[HN Gopher] Handling 350k Requests for $3 using Lambda
       Handling 350k Requests for $3 using Lambda
       Author : karakanb
       Score  : 64 points
       Date   : 2020-02-28 16:35 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (levelup.gitconnected.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (levelup.gitconnected.com)
       | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | fabioyy wrote:
       | 3$ for 350k request is VERY expensive
         | kenhwang wrote:
         | Seriously. Something like an AWS nano instance only costs
         | $4/month and can easily handle that many requests an hour with
         | a slow dynamic language.
           | highfrequency wrote:
           | Is there no variable charge for network bandwidth?
             | kenhwang wrote:
             | Lambda and EC2 have the same network bandwidth charge.
           | jerf wrote:
           | The scary thing I saw is that while it's cool that Lambda is
           | $2/month right now, which is negligible, it's $2/month for
           | 900 users. If it scales linearly (and I don't know that it
           | does, because I don't know exactly how the system works),
           | then that means you're one good blog post somewhere about
           | your extension away from being $200-$2000/month.
           | That said, my gut says there's a good chance that since the
           | author is surprised at the rate of requests, there's almost
           | certainly an optimization opportunity that wouldn't even take
           | much effort.
             | tasogare wrote:
             | Especially the author has experience with docker so
             | deploying a container for his app on Digital Ocean would be
             | super quick and easy. In addition, the list of
             | disadvantages seems longer than the advantages, with scary
             | points like the difficulty to debug things (that could
             | easily takes hours to figure out if something don't run
             | properly).
           | habosa wrote:
           | However in the case when they both get 0 requests, the Lambda
           | solution costs $0 and the Micro instance still costs $4.
           | That's a really nice advantage for starting a new project
           | where you're confident in unit economics but have unknown
           | scale.
             | cnst wrote:
             | Is it two different arguments you're posting? How's $0 on
             | zero requests is a better solution when the range would be
             | 0 to $2000 for what's a fixed $4 without Lambda?
             | The $0 argument is also flowed because $4 is a fixed cost
             | for unlimited $0 to $2000 solutions through hedging. If you
             | have 10 solutions, what's the likelihood of all of them
             | still doing $0, or at the very least below $4?
             | The unit economics argument is likewise hard to see in
             | practice, because we'd be talking quite different numbers
             | on a per-unit cost with Lambda vs. without, which may
             | easily make the difference between making a profit or
             | taking a loss, especially if it's a lifestyle business
             | we're talking about.
             | abc-xyz wrote:
             | Pretty sure you'd have to pay at least $3.5 if you wanted
             | to expose your Lambda function using AWS API Gateway (which
             | I assume most would want to do).. The author mention $1.11
             | but that's for "HTTP APIs (Preview)" rather than "REST
             | APIs" - in either case it wouldn't be 0. At least that's
             | how I read it.. AWS pricing is such a mess with so many
             | hidden fees (https://aws.amazon.com/api-gateway/pricing/)..
         | nwsm wrote:
         | If you meant for your comment to be constructive you'll need to
         | expand on it.
         | tuananh wrote:
         | well authhor did list high cost as disadvantage.
         | aeyes wrote:
         | It would be a fraction of that without API gateway, not sure
         | what it is needed for. I deploy directly to Lambda@Edge and it
         | is an order of magnitude cheaper.
         | paxys wrote:
         | It may be very cheap or very expensive depending on what the
         | requests are doing. There's no point making an overly
         | generalized statement.
           | jerven wrote:
           | My experience with UniProt.org where some requests generate
           | responses dynamically generated gigabytes in size. This is
           | roughly 400x more expensive, assuming response equivalence.
           | rumanator wrote:
           | >>It may be very cheap or very expensive
           | It is very expensive. Very. No need to ignore this fact. You
           | can get a VM with 2 vCPU and 2GB of RAM for that amount with
           | some cloud service providers like Hetzner.
             | SlowRobotAhead wrote:
             | And manage it yourself forever.
             | I'm not saying this example isn't expensive. But you didn't
             | post an apples to apples.
         | lgsilver wrote:
         | Agree. We consider non-cached requests costly if they extend
         | beyond around $1.50 / million. That said, we do about 2-3% of
         | requests non-cached. As a content network, that means that a
         | million web requests can be as low as $.30 to .40. This does
         | have a lot of benefit to scale, but ~$10 / million seems high.
         | What stops you from putting a ttl on these and caching them for
         | a couple mins. Probably would lower that number substantially.
         | blantonl wrote:
         | Couple points here in this specific case
         | 1) Lambda costs were shown as actually 50 cents for all this.
         | 2) API Gateway was the balance of the cost, and actually isn't
         | needed in this customer's use case. Lambdas can be placed
         | behind application load balancers which are significantly less
         | expensive.
         | Author also mentions other downsides such as "vendor lock-in,"
         | however his lambdas were written in NodeJs and it would be
         | trivial to move his code to some other NodeJs delivery
         | mechanism such as Fargate or ECS cluster.
         | The benefit here is his deployment with the ServerLess
         | framework got him his MVP very quickly on a very scalable
         | environment with minimal management.
           | shaneprrlt wrote:
           | API Gateway is the definite gotcha with serverless
           | architectures. Whenever someone tells me how cheaper
           | serverless is, I figure they haven't actually dived in to see
           | how many AWS resources besides Lambda are required for a
           | production deployment.
           | It is convenient in several use cases, but for an endpoint or
           | even an entire API that is going to receive a lot of load,
           | managing servers is the more economical approach.
           | If you need to get a one-off endpoint built that won't
           | receive any significant amount of load, I think a serverless
           | solution is great. But I wouldn't use it as my primary API
           | architecture. Like most things in tech, there's no silver
           | bullet. Context matters, and the best approach depends on
           | many factors.
           | I still recall this article by the creator of ipify on how
           | he's able to receive upwards of 30 billion requests per month
           | on Heroku for a fraction of the cost of API gateway:
           | https://blog.heroku.com/scaling-ipify-to-30-billion-and-
           | beyo...
             | blantonl wrote:
             | I run 8 different production API endpoints, all on Lambda,
             | directly through Application Load Balancer instead of API
             | Gateway, and they served 510 million requests last month
             | for about $200.
             | Those API endpoints took me about a day to deploy using
             | serverless deployment tools. They economically scale
             | between extremely varied workload requirements. There are
             | no complaints on my end.
           | koolba wrote:
           | > Author also mentions other downsides such as "vendor lock-
           | in," however his lambdas were written in NodeJs and it would
           | be trivial to move his code to some other NodeJs delivery
           | mechanism such as Fargate or ECS cluster.
           | I find it amusing that your examples to which one could move
           | the project and avoid "vendor lock-in" are both from the same
           | vendor as Lambda.
           | I get the point that it's not Lambda specific outside the
           | entry point, it's just funny that the presented alternatives
           | are still cutting a check to the same vendor.
             | blantonl wrote:
             | Well, the variability in this case is how much system
             | administration you want to do. Right?
       | vander_elst wrote:
       | It's like 0.13qps on average. Assuming a constant load and no
       | spikes, a raspberry pi should also be able to handle this load,
       | it would be nice to compare the performance
         | draw_down wrote:
         | Well, there are a lot of other assumptions embedded in that
         | comparison too. What's the raspberry pi's availability like vs
         | Lambda?
         | rubyn00bie wrote:
         | My Raspiberry PI model 3 would do roughly[1] ~250 req/s with an
         | Elixir server I wrote. 350k @ $3 requests seems kind of
         | expensive to me to be honest.
           | Klinky wrote:
           | Is your pi at an AWS data center? How much to co-host it at
           | an AWS-grade data center?
           | Sure a self-hosted pi is cheaper, but that's an apples vs
           | oranges comparison.
       | whalesalad wrote:
       | (This comment is unrelated to the use of lambda, and more of a
       | note to the author)
       | The author comments that they prefer the light mode to their own
       | dark mode. I think that the dark mode would benefit greatly from
       | being designed (color wise) bottom-up as a dark mode, versus just
       | trying to toggle certain things to be darker.
       | The big tell is that the lines separating each row of content
       | appear to be the same color in both areas. This tells me that the
       | color of the line is not determined based on the color behind it
       | (either via transparency, via color manipulation manually, or via
       | dynamic color manipulation from a tool like sass (ie, opacity(),
       | darken(), etc...)
       | I do agree w/ the author that light mode looks better. I also
       | tend to prefer dark mode UIs. I think that by mindfully
       | revisiting color a lot of the visual noise will go away and
       | result in a more pleasant experience.
       | tl;dr dark mode is not just inverting certain light colors to
       | dark, it should be done with more care.
       | SahAssar wrote:
       | Seems like a better argument for not using FaaS after reading it
       | all.
       | It's also filled with "once you've done X Y is simple!" like:
       | > Once you have the template ready, you can simply deploy your
       | code by running: serverless deploy
       | which is true for all automatable tasks. The same can be said for
       | any VM or shared hosting.
         | unethical_ban wrote:
         | That completely misses the point of FaaS.
         | Devs don't want to manage VMs. Patching, gold loads, SSH
         | configs, k8s, so on. You write code, you deploy, and you pay
         | only when the function executes. It scales as much as you want
         | it to, as much as it needs to, and quicker even than EC2.
         | There are very clear benefits to FaaS. It is certainly not for
         | everyone, esp. if you already have a well functioning
         | deployment pipeline.
           | brintnc wrote:
           | > Devs don't want to manage VMs. Patching, gold loads, SSH
           | configs, k8s, so on
           | Which devs?
           | I'm a developer and I enjoy most of these things. Working
           | with k8s is a pleasure, managing VMs can be quite simple (and
           | more often than not, is). I don't do much patching, but I
           | "SSH" into our k8s pods quite frequently. I've never thought,
           | gee I wish I had a lambda to simplify this. I know I _also_
           | don't represent all devs, but I'm never seen this comment
           | made outside of it being an argument supporting FAAS.
       | jayd16 wrote:
       | If the author is already making an extension, could they have the
       | extension set the security policy for these sites and simply
       | display them in iframes? No cost at all.
         | wackget wrote:
         | They're not actually displaying the websites; they're pulling
         | the top stories via each site's API and rendering them locally.
       | treyhuffine wrote:
       | Friend link (no paywall):
       | https://levelup.gitconnected.com/handling-350k-requests-for-...
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | archive:
         | https://web.archive.org/web/20200228185628/https://levelup.g...
       | merty wrote:
       | This isn't actually one of those solutions where Lambda shines,
       | pricing wise.
       | I would simply trigger a Lambda function once a minute (or every
       | X minutes) using CloudWatch to fetch the latest articles and save
       | them to an S3 bucket which I would expose and cache using
       | CloudFront or any other CDN service.
       | This would lead to:
       | - No Lambda costs as it would be covered by the monthly free tier
       | of 1M requests.
       | - No storage costs as the size of the stored data would be
       | extremely small.
       | - Really fast responses as the "response" would actually be a
       | static file cached at the CDN.
       | - The only parameter defining your cost would be your CDN of
       | choice, which would cost somewhere between free and as low as
       | $10/TB. For a project like the one in the article, that's
       | hundreds of millions of requests for just $10.
       | chasers wrote:
       | Cloudflare is $0.50 per million.
       | jessmay wrote:
       | Can the extension not make the http requests to get this info? Am
       | I missing the need for a backend for this type of work?
         | treyhuffine wrote:
         | API keys I believe
         | jccooper wrote:
         | As mentioned in the article, some of the data sources use API
         | keys which the author didn't want to make available to end
         | users.
       | danols wrote:
       | Is there anyone but me who uses the premium article on medium.com
       | as a filter for what is NOT worth my time?
       | I believe in the tech space the majority of readers who write in
       | depth worth to read articles are not incentivised by a few
       | dollars kickback from their hard work from medium.com. They often
       | write it for personal profile enhancement or company blog
       | marketing reasons and want to reach maximum audience and will
       | keep it free for all.
       | The problem nowadays though is that medium.com is often able to
       | trick them by making the article premium through deceptive ui
       | even when that is not their intention. Just look at the
       | googlecloud medium blog and you constantly see premium articles
       | there which seems bizarre.
         | wj wrote:
         | I haven't subscribed to Medium but there are certainly some
         | articles/guides I have read there over the years that have been
         | helpful.
         | jeremyjh wrote:
         | I use medium.com as a filter in general.
         | danols wrote:
         | readers-> authors
       (page generated 2020-02-28 23:00 UTC)