[HN Gopher] GitHub CLI is now in beta
       GitHub CLI is now in beta
       Author : twapi
       Score  : 357 points
       Date   : 2020-02-12 17:05 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.blog)
       | kbd wrote:
       | It's frustrating that they'd release a new CLI and nowhere
       | address its relation to their existing 'hub' CLI.
       | Edit: found a note in their readme on github:
       | https://github.com/cli/cli#comparison-with-hub
       | > For many years, hub was the unofficial GitHub CLI tool. gh is a
       | new project for us to explore what an official GitHub CLI tool
       | can look like with a fundamentally different design. While both
       | tools bring GitHub to the terminal, hub behaves as a proxy to git
       | and gh is a standalone tool.
         | OJFord wrote:
         | > hub was the unofficial GitHub CLI tool.
         | 'unofficial'... https://hub.github.com/
         | I officially despise how meaningless '[un]official' has become.
           | scarejunba wrote:
           | I love it. There being a spectrum between "blessed" and "work
           | of a random" means that we get more software.
           | And in the end, since it's open source, it's up to me whether
           | I derive value from it.
             | OJFord wrote:
             | ? My point is that it wasn't 'work of a random'; it was in
             | a repo under the `github` org; with a first-party GitHub
             | website.
             | OSS is great, I agree, my issue is just with the weird
             | description of GitHub's older similar tool.
               | codingaround wrote:
               | and done by one of the founders.
               | But github despises its own 2 founders. As it grew,
               | culture changed and founders became enemies. So it became
               | better to write a new tool rather that cooperating with
               | some people.
               | Hub has been in development since 2009, for sure the gh
               | team could had cooperated.
               | scarejunba wrote:
               | That's _my_ point. If a company can release something
               | without being on the hook for it, that 's awesome. It
               | encourages them to release half-baked stuff alongside
               | their platinum stuff which is something I desire far more
               | than having them only release stuff that's full-baked.
               | Simply put, I prioritize more software way more than I
               | prioritize officialness etc.
       | turdnagel wrote:
       | Frustrating that the CLI is an "open" beta while the iOS and
       | Android clients are not. I'd love to test the iOS beta but I have
       | no idea where I am on the waiting list.
       | dijit wrote:
       | Anything similar to this for gitlab?
         | simon04 wrote:
         | https://zaquestion.github.io/lab/ - Lab wraps Git or Hub,
         | making it simple to clone, fork, and interact with repositories
         | on GitLab
       | EamonnMR wrote:
       | My cynical side wonders if this is a case of Embrace Extend
       | Extinguish-move developer mindshare off of git (GitHub as
       | commodity git hosting) and into vendor lock-in.
         | zelly wrote:
         | Yes, time to move to gitlab or self hosted gitlab
           | sneak wrote:
           | The time to do that was when people asked GitHub to stop
           | providing services to ICE to help run concentration camps for
           | children and their military-industrial complex owners at
           | Microsoft just shrugged and said "whatever". (It continues to
           | date. Microsoft has always been more than happy to sell
           | software to the violent and authoritarian. The Snowden slides
           | are PowerPoint.)
           | https://techcrunch.com/2019/11/13/github-faces-more-
           | resignat...
           | But yes, time to switch. I highly recommend Gitea + Drone,
           | it's the setup I use. Gitea thankfully supports U2F (and
           | oauth for logging into Drone) which is awesome, and although
           | they took shit for plainly ripping off GitHub's UI back when
           | GitHub was beloved, it's super convenient to have a nearly
           | identical UI to switch to now.
         | Ididntdothis wrote:
         | It sort of makes sense with MS being the owner. I definitely
         | notice that a lot of the new grads don't really know about git.
         | They think it's all Github.
           | grogenaut wrote:
           | I've had a lot of freelancers lately who when I ask for their
           | ssh public key they send me their GitHub username. Like 10 in
           | a row. Half of them had public keys even.
           | Yet at work no one has this issue with our ghe
             | GauntletWizard wrote:
             | Yeah, I don't get that. I use my github as a repository of
             | my public keys - At least partially because Ubuntu will now
             | ask for a github username to prefill authorized_keys, but I
             | had a curl script set up before that - But I would not
             | confuse "Here's where there's an updated list of my keys"
             | for "Here's a key"; The response is, at best, `*[]key`
             | rather than `key` (and assuming you know the
             | github.com/$USER.keys syntax, which isn't exactly standard)
           | ronsor wrote:
           | We're now on "extend." I wonder when "extinguish" will come.
             | bisby wrote:
             | For the true pure "EEE" experience. they would need to be
             | pushing us back towards some other MS product.
             | Embrace git. Extend git. Extinguish git. Everyone is tired
             | of git and just goes to Microsoft VSCode Repos.
             | With "gh" in theory they could do that: get everyone using
             | a custom tool... and while no one is paying attention,
             | change out the backing infrastructure to use MS Repos Tool.
             | And you wont even notice because gh was built to make the
             | transition seamless. (I doubt this is truly the case
             | because there is a lot of automated tooling that uses git
             | that would break in that case)
             | And now when you decide you want to pull your code off
             | github to go to gitlab, it becomes too much of a hassle.
         | juped wrote:
         | What about Github was ever not vendor lock-in?
         | clSTophEjUdRanu wrote:
         | They can't extinguish anything if users don't switch. Users
         | won't switch unless it provides value.
           | kzzzznot wrote:
           | The point is this CLI is providing value. Do you disagree?
           | strictfp wrote:
           | So extend?
         | eeZah7Ux wrote:
         | Coming from a company with a _40 years_ long tradition of EEE?
         | Nooo...
       | miguelmota wrote:
       | From hub's main developer Mislav's blog [0]
       | > Since I personally don't find it valuable to spend my time
       | maintaining two separate command-line clients for GitHub, I will
       | gradually reduce my involvement with hub to a point where it
       | either goes into complete feature-freeze mode or finds new
       | maintainership.
       | So it sounds like gh will be the successor to hub.
       | [0] https://mislav.net/2020/01/github-cli/
       | tilolebo wrote:
       | From https://github.com/cli/cli#installation-and-upgrading
       | > gh is available via scoop
       | And I've been using chocolatey the whole time :facepalm.
       | How does scoop compare to choco? (Except for the obvious "no
       | admin permissions needed")
         | GordonS wrote:
         | Scoop is more opinionated, in that there is a single, canonical
         | version of each app. My experience with chocolately is very
         | different, as there are often multiple different packaged
         | versions of any given app, and you've no idea which is the
         | "best" one.
           | tilolebo wrote:
           | I usually go for the one with the most downloads, but it's
           | true that it can be confusing. Reminds me of the SUSE package
           | web search back in the days.
         | iza wrote:
         | See https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop/wiki/Chocolatey-
         | Compari...
         | In general it is much simpler in its design and implementation.
         | Most packages are portable and do not use installers. It
         | doesn't have quite as many packages as chocolatey though.
         | vips7L wrote:
         | I've never used Choco, but scoop is fantastic. It's very easy
         | to contribute to and use.
         | rumblefrog wrote:
         | From my experience, I find that Chocolately has way more
         | packages in their main "bucket" compared to searching for
         | buckets with choco, however, I do like the isolation of
         | installed programs with choco.
       | [deleted]
       | xvilka wrote:
       | With some extension even navigating issues can be done in cli
       | through markdown viewer in console (I opened a suggestion[1] in
       | Hub's repository).
       | [1] https://github.com/github/hub/issues/2192
       | KenanSulayman wrote:
       | Is there a way to install this without using Homebrew? I know
       | that the author of it works at Github now, but that definitely
       | shouldn't be the only option..
         | blueline wrote:
         | there are prebuilt binaries
         | https://github.com/cli/cli/releases/tag/v0.5.4
       | geerlingguy wrote:
       | I've been using Hub[1] (though not aliased to `git`) for years
       | now, and it's PR management capabilities have been invaluable
       | working on larger projects. Hopefully GitHub CLI is as stable and
       | reliable!
       | It looks like the main features I use from Hub are already well-
       | supported in the GitHub CLI, and it looks like whether or not Hub
       | will still be maintained is an open question[2].
       | Edit: Just noting that `brew install github` doesn't work, it's
       | actually `brew install github/gh/gh` -- that's a new format for
       | brew packages I haven't seen before.
       | [1] https://github.com/github/hub
       | [2] https://github.com/github/hub/issues/2470
         | stockkid wrote:
         | Yeah, Hub is such a valuable tool for automating common tasks
         | on GitHub such a releasing. Hopefully GitHub CLI will maintain
         | a feature parity with Hub so that people can transition
         | smoothly if needed.
         | cweagans wrote:
         | brew install github/gh/gh is a shortcut for brew tap github/gh
         | && brew install gh
         | It has worked for several years now, but I'm not sure if it's
         | documented anywhere.
           | geerlingguy wrote:
           | Ah, that makes sense. I've never seen that shortcut before,
           | but the tap & brew pattern is more familiar.
         | blackandblue wrote:
         | also wondering what is going to happen to hub...
         | Spiritus wrote:
         | Try `brew install gh` instead, it's part of homebrew/core.
         | douglasfshearer wrote:
         | The main developer of this at Github wrote a blogpost about the
         | design decisions behind CLI, and how it fits/replaces Hub. [0]
         | [0] https://mislav.net/2020/01/github-cli/
           | [deleted]
         | rudiv wrote:
         | I use a similar tool for GitLab [1], I wonder if this will
         | propel GitLab to maybe put some money and effort into
         | officially supporting it.
         | [1] https://github.com/zaquestion/lab
         | ekimekim wrote:
         | One thing I really hope they keep from Hub is the way it
         | creates pull requests, namely by opening $EDITOR and using the
         | first line as the PR title and the rest as description, ie.
         | exactly the same mechansim as git uses for "git commit".
         | Needing to navigate a menu to set title and description as it
         | seems to show in the screenshots seems like completely
         | unnessecary friction.
           | geerlingguy wrote:
           | For the title, it prompts, then for the description, it lets
           | you either enter an editor of your choice.
           | The thing I like most about it in a little use today, though,
           | is when it goes to create the PR, it lets you choose to
           | create it directly, or open a 'preview' of the PR in the
           | browser. This is nice for creating Draft PRs which you're
           | still working on and should not yet be merged (since, right
           | now, there's no way to create a PR then put it back into
           | 'Draft' state).
           | earenndil wrote:
           | > first line as the PR title and the rest as description
           | > exactly the same mechanism as git uses for "git commit"
           | That's not how git commit works. git commit opens $EDITOR and
           | makes a list of lines (sans commented-out lines) from that.
           | The first line being a title is only convention, whereas in a
           | github PR it's a formal element of the system.
             | wtallis wrote:
             | It's a bit more than just a convention, since `git log` has
             | lots of formatting options that rely on that first line
             | being the title/subject.
             | CydeWeys wrote:
             | It's not really just convention. Git commit messages map
             | directly to emails for workflows that don't use web UIs
             | like GitHub, with the first line being the subject and the
             | rest being the email body. That's how you mail a commit to
             | someone else for them to review it or incorporate it into
             | their local repo.
             | If you don't format your commit messages properly then
             | they'll just be a sloppy mess in any email-based workflow
             | (like what Linux uses).
             | And the first line is the only line that's displayed in
             | contexts like `git log`, so it truly is the commit summary
             | even if you aren't emailing commits.
           | RandallBrown wrote:
           | I would be surprised if it didn't work that way. That's the
           | way PRs work on their website too.
         | OJFord wrote:
         | > Edit: Just noting that `brew install github` doesn't work,
         | it's actually `brew install github/gh/gh` -- that's a new
         | format for brew packages I haven't seen before.
         | It's not new, but what you've perhaps seen is more like `brew
         | install OJFord/formulae/gh` - 'most' (I haven't surveyed, but
         | in my experience) people call the repo `homebrew-formulae`,
         | `homebrew-` gets stripped, leaving:
         | > `<GH user>/<repo name less 'homebrew-'>/<formula name>`
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | Huh, I'm confused that this announcement doesn't even mention
         | the existing `hub` tool, which is also in the `github`
         | organization... this is a new rewrite replacement for it?
         | I agree the main thing I use `hub` for is PR management.
         | Specifically creating PRs.
         | It had seemed to me that hub was somewhat undermaintained
         | lately, so I guess I'm glad they've released a new tool which
         | appears to maybe cover the same things, which perhaps will be
         | better maintained.... but confused that they are releasing a
         | new tool which does the same thing as an already existing tool
         | also from github...
           | ad_hominem wrote:
           | Hub was created by Chris Wanstrath, one of the original
           | GitHub founders, so it's not surprising there's no reference
           | to it. There's a damnatio memoriae of GitHub's founders and
           | founding story because of certain subcultures that were
           | fostered there by the people they chose to hire.
             | nixpulvis wrote:
             | So dumb, these are the people who literally created GitHub,
             | show them the damn respect they deserve. `hub` (a tool I
             | use to this day) is clearly the predecessor to this
             | official CLI.
             | pjc50 wrote:
             | Could you elaborate, or at least spill the tea?
               | jamie_ca wrote:
               | Circa 2014 there was a big blowup of allegations
               | centering around then-CEO Tom Preston-Werner and his wife
               | (not an employee, but worked at the office). Tom resigned
               | as a result.
               | I don't know why Wanstrath would be excised from
               | collective history though - he was founding CEO
               | (2008-2012) and stepped in again after Tom (2014-2017).
               | Wikipedia says he's now a technical fellow at MS since
               | the acquisition.
         | billygriffin22 wrote:
         | Hi! I'm on the team building GitHub CLI. We're definitely eager
         | for your feedback on what things feel like they're missing, and
         | especially if something is broken or doesn't feel stable or
         | reliable. Feel free to open an issue if there's anything that
         | stands out.
         | The different homebrew installation you referred to is because
         | `gh` isn't part of homebrew/core yet as it's very new. So we'll
         | be adding it in the coming months, but for now that's just a
         | way for us to maintain our own tap and still provide an easy
         | install/upgrade path.
           | cs02rm0 wrote:
           | _We 're definitely eager for your feedback on what things
           | feel like they're missing_
           | Uploading releases please!
           | [deleted]
           | Spiritus wrote:
           | >`gh` isn't part of homebrew/core yet as it's very new. So
           | we'll be adding it in the coming months
           | It's been part of homebrew/core for something like two weeks:
           | https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-
           | core/blob/master/Formul...
           | atombender wrote:
           | I use "hub browse" a lot. It's a really quick way to open a
           | local directory's Github repo.
           | Unfortunately, it's quite limited. No way to open a specific
           | file, for example, or jump to a specific branch other than
           | the current one.
           | I'd love to have something like "gh open".
             | billygriffin22 wrote:
             | It's on our roadmap! https://github.com/cli/cli/issues/217
           | pooper wrote:
           | Congratulations on shipping!
           | Just installed it on fedora using dnf and tried my usual git
           | commands using hub instead. So far so good. I haven't tried
           | any hub specific features yet though.
           | It is nice that I can just dnf install hub
             | billygriffin22 wrote:
             | Thanks! I'm definitely curious what you think when you
             | start venturing into creating and checking out PRs in
             | particular, and how we're managing the `pr status` and
             | `issue status` commands in terms of what's shown vs. what
             | you expect or would like to see to get the most relevant
             | context.
       | hamidul wrote:
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Final-2020-Live-...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Championship-Fin...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Championship-Fin...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Championship-202...
       | https://www.facebook.com/CrossFit-Championship-2020-Live-Onl...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Championship-202...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Championship-Fin...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Championship-Fin...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Championship-202...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-2020-Live-Online...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Championship-Fin...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-CrossFit-Championship-202...
       | https://www.facebook.com/TribalClashAustralia/
       | https://www.facebook.com/Rally-Sweden-2020-Live-Online-10714...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Rally-Sweden-2020-Live-110507593858...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Rally-Sweden-2020-102007734721523/
       | https://www.facebook.com/WRC-Rally-Sweden-2020-Live-Online-1...
       | https://www.facebook.com/WRC-Rally-Sweden-2020-Live-10624078...
       | https://www.facebook.com/WRC-Rally-Sweden-2020-1066217809192...
       | https://www.facebook.com/World-Championships-Biathlon-Anthol...
       | https://www.facebook.com/IBU-World-Championships-Biathlon-An...
       | https://www.facebook.com/IBU-World-Championships-Biathlon-An...
       | https://www.facebook.com/World-Championships-Biathlon-2020-1...
       | https://www.facebook.com/World-Championships-Biathlon-2020-L...
       | https://www.facebook.com/World-Championships-Biathlon-2020-L...
       | https://www.facebook.com/Biathlon-World-Championships-Anthol...
       | https://www.facebook.com/World-Championships-Biathlon-Anthol...
       | https://www.facebook.com/World-Championships-Biathlon-Anthol...
       | reddit_clone wrote:
       | How does this work with internally hosted github server? When I
       | tried a command on an existing clone folder, it wants to go to
       | github.com to authenticate.
         | billygriffin22 wrote:
         | We don't have GitHub Enterprise Server support yet, but that's
         | something we're planning to work on after gh is out of beta.
       | imjustsaying wrote:
       | Has anyone made a customizable URL bar CLI like Duckduckgo's
       | shebangs (which is not customizable)?
       | This is the new CLI i want most
         | est31 wrote:
         | Firefox has the ability to customize shebangs.
         | https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/assign-shortcuts-search...
         | [deleted]
       | guessmyname wrote:
       | I am glad they used Go to develop this command line tool.
       | Knowing how big GitHub is on Ruby and Node.js I was afraid they
       | had used one of these two languages to bootstrap the program.
       | Being able to drop the binary in any computer and have it work
       | without hundreds of files as dependencies is a bless when you
       | write programs in Go.
         | coolreader18 wrote:
         | Hub[1], the previous Github CLI, was written in Go too, so I
         | don't think this is much of a surprise.
         | [1]: https://github.com/github/hub
           | guessmyname wrote:
           | > _Hub, the previous Github CLI, was written in Go too, so I
           | don 't think this is much of a surprise._
           | Hub was originally a collection of Ruby scripts for +-3 years
           | [1]. They later refactored the code to use Go:
           | * Initial commit on Dec 5, 2009 was 100% Ruby code [2]
           | * @jingweno started a refactoring using Go on Apr 8, 2013
           | [3][4]
           | * The Go rewrite was merged to master on May 23, 2013 [5]
           | [1] https://mislav.net/2020/01/github-cli/
           | [2] https://github.com/github/hub/tree/de9bfa2103ee81a547d4fc
           | 598...
           | [3] https://github.com/github/hub/commit/d5615fcb6f9c983fbf5d
           | 129...
           | [4] https://owenou.com/fast-github-command-line-client-
           | written-i...
           | [5] https://github.com/github/hub/tree/0df403f14805d4962ee3ad
           | b22...
             | fwip wrote:
             | "Was written," not "was initially written." Edit: I see
             | you've edited your comment; I'm leaving this here as-is.
         | vmchale wrote:
         | > have it work without hundreds of files as dependencies is a
         | bless when you write programs in Go.
         | lots of languages have that lol
           | eeZah7Ux wrote:
           | Shushh...
         | ksec wrote:
         | >Node.js
         | They use Node.js?
           | erulabs wrote:
           | For whatever it's worth, GitHub is on GitHub:
           | https://github.com/github and says top languages are: Ruby,
           | JavaScript, Go, C, Shell in that order.
       | anderspitman wrote:
       | Embrace, extend, extinguish. Mostly kidding this looks cool.
       | elpakal wrote:
       | Awesome, but I really wish GH would open source all of their own
       | apps. I always find it hypocritical that they do not, given their
       | OSS advancement.
         | monkey_slap wrote:
         | gh is open source https://github.com/cli/cli/
       | tengbretson wrote:
       | Were the GitHub devs doing _anything_ before Microsoft bought
       | them? All that comes to mind is Atom. MS seems to have really
       | been a shot in the arm for feature development at GH.
         | bhl wrote:
         | I was recently looking into CRDTs for text-editing, and was
         | surprised to see that Github devs were working on an
         | experimental text editor (Xray) [1] along with a finer-grained
         | version control system for real-time collaborative editing
         | (Memo) [2]. That project, however, seems to have been lost (and
         | archived) in the Microsoft reshuffling of things.
         | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16525735
         | [2] https://github.com/atom-archive/xray/tree/master/memo_core
           | vmchale wrote:
           | Wonderful! Was that the fruit of your searches? It seems like
           | an interesting topic.
             | bhl wrote:
             | There are other libraries that I've found and used, Yjs [1]
             | for an example because it supports the text editor
             | (ProseMirror) I'm building upon. However, a good version
             | control system for CRDTs, like git for flat text, does not
             | still exist.
             | [1] http://yjs.dev/
           | anchpop wrote:
           | Memo is really cool, I'm sad it seems to not be worked on
           | anymore.
         | Macha wrote:
         | GitHub Enterprise mostly, I guess.
         | m0zg wrote:
         | That's how startups work pre-acquisition. Your acquisition
         | price is dependent in part on how "large" the company is, that
         | is, how many employees you have. So the companies start out
         | small, hiring only the folks who know what they're doing, but
         | as time progresses and they start thinking about selling
         | themselves, they hire a bunch of people who have no clue
         | whatsoever, just to pad the numbers. Surely a 500-person
         | company is worth more to the acquirer than a 50 person one,
         | even if those people just slow the core team down to a crawl.
         | Or at least that's the idea. MS itself isn't really a paragon
         | of productivity, so the visible improvement in productivity is
         | quite telling.
         | cool-RR wrote:
         | Yes, they were building an amazing product with top-of-the-line
         | UX that any other company could only dream of building.
         | tmpz22 wrote:
         | IIRC they were always making some progress but then they raised
         | money + got acquired and I assumed headcount ballooned at that
         | point which allowed them to focus on non-enterprise facing
         | features more.
         | dhagz wrote:
         | My understanding from listening to employees on podcasts and
         | such was that GitHub had a lot of technical debt (old Rails
         | versions, hacks on old Rails versions to get features in newer
         | Rails versions, etc) that they were whittling down going into -
         | and shortly after - the MS acquisition.
         | pcr910303 wrote:
         | Well, there was hub[0] back in the day. I also bet there are a
         | load of features that I&you have never heard of, but someone is
         | using them.
         | And, not only adding features is doing something; improving
         | reliability or just maintaining the site, monitoring is also
         | work...
         | So dismissing pre-MS GitHub might not be really appropriate.
         | [0] https://hub.github.com/
         | Rapzid wrote:
         | Heh, TravisCI got acquired and laid off a bunch of staff but at
         | least externally appear to have increased their velocity.
         | CircleCI has raised 115M, hire the best people, and are
         | struggling to release a half-baked UI remake that has been in
         | progress for seemingly ever(that is now being forced on
         | everyone this quarter supposedly).
         | Not sure what the take away is.. Hard to make sense of it
         | externally; interesting things going on under the surface
         | perhaps.
           | SkyPuncher wrote:
           | Don't forget CircleCI 1.0 to 2.0 forced migration.
           | We made the switch, but quickly looked at other options. I
           | can't have a vendor willingly introduce major, breaking
           | changes.
         | milofeynman wrote:
         | There are some really nice features in the PR diff section like
         | line-suggestions. I think that went in before MS but could be
         | wrong. I'm hoping they add multiline suggestions someday.
         | Also the big one for me is their Desktop Client. It has
         | constantly improved and it makes my life easier. It has only
         | gotten better after MS acquisition. They added rebase and merge
         | support recently. I still do stuff from the command line
         | (interactive rebase the most), but the Desktop Client really
         | improves my workflow.
         | dictum wrote:
         | Hm... Features take some time to get to production. The stuff I
         | use/appreciate most launched either before Microsoft acquired
         | them, or shortly after the deal -- so its development predates
         | that.
         | xmprt wrote:
         | I think it was a combination of that as well as increasing
         | competition from other companies like Gitlab.
       | hprotagonist wrote:
       | I wonder how much this will impact or help forge
       | (https://github.com/magit/forge ) , which i have, to my shame,
       | never gotten to authenticate properly.
         | TeMPOraL wrote:
         | Seems to me that Forge already covers all demonstrated features
         | via the GitHub API, so I'm guessing: not at all. Forge is
         | really nice.
         | (In case 'tarsius is reading this, one thing I would wish for
         | is if Forge could work independent of a git repo. I've seen a
         | pattern in several places now where they run a single project
         | in Gitlab with just the issue tracker, and no associated
         | repository.)
         | mandarg wrote:
         | forge and github-review (https://github.com/charignon/github-
         | review) have given me a near-immersion experience for bitesized
         | code reviews in Emacs. They even work together, via github-
         | review-forge-pr-at-point!
         | The only thing stopping me from using this with larger diffs is
         | the lack of a good way to show more of the surrounding context
         | in github-review. Wonder if there is any interest in making
         | github-review a first-class part of forge.
       | SEJeff wrote:
       | Too bad this doesn't work with Github Enterprise :(
         | billygriffin22 wrote:
         | Sorry! We're hoping to get to it after gh is out of beta. It's
         | definitely something we're hearing people want, and I'm excited
         | for when we can say it just works. :)
           | SEJeff wrote:
           | I shared this in our #git internal slack channel and
           | immediately had a dozen people bemoaning it not supporting
           | our GHE. Thanks!
       | chmaynard wrote:
       | Does checking out a pull request locally include pulling down all
       | the comments? I assume not, but that would be a cool feature.
         | billygriffin22 wrote:
         | It doesn't - it's just the code on that PR, but you can also
         | use a --preview flag on pr view to get render the body of the
         | PR in your terminal. We may explore something around
         | incorporating comments down the road as well.
       | kccqzy wrote:
       | Doesn't it bother anyone that in the first graphic they used
       | typographically correct Unicode quotes, but these quotes won't
       | work in shell? I initially thought that these were screenshots in
       | an actual minimalistic terminal emulator but apparently these are
       | just graphic designs.
       (page generated 2020-02-12 23:00 UTC)