[HN Gopher] How can we develop transformative tools for thought?
       How can we develop transformative tools for thought?
       Author : kristianc
       Score  : 37 points
       Date   : 2020-01-25 17:07 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (numinous.productions)
 (TXT) w3m dump (numinous.productions)
       | robenkleene wrote:
       | As a former UI designer, this is a gross misrepresentation of
       | what happened with Sketch (and to a lesser extent, Figma):
       | > Consider, for example, the way the program Sketch has eaten
       | into Adobe's market share, after duplicating many of the best
       | features from several of Adobe's products, perhaps most notably
       | Illustrator. And consider the way Figma is now eating into both
       | Sketch and Illustrator's market share. Both Sketch and Figma have
       | done this without needing to make an enormous investment in
       | research. That's a big advantage they have over Adobe.
       | Leading up to the time that Sketch emerged, UI designers were
       | complaining constantly to Adobe to provide features to support
       | their work. All of us were using a tiny subset of Photoshop's
       | features crammed into the corner (the vector editing features).
       | Remember Adobe _actively killed_ Fireworks[0] the exact product
       | specialized for UI designers that should have prevented Sketch
       | from emerging. I consider Adobe leaving an opening big enough for
       | Sketch to emerge one of the biggest mistakes I 've ever seen a
       | tech company make. It was plainly obvious that there was product
       | category there, so many people were talking about it that to me
       | as a designer it was deafening.
       | Not to mention, if you were paying the slightest bit of attention
       | to graphical apps for artists, you would have noticed Acorn[1], a
       | Photoshop competitor released in 2007, three years before Sketch,
       | _maintained by one person_ , based on the support Apple was
       | aggressively adding to AppKit for this type of application. If
       | you were an expert in this market and you didn't realize that
       | someone was going to use that same toolkit to make a UI tool,
       | which so many people were asking for, I don't know what to tell
       | you. And of course that's exactly what happened with Sketch.
       | This isn't a story about Sketch copying Adobe products, it's a
       | story about Adobe's product leadership making a series of
       | mistakes that left a gap in the market.
       | [0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Fireworks
       | [1]: https://flyingmeat.com/acorn/
       | walterbell wrote:
       | The article does a good job of connecting business incentives to
       | interface design or lack thereof. Arguably, some of the most
       | influential "tools for thought" today are videos, thanks to
       | mobile devices/data & Youtube. They offer:                 -
       | distribution: global at low cost       - accessibility: low
       | barrier to create/view       - funding: ads, patreon, product
       | placement       - creation: video editor + smartphone       -
       | composition: screenshot/record anything       - annotation: free-
       | form text/audio/overlay       - UX: any structure the creator can
       | imagine
       | The diversity of youtube "thought UX" examples shows what's
       | possible when creators are unleashed from restrictive tool pre-
       | conceptions. Twitter is a social network where an early
       | minimalist UX lead to user-driven innovations, with later
       | attempted formalization by the platform vendor. Google has not
       | much ventured into content creation tools for its video platform.
       | Apple's iPad provides tools for freeform markup of screenshots ->
       | PDF, with the LumaFusion video editor rivaling PC apps for one-
       | tenth of the cost.
       | Perhaps universities have studied online videos for UX patterns
       | employed by creators to communicate complex topics? Which ones
       | deserve formalization in tool workflows, while leaving room for
       | ongoing experimentation?
       | CKN23-ARIN wrote:
       | Tools that empower individuals on a mass scale are threatening to
       | existing power structures.
         | anotheryou wrote:
         | Any evidence for active discouragement of tool building?
         | I actually don't see that for general purpose tools, only where
         | censorship or free speech come in to play.
           | robenkleene wrote:
           | Point blank I think Mac App Store restrictions, iOS
           | restrictions, and the current decrepit state of AppKit are
           | all a systemic approach by Apple to prevent new powerful
           | tools from emerging that threaten their current market
           | dominance. Ben Thompson wrote the canonical piece about this
           | situation[0], but I think this paragraph from a different
           | article is the best summary[1]:
           | > The reality for Jobs and Apple was that the company's users
           | needed Office (along with Adobe's products) more than they
           | needed a Mac. I've long argued that being in this position is
           | a big reason why Apple hasn't enabled sustainable apps: never
           | again would a software developer hold Apple hostage. The
           | irony, though, is that when it came time to launch the iPad
           | Pro, Apple had no one else to turn to.
           | [0]: https://stratechery.com/2013/why-doesnt-apple-enable-
           | sustain...
           | [1]: https://stratechery.com/2015/from-products-to-platforms/
             | anotheryou wrote:
             | fair point, thanks. Not my universe I guess...
           | CKN23-ARIN wrote:
           | What do you mean by "active", and why must it be "active" to
           | be acknowledged?
       | carapace wrote:
       | If I had more time I would write a better comment, apologies.
       | - - - -
       | I doubt it requires big research to make good tools. Inventing
       | "zero" wasn't done by committee. In any event, the research has
       | been done. _It is steadfastly ignored._ E.g. something as simple
       | and straightforward as Jef Raskin 's "Humane Interface" applied
       | uncreatively would measurably improve the majority of user
       | interfaces out there. There's a near total disconnect between
       | good UI design and what gets inflicted on IRL users. Evidence:
       | every change ever made to every app or web app that made the
       | users scream. Heck, "Google backtracks on search results design
       | (techcrunch.com)" is on HN front page as I type this. At _best_
       | people are fucking UI /UX to make a buck, but most of them do it
       | because they suck at their jobs.
       | This isn't limited to UI design. E.g. MLs have had type algebra
       | for decades and yet it's only just barely gaining traction among
       | "professional" programmers today in A.D. 2020. Instead of flying
       | cars we have Rube Goldberg machines made out of other Rube
       | Goldberg machines.
       | That's why "When small groups of motivated people [try] they make
       | rapid progress." Because what we're using now is refried _merde._
       | It doesn't scale either because people are stubborn about giving
       | up crap[1] -or- it just hasn't been let.
       | Canon killed the Cat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_Cat
       | Dynamicland may be fantastic but you can't buy it for money.
       | ([1] This might be the real problem: People just don't give a
       | fuck. Thinking takes energy- _calories_ -and so, as an evolved
       | animal, if you can get by w /o it, you will. "The Internet is for
       | porn.")
       | I've known what I wanted to make ever since reading Ted Nelson's
       | "Dream Machines" and that was twenty-odd years ago (it was
       | published way earlier, that's just when I got ahold of it.)
       | Engelbart's "Mother of All Demos" was even earlier.
       | (I've been playing with a very simple UI demo that incorporates
       | elements from Raskin and from Wirth's Oberon OS. Its backing
       | store is a git repo and all changes are autosaved. It's dreamy.
       | Raskin warns that excellent UIs are addictive in the sense that
       | once you get used to them it's like withdrawal if you have to go
       | back, and he's right. Mac, Windows, X et. al., it's all so
       | painful and clunky now.)
       | So yeah, with a little work, and standing on the shoulders of
       | giants and not on their toes, you can make something
       | fantastically better than current tools/OSs. It's not hard.
       | It might even make money in the marketplace, eh?
       | - - - -
       | > What's needed is the development of a powerful praxis, a set of
       | core ideas which are explicit and powerful enough that new people
       | can rapidly assimilate them, and begin to develop their own
       | practice. We're not yet at that stage with tools for thought.
       | Speak for yourselves, eh?
       | Here's where I think they fall into the same trap as so many
       | people do (philosophers, psychologists, designers-of-tools-for-
       | thought, etc.) when talking about thought: They do not define the
       | term.
       | What is thought?
       | (As an aside the only place I've seen that can begin to claim to
       | have a concrete mathematical theory of _intelligence
       | amplification_ is  "Introduction to Cybernetics" by Ashby.)
       | Anyhow, the folks who have the goods on the structure of
       | subjective experience work under the rubric of "Neurolinguistic
       | Programming" (the _other_ NLP). Unfortunately the school of
       | thought is still seen as pseudoscience! Oh well, what a world...
       | Anyway, the "machine code" of thought is called "submodalities"
       | in NLP jargon, an (outmoded) model of "microcode" is called
       | "strategies" but that's deprecated (I don't know how to
       | succinctly describe the replacement models, and many of them
       | don't have names), etc. Using the patterns and algorithms
       | discovered or reified by the NLP folks you can rapidly and easily
       | reprogram your mind. [2] At that point you don't really need
       | external "tools of thought" but if that's your thing you're in a
       | much better place to make them. (I.e. if you want to make mind-
       | machine interfaces and such like, or design
       | audio/visual/kinesthetic UIs and UX flows.) Here you're going to
       | want to pick up a copy of Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics:
       | The Invisible Art" to get a handle on the finer points of
       | cognition and storytelling. See also Brenda Laurel's "Computers
       | as Theatre".
       | [2] For example there's a spelling "strategy" that involve using
       | visual memory to recall the word (as a picture) and a kinethestic
       | check for correctness. In other words, remember the word, feel
       | that it's right, then read it off from the picture in your mind.
       | Most good spellers use that strategy, most bad spellers do
       | something else. You can take someone who is bad at spelling,
       | teach them to use the proper "strategy", and suddenly they are
       | good spellers. It's analogous to replacing a buggy spellcheck
       | subroutine with a correct one. Spelling isn't hard, we have just
       | been teaching badly. We are in a transition time in psychology
       | similar to when alchemy became chemistry.
       | anotheryou wrote:
       | Maybe UX complexity is a problem, too.
       | Tools for thought have to become like prosthetics, an extension
       | of your body. For this it has to have really low friction.
       | Here we have two problems:
       | 1. the ideal power user UX has some learning curve for newcomers
       | which hinders adaption a lot;
       | 2. I prefer typing, but it's hard to beat a piece of paper in
       | ease of input and flexibility of arrangement, type of input
       | (graphics, text, plots, mindmaps, tables all there without any
       | toolbar to click).
       | The 2nd point makes me think that a general interface is just
       | really hard and specific ones can be done really well already.
       | Examples of tools for thinking I like:
       | - org mode: suffers a lot from (1.) and is not that generalized
       | (more is possible, but little effortlessly).
       | - Deepl Desktop App: real AI collaboration for translation. The
       | UI could be more streamlined, but is fine for now: hit ctrl+c+c,
       | check if the translation is ok, click "insert" and your sentence
       | is translated within your document. It translates 90% as good as
       | I do, I catch the other 10%.
       | - Soulver/Opalcalc/NaSC: a bit like excel but all calculations
       | always visible (trade offs: not working for tabular data, not as
       | flexible as programing)
       | - wikis: amazing for long term and collaborative storage,
       | problems with scaling, relevance, discovery and organization
       | - paper: great input flexibility, hard to refactor, no computer
       | assist (calculations, data etc)
       | - jupyter notebooks: finally mixing documentation and
       | programming, sadly problems with structure and state
       | - grafical programming languages (touch designer, pure data,
       | bitwig grid etc.): predominant in the art-world, I think because
       | you can tweak values and connections best.
         | classified wrote:
         | > paper: ... no computer assist
         | ... the greatest drawbacks being that you can't show relevant
         | ads, personalize the UX, or gain deep insights into your users'
         | needs.
         | sansnomme wrote:
         | Org mode doesn't suffer from 1), Emacs does. Org-style editors
         | like Workflowy, Notion, and now Roam are all high growth apps
         | with a large user base.
           | anotheryou wrote:
           | But org-mode lives in emacs. But yes, part of it can be done
           | in a "user friendly" way and other tools do so :). Most
           | notably outliners and task to agenda aggregation.
         | anotheryou wrote:
         | I usually use paper when I do math or logic and can build a
         | crutch from geometry. You just can't draw well with a mouse.
       (page generated 2020-01-25 23:00 UTC)