[HN Gopher] Markdeep - plain text documents with diagrams, equat...
       Markdeep - plain text documents with diagrams, equations, and
       Markdown syntax
       Author : thunderbong
       Score  : 244 points
       Date   : 2020-02-17 15:11 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (casual-effects.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (casual-effects.com)
       | chirau wrote:
       | ASCII seems like a lot. Are there no simpler methods?
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/examples
           | numbsafari wrote:
           | I'm guessing the parent is being down-voted for simply
           | pasting a link with no context.
           | For the kind of diagrams I typically want to include in a
           | Markdown document (a quick DB ERD, a class diagram, a
           | deployment diagram, state charts, or sequence diagrams),
           | those things can be described in a simple descriptive form
           | and then drawn from that. I don't want to draw.
           | I think a good tool for that is Mermaid.JS (see the parent
           | link).
           | However, what I think the Markdeep approach has over the
           | Mermaid approach is that Markdeep fits the general ethos of
           | Markdown much better: start with a readable doc. I would
           | agree that an ASCII art picture is more readable than
           | Mermaid.JS.
           | It'd be nice to see approaches like Mermaid with a bit more
           | energy into making the markdown behind the diagrams a bit
           | more readable relative to where they are now, so that
           | consumers of the raw markdown have an easier time.
       | z3t4 wrote:
       | Those ASCII drawings doesn't become more sexy by converting to
       | SVG. Use a SVG editor (or hand code it, it's fairly simple xml).
       | Not only will it be faster then drawing using text, it will also
       | look better.
       | dylanowen wrote:
       | I've been using https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook with plugins:
       | https://github.com/dylanowen/mdbook-graphviz the plugins are all
       | done via stdio so any language works
       | 0xff00ffee wrote:
       | I could have sworn there was a renderer for gviz+dotty that did
       | the left half (text ascii plots) but can't seem to DDG it for the
       | life of me. Did I imagine it?
       | ravenstine wrote:
       | I don't get why we need these Markdown "flavors". Most Markdown
       | renderers allow you to pick and choose different extensions, and
       | graphs have been possible in Markdown for a long time with things
       | like Mermaid, which I think does graphs a lot better than this
       | time consuming ASCII-art format.
         | rcthompson wrote:
         | I don't think the selling point on this is the flavor so much
         | as the "add a line to your markdown and now it's an browser-
         | viewable HTML file" aspect.
         | jimws wrote:
         | Take a look at https://github.com/susam/texme. It does not
         | introduce a new Markdown flavor. Just the regular Markdown +
         | support for Latex.
       | robomartin wrote:
       | Interesting, yet, I think diagrams require a graphical editor
       | that can be used to author and modify diagrams. I've done plenty
       | if ASCII-art-ish things in embedded/FPGA code (example: timing
       | diagrams. Not something I would consider doing with any
       | regularity. Creating them is painfully time consuming, editing
       | even more so.
       | BTW, I use MarkdownPad with live side--by-side preview. Love it.
       | willvarfar wrote:
       | All these ascii diagramming tools look very promising. I just
       | shudder to edit a diagram, though, and, say, move a box a bit to
       | the left... How are these diagrams not write-once edit-never?
       | I'd like to be storing design docs and specs in git instead of
       | confluence with draw.io diagrams, but so far haven't found any
       | WYSIWYG round-trip-able integrated-into-intellij tools.
       | Intellij supports plantuml and doubtless a few other schemes, but
       | do any of them have the equiv of a draw.io editor integrated?
       | rossjudson wrote:
       | Every such project has to strike a balance, and the balance
       | struck here looks really good to me. Nice job.
       | _underfl0w_ wrote:
       | For those who, like me, thought at first glance that this might
       | be deep _learning_ related, there 's an explanation near the
       | bottom:
       | (Bear with me, posting this from mobile)                 The name
       | "markdown" conveys styling in the opposite direction of the
       | "markup" tag syntax. Markdown beautifies text without explicit
       | tags, based on common practices from ASCII e-mail and plain-text
       | documents.                 "Markdeep" is farther "down" from
       | "markdown" on the autostyling and beautification path. Markdeep
       | combines an easy-to-use and browser-friendly packaging with new
       | unique features such as diagrams.
         | buckminster wrote:
         | Now you've posted this comment using a mobile device, try
         | reading it. Did you find it annoying? Perhaps you could edit
         | it. Thank you.
       | ErotemeObelus wrote:
       | This is good technology.
       | jhoechtl wrote:
       | Anybody remeber the dos version of Wordperfect 5 or 5.5? It had a
       | mode, AFAIK triggered by pressing F11 or was it F12 where every
       | formatting operation like inserting a new page, bold or italics
       | was displayed as a control sequence. Wordperfect didn't care if
       | you five times marked a text as bold and required you to "unbold"
       | five times to continue writing in regular font.
       | I used to be a wizzard operating in this mode and many of my
       | school-mates reached out for me to get their homework assignment
       | properly formatted.
       | Somehow this WP5.5 format reminds me of that Markdown extension.
       | Thankfully markdown is much richer in semantics.
         | mmastrac wrote:
         | "Reveal Codes" IIRC.
       | awinter-py wrote:
       | native chart elements in HTML would be useful I think
       | particularly for applications like wikipedia, where a lot of
       | graphs are pasted images and the original data is gone
       | styling them and dealing with different chart types will be
       | tricky in the same way every charting tool out there is tricky to
       | use (d3, matplotlib, everything that doesn't restrict to a small
       | set of chart types & push default style)
       | boshomi wrote:
       | autoreload every 5 seconds (usefull while editing):
       | <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" >
       | susam wrote:
       | Markdeep is a great project and supports a lot of impressive
       | features. However, if you care about conforming to CommonMark, I
       | would request you to try out TeXMe. I initially wrote TeXMe for
       | me and my friends. After a Show HN post about it, it has found a
       | lot of other users too. TeXMe has a very minimal feature set but
       | it cares about CommonMark.
       | TeXMe on GitHub: https://github.com/susam/texme
       | TeXMe Demo: https://opendocs.github.io/texme/examples/demo.html
       | Detailed comparison between TeXMe and Markdeep:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18314175
       | arkades wrote:
       | If I need graphic charts/diagrams, I've already passed the
       | markdown stage. There's absolutely no workflow I can think of
       | that is improved by my sitting there and trying to ASCII Art my
       | way into a diagram. Does anyone go, hey, you know what would make
       | my note-taking or web design faster and easier? Spending 20
       | minutes making an ascii art diagram instead of slapping the same
       | three figures out in powerpoint in 20 seconds.
       | I love markdown. It's an elegant tool for many situations. My own
       | workflow depends on using Kiwi and Noteplan on my phone with a
       | common dropbox directory for their files, which is a project
       | directory for Sublime on my notebook and desktop. All of my
       | organization is a centralized set of markdown'd text documents,
       | be it my calendar or my knowledge base, sync'd across all of my
       | devices and super-easily edited, searched, or converted to web
       | pages.
       | But there is a point where using a simple and elegant tool stops
       | being simple and elegant - it can only be tortured so far outside
       | its intended use-case before it stops being useful.
         | dnautics wrote:
         | > There's absolutely no workflow I can think of that is
         | improved by my sitting there and trying to ASCII Art my way
         | into a diagram. Does anyone go, hey, you know what would make
         | my note-taking or web design faster and easier?
         | Documentation embedded in code docstrings. Yes, I could link to
         | an external SVG but if you did that it wouldn't look great if I
         | have to query the documentation via REPL.
         | johnjungles wrote:
         | I agree, but maybe it's syntax. MermaidJS has pretty quick and
         | easy syntax that makes whipping up diagrams simple enough for
         | me to convert.
         | ggerganov wrote:
         | I actually like using ascii diagrams for relatively simple
         | graphs, because I can incorporate them directly in my source
         | code comments. Recently I even made a simple web page where you
         | can create easily ascii diagrams using dot [0]
         | [0] https://dot-to-ascii.ggerganov.com/
         | jimws wrote:
         | > But there is a point where using a simple and elegant tool
         | stops being simple and elegant - it can only be tortured so far
         | outside its intended use-case before it stops being useful.
         | An alternative tool I've begun to like is TeXMe:
         | https://github.com/susam/texme. It is like Markdeep but minimal
         | --does not support any fancy features. Just plain Markdown and
         | Latex. Very useful for note taking in a file that can publish
         | itself. I don't think I can draw fancy diagrams while taking
         | notes live so I don't need diagrams. So this simple tool serves
         | me well.
           | JoshTriplett wrote:
           | TeX doesn't preclude diagrams. I use TikZ extensively, and
           | I've found it much easier than any graphical diagram tool
           | I've ever used. (As with most of TeX, it has a learning
           | curve, but then a much easier steady-state _after_ that
           | learning curve.)
         | timdorr wrote:
         | I kind of want the opposite of this: A GUI tool I can draw some
         | diagram stuff out in that renders down to ASCII art.
         | Bonus points if it renders to Markdeep (or an equivalent) to be
         | re-rendered as SVGs or whatever later on.
         | Edit: Here we go - http://asciiflow.com/
           | Razengan wrote:
           | There's also https://monodraw.helftone.com that lets you draw
           | directly in ASCII.
           | anigbrowl wrote:
           | I like it when these use actual box-drawing characters, ie
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box-drawing_character or
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437.
           | Boxes made out of asterisks, dashes, and slashes appeal to me
           | about as much as cutlery made out of recycled tin cans and
           | coat hangers; it's the worst of both worlds, too ugly to
           | qualify as real graphics and too distracting to be useful as
           | text. Weirdly, the look worse than 'graphics' on the
           | Commodore PET or TRS-80 (whose 'graphic' characters were
           | helpfully printed on the keys and accessible through
           | combination button presses).
           | tiziano88 wrote:
           | http://asciiflow.com/
             | rozab wrote:
             | This is cool, but could benefit from some figlet-like text
             | options
         | sergiomattei wrote:
         | Yeah, I thought the same when looking at this. Text editing my
         | way to ASCII diagrams is time consuming and brings little value
         | for my time.
         | sipjca wrote:
         | Yeah ASCII Art is not ideal for drawings like this. I get
         | frustrated enough at work writing comments requiring drawings.
         | I can't imagine trying to do that here.
         | Maybe something very simple: A->B<-C similar to the syntax
         | described for causal diagrams in Judea Pearl's "The Book of
         | Why"
         | mumblemumble wrote:
         | I'd be pretty happy with the ability to do inline graphviz
         | diagrams. If I'm using Markdown then I'm not really after super
         | great presentation quality, so not having a lot of control over
         | layout doesn't necessarily bother me as long as I can describe
         | the graph quickly.
           | hamburglar wrote:
           | I think I kind of like how this thing lets you do either
           | quick ASCII art diagrams or embed graphviz (via Gravizo). The
           | syntax for inserting Gravizo diagrams isn't too bad:
           | ![Figure [graph]: A more complex graph
           | example](http://g.gravizo.com/svg?         digraph G {
           | main -> parse -> execute;          main -> init;
           | main -> cleanup;          execute -> make_string;
           | execute -> printf          init -> make_string;          main
           | -> printf;          execute -> compare;         })
         | throwGuardian wrote:
         | ASCII diagrams aren't competing with powerpoint, diagrams made
         | with sequence js, mermaid js, etc. are.
         | For the particular offerings of these libraries, a higher
         | quality, professional looking output is generated in a shorter
         | time than powerpoint.
         | And most importantly, one can version control it, as the source
         | is plain text
         | kyllo wrote:
         | For simple graph diagrams it's easy enough to open up a
         | separate graphviz .dot file, write up a graph specification,
         | run it through dot or neato, and include the .png in your
         | markdown file. And then automate this with a Makefile.
           | UweSchmidt wrote:
           | Sounds interesting, would you mind sharing your workflow and
           | your makefile? I tried graphviz ages ago and think it's a
           | powerful and underused tool.
             | gregopet wrote:
             | AsciiDoctor has GraphViz (and PlantUML plus a few more)
             | available inline (it handles the conversion for you). The
             | syntax has a few differences to Markdown but it's not too
             | hard to adapt plus it has a few other awesome features that
             | I always miss when in Markdown.
         | inetknght wrote:
         | > _Does anyone go, hey, you know what would make my note-taking
         | or web design faster and easier? Spending 20 minutes making an
         | ascii art diagram instead of slapping the same three figures
         | out in powerpoint in 20 seconds._
         | Yes, I do. I spend my time in a terminal all day and ASCII art
         | is way more useful than an image reference which will never be
         | able to load.
         | Show me a tool to export that powerpoint to ASCII and I'll be
         | happy.
         | xamde wrote:
         | Diagrams with PlantUML in AsciiDoc are quite efficient. Faster
         | than powerpoint.
           | yoz-y wrote:
           | PlantUML syntax is also a lot easier to maintain and update
           | than an ascii chart which is basically a low res pixel art.
           | gregmac wrote:
           | I've included plantuml stuff in our internal documentation at
           | work for a long time, and have got a lot of complements from
           | people on how great our documentation is. I attribute a lot
           | of this to the diagrams (mostly component and sequence
           | diagrams), many of which are there just because of how simple
           | and fast it is to create+maintain them with inline plantuml.
           | Benefits:
           | Fairly easy to learn syntax, and powerful enough for most
           | technical documentation needs.
           | Easy to edit, easy to consume. No launching some heavy
           | desktop app, no worrying about keeping PNG+source files up to
           | date. (I do often use liveuml.com for editing any non-trivial
           | diagrams though.)
           | Works with version control
           | Consistent style even when different people are working on
           | diagrams
           | Drawbacks:
           | Not that pretty. Someone even mildly proficient at PowerPoint
           | can make better-looking diagrams (though it takes longer). If
           | you're doing internal or technical docs this isn't worth it,
           | but for marketing/end-user facing stuff, maybe. I'll often
           | just give my plantuml diagram to marketing and let them have
           | a graphic designer pretty it up.
           | Less intuitive. The learning curve is a bit of a barrier for
           | people that have spent years doing stuff in PowerPoint, and
           | haven't yet bought into the other benefits. Especially for a
           | simple diagram, it's hard to convince them to spend a couple
           | hours so they can learn how to build it in 5-10 minutes with
           | plantuml, vs just spending 10 minutes in PowerPoint. I think
           | this is exacerbated by the fact a lot of the benefits come
           | later when trying to edit and it gets more complex.
         | arminiusreturns wrote:
         | An alternative to both I like is the blockdiag programs,
         | including seqdiag, netdiag, and rackdiag. Diagrams as text that
         | can be properly automated.
         | arminiusreturns wrote:
         | An alternative to both I like is the blockdiag programs,
         | including seqdiag, netdiag, and netdiag. Diagrams as text that
         | can be properly automated.
         | joshvm wrote:
         | The main advantage I see is that the markdown diagram is
         | understandable in plaintext. That's quite a powerful idea
         | because you don't need to understand any intermediate language.
         | Graphviz and mermaid are interpretable, but not in an
         | immediately visual way.
         | I would be interested in a solution that can take graphviz
         | files and output markdown-friendly diagrams, which can then be
         | compiled back into vector diagrams.
       | skybrian wrote:
       | Neat, but the browser-side rendering for some examples is very
       | slow on my tablet (tens of seconds). At first I assumed the
       | article I was reading was plain text.
       | It should probably be done server-side with a static site
       | generator.
         | dmontero wrote:
         | As far as I understand, you can convert Markdeep to static HTML
         | using rasterizer: https://github.com/romainguy/markdeep-
         | rasterizer
       | ivanceras wrote:
       | See also https://ivanceras.github.io/svgbob-editor/
       | Go0the0gophers wrote:
       | Why not just use asciidoc? http://asciidoc.org/
       | asciidoc is perfect.
       | nablaoperator wrote:
       | Check out Markdown Preview Enhanced
       | https://shd101wyy.github.io/markdown-preview-enhanced/#/
       | This has support for mermaid, slides etc.
       | fernly wrote:
       | The implementation is clever, but. But. Does it do the one damn
       | thing that no other MarkXXX dialect properly supports: poetry? by
       | which I mean, can you have a text block ("stanza") in which each
       | line is a block that has full formatting (i.e. do not try to pawn
       | me off with a code block!) but in which white space if fully
       | respected (i.e. arbitrary indention is retained), and the ability
       | to right-align an annotation ("line number") is available?
       | And can you use it to write a play script (see any copy of
       | Hamlet) and/or a film script?
         | CreRecombinase wrote:
         | If you can get down with emacs, then org mode had you covered:
         | https://orgmode.org/manual/Paragraphs.html
           | fernly wrote:
           | Thank you! I'd never heard of it. And, it's even one of the
           | input formats to PanDoc. Huh.
           | Finnucane wrote:
           | That doesn't cover you for lines of poetry that are broken
           | across lines of dialog.
         | Finnucane wrote:
         | I think that there is going to be a limit to the intersection
         | of 'relatively simple markup for human authors' and 'can
         | represent complex text formats'. For instance, TEI xml can do
         | what you want (in fact, TEI markup for Shakespeare already
         | exists), but of course it is a little more cumbersome, unless
         | you are working in a good xml editor. And then, there is no
         | good way to translate that back to HTML.
         | JohnHaugeland wrote:
         | Where can I see a screenshot of a correct result
           | pmiller2 wrote:
           | See the examples in the manual for the LaTeX verse
           | environment: https://rcweb.dartmouth.edu/doc/texmf-
           | dist/doc/latex/verse/v...
         | g8oz wrote:
         | For film scripts check out Screenplay Markdown now known as
         | Fountain
         | databasher wrote:
         | Pandoc calls these "Line blocks":
         | https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#line-blocks
       | mzs wrote:
       | There already is support for this (and more) in man pages.
       | https://www.troff.org/prog.html#dformat
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pic_language                 $
       | <<EOF nroff -p | col -b       > .PS       > lineht = lineht / 2
       | >        > box "\fIletter.tr\fP"       > arrow       > circle
       | "tbl"       > arrow       > Eqn: circle "eqn"       > arrow
       | > Troff: circle "troff"       > arc cw       > line down       >
       | arc cw       > left       > arrow       > circle "grops"       >
       | arrow       > box "\fIletter.ps\fP"       >        > up       >
       | line <- from Troff.n       > arc       > line       > box
       | "\fItmac.m\fP"       > .PE       >
       | ------                            tmac.m
       | |                     letter.tr---- tbl ----- eqn -----troff
       | |                                            -----     -----
       | letter.ps    grops
       | Giho wrote:
       | Its seems much more time consuming to do ASCII art than easy
       | programing functions as plot(x, y, ...) or box("content",black-
       | line), circle("content",red-fill), "content"arrow(blue-
       | line)"content" and so on.
       | [deleted]
       | tyingq wrote:
       | Another alternative is Perl's "POD" format, even if you're doing
       | something not at all Perl related.
       | It's a fairly established common format that can be translated
       | into text, HTML, markdown, man pages, etc.
       | gravypod wrote:
       | Does this index a file tree and create a document table of
       | contents? I'd love to have a public version of g3docs.
         | geogra4 wrote:
         | This is what stops me. Where I work I need an autogenerated
         | table of contents.
           | gravypod wrote:
           | I need TOC, search, predictable URLs, plain markdown (no
           | templates, no complexity, etc), and all the features of this
           | thing.
       (page generated 2020-02-17 23:00 UTC)