[HN Gopher] MirageJS: An API mocking library for frontend develo...
       MirageJS: An API mocking library for frontend development
       Author : mixonic
       Score  : 126 points
       Date   : 2020-01-24 18:53 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (miragejs.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (miragejs.com)
       | ravenstine wrote:
       | Mirage is a staple of Ember development. It's one of those things
       | I didn't realize I was missing until I learned it, and now I
       | can't imagine not using it(at least in early development). I
       | kinda didn't realize I could use it outside of Ember CLI, so this
       | is pretty cool.
       | SaladFork wrote:
       | I used Mirage with Ember for many years and it has changed the
       | way I think and approach front-end acceptance testing. I was very
       | excited to see the work to extract the Ember-specific bits from
       | the rest of the library (originally by @cowboyd / Charles Lowell
       | and now from the original author Sam Selikoff himself) and am
       | using it with a React app to great success.
       | progx wrote:
       | Thank you! I hacked something similar quick and dirty, but i will
       | use definitely Mirage with my next project.
       | dustinsoftware wrote:
       | We use Mirage for a large scale ordering front-end built with
       | Ember. It's enabled almost zero flakiness when writing our
       | acceptance tests; super excited to see the library get ported
       | outside the Ember ecosystem!
       | rubyn00bie wrote:
       | Just my two cents: Mirage is freaking great because it makes
       | mocking shit out pretty much as easy as possible and pretty damn
       | correct.
       | I don't know how many times mocking up a UI I start to throw some
       | random JS objects in a file and then inevitably after a few
       | hours, those random JS objects are unmanageable and contain very
       | small differences between what my API will deliver.
       | Using Mirage from the start of projects has made my life a lot
       | easier, it also provides a nice sanity check between what the
       | backend delivers and what the frontend actually expects.
         | ficklepickle wrote:
         | How does mirage help with data differences with the real back
         | end? I can't see how it isn't just as vulnerable to getting out
         | of sync.
         | I have another question. Mirage is installed as a dev
         | dependency. But all the examples show it being used in the
         | application code. Do you maintain a separate branch without the
         | import of Server, etc? Or is webpack smart enough to remove all
         | imports/usage of dev dependencies in the prod build? I don't
         | think I've ever imported dev dependencies into app code before.
         | For that matter, how does it provide a sanity check between
         | what the back end delivers and the front end expects? Do you
         | mean compared to coding to a spec with no mocking? Like when
         | the back end doesn't exist yet?
         | Clearly I'm missing something. Could be the sleep deprivation.
           | acemarke wrote:
           | Off the top of my head, the import logic could be something
           | like:                   if(__DEV__) {
           | require("loadApiMocking");         }
           | Agreed that there'd be work to do to keep real code responses
           | and mocked responses in sync, but there's probably ways to
           | automate that if you want. In fact, I can hypothetically
           | imagine some way to introspect OpenAPI schema files and
           | configure Mirage accordingly.
           | samselikoff wrote:
           | Great question! When I started Mirage this was the biggest
           | concern, but after years of usage it turns out to not be that
           | big of a deal in practice. Said another way, the benefits of
           | being able to easily write high-level UI tests for a variety
           | of server states all within your frontend codebase outweigh
           | the costs of potential false positives. Also, teams don't
           | break their HTTP APIs that often.
           | Even so, there are teams that have used tools like Pact to
           | perform contract testing, ensuring their Mirage server and
           | their production API never fall out of sync. Even more
           | exciting to me would be using something like Typescript to
           | verify the API contract at compile-time (also something that
           | others have been exploring).
           | As far as only running Mirage during development, the Ember
           | addon does this but we need to document how to do this in the
           | general case. When you build your app for production Mirage
           | should not be in any application code, nor should the
           | miragejs library be included in your bundle. Webpack is
           | capable of this, we just need to document it.
           | Mirage is flexible enough to match any backend API - this is
           | where it shines in comparison to tools like json-server. With
           | Mirage the goal is to mock out your exact production API; its
           | serializers and route handlers can be customized to match any
           | API format. Often teams using Mirage reach agreement about
           | the shape of their API beforehand, precisely so that the
           | frontend team can move and build the UI without having to
           | wait on the API to be ready.
           | Indeed, Mirage can even be thought of as a communication tool
           | that helps impose conventions and consistency on the API
           | layer, making both the frontend developers and the backend
           | developers happier.
           | jgwhite wrote:
           | > how does it provide a sanity check between what the back
           | end delivers and the front end expects
           | The team I work on have been using Mirage with GraphQL for 6
           | months or so and GraphQL's tooling almost entirely addresses
           | this question. There will still be false positives in API
           | _behaviour_ (you can never have a completely accurate
           | simulation) but you can get an incredible degree of
           | confidence at a startlingly low cost, with a delight
           | developer experience to boot. Similar strategies could no
           | doubt be employed for JSONSchema, Swagger, or Pact tooling.
       | duxup wrote:
       | I'm a bit of a noob so hang with me here.
       | So you install it as a dev dependency via npm.
       | So is it running ... with the client app as a proxy between the
       | client application and just waiting for the API requests and
       | taking those responding?
       | Is it possible to configure some delay in responses?
         | acemarke wrote:
         | From reading the docs and the source, it's not a proxy. It
         | looks like it uses https://github.com/pretenderjs/pretender ,
         | which overwrites the original `XmlHttpRequest` and `fetch`
         | functions in the browser to intercept any attempts to make AJAX
         | requests. It then makes your attempted request with its own
         | internal routing definitions, and returns the responses you
         | defined.
           | duxup wrote:
           | Ah thank you!
       | quaunaut wrote:
       | I remember using Mirage back when I was an Ember developer.
       | Everything else seemed so backwards in comparison, and honestly
       | still does. I'm definitely interested in trying this out.
       | samselikoff wrote:
       | Hello! I'm Sam and I built Mirage JS to be a framework-agnostic
       | API mocking library.
       | Mirage is extracted it from an addon that's been widely used in
       | the Ember ecosystem for the past 4 years, at companies like
       | Apple, Heroku, Square and Footlocker.
       | Nearly all frontends need to talk to an API, no matter what
       | framework they're built with! So over the past year I've made
       | Mirage work with any tool or test runner.
       | I really believe deeply in the frontend-first workflow, and
       | Mirage makes that easier than ever. If it sounds interesting to
       | you, check out the lib + let me know what you think!
         | ketzo wrote:
         | Phenomenal landing page. The first text I read is a ~10-word
         | description of the value proposition. The next thing my eyes
         | are drawn to is a visual demo. The first thing I can click is a
         | link to use it myself. Plus, it's all visually very appealing
         | without being distracting. Well done.
         | linux2647 wrote:
         | Thank you so much for putting this together! When I did
         | Ember.js development, this was one of the features I missed the
         | most when using other JS frameworks.
       | zackify wrote:
       | I would rather make a component that takes data as props.
       | Now make a component on top that runs a network request and
       | injects the network response into it.
       | Now you have a reusable component independent of the api. Your
       | network function can be tested individually. Your top level
       | component doesn't need testing as that is the part that would be
       | mocked.
       | You can now test your actual component without any mocking.
       | If you need some dummy data to show before the backend team is
       | ready, this is trivial. Guess I'm just not a Big enough mocking
       | fan to ever need a library for what is such a small thing in my
       | experience
         | virtue3 wrote:
         | We use the "container" pattern for this via graphql (the
         | container component handles all the data fetching and logic
         | therein, the underlying component is usually attempted to be
         | pure / functional / stateless. )
       | ibero wrote:
       | Been using the original Mirage project on an Ember app for years
       | (testing and fake offline demos functionality), and now this
       | iteration takes it over the top. I can't recommend it enough.
       | hinkley wrote:
       | I believe Michael Feathers was just started a Twitter thread
       | yesterday that talked, among other things, about moving IO to the
       | edges of your code.
       | If you can divide acquisition from usage, I wonder how much less
       | effort you need to put into API mocking.
       | Ages ago and shortly after I started testing, was the last time I
       | had to do any low-level HTTP response processing. My coworkers
       | could not fathom why I had divided the parsing and networking
       | code into completely separate sections. Then I showed them how
       | stupid-simple most of the tests were, instead of the convoluted
       | mess of integration tests I'd walked into.
       | Hand the payload to I/O-free code immediately. You've done the
       | hardest part at this point. Mocking out the network layer in any
       | of half a dozen ways is a cakewalk in comparison.
         | adamkl wrote:
         | Yes! Yes! Yes! I've been preaching this approach ever since
         | watching Gary Bernhardt's talk on "Boundaries" [1].
         | Splitting conditional logic from dependencies makes code so
         | much easier to test. If you can do that, there's no need to
         | mock anything. You can just pass simple data objects into your
         | conditional logic for testing, and use a handful of integration
         | tests to validate the end-to-end flow.
         | [1] https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/boundaries
       (page generated 2020-01-24 23:00 UTC)