[HN Gopher] Hasura raises $9.9M to simplify GraphQL
       Hasura raises $9.9M to simplify GraphQL
       Author : pritambarhate
       Score  : 301 points
       Date   : 2020-02-27 10:27 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (techcrunch.com)
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       | aloukissas wrote:
       | I want to bet there were zero Greek VCs in the round :D (in
       | Greek, "hasura" means huge loss, especially in investing context)
         | bdcravens wrote:
         | Odd. Google Translate says it's "encountered"
         | https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=el&t...
           | aloukissas wrote:
           | You're looking something more like https://translate.google.c
           | om/#view=home&op=translate&sl=auto...
           | The spelling "hasura" is in what we call "Greeklish", i.e.
           | Greek in English (ASCII, really) characters. This was common
           | in early 2000s, where utf-8 support was not everywhere (web,
           | SMS, etc) and writing in Greek characters had a high chance
           | that the recipient would receive mumbo-jumbo.
       | haolez wrote:
       | I tend to prefer PostgREST's[1] syntax over GraphQL for when I
       | need flexible client-side queries. It's way more intuitive for
       | me.
       | [1]http://postgrest.org/
         | xemoka wrote:
         | Totally agree. I recently greenfielded a new project and
         | hasura, postgraphile and Postgrest were all tools I trialed.
         | Hasura has the best "get up and go" but ultimately postgrest
         | was simpler and more intuitive--graphql is cool, but for one
         | person/small team projects it feels like complexity overkill.
         | The added abstraction over rest is just unnecessary with
         | postgrest's resource embedding. I liked having an admin
         | interface that hasura provided, but really, dbeaver is often
         | just as usable.
         | jamil7 wrote:
         | It's also really nice, I think the appeal of Hasura is to
         | leverage all the GraphQL clients. Things like Apollo save a lot
         | of time in React and iOS for example since they abstract the
         | whole service layer. I'm not sure if something similar exists
         | for PostgREST.
         | marton78 wrote:
         | How do you make subscriptions work with PostgRest?
       | treyhuffine wrote:
       | Very excited to see this. Hasura has transformed how I build
       | apps.
       | k__ wrote:
       | A small comparison:
       | https://www.moesif.com/blog/graphql/technical/Ways-To-Add-Gr...
       | afvictory wrote:
       | Congrats to the Hasura team!
       | Hasura is truly a marvelous piece of software when it comes to
       | rapidly prototyping and getting things out into production. We
       | discovered Hasura a couple years back at my previous company when
       | it was still in beta and we were amazed with how easily we could
       | automate most of our CRUD logic. I will definitely be using
       | Hasura again when the time comes around.
       | On a more recent note, I currently have a client who's prototype
       | was built with Hasura but one of their requirements was to
       | migrate to AWS and use as many of the PaaS offerings as possible.
       | We ended up using AppSync[1] and it is fairly impressive. I
       | highly recommend anyone who is stuck in the AWS ecosystem to
       | check it out. AppSync integrates with a lot of other AWS services
       | (Cognito, S3) very easily and allows you to use
       | Dynamo/Aurora/RDS/Elastic as data sources. On top of this, you
       | can also use Lambda to implement resolvers that need more intense
       | business logic, making the service incredibly powerful.
       | [1] https://aws.amazon.com/appsync/
         | adminu wrote:
         | We used appsync at my company and switched to a more classical
         | approach of handwritten crud, a REST Api, a RDS (not entirely
         | sure how well you can use them with appsync) away from
         | dynamodb. Appsync was just not mature enough, had bugs and
         | severe limitations. Without someone in the team who really
         | knows Appsync, I would recommend against it and towards the
         | tech you know.
           | afvictory wrote:
           | What was the biggest hurdle you ended up facing that ended up
           | being the dealbreaker for your team?
           | I think for us, the biggest issue so far has been figuring
           | out some of the more involved Velocity templates as the
           | documentation is fairly sparse and testing them can be a
           | pain. Thankfully this project isn't too business logic heavy
           | but due to time constraints, we ended up writing Lambdas for
           | templates we could not figure out quickly.
       | worldsayshi wrote:
       | I often miss graphql features when working with rest APIs. But
       | switching over seems very much not worth it when no one in the
       | organisation knows graphql.
       | I feel like graphql would be much easier to adopt of it just
       | sticked to rest conventions as much as possible. Like have the
       | query language be pure JSON.
       | It should even be possible to design it so that you could make
       | drop in replacements for most of existing rest APIs.
         | kandros wrote:
         | GraphQL is much easier to pickup and get productive than most
         | people think, most of the times all you have to do is writing
         | resolvers (functions) instead of http handlers (functions)
         | On the client side is the same, following any getting started
         | guide can explain 90% of what you need to know in a single day
           | vlozko wrote:
           | Client side GraphQL is harder than REST, though I wouldn't
           | define it hard in general. Whereas with REST one only needs
           | to update the data model for the response, GraphQL also
           | requires that the request itself is also updated. It gets
           | more complex if the client wants to take advantage of hashed
           | queries and now there's all this work needed to upload the
           | queries to some backend service. This is from my own
           | experience -- I haven't worked with Apollo to know how much
           | of this process is simplified for you.
             | kandros wrote:
             | The situation you are referring to is actually a great
             | plus, If you change the data model in you backend, you
             | client consume it and thus depend on it, so you still have
             | to change the frontend code anyway, knowing exactly what
             | you can ask and how it will come back makes it a very
             | powerful developer experience with a lot of test that don't
             | need to be write thanks to tooling around a type system and
             | a faster feedback loop.
               | vlozko wrote:
               | Oh, I'm not suggesting that it's a worse way to do web
               | requests at all. I genuinely enjoyed working with GraphQL
               | despite all the build/CI headaches it can potentially
               | cause. I was really addressing the sole point of
               | difficulty of working with REST vs GraphQL and I'd
               | unquestionably say REST is easier. It's not a statement
               | of which one is better or worse.
       | sadturnip wrote:
       | I tried Hasura in the past and unfortunately found it unsuitable
       | for our auth requirements. There is no way currently to hook into
       | their authorization system, you get extremely basic RBAC and if
       | that isn't good enough for you too bad.
       | For example we currently are required to talk to some external
       | auth services (depends on the customer) and fetch the users
       | permissions based on that, (e.g. user can READ notes, and WRITE
       | notes but not delete NOTES). At the time we had an extremely
       | simple express middleware that handled this.
       | Also the entire idea that i need another GraphQL or rest server
       | to do any sort of custom validation/custom actions made me do a
       | double take and more or less killed any interest to me.
       | We ended up using NestJS with their GraphQL tooling and
       | objection.js and never looked back. Ironically the adoption of
       | the GraphQL version of our API compared to Rest is almost 0.
         | tango12 wrote:
         | Hasura's authz is whatever authz you can derive from the data
         | within your database or from the claims embedded in the authn
         | token. If you have a table that contains the claims for each
         | user, then you can reference that in the authz rule for any
         | other table/view/function. READ notes if user.is_note_reader =
         | true.
         | We're working on making it easy to integrate resource claims
         | and rule engines that are external as well (make an IO call
         | instead of embedding the rule in the SQL query itself). The
         | good news is that it is possible to do at the Hasura layer
         | because Hasura owns the RBAC so we'll get to it soon enough :)
         | Over the last few months, we've seen users flip from their
         | custom GraphQL servers to using Hasura because of the reduction
         | in code/maintenance that Hasura brings for their use-cases.
         | Especially when you have a large number of tables. Being able
         | to manage authorization rules at a "type" level instead of a
         | "resolver" level also makes things convenient.
         | We've also started work on making it easy to integrate REST
         | APIs for custom logic (esp writes) which also helps skip a
         | bunch of GraphQL/authz boilerplate:
         | https://blog.hasura.io/introducing-actions/
           | sadturnip wrote:
           | Unfortunately we do not have these claims defined in our auth
           | token or the datasource hasura is attached to. We have an
           | external session cache service in Redis. If the user isn't
           | cached we need to hit an internal API to attempt to fetch
           | this information for us and return it to us. No user
           | information is stored in our auth token/database.
           | Actions look painful, i don't want to write and maintain
           | microservices just to do simple actions. I just want to be
           | able to write code and handle the hook around the function.
           | Also from the link it only seems like actions occur AFTER
           | something happens, i need the ability to run before changes
           | are persisted.
       | headgasket wrote:
       | I've been using postgraphile over hasura for while, initially
       | because of some JWT business. That thing rocks. RBAC and JWTs are
       | a killer feature for public facing stuff.
       | Congrats to the folks at hasura for the raise, long live postgres
       | and graphql.
       | skinnyarms wrote:
       | I'm excited anytime a technology comes along that makes for great
       | user experience AND developer experience. I can demonstrate the
       | value that Hasura provides to either side in minutes.
       | The subscriptions are particularly interesting to me, I've never
       | seen anything else that makes web sockets so easy to implement.
       | I'm very optimistic for their future.
       | michelpp wrote:
       | A huge benefit that tools like Hasura, Postgraphile and PostgREST
       | provide is using the native in-database row level security model.
       | Consider Django. Your django app logs into the database typically
       | as a user with elevated permission that is a superset of all
       | permissions required by your users. Postgres has no idea that
       | django is acting on behalf of many users, all it sees is this
       | django super-like user. If an attacker roots your Django
       | instance, they have the same privileges. If your PHB decides to
       | "help" and log in with creds found in the source code, the damage
       | could be catastrophic.
       | Products like Hasura, Postgraphile and PostgREST switch databse
       | roles on the fly per-request. The user that these tools logs in
       | as typically has almost no privileges. You must be the bearer of
       | a valid JWT token to elevate privileges, and then you only get to
       | the level of the user you stole the token from. There is NO
       | super-like user.
         | djstein wrote:
         | +1 for Django
         | the Graphene implementation for Django brings up a Relay
         | GraphQL server so fast. The best part is that at compile time
         | it ensures your GraphQL schema confirms to the Relay standard,
         | enforcing correct naming. You really don't have to think about
         | much.
         | sfilipov wrote:
         | > A huge benefit that tools like Hasura, Postgraphile and
         | PostgREST provide is using the native in-database row level
         | security model.
         | I agree with your overall comment. Note that Hasura doesn't use
         | the native row level security in Postgres. They implement the
         | layer themselves. There are two reasons: 1) Hasura is older
         | than the first release of Postgres that included the row level
         | security feature. 2) Their implementation scales better when
         | there are a lot of users subscribed to the same GQL
         | Subscription. When using row level security, every user's query
         | result looks different, so they need to create a database
         | subscription / polling for each user GQL Subscription. Their
         | implementation allows them to have a single PG subscription
         | (well they mostly do polling), get all the data back, then
         | strip down on the way out to the GQL subscribers.
       | awb wrote:
       | Some major players in the "GraphQL in a box" space:
       | https://www.graphile.org/postgraphile/
       | https://hasura.io/
       | https://www.prisma.io/
       | There are plenty of "REST API in a box" solutions as well:
       | https://github.com/PostgREST/postgrest
       | https://github.com/prest/prest
       | https://resthapi.com/
         | markhalonen wrote:
         | I ultimately chose Postgraphile over Hasura. Mostly because the
         | Postgraphile codebase seemed way hackable, written in TS/JS
         | with a plugin architecture. I've tried some Haskell and that's
         | just a whole nother world I don't have time to learn. So far
         | it's working great for me.
           | vosper wrote:
           | FWIW, I went the other way, mostly because I found the
           | GraphQL queries that I wrote in Hasura to be much nicer to
           | read than the equivalents that I got with Postgraphile.
             | rattray wrote:
             | Interesting; can you provide an example? Sounds like a nice
             | way to compare various approaches to GQL queries, and
             | general best-practices...
             | marton78 wrote:
             | Wow that's interesting! I chose Postgraphile exactly for
             | this reason: because it lets me customize the schema to a
             | degree that looks just as if I had written it by hand. I
             | found the schema created by Hasura incredibly verbose.
             | jannotti wrote:
             | Yes, please say more. I've been idly looking that these
             | both from a distance and I would not have expected
             | differences along that dimension. I would expect the expose
             | nearly identical GQL types from the same pg schema.
           | rattray wrote:
           | I've always been a huge fan of the Graphile (aka
           | postgraphile) approach. It's just an open-source library,
           | that you can run as a binary when you're just getting
           | started. But when you start getting deep in production
           | territory, it's extensively pluggable and you can gradually
           | swap everything out for your own code, contribute/fork if you
           | need (it's just TS), etc. Full control.
           | I love the Hasura folks too, and they're a funded startup
           | rather than a one-person operation relying on donations. Open
           | source is hard, and benjie (creator of graphile and many
           | other things, he's incredible) could use some help:
           | https://www.patreon.com/benjie
         | o1lab wrote:
         | For rest apis on mysql instantly -
         | https://github.com/o1lab/xmysql/
         | (shameless plug)
         | misiti3780 wrote:
         | add apollo too, no?
         | https://www.apollographql.com/
         | lukaspili wrote:
         | I started with Hasura and I implemented it on two business
         | projects. It was a great first step but the lack of
         | customization quickly became an issue. Having the logic split
         | between several services was another big issue (Hasura +
         | firebase auth + serverless functions for any logic). Ultimately
         | it resulted in a slower development speed than what we were
         | doing at my company before using Hasura (custom GraphQL backend
         | development).
         | Several months ago we switched to Postgraphile, and it solved
         | the issues mentioned above. The plugin system allows us to
         | implement the custom logic in a simple and performant way,
         | whether it's a custom validation on a mutation or tweaking the
         | GraphQL type system. And all the logic is centralized in one
         | project. It's clean, fast and testable.
         | Another big advantage is that Postgraphile relies on Postgres
         | RLS for permissions, which allows us to manage it using normal
         | SQL migrations. In comparison, we had a lot of pain evolving an
         | existing permission schema on Hasura.
         | Postgraphile can also automatically expose a Relay compliant
         | schema, supporting Relay connections. It's not possible with
         | Hasura.
         | Except for pure read-only GraphQL APIs, I strongly recommend
         | looking into Postgraphile over Hasura.
         | rojobuffalo wrote:
         | I've been working on GraphQL services since 2015. I worked on
         | the design of the precursor to postgraphile; it was called
         | postgraphql. Hadn't heard of Hasura before today, but it looks
         | interesting.
         | The primary complaints I hear from others about GraphQL are
         | observability and the learning curve for devs who are new to
         | it. I think these projects add a lot of value with tools like
         | the GraphQL playground (similar to GraphiQL but better),
         | middleware extensibility for observation/analytics, their
         | documentation, and most importantly the starter/boilerplate
         | projects.
         | IMO, the preferred option today is Prisma. They have a non-
         | production-ready v2 that is available for testing. But even v1
         | is good for an enterprise product; and they're working on
         | migration/codemod to get onto v2 when it's ready.
         | But the other big piece of the puzzle is deciding on a GraphQL
         | client. It seems like most choose Apollo + Redux, but Relay is,
         | without a doubt in my mind, the better library/framework for
         | consuming GraphQL in the frontend. Facebook designed React,
         | Relay, and GraphQL to work together really nicely. Relay takes
         | some re-learning to think about frontend data dependencies and
         | caching, but it's really well designed.
         | I think GraphQL on its own has value as a centralized contract
         | between frontend and backend services, and is a nice query and
         | mutation language; but without Relay I don't think you get the
         | full benefits of all the hard work that goes into the GraphQL
         | service design. And teams/organizations that end up with
         | Apollo/Redux designs suffer from complexities around cache
         | management that Relay does a better job of reducing.
           | awb wrote:
           | Curious if you were active on the precursor to postgraphile
           | why you feel Prisma is a better option. It's been my
           | experience as well, but would love to hear what the deciding
           | factors were for you.
       | cpursley wrote:
       | Hasura is a game-changer. I'm never writing CRUD backend apps
       | again by hand.
       | Combine Hasura (automatic GraphQL on top of PostgreSQL) with
       | React Admin (low code CRUD apps) and you can build an entire back
       | office admin suite or form app (API endpoints and admin front
       | end) in a matter of hours.
       | This adaptor connects react-admin with Hasura:
       | https://github.com/Steams/ra-data-hasura-graphql
       | Here's a reference application I put together:
       | https://github.com/cpursley/react-admin-low-code
         | jo-m wrote:
         | Looks cool! I cloned it and ran it locally. I noticed there was
         | no backend running locally, and then saw it points to
         | https://low-code-api.herokuapp.com/v1/graphql. Is the code
         | running there available in a repo too? It would be super nice
         | if you could link to it from the project README.
           | cpursley wrote:
           | When I have a chance I'll refactor this so that it uses a
           | local docker Hasura and Postgres instance.
           | [deleted]
         | joshmarlow wrote:
         | Tangentially related: As a side project, I've been building a
         | backen-as-a-servive platform with a GQL interface derived from
         | the data model and business logic.
         | Posting here as it may be of interest to readers: l
         | https://massiveinference.com
         | jonatron wrote:
         | Django has had an automatic admin site since 2006 or earlier,
         | this isn't a game changer for me.
           | alharith wrote:
           | Yeah, pfft, Java EE has had this since the early 2000s too.
           | What's old is new again, amirite??
           | cpursley wrote:
           | So has Rails via Active Admin.
           | The advantage is React Admin is back end agnostic and you can
           | tap into the huge React ecosystem. And with Hasura you get
           | automatic GraphQL endpoints (Django nor Rails Active Admin do
           | this - you have to create models first vs just a schema with
           | Hasura) which can be used for more than just your admin
           | backend.
             | yen223 wrote:
             | Having built and maintained large Django apps for the past
             | couple of years, I personally prefer Hasura's admin console
             | over Django's one, not least because you don't need to
             | write any code to get it started!
             | Hasura also ships with websocket support, something that
             | Django has always struggled with.
           | michelpp wrote:
           | These aren't the same things. Hasura is not an admin
           | interface, although it provides something like one. It's an
           | application API.
           | The django admin interface is not usable by a frontend as an
           | application API.
           | Django requires you to "meta-model" you have to write Python
           | classes that map to your tables, this is usually duplicate
           | work.
           | Django's ORM must support many databases, so it produces
           | "least common denominator" SQL and is (stock) oblivious to
           | Postgres' many enhanced data features, you are forced to use
           | various community sourced extensions to get access to
           | features that have been in postgres now for many years.
           | Django's security system is django only. You are forced to go
           | through django for access control across your business.
           | Eventually this abstraction leaks, and someone starts logging
           | into the db from some other framework and now you have two
           | problems.
           | This is my opinion and I'm sure I'll get downvoted for it,
           | but Django, Rails, Node, all the Java frameworks, all the
           | meta-modeling and NIH syndroming, are all utterly obsolete.
           | Everything they do can be done in 99% SQL by a data scientist
           | with the help of a competent DBA. "Web application
           | programming" is going to go the way of the dodo bird and devs
           | who don't start learning higher level skills like complex
           | SQL, statistical modeling, linear algebra, and to either be a
           | competent DBA or learn how to treat them fairly with be the
           | first batch of programmers "automated out of a job" by tools
           | like Hasura.
             | RussianCow wrote:
             | > Django requires you to "meta-model" you have to write
             | Python classes that map to your tables, this is usually
             | duplicate work.
             | You don't have to duplicate any work because you don't
             | actually have to write any raw SQL, since it all gets
             | translated by Django. So yes, there's an extra layer of
             | abstraction there, but no duplication on the developer's
             | part.
             | > Django's ORM must support many databases, so it produces
             | "least common denominator" SQL and is (stock) oblivious to
             | Postgres' many enhanced data features, you are forced to
             | use various community sourced extensions to get access to
             | features that have been in postgres now for many years.
             | Practically every Django release adds support for more and
             | more database-specific features out of the box, to the
             | point where I don't remember the last time I had to use a
             | third-party library to take advantage of a PostgreSQL
             | feature. But even if you do, so what? It's no different
             | than using a Postgres extension.
             | The HUGE advantage that ORMs like Django, Rails, etc have
             | over writing raw SQL is their composability. Django
             | provides lots of tools that make it VERY easy to reuse code
             | relating to models and querysets, whereas SQL is
             | notoriously difficult to keep DRY. And this issue gets
             | significantly worse when you start to pull in data that
             | lives outside of the DB.
             | On top of that, there is the more obvious issue that good
             | DBAs are rare and expensive compared to
             | Python/Ruby/whatever engineers.
             | > Django's security system is django only. You are forced
             | to go through django for access control across your
             | business. Eventually this abstraction leaks, and someone
             | starts logging into the db from some other framework and
             | now you have two problems.
             | I do completely agree with this, and I think it's Django's
             | weakest point by far. But you can always forego the ORM's
             | integrity/trigger features and add those at the database
             | level in your migrations.
             | > This is my opinion and I'm sure I'll get downvoted for
             | it, but Django, Rails, Node, all the Java frameworks, all
             | the meta-modeling and NIH syndroming, are all utterly
             | obsolete.
             | Hasura and related projects are really great, don't get me
             | wrong, but this is outright FUD. There are pros and cons to
             | both approaches, and to claim that one is "utterly
             | obsolete" is nonsense. There are lots of situations in
             | which turning the database into your API just doesn't make
             | sense.
               | michelpp wrote:
               | > You don't have to duplicate any work because you don't
               | actually have to write any raw SQL, since it all gets
               | translated by Django. So yes, there's an extra layer of
               | abstraction there, but no duplication on the developer's
               | part.
               | There is still some duplication of effort, for example
               | when you change the model, yes django will create the
               | migration script for you, but you always have to verify
               | it and often change it especially when you're merging
               | branches. And since the migrator only supports a subset
               | of postgres' DDL abilities, even simple things like
               | renaming objects, or applying advanced indexing
               | techniques you often have to write hand sql migrations
               | anyway, which require you knowing sql, so why not just do
               | all in sql?
               | > Hasura and related projects are really great, don't get
               | me wrong, but this is outright FUD. There are pros and
               | cons to both approaches, and to claim that one is
               | "utterly obsolete" is nonsense. There are lots of
               | situations in which turning the database into your API
               | just doesn't make sense.
               | It was a strong statement of an unpopular opinion, but
               | FUD is a fundamentally dishonest statement, and I did
               | clearly prefix my statement with "This is my opinion and
               | I'm sure I'll get downvoted for it". As someone who knows
               | my opinions well you know I honestly believe it. But
               | that's ok I appreciate you keeping me on my toes when the
               | coffee gets me in an agitated state!
               | That being said, I still do believe it. I do pick on
               | Django pretty hard, but I feel the same way about many of
               | the Python frameworks to a certain degree and the "web
               | application framework" pattern in general. Django is just
               | the one I have seen the most bloviated circumlocution of
               | code to do simple tasks with, and often when I have run
               | into problems with Django, it was usually Django's fault
               | (ahem, autocommit) not the developers. It's a classic
               | foot gun.
               | A recent example I have had to boggle at, a half dozen
               | AppEngine microservices, cross calling each other with
               | http RPC all autocommiting to 3 different postgres
               | databases with less than 100k rows of data total. The
               | microservices were entirely responsible for maintaining
               | referential integrity entirely defeating the point of
               | using postgres in the first place.
               | The whole thing could have been a set of simple
               | functions, much of the heavy lifting could have been done
               | with some simple triggers. But instead "microservices".
               | That worked ok when there was only one instance of each
               | service, but then when app engine scaled up it became a
               | knot of race conditions.
               | RussianCow wrote:
               | For the record, I do agree with your general sentiment
               | that many of these abstraction layers are unnecessary,
               | and in many ways harmful. Especially when it comes to
               | data integrity, trying to enforce constraints and
               | triggers at the application level is always going to be
               | clunky and error prone, and monolithic frameworks like
               | Django and Rails actively encourage you to do everything
               | at their level and give you many ways to shoot yourself
               | in the foot. But I also don't think Hasura and
               | Postgraphile and related projects are the silver bullet.
               | Why can't we have something in the middle? How about a
               | web framework that leaves data integrity up to the DB and
               | just gives you an easy way to "glue" together bits of
               | logic and queries, and do migrations, etc? Or even just
               | use Django/Rails/whatever but don't use the footgun
               | features? At least then, if/when you _do_ need to scale
               | (in any sense of the word) past what a relational DB can
               | offer you, you can easily do that instead of trying to
               | shoehorn everything into the DB.
               | Aside: I'm working on a GraphQL library for Python that I
               | hope will fulfill these goals, but development on it has
               | stalled due to lack of time. Hopefully I can pick it up
               | again soon.
               | FUD may have been strong, but in general I detest when
               | people decry entire categories of technology as being
               | "wrong" or unfit in an absolute sense (or, conversely,
               | tout a technology as a silver bullet), when in fact
               | everything has its tradeoffs and there are good reasons
               | to use almost anything. Understanding those tradeoffs is
               | vastly more important than searching for the universal
               | answer to everything.
               | PS: Hope you're doing well! :) Your contact info isn't on
               | HN, but email me if you want to get coffee/lunch
               | sometime!
         | airstrike wrote:
         | I don't know. I have a feeling the minute you start having to
         | write complex SQL-equivalent queries outside of SQL, you're in
         | trouble.
         | I love Django, but even its amazing ORM has limitations. I
         | can't imagine what it's like to deal with something similar but
         | on the frontend instead...
         | icemelt8 wrote:
         | Wow I didn't know about React Admin, this is amazing.
         | Now I just need a way to migrate my data from somewhere else to
         | Hasura.
         | rhlsthrm wrote:
         | Man, there's so many cool ways to build CRUD apps nowadays, I
         | wish I just found a good opportunity to write one!
         | latch wrote:
         | Part of what I'm doing is working on a CRUD backend.
         | The thing has a bunch of complex business and authorization
         | rules. Not to mention a bunch of per-client customization.
         | There's also some neat handling around versioning and copy-on-
         | write type behavior to provide a mix of immutability and space
         | saving.
         | To me, this is CRUD because: most resources literally have 4
         | endpoints (create, index, update and delete). We write a ton of
         | tests to cover all the cases. It's time consuming, even
         | tedious, and it's boring / simple compared to the user facing
         | stuff we do.
         | I've never touched GraphQL, so can that really save me months
         | of work? Or would it save me about as much time as Rails would
         | (which would be not a lot) ?
           | karatestomp wrote:
           | Last time I looked at GraphQL it was only a time-saver if you
           | could rely on significant amounts of automagic for the
           | GraphQL->DB Query step. So if your use case & stack allow for
           | that, yeah, maybe it'll save you significant time.
           | Its main effect is to move app logic query writing to the
           | frontend, in something that's not SQL, which some folks seem
           | to really like. But it's still got to get turned into
           | whatever your data sources actually speak at some point, just
           | like REST or anything else. If there's nothing magically
           | doing that for you or if the magic turns out to suck, you'll
           | be doing it manually.
           | [EDIT] to make it more clear, here are your possibilities:
           | 1) a. GraphQL queries -> b. Queries for one or more kinds of
           | datastore
           | 2) a. REST requests -> b. Queries for one or more kinds of
           | datastore
           | You shift choices about how to query kinda _forward_ in 1,
           | but that means you need a very general and flexible GraphQL
           | query handler to make step 2 happen, and if that doesn 't
           | exist or is insufficient you have to write it. That is,
           | obviously, _more_ work than 2, in which 2b is where the
           | choices you 'd make in 1a happen, so that layer doesn't need
           | to be as flexible.
           | TL;DR the apparent flexibility and responsibility-shifting of
           | GraphQL isn't free and is in fact quite expensive (and, if I
           | may, risky)... unless it is free because someone's already
           | done the work, for your particular use case and stack.
           | simplify wrote:
           | GraphQL by itself won't save you time, and might even
           | increase it (it's a huge buy-in). You'd still have to
           | implement the logic for those 4 endpoints, except now in a
           | more complicated system.
           | In contrast, tools like Hasura and Postgraphile can
           | _potentially_ save you time because they _generate_ the
           | GraphQL part for you. Then you only need to handle the authN
           | /authZ parts - in theory, at least.
           | tango12 wrote:
           | If you're up for it, I'd love to chat and see if Hasura
           | could've worked in your case[1]! Especially on the read side,
           | if we're able to model the authz with Hasura your API
           | consumers get a rich read API "for free" and Hasura can
           | delegate the CUD stuff to your existing REST APIs.
           | Hasura aside, GraphQL will save your API consumers time more
           | than anything else. Like the other comment/reply to this, you
           | still have to build a GraphQL server.
           | [1] I'm twitter.com/tanmaigo or tanmaig@hasura.io
       | benfle wrote:
       | Is it a good idea to base your GraphQL schema on your database
       | schema?
       | Isn't the point of GraphQL to decouple your interface (who should
       | not break) from your backend implementation details?
         | linkdd wrote:
         | You would never expose your database directly to the whole
         | world.
         | Either it is an internal service, only consumed by your own
         | products, and then it's fine. Or you have an API gateway to
         | control who and how your services are queried.
         | The API Gateway is your interface who should not break. Your
         | services communicating with your database (through Prisma,
         | Hasura, any ORM, ...) can and will break.
         | When you base your GraphQL schema on your database schema for
         | your internal services, you get rid of one long and annoying
         | step of putting glue everywhere. This is especially true in a
         | microservice architecture, and even more in the corporate world
         | where you are expected to produce code quickly.
         | michelpp wrote:
         | > Is it a good idea to base your GraphQL schema on your
         | database schema?
         | You don't. Hasura (and Postgraphile and PostgREST) employ in-
         | database modeling tools called views. Views provide the same
         | modeling abstractions that ORMs provide.
         | https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/sql-createview.html
         | A view is a canned query with a name, and when you get down to
         | it, all an ORM is doing is producing, usually poorly, a query
         | from a named abstraction. Same thing. So why have two pieces in
         | two languages when you can have one?
         | > Isn't the point of GraphQL to decouple your interface (who
         | should not break) from your backend implementation details?
         | Views provide the same or better decoupling. They database is
         | aware of them, they are type checked, you can't even make a
         | view that references an unknown column, for example.
       | wesleyfsmith wrote:
       | Can someone explain to me how this differs from Apollo? Is it
       | that it has a tighter integration with the DB layer?
       | yen223 wrote:
       | It's definitely cool to see Haskell projects getting used in
       | industry. I am a big fan of Hasura and the value it gives in the
       | GraphQL space.
       | kandros wrote:
       | While I like and enjoy many aspects of code generation such as
       | this or Prisma, In real world scenario it just doesn't feel
       | right.
       | Imagine a very simple scenario, you want to add some validation
       | based on business requirements, in order to do that you have to
       | have a server with custom endpoints or a custom graphql server
       | (thus copy most of what hasura generates) to implement your own
       | validation
       | The only situation in which I consider this a really good
       | solution is in a CQRS system where the database attached to
       | hasura is read only via graphql and the data is inserted by other
       | services making it a typesafe single source of truth to read from
         | tango12 wrote:
         | On that last bit, we recently added actions:
         | https://hasura.io/blog/introducing-actions/
         | Writes (mutations) are delegated to a REST endpoint, the
         | GraphQL mutation response can be synchronously (blocking
         | mutation) or asynchronously consumed (mutation + subscription).
           | kandros wrote:
           | The sync part is very interesting, I like that it's happening
           | after the mutation so that Im not forced to reimplement the
           | graphql types myself.
           | Will give it a try, thanks
             | tango12 wrote:
             | Yep! The GraphQL resolution logic and the permissions get
             | reused automatically.
               | kandros wrote:
               | I gave it a try, to be honest, I feel it too cumbersone,
               | I expected it to use already available mutations not just
               | copying existing types.
               | What I really want/need is custom logic that run IN the
               | resolvers of already available query/mutations with the
               | request as input and the possibility to either return an
               | error or modify the payload before it hit the database
               | but I know is still in preview, will check it again when
               | released
               | lukaspili wrote:
               | Agree. This is one of the issue we have with Hasura and
               | it's what made us switch to Postgraphile.
         | betocmn wrote:
         | Exactly! It could be useful for simple apps if they add a way
         | to create basic validation rules with regex.
           | tango12 wrote:
           | The Hasura console actually makes it quite easy to manage
           | check constraints and validation rules! :)
           | Here's an example for a regex for validating email from one
           | of our community calls: https://youtu.be/-9jX21PKyk0?list=PLT
           | RTpHrUcSB8Dp3hk5SiVNHNP...
           | yen223 wrote:
           | Hasura runs on top of a plain old Postgres database. You can
           | use CHECK constraints to implement validation rules,
           | including regex rules
         | endymi0n wrote:
         | Often times that's not needed if you actually use the full
         | power of PG. CHECK constraints go a long way, and where they
         | don't go, PG/PSQL goes pretty much a long way.
         | For internal or prototypical use cases, that can be totally
         | sufficient, however you're right that you'll eventually want
         | good error messages, observability and much more other custom
         | logic.
         | What I'm still searching for is something that works like
         | Hasura or PostgREST and then offers ,,upgrades", first via
         | configuration, later via custom code hooks.
         | That would be pretty awesome from a migration path perspective.
           | [deleted]
           | lurker2003 wrote:
           | Check out Postgraphile, it allows you to start off with
           | introspection, then customise it with comments, then add
           | custom bits in node.
           | Both Hasura and Postgraphile also support schema stitching
           | from what I know, so you should be able to extend it that way
           | also (more complicated obviously)
         | milkanic wrote:
         | Related, How does one receive a webhook in Hasura? Say I need
         | to take some action on a Stripe rest webhook. All the docs show
         | sending events somewhere, how about receiving and transforming
         | data from 3rd parties?
       | gsvclass wrote:
       | Not a startup but still a very feature rich GraphQL to SQL
       | compiler service works with Postgres and YugabyteDB. Written in
       | GO. https://github.com/dosco/super-graph
       | armatav wrote:
       | Firebase, React and Hasura let me set up new app ideas in like
       | negative time. Hasura is especially amazing because of it's
       | authentication handling and migration management.
       | elitan wrote:
       | This is fantastic to see. First time I tried out Hasura back in
       | late 2018 I was AMAZED.
       | After going through multiple different stacks such as MeteorJS,
       | Firebase, building my own REST/GraphQL API etc. Nothing really
       | felt right.
       | That was until I found out about Hasura.
       | I actually had to assemble a quick meetup at the co-working space
       | I was on (true story) to show everybody this software. Hasura
       | Tweet:
       | https://twitter.com/HasuraHQ/status/1068145251267895300?s=20
       | They were all amazed and many use Hasura in production today in
       | their apps.
       | For myself, I was so enthusiastic about Hasura and I always had
       | Google Firebase in the back of my mind. Google Firebases DX is
       | really good. I really liked it. But I did not like their tech
       | (noSQ / REST / vendor lock-in).
       | So, I decided to start https://nhost.io.
       | Nhost is like Google Firebase but with PostgreSQL and Hasura
       | (GraphQL). Right now providing database, API, auth and storage.
       | Here is a short demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWB5RXzlJM8
       | I feel very fortunate to be able to work with such awesome open
       | source software and the success of Hasura makes me so happy,
       | because they are, as mentioned in the comments field before me, a
       | game-changer!
         | rsp1984 wrote:
         | Firebase user here. I love Firebase because it offers so many
         | components that (usually) play well together: Databases,
         | Authentication, Machine Learning, Storage, Crash Reporting,
         | Analytics, Messaging etc.
         | Which parts of Firebase is Nhost replacing?
         | city41 wrote:
         | I've been shopping around all the BAAS offerings and nhost is
         | really intriguing. Thanks for sharing.
           | elitan wrote:
           | Happy to hear. Let me know if you got some advice for us to
           | improve the product.
             | city41 wrote:
             | I'm reading through the docs now. They are pretty good! I
             | assume I could just use say Apollo on the client? Maybe
             | that part of the docs could use some additional info.
               | elitan wrote:
               | You are correct. You can use any GraphQL Client. Hasura
               | has done an awesome job with tutorials here that you
               | should look at:
               | https://hasura.io/learn/
               | city41 wrote:
               | Ah that makes sense, didn't even think to look there.
               | Awesome, thanks for the help!
         | dvasdekis wrote:
         | Early nhost user here! Elitan's platform is a great way to get
         | started quickly with Hasura, and he was also fantastic with
         | helping me out on some then-undocumented components. Always
         | grateful when a developer takes time to do a 1:1 call.
         | Thanks again!
         | code-is-code wrote:
         | If you love hasura and want something like firebase, please
         | check out the tutorial with hasura + RxDB. It is like having a
         | firebase with better offline-first and more features and of
         | course without vendor lock-in.
         | https://hasura.io/blog/building-an-offline-first-web-app-wit...
           | elitan wrote:
           | What I liked with Firebase was how easy and fast everything
           | was. One-click create a new project and everything was ready
           | to use.
           | It's this developer experience I want to mimic with Nhost. By
           | providing a managed backend with simple to use js-sdk
           | (https://github.com/nhost/nhost-js-sdk).
             | SkyPuncher wrote:
             | I had the opposite experience with Firebase.
             | Amazing at first, but quickly fell apart when I had to
             | implement any sort of meaningful business logic.
             | lucasverra wrote:
             | I'm a web entrepreneur and for my project i've been using
             | Parse server project (1) implementation by Back4app (2).
             | For the non initiated, Parse server is a API server module
             | for Node/Express + mongo + websocket and stuff you need to
             | run a commercial app like auth, role management et all.
             | We chose this because :
             | 1.Open source (no vendor locking although now i'm sure if i
             | had to move from b4a it would be a small PITA 2. Ready to
             | use 3. actively maintained (graphQL have been implemented
             | although we have not used it yet) (3)
             | My question is : should i invest time on discovering nhost
             | for my next POC ?
             | (1) : https://github.com/parse-community (2) :
             | https://www.back4app.com/ (3) :
             | https://docs.parseplatform.org/graphql/guide/
         | pramodliv1 wrote:
         | I spent 3 days setting up Hasura a few weeks ago and I wish I'd
         | known about Nhost.
         | Do you know why Hasura don't provide a managed service
         | themselves?
         | Also, I wonder if Hasura will eventually move to a MongoDB-like
         | license.
           | elitan wrote:
           | I'm sorry that we are not doing a better job marketing Nhost.
           | We have been very focused on the product but we hope to get
           | the word out better in the future. Because you are not alone.
           | There are lots of developers with the same problem, that just
           | want things to work.
           | Hopefully, we will be mentioned in the documentation for
           | Hasura.
           | Hasura does provide a hosted version (EDIT: not a hosted
           | version) (Hasura Pro). You can read more about it here:
           | https://hasura.io/hasura-pro
             | tango12 wrote:
             | Hey!
             | 1. We're working on adding nhost to the Hasura docs as a
             | deployment guide for when you'd like authn + files + hosted
             | postgres in one neat place. Johan just did a slick demo in
             | the community call right now :)
             | 2. To clarify: Hasura Pro is not a hosted version of
             | Hasura. It's an agent that is added to wherever Hasura
             | happens to be running for enabling monitoring/testing
             | features.
         | samblr wrote:
         | Just tried hasura, it is amazing to get all crud graphql apis
         | out of box.
         | How do we add business logic ?
         | Folks @hasura, where do we learn about haskell ? any helpful
         | pointers much appreciated.
           | elitan wrote:
           | For business logic, there are a few alternatives.
           | 1. Actions -
           | https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/manual/actions/index.html
           | 2. https://3factor.app/
           | 3. Remote schemas -
           | https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/manual/remote-
           | schemas/ind...
           | pyrale wrote:
           | You may enjoy the work done by Julie Moronuki and Chris
           | Martin. They do lots of great learning stuff related to
           | haskell.
           | cargoshipit wrote:
           | > How do we add business logic ?
           | Awkwardly. Good luck
           | dvasdekis wrote:
           | I'm running a full production algorithmic trading platform,
           | and our frontend interactions are handled by Hasura. For me,
           | the appeal was in writing all the business logic as
           | Postgresql triggers, which (provided they're written as true
           | SQL and not plpgsql), scale beautifully with load. Hasura has
           | a real appeal when you're keen to do your important logic in
           | SQL.
           | Check out the result here: http://www.hedgecheap.com
         | saadshamim wrote:
         | @elithan this looks awesome man. The one thing keeping me in
         | the firebase ecosystem is the firestore rules (basically quick
         | CRUD permissions). Does nhost provide something similar?
           | elitan wrote:
           | Yes. Hasura handles this in their permission system and they
           | do an excellent job. Super easy to get started with.
           | Together with Nhost's auth system and Hasura, it's easier
           | than Firebase.
         | pier25 wrote:
         | Do you offer rate and depth limiting?
           | saadshamim wrote:
           | Hasura has this feature, but unfortunately it seems like its
           | part of their "pro/enterprise" offering and not the OS
           | version. https://hasura.io/hasura-pro
           | [deleted]
       | caniszczyk wrote:
       | Awesome to see the GraphQL community growing, there's a GraphQL
       | Landscape of tools out there, if something is missing please
       | contribute, the GraphQL Foundation is tracking everything now:
       | https://landscape.graphql.org/
       | shivekkhurana wrote:
       | I settled for Hasura in a prod app after trying Postgrest,
       | Postgraphile and Strapi. I believe its a permanent addition to my
       | stack.
       | The main reason for me was RBAC. Converting db-to-api is not that
       | hard but providing access control almost always requires some
       | form of middlewares. Hasura does RBAC very well.
       | Another feature that I haven't deployed but find useful is
       | webhooks. You can trigger webhooks as your data changes.
       | I do need a server to handle object storage, email and cron so
       | it's not a 100% there, but I can see the appeal of rapid APIs at
       | low cost.
       | Also subscriptions are <3.
       | All the best to the Hasura team.
         | tirumaraiselvan wrote:
         | You might like our upcoming Scheduled Triggers feature which
         | lets you invoke webhooks according to cron or adhoc timers:
         | https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/pull/3553
         | markhalonen wrote:
         | What made you choose Hasura over Postgraphile? RBAC is a
         | postgres feature, not sure if that would affect the decision?
           | aidos wrote:
           | Not the parent but we went with Hasura over postgraphile
           | because they do RLS outside of the dB. It allows them to load
           | the data for all clients subscribed in a single query. Also
           | the subscription story is better (from memory).
       | erdaniels wrote:
       | Disclaimer: I work on MongoDB Stitch
       | This looks really cool and an improvement on Prisma! I
       | particularly like the much less bloated schema experience (and
       | the builder) along with the easy addition of actions. We've been
       | working on something similar but it's great to see improvements
       | in the UX of the space.
         | rgbrgb wrote:
         | Stitch looks cool, first time I'm seeing it (long-time happy
         | mongo user via rails/mongoid). Is there a self-hosted version I
         | could hook up to an existing app?
         | jackdh wrote:
         | Do you have anything to add about Hasura? Or is this just a
         | straight plug for stitch?
           | erdaniels wrote:
           | Yep, I modified my comment. I meant to put it as a sub-
           | comment where it contextually made more sense.
       | z3t4 wrote:
       | Myt pet peeve with GraphQL is, why not just use JS objects, and
       | use JSON for serialization!? query = {user: {id, name}}
         | tango12 wrote:
         | There are quite a few ongoing attempts at creating a JS fluent
         | client for GraphQL.
         | We covered a bunch of them here:
         | https://hasura.io/blog/fluent-graphql-clients-how-to-write-q...
       | crubier wrote:
       | After trying Hasura, Prisma, and PostGraphile, my conclusion is
       | that PostGraphile is way ahead of all this. Please all have a
       | look at PostGraphile, it is amazing, even more than Hasura!
         | gketuma wrote:
         | I agree. PostGraphile needs to market itself though. They need
         | a Dev Rel to make more people aware of it.
           | rattray wrote:
           | They're a husband/wife team, purely OSS, with little funds;
           | you can donate here: https://www.patreon.com/benjie
         | rgbrgb wrote:
         | That was my conclusion looking at them both last year. Hasura
         | had an amazing first-time UX, but postgraphile felt like it was
         | built with production concerns in mind (testing, integrating
         | with larger codebases, easy to add custom or wrap generated
         | CRUD resolvers in js/ts). The most off-putting thing to me, at
         | the time, was that Hasura's solution for auth was to spin up a
         | separate auth service. I prefer a flexible monolith for
         | anything with less than 10 devs working on it. Looks like
         | postgraphile has started paying attention to the first-time UX,
         | but still not as friendly as Hasura's:
         | https://github.com/graphile/starter
         | Both feel kind of limited by forcing you to encode a ton of
         | logic in SQL which must be migrated vs a mongoid model you can
         | just tweak and commit, but I guess I'm old school and what's
         | old is new again.
         | pier25 wrote:
         | Can you elaborate?
           | crubier wrote:
           | There are so many good reasons to use it that I think I don't
           | make it justice. But here a few pros of graphile:
           | - it is made in typescript and can be integrated as a library
           | directly in a JS project
           | - it is very easy to extend with plugins
           | - it is very easy to customize and run on an existing
           | database
           | - it is << database first >> in the sense that the schema is
           | created based on the DB schema and some additional
           | annotations
           | - it is really free open source software with a non-VC backed
           | business model
           | - it is extremely performant
             | pier25 wrote:
             | I don't have any horse in the race but other than the "it
             | is made in Node" everything else applies to Hasura (except
             | the VC thing obviously).
             | Do you have any other point to sustain this comment of
             | yours?
             | > _my conclusion is that PostGraphile is way ahead of all
             | this_
               | crubier wrote:
               | I mean:
               | - Like Hasura, has ALL the features of Hasura
               | - BUT really FOSS with no VC funding, supported through
               | Patreon by a super nice team.
               | - AND I have all the source, in the same language than
               | the rest of my stack, the language that my developers
               | know
               | - AND it does not require to run yet-another-microservice
               | but is just part of my graphQL server
               | - AND it is extensible through plugins that blend
               | seamlessly in the server (unlike Hasura where I see no
               | sign of plugins, and I don't want to write plugins in
               | Haskell)
               | - AND it supports native, super-fast Postgres Row-Level-
               | Security instead of rolling their own!
               | That is very clearly compelling enough to support my
               | conclusion, from my point of view.
               | Let me also mention that I have been burnt by another VC-
               | funded GraphQL server company, namely Prisma, which left
               | us stuck with an old, non-maintained buggy version which
               | is near impossible to patch and build ourselves, while
               | they work on their pie-in-the sky Prisma v2 which is
               | totally the wrong direction in my opinion.
               | We jumped ship from prisma, considered hasura, but went
               | for graphile and love it!
               | pier25 wrote:
               | Don't get me wrong, I agree with most of your points as
               | I'd prefer to work with Node than Haskell, but I still
               | don't see how it is "way ahead" of the other options
               | outside of personal preference.
               | Unless I'm missing something, Hasura is FOSS too.
               | https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine
               | True, Hasura does not have plugins (AFAIK) but you can
               | extend it's funcitonality via webhooks and PG views.
               | As for authorization it may give them more flexibility to
               | roll their own.
               | Anyway, thanks for bringing up PostGraphile. I'll check
               | it out!
               | markhalonen wrote:
               | Reading this makes me so glad I picked Postgraphile.
           | k__ wrote:
           | It uses many of the built-in PG features.
       | mongol wrote:
       | Does something like this exist for SQLite?
       | ihodes wrote:
       | I'm curious if anyone here has compared Postgraphile to Hasura?
       | My personal difficulty in implementing these is that there aren't
       | good source control and code organization tools for SQL and
       | managing rollbacks and rollforwards in a sane way.
       | (And a way that doesn't require writing rollbacks, which
       | sometimes aren't even possible anyway).
         | xemoka wrote:
         | When I tried them a few weeks back to compare, Hasura provided
         | a nice interface, but has a lot going on itself (managing
         | relationships on its own, some Auth stuff on its own) and its
         | own tooling. Postgraphile relies more on postgres, it embeds
         | it's configuration in comments (or external to the dB). Both
         | had difficulties with complex relationships and introspection
         | across schema boundaries (I want a schema to house my data, and
         | views in a separate schema that are accessed by the API tool).
         | Both felt like I could configure this problem away, hasura
         | wanted me to use their interface to do it, postgraphile wanted
         | me to learn magic comments to attach to tables/columns etc
         | (again, to tell a view that the table it's drawing from has a
         | relationship with another table).
         | PostGrest has none of these problems, but/and no graphql. It's
         | where I landed.
         | Also, check out dbmate for agnostic rollback management. All it
         | needs is a way to template the sql and I'll be happier. Some
         | folks using Postgrest use Alembic and SQL Alchemy to
         | build/manage migrations--I'm not sure where I sit on that yet.
         | sastraxi wrote:
         | I've done exactly that with a sample food delivery project.
         | Same frontend, but two different backends (one with Hasura, one
         | with Postgraphile).
         | Feel free to check it out: https://github.com/sastraxi/great-
         | bear
         | cpursley wrote:
         | https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/manual/migrations/index.h...
         | Their migration tool is really nice; reminds me of Rails but
         | better as you can write raw SQL.
         | https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/tree/master/scripts...
           | learc83 wrote:
           | It's pretty easy to do raw sql rails migrations. I do it all
           | the time.
       | MadWombat wrote:
       | One thing that bothers me about systems like this is the
       | underlying assumption that database architecture always reflects
       | the presentation. But what if ti doesn't? I am looking at the
       | Hasura docs and all it really says is "we will generate
       | everything for you based on your database schema and here is the
       | way we do it". But what if I don't want some tables to be
       | exposed? What if I want to expose custom queries instead of
       | tables?
       | I feel that products like Hasura and postgrest would be a lot
       | more useful if there was a way for me to specify a list of data
       | sources on one side and get a fully formed GraphQL or REST
       | service on the other side rather than going "I know what you need
       | better than you" route.
         | rattray wrote:
         | I think the philosophy behind this is that you're supposed to
         | end up doing extensive presentation work in the DB itself
         | through generated columns, views, access control, functions,
         | etc.
         | It requires you to learn more arcane technologies (postgres
         | functions are a bit less beginner-friendly than, say, ruby on
         | rails) but these are also great technologies to know.
         | My guess is that a production hasura/graphile/prisma app would
         | end up having a large number of custom resolvers by the time
         | it's seen a few years of heavy production development as well,
         | and that the built-in gql queries would serve more as
         | scaffolding for prototypes, but I've never made it that far
         | myself.
         | batmansmk wrote:
         | Data-driven architectures are very relevant, in particular in a
         | corporate / business environment.
         | I found all the answers in the docs.
         | A SQL Schema can carry a custom query, it's called a view.
         | A SQL Schema can carry a custom algorithm, it's called a
         | function or a generated column.
         | You can always deactivate permissions on a table to not expose
         | it, my bet is that your backoffice will need to though.
         | On top of that, Hasura supports custom resolvers (code driven
         | endpoints).
         | Finally you can stitch 2 GraphQL schemas together. It doesn't
         | have to be one size fits all. So even if only 50% of your app
         | can fit in the model of Hasura, you can always mix and match.
         | It's still 50% that will be up and running in minutes.
           | MadWombat wrote:
           | > A SQL Schema can carry a custom query, it's called a view.
           | This is not feasible. I might not have enough access to
           | create views. I might not have access to create functions. I
           | cannot deactivate permissions if I only have a single access
           | account and other systems use it already. You cannot assume
           | that I have full control of the database or that I can easily
           | make changes to the schema.
           | But this is not all. I am working on a web backend project on
           | daily basis. I would love to offload some basic CRUD
           | operations to something like postgrest or implement GraphQL
           | with something like Hasura, but I need a way to a) define
           | table and field name mappings b) define what tables are
           | accessible b) define what columns are visible c) define what
           | nested relationships are allowed d) define actions that need
           | to happen on update/insert/delete operations (i.e. push a
           | message into a queue every time a record is deleted from
           | table T) If I could do all of this, I could implement about
           | 50% of my web service and it would be useful.
         | tango12 wrote:
         | > I feel that products like Hasura and postgrest would be a lot
         | more useful if there was a way for me to specify a list of data
         | sources on one side and get a fully formed GraphQL or REST
         | service on the other side rather than going "I know what you
         | need better than you" route.
         | Hasura internally has a metadata engine that does exactly this.
         | You explicitly specify what tables/views/functions you want to
         | expose and how you want to expose them. You can use Hasura
         | authz to further constrain what data is accessed/returned while
         | a query runs. In its default configuration when you start
         | Hasura against your Postgres, Hasura exposes nothing.
           | MadWombat wrote:
           | I will need to take a closer look. If you are right, this
           | might be more useful than I thought at a casual glance.
       | buhrmi wrote:
       | If GraphQL needs $9.9M to be simple enough for developers to
       | actually use it, why was it invented?
         | bdcravens wrote:
         | Probably for the same reason that companies like MongoDB,
         | Citus, GitLab, Elastic, and more have taken investment money.
           | SteveBash wrote:
           | To be fair, some of those are full database engines; they
           | have lots of inherent complexity to tackle.
           | Hasura provides an interface to a database(/s) engine.
           | GraphQL was supposed to solve the interface problem but it
           | looks like it has created a lot of accidental complexity to
           | tackle.
         | imvetri wrote:
         | Great question
         | bdcravens wrote:
         | If git needs $436.2M (investment in Gitlab) to be simple enough
         | for developers to actually use it, why was it invented?
         | crubier wrote:
         | PostGraphile is free, try it!
           | imvetri wrote:
           | The point made was, software is supposed to solve a problem.
           | Not create a new problem and provide a paid solution. Kinda
           | speaks the truth that something is fundamental isn't made
           | simple yet.
             | bdcravens wrote:
             | See Ruby on Rails and why Heroku was invented.
         | nirvdrum wrote:
         | GraphQL definitely has its warts, but it provides more
         | flexibility on the API response than you'd get with ReST, so
         | you're neither sending the whole world to keep your API space
         | small nor adding new endpoints to handle each new client use
         | case. But, GraphQL doesn't fundamentally change the fact that
         | something needs to be responsible for enforcing access
         | restrictions and talking to a database.
         | Hasura is working to simplify that layer, but developers aren't
         | cheap and I'd imagine the work isn't terribly fun. A lot of
         | existing web frameworks have sprung up out of consultancies to
         | support that development cost. Raising capital is just another
         | funding strategy.
           | jayd16 wrote:
           | >GraphQL doesn't fundamentally change the fact that something
           | needs to be responsible for enforcing access restrictions and
           | talking to a database.
           | This is what I'm struggling with when it comes to weighing
           | the pros and cons of GraphQL. I like the SQL model, ie
           | pushing selects and joins and such to the DB, so why not from
           | client to host too? But when you still need to enforce access
           | restriction and such per user per action, how much time would
           | it save me, really?
           | Seems great for internal apis or prototyping though.
             | tensor wrote:
             | Hasura and Postgraphile both use row level security for
             | access restriction. Anyone can still execute a query, but
             | they won't get back data they don't have access to.
             | nirvdrum wrote:
             | While doable, you probably don't really want a web client
             | talking directly to your RDBMS, if for no other reason than
             | connection management would be a nightmare. The calculus
             | there might be different if using something like DynamoDB,
             | but I suspect you'd still find it challenging to be
             | littering your code with DynamoDB calls. So, at some point
             | you'd build your own little utility classes to abstract
             | away the DB interaction, much like an ORM, and eventually
             | it'll evolve into something with overlapping functionality
             | of GraphQL.
             | If you accept that you don't want your web client talking
             | directly to the database, then you need something that will
             | interface with the database. That problem has been around
             | for a while with many different solutions: SOAP, ReST,
             | PouchDB/CouchDB, interface with various cloud services,
             | something completely custom, and many others. GraphQL is
             | just one of the latest solutions to that problem and with
             | it, brings some advantages around flexibility in the API
             | requests and responses. It also makes it easy to stitch
             | together multiple GraphQL APIs. So, by being standardized*
             | you don't need to develop the client code yourself and you
             | gain the ability to pull together APIs from multiple
             | sources to present as a single end-point. The most popular
             | clients also provide caching mechanisms so you don't have
             | to keep whacking the back-end for the same data repeatedly.
             | There's also graphiql [1], which gives you a really nice
             | way to query or modify your data on any GraphQL API, which
             | I've found to be very helpful when learning new APIs.
             | So far, I've found GraphQL most useful for single page
             | applications where the back-end really doesn't have to do
             | much more than handle DB interactions. If you already have
             | an application up and running with little churn in the API,
             | adopting GraphQL probably wouldn't gain you much. In a
             | greenfield application, I was able to use Hasura to replace
             | a simple Rails CRUD application and that was handy. Hasura
             | also takes care of JWT handling, so I could do my auth with
             | Auth0 and not handle that in Rails either. I think GraphQL
             | solves an interesting part of the serverless puzzle.
             | Don't get me wrong, GraphQL can be downright frustrating at
             | times. Or at least the popular implementations of it can
             | be. We use Relay at work and while it solves a lot of
             | problems, it introduces many of its own that have cost me
             | hours of frustration. I tried using AWS Amplify on a side
             | project, and having to write new AppSync resolvers with
             | Velocity templates is just not pretty. It really took using
             | Hasura for me to finally be sold on what the GraphQL
             | promise could be (side note: Hasura doesn't support the
             | Relay protocol, so if that's important to you, you'll need
             | to find a different tool).
             | * -- Standardized is a loose term. There is a GraphQL spec,
             | but it leaves a lot available to implementation details.
             | So, then there are other specs, such as Relay, built on top
             | of that. Or de facto standards based on what the popular
             | clients provide.
             | [1] -- https://github.com/graphql/graphiql
         | deckard1 wrote:
         | GraphQL is mediocre. It's luke-warm mashed potatoes from a
         | chain diner.
         | Having used it for a number of years now, I still don't know
         | why people recommend it beyond other people recommending it.
         | Out of the box, it comes with no batteries included. Which
         | explains the cottage industry that popped up to support it
         | (Apollo, Hasura, etc.). Simply making GraphQL as efficient as
         | bog-standard REST without involving the use of half a dozen 3rd
         | party libraries is a fool's errand.
         | Silicon Valley suffers great amnesia and NIH. We've had RPC
         | forever now. XML RPC, SOAP, thousands of others that don't
         | deserve mention. There is a reason people moved from SOAP to
         | REST: you didn't need that complexity. (On a side note, it
         | makes me incredibly depressed to be in this industry knowing
         | how much time and effort died trying to make XML a thing. When
         | was the last time you heard "XML" on Hacker News? Probably been
         | awhile. Maybe 5-10 years now. As a piece of news that is, and
         | not some random comment from an asshole like me.)
         | Requesting arbitrary pieces of data on the client side
         | (GraphQL's seemingly raison d'etre) is quite easy with REST. So
         | easy that it makes me curious how much brain damage the
         | industry has to think otherwise. Creating new endpoints even?
         | Not a big deal. Not nearly as big of a deal as writing the
         | mountains of boilerplate to get a new GraphQL query up and
         | running. And considering we're talking about GraphQL, it's most
         | likely going to be the same team members working on both sides.
         | Why would that not be the case for REST as well? The mind
         | boggles. All the arguments against REST that GraphQL camp makes
         | are disingenuous at best.
           | vosper wrote:
           | > Not nearly as big of a deal as writing the mountains of
           | boilerplate to get a new GraphQL query up and running
           | This is the thing Hasura (and Postgraphile) is trying to make
           | go away. From my limited experience with Hasura, it works
           | pretty well.
           | markhalonen wrote:
           | After using GraphQL with code-generated Typescript types on
           | the response, I can't imagine going back to REST and it's
           | "hope and pray" the JSON looks how you expect it to look
             | karatestomp wrote:
             | I think part of the actual, non-hyped benefit is that it
             | adds type definitions to incoming and outgoing fields on
             | the client side. Working directly with JSON is kind of
             | fucking awful. Attempts to fix it are often of an even more
             | unpleasant "now you have two problems" sort (JSON-Schema,
             | for example). Any well-supported standard for typing
             | interfaces for data sent to the browser & other REST-
             | consuming clients, even if the underlying transport remains
             | JSON or whatever, is welcome.
           | JMTQp8lwXL wrote:
           | Apollo is more than just GraphQL -- it has built-in caching,
           | and gives you booleans for loading state, and more. If you
           | were to roll your own wrapper around window.fetch, for a
           | simpler facade to work with (when making network requests in
           | React), you'd end up with something like Apollo's interface.
           | And that really useful API surface has nothing to do with
           | GraphQL as a specification.
           | I used to roll all of this stuff from Redux, with actions,
           | reducers, the whole 9 yards. Apollo let me gut all of that--
           | since I was only using Redux to store data retrieved over the
           | network. Now I'm not hear to preach Apollo specifically, but
           | it's the only client I've worked with, and I can achieve
           | higher productivity with it than working a lower level.
           | tensor wrote:
           | Hasura is more than just GraphQL. It maps GraphQL queries to
           | single SQL statements. So you can think of it more as an ORM,
           | but rather than mapping objects to the database it maps
           | GraphQL statements.
           | The advantage of this over a traditional ORM is that by
           | having the entire query up front it can be smarter about how
           | it does the translation.
           | Regarding REST, this is very very different. With REST, you
           | map a single "query," the REST endpoint, to an SQL statement
           | (ideally one). But if you want some other query, you're out
           | of luck. Either you make a new REST endpoint, or you manually
           | call several endpoints and compose the data.
           | There are some dangers to the GraphQL to SQL approach, namely
           | it's harder to guarantee performance when the client can
           | execute arbitrary queries.
           | Now, GraphQL by itself, I agree it doesn't solve the hardest
           | problems: getting the data for the query and doing it
           | security. But something like Hasura does address those points
           | and I do think it is an advancement over previous
           | technologies.
         | pritambarhate wrote:
         | As per the article, Hasura is focused on PostgreSQL now. They
         | want to provide a similar experience for other databases also
         | So that they can tap into multiple enterprise customers. Also,
         | I think they are working on features to expose different REST
         | APIs via unified GraphQL API.
         | It's a big enough problem space I think and it has lot of scope
         | for innovation. Enterprise Integration is also quite a big
         | market, so there is definitely an opportunity to create a
         | profitable company there.
       (page generated 2020-02-27 23:00 UTC)