[HN Gopher] Spreadsheet Horror Stories
       Spreadsheet Horror Stories
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 119 points
       Date   : 2020-02-27 07:56 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.eusprig.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.eusprig.org)
       | qubex wrote:
       | Released in 2018, so needs the relevant tag (I think).
         | dang wrote:
         | They've been doing this for many years, and I think it's an
         | ongoing effort.
       | amadeuspzs wrote:
       | Not that the authors would claim any differently, but I am going
       | to go out on a limb and state that RDBMS Horror Stories are more
       | frequent, and with higher overall impact.
       | Purely from a SQLi point of view we have:
       | https://codecurmudgeon.com/wp/sql-injection-hall-of-shame/
         | commandlinefan wrote:
         | Or programming in general horror stories:
         | http://thedailywtf.com/
       | blackbrokkoli wrote:
       | Great examples of the fallacy Don Norman points out in "The
       | design of everyday things":
       | Assigning "human error" and declaring the analysis done, not
       | considering design may be at fault.
       | Just Ctrl+F the keywords, the exact phrase is used three times
       | and paraphrased a dozen time more. My favorite is "It was
       | basically human error... there's nothing wrong with our
       | accounting systems". If your spreadsheet has billion-dollar
       | impact, why is there no 4-eyes-principle? Why do humans even have
       | a hand in data transfer? No sanity checks? No automation? Stop
       | blaming the user!
       | Ididntdothis wrote:
       | It seems a lot of these come down to the fact that people don't
       | do a final sanity check. I have seen it quite a few times where
       | people threw out numbers in meetings that simply didn't make
       | sense but weren't challenged.
         | denster wrote:
         | We've seen this in customer deployments as well [1], that's why
         | we always recommend UIs linked to a spreadsheet that help with
         | verification & correctness of the underlying spreadsheet logic.
         | [1] Implementations of MintData spreadsheets for internal
         | tooling & line of business applications.
         | https://mintdata.com
       | brundolf wrote:
       | I wonder if "spreadsheet unit tests" are/should be a thing.
         | [deleted]
         | dfsegoat wrote:
         | SQL based unit testing exists. So why not i guess?
         | http://dbunit.sourceforge.net/intro.html
         | denster wrote:
         | They are a thing [1]. We use MintData spreadsheets for a large
         | part of our regression test suite that tests MintData itself.
         | A bit meta, but yes, spreadsheets can definitely be used for
         | the equivalent of what "unit tests" are in code.
         | Interestingly, we also have "integration tests" in our
         | spreadsheets, but this has more to do with the fact that
         | MintData spreadsheets have native API calling ability, so we
         | can test with external services end-to-end.
         | [1] MintData, https://mintdata.com
           | iFire wrote:
           | Is there an intro plan that isn't $95 / month? I want to pay
           | money for this, but there are alternatives at that pricing
           | level.
           | Actually even paying $1140 ($95 * 12 months) for the on-
           | premise version is better.
             | iFire wrote:
             | I had a lot of insights generated from this opensource
             | program.
             | https://medium.com/guesstimate-blog/introducing-
             | guesstimate-...
             | https://github.com/getguesstimate/guesstimate-app
       | thedudeabides5 wrote:
       | Say what you will about errors in spreadsheets but an
       | underappreciated benefit is that they _enable_ this kind of post-
       | hoc analysis /error checking.
       | The transparency of 'it's all in this workbook and you can trace
       | it yourself' means finding mistakes (and there are always going
       | to be mistakes) and finding the logic behind the conclusions
       | (because there is always going to be debate about methodology and
       | cleaning practices) is a million times easier than if the
       | analysis was done in code.
       | It may be the case that you get more errors per hour in a
       | spreadsheet than in code, but I'd bet 5:1 that errors in code
       | based systems persist much longer, due to the lack of
       | transparency in what the machine is thinking.
         | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
         | How is a spreadsheet easier to audit than a codebase?
           | mxschumacher wrote:
           | All data states and all logic are in one file
             | joe_the_user wrote:
             | Like a lot of things, I think you have two part here. A
             | small spread can be more understandable than a small
             | program because you have all the logic apparently visible.
             | A large spreadsheet can become harder to understand and
             | verify than the medium-sized program that could duplicate
             | it's logic.
             | cpeterso wrote:
             | But spreadsheet logic is buried unseen in cells and
             | spreadsheets don't have good version control for reviewing
             | new changes and auditing change history.
               | thedudeabides5 wrote:
               | Yes, but to do good version control on code based systems
               | you need to version both the code, and the data being run
               | through the pipes.
               | While there are lots of good tools to version code (git
               | etc), and lots of tools to version control data
               | (bitemporality being the usual requirement), does anyone
               | know a tool which allows you to do both, at the same
               | time?
       | jkaptur wrote:
       | I've thought a lot about this. It's certainly easy to dunk on
       | spreadsheets being error-prone (and even easier to dunk on VBA!).
       | It's a decades-long running joke:
       | https://dilbert.com/strip/2007-08-08
       | But at a higher level, what strikes me is that spreadsheets don't
       | get checked if they tell you what you want to hear. These stories
       | are generally about afflicting the afflicted (Reinhart and
       | Rogoff) and banks and traders taking on too much global risk in
       | pursuit of local reward (the London Whale).
       | This is a problem with the intersection of software and society
       | in general, and I don't have an answer.
       | alexhutcheson wrote:
       | "There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain
       | about and the ones nobody uses."[1] That applies to spreadsheets
       | as well as to C++.
       | [1] http://www.stroustrup.com/bs_faq.html#really-say-that
       | nerpderp82 wrote:
       | > In a paper, 'Does High Public Debt Consistently Stifle Economic
       | Growth? A Critique of Reinhart and Rogoff,' Thomas Herndon,
       | Michael Ash, and Robert Pollin of the University of
       | Massachusetts, Amherst criticise a 2010 paper by Harvard
       | economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, 'Growth in a Time
       | of Debt.' They find three main issues: First, Reinhart and Rogoff
       | selectively exclude years of high debt and average growth.
       | Second, they use a debatable method to weight the countries.
       | Third, there also appears to be a coding error that excludes
       | high-debt and average-growth countries. All three bias in favor
       | of their result, and without them you don't get their
       | controversial result."
       | This one is kinda buried in the list. This is what motivated the
       | harsh austerity measures in Greece. So an entire country was
       | punished because of a bug in a spreadsheet.
       | http://theconversation.com/the-reinhart-rogoff-error-or-how-...
       | https://prospect.org/culture/books/the-crash-of-austerity-ec...
       | https://www.theguardian.com/business/ng-interactive/2015/apr...
       | https://www.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2013/04/17/how-mic...
       | http://www.cc.com/video-clips/dcyvro/the-colbert-report-aust...
       | interview with herndon http://www.cc.com/video-clips/kbgnf0/the-
       | colbert-report-aust...
         | mech1234 wrote:
         | Proper response to this:
         | https://www.ft.com/content/01fc06b8-fb6e-3e36-acb0-a1f8b47a7...
         | It remains true that high debt ratios hamper growth.
           | Ma8ee wrote:
           | No. Your link is behind a paywall, but I followed the debate
           | during they years, and their results are quite thoroughly
           | debunked.
             | zoonosis wrote:
             | The article addresses the issues raised by OP. You don't
             | need to read the paywalled article since it just summarizes
             | the statement by Reinhart & Rogoff which is available here
             | [1]. Here is an archive of the actual article if you would
             | prefer to read that [2].
             | [1] https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/rogoff/files/response
             | _to_h...
             | [2] https://archive.md/2daXH
         | jessaustin wrote:
         | It doesn't look good for Reinhart and Rogoff, but if it hadn't
         | been their paper it would have been something else. The
         | political will existed in Europe to subject Greece to extreme
         | measures; it was going to happen. If Germany hadn't found this
         | scapegoat they would have found some other one.
         | And people claim to wonder why Greece is friendly with China...
         | Mvandenbergh wrote:
         | >This one is kinda buried in the list. This is what motivated
         | the harsh austerity measures in Greece. So an entire country
         | was punished because of a bug in a spreadsheet.
         | That isn't true. This paper indicated that moderately high
         | levels of public debt constrained economic growth. As you have
         | pointed out, the paper was riddled with errors and the evidence
         | that moderately high levels of public debt slow economic growth
         | isn't really there.
         | What happened in Greece is quite different. Lenders lost
         | confidence in the Greek government's ability to repay their
         | debt. Partially because there was re-statement of public debt
         | that increased the debt level by 11% overnight.
         | What the Greek government did after that to get out from under
         | this was to cut spending (austerity). Economists have always
         | been sceptical that this would work since during a recession is
         | the very worst time to cut spending since it reduces cumulative
         | demand at a time when it is already down.
         | Indeed it did not work as we all know, but Eurozone lenders
         | were not willing to allow a partial default which is what
         | should have happened and being in the Euro means that there is
         | no possibility for a devaluation.
           | bobcostas55 wrote:
           | Greece consistently ran huge deficits during the crisis. They
           | had a huge debt write-off in 2012 and still ended up with
           | 180% debt/gdp, that doesn't happen if your spending policy is
           | austere.
           | https://3gp11q1ujq964apmpt3s9cda-wpengine.netdna-
           | ssl.com/wp-...
             | pjc50 wrote:
             | Austerity is not measured in Euros but in the human
             | casualties of the policy.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_government-
             | debt_crisis#S...
               | [deleted]
           | hef19898 wrote:
           | Well, basically the EU forced harsh measures on Greece so
           | Greece could get money from the EU to repay debts to banks
           | and other institutional investors. Investors didn't loose
           | anything (over simplifying here), the EU got it's money back
           | and Greece, along with Greeks, paid the bill. Would have been
           | easier to just wire the money over to the investors directly
           | and leave the Greeks alone.
           | Investors understood the rescue of Greece exactly like that
           | anyway if you ask me. But maybe the EU had to maintain the
           | public impression of austerity. Or rather the Germans.
         | jaclaz wrote:
         | > So an entire country was punished because of a bug in a
         | spreadsheet.
         | Not really, the Authors of the spreadsheet made one or more
         | errors, AND they did not double check results, NOR any of the
         | top-level economists criticized the results.
         | In other words an entire country was (severely) punished
         | because of a wrong theory (based on erroneous data) that all
         | the establishment accepted because it came from Harvard.
           | brazzledazzle wrote:
           | Sounds a lot like the theory was accepted without being
           | verified because it stated what they (the ones pushing for
           | austerity) wanted it to say. Not disagreeing with your list
           | but maybe it's worth adding the politicians/decision makers
           | involved to it.
             | jaclaz wrote:
             | Sure, by "establishment" I intended the politicians too.
             | Still the main responsability sits on the economists and
             | their peers.
             | I mean, not that I want in any way to absolve the
             | politicians, mind you, but what can they do - not being
             | economists or more generally technically experts in this or
             | that field - if not choosing the theories from people
             | qualified by notorious universities?
             | In my experience what matters in this is reputation (and
             | network), which in itself is not "bad" in an absolute
             | sense, but I see a lot of sloppy or downright "wrong" works
             | (even if rarely with such severe consequences) coming from
             | these people lately.
             | It seems to me like there are not (or not enough) critical
             | reviews/checkings/etc. in some (scientific or pseudo-
             | scientific) circles.
             | joe_the_user wrote:
             | The broad theory is that austerity is necessary for growth
             | - it's a serious theory even if I think it turned out to be
             | wrong with terrible human consequences.
             | The Reinhart and Rogoff paper was more like factoid of a
             | theory - no complicated model, just a dubious claim that
             | trips off the tongue - "Studies have shown that when debt
             | reach X level, growth tanks"
             | The thing about this is when the shoddy quality of the
             | study became obvious, people could act _that_ was what
             | drove all the horrible things coming under austerity, as if
             | these weren 't the consensus of a large group, study-or-
             | not-study.
         | rscho wrote:
         | Well, realistically many people are _dying_ from spreadsheet
         | incompetence (also named  "clinical research") every day, so...
         | zoonosis wrote:
         | Austerity is effective when it is achieved by cutting spending.
         | The cases where it hasn't worked were because the spending cuts
         | were accompanied with tax increases [1]. This shouldn't be a
         | surprise because tax increases tend to decrease GDP [2].
         | [1] A. Alesina, C. A. Favero, and F. Giavazzi, Austerity: when
         | it works and when it doesnt. Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton
         | University Press, 2019.
         | [2] C. D. Romer and D. H. Romer, "The Macroeconomic Effects of
         | Tax Changes: Estimates Based on a New Measure of Fiscal
         | Shocks," American Economic Review, vol. 100, no. 3, pp.
         | 763-801, 2010.
       | andrewstuart wrote:
       | Back in 1987 I worked at a company that used Microsoft Multiplan,
       | which was an early spreadsheet program.
       | It did not have a "sure you want to exit?" nor any form of
       | intelligent saving.
       | One of the guys worked on a spreadsheet all night without saving
       | it along the way and hit exit, and it did.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplan
       | IAmEveryone wrote:
       | While I enjoy snarking at amateurs' mistakes as much as anybody,
       | I believe it's an overlooked fact that nothing has been as
       | successful in getting non-programmers to program, and in getting
       | the benefits of programming out there, as spreadsheets have.
       | Excel gets almost as much grieve as PowerPoint does. But I've met
       | 80-year old booksellers running their own demand-forecasting
       | spreadsheets, which were more sophisticated and accurate than
       | quite a few ,,business intelligence" portals I've seen over the
       | years. And isn't that awesome?
         | hef19898 wrote:
         | It's incredible what you can achieve with spreadsheets. Done
         | well these spreadsheets are also a perfect basis for further
         | digitalisation, simply because the underlying process is
         | running smoothly.
       | dredmorbius wrote:
       | Ray Panko of the University of Hawaii has studied the problem
       | (and prevalence) of spreadsheet errors for decades:
       | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ray_Panko
       | https://web.archive.org/web/20070617035246/http://panko.shid...
       (page generated 2020-02-28 23:00 UTC)