[HN Gopher] Wuhan scientists: What it's like to be on lockdown
       Wuhan scientists: What it's like to be on lockdown
       Author : bookofjoe
       Score  : 61 points
       Date   : 2020-01-25 18:47 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.nature.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.nature.com)
       | nickgrosvenor wrote:
       | I actually think China's done an admirable job containing this
       | virus. I think what they've done will probably work to stop the
       | spread.
       | The most interesting part of this whole episode is the Orwellian
       | efficiency communist China can control their population at will.
         | Numberwang wrote:
         | You are breathtakingly uninformed about what goes on in China.
         | smallgovt wrote:
         | I'd be interested in seeing those who are downvoting this
         | comment refute its claims instead.
         | fsh wrote:
         | Pretty much any country has some form of martial law. For
         | example, the US very quickly shut down one of their largest
         | cities and all air travel in the country on 9/11.
         | RealityVoid wrote:
         | >> The most interesting part of this whole episode is the
         | Orwellian efficiency communist China can control their
         | population at will.
         | Say what you will about authoritarian societies, but one of
         | their advantages is the ability to impose a direction to their
         | population. There are certain situations this can prove very
         | useful.
       | ycombonator wrote:
       | Approximately 58 million in lockdown, this is apocalyptic.
       | From South China Morning Post. Chaos in hospitals:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=22&v=CfcIHUdOI8w...
       | https://www.zerohedge.com/political/56-million-chinese-lockd...
         | dgellow wrote:
         | In case people don't want to click on a zerohedge article, here
         | is the actual source for the claim "China expands coronavirus
         | outbreak lockdown to 56 million people", from Aljazeera:
         | https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/01/china-expands-coronav...
           | ropiwqefjnpoa wrote:
           | I find ZeroHedge usually has links to the source articles and
           | they are often "mainstream".
             | jorblumesea wrote:
             | The founder of ZeroHedge, Daniel Ivandjiiski, is a white
             | collar criminal convicted of insider trading. It's hard to
             | imagine a less reputable source.
             | SolaceQuantum wrote:
             | I don't mind that ZeroHedge as it often cites news that
             | isn't picked up on MSM. However, I have a massive concern
             | about the bias in ZeroHedge. I remember once reading an
             | article in which the final lines are something bold and
             | along the lines of "remember they hate you and are coming
             | for you" type rhetoric. That was completely not cited. I
             | find that extremely concerning.
             | Also, similarly, they at one point ran an article about a
             | John Hopkins doctor who is against gender affirmation
             | treatment towards trans people. I googled more about their
             | papers and the like, only to find that the doctor only
             | published their work in religious-oriented research and has
             | actually be disavowed by several medical practitioners who
             | specialize in trans medical concerns. None of this was
             | cited in the article.
             | This has overall made me quite leery of the validity of
             | ZeroHedge on anything but the links that ZeroHedge cites.
               | cdiddy2 wrote:
               | Generally with zerohedge I mostly stick to the financial
               | stuff, since that is usually properly sourced, even if
               | the site does have a bearish bias its still usually good
               | info. There are definitely some heavily biased political
               | articles though.
         | datashow wrote:
         | This YouTube channel has a few videos from Wuhan hospitals:
         | https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCWquusYx1dLo9otmMLwuZFg
         | Also see how locals block roads:
         | https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=%E5%B0%81%E8%B7%AF
         | pvaldes wrote:
         | > Approximately 58 million in lockdown, this is apocalyptic.
         | Seem the right thing to do when you have 1.3 thousand millions
         | of people. I wonder if bad air quality in China could have
         | boosted the problem in any case. It seems that Wuhan area today
         | ranks from 'moderate' to 'unhealthy for sensitive groups'.
         | http://aqicn.org/map/wuhan/
         | That is pretty good for Chinese standards, I suposse.
         | https://aqicn.org/map/china/
         | Thus the problem could quickly scalate if the coronavirus
         | manages itself to reach the northern areas tagged in red or
         | purple. International trade of chinese products could be hurt
         | also. There is a lot at stake for the country.
       | ggm wrote:
       | If you want less hyperbolic information i recommend
       | https://promedmail.org/
       | draugadrotten wrote:
       | Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding (Harvard): " HOLY MOTHER OF GOD - the new
       | coronavirus is a 3.8!!! How bad is that reproductive R0 value? It
       | is thermonuclear pandemic level bad - never seen an actual
       | virality coefficient outside of Twitter in my entire career. I'm
       | not exaggerating..."
       | https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1220919589623803905.html
         | tempsy wrote:
         | Obscene level of fear mongering based on data that was later
         | revised down. I can't believe he thought that thread was a good
         | idea.
           | dilly_li wrote:
           | Where is the updated version?
             | dtolnay wrote:
             | Revised down to 2.6:
             | https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1221132573340061697.html
               | myth_drannon wrote:
               | Still very high.
           | baby wrote:
           | Can we please avoid this types of response without citing
           | source?
             | tempsy wrote:
             | Spreading a tweet from a doctor who is acting like the
             | world is about to end is a worse action than a rebuttal
             | questioning his fear mongering that goes against both the
             | WHO and CDC.
           | allovernow wrote:
           | >data that was later revised down
           | Can we really trust reports that are coming out of China?
           | From the CCP, no less?
         | hazeii wrote:
         | Reports I've seen suggest 1.4 to 2.5, but it's early days.
         | Essentially if the R factor (number of people infected by a
         | single case [0]) is less than 1, it'll die out, otherwise it'll
         | grow.
         | However, that's very simplistic; one would like to think the R
         | factor would be lowered by better hygiene.
         | Separately, it seems that (unlike say Spanish Flu) this tends
         | to be worse for people who have pre-existing health issues.
         | There is concern that possibly people who are asymptomatic
         | could still be infectious.
         | Time will tell. One number (that'll take quite some time to
         | even have a stab at) is the mortality compared to, say, common
         | flu.
         | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_reproduction_number
           | onlyrealcuzzo wrote:
           | How do we know this won't be transmittable even after
           | individuals recover?
         | defertoreptar wrote:
         | Thermonuclear pandemic bad? Isn't that R0 similar to many other
         | diseases?
         | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_reproduction_number
           | rst wrote:
           | Other diseases are worse. Measles is a _lot_ worse, with an
           | R0 estimated at between 12 and 18. But R0 is a measure of
           | propagation rate in an _undefended_ population. For most
           | highly infectious diseases with known R0 values, we have
           | defenses, typically vaccination which leaves the population,
           | as a whole, a lot less vulnerable. So, in those cases, R0 is
           | a measure of how bad things can get. Not for this new thing
           | -- there 's been no time to put defenses in place, so R0,
           | whatever its actual value, is a measure of how bad things
           | _are_.
         | lukasm wrote:
         | > An R0=3.8 means that it exceeds SARS's modest 0.49 viral
         | attack rate by 7.75x
         | but the wiki says SARS is 2-4
           | Out_of_Characte wrote:
           | Probaly alot of shorthand writing, anything with an R0 rating
           | below 1 tends to die out. therefore you compare the sars
           | rating of 1.49 and the novel corona virus of 3.8 by seeing
           | how many times .49 fits in 2.8 which is around 5.7 times more
           | infectious instead of 7.75 mentioned in his tweet (He probaly
           | divided 3.8 by .49 instead of 2.8)
           | Ratings are just approximations and i'm no expert in virology
           | to say wether this means anything at all.
           | chrisco255 wrote:
           | Yeah an R0 of less than 1 would mean it fizzled out with not
           | much effect.
         | seizethecheese wrote:
         | Here is a tweet thread suggesting this guy is being histrionic:
         | https://twitter.com/ferrisjabr/status/1220963553911271424?s=...
         | If the link i post is more correct, it's an interesting case of
         | a science journalist correcting a Harvard public health
         | scientist...
           | yorwba wrote:
           | The public health scientists wrote in his first tweet that
           | he's "never seen an actual virality coefficient outside of
           | Twitter", i.e. he's admitting to not being a subject-matter
           | expert. So getting corrected by someone who's done their
           | research is not that surprising.
             | seizethecheese wrote:
             | He had never seen one larger outside of Twitter. I think
             | that's different than how you just represented it.
               | yorwba wrote:
               | It doesn't say "larger" in the tweet. Edit: or is
               | "outside of Twitter" supposed to refer to a region in the
               | space of possible coefficients that are past the values
               | observed in the spread of viral information on Twitter?
               | WillPostForFood wrote:
               | He is an epidemiologist, you have to give the benefit of
               | the doubt here that he has seen a virality coefficient
               | before.
       | ycombonator wrote:
       | https://www.inkstonenews.com/health/chinas-coronavirus-outbr...
       (page generated 2020-01-25 23:01 UTC)