[HN Gopher] Toward Copyleft Equality for All
       Toward Copyleft Equality for All
       Author : pabs3
       Score  : 39 points
       Date   : 2020-01-20 02:07 UTC (20 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (sfconservancy.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (sfconservancy.org)
       | v7x wrote:
       | I see a few comments in here, and have seen similar comments in
       | similar topics in other threads, saying that they dont understand
       | why anyone would choose this over other FOSS licenses. These
       | questions are asked from a developer-centric perspective. FOSS
       | never has been, and never will be, developer-centric. Free as in
       | freedom software was created to be USER-centric. The whole point
       | is to take power AWAY from the developer, because otherwise the
       | balance is always in the developer's favor. The benefit for the
       | developer is that developers are also users, so they in turn
       | benefit from others releasing the software as FOSS, both as
       | libraries to write better software with and as programs used in
       | day to day computing.
       | Any issues companies have with FOSS licenses is entirely on them,
       | assuming they arent one of the few who actively contributes to
       | and fights for FOSS. MongoDB doesn't like competition from
       | Amazon? Understandable. But don't play the victim and then turn
       | around and screw everyone who isn't Amazon over with a license
       | change. Maybe instead you could take some of your shake-down
       | money and put it to good use by lobbying against these
       | monopolistic conglomarates in the valley so that they can't use
       | their overreaching power to screw you with your own code. Maybe
       | instead, you could encourage ALL developers to start using
       | copyleft licenses, instead of the weaker licenses everyone loves
       | to throw on their project these days. Because those weaker
       | licenses are somewhat to blame for this too. What good is a FOSS
       | program if its just going to lead to more proprietary software?
       | How does that help anyone? There's a reason most of the big tech
       | monopolies release most of the open source code they do produce
       | under non-copyleft licenses. Its not because they love FOSS, its
       | so that they can pay lip service to the community and then use it
       | with their the proprietary programs we're so concerned about them
       | surveiling us with. Of course, the retort to all of this is
       | "developers need to eat to, how can we make money off of
       | copyleft?" I have two answers, one thats snarky but possibly
       | helpful and one that's honest but possibly rude, and hopefully
       | enlightening. The first answer is "Ask Qt." "Ask Blender." "Ask
       | Redhat." Ask one of the many companies that do buisiness while
       | still releasing their main software under a FOSS license. They
       | all seem to be doing pretty well. The second answer is that I
       | don't care how or even if you make money. Thats not the reason
       | you release something as FOSS. Never has been, never will be. If
       | you release software as FOSS, its because you believe that there
       | should be a balance of power between developers and users. Its
       | because you believe that sharing information and knowledge is the
       | best way we can improve quality of life for ourselves and those
       | around us. If you can't make those ideals your biggest priority
       | even in the face of financial loss, frankly don't even bother
       | releasing your software as FOSS. I'd rather your software be
       | proprietary. That way I'll know to avoid it and we won't have to
       | waste eachothers time.
       | dredmorbius wrote:
       | Two standout points from this essay:
       | 1. I've long heard that various SaaS companies _really didn 't
       | like_ the Affero General Public License. Kuhn makes a case for
       | why this is a validly justified concern, something I'd not
       | previously considered.
       | 2. The copyleft restriction termination is a _really_ interesting
       | concept, though not without its own set of consequences which
       | should be closely examined. Historically, the advantage of
       | copyleft has been that it applies equally to all. The abuse of it
       | (by firms also marketing properietary solutions) is a problem,
       | but removing copyleft obligations entirely might not go as
       | intended.
       | 3. Copyright assignments to copylefted codebases without an
       | explicit restriction of those to require copyleft-only usage, a
       | distinction which differentiates strongly between the uses at,
       | say, FSF vs. MySQL AG / Oracle, clearly also present issues, as
       | has long been argued.
         | kazinator wrote:
         | That Affero license doesn't seem very useful, because if you
         | depend on code running on someone else's server, it doesn't
         | help you if you have an honest copy of the source code that is
         | actually running on it. You still don't control it. You can't
         | make changes and deploy it to that server, or update it
         | yourself, etc..
         | Free, open-source software is about control: controlling what
         | code manipulates your data.
         | In short, it seems that the license really doesn't really do
         | much of substance for the user, and just saddles the operator
         | with extra burdens.
           | dredmorbius wrote:
           | The Affero license gives you _precisely_ the rights to the
           | _code_. No, it doesn 't give you rights to the _server_ the
           | code runs on, but you can spin up your own server (often
           | little more than a RaPi box, possibly more at scale),
           | avoiding lock-in based on software alone.
           | But it obliges you to provide or make available those changes
           | if the use will "propogate" the work.
           | https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html
             | kazinator wrote:
             | If I spin my own server, why would I care what anyone else
             | has done with their server, code-wise? Does everyone in the
             | world who has publicly installed that server owe me a copy
             | of their source code, even if what I run and use is
             | strictly my own server built from the upstream code?
             | By the way, the AGPL3 definition of "propagate" looks
             | exactly the same as that of the the regular GPL3. Operating
             | software as a server doesn't fall under "propagate".
           | tuukkah wrote:
           | Isn't the point that you can modify and deploy a copy on your
           | own infrastructure?
       | pabs3 wrote:
       | This reminded me of the agreement between Qt and KDE, where if Qt
       | is ever made proprietary, KDE can publish Qt under the BSD
       | license:
       | http://www.olafsw.de/a-better-qt-because-of-open-source-and-...
       | https://old.reddit.com/r/QtFramework/comments/e9376a/trouble...
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21755337
       | kazinator wrote:
       | > _The essence in non-legalese is this: If you offer a license
       | that isn 't a copyleft license, the copyleft provisions collapse
       | and the software is now available to all under a non-copyleft,
       | hyper-permissive FOSS license._
       | Why would anyone choose this?
       | It must be for the sake of giving the downstream users some sort
       | of assurance that a Bad Thing won't happen to them, as a sort of
       | promise.
       | "If we ever commercialize this, we will give all of you the
       | opportunity to do the same."
       | It seems that the only authors for whom it would make sense to
       | choosing this license would be authors who have no intention of
       | going mixed proprietary licensing now, or in the future.
       | Moreover, authors who believe in copyleft FOSS licenses and want
       | to keep the project that way.
       | Someone who chooses that license knowing they will likely issue
       | proprietary versions might as well skip straight to a simpler
       | BSD-style license that is implied in that action.
       | Someone who doesn't believe in copyleft FOSS would also just skip
       | this sort of thing and give the users the "hyper-permissive"
       | license.
       | No matter what promises a copyright holder makes, they can
       | retract them. However, at least this will be in force for users
       | who hold existing copies. So that is to say, if the authors
       | decide to commercialize and switch to Affero GPL, then only the
       | new issues of the software going forward will be bound by that
       | AGPL; the existing users will have the "hyper-permissive" license
       | for the code up to that point.
       | yarrel wrote:
       | > The toxicity of this business model has only become apparent in
       | hindsight.
       | I'm glad that Bradley is drawing critical attention to this
       | issue.
       | > efforts to draft even more restrictive software copyleft
       | licenses
       | A non-free "copyleft" license is not worthy of the name and is a
       | problem because it is non-free, not because of "copyleft".
       | > The clause still needs work
       | The _license_ needs work,it seems to treat copyleft as a form of
       | punishment for authors to be tolerated for a while rather than as
       | a strategy to permanently protect the freedom of all software
       | users.
       | > a basic approach to incorporating similar copyleft equality
       | clauses into written exceptions for existing copyleft licenses,
       | such as the Affero GPL
       | These clauses can and will be removed by downstream users for any
       | alterations or additions they make to the software in order to
       | provide it to their cloud-based users. This will redouble the
       | downstream use dynamics that VC-funded "open source" projects,
       | some of the heaviest users of abusive CLAs, whine about.
         | kazinator wrote:
         | Downstream users cannot remove clauses put in place by the
         | copyright holder, even for alterations that they make, because
         | those are derived works. A pure addition that you make to a
         | copylefted program is your copyright; you have to license it in
         | a way which is compatible with that program, but otherwise it
         | can be anything. E.g. you can add 2-Clause-BSD-licensed code to
         | a GPL-ed program and then redistribute that to your own
         | downstream users. The GPL still applies to the thing as a
         | whole; users can use just your portion alone under its BSD
         | license (like borrow the code into another program).
       | zeveb wrote:
       | I believe that this is arguing from a false premise: the reason
       | that companies despise the AGPL is not, I think, that they fear
       | that they fear accidentally violating copyleft and thus being
       | forced to buy a proprietary license but rather than they simply
       | want to have their cake and eat it too: copyleft for thee but not
       | for me. They want to use software for free but not grant the
       | rights they received to their own users.
       | Thus a provision reverting to a BSD-style license in case of
       | proprietary licensing would, I believe, do nothing to encourage
       | them to use it in the first place.
       | _frkl wrote:
       | I'm torn. On one side I do like this idea, on the other hand I
       | don't see a practical way to work on exploratory open source
       | software in some areas where your effort (even if it actually
       | ends up delivering value to somebody) will be rewarded
       | adequately. The existing models (open core, support contracts,
       | donations, ...) may work here and there (although some of those
       | would be invalidated by this suggestion), but compared to a
       | traditional strategy just writing proprietary code it's quite a
       | bit more difficult to make money. And I reckon that is difficult
       | enough as it is...
         | shmerl wrote:
         | I don't think anyone suggested that it should be easy to make
         | money that way. It was and likely will always be more
         | difficult. Which doesn't mean it shouldn't be done.
       | tptacek wrote:
       | The premise of this post is that dual-licensing --- offering a
       | piece of serverside or on-prem commercial software under (A)GPL
       | terms, with a proprietary license available for firms that want
       | unrestricted usage --- is "seedy". It's not clear to me how that
       | premise is justified, and Kuhn's claim that the model has failed
       | to increase software freedom seems totally unjustified.
       | At the heart of Kuhn's argument about "seediness" seems to be
       | CLAs, which is where a third-party developer using software under
       | FOSS terms is asked to sign the rights to their modifications
       | over to the original vendor. If CLAs were coercive, this would
       | indeed be seedy: FOSS developers would be getting baited into
       | contributing to commercial products. But CLAs aren't coercive;
       | the AGPL requires only that you meet the requirements of the
       | license itself, not that you sign away your rights to your own
       | modifications. People sign CLAs because they want their
       | modifications upstreamed, and to avoid maintaining forks, not
       | because they're legally required to do so.
       | Meanwhile, the kinds of software we talk about when we talk about
       | the AGPL are overwhelmingly things that used to be (and in some
       | cases in large part still are) closed source proprietary
       | products. It's a little hard to imagine a closed source
       | distributed database taking off in 2020; 20-30 years ago, to use
       | Kuhn's framing, the opposite statement would have been more
       | valid.
       | Fundamentally, software offered under the AGPL is almost always
       | developed under the model of a single commercial vendor doing
       | most of the heavy lifting, and, usually, all of the initial lift
       | in getting a piece of software to the point of viability. It's
       | hard to see how these vendors are taking something from the
       | community by releasing their products under the AGPL when their
       | alternatives would certainly be either a fully closed-source
       | proprietary release, or no release at all. Kuhn writes as if
       | licensing and advocacy decisions determine the economics of
       | software development, but if the last 30 years has been an
       | experiment conclusively demonstrating anything, it's that --- at
       | least for the kinds of serverside code we're talking about --- no
       | matter how you license it, companies paying software developers
       | are what gets software built.
       | I have strong opinions only about the AGPL; I don't pretend to
       | fully understand the ramifications of MongoDB's SS GPL, nor do I
       | support the SS GPL unreservedly.
         | [deleted]
         | Tyr42 wrote:
         | If you wish for a dissenting opinion on the MongoDB, I enjoy
         | the writing of Kyle Mitchel at /dev/lawyer
         | https://writing.kemitchell.com/series/SSPL.html
         | Kyle is a advocate of dual licensing ("selling exceptions") and
         | has even created License Zero [1] which is attempting to allow
         | the creation of npm libraries which are dual licensed and an
         | automatic command line tool to pay developers.
         | [1]: https://licensezero.com/ see also
         | https://writing.kemitchell.com/2017/09/12/The-License-Zero-M...
         | rocqua wrote:
         | > People sign CLAs because they want their modifications
         | upstreamed, and to avoid maintaining forks, not because they're
         | legally required to do so.
         | This is still coercive though. It is the big party using their
         | power to get developers to give up their rights.
         | Notably, by giving up these rights, it becomes possible for the
         | party to go against the FOSS principles that were the reason
         | copy-left was invented.
         | int_19h wrote:
         | If this story is true, it definitely sounds shady to me:
         | "This problem became clear to me in mid-2003 when MySQL AB
         | attempted to hire me as a consultant. I was financially in need
         | of supplementary income so I seriously considered taking the
         | work, but the initial conference call felt surreal and
         | convinced me that MySQL AB was engaging in problematic behavior
         | . Specifically, their goal was to develop scare tactics
         | regarding the GPLv2."
         | vorpalhex wrote:
         | > But CLAs aren't coercive
         | CLAs are frequently coercive, rights depriving and generally a
         | bad move, and I as a FOSS contributor won't sign them.
         | Yes, occasionally they are used correctly - but more often than
         | not they're used to crowdsource work on what is really a
         | proprietary codebase with crazy potential restrictions if the
         | owning company decides to call them in.
           | tptacek wrote:
           | I want to be clear that I think CLAs can be a bad idea for
           | contributors and people should think carefully before signing
           | them. But since the AGPL doesn't obligate you to sign a CLA,
           | I don't see how the existence of CLAs is an indictment of the
           | AGPL or of dual-licensed business models. It's my belief that
           | most dual-licensed software wouldn't be open sourced at all
           | (and a lot of it wouldn't exist at all) without the dual-
           | license model that Kuhn opposes.
         | dredmorbius wrote:
         | I've reread Kuhn's piece several times. It's that unfortunate
         | mix of tantalising and unclear.
         | My understanding is that it's not the dual-licensing per se
         | that's toxic, but the _goal of copyleft-noncompliance legal
         | actions_. Rather than, as the FSF and SFC seek:  "Our primary
         | goal in GPL enforcement is to bring about GPL compliance."
         | (https://sfconservancy.org/copyleft-
         | compliance/principles.htm...) The businesses of which Kuhn is
         | critical seek instead "to 'convert' those FOSS users into
         | paying customers for proprietary licensing for the same
         | codebase."
         | Arguably, the failure here might be of the GPL failing to
         | specify what is an acceptable remedy, though if that were
         | defanged to _only_ be  "release affected code as <copyleft
         | license>", it might afford too great a latitude to _other_
         | forms of black-hat actors.
         | I'm not sure if I agree with Kuhn's assessments or remedies. I
         | think the discussion's worth having, and appreciate your input.
       (page generated 2020-01-20 23:00 UTC)