[HN Gopher] Donald Knuth was framed
       Donald Knuth was framed
       Author : akalin
       Score  : 271 points
       Date   : 2020-02-24 17:23 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (buttondown.email)
 (TXT) w3m dump (buttondown.email)
       | ben509 wrote:
       | These days, though, you can have it both ways with a Jupyter
       | notebook or something similar. It's literate, in that you can
       | keep thoughts and discussion in markdown cells, and you can
       | neatly combine computations in computation cells.
       | kick wrote:
       | Site's back up.
       | aortega wrote:
       | You cannot compare Knuth's software with a script that use pre
       | compiled tools that have thousands of lines.
       | If you want to compare both solutions, use the Kolmogorov
       | complexity: compress both programs together with any
       | tool/compiler it uses and just then, compare both sizes. I bet
       | Knuth's solution has an order of magnitude less complexity.
       | btilly wrote:
       | There are many, many ways to tell this story. However it
       | resonates because it fits well with an ongoing dynamic. Which is
       | that programmers naturally want to build perfect tools while the
       | business need tends to be for a quick and dirty solution that can
       | be assembled out of prebuilt pieces.
       | Except that this one is extreme. It is hard to find any
       | programmer who builds a more perfect tool than Knuth. There isn't
       | a better known problem where the discrepancy between the perfect
       | and the good is this dramatic. Therefore this became the poster
       | child for this ongoing type of conflict retold by those who see
       | themselves as on the side of the quick and dirty solution built
       | out of preassembled pieces. Who, of course, slant the story to
       | further fit their prejudices.
       | This kind of slanting is common. Take a famous WW II example
       | where they were looking to improve bomber durability by putting
       | more armor plate where the bombers were coming back hit. A wise
       | statistician advised them that those were the spots that didn't
       | need armor, they should put it on where the bombers were hit and
       | _didn 't_ come back. Which, assuming that bombers were hit evenly
       | everywhere, was all the places that they didn't find holes.
       | The reasoning is perfect, and illustrates a key point of
       | statistical wisdom. But the retelling of the story almost never
       | admits that the advice didn't really make a difference. The
       | actual solution to the rate at which bombers were being destroyed
       | was to drop chaff - strips of aluminum cut to half the length of
       | the German radar - so that the radar systems got overwhelmed and
       | the Germans couldn't find the bombers.
         | kwillets wrote:
         | The ACM had a nice article debunking the Wald story:
         | http://www.ams.org/publicoutreach/feature-column/fc-2016-06
           | selimthegrim wrote:
           | The postscript undebunks it.
           | CrazyStat wrote:
           | > To be precise, regarding Wald's work on aircraft damage we
           | have (1) two short and rather vague mentions in Wallis'
           | memoir of work on aircraft vulnerability and (2) the
           | collection of the actual memoranda that Wald wrote on the
           | subject. That's it! _Everything not in one of these places
           | must be considered as fiction, not fact._
           | (emphasis in the original)
           | This is a rather extreme take. Ignoring the rather important
           | fact that the author of the piece missed at least one
           | important source where Wallis gives Wald credit (see the
           | postscript), arguing that something must be "considered as
           | fiction" because it is not attested to in the (known) written
           | sources is unreasonable.
           | I don't know at what point the postscript was added (it
           | appears in the first archive.org snapshot of the page, from
           | 2018; the essay was first published in 2016), but it seems
           | misleading to leave the whole rant up there and then tack on
           | a bit at the end saying "Oh I was wrong by the way."
         | pdpi wrote:
         | > Which is that programmers naturally want to build perfect
         | tools while the business need tends to be for a quick and dirty
         | solution that can be assembled out of prebuilt pieces.
         | Nope, this is nothing of the sort. It's just a case of two
         | people solving two different (if related) problems, and
         | everybody else trying to draw (by necessity, completely
         | worthless) conclusions by comparing solutions to different
         | problems.
         | McIlroy solved the K most common words problem. Knuth used a
         | from-the-ground-up solution to that problem as a way to
         | illustrate how Literate Programming works. His solution was
         | never meant to be as tiny as McIlroy's, it needed enough meat
         | on it that LP actually did something non-trivial.
           | btilly wrote:
           | You missed my point. I was not saying that this story is a
           | good example of that ongoing dynamic. But instead that there
           | is such a dynamic in our industry, and the telling of the
           | story resonates well with it.
             | [deleted]
         | thrower123 wrote:
         | Actually, the real solution was to build fighter escort planes
         | that could match the bomber's range, like the P-51 Mustang, or
         | to have bases in France or Italy that the other shorter range
         | fighters could escort the bomber fleets out of. Once this
         | happened, the Luftwaffe was quickly decimated and bomber
         | casualties dwindled.
           | btilly wrote:
           | _Actually_ , the US and UK airforces took very different
           | strategies. And different things worked for them.
           | The US went during the day mostly aiming for precision
           | bombing of targets. The UK went at night with mass bombing
           | runs.
           | The UK had horrible casualties until the introduction of
           | chaff. After that they shut down the German air defense and
           | took out Dresden. The USA had lighter casualties but didn't
           | dare hit targets at the same range until they had better
           | fighter escorts. Fighter escorts didn't work so well for the
           | British because the German planes had better radar.
           | And while we are at it, the European war was mostly won by
           | American manufacturing and Russian soldiers. During the Cold
           | War decades, we retold the story in ways that minimized the
           | Soviet contribution. But more German soldiers died fighting
           | on the Eastern front than were killed by all other countries
           | in all other theaters of war _combined._
             | derefr wrote:
             | > the European war was mostly won by American manufacturing
             | and Russian soldiers.
             | That's one way to think about it. Another way to think
             | about it is that WW2 was two separate _campaigns_ : one
             | between all the powers you normally think about, and the
             | other _just_ between Germany and Russia, an entirely-
             | optional war that likely wouldn 't have begun if Germany
             | hadn't decided to start it. It's not really that Russia was
             | aiding the Western powers in a single fight; it's more that
             | an independent, simultaneous Russo-German conflict starved
             | Germany of the materiel it needed for its other campaign.
             | See also: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/what-if-
             | hitler-never-in...
               | asdkjh345 wrote:
               | >an entirely-optional war that likely wouldn't have begun
               | if Germany hadn't decided to start it
               | There is a great deal of consensus among historians that
               | it was absolutely inevitable and unpreventable. A
               | reasonable minority even support Suvorov's claims that
               | the USSR was planning to start the conflict and Germany
               | only beat them to it by a couple of weeks.
               | vl wrote:
               | If Germany didn't invade then the USSR would attack first
               | (and WW2 would be over sooner, probably with larger part
               | of Europe under Soviet control). Both powers had attack
               | plans, Germans executed theirs sooner. Some historians
               | claim that Germans got ahead if Soviet attack just by few
               | weeks.
               | jandrese wrote:
               | There's also the point that Germany absolutely needed the
               | oil fields to keep their war machine running.
               | I'm skeptical on the USSR executing on a plan to attack
               | Germany only two weeks later given how disorganized they
               | were in the face of the German attack. The Russian army
               | isn't something you can move across the country in a
               | couple of weeks.
               | bzbarsky wrote:
               | The argument as I've seen it presented was that a large
               | part of the army was already moved up close to the border
               | and in attack positions, and not set up for defensive
               | operations. Which is why, the argument goes, there were
               | so many soldiers to surround and cut off.
               | I'm not endorsing the argument, note; I haven't looked
               | into this enough to have anything resembling a useful
               | opinion.
             | hdjejdjd wrote:
             | And while we are at that, if the russians hadn't made a
             | deal with the nazis to steal poland, there wouldn't have
             | been a war to begin with and all those untold lives would
             | be alive.
               | vl wrote:
               | If they wouldn't split Poland, then both of them would
               | have tried to just capture it, and essentially the same
               | end result would be achieved. Both powers were primed to
               | go to war.
               | hdjejdjd wrote:
               | It's quite the gift to speak with someone who can see the
               | result of historical hypotheticals.
               | jmmcd wrote:
               | Isn't that exactly what are doing in your previous
               | comment?
               | btilly wrote:
               | If you want hypotheticals, here is what Winston Churchill
               | had to say on the topic in a speech to the US Congress
               | after the war was won.
               |  _President Roosevelt one day asked what this War should
               | be called. My answer was, "The Unnecessary War." If the
               | United Stated States had taken an active part in the
               | League of Nations, and if the League of Nations had been
               | prepared to use concerted force, even had it only been
               | European force, to prevent the re-armament of Germany,
               | there was no need for further serious bloodshed. If the
               | Allies had resisted Hitler strongly in his early stages,
               | even up to his seizure of the Rhineland in 1936, he would
               | have been forced to recoil, and a chance would have been
               | given to the sane elements in German life, which were
               | very powerful especially in the High Command, to free
               | Germany of the maniacal Government and system into the
               | grip of which she was falling.Do not forget that twice
               | the German people, by a majority, voted against Hitler,
               | but the Allies and the League of Nations acted with such
               | feebleness and lack of clairvoyance, that each of
               | Hitler's encroachments became a triumph for him over all
               | moderate and restraining forces until, finally, we
               | resigned ourselves without further protest to the vast
               | process of German re-armament and war preparation which
               | ended in a renewed outbreak of destructive war. Let us
               | profit at least by this terrible lesson. In vain did I
               | attempt to teach it before the war._
               | In his book _The Gathering Storm_ , he adds several more
               | points where Hitler could have been easily stopped before
               | he started.
               | pmoriarty wrote:
               | Here's another view, from the economist John Maynard
               | Keynes (of Keynesian economics fame), regarding the
               | devastating reparations that were imposed by the Allies
               | on Germany after the end of WW1:
               |  _...Keynes began work on_ The Economic Consequences of
               | the Peace _. It was published in December 1919 and was
               | widely read. In the book, Keynes made a grim prophecy
               | that would have particular relevance to the next
               | generation of Europeans: "If we aim at the impoverishment
               | of Central Europe, vengeance, I dare say, will not limp.
               | Nothing can then delay for very long the forces of
               | Reaction and the despairing convulsions of Revolution,
               | before which the horrors of the later German war will
               | fade into nothing, and which will destroy, whoever is
               | victor, the civilisation and the progress of our
               | generation."_
               |  _Germany soon fell hopelessly behind in its reparations
               | payments, and in 1923 France and Belgium occupied the
               | industrial Ruhr region as a means of forcing payment. In
               | protest, workers and employers closed down the factories
               | in the region. Catastrophic inflation ensued, and Germany
               | 's fragile economy began quickly to collapse. By the time
               | the crash came in November 1923, a lifetime of savings
               | could not buy a loaf of bread. That month, the Nazi Party
               | led by Adolf Hitler launched an abortive coup against
               | Germany's government. The Nazis were crushed and Hitler
               | was imprisoned, but many resentful Germans sympathized
               | with the Nazis and their hatred of the Treaty of
               | Versailles._
               |  _A decade later, Hitler would exploit this continuing
               | bitterness among Germans to seize control of the German
               | state. In the 1930s, the Treaty of Versailles was
               | significantly revised and altered in Germany 's favor,
               | but this belated amendment could not stop the rise of
               | German militarism and the subsequent outbreak of World
               | War II._
               | https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/keynes-
               | predicts-...
         | Zimahl wrote:
         | Another example people use for the KISS principle is of the
         | 'space pen', where the US spent thousands/millions developing a
         | pen that works in space whereas the Soviets used a pencil.
         | However, almost none of the story is true. Regardless, it gets
         | repeated over and over.
           | avip wrote:
           | We'll be living in a pretty dull place if only true stories
           | were allowed.
             | Jon_Lowtek wrote:
             | Bashir: "Of all the stories you told me, which ones were
             | true and which ones weren't?"
             | Garak: "My doctor, they're all true."
             | Bashir: "Even the lies?"
             | Garak: "Especially the lies."
             | kyuudou wrote:
             | Nah, "truth is often stranger than fiction"
           | [deleted]
           | bumby wrote:
           | I have heard the real reason was to avoid electrical shorts.
           | Pencils inevitably have bits of conductive graphite breaking
           | off and floating about, potentially damaging electrical
           | components
             | hwayne wrote:
             | Wikipedia has a great article on this:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing_in_space
               | bumby wrote:
               | Interesting read! Although it isn't clear what the
               | combustion source is based upon, on-orbit conditions are
               | generally different from STP and combustion effects may
               | not translate
         | bumby wrote:
         | > assuming that bombers were hit evenly everywhere
         | I'm not sure a statistician would make that assumption. I've
         | only heard this story told in the context of survivorship bias,
         | not root cause analysis
         | Edit: I don't mind the downvotes but please help contribute to
         | the discussion by explaining what is disagreed with
           | CrazyStat wrote:
           | Given the imprecision of WWII-era anti-aircraft guns it's a
           | reasonable assumption.
           | You also _have_ to make some assumption about the initial
           | distribution of the hits in order to do an analysis of
           | survivorship bias.
             | bumby wrote:
             | I have no problem with making assumptions but it would
             | hopefully be grounded in a domain specific understanding.
             | If you read some of the replies, you'll see one of the
             | fixes involved fighter escorts. This is probably based on
             | an assumption that fighters contributed to the downing of
             | aircraft. These would probably have a different shot
             | distribution than anti aircraft artillery.
             | Not to belabor the point, but jumping to conclusions on
             | assumptions is exactly what good root cause analysis guards
             | us against. A random distribution may be reasonable for an
             | uninitiated statistician but I'm not sure one with some
             | domain background in the problem would make the same
             | assumptions.
         | Sniffnoy wrote:
         | Minor note, the statistician in question was Abraham Wald:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Wald
         | Edit: Well, assuming it happened, as going by other comments
         | here maybe it didn't!
       | geofft wrote:
       | Something related that's been on my mind recently: a lot of the
       | advantage in building well-designed programs (documented,
       | modular, built to be tested, free of smells, etc.) is less about
       | getting the program right than about getting _future changes_
       | right, either by someone else, or even yourself when you 've
       | forgotten how to do it. But future changes only matter _if you
       | want to use the existing program as a starting point_.
       | McIlroy's pipeline is a little bit hard to read, but I would bet
       | that most people with moderate experience in building shell
       | pipelines could rebuild something equivalent from scratch, even
       | if they'd have trouble explaining how the current pipeline works.
       | (Or people with experience in Python, Perl, etc. could throw
       | together an equivalent script from scratch quickly.)
       | An implication is that, if you're in a language where you can
       | write a productive program to do a task from scratch within (say)
       | 30 minutes, there's a lot less of a reason to think about good
       | programming design than if you're in a language where doing that
       | same task from scratch is likely to take you a day. In the second
       | language, most of the value of writing documented and well-
       | structured code is so that it takes you 30 minutes when someone
       | asks you to modify it. But in the first language, you can throw
       | away your code when you're done with it and still solve the
       | modified problem within 30 minutes.
       | Another possible implication: it's better to build reusable
       | components (libraries and utilities) than easily-modifiable code.
       | Part of why McIlroy's pipeline works so well is that tools like
       | "tr" and "uniq" exist - and most of us will never have reason to
       | modify the source code of those tools. We need to know what their
       | interfaces are, but we don't need to know their internals.
         | jackweirdy wrote:
         | This comment reminds me of something of a thought-experiment-
         | come-hacky-side-project that I can't seem to find.
         | The premise was, what if you could never edit a function?
         | Instead, you had to delete it and recreate it entirely whenever
         | changes were needed.
         | The incentives are twofold - keep functions small, so you don't
         | lose too much investment if you have to delete code, and think
         | before you start writing, else you waste time.
         | As I remember, this project came with an AST manipulator that
         | would helpfully delete your function if it's unit tests failed.
           | fasquoika wrote:
           | https://github.com/munificent/vigil
         | jeffdavis wrote:
         | What you are describing may say more about the problem
         | definition than the rate of change. If the software will only
         | be used in certain limited situations, then you can make a
         | bunch of assumptions and assemble the solution from spare
         | parts. As long as your assumptions hold everything is fine.
         | When the assumptions fail, someone will tell you, and you can
         | rewrite it with the new assumptions in mind.
         | But some software might be used in a lot of strange
         | environments with strange inputs. A lot of effort needs to be
         | spent trying to clarify and improve semantic and performance
         | edge cases. Using libraries here is not necessarily helpful
         | because sometimes you spend more time working around the edge
         | cases in the library than you would just re-implementing it.
         | I recently re-implemented a minheap even though there was
         | already a library readily available, because the library
         | assumed pointer-width types and I needed it to support longs.
         | On my machine, a pointer and a long are the same length, but
         | that's not guaranteed.
           | geofft wrote:
           | Regardless of environment, good software engineering (where
           | by "software engineering" I mean "the process of producing
           | code that continues to do useful things over time") requires
           | a feedback loop from how the software is being used in
           | production back to the developers.
           | If your assumptions are failing, and you know about it, then
           | you can deliver new code to match the new assumptions, either
           | by rewriting it or by modifying it as makes sense.
           | If your assumptions are failing and you _don 't_ know about
           | it, you're in a terrible position. You can make further
           | assumptions about which of your assumptions might fail (e.g.,
           | "the software is being compiled on a machine where a long is
           | longer than a pointer") and which won't, but those are again
           | assumptions - you don't know what changes you haven't thought
           | about might come down the pipe (e.g., "the software is being
           | translated to JavaScript, which has no longs, only floating
           | point" or even "there's now a requirement to use a stable
           | sort, so a heap is out of the question"). It's not at all
           | clear that building rigid, well-armored software and throwing
           | over the wall can even work. If at all possible, effort is
           | better spent closing the feedback loop.
       | Myrmornis wrote:
       | > The actual paper paints LP in a much better light than we
       | thought it did....The actual content is effectively his stream-
       | of-consciousness notes about what he's doing. He discusses why he
       | makes the choices he does and what he's thinking about as primary
       | concerns. It's easy to skim or deep-dive the code.
       | Now imagine if these stream-of-consciousness comments getting in
       | the way of the code were written by your colleagues, rather than
       | Donald Knuth.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | Like all documentation, in real systems it would be edited over
         | time. You do develop documentation for your systems, right?
           | Myrmornis wrote:
           | My point is that people should be encouraged to keep code
           | comments to a minimum, and always strive to first rewrite the
           | code so that it is clear (well-chosen variable names, etc).
           | LP does the opposite: it encourages verbosity, and tangential
           | discussion.
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | My point is that literate programming isn't about
             | _comments_. Comments are asides, they aren 't the core
             | focus of what's being read, the code is. Literate
             | programming is about _documentation_ , which should be kept
             | _concise_ , but not necessarily _minimal_.
             | As to whether this leads to tangents or not, that's up to
             | the authors to determine how to organize. Appendices or
             | rationale sections are a great way to separate the core
             | focus from what others may see as extraneous.
               | Myrmornis wrote:
               | Yes, sorry, I did understand that that was your point. I
               | just feel very strongly about the tendency, for people
               | (especially new programmers) to be told that it's
               | important to comment code heavily.
               | Yes I've never seen a good solution for documentation in
               | the teams I've worked in on larger systems/codebases. I'm
               | not really a believer in documentation that evolves in a
               | separate git repo (or god forbid, in Confluence) for the
               | obvious reason that it gets even more stale than
               | documentation that evolves in the same git repo. So that
               | would put me in favour of your position here.
               | But, how can documentation (with appendices or rationale
               | sections) be interleaved with code without destroying the
               | ability to read the code? I've tried RWeave in R a long
               | time ago, and I've even collaborated and published on a
               | literate programming tool, and I have always come back to
               | the conclusion that I want to read code with the minimum
               | of intervening prose.
               | So my position is documentation should absolutely be
               | written and maintained, it should be in the same git repo
               | as the code, it should be in a separate file (not in
               | comments or docstrings or automagically weaved sections
               | using some special syntax), it should be written tersely
               | and without much personality, and code reviewers should
               | request documentation updates if a PR renders some
               | documentation stale or requires new documentation.
               | So I'm pro documentation, anti LP, and pro minimal code
               | commenting.
       | FabHK wrote:
       | Does anyone have any insight in the computational complexity of
       | the two solutions?
       | The shell script sorts all the words (and then all the counts),
       | so has complexity at least O(n log n) in the number of words.
       | It seems to me an optimal solution could be faster, and I wonder
       | what Knuth implemented.
       | jesse_m wrote:
       | I haven't heard of the leo editor. I have used org mode in Emacs
       | for little things. I also came across a reimplmentation of the
       | tangling functionality: https://github.com/thblt/org-babel-
       | tangle.py
       | adonese wrote:
       | It seems to be down.
         | mark-r wrote:
         | For me too. It's a shame given the inflammatory title - I
         | really want to know what it means.
           | Ari_Rahikkala wrote:
           | My guess is it's either about a picture of Donald Knuth, or
           | Knuth's reward checks, being put in picture frames.
             | ColinWright wrote:
             | Neither.
               | Ari_Rahikkala wrote:
               | Aw. Well, it was worth a shot, that kind of mild homonym
               | abuse is kind of direction that these sorts of titles
               | usually tend to take. Fortunately the real story is more
               | interesting.
       | draw_down wrote:
       | I've seen similar defenses of Knuth over the years, but I'm still
       | inclined to view this McIlroy's way. I think focusing on the
       | shell script is a canard, the point is he picked what seemed like
       | the right tool for the job. Isn't that what commenters are saying
       | here all the time?
       | Anyway, perhaps I just suffer from a failure of imagination, but
       | I can't see why the "Blah"s interspersed with `foo`s and `bar`s
       | is meant to be revelatory.
         | CrazyStat wrote:
         | The job Knuth was asked to do was "write a piece illustrating
         | literate programming." A six line shell script is not the right
         | tool for that job.
         | mhd wrote:
         | I think it's meant to promote looking at how a literate
         | programming system is mangling program output. It's way more
         | complicated and powerful than just "inverted comments" (like
         | e.g. CoffeeScript did in recent memory). Composite parts of the
         | final program can be presented out of order, sent to different
         | output files, etc.
         | For something slightly more modern than this sample program or
         | TeX, there's "A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and
         | Implementation", which presentes the code of lcc, a quite
         | conformant C compiler (which, IIRC, still enjoys some
         | popularity on Windows).
         | Sadly the strengths of literate programming are rarely useful
         | for mere mortal programmers -- we're not often entrenched in
         | deriving algorithms and/or presenting something in a didactic
         | manner.
       | gameswithgo wrote:
       | The unix command solution is likely orders of mangnitude slower
       | than what Knuth wrote, which given the computer power of the time
       | should have seemed fairly relevant.
       | giancarlostoro wrote:
       | If anyone managed to catch it when it wasn't down, care to share
       | a screenshot of the article? I seem to be getting some Heroku
       | error now.
       | > An error occurred in the application and your page could not be
       | served. If you are the application owner, check your logs for
       | details. You can do this from the Heroku CLI with the command
         | aWidebrant wrote:
         | Lightly edited: https://rentry.co/zq4r6
       | ColinWright wrote:
       | It seems to have the "HN Hug of Death" ... here's a snapshot
       | summary from memory:
       | Knuth and McIlroy gave examples of a word count program. Knuth
       | used Literate Programming and did it in 8 pages, McIlroy used
       | shell utilities and did it in 8 lines.
       | This post goes back to the original paper and discovers that
       | Knuth has been grossly misrepresented as to what he was trying to
       | do, and what he achieved.
       |  _Edit_
       | bonyt's[0] comment[1] has links to copies of the content.
       | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=bonyt
       | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22406365
         | kwillets wrote:
         | Just about any 8-line shell script is a good argument for LP.
         | hprotagonist wrote:
         | so a rebuttal/companion to http://www.leancrew.com/all-
         | this/2011/12/more-shell-less-egg...
           | pdpi wrote:
           | Pretty much, yes.
           | The argument, in short, is that the problem Knuth is solving
           | isn't "find K most common words", but rather "Use the K most
           | common words problem as the basis to demonstrate how you use
           | Literate Programming". Knuth actually tackles the latter,
           | McIlroy's rebuttal is just the former, so doesn't actually
           | serve as much of an argument about anything.
             | lonelappde wrote:
             | There's nothing surprising or underhanded here, and never
             | was. It was just too complimentary perspectives.
             | McIrloy's paper shows the value of good hackery over
             | engineering.
             | Knuth was set back by the blogger's dilemma of trying to
             | show a technique that maybe useful in general but isn't
             | very useful in a very short program.
               | pdpi wrote:
               | I didn't mean to imply there was anything underhanded
               | about McIlroy's critique. Just that that, because
               | McIlroy's code isn't trying to solve the same problem, it
               | shouldn't be taken as a rebuttal to Knuth's point, which
               | is what, apparently, many people believe it to be.
               | projektfu wrote:
               | There's lots of interesting facets here. Doug's solution
               | requires a working Unix system. You might not have that
               | in the problem space.
               | On the other hand, his solution shows that by assuming
               | some nice things about your data, things which Pascal
               | does not allow, you can do some useful things with terse
               | programming. This is reminiscent of the array programming
               | model of APL or J. I haven't written a solution but I'd
               | be surprised if it is more than about 15 characters.
               | In the shell case, the terse program is like a Chinese
               | classic. Written in its own jargon requiring basically a
               | prior understanding of the program to read it.
               | acqq wrote:
               | > In the shell case, the terse program is like a Chinese
               | classic. Written in its own jargon requiring basically a
               | prior understanding of the program to read it.
               | However, if Knuth wanted to be terse, he could have been
               | and write a Pascal program which uses his library
               | routines without showing them ! -- in effect using Unix
               | solution by Doug is equivalent to "not only you must use
               | already pre-written libraries in order to be terse, they
               | are even not the plain routines but they are instead
               | packed as the whole executables, and to use these
               | executables you have to use them on exactly this
               | operating system, exactly using this specific shell, all
               | that property of AT&T (at that time Linux didn't exist,
               | and who had rights to use what wasn't clear, unless
               | you've bought something expensive) just to be able to
               | call these library routines.
               | So it can't be considered a serious "critique." At that
               | time, under these circumstances, it was just an unfair
               | ad.
           | tzs wrote:
           | From that:> I can't help wondering, though, why he didn't use
           | head -${1} in the last line. It seems more natural than sed.
           | Is it possible that head hadn't been written yet?
           | It's possible that it wasn't written yet. It's also possible
           | that it did exist but he saw no reason to start using it,
           | since "sed Nq" continued to work fine. Heck, it's even one
           | less character to type than "head -N"!
           | BTW, apparently "head -N" is considered to be obsolete
           | syntax. The man page for GNU head doesn't even mention it. It
           | just gives this:                 -c, --bytes=[-]K
           | print the first K bytes of each file;
           | with the leading '-', print all but the last
           | K bytes of each file       -n, --lines=[-]K         print the
           | first K lines instead of the first 10;
           | with the leading '-', print all but the last
           | K lines of each file       -q, --quiet, --silent    never
           | print headers giving file names       -v, --verbose
           | always print headers giving file names           --help
           | display this help and exit           --version  output
           | version information and exit
           | The "info" documentation for GNU head does mention the "-N"
           | form, and says it is an obsolete syntax supported for
           | compatibility, and says if you must run on hosts that don't
           | support the "-n N" form it is simpler to avoid "head" and use
           | "sed Nq" instead.
           | On my Mac, with BSD head, the man page gives only this form:
           | head [-n count | -c bytes] [file ...]
           | Like GNU head, it accepts the -N form.
       | lalalandland wrote:
       | Unix shell scripting is an obtuse practice that is really hard to
       | discover. That short shell script is built on hours of hard
       | learned Unix experience that would probably be at least 8 pages
       | long, if explained thorough.
       | svat wrote:
       | I'm glad to see this here, for two reasons: (1) In general it's
       | nice when people return to the primary sources rather than
       | second-hand accounts, and (2) this particular topic is of
       | interest to me; here are a couple of previous comments that were
       | somewhat well-received on HN:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22221592
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18699718
       | For further context you can look at past and future issues of
       | Bentley's column (and its spinoff); a list of them I collected
       | here: https://shreevatsa.net/post/programming-pearls/
       | I guess it's a long-standing tradition in literary reviews for
       | reviewers to push their own ideas, rather than confining
       | themselves solely to reviewing the work in question. That is what
       | happened here. Knuth had written a program that he had been asked
       | to write, to demonstrate the programming discipline. But McIlroy,
       | as the inventor of Unix pipes and a representative of the Unix
       | philosophy (at that time not well-known outside the few Unix
       | strongholds: Bell Labs, Berkeley, etc), decided to point out (in
       | addition to a good review of the program itself) the Unix idea
       | that such special-purpose programs shouldn't be written in the
       | first place; instead one must first accumulate a bunch of useful
       | programs (such as those provided by Unix), with ways of composing
       | them (such as Unix pipes). A while later, John Gilbert described
       | this episode this way:
       | > _Architecture may be a better metaphor than writing for an
       | endeavor that closely mixes art, science, craft, and engineering.
       | "Put up a house on a creek near a waterfall," we say, and look at
       | what each artisan does: The artist, Frank Lloyd Wright (or Don
       | Knuth), designs Fallingwater, a building beautiful within its
       | setting, comfortable as a dwelling, audacious in technique, and
       | masterful in execution. Doug McIlroy, consummate engineer,
       | disdains to practice architecture at all on such a pedestrian
       | task; he hauls in the pieces of a prefabricated house and has the
       | roof up that afternoon. (After all, his firm makes the best
       | prefabs in the business.)_
       | There are other points (not mentioned in this article), e.g. the
       | fact that _someone_ had to have written those Unix programs in
       | the first place and writing them with literate programming can
       | lead to better results, and the fact that Knuth 's idea of using
       | a trie (though not a packed/hash trie; that's no longer needed)
       | _still_ seems fastest:
       | https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/188133/bentleys...
       | (please someone prove me wrong; I'd love to learn!)
       | Knuth gladly included McIlroy's review verbatim when he reprinted
       | this paper in his collection _Literate Programming_. BTW here 's
       | an 1989 interview of McIlroy
       | https://www.princeton.edu/~hos/mike/transcripts/mcilroy.htm where
       | he looks back and calls Knuth's WEB "a beautiful idea" and
       | "Really elegant", and his review "a little unfair", though of
       | course he reiterates _his_ main point.
       | smsm42 wrote:
       | I'm not sure how it's a fair comparison between ready-made Unix
       | tools and written-from-scratch solution. I mean it's like
       | somebody asked me to implement a C compiler, and when I produced
       | a huge pile of source code would tell me "Idiot, I can do all
       | that by just typing "gcc"! Muah-hah-ha!"
       | dracodoc wrote:
       | I program mainly in R and I always use RMarkdown. I write
       | extensively about question definition, notes, reference,
       | exploration, different directions in RMarkdown. In the end if I
       | ever need to have a script version I have some utility function
       | to pick code chunks and output as script.
       | This serve as a very good documentation and is much better than
       | code comments.
       | persona wrote:
       | Title is a little (?) clickbait... Promoting a YOW talk:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATobswwFwQA
       | -- The other day I was talking with a friend about structured
       | editing and literate programming came up. LP was one of Donald
       | Knuth's ideas, to structure programs as readable documents
       | instead of just machine docs. He was interested in it, I was
       | cautiously skeptical. We both knew the famous story about it:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literate_programming
       | "In 1986, Jon Bentley asked Knuth to demonstrate the concept of
       | literate programming by writing a program in WEB. Knuth came up
       | with an 8-pages long monolithic listing that was published
       | together with a critique by Douglas McIlroy of Bell Labs. McIlroy
       | praised intricacy of Knuth's solution, his choice of a data
       | structure (Frank M. Liang's hash trie), but noted that more
       | practical, much faster to implement, debug and modify solution of
       | the problem takes only six lines of shell script by reusing
       | standard Unix utilities. McIlroy concluded: >>Knuth has shown us
       | here how to program intelligibly, but not wisely. I buy the
       | discipline. I do not buy the result. He has fashioned a sort of
       | industrial-strength Faberge egg--intricate, wonderfully worked,
       | refined beyond all ordinary desires, a museum piece from the
       | start."
       | The program was print out the top K most-used words in a text.
       | (and so it goes on...) ---
         | hwayne wrote:
         | To clarify, it was an email newsletter. The YOW! thing had just
         | gotten published so I got that out of the way before diving
         | into the meat of the newsletter post, which was about LP.
       | kazinator wrote:
       | The shell script uses utilities that are written in C, probably
       | totaling way more lines of system programming language code than
       | Knuth's Pascal solution.
       | It's a pretty unfair comparison, since the literate programming
       | solution was not presented in order to show a code-golfed word
       | histogram, but how to annotate code.
       | The has trie structure was included in it for that purpose, to
       | show how you use literate programming to annotate such a thing.
       | > _First of all, we found that Literate Programming as conceived
       | by Knuth not just "text, code, text, code"._
       | Unfortunately, it's something worse! It's a system in which you
       | chop up a program into arbitrary sections, and give these macro-
       | like names. The sections are presented in some aribitrary order
       | and hierarchically combined together using those macro-like
       | names.
       | Like, say:
       |  _The program 's overall structure is to accept input, performs
       | some processing and produce output:_
       | accept_input             do_processing             produce_output
       | The divisions don't follow function boundaries. A specific loop
       | inside a specific function might have its own section, and the
       | variable declarations above their own.
       | It's basically horrible. You can't see the code all in one piece
       | at all when editing it. It won't play with your existing tools.
       | The generated result won't even have proper indentation.
       | Web and CWeb are programs geared toward someone who is an
       | academic, mainly interested in writing a paper that revolves
       | around a small amount of code.
       | What you're really writing is a paper, such that both the typeset
       | paper (with nicely typeset code), and accompanying code pops out
       | from the same source. The raison d'etre is that paper though.
       | You would be suicidal to use this to write an actual application
       | that doesn't need to be detailed in an academic paper.
       | Knuth did somewhat take it to those extremes, but working alone.
       | If we look at TeX, the bulk of it consists of a single tex.web
       | file which is simultaneously not such a large volume of work
       | (less than 25,000 lines of code of documentation and data, less
       | than a 1024K megabyte) ... yet too large to be all in a single
       | file.
       | brisky wrote:
       | I like the idea that code should look more and more like human
       | language. I think that programming languages have gotten much
       | more human-friendly nowadays and this trend will continue. I have
       | created my own human-like programming language prototype to
       | explore these ideas and have implemented TodoMVC with it:
       | https://github.com/tautvilas/lingu/blob/master/examples/todo...
       | bonyt wrote:
       | Site is down, but it looks like archive.org got it.[1] But the
       | entire page is blank, because javascript. It has a fallback,
       | which has what looks like the article in a noscript tag.
       | Hastily converted to markdown with pandoc, and put up as a github
       | gist:
       | https://gist.github.com/tonyb486/eec2f16b06eef4692dac6e56362...
       | [1]:
       | https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://buttondown.email/hille...
         | segfaultbuserr wrote:
         | > _It looks like archive.org got it. But the entire page is
         | blank, because JavaScript._
         | The AJAXification of the web, even for trivial web pages, is
         | defeating archive.org on multiple occasions, it's a huge threat
         | to our history preservation. We cannot stop people from
         | overusing AJAX, and we need to develop better archival tools.
           | DelightOne wrote:
           | I'm wondering.. is there a way to use the archive.org tools
           | to download the website and later transfer it to my own
           | database to not take up too much space in the archive? If
           | thats not possible then the archive controller alone is in
           | control of history.
           | rtkwe wrote:
           | > we need to develop better archival tools.
           | That's the only real solution. Trying to redirect the whole
           | ecosystem on to a more convenient path is doomed to fail
           | unless your path is actually easier or better in some way.
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | > unless your path is actually easier or better in some way
             | Well, I would argue it is, in nearly every way.
             | The largest drawback is that by avoiding pulling the
             | content with JS you won't automatically deny service to
             | people that are trying to avoid trackers... This site looks
             | like a medium wannabe, so this is probably important to
             | them.
           | geofft wrote:
           | This is an equivalent problem to the web search problem,
           | right? I believe Google indexes webpages by visiting them in
           | headless Chrome and dumping the resulting DOM - it seems like
           | archive.org could do the same.
           | https://searchengineland.com/google-will-ensure-googlebot-
           | ru...
           | (Also archive.today solves this somehow, no?)
         | a1369209993 wrote:
         | Speaking of gratuitously user-hostile websites, the actual
         | _text_ of that gist is at
         | https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tonyb486/eec2f16b06eef469...
         | .
         | Edit: And now both sites work fine; not sure if gaslight or
         | heisenbug.
       (page generated 2020-02-24 23:00 UTC)