[HN Gopher] Ambitions for a Unix Shell
       Ambitions for a Unix Shell
       Author : luu
       Score  : 30 points
       Date   : 2020-01-26 05:54 UTC (17 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.oilshell.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.oilshell.org)
       | skrebbel wrote:
       | Mostly off topic, but I've never understood why shells are
       | designed to have this weird dual use case of both being easy to
       | type into a command prompt, and being easy to write 40+ line
       | scripts in. Why does that need to have the exact same syntax?
       | This is the root cause of why bash (and batch and etc etc etc)
       | are so terrible to script in (and why powershell is so terrible
       | to type into a terminal). This weird shit like [ being a command,
       | and having to think long and hard about exactly when variables
       | are replaced and when globs are executed and how errors happen..
       | It's just pretty pointless.
       | Like, if you write a script using Python or Ruby or Perl or
       | whatever, there's easy ways to call into the shell. Often it's
       | even built-in, like using backticks `echo like this`. These
       | languages aren't designed for shell scripting but even they are
       | often easier and cleaner than a bash script. It could be much
       | better thoughk I bet.
       | I'd love to have a language that is easy and familiar to type
       | into a terminal (and thus, sufficiently bash-like probably),
       | while being significantly easier to write scripts in. You could
       | require the script to have a bit more syntax, a bit more
       | structure, but essentially have the same semantics as what you'd
       | type on the command line, and you'd have the best of both worlds.
       | If well designed, it'd still "feel" like the same thing (much
       | like how all JS programmers immediately grokked Coffeescript when
       | it came out, because it really was just JS); everything you'd
       | learn on the command line, you'd be able to apply in a script and
       | vice versa. The script would just require more structure and thus
       | provide more comfort (good error messages, editor support, etc).
       | For example, globbing. The idea that the shell expands " _.foo "
       | into a list of files, before evaluating the command, is handy,
       | but it's also an enormous footgun. What if on the terminal it
       | would do that, but when scripting, you'd be required to write
       | `glob("_.foo")` or else it'd error out? THat would force you to
       | clearly control when the expansion happens, it would let you
       | assign it to a variable in a readable way etc. Imagine similar
       | stuff for argument lists, escaping, variable substitution, etc -
       | all the magic available on terminal, but contained in the script.
       | Does this exist? I'd love to have it.
         | chubot wrote:
         | (author here) Your first and third paragraph seem to be in
         | conflict? I have heard the feedback that an interactive shell
         | and a programming language should be different, which I
         | disagree with.
         | (For one, shell is already used as a programming language, so
         | the ship has sailed. Also I use shell in the Lisp tradition:
         | build your program up with a REPL.)
         | But yes Oil is designed to "give the best of both worlds" as
         | you say in the third paragraph.
         | This recent post will probably give you the best idea of it:
         | http://www.oilshell.org/blog/2020/01/simplest-explanation.ht...
         | Rather than                   echo $mystr   # silently splits
         | echo "mystr"  # no split
         | In Oil, it's:                   echo $mystr          # no split
         | by default         echo @split(mystr)   # opt in explicitly
         | This is enabled with options so existing shell scripts work.
         | Also @split isn't really idiomatic since you would likely use
         | arrays, but it could be useful for porting.
         | I've also thought of adding a more explicit alternative for
         | glob, but I actually like the shorter syntax here:
         | echo *.py          echo @glob('*.py')  # not implemented but is
         | consistent
         | But I'm probably going to implement this safety feature
         | https://github.com/oilshell/oil/issues/552
         | to solve the well known issue where files that look like flags
         | can confuse code and data. e.g. 'rm *' with a file named '-rf'.
           | acqq wrote:
           | In "rather than" part
           | > echo "mystr" # no split
           | You probably meant
           | echo "$mystr" # no split
           | But echo is not good for these examples as for it the split
           | doesn't matter and can't be detected, whereas for other
           | commands (or even calls of functions) it indeed can matter.
           | This example, I think, illustrates the differences (as
           | present in the current shells) better:                   f()
           | {             echo "param 1: |$1|"             echo "param 2:
           | |$2|"         }              x=         y=33         f "$x"
           | "$y"         f $x $y              #param 1: ||         #param
           | 2: |33|         #param 1: |33|         #param 2: ||
         | frou_dh wrote:
         | > I've never understood why shells are designed to have this
         | weird dual use case of both being easy to type into a command
         | prompt, and being easy to write 40+ line scripts in.
         | It was probably less about that explicitly being considered the
         | optimum design, and more about it being irresistible to save a
         | lot of labor by getting 2 for the price of 1.
           | analognoise wrote:
           | Spot on.
           | You end up building a lot of things with hammers, saws and
           | nails when all you have are hammers, saws and nails.
         | GSGBen wrote:
         | (Replied to op instead of comment):
         | Is your complaint about PowerShell the verbosity? Because I
         | love its approach to this: full verbosity is the default (great
         | for scripts), then terminal usage is improved by aliases
         | (ForEach-Object is just %), great autocomplete via psreadline,
         | and automatic parameter shortening: -re and -fo are
         | automatically understood as -Recurse and -Force. Honestly makes
         | every other shell a pain to use now for me.
         | Also having everything be object based is just...I have no idea
         | how I lived before.
       | boona wrote:
       | >What languages and tools does Oil aim to "replace"? >bash, awk,
       | make, Python 2
       | What will in fact happen: It says here on your resume that you
       | know bash, awk, make, and python 2, but do you know Oil as well?
         | chubot wrote:
         | "replace" is in quotes for a reason :) The rest of the post
         | gives some more color on it.
       | keeganpoppen wrote:
       | not only is this an extremely exciting project that I've been
       | following for what feels like years, but there is such a
       | tremendous richness of stuff only tangentially related to the
       | project that the author has collected as well (one example:
       | https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/ExternalResources). this is
       | clearly such a well-organized, thoughtful endeavor that i have
       | absolute faith that great things will come of it. and he's an
       | excellent writer to boot!
       | jerf wrote:
       | "So the biggest change is that Oil will be based on strings (and
       | arrays of strings) like shell"
       | I would advise the author have a look at the internals of Tcl,
       | not because you should copy all the sophisticated features
       | immediately, but because it demonstrates a way to have both
       | "everything is a string" _and_ "advanced data structures" in a
       | relatively principled manner. You don't have to start out with
       | all the optimizations from day one but I always find it helpful
       | to have a look down the road in cases like this, and make sure
       | that if this sort of thing interests you that you don't
       | accidentally make it impossible later.
         | chubot wrote:
         | (author here) Yeah I appreciate a lot of things about Tcl,
         | which is basically Lisp + shell (I think Ousterhout even said
         | that?) I read most of the thick book about it even though I
         | don't regularly program in Tcl.
         | A bunch of people have brough up Tcl, and as noted here [1],
         | Oil looks superficially like it because it has proc and set
         | keywords.
         | The biggest difference is that Oil isn't homoiconic in the
         | sense that Tcl is. I believe that implies a lot of dynamic
         | parsing which I'm staying away from [2].
         | And of course Oil is a compatible Unix shell, which imposes a
         | bunch of constraints. Namely the 'proc' is "isomorphic" to a
         | process -- it takes argv and returns an exit code, and it can
         | be transparently put in pipelines. I wrote 3 years ago about
         | this powerful form of composition [3] and I wish I had finished
         | that :-/
         | [1]
         | https://www.reddit.com/r/oilshell/comments/esqyaw/ambitions_...
         | [2] http://www.oilshell.org/blog/2019/02/07.html
         | [3] http://www.oilshell.org/blog/tags.html?tag=shell-the-good-
         | pa...
       | [deleted]
       | enriquto wrote:
       | This is some of the most exciting stuff happening in the unix
       | world these days.
       | My mind was blown after reading two posts on Oil's author blog, a
       | few years ago:
       | * Shell has a Forth-like Quality:
       | https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2017/01/13.html
       | and
       | * Pipelines Support Vectorized, Point-Free, and Imperative Style:
       | https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2017/01/15.html
       | Warning: these writings can change your view on the shell
       | language. Now you probably think, as many of us did, that shell
       | is a cute little hack, useful for one-off throwaway stuff, but
       | not really fit for serious work. Afterwards, you will start to
       | see the shell as a glorious, essential element of our
       | civilization, worth of respect and deserving our careful
       | attention. Pipes are an essential programming tool that must be
       | supported by the core language and not by a library construct (as
       | in python).
       (page generated 2020-01-26 23:00 UTC)