       at best can be summarized as his preference for doing things.  More
       than not, I end up making those changes, because as they don't
       bring any benefits or harm over one another; trying to convince the
       other person is a more effortful job and also alters the
       relationship with that person for bad.  I am looking for ways how
       you handle similar situations and how I can make best out of it.
       Author : aryamaan
       Score  : 36 points
       Date   : 2020-01-17 13:22 UTC (2 days ago)
       | JohnFen wrote:
       | If a team member is requesting changes that don't cause any harm,
       | then I tend to just make the changes in the interest of overall
       | productivity.
       | If, however, I have a sound technical reason to disagree, then I
       | discuss it with them. 90% of the time, a solution can be arrived
       | at quickly, with one of us seeing that the other's approach is
       | the best one, or both of us finding a third approach.
       | For the other 10% of the time, I've found that both of us are
       | making really solid points. So I rope the rest of the team in on
       | the issue, summarize as accurately and fairly as possible what
       | the dispute is, and what the position of each of us is (if I
       | can't correctly state the other's argument, that means that I
       | don't really understand it -- and that has to be corrected
       | first). So far, every time I've done this it has led to a rapid
       | resolution, often because there's something that both of us
       | missed, but someone else in the team noticed.
         | gherkinnn wrote:
         | > make the changes in the interest of overall productivity
         | I thoroughly disagree.
         | If the changes are indeed inconsequential and a matter if
         | taste, it is a waste of his time to mention these things and a
         | waste of your times to change them.
         | In general, I very much dislike the "oh well, it's not that
         | much effort for me anyway" argument. It's poison and lets wrong
         | people reign supreme.
         | I see no reason to give in to such behaviour.
         | Klathmon wrote:
         | I was in a situation where that 10% of the time in your example
         | was more like 50% of the time, and in my opinion I was the only
         | one making valid points.
         | After months of "losing" discussion after discussion to what I
         | felt like was the worse decision, I ultimately made the
         | decision to leave.
         | I still miss many of the other people at that job even a year
         | later, and I still think the startup is really on to something
         | good, but I couldn't work somewhere that I felt was heading
         | down the wrong path at every decision.
         | For a while I would question if I was wrong to leave or if the
         | main person I disagreed with was right on a lot of points, but
         | I realized that even on a bad day I'm happier where I am now
         | than I ever was at that job.
       | bjourne wrote:
       | You talk to that person.
       | cryptozeus wrote:
       | I would go for a walk over coffee or tea and try to understand
       | the reason for those comments. Walk and coffee makes it informal
       | which shows non conformational approach. Something about walking
       | makes it an easy conversation compare to sitting in the room face
       | to face with looking at each others expressions.
       | omar_a1 wrote:
       | So, I have a related question: What do you do when the comments
       | aren't being made in good faith?
       | In other words, incessant, aggressive, and unsolicited, with the
       | reviewer not backing down even after you've implemented their
       | changes? (e.g. Their previously implimented suggestion now are
       | the wrong approach according to their next round of comments.)
       | I've tried simply going along with it, recognizing my own
       | technical inexperience compared to theirs, but end up getting
       | nothing done because of the capriciously-set goalposts.
       | This has been a recurring problem for me. Any tips?
         | roenxi wrote:
         | The 'perfect scenario' I work on is to try working from inside
         | to out. The first question is "Do I understand?" - maybe the
         | goalposts aren't shifting and there is something going on that
         | you haven't picked up.
         | Checking that you understand involves finding evidence; so now
         | you should have some evidence to go to someone else and ask "Do
         | I understand?". They can help review the evidence and provide a
         | check that it is convincing or at least realistic.
         | Having been thorough and made sure that there isn't something
         | to fix up on the easy side, the next step is going to the
         | reviewer and (gently, slowly but directly) raising concerns
         | they are giving unhelpful feedback. An easy trap here is having
         | evidence while they are going in blind which is a rather
         | threatening imbalance, so give them time (maybe a few days) to
         | think before expecting a response or there might be fireworks.
         | That exhausts the social work, so if the situation is still
         | unresolved consider if it is reasonable to formally escalate
         | the evidence to someone somewhere in the command chain so that
         | they are aware the reviewer needs some coaching.
         | That covers everything that can be done short of quitting.
       | kqr wrote:
       | > More than not, I end up making those changes, because as they
       | don't bring any benefits or harm over one another; trying to
       | convince the other person is a more effortful job
       | Does this imply the other person thinks their suggestions bring
       | significant benefits? (If not, they are already aware of the
       | problem and may just need an explicit reminder.)
       | If they do (and you are sure they are wrong about it), it sounds
       | like they have a miscalibrated sense of what matters -- this
       | would show up in all reviews they do, i.e. affect more people
       | than you. If it doesn't, it could mean more people have this
       | miscalibrated sense.
       | What I'm saying is that you might have just unearthed a huge
       | systemic flaw in your teams review process. The worst thing you
       | can do now is ignore it. Make a thorough effort at creating
       | agreement within the entire team about what the goal if your peer
       | reviews are, and which types of things are important.
       | jimmyvalmer wrote:
       | Nature of the beast, I'm afraid. The "beast" is group
       | programming.
       | First, there ought to be a firmwide linter and style-checker
       | applied to all changesets. This avoids a whole class of reasons
       | to quibble.
       | Second, and this is more controversial, outlaw any "this is how I
       | would have done it" remarks, and institute a policy whereby
       | quibblers make their proposed edits themselves.
       | I need to use git as an example since that's all I know.
       | Quibblers fetch your PR [following this](
       | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27567846/how-can-i-check...),
       | make their changes, and push on another branch, and ask for your
       | counter-review.
       | In the vein of "talk is cheap, show me the code," verbal nitting
       | is too easy and hurts morale. Quibblers, if they feel strongly
       | enough about their nits, need to make a proper effort to
       | "correct" your code themselves.
         | ncheek wrote:
         | My issue with requiring a so-called "quibbler" to develop the
         | proposed change themselves is it puts a high cost on making
         | constructive recommendations.
         | This can be useful for dealing with the type of argumentative
         | person who will find something wrong with anything. But for a
         | busy person who's been assigned a PR to review, this
         | methodology restricts them from offering feedback since they
         | don't have time to develop fixes, only to suggest them.
         | Do you resolve this by ensuring PR reviewers are allocated
         | enough time in their schedule to develop suggested changes?
         | There's another problem here. Requiring others to fix bad code
         | instead of pushing back bad PRs to the original developer
         | removes an incentive for them to write good code. If someone
         | else will fix it, why bother? Do you resolve this at the
         | performance review level?
         | There ought to be some middle ground here, where you can shut
         | down actual quibblers while allowing legitimate feedback to be
         | quickly given.
         | desbo wrote:
         | How do you distinguish between "quibbles" and changes that are
         | worth making yourself? I suspect it's quite a subjective thing.
         | I'd also suggest using a less disparaging term than quibblers.
           | jimmyvalmer wrote:
           | Does it profit anyone to make that distinction? Unless the
           | quibble is a genuine nit (spelling error or one-line change),
           | have the quibbler implement the desired change. Oftimes the
           | quibbler misjudges how much code would have to change to
           | accommodate his "minor quibble." Better to have him figure
           | that out first-hand, than the original author having to
           | convince him herself.
         | sjg007 wrote:
         | I like this solution. It saves a whole bunch of rework. And it
         | forces the person who wants the change (especially after a
         | design review was approved)to put up.
       | tboyd47 wrote:
       | I used to handle this just like you (just shutting up and making
       | the change). There's no specific technique I can give you other
       | than to question your own assumptions.
       | The problem is that this makes you look like you don't know what
       | you're doing even if you DO know what you're doing, and it
       | prevents either of you from arriving at a better solution that
       | might have been revealed with debate and discussion.
       | Unfortunately, on some teams, a strict hierarchy is imposed and
       | you ARE expected to comply with a peer's instruction in all
       | cases, and they might be closed-minded and unwilling to listen.
       | In this case, just shutting up and making the change is the only
       | option. It's very easy to find this out by just asking your
       | manager if you are allowed to push back or not.
       | If this is the case, one thing that helps is to bring them in to
       | give feedback early on - not waiting until you submit your pull
       | request.
       | But if this is NOT the case, then you should reconsider your
       | approach.
       | > they don't bring any benefits or harm over one another
       | That sometimes is the case, but sometimes not. Having cleaner,
       | more consistent, more conventional, or more performant code are
       | all benefits (obviously). But having to spend time rewriting
       | tested & working code is, in fact, a harm. This harm may be
       | outweighed by benefits of a particular change, but it is non-
       | zero. This is something any senior developer on a mission
       | critical project should know.
       | > trying to convince the other person is a more effortful job
       | Why do you think it's your job to convince them you're right?
       | Does it have to involve anything more than stating your case,
       | simply and politely? If you still can't agree, and the issue is
       | too important to let go, why not ask your supervisor or ask for a
       | tie breaker from a third dev?
       | > and also alters the relationship with that person for bad.
       | This is only true if the discussion devolves into personal
       | attacks, like insulting and name-calling. As long as you avoid
       | doing that, pushing back will probably increase the person's
       | respect for you, even if they don't like it. Respect is
       | orthogonal to congeniality; a person might respect you without
       | liking you, and like you without respecting you. Which kind of
       | relationship would you rather have on your team?
         | JohnFen wrote:
         | > The problem is that this makes you look like you don't know
         | what you're doing even if you DO know what you're doing
         | I haven't had this experience at all. In my experience,
         | everyone on a well-functioning team has a good handle on what
         | the skill level of everyone else on the team, and things like
         | this don't alter that.
         | It's a different kettle of fish if the team isn't well-
         | functioning, of course.
           | tboyd47 wrote:
           | I'm not talking about people mistaking juniors for seniors.
           | I'm talking about when a reviewer lacks the context to
           | understand what your code is trying to accomplish - which
           | happens all the time, even on well-functioning teams. Those
           | situations require you speak up and at least try to clue the
           | person in.
           | And yes - if you automatically fire off any change requested
           | of you, then it does give the impression that you don't know
           | what you're doing or don't care. I'm talking from experience.
             | JohnFen wrote:
             | > I'm talking about when a reviewer lacks the context to
             | understand what your code is trying to accomplish - which
             | happens all the time, even on well-functioning teams.
             | Yes, this is why my approach is to discuss it with the
             | reviewer.
             | > I'm talking from experience.
             | We have very different experiences, then. Fair enough!
         | yamrzou wrote:
         | This is the right answer. Thank you.
         | But I still have a question :
         | > Unfortunately, on some teams, a strict hierarchy is imposed
         | and you ARE expected to comply with a peer's instruction in all
         | cases.
         | Or maybe fortunately? How do you handle weighting benefits when
         | the team is flat, i.e. there is no clear hierarchy?
         | Say for example, two senior developers disagree on how to
         | structure a piece of code, because each one finds it more
         | readable his way. Now structuring that code would have
         | implications on other dependent pieces, the team using it, and
         | future development.
         | How do tou handle such disagreement when each member has a
         | strong opinion about the issue?
       | jlengrand wrote:
       | A few ideas :
       | * Sit together as a team, agree on 'best practises'. Summarize
       | them in a written form and refer back to it. Avoids having the
       | same discussions multiple times.
       | * Try to automate all that can be : For example using an auto
       | formatter avoids the 'this method is too long, or the curly
       | braces come here discussions'.
       | * If it is a specific problem with someone, talk about hoew you
       | feel about the behaviour, not whether it's right or wrong.
       | Explaining how you feel can help the person in front understand
       | the facts without having to specifically agree. Feelings are
       | irrational by nature.
       | In the end though : "Arguing with a DEVELOPER is like wrestling
       | with a pig in the mud. After a few minutes you realize the pig
       | likes it."
       | ac2u wrote:
       | Where I work:
       | We encourage people to mark their comments on diffs as to whether
       | it should be regarded as a blocker to being merged, or not a
       | blocker. (Perhaps poster could ask the Senior to do this)
       | Blockers should be comments to correct:
       | - code which goes against either the spirit of the spec or the
       | spec itself, in other words, wrong behaviour.
       | - something which could really harm performance in a meaningful
       | way (back this up with benchmarks)
       | - code which could break something else (probably a sign of a
       | missing test elsewhere)
       | Non blockers should be the subjective things that are the topic
       | of OPs post, but it's the responsibility of the reviewer to make
       | that clear.
       | The committer can then decide whether to implement or not.
       | We couple this with quarterly patterns and practices meetings
       | where we can discuss any of the subjective things which come up
       | over and over again as points of friction. If we can come to an
       | agreement, great, if we can come up with a linter rule to enforce
       | the decision automatically, even better. Then it's removed as a
       | point of interpersonal friction.
       | There's a culture I push for in the company I work for and in the
       | teams within.
       | It's to try and best as possible, to check your ego at the door
       | and regard the code as 'the companies code' rather than 'your
       | code'.
       | This is important to strive for in your Seniors just as much as
       | less-senior developers. (Rank shouldn't be blindly used as
       | barometer of the decision whether to hear out feedback or not).
       | When you keep focus on the culture, working practices start to
       | emerge rather than trying to dictate them from the top down.
         | simplyinfinity wrote:
         | Recently we've come to the same conclusion with my team. With
         | one small distinction, we prefix all comments with tags
         | [nit] : i would do this differently (opinion based) (for vs
         | foeach for example )
         | [tip] : for future reference you can do this in x or y way, or
         | you can use foo framework/language feature, but your way is OK
         | to
         | [blocker] : possible bug,performance,security business logic
         | issues
         | [Q(uestion)]: what is the reasoning behind this code ( could
         | also indicate need for documentation)
         | the nit & tip ones we don't force anyone to fix or even
         | address, but all questions and blockers must be answered &
         | resolved.
           | Klathmon wrote:
           | I've also adopted almost exactly this in all code review
           | comments anywhere.
           | I try to make my intentions of the comment explicit, saying
           | things like "this is a minor nitpick, but..." or "as a tip
           | for future changes, this can be done like..."
         | Jagat wrote:
         | If the comments are non-blocking, I usually accept the diff and
         | leave it to the submitter to do as they please with the review
         | comments.
       | gherkinnn wrote:
       | A few things:
       | - Many stylistic choices can be handled with linters, formatters,
       | styleguides and the like.
       | - Some append a _nit:_ (nitpick) to the comment: "Do with these
       | changes as you please".
       | - Picking on trivial stuff is akin to bike shedding. It takes
       | little to form an opinion on the trivial while the difficult
       | parts are often ignored.
       | - Simply point out that this is a non consequential thing.
       | - Define a CR manual for your team/group/company/whatever. Talk
       | about what should be done, what ought to be ignored. An open
       | discussion often sheds light on people's motivations.
       | - Pair with said dev and talk it through in person.
       | - He might just be a bastard, in which case normal solutions just
       | don't work anymore.
       | nfRfqX5n wrote:
       | If I was your manager I'd like to know about stuff like this so I
       | could try to help figure something out. Unfortunately it would
       | feel like snitching for you and your actual manager + coworker
       | might feel the same way. I usually try to avoid being a "problem
       | employee", so often end up just going down the path of least
       | resistance. It's a tough situation, especially if teammates who
       | are senior to you struggle with leadership and decision making.
       | stackzero wrote:
       | Some quickfire help:
       | - Agree on a team policy for code reviews, formatting, style,
       | etc. (this alone should eliminate most of the subjectivity)
       | - Read and share this https://google.github.io/eng-
       | practices/review/ with the team
       | - Design discussions could be agreed on before code is written
       | axaxs wrote:
       | So, I don't feel the senior person in this case is necessarily
       | wrong. So many languages give you 30 ways to do anything, it's
       | key for a team to agree on standards so that code is more easily
       | read by everyone on the team. If you disagree about the style
       | being suggested, don't argue back directly, but instead try to
       | set up a quick chat with him/her and/or the team to suggest a
       | different way of doing things. Having each member of a team
       | having their own unique style gets annoying and confusing, to be
       | honest.
       | As for conflict in general... communication. Be absolutely
       | direct, but not confrontational. Do not be passive aggressive, or
       | round a bout in your words. That's always worked for me, at least
       | - not for getting my way, but getting clarification in the
       | shortest time possible.
       | jeffrallen wrote:
       | Be excellent to one another, dudes.
       | gwbas1c wrote:
       | A code review / pull request is supposed to be a discussion among
       | professionals about how to make the code the best it can be. This
       | includes:
       | - (Onboarding)
       | -- Making sure you use common style / naming conventions so that
       | code is readable as different developers work on it
       | -- Making sure you use common design patterns / dependencies /
       | collections / ect, so that as different developers come in and
       | out of a module, no one needs to re-learn things that just need
       | to be the same
       | [edit] -- Sometimes it's just hard for newcomers to know all the
       | gotchas and longterm consequences. These should be patiently
       | explained.
       | - Readability: Make sure that variable / class / method names
       | make sense
       | - Ask questions: Sometimes a question in a code review means you
       | need to add a comment in code
       | - Knowledge transfer: A reviewer may have more experience with a
       | specific API / pattern / technique
       | Without knowing the specifics of your situation: It could be that
       | your senior colleague just can't "let go" of the fact that they
       | didn't write the code; or it could be a situation where your
       | changes just don't fit with the overall architecture, style, ect.
       | Most likely, one or both of you need to swallow your ego and
       | prioritize the code over your own personal preferences.
       | Side note: In general, you should always follow existing style /
       | patterns / conventions in existing code, unless there is a very
       | clear tangible problem with it. (IE, if all variables have
       | 1-letter names and there's no tabbing, you probably don't want to
       | follow style.)
       | Anecdote:
       | A few years ago, I got a surprise review request from someone
       | from another team. They completely bypassed our dependency
       | injection pattern and did "their own thing." The way they did it
       | was a perfectly fine pattern, but it didn't match the pattern
       | with the rest of the product. Long-term, it would create a huge
       | maintenance problem if there were 1-off modules that used
       | different patterns.
       | I'm sure the other party thought that my review "can be
       | summarized as his preference for doing things," but that wasn't
       | the case: I was more concerned about long-term maintainability
       | when other people needed to maintain their new code.
       | Anecdote 2:
       | In other cases, I sometimes block a review on confusing variable
       | names. Yes, naming a variable "file" might make sense to a
       | newcomer, but after working with the codebase for a long time, I
       | know that "fileHandle", "filePath", ect, are much more readable.
       | [Edit 2]:
       | > also alters the relationship with that person for bad.
       | Talk to your manager about that.
       | thiago_fm wrote:
       | Do more pair programming(preferably with him) and avoid having
       | that issue at code review.
       | Bring that issue up with your direct supervisor on 1 on 1s, if
       | you have them.
       | Is that just happening with you?
       | Is he really just his own preferences, or something widely
       | accepted, but you are fed up with him?
       | I'd ask myself multiple questions and try to understand why does
       | he do that, and also try to show some empathy and try to onboard
       | more people on it. Work isn't only about coding, but also social
       | relationships and navigating politics. You can learn a lot by
       | facing the problem.
         | aryamaan wrote:
         | > Is he really just his own preferences or something widely
         | accepted, but you are fed up with him?
         | > Work isn't only about coding, but also social relationships
         | and navigating politics. You can learn a lot by facing the
         | problem.
         | I generally do think about these questions, I will still try to
         | be more mindful about them.
       | nitwit005 wrote:
       | If they're largely stylistic changes like whitespace, loop style,
       | or something of that nature, you could just ask them to write up
       | a doc on what they want. Many companies have such a document.
       | Jemaclus wrote:
       | This isn't specific to code comments, but one soft skill that
       | everyone should learn is how to have conversations with high
       | stakes. The code changes might not be high stakes, but having a
       | good relationship with your peer is very high stakes.
       | I recommend a book called "Crucial Conversations". You can find
       | it on Amazon. It's a fantastic book about how to recognize that
       | you're making "The Fool's Choice" (their words)... and how to get
       | out of it.
       | To apply the book to your case, you've boxed yourself into two
       | options (I.e., The Fool's Choice): 1) I can argue with this
       | person and could have an unfavorable outcome, or 2) give in and
       | just do what they want. This is actually a false dichotomy --
       | there are other options! One of the possible options is to turn
       | that choice into a question by turning them into an AND option
       | instead of OR options. In other words, instead of asking yourself
       | "Should I make the code change OR make them hate me?" you should
       | ask: "How can I nudge them toward my way of thinking AND _not
       | piss them off_?" This alters your frame of mind, and you would
       | approach the conversation much differently than you would before.
       | Anyway, that's the gist of it. The book is fantastic, though, and
       | I recommend you read it. It's a pretty easy read.
       | Good luck!
       | arminiusreturns wrote:
       | It really depends on the situation, but in project management the
       | list of conflict resolution goes like this (not in order):
       | Force, withdraw, smooth, compromise, and collaborate.
       | I don't like this model, I prefer the power, mediation, rules and
       | needs model because it is more action oriented especially for
       | people who aren't managers. If you think there should be one of
       | them that doesn't exist (for example a rule) propose it up the
       | chain, then use said rule to resolve the conflict. Sometimes
       | maneuvers like this take time, for example if you want to use
       | power but don't have it, it can take time to get enough to use it
       | the way you want (and you need to think hard about if it is worth
       | the potential fallout).
       | Generally use empathy and discussion to use needs first, rules
       | second, mediation next, and power as a last resort. That's my
       | approach at least.
       | muzani wrote:
       | Robert Greene writes books on this, on how to tackle conflicts.
       | 48 Laws of Power and 33 Strategies of War specifically.
       | In this case, it's probably just best to tolerate it. It's
       | tempting to try to discourage that kind of behaviour but it
       | rarely works.
       | weitzj wrote:
       | Try to talk together and introduce a tool like a linter. Then let
       | every member commit to the linting rules which should be used by
       | the linter. This way you can decouple the review process and it
       | will be the linter's fault and not a fault of any engineer.
       | But really talk more in your team. Otherwise it is a
       | disfunctional team. Agreeing on a ruleset for a linter is a
       | start.
       | Other idea: draft a ,,code review manifesto" with all team
       | members and let everybody commit/follow this manifesto. Again it
       | will be the consensus of the Team given by the manifesto/linter
       | and not the individual person in case an argument comes up.
       (page generated 2020-01-19 23:00 UTC)