[HN Gopher] Huawei-owned company injects backdoor into their chi...
       Huawei-owned company injects backdoor into their chips activated by
       TCP commands
       Author : mcsoft
       Score  : 199 points
       Date   : 2020-02-05 21:50 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (habr.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (habr.com)
       | inetknght wrote:
       | Is this Bloomberg and SuperMicro all over again?
         | gen3 wrote:
         | No, there is proof of concept code.
         | from the article: https://github.com/Snawoot/hisilicon-dvr-
         | telnet
       | LatteLazy wrote:
       | Isn't this just telnet? Like last time people claimed huawei
       | "injected back doors", nothing is being injected by them, and
       | these are not backdoors, they are front doors, standard festures
       | etc? But dressed up in a way to make it look scarey to someone
       | non-technical? Sorry if I'm missing something here...
         | taneq wrote:
         | A hidden door that nobody but the installer of the door knows
         | about is generally referred to as a back door. If it was
         | without the knowledge of the main device manufacturer, then it
         | was injected.
       | lifeisstillgood wrote:
       | I know I am probably too forgiving (and generous and honest
       | https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/439593613603376622/) but dumb
       | companies have left backdoors in everything from heart monitors
       | to factory equipment.
       | I understood that the Huawei threat is not "dumb shit" but
       | "clever shit we don't notice until the cyber portion of the
       | combined arms full scale attack is launched"
       | If we cannot trust one hardware company we cannot trust any of
       | them. Open source hardware seems like the Nash Equilibrium for
       | this problem - everyone finds a way to make sure everyone can
       | verify the hardware in their network...
         | gnfargbl wrote:
         | It is _both_ of those things.
         | And why wouldn't it be? Huawei is a large organization and,
         | like all large organizations, will consist of a multitude of
         | different groups all trying to achieve the same goal in
         | different ways. Some will want to rob the bank by tunnelling
         | quietly into the vault at night, some will want to walk through
         | the front door with a sawn-off shotgun.
           | lifeisstillgood wrote:
           | Fair enough - see my edit above. The only protection against
           | dumb or clever shit is some means to verify SoCs are what
           | they claim to be (yes very hard, but a future with Open
           | source SoCs, and supply chains where you can inspect enough
           | to be confident - that future can be glimpsed from here and
           | it's a future where everyone wins)
       | bitanarch wrote:
       | The title is misleading. HiSilicon is responsible for the SoC,
       | but the backdoor is part of the Linux-based device firmware made
       | by another company called Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology Co. There
       | is no clear connection between Huawei and Xiongmai.
       | You can find the clarification about the firmware maker
       | (Xiongmai) towards the end of the article.
         | yorwba wrote:
         | > There is no clear connection between Huawei and Xiongmai.
         | If Xiongmai firmware runs on HiSilicon SoCs, there must be some
         | kind of connection, even if just via a third party that paid
         | HiSilicon for the hardware and Xiongmai to write the firmware
         | for it. Unfortunately, the writeup doesn't clearly identify who
         | that could be.
         | microcolonel wrote:
         | For those struggling to read this comment, HiSilicon is Huawei.
         | Xiongmai is well known to do this sort of thing with firmware,
         | at this point I tend to think that they have probably been
         | asked to do this sort of thing.
         | Any competent person who installs their software on a device
         | knows that they are installing CCP spyware (whether Xiongmai
         | intends it that way or otherwise).
         | The article title is clickbait though, at least as far as I'm
         | aware. Huawei does not own Xiongmai...
         | ...but they share a common parent company. :^ )
       | exabrial wrote:
       | > Full disclosure format for this report has been chosen due to
       | lack of trust to vendor. Proof of concept code is presented
       | below.
       | coliveira wrote:
       | The company in question, Xiongmai, is not owned by Huawei as
       | stated. This is probably a clickbait article trying to link
       | Huawei with some kind of backdoor.
         | derision wrote:
         | Thanks Sino. As we all know all Chinese companies are
         | completely independent and free from all communist party
         | influence
       | Trias11 wrote:
       | So if device is behind firewall - attacker cannot sent TCP
       | request to it?
       | [deleted]
       | whalesalad wrote:
       | When you see how small some of these devices are it makes you
       | realize how easy it would be for a malicious actor to bug just
       | about anything you own. A simple cell phone charger becomes a
       | listening device that could have an LTE modem hiding in it.
       | People are worried when they find a raspberry pi sitting in the
       | network rack - and rightfully so - but fail to realize that you
       | can achieve pretty much the same thing by hiding in plain sight.
       | Imagine how much you could fit into a 6-port commodity surge
       | protector.
         | r00fus wrote:
         | Without ruining the main use case - is there some way to
         | sterilize or nuke things like a basic cell phone charger when
         | it should have no radio-frequency capability?
           | Avamander wrote:
           | > is there some way to sterilize or nuke things like a basic
           | cell phone charger when it should have no radio-frequency
           | capability?
           | If you want Fast Charging, short circuit protection or
           | similar, then no, it has to have ICs and those could do a lot
           | of things that are hard to detect.
           | Polylactic_acid wrote:
           | You have to open it up and inspect the hardware.
           | RL_Quine wrote:
           | Nope. Even USB cables now have active electronics and a
           | microprocessor in them.
           | yoz-y wrote:
           | My guess would be no, as even the basic use case of a modern
           | charger (for example) requires a functioning computer.
           | Shielding is only a temporary option too because the device
           | could just buffer the data and wait for the opportunity to
           | send.
           | My guess is, if there is a proof of malicious act, the
           | governments should severely punish the originating company.
           | To act as a deterrent, i.e.: "you can get away with this
           | exactly once".
         | Zenst wrote:
         | > A simple cell phone charger becomes a listening device that
         | could have an LTE modem hiding in it.
         | You can already get USB cables that have a hidden mic and sim,
         | so if powered you can phone up and listen in. Those a very
         | cheap and google shows this, but this is more adventurous.
         | As for targeting hardware and security - how many people would
         | question a fancy free mouse or keyboard arriving in the
         | internal post as it happened to of been dropped of at
         | reception. Great pentesting trick btw.
         | As for chips with `hidden/undocumented` remote activated
         | features. If it was documented, would it be bad or something
         | you can use or actively block off. When they are undocumented,
         | well - hard not to think the worst. But then, CPU's today, not
         | fully documented when you can't hack away at the microcode and
         | management and whatever else is DRM'd out of your reach.
         | If Intel was a Chinese company instead of American - how would
         | Americans feel about Intel chips? That is an interesting
         | thought exercise.
         | adrianpike wrote:
         | Glade plug-ins are innocuous, roomy inside, and have convenient
         | constant 120v.
         | Take a peek next time you're in a semi-public space if there's
         | any that are suspiciously not-smelly.
           | lifeisstillgood wrote:
           | And one could easily walk round many building just plugging
           | them in. I mean how many people would remove a glade-plug-in
           | just in case Dorothy from accounts likes the smell? Dorothy
           | might just replenish the scent dispenser every six weeks.
             | Polylactic_acid wrote:
             | I would unplug them to avoid creating air pollution.
               | lifeisstillgood wrote:
               | Dorothy would give you a hard stare.
               | And defund your project.
               | Zenst wrote:
               | Which would save HR doing it and sending a memo about
               | health and safety and asthma can kill due to these,
               | possible.... Yeah, that is exactly how that would play
               | out in many companies. At least in the UK.
       | tryptophan wrote:
       | I wonder what the solution to this sort of thing is. Open source
       | hardware maybe? Force publication of firmware for all hardware
       | sold?
         | Avamander wrote:
         | FOSS firmware would be a nice, but unless someone verifies that
         | firmware (could be maliciously a spaghetti), then it doesn't
         | have much use.
         | somurzakov wrote:
         | 1. if the device name contains "smart" -> always assume it is
         | vulnerable.
         | 2. put all IoT devices behind firewall/NAT router and never
         | allow any traffic from WAN to the IoT. (Allow only South->North
         | traffic)
         | 3. Never allow east-west traffic between IoT devices.
       | easytiger wrote:
       | Why is the title sensationalised. There is no "injects backdoor
       | into their chips".
       | It's a debug console on a busybox build. One would have to be on
       | the same lan to exploit it.
         | crooked-v wrote:
         | Though, "on the same LAN" becomes much more of a problem when
         | you consider insecure 'smart' lightbulbs and appliances
         | everywhere.
           | Polylactic_acid wrote:
           | Yep, how many people actually have a lan where every single
           | device that ever connects is fully secure and trusted.
             | jay_90 wrote:
             | The US Govt?
               | marta_morena wrote:
               | lmao
               | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
               | Their contractors. The government itself can't be
               | bothered to follow its own security policies.
             | kryogen1c wrote:
             | vLAN segmentation is a best practice for this exact reason
             | dahfizz wrote:
             | Everyone savvy enough to browse HN ought to, at the very
             | least...
         | colincooke wrote:
         | This "debug console" is on networked IP cameras (many of which
         | are open to the web) and available through a hardcoded
         | password. I don't see a convincing argument for malicious
         | intent, more so a dangerous level of incompetence from a
         | company who should know better.
         | Unfortunately Xiongmai is not an outlier for subpar security
         | practices on IOT products, doesn't make it any less bad though
           | throwaway5752 wrote:
           | The old _" the 's' in IoT stands for 'security'"_ holds true.
           | Hanlon's razor has been dangerously stressed lately.
             | microcolonel wrote:
             | Xiongmai has a history of oopsies this big or bigger, going
             | back several years at least. Their software usually turns
             | out to be spyware, whatever their intent may be.
               | [deleted]
             | dahfizz wrote:
             | I would like to point out that this is not specific to IOT.
             | I deal with lots of servers and enterprise networking gear
             | at my job and many of them come with hardcoded passwords on
             | ipmi / networked admin consoles.
             | The difference is that your average Joe doesn't even know
             | he has to configure these devices, let alone how to
             | configure them.
         | a_t48 wrote:
         | So...Hanlon's Razor? :)
         | cjbprime wrote:
         | > One would have to be on the same lan to exploit it.
         | For what it's worth, DNS rebinding attacks are commonly used
         | against embedded devices, and remove this restriction.
           | qeternity wrote:
           | Had never heard of DNS rebinding before. Very cool. I presume
           | this is only useful for extremely target attacks given the
           | strict timing requirements?
             | dahfizz wrote:
             | Nope, it would be pretty straightforward to set up a
             | stateful dns server that serves the "real" ip on first
             | request from a new client, and then ever subsequent request
             | returns a local IP. That one dns server would enable an
             | attack on anyone who visits the malicious site.
           | corford wrote:
           | Speaking of rebinding attacks... does anyone know why
           | cloudflare's resolver doesn't enforce this? It's the
           | only "big" public one I know of that happily resolves RFC1918
           | IPs.
         | taneq wrote:
         | If a consumer device ships with a "debug console" that gives
         | the manufacturer (or any attacker who knew about it) root,
         | that's a vulnerability. If it happens on purpose, and they
         | don't tell you about it, then that's the very definition of a
         | backdoor.
       (page generated 2020-02-05 23:00 UTC)