[HN Gopher] Archive of old military maps published
       Archive of old military maps published
       Author : edward
       Score  : 139 points
       Date   : 2020-01-29 15:14 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.ianvisits.co.uk)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.ianvisits.co.uk)
       | bfors wrote:
       | Has anyone had success making prints of maps from image files?
       | Some of these would look great hung up on a wall.
         | lqet wrote:
         | Yes. 5 years ago, I printed the Turgot map of Paris roughly 1.5
         | meters wide from this file:
         | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Turgot_m...
         | It is hanging in my living room and look great.
       | arethuza wrote:
       | Some fascinating maps on there - e.g. this one of the 1746 Battle
       | of Culloden, the last pitched battle on Britain:
       | https://militarymaps.rct.uk/other-18th-19th-century-conflict...
         | OJFord wrote:
         | For anyone else unfamiliar with the term:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitched_battle
       | cgh wrote:
       | This is a fantastic resource, thank you. I really enjoy these old
       | hand-drawn maps. I've collected a few myself, including a German
       | map of the north coast of BC, Alaska and eastern Russia,
       | including Kamchatka, unfortunately undated but I believe it's
       | pre-sale of Alaska to the US. It's primarily an ethnographic map
       | made for the "Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie", or Journal of
       | Ethnology, which I guess was a German anthropological journal.
       | The various Inuit groups are represented in different colours.
       | Another nice one is labeled "Polar Regions of British Nth
       | America" and is principally of Canada. It dates from 1839 and
       | shows Devon Island connected to Greenland, amongst other
       | inaccuracies. It's beautifully drawn and quite small, perhaps 20
       | cm a side.
         | mcguire wrote:
         | " _It 's primarily an ethnographic map made for the
         | "Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie", or Journal of Ethnology, which I
         | guess was a German anthropological journal._"
         | Still is, I think.
         | https://www.dgska.de/zeitschrift-fuer-ethnologie/
           | azepoi wrote:
           | Still is. http://www.reimer-mann-
           | verlag.de/controller.php?cmd=detail&t...
           | cgh wrote:
           | Nice, thanks for this. I wonder if they'd like their map
           | back.
       | owlninja wrote:
       | The site: https://militarymaps.rct.uk/
       | jackfoxy wrote:
       | Centuries ago you could get executed for possessing the wrong
       | map. Maps were considered military intelligence assets, a threat
       | to national security in the wrong hands.
       | Kipling's novel _Kim_ is based on the true history of how the
       | British incrementally mapped the territory of India and
       | neighboring regions.
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | > Maps were considered military intelligence assets, a threat
         | to national security in the wrong hands.
         | Do you think that's not the case today?!
           | pathseeker wrote:
           | Well ones that just contain basic elevations, etc are all
           | very available to the public now so that's no longer the
           | case. It's true that placing critical resource locations on
           | the map makes that the case, but that's not what OP is
           | referring to.
         | est31 wrote:
         | Maps, and geodesy in general is still very important to
         | militaries today. You want a fighter jet to be able to locate
         | the carrier it started from. You want to know where the enemies
         | are hiding and where their bunkers are so that you can shoot at
         | them with your artillery. You want to know which bridges can
         | endure the weight of tanks and which can't. It's no coincidence
         | that the US military invented GPS and keeps it under its
         | operational control.
         | Someone wrote:
         | I fear you can still get close to being executed for possessing
         | the wrong map, for example in Israel/Palestine, Kashmir
         | (disputed between India/Pakistan), or China/Taiwan (stating
         | that Taipei is the capital of Taiwan can even get you in
         | trouble _in_Taiwan. See
         | https://www.hongkongfp.com/2015/08/10/bbc-calls-taipei-
         | taiwa...)
       | ng7j5d9 wrote:
       | IANAL but the prominent                  (c) The Royal Collection
       | Trust
       | overlaid on each map caught my attention.
       | Shouldn't these very old maps be in the public domain?
         | teh_klev wrote:
         | It'll be the digital (and any physical) reproductions that will
         | be subject to copyright, not the maps themselves.
           | monoideism wrote:
           | No. At least in the US, an exact replication of a public
           | domain work is also public domain. They may be claiming
           | public domain, but it wouldn't hold up in a US court of law
           | (no idea about elsewhere).
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feist_Publications,_Inc.,_v._R.
           | ...
           | Now, if someone makes a database of digitized old books in
           | some particular category, whose compilation required
           | creativity and originality, that work might fall under
           | copyright. But just a digitized book? No.
             | zerocrates wrote:
             | The usual touchstone case in this area in the US is
             | Bridgeman v. Corel, which came down on the side of "no
             | copyright" for these kinds of reproductions:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgeman_Art_Library_v._Core
             | l....
             | That's an appeals-court level decision so there's some
             | wiggle room to claim that the rule on reproductions isn't
             | totally settled. UK law is a little different and, to my
             | knowledge, somewhat less hostile than US law to a "sweat of
             | the brow" argument about the labor and skill required to
             | produce something possibly bringing about copyright
             | protection. Still, my understanding is that the current
             | situation in the UK is much the same as in the US.
             | Regardless, it's still fairly common for museums and
             | archives in the US and UK to assert copyright in scans and
             | reproductions they produce, even if they generally don't
             | ultimately follow through in court. There was a high-
             | profile dust-up between the National Portrait Gallery of
             | London and a user who was uploading high-resolution images
             | to Wikimedia Commons, which resulted in much saber-rattling
             | but no actual case.
             | Simply making the content unavailable and requiring
             | agreement to a contract or set of terms seems to be the
             | main method currently in use for these institutions to try
             | to maintain their revenue streams from reproductions.
               | zozbot234 wrote:
               | My guess is that the "revenue streams" from reproductions
               | of public domain content are (1) negligible to begin
               | with, and (2) might even be _higher_ for many
               | institutions under a permissive policy, since paying for
               | the institution 's implied _endorsement_ would still be a
               | highly-sought-after signal for most serious commercial
               | reusers. Many institutions are starting to realize this,
               | even in Europe where these overblown copyright claims
               | used to be even more common.
               | tingletech wrote:
               | I think this is true mostly, but not all cultural
               | heritage institutions are on the same page here. I work
               | on some sites that serve the cultural heritage community,
               | and last time I talked to some of our larger
               | contributors, reproduction rights were still a revenue
               | stream that was large enough to want to maintain. For
               | some contributors, it is not worth their time to try and
               | deal with licensing.
             | tingletech wrote:
             | Another wrinkle is that the copyright clock traditionally
             | starts at the time a work is published. So, unpublished
             | manuscripts are not necessarily in the public domain, even
             | if they were written 100s of years ago. If these were the
             | King's personal maps, and just now published, they might
             | still be under copyright.
             | teh_klev wrote:
             | Interesting...and looks like I'm wrong. I'd always assumed
             | digital reproductions held copyright.
             | Sadly I can't edit my comment now to acknowledge my
             | erroneous assumption. zerocrates comment below links to the
             | Bridgeman case which has in fact a section on UK copyright:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgeman_Art_Library_v._Core
             | l...
             | Interestingly the RCT "Copyright" page:
             | https://www.rct.uk/about/policies/copyright
             | ...is fairly specific about restrictions on "Commercial"
             | use of their images, not non-commercial use which by
             | omission in their statement would suggest you're free to do
             | as you wish:
             |  _Any commercial use of the images on this website is
             | subject to written permission from Royal Collection Trust
             | and the applicable Licence Terms and Conditions displayed
             | on this site. In particular, but without limitation, no
             | images may be reproduced, communicated to the public,
             | distributed, re-used or extracted from this website for
             | commercial use (including without limitation any storage,
             | reproduction, linking or indexing for the purposes of any
             | search engines) without the prior written consent of Royal
             | Collection Trust._
             | Whether that would hold up in court, I've no idea.
             | The National Library of Scotland (a tremendous resource for
             | old maps) has a pretty decent and fairly clear statement on
             | re-use/licensing:
             | https://maps.nls.uk/copyright.html
             | Again, Commercial Use of some sources (via third parties
             | such as Ordnance Survey) mentions you need to get
             | permission.
               | tingletech wrote:
               | some folks have claimed that digital reproductions have
               | their own rights (esp. if cleaned up or "digital
               | development" of negatives was done) , but I've heard that
               | called "copyfraud" -- it is a big issue in the cultural
               | heritage institutions who want license fees as a revenue
               | stream. Most publishers are willing to pay for
               | reproduction rights, even if they are not needed, just to
               | be on the safe side.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyfraud
         | [deleted]
       | lqet wrote:
       | If such maps or the aesthetics of copper engravings interest you,
       | I strongly suggest to have a look at Matthaeus Merian's
       | "Topographia Germaniae" [0].
       | Some highlights:
       | Prague
       | (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b6/Pr...)
       | Vienna
       | (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Statt_Wi...)
       | Strasbourg
       | (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/eb/To...)
       | Nuremberg (Map:
       | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/15/De_Meria...,
       | View:
       | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/De_Meria...)
       | Lubeck
       | (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c7/Lv...)
       | Frankfurt (Map:
       | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8e/De_Meria...,
       | View:
       | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/De...)
       | [0] https://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Topographia_Germaniae
       | Gusen wrote:
       | Jerrold Nadler & Adam Schiff raped & killed boys on Jan 14, 2019.
       | President Trump did the same earlier that morning in Buffalo.
       | Listen to each of them do this here. How did Schiff & Nadler
       | become "impeachment managers" for Trump's "impeachment"?
       | $1O3+billion in pay-offs. See page 9,13,21-47,85, 131
       | \\\add.e();\Wag The Dog: first was feigned impeachment hearings
       | meant to obstruct, now an attack on Iranians in Iraq. Here is
       | what they are trying to distract from & cover up to retain power.
       | $100+ billion in bribes to the highest offices in this country.
       | 755+ deaths from child rapes to prove loyalty!
       | See the latest PDF updates: FBI Director Wray, AG Barr, SoD
       | Shanahan, & SoS Pompeo each raped boys and were paid billions in
       | bribes for a Soros & Koch funded child rape org. So did Trump &
       | his "impeachment" team Nadler,Schiff,Mueller.So did media moguls
       | Redstone,Murdoch,Moonves. What are they trying to set up? Who can
       | arrest them since they are all bribed and in on it ?
       | Their strategy to stay in every office and obstruct until forced
       | to leave no matter what. Feigning impeachment: see page 13O.
       | \\\if;Download the video/audio file, put on headphones and turn
       | up the volume. You will hear these people committing these
       | crimes. Audio was broadcast into my apartment by outdated
       | surveillance equipment illegally embedded within my walls. This
       | very same technology was being used to broadcast me to the
       | internet for five years without my consent. I own this footage.
       | Please use this to prosecute all found within. Note:: I am
       | obliviously speaking throughout the video, and it can be quite
       | loud at times relative to the desired content. The are dozens
       | more links, including these, that can be found in this PDF last
       | updated 27Jan2O2O:
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S7T_kDv48E40eHzus6CTXHxcm0W...
       | All members of the "Illuminati"; "....an underground organization
       | of homosexuals and child rapists..." (from pg 26: Barack Obama
       | with Jack Dorsey).
       | President Donald Trump:
       | Demands a $4 billion dollar bribe here at 10:18am 4Jan2019:
       | 3JanCh3_900-1100.avi
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Grdr8xF2psKNsuYlEnl9dIRV-77...
       | 3JanCh2_900-1100-avi
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LUmVygl_q0XVs8h2cWr8jZl-24f...
       | 3JanCh4_1000-1100.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZpP1pJbJakBgg-y-MWNozTxp3wJ...
       | President Trump rapes and kills twelve boys, including five boys
       | in a "who can rape five boys to death the fastest" game:
       | 14JanCh3_6oo.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ufPmglde9Mep0m6xYMJ9c4TWTjj...
       | 14JanCh2_6oo-7oo.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/136qLJdEn8eCs9tI4QtIxl4opW_L...
       | Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi:
       | Accepting a $3 billion dollar bribe at 1033 am on the 17th of Jan
       | 2019 to ensure Asian boys can get through the border at
       | "Monterrey" undocumented to be raped:
       | 17JanCh3_949-1100.avi pomrvcpoie
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eodHu4o5Cm3xEWhDqipSuTj-M1C...
       | 17JanCh4_1017-1100.avi
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y-nWEQbempkVZSz230j9wTyduZN...
       | Speaker Nancy Pelosi also "preps" boys with First Lady Melania
       | Trump, defined as in she performs oral sex on the boys' penis and
       | anus, as a child rapist like Henry Porter would, while trying to
       | remove fecal matter from the boy prior to handing them over to be
       | raped and then subsequently murdered, for Supreme Court Justice
       | Samuel Alito, who apparently decides he would rather just have
       | ten billion dollars instead. US Attorney for Western New York
       | James Kennedy rapes these boys instead:
       | 12JanCh3_1533-1638.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AgFkDsbPbI4b5Xd3Wbz2EVNNx25...
       | Attorney General William Barr with FBI Deputy Director
       | Christopher Wray raped and killed boys for billions in bribes in
       | Buffalo, New York on the 17Jan2019 at 7:50am:
       | 18JanCh4_700mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UIdZkS5ZVksZdHYsnHk2t5losi0...
       | 18JanCh2_700.mp3,kj.iooy
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DFK8IAxm5pQVqZv9L518nfgP7_o...
       | 18JanCh3_725-.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DG5ej59Ic8RT9UhbyMdwT0BDcKI...
       | Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Secretary of Defense
       | Patrick Shanahan each raped and killed boys on 5thJan'19 at 17:39
       | for billions in bribes:
       | 5JanCh3_1600 1800.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ghgmNrQvJ8WfJ2TsDVx1ruDU36h...
       | 5JanCh2_1721-1818.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eSlD4otX4KZqWXboQM92Mu-6J02...
       | Leaders of the "impeachment" effort Jerrold Nadler, Robert
       | Mueller, and Adam Schiff all rape and kill boys between 11:20pm
       | and 1:10am:
       | 14JanCh4_2300-0000.mp3 Nadler starts at about 20:00 in::
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kuvv2Zmbw5Jw7onbRI2hCZ0M8FU...
       | 14JanCh2_2304-2359.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nofp5xF-aXXcCSgQVwj30KlzE9W...
       | Mueller at 12:25am, next is Schiff who starts 12:55-ish:
       | 15JanCh2_000-100.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EsmHfguwBuo2PbavJ1WYyhiML62...
       | 15JanCh2_100-200.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NZnWRnBryalNQu2yJmfJUdS2pA_...
       | 15JanCh4_000-100.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZEDJR6jb6ARpcNnWJTokBUKb2J2...
       | 15JanCh4_100-200.mp3
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/173aYWvWHH4VGht1h_2nM0IMdw74...
       | Complete Media Protection: Lester Holt, of NBC NightlyNews,
       | apparently a member of the Illuminati since the 1980's, along
       | with ABC Nightly News lead anchor David Muir, stop over to the
       | Porter studio in Buffalo, New York on 14Jan2019 at 5:00 am. They
       | both rape and kill about two dozen boys by 6:00 am. Muir starts
       | around 5.15am, then Holt about 5:38 am. Multi-billionaire Rupert
       | Murdoch, owner of News Corp and also Fox Corporation, takes his
       | turn after Holt. Video links below:
       | 14JanCh3_500-601.avi
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i7NKepeyG_FfdQRrM7KsnFOZOOX...
       | 14JanCh2_530-600.avi
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NZzgN5ilI7ToroU5cfqMaL4o2u1...
       | Adding to the media protection and reason this is not picked up
       | by the media, CBS and Viacom owner Sumner Redstone and Leslie
       | Moonves rape and kill boys following the President.
       | 14JanCh3_700.avi
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/10XDw6x3ldnnQiq7oIjpdYVENyXa...
       | 14JanCh2_700-800.avi
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NS_e6AzEZ05wnfljkGMETGU5CWY...
       | 160p PDF [last updated: Jan|27|2o2o]:
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S7T_kDv48E40eHzus6CTXHxcm0W...
       | \\\\. Please repost in USA! Post gets censored in US
       (page generated 2020-01-29 23:00 UTC)