[HN Gopher] Archive (2020-02-05) - Page 2
 (DIR) The Bootleg Files: Dance and Trance in Bali (2014)
       5 points by tintinnabula (0 comments)
 (DIR) The Emu War
       39 points by areoform (15 comments)
 (DIR) Sometimes, requiring explanability is counterproductive
       94 points by metahost (58 comments)
 (DIR) Athelas (YC S16) is hiring fullstack engineers to help change he...
       1 points (job listing)
 (DIR) Unix System Programming with Standard ML (2001) [pdf]
       113 points by vector_spaces (35 comments)
 (DIR) Twinkle Notes: Cross-platform encrypted notes app
       81 points by twknotes (39 comments)
 (DIR) NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope Ends 16-Year Mission
       18 points by cyanbane (8 comments)
 (DIR) YaCy: Decentralized Web Search
       102 points by okasaki (23 comments)
 (DIR) The JVM's mysterious AllocatePrefetch options: what do they do?
       34 points by sadiq (5 comments)
 (DIR) ZZ is a modern formally provable dialect of C
       218 points by the_duke (137 comments)
 (DIR) Finland to give dads same parental leave as mums
       619 points by SJSque (524 comments)
 (DIR) Over 550 videos of 870 talks from FOSDEM 2020 have now been uplo...
       349 points by jonatron (54 comments)
 (DIR) What's SAP?
       920 points by dvdhsu (501 comments)
 (DIR) Code Shame: Sharing your embarrassing code
       26 points by bbody (15 comments)
 (DIR) Occam programming language
       48 points by dcminter (13 comments)
 (DIR) Luxembourg Wants to Solve Congestion with Free Public Transport
       6 points by lelf (0 comments)
 (DIR) Scientists reveal the most extensive genetic map of cancers ever...
       7 points by pimterry (0 comments)
 (DIR) PostgreSQL for Those Who Can't Even
       16 points by craigkerstiens (0 comments)
 (DIR) Day One at Yalta, the Conference That Shaped the World
       41 points by lermontov (21 comments)
 (DIR) macOS Kernel Extensions are officially deprecated
       44 points by ameshkov (49 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2020-02-05 23:01 UTC)