[HN Gopher] Why the Gov.uk Design System team changed the input ...
       Why the Gov.uk Design System team changed the input type for
       Author : joelanman
       Score  : 360 points
       Date   : 2020-02-27 14:46 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (technology.blog.gov.uk)
 (TXT) w3m dump (technology.blog.gov.uk)
       | shakna wrote:
       | > However the inputmode attribute is now supported by all the
       | mobile browsers we test in.
       | This isn't extensive, which might be a tad misleading if you
       | don't double check. They test on Chrome & Samsung for Android,
       | and iOS is only the one engine.
       | And those three browsers seem to be the only mobile browsers that
       | have implemented it. (Well, Opera Mobile as well). [0]
       | Desktop support is also extremely spotty.
       | This seems like it might be leaping the gun on expecting this
       | standard to pick up the slack.
       | Whilst they might feel the support is there for their particular
       | audience after 2019, I wouldn't, and would suggest that you need
       | to check your particular audience closely before following this
       | advice for your own site. (Which is fairly generic advice, but
       | appropriate.)
       | [0] https://caniuse.com/#feat=input-inputmode
         | chrisweekly wrote:
         | Desktop support is also almost moot, though, right? What's the
         | "desktop with virtual keyboard" use case?
           | oldmanhorton wrote:
           | Touchscreen pcs? Surface Pro users in particular would see
           | this.
             | alkonaut wrote:
             | The fallback is a regular touch keyboard with both letters
             | and digits. On a screen larger than a phone I think I'd
             | prefer that to a numeric pad.
         | SifJar wrote:
         | > Desktop support is also extremely spotty.
         | Arguably it's less important there if one of the main
         | motivations is that on mobile browsers will display a numeric
         | keypad instead of full keyboard (which is my impression from
         | skimming the article)
         | opless wrote:
         | As long as they validate their inputs!
         | joelanman wrote:
         | The article covers quite a few issues with type=number,
         | including some pretty bad accessibility ones. On balance I
         | think even if inputmode doesn't have 100% support, those users
         | will simply get a normal keyboard, which isn't so bad.
         | Disclaimer - I work on the team.
           | vidarh wrote:
           | Yeah, for my current work app we've just unceremoniously
           | dropped type=number for most things, without inputmode or
           | anything, and the experience is overall so much better even
           | then.
             | samatman wrote:
             | I wish you'd use inputmode.
             | I find it vaguely unsatisfying when I'm asked to input a
             | pure string of digits using a full keyboard on mobile. It
             | feels half-baked, and my estimation of the quality of the
             | software goes down.
         | emayljames wrote:
         | There needs to be a website to see if you can use caniuse
         | website on your mobile browser. The site is unusable on mobile
         | Firefox. The irony.
         | signalsmith wrote:
         | In this case, the fallback is still a plain-text field, into
         | which the user should enter numbers. Perfectly usable, but
         | without the keyboard hint, so it seems like a graceful fallback
         | to me.
         | chias wrote:
         | Trying this out in the latest Desktop Firefox, the numberinput
         | and pattern attributes seem to have no effect, and it behaved
         | exactly like a regular type="text" input.
           | alkonaut wrote:
           | The pattern is only a trick to persuade old iOS Safari to
           | show the numeric pad even though it's "text".
       | rini17 wrote:
       | This is another reminder that floating point numbers are just a
       | hack that should never be used by default. We have enough CPU,
       | memory and bandwidth that we are able to transmit/store exact
       | representation of numeric user input, and convert it to float
       | only when necessary, as designed by programmer.
         | ivanbakel wrote:
         | Indeed. Just like 32-bit integers, having fixed size floats as
         | the default representation of numbers with a decimal component
         | is a bad holdover from days of limited hardware.
         | Let programmers use floats when they have the performance
         | analysis to justify it. Before then, it's just another kind of
         | premature optimisation - and high level languages should be
         | avoiding it.
       | klingonopera wrote:
       | I'm no web-dev, but shouldn't these things be sanitized server-
       | side? In which case, except for the mobile keypad issue, all
       | these problems would solve themselves?
       | And shouldn't they be doing this anyway?
         | jkrems wrote:
         | What makes you think they don't? But they still want good UX
         | for entering the data.
           | klingonopera wrote:
           | Insistence on (EDIT: having used) using type=number.
           | Given the choice of bad UI vs. (accidentally) modified data,
           | I'd pick bad UI any day.
           | Insistence on using number makes me suspect they require
           | sanitation to be done client-side.
           | EDIT: Normally, I wouldn't assume a website run by a
           | government wouldn't be doing this, but wasn't there some
           | scandal recently in the US about the Dems and some web-app,
           | and that it was woefully amateuristic? Suffice to say, that
           | has kinda changed my perception about governments and IT.
           | Then again, "gov.uk" has a tech blog, so I'm probably
           | misplacing my skepticism.
           | EDIT2: Updated tense.
             | jkrems wrote:
             | > Insistence on using number makes me suspect they require
             | sanitation to be done client-side.
             | Why when they explicitly state that it was done for getting
             | the proper input UX on mobile? The whole article is about
             | finding a good UX for inputting numbers, taking different
             | device types and accessibility concerns into account. It
             | doesn't mention using these for validation at all afaict.
             | Somewhere in this thread one of devs showed up and
             | explicitly stated that they disable all HTML validation on
             | the pages.
             | yazboo wrote:
             | The article is recommending against using type=number.
               | klingonopera wrote:
               | ...which they're only doing, after having it done.
               | petepete wrote:
               | Because at the time it was the best way to have mobile
               | apps show the numeric keypad instead of the regular
               | keyboard. Keep up.
         | onion2k wrote:
         | The point is that giving the user a number input is a bad user
         | experience. For example, users don't need or want up and down
         | spin buttons to enter a phone number. That's _long_ before it
         | gets to a server.
         | simion314 wrote:
         | You always should validate server side but this is to make it
         | easy to use and accessible for users, PayPal has a custom input
         | type that looks fancy but for example the Delete key is not
         | working for it(no idea if is accessible or if you can type in
         | it via speech)
         | thawaway1837 wrote:
         | These recommendations are irrespective of server side
         | sanitisation.
         | Server side sanitisation doesn't address any of the
         | accessibility concerns. Server side sanitisation doesn't
         | address the silent dropping of characters concern. Server side
         | sanitisation doesn't address the incrementing/decrementing the
         | value accidentally concern.
         | That's because the issues being discussed here are about
         | creating a good UI that minimizes errors, and has little to do
         | with sanitisation.
           | klingonopera wrote:
           | Yeah, but in-/decrement and silent dropping would've been a
           | non-issue with type=text.
           | All I'm saying, they could've used text all this time, and
           | never had all these problems to begin with, with the slight
           | exception of a slightly-clunkier UI.
           | Well, now they're text anyways, so, yeah.
           | EDIT: If JS was an option, they could've also used text and
           | then use "<form onsubmit=SanitizeInput()>".
             | vertex-four wrote:
             | Avoiding clunky UI is the raison d'etre of gov.uk. You
             | shouldn't have to deal with an awful user experience for
             | things you are legally required to do to go about your
             | life.
             | [deleted]
             | hombre_fatal wrote:
             | Seems to me like you're missing the point.
             | They want to give their users a numeric keyboard but
             | without the downsides of a numeric textfield. Your solution
             | seems oblivious to their goals and TFA.
               | klingonopera wrote:
               | ...at the risk of modified data? With things like credit
               | card numbers?
               | I think I'm just not chill enough for that.
       | gatvol wrote:
       | Quite strange that propriety systems like dragon are mentioned as
       | motivation, surely they should fix the product or standardise.
         | leokennis wrote:
         | I guess that, as a government, they are required to cater for
         | people with accessibility issues (in this case: people who
         | cannot type but need to dictate to enter text).
         | If you then cannot support the most popular dictating
         | application, that's not a good look.
           | petepete wrote:
           | This is absolutely the case. There are other areas where
           | 'standards' aren't used because of accessibility reasons; a
           | prime example being the HTML5 built-in validations. They just
           | aren't reliably accessible enough across browsers/platforms.
           | The GOV.UK Design System is extremely well thought out,
           | there's reason and sound arguments behind every decision -
           | and the best part is that it's all developed in the open.
       | globular-toast wrote:
       | Using "numeric" types for strings that look like base 10 numbers
       | is an incredibly common mistake. It's one of those mistakes that
       | works 99% of the time, which means it can become deeply embedded
       | in architectures. We've recently seen this problem when a
       | database for the first time for a non-numeric system in its ids
       | and downstream systems that converted that to an integer started
       | to fail.
       | My rule of thumb is that if it doesn't make sense to do
       | arithmetic on it then it's not a number, it's probably a string.
         | markmark wrote:
         | They were using it to get a numeric entry pad on mobile devices
         | because users preferred that. They knew the types weren't
         | "numbers". Now that inputmode="numeric" has better browser
         | support they recommend that.
         | reggieband wrote:
         | > We've recently seen this problem when a database for the
         | first time for a non-numeric system in its ids and downstream
         | systems that converted that to an integer started to fail.
         | I can add another anecdote to that list. In my case it was some
         | code in a consuming system that expected u16 sized int which
         | broke when the producing system increased to 32 bit sized int.
         | I mean, no code change just the auto increment on the database
         | finally exhausted 16 bits.
         | Tangentially, this is why my first thought when designing a new
         | system is to use uuid/guid stored as a string in hyphenated
         | hexadecimal. It prevents any downstream consumer from even
         | attempting to store it as an int. I'm now wary of things that
         | look like int but aren't actually integers since people will
         | often mistakenly treat them as such.
       | aglionby wrote:
       | The Government Digital Service does all kinds of cool work around
       | accessibility for both users using assistive technology and users
       | who are less technically able. Interesting talk here from 2014
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUkMCQR4TpY
       | signalsmith wrote:
       | This is off-topic, but I _really_ like the current GOV.UK
       | (several years old now). I don 't really have opinions on the
       | visual stuff, but I find it really pleasant to use.
       | Filing my self-assessment tax return (only required because I run
       | a side-business) is a fantastically straightforward experience.
       | Step-by-step information entry, pre-filled with what they already
       | know (e.g. main employer's salary), then they give you a number
       | at the end which you pay by card.
       | Having done the paper version exactly once before moving over to
       | doing them online, I feel grateful every time I see that
       | distinctive custom font.
         | jackdeansmith wrote:
         | As a US guy, I've never looked at this site before. The extreme
         | clarity of pages like https://www.gov.uk/vat-rates is really
         | refreshing.
           | lioeters wrote:
           | Indeed, that's a nice example. I felt the design could even
           | improve public relations. If I were a UK citizen, I'd be
           | relieved to find the information so well-designed and
           | presented.
           | I've read here and there about the UK Government Digital
           | Service, and have a very good impression. Reading a recent
           | related article, it sounds like they have their priorities
           | right!
           | https://gds.blog.gov.uk/2019/11/05/transforming-gov-uk-
           | the-f...
             | dmix wrote:
             | The UK has long been an early adopter of proper web design
             | for government websites.
             | Seeing the average Canadian gov website, and hearing
             | stories from people who've worked on some at the federal
             | level, makes my head hurt.
           | bflesch wrote:
           | In Germany, I can't even find the VAT rate info page at the
           | ministry via google. I end up with this: https://www.bundesfi
           | nanzministerium.de/Web/DE/Themen/Steuern...
         | mattmanser wrote:
         | Fantastically straight forward? I strongly disagree. I've done
         | the SA many times, and trying to find out your balance or
         | payments list or anything useful is now a kafka-esque
         | nightmare. Last time I knew they must owe me money but they
         | didn't say at the end, and it took me about 15 minutes to find
         | out how much, with no indication of when it would arrive. At
         | the end of the SA they even had some sort of message saying
         | make sure you pay what you owe, which turned out to be nothing.
         | This is all complicated because you pay on account, paying the
         | next year's tax 15 months before you submit your return (they
         | guess your next tax bill based on the previous one, as you
         | don't submit the return for 9 months after the end of the tax
         | year, so you don't get in too much credit).
         | The new SA process is no different from the old one, with minor
         | cosmetic enhancements, but they've made it almost impossible to
         | get to the old account sections.
         | Notice how there's no login button. On a website that relies on
         | logging in. Now search for "self assessment login" or "self
         | assessment account" or "self-assessment balance".
         | See any login button? See anything resembling a login? last
         | year you could still get to the old account screen after some
         | hunting, but that's gone now. The new account screen is a mass
         | of text with links sprinkled through out, where the old one was
         | a compact menu.
         | Plus, when you finally do find your accounts, you can only see
         | one year at a time, have to use a drop down to change year, the
         | amounts you owed are on one page, they amounts you paid are on
         | another, some of these figures are still provisional, and
         | nothing adds up.
         | As for submitting your company accounts, what a joke that used
         | to be when they re-did it. I knew exactly what type of account
         | I needed to submit. But to get to that form, I think they had a
         | labyrinth of 16 web pages, each just one question per page,
         | that you had to answer while they unhelpfully tried to pick the
         | form you needed for you. Get the wrong form? No way to go back
         | to see what answer you got wrong, no way to fix it, you just
         | had to start again. It meant I had to go through it 3 or 4
         | times before I finally got the right form.
         | Before they "renovated" it, you just picked the form you
         | needed.
         | They even did a whole blog post about how great the one page
         | per question concept was, which turned out to be utterly
         | bullshit.
         | I've lost all faith in the gov.uk team, I feel they're trying
         | too hard to be cool and "innovative". They have thrown out
         | convention, and are often making poor UIs and user journeys
         | because of it.
           | maxcbc wrote:
           | I'm biased, I used to work at GDS.
           | The lack of a 'login' button is a huge issue IMHO, but the
           | main blocker to it isn't the tech teams, its at the
           | ministerial/senior civil service level.
           | The problem isn't the button itself but the infrastructure
           | behind it. I.e. it requires a single database of users (i.e.
           | a national register of citizens).
           | This needs doing, but politicians come out in hives because
           | it involves setting up a system similar to national ID cards
           | (politically difficult). Senior civil servants dislike it
           | because its a question of which department owns it, if its
           | GDS its the cabinet office, and that means the Home Office,
           | DWP, HMRC surrendering some control (i.e. being increasingly
           | dependent on external systems), which is something
           | departments seem to dislike.
           | It'd save millions (billions probably) in the long run, but
           | there isn't the political will to do it. It would need an
           | influential cabinet minister to push it through and would
           | take 3-5 years to get properly embedded.
             | pja wrote:
             | Finding where to login for SA is the one frustration I have
             | with SA right now. Everything else works really smoothly,
             | but I have to resort to Googling "self assessment login"
             | every time.
             | Solving this doesn't require a unified login - it needs
             | proper signposting within gov.uk of the most likely user
             | flows. Right now, finding the login for SA is something
             | like 5 levels deep within the hiearchy of pages, and even
             | then it's not well signposted.
             | gov.uk -> "Money and Tax" -> "Self Assessment" -> "Register
             | for and file your Self Assessment tax return" -> Sign In
             | Having to choose "Money and Tax" and then "Self Assessment"
             | is fine. But then you're faced with an enormous menu of
             | choices, only the 19th of which leads to a login prompt.
             | Once you've reached that page, "Sign In" isn't even at the
             | top of the page - it's below the fold on a 1440 pixel high
             | browser!
             | Just putting common tasks at the top of the list, with
             | everything alphabetised underneath for when you're looking
             | for something specific would make a huge difference.
       | nimish wrote:
       | Javascript not having proper integers strikes again! Kind of
       | surprised they hadn't run into more issues parsing string-ids-
       | with-numerals into numbers.
         | notriddle wrote:
         | If JavaScript used 32-bit integers, then it would've just
         | rolled over. Not much of an improvement.
       | mirekrusin wrote:
       | Gov UK has some great, Jakob Nielsen style UI. It's fantastic to
       | use, love it.
       | vitaliyf wrote:
       | Similarly, here is your reminder than US Zip Codes aren't
       | numbers, because many of us here in the Northeast have them start
       | with a zero (or even two). So don't store them as integers,
       | because Boston is 02108, not 2108.
       | See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ZIP_Code_prefixes
         | drstewart wrote:
         | My general rule is if you can't add two values together then
         | they shouldn't be represented as number types.
           | pwdisswordfish2 wrote:
           | So a temperature is a number only as long as it's expressed
           | in kelvins?
             | elcomet wrote:
             | you can add farenheihts or celcius.
               | lmkg wrote:
               | You can meaningfully add or subtract degrees to a
               | temperature reading, but you can't meaningfully add two
               | readings together (unless you're averaging them!).
               | There's a subtlety here: A temperature _difference_ is
               | actually a different data type than a _temperature_.
               | Dates and times have similar issues: You can add 2 hours
               | to 3 hours, and you can add 2 hours to 3 o 'clock, but
               | you can't add 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock.
               | A better litmus test is whether you can _subtract_
               | values. The difference between two times, or two dates,
               | or two temperature readings is something that is
               | meaningful and commonly used in everyday life. The
               | difference between two ZIP codes is nonsensical.
               | zentiggr wrote:
               | Too bad the post office wasn't aware of space-filling
               | curves when they started assigning regions :)
               | titanomachy wrote:
               | Yeah, it's 5degC warmer than it was yesterday.
         | pwdisswordfish2 wrote:
         | Some are yet to get the memo. Not so long ago, I've seen a
         | TypeScript course that demonstrated union types with an example
         | of representing zip codes as either strings or numbers...
       | ArchReaper wrote:
       | EDIT: removed my inaccurate comment, misread article
         | calibas wrote:
         | How is the "tel" type a solution? According to the standard (ht
         | tps://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#telephone-...),
         | it accepts every character except line feeds and carriage
         | returns.
         | Without any pattern specified, the code you posted will accept
         | emojis as input, it's not a good choice for a numeric only
         | field. It's also intended for phone numbers...
           | ArchReaper wrote:
           | Woops, for some reason I read the title as "Why the GOV.UK
           | Design System team changed the input type for phone numbers"
           | - removed my comment since it doesn't apply.
       | maxcbc wrote:
       | This is the sort of thing I love about the accessible tech team
       | at gds. They learn something, then they share it in such an
       | accessible way.
       | alexrage wrote:
       | It's good to see UX design problems analyzed from a technical
       | perspective. Designers working on the web should be proficient at
       | understanding the medium on which they work, and look beyond
       | generating static images to toss over the wall for
       | implementation.
       | throwaway-q2233 wrote:
       | Better option is graceful degradation, just Target those specific
       | problematic UAs for the other input type.
         | shakna wrote:
         | As with most accessibility problems... Checking my User Agent
         | won't tell you how I'm interacting with the site.
         | How do you detect I'm using NVDA? It'll still look like
         | Firefox. Or Chrome if I'm bypassing a broken UA detection.
         | Nowhere will you see NVDA, even though it is the problem.
         | inanutshellus wrote:
         | Unless I'm missing something, the graceful degradation is the
         | `pattern="[0-9]"`. Certainly `input type="text"` is about as
         | "degradation friendly" as you can get in HTML land...
       | ChrisSD wrote:
       | In summary the main issue is that, according to the spec, `<input
       | type="number">` is only for numbers that are going to be parsed
       | into a Javascript number. It has to make sense to increment,
       | decrement or do other numerical operations on it. It's not to be
       | used for strings or identifiers that just so happen to be
       | numbers, e.g. credit card numbers. I'll admit this is slightly
       | surprising to me but it does make a certain amount of sense.
       | The solution is to use `<input type="text" inputmode="numeric"
       | pattern="[0-9]*">`.
         | [deleted]
         | robocat wrote:
         | inputmode="numeric" and inputmode="decimal" have different
         | quirks between Android and iOS. inputmode also acts differently
         | on iPad and iPhone, and the keyboard shown varies from that for
         | pattern=, and support for inputmode is missing from iOS11 (or
         | iOS12?). Tread carefully!
         | Note that type="number" is particularly horrible on iOS because
         | it allows typing non-numeric values and then input.value just
         | returns zero. Instead you must check input.checkValidity(), and
         | perhaps use the CSS :invalid pseudo-selector to show the user
         | that their entry is not valid. You cannot read the actual
         | invalid value AFAIK on iOS (although you could simulate it by
         | looking at key events, if you ignore selection and cut/paste).
         | Data entry with HTML is one area where you really want a native
         | app, and you can get severely burnt trying to use a WebView. I
         | have wasted months dealing with a variety of quirks over the
         | years trying to make time entry friendly in HTML: all solutions
         | have terrible compromises, and different browsers act quite
         | differently (and can have nasty bugs).
         | downerending wrote:
         | One good reason for this is that for things like credit card
         | numbers, a good interface will accept leading, trailing, or
         | interior spaces. Sites that make me type in values in exactly
         | their own weird format are an abomination.
         | Site A: _Ah ah ah! You put a slash in your date! No soup for
         | you!_
         | Site B: _Ah ah ah! You didn 't put a slash in your date! No
         | soup for you!_
           | DonHopkins wrote:
           | I hate it when they have drop-down menu for entering your
           | year of birth, so the older you are, the further you have to
           | scroll, but only infants and toddlers can select the year
           | they were born without scrolling.
           | A non-numeric text field is so much easier, and you should
           | also be able enter your birth year as Roman numerals (which
           | is even easier for millennials).
             | RandallBrown wrote:
             | I _think_ you 're joking about Roman numerals, but
             | millennials birth years are anything but easy to type in as
             | a Roman numeral. For example, my birth year of 1987 is
             | MCMLXXXVII.
               | DonHopkins wrote:
               | Oh that's right, I meant post-millennials, who got a
               | fresh start in MM.
           | brlewis wrote:
           | This may not be semantically pure, but I think type="tel" is
           | a simple and ergonomic approach to credit card input.
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/in...
           | EDIT: Also more widely supported than
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_att...
             | Wowfunhappy wrote:
             | I'm not against weird hacks where necessary, but how is
             | this better than the GP's non-hacky suggestion?
             | Inputmode isn't supported by most desktop browsers but it
             | doesn't need to be. Every mobile browser save mobile
             | Firefox supports it.
             | ...I wonder what's up with Mobile Firefox?
               | brlewis wrote:
               | Using the same markup for desktop and mobile means less
               | code which usually translates to fewer bugs.
           | jmiserez wrote:
           | Also sites that accept a 07/21 expiration date but not 7/21.
           | Even worse if they accept it but then say it's an invalid
           | card.
           | airstrike wrote:
           | > a good interface will accept leading, trailing, or interior
           | spaces
           | Won't pattern="[0-9]*" do the exact opposite of what you're
           | suggesting?
             | joelanman wrote:
             | Important to note that in the article we mention we only
             | use pattern to trigger the right keyboard in old iOS. We
             | actually turn off HTML validation in favour of doing server
             | side validation, we'll soon be publishing guidance on that
             | too. Disclaimer - I work on the team.
             | dmix wrote:
             | Yes, you're right, this isn't a great solution for credit
             | card inputs either. They should be able handle dashes and
             | other spacing characters and the site should be able to
             | filter/format it automatically either on the front-end
             | before submission or with some server-side processing. And
             | no we don't need four different input boxes to enter a
             | credit card numbers either.
             | Flexibility is key here and since many websites handle
             | things differently (and since many of the physical cards
             | have literal dashes on them, which they are looking at when
             | inputting the numbers), you should be able to guide your
             | user into the right format without them having to get error
             | messages or other nonsense.
             | Not enough web designers appreciate the anxiety of having
             | to input a credit card number or other format-varied
             | content into input boxes.
               | fallous wrote:
               | Part of the problem is that inputs don't necessarily
               | reflect the specific intent behind the use of certain
               | symbols. For 99% of people using US keyboards when they
               | input a dash in a credit card number they are using the
               | exact same key as one would use for the minus when
               | inputting a negative number. If you asked them to
               | verbalize their inputs they would probably use different
               | words for the same symbol, signifying that the meaning or
               | intent isn't the same but even that isn't entirely
               | reliable.
               | You can attempt to infer intent or meaning based on the
               | context of the input field but often the least-
               | problematic method is to provide instruction/hints with
               | the field, examples of correctness, and real-time
               | validation with specific syntax errors when invalid or
               | unexpected data is provided. I'd argue that it would also
               | be worthwhile to request clarity from the user when an
               | input hits a filtering rule so that they can make clear
               | their intent... e.g. if you assume that they're using "-"
               | as a symbol for separation rather than simply follow that
               | assumption, ask if that's the case and list other
               | optional valid contexts for that symbol so they can be
               | explicit. If they choose None of the Above or a context
               | that is inappropriate for the field, inform them of that.
               | The 4-box credit card form, while pretty terrible in many
               | ways, at least made explicit the expectations. Often we
               | now hide the expectations and either auto-reformat what
               | was put in the field (which can be surprising to the user
               | or worse can modify their input to mean something other
               | than what they intended) or do hidden filtering, which
               | can have the same problems but doesn't even bother to
               | inform the user of the changes.
               | DonHopkins wrote:
               | Not to mention that some countries use . as a decimal
               | point and , as a digit grouping separator, and others do
               | it the other way around.
           | dmix wrote:
           | That's one of the reasons I love Stripe's checkout being used
           | everywhere and designers elsewhere basically copying them.
           | The internet is constantly getting better and I don't think
           | we give that progress we've made in web design over the last
           | few decades enough credit.
           | Just imagine how bad it used to be to just purchase a simple
           | thing on an ecommerce site in the mid 2000s. Or remember what
           | car websites used to look like vs what they look like now.
           | Even newspaper websites like NYT are leaders with quality
           | design.
           | It's easy to complain about those who still don't get it, but
           | I feel like we've also made massive progress from the early
           | wild-west days of the internet.
           | Still, I'm all for shaming those sites who still make
           | inserting credit card numbers a pain in the ass.
             | BrianB wrote:
             | > Or remember what car websites used to look like vs what
             | they look like now.
             | lingscars.com ?
               | admax88q wrote:
               | This site is amazing.
               | frob wrote:
               | This might be the best website ever. It is over the top,
               | but the theme is consistent. It reminds me of a myspace
               | page, but if someone just wanted to be ridiculous, not
               | unsightly.
               | Side note: anyone remember "I knows me some ugly myspace"
               | from Ze Frank?
               | BrianB wrote:
               | Did you check the source code yet?
         | dylan-m wrote:
         | That's a good rule of thumb there :) More pedantically, credit
         | card numbers _aren't_ numbers in the first place. They are
         | identifiers that happen to use numerical digits. Same as phone
         | numbers. Treating them as numbers at any point in a system is
         | an error. My dream is this detail of the HTML spec forces
         | people to rethink their schema design while they're at it.
         | pwdisswordfish2 wrote:
         | To put it more succinctly and without unnecessarily referring
         | to JavaScript semantics, type="number" is for _quantities_ ,
         | not mere _strings of digits_.
         | It's an unfortunate accident of the English language that both
         | are commonly called 'numbers'. We might not have had this
         | confusion if some other language were the lingua franca of
         | computing.
           | samatman wrote:
           | You can't entirely avoid referring to JavaScript semantics
           | here, type="number" is for values appropriate to represent
           | and work with as IEEE 754 doubles.
           | That covers a lot of ground, by design. But a 'number' it
           | isn't.
             | mjevans wrote:
             | float, floating, double, etc would have been better choices
             | for that type...
             | Though 'quantity' as described in another post still sounds
             | the best given the sub 1 and add 1 buttons.
           | bobthepanda wrote:
           | I mean, this could've been solved by the spec using
           | type="quantity".
           | Many languages have generic, ambiguous umbrella terms, it's
           | the sloppiness of the spec picking one.
           | pfranz wrote:
           | Technically, number (a quantity) vs numbers (a series of
           | numbers) would suffice. "Numeric" (as an input mode vs a
           | number type) makes sense, too.
           | I think it's just an evolution of our education, preferred
           | input devices, and specs all catching up with each other. On
           | a desktop I just start typing numbers from the keyboard. On a
           | smartphone I click on a credit card field, if the field
           | expects "text" I have to click "123" then input the number
           | using a number row with smaller target sizes. I would greatly
           | prefer to directly show me a number pad.
           | jsjohnst wrote:
           | The spec could've used type="quantity" and there wouldn't be
           | as much or any confusion.
           | Point being, blaming the language used for writing the spec,
           | when you readily offered up a better alternative, feels
           | misguided to me.
         | neves wrote:
         | The main issue is that the numeric key pad, with larger
         | buttons, are a lot easier to type (as predicted by Fitt's Law).
         | We must allow they to automatically use this keypad without the
         | confusing behavior of the <input type=number>
         | VBprogrammer wrote:
         | I've come across this problem a number of times. The same
         | applies in, for example, passing IDs across in JSON where I use
         | strings if at all possible.
         | Even money amount are typically challenging to treat as numeric
         | as often that drops them into a float when you shouldn't be
         | processing money amounts as floats.
       | TazeTSchnitzel wrote:
       | <input type=number> for things that are like telephone numbers
       | and not like quantities is such a common mistake. It can be
       | hilarious when, for example, a login form uses such a field for a
       | Swedish personal identity number. I just need to click the up
       | arrow ~1.996x1011 times!
       | calibas wrote:
       | FYI, there's a few features available with the number input type
       | that don't work with this method. Things like min, max and step
       | attributes.
       (page generated 2020-02-27 23:00 UTC)