[HN Gopher] End-of-Life Announcement for CoreOS Container Linux
       End-of-Life Announcement for CoreOS Container Linux
       Author : thebeardisred
       Score  : 120 points
       Date   : 2020-02-05 16:41 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (coreos.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (coreos.com)
       | rubyn00bie wrote:
       | What did CoreOS offer that say ClearLinux, or good ol' Debian do
       | not?
       | It seems like the only difference is you've gottta
       | `packagemanger_xyz install` a couple packages...?
       | vlowther wrote:
       | well, good thing there is https://www.flatcar-linux.org/
         | astrea wrote:
         | > In fact, if CoreOS Container Linux disappeared tomorrow, it
         | would have very little impact on the Flatcar Container Linux
         | project.
         | Well we will learn how true this is very shortly.
           | blixtra wrote:
           | Chris from Kinvolk here. Our Flatcar builds are already
           | completely independent of CoreOS builds. This is quite
           | exciting for us as we can finally start updating the included
           | software versions. We've been doing this a while for the edge
           | channel (https://www.flatcar-linux.org/releases/) and have
           | been waiting to do that with the other channels.
             | merb wrote:
             | it would be cool if https://github.com/coreos/container-
             | linux-update-operator would also be part of flatcar.
       | bovermyer wrote:
       | What about RancherOS? Is that a viable replacement?
       | qwerty456127 wrote:
       | Fedora CoreOS. Oh my. I din't even know Fedora Core is not the
       | full name of the ordinary Fedora OS any more...
       | fkistner wrote:
       | Can someone recommend an immutable Linux distro, which offers
       | auto-updates out-of-the-box and supports arm64 on RPi?
       | Have been searching for something like this for a while for a
       | personal project, but unfortunately neither Flatcar nor Fedora
       | CoreOS seem to support arm64, RancherOS does not to seem to offer
       | fully automatic updates.
         | infinisil wrote:
         | As choward already mentioned, I think NixOS is a very good
         | choice: aarch64 is decently well supported with a bunch of
         | people running NixOS on their Raspbys, and cross compilation
         | support is really good too if needed. See
         | https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM/Raspberry_Pi for more
         | info, or hop into #nixos and/or #nixos-aarch64 on Freenode for
         | help
         | choward wrote:
         | I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "immutable" but you might
         | find NixOS (https://nixos.org/) interesting. However, it might
         | not be the best experience at the moment for the Raspberry Pi 4
         | (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/63720).
       | zymhan wrote:
       | Fedora CoreOS seems like it has some pretty significant
       | restrictions
       | > It does not yet include native support for Azure, DigitalOcean,
       | GCE, Vagrant, or the Container Linux community-supported
       | platforms.
       | > The rkt container runtime is not included.
       | > Fedora CoreOS provides best-effort stability, and may
       | occasionally include regressions or breaking changes for some use
       | cases or workloads.
         | wmf wrote:
         | This is the Red Hat "stay in business" business model, not the
         | CoreOS "make it up in volume" business model.
         | kashyapc wrote:
         | [I work at Red Hat, but not related to CoreOS.]
         | A small nit-pick: Not having Vagrant is not a "significant
         | restriction".
         | FWIW, there is the robust and well-documented _virt-builder_
         | [1] tool that plays well with KVM, Xen and other stacks.
         | (Related documentation here[2] -- replace "f27" with the latest
         | Fedora release.)
         | [1] http://libguestfs.org/virt-builder.1.html
         | [2] https://developer.fedoraproject.org/tools/virt-
         | builder/about...
         | newnewpdro wrote:
         | >> The rkt container runtime is not included.
         | rkt is dead
           | c0restraint wrote:
           | It is? The GitHub project page does not indicate that:
           | https://github.com/rkt/rkt/
             | blixtra wrote:
             | A former rkt dev here. rkt was archived by the CNCF with
             | our blessings. Was just speaking to other rkt folks at
             | FOSDEM about archiving the project on GH as well, which
             | should happen shortly. We will also announce deprecation of
             | rkt in Flatcar Container Linux very soon. rkt really
             | changed the container runtime landscape for the best and
             | we're happy to see that other projects improved because if
             | it and that the space was able to consolidate a bit.
             | thebeardisred wrote:
             | It was donated to the CNCF years ago. As of today, it's the
             | only "Archived" CNCF project:
             | https://www.cncf.io/archived-projects/ (https://web.archive
             | .org/web/20200205190817/https://www.cncf....)
             | chipsa wrote:
             | Last release was 2 years ago. It's either dead or feature
             | complete and bug free.
             | fcantournet wrote:
             | It is 100% we're finishing our migration away from it right
             | now. Never getting kubernetes support killed it.
             | wmf wrote:
             | It's really dead. rkt never got much adoption and now Red
             | Hat is promoting Podman instead.
               | stingraycharles wrote:
               | But Podman is not the same thing at all.
               | Oh well. I always liked rkt, mostly as a sane alternative
               | to Docker's client/server and security model. What's the
               | best alternative nowadays ?
               | plapetomain wrote:
               | systemd nspawn
               | pkulak wrote:
               | Wow, I'd never heard of that. I've been using LXD for a
               | while now and love it. From a quick glance at the docs,
               | I'm not sure what benefits this has, apart from not
               | requiring Snap. :D
               | newnewpdro wrote:
               | If you're on a systemd distro, one advantage is you
               | already have systemd-nspawn. Although, on debian boxes,
               | it's split out into the systemd-container package.
               | Another advantage is it's somewhat integrated into the
               | rest of systemd, having hooks into systemd-machined and
               | the machinectl tooling, and an out-of-box instance unit
               | file for systemd-nspawn@ where the instance name maps to
               | the machine name. Meaning you can trivially start a
               | container w/`systemctl start systemd-nspawn@that-
               | contained-webservice` having nothing more than something
               | useful in /var/lib/machines/that-contained-webservice/,
               | or enable it to start at boot like any other systemd
               | service i.e. `systemctl enable systemd-nspawn@that-
               | contained-webservice`.
               | BTW, rkt was basically just a wrapper around systemd-
               | nspawn, though the pluggable stages supported alternative
               | containment mechanisms. The nspawn stage1 is what was
               | originally shipped from the beginning.
               | gigatexal wrote:
               | Won't be long until we do systemd ls...
               | I jest but systemd really is taking over a lot of
               | functionality
               | newnewpdro wrote:
               | It's less worrying if you view systemd as a mono-repo
               | containing a collection of related projects maintained in
               | one place, one of which is PID 1 - which really should
               | have been renamed to systemd-initd.
               | The fact that Debian is able to isolate the nspawn-
               | related bits into systemd-container without breaking
               | everything speaks to the modular arrangement. Though the
               | project may be a mono-repo under the systemd umbrella,
               | it's not a monolithic beast antithetical to unix
               | tradition as many like to claim.
               | It's odd how *bsd people don't get all up in arms about
               | their core system pieces being in one repo, but the linux
               | world loses their minds when sprawling messes get a
               | little more consolidated even though it's for the better.
               | dane-pgp wrote:
               | You say that the mono-repo contains a collection of
               | "related" projects, but how many of those projects is it
               | possible to install and use without installing and using
               | at least one other project from the same repo?
               | It's possible to have a system with "ls" and without
               | "grep", and vice versa, at least in principle. More
               | importantly, it's possible to replace "ls" with a
               | competing implementation, without having to change
               | "grep". The systemd ecosystem is not structured in a way
               | that lets alternatives be explored.
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | Systemd didn't take this over, nspawn is a pretty small
               | wrapper around functionality that already existed. It
               | turns out containers are not really that special compared
               | to services, and most of the plumbing was already there
               | in the service manager anyway.
               | newnewpdro wrote:
               | > nspawn is a pretty small wrapper around functionality
               | that already existed. It turns out containers are not
               | really that special compared to services, and most of the
               | plumbing was already there in the service manager anyway.
               | That's more than a little misleading. It's not like
               | nspawn just calls into the service manager to get things
               | done on its behalf via dbus or something like that.
               | If that were the case, rkt would only have worked on
               | systemd hosts, since it used nspawn to setup its
               | containers.
               | While it's true nspawn shares a bunch of code in common
               | with the service manager, being in the same repository,
               | it's a substantial program on its own and can function
               | entirely independent of the service manager.
               | There was a time when nspawn actively required running on
               | a systemd-booted host, but it was completely unnecessary
               | and that check was removed while rkt was being developed.
               | [0]
               | It's _not_ some thin little ergonomic wrapper around
               | existing service manager facilities.
               | [0] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/4f923a19844
               | 76de344...
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | >It's not like nspawn just calls into the service manager
               | to get things done on its behalf via dbus or something
               | like that.
               | Yes, it literally does? https://github.com/systemd/system
               | d/blob/master/src/nspawn/ns...
               | Additionally there is a lot of shared functionality in
               | libsystemd. Take a look at the rest of the code in nspawn
               | and see how little it actually accomplishes.
               | newnewpdro wrote:
               | > Yes, it literally does? https://github.com/systemd/syst
               | emd/blob/master/src/nspawn/ns...
               | No, it literally doesn't. That's just _registration_ with
               | the service manager, and it 's _optional_. Basically it
               | 's to make the service manager _aware_ of nspawn 's
               | actions, when it's on a systemd host.
               | I already pointed out they share a lot of code. The
               | service manager _process_ doesn 't do squat on behalf of
               | nspawn.
               | CameronNemo wrote:
               | systemd is a container runtime even without nspawn... you
               | can control all of the namespaces and control groups via
               | regular service units. Not sure if you can pivot_root
               | too, but I would not be surprised.
               | CameronNemo wrote:
               | Void Linux, Gentoo, and Arch Linux package LXD without
               | Snap. Perhaps other distros too.
             | kitotik wrote:
             | Seems it's at least trending towards dead. Hashicorp Nomad
             | recently deprecated the rkt driver for lack of adoption.
       | ollien wrote:
       | I mean this makes sense, right? Fedora Silverblue exists. Or are
       | they totally separate products?
         | wwright wrote:
         | Silverblue is an effort to bring this technology to the desktop
         | AFAICT. Fedora Atomic Server uses some of the technology for
         | server workloads, but maintains some traditional structure and
         | architecture.
         | CoreOS is intended to be a "new" architecture for servers if I
         | am not mistaken. I may be :-)
           | hosh wrote:
           | CoreOS was built using Gentoo / ChromeOS / Chromium OS
           | family. There is a minimum set of services to run containers.
           | Rootfs is read-only. Updates are done atomically by updating
           | the standby rootfs, and the swapped at boot.
           | There is no package manager. You bring everything else with
           | images and containers. If tools are not found on the distro,
           | you have to get them yourself by starting up an image that
           | contains those tools.
           | The build system that builds a new release is Gentoo. All the
           | packages that are there gets updated, though the final
           | release does not contain emerge or anything that actually can
           | compile or build anything.
           | After CoreOS got bought out by Redhat, they started porting
           | over those ideas using the Fedora build system (so Redhat
           | packages, yum, etc).
           | I think the CoreOS Container OS will live on inside GCP as
           | the customized container os as the default distro used on GKE
           | (managed Kubernetes).
           | Edit: I see someone mention FlatCar. Neat. I guess that is
           | more of a successor project than the one used in GKE.
             | bogomipz wrote:
             | >"I think the CoreOS Container OS will live on inside GCP
             | as the customized container os as the default distro used
             | on GKE (managed Kubernetes)."
             | I found this interesting. Does anyone have any insights how
             | or why Google ended up choosing CoreoS for their GKE
             | offering?
               | robszumski wrote:
               | (Former CoreOS/Red Hat)
               | I am 99% sure that this offering is only similar in
               | nature, not a fork or using any bits from Container Linux
               | linuxdude314 wrote:
               | Historically CoreOS was the first OS you could easily PXE
               | boot and have a working container host without performing
               | installation. This was supported not as a secondary
               | thought, but specifically designed to make scale out
               | easier.
               | A lot of these concepts and benefits apply when you
               | consider cloud images as opposed to PXE boot images. With
               | CoreOS, there was little difference in configuration with
               | these two patters, if the infrastructure had the same
               | topology you could essentially use the same config (VM or
               | Baremetal).
               | Google Ventures also invested money in CoreOS at one
               | point.
               | bogomipz wrote:
               | Thanks for the insight. I was wondering what the two
               | patterns are exactly that you referred to here:
               | >"With CoreOS, there was little difference in
               | configuration with these two patters, if the
               | infrastructure had the same topology you could
               | essentially use the same config (VM or Baremetal)"
               | Also are re "cloud images" VMs then, similar to AMIs in
               | AWS?
               | Cheers
               | hosh wrote:
               | Yeah. I didn't mean to imply Google chose CoreOS to work
               | off of, just that the ideas are there.
             | captn3m0 wrote:
             | Didn't know GLE bade OS was based on CoreOS. Is this
             | documented somewhere?
               | hosh wrote:
               | Sorry, I misspoke. I did not mean to imply that the
               | Google containeros itself is a hard fork, but rather the
               | ideas behind them lives on. I think those were based on
               | ChromiumOS, but not CoreOS Container OS at least when I
               | peeked into running GKE nodes.
               | As I mentioned in the edit, it looks like FlatCar is a
               | true successor fork.
         | wmf wrote:
         | Fedora Silverblue is for desktops, Fedora CoreOS is for
         | servers, and RHEL CoreOS is for supported enterprise servers.
       | captn3m0 wrote:
       | Interesting that they are yanking AMIs on 1st Sep.
       | > New CoreOS Container Linux machines will not be launchable in
       | public clouds without prior preparation.
       | Are people here moving to FlatCar or Fedore CoreOS?
         | secure wrote:
         | FlatCar. I'm using coreos-cloudinit for configuration, and that
         | seems to be deprecated with no proper replacement.
       | crad wrote:
       | Yet another instance of RedHat buying something I used/liked and
       | killing it off and offering a shitty alternative. And yet another
       | reason I've tried to avoid giving RedHat money over the last 20+
       | years.
         | quasse wrote:
         | I'm especially sad since I finished porting some of our Docker
         | infrastructure to CoreOS _today_. I guess I missed the
         | proverbial writing on the wall.
         | Thank god Flatcar Linux looks to be a viable alternative and
         | easy changeover.
       (page generated 2020-02-05 23:00 UTC)