[HN Gopher] Show HN: Edtr.io - Intuitive web editor, open source...
       Show HN: Edtr.io - Intuitive web editor, open source and fully
       Author : SplishCrew
       Score  : 84 points
       Date   : 2020-02-29 17:11 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (edtr.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (edtr.io)
       | monikgandhi wrote:
       | Is it possible to embed the editor on a web page?
         | inyono wrote:
         | Yes, it's Backend-agnostic and designed to be embeddable into
         | any web app. It's basically an editor framework to define your
         | own editor and you write the glue code to your web app.
           | fourstar wrote:
           | TBH my suggestion is to work on making this more clear of who
           | it's for. Maybe add a comparison to other current solutions
           | out there, since at first I was a bit confused what it's
           | trying to do. Maybe use like intro.js or something for it.
       | leshokunin wrote:
       | This is really nice. One note: the landing page doesn't mention
       | the MIT license or commercial use. I had to go to the repo to
       | figure it out.
       | Would love to look into integrating this editor in our email
       | client. Is there an easy way for us to chat?
         | inyono wrote:
         | Yes, landing page only mentions Open Source, maybe we should
         | clarify that.
         | You can reach us at edtr-io@splish.dev
           | leshokunin wrote:
           | Are you on discord or matrix by any chance?
             | inyono wrote:
             | Nope, sorry. If you send us an email, we can work something
             | out :)
               | tdhttt wrote:
               | ~~Why does one have to send an email just to ask about
               | license?~~
               | Edit: As people had pointed out, that they were asking
               | for chat to integrate it into the email client. Sorry for
               | the confusion.
               | inyono wrote:
               | As specified in their comment and in our GitHub
               | repository, the code is licensed under MIT.
               | hombre_fatal wrote:
               | They were sharing their email address because upstream
               | commenter asks "is there a way we can chat?"
       | indigodaddy wrote:
       | So can I put this on my site to kind of make a cms for my site to
       | add pages or blogs/blog posts etc?
         | inyono wrote:
         | Kinda. You can integrate it into your existing CMS to make the
         | editing (for your end users) easier, especially for "enriched"
         | content (think interactive content, complex layout)
       | jsf01 wrote:
       | So this is built on Slate--what does it bring to the table that
       | you can't do with Slate out of the box?
         | inyono wrote:
         | Core contributor of Edtr.io here:
         | Slate works well for editing text. Anything with a more
         | complicated layout / UX gets really messy though, since with
         | Slate, you always have to deal with the DOM / Slate's wrapper
         | around contenteditable. And at least before Slate 0.50+, we (&
         | the developers of Schul-Cloud independently of us) ran always
         | in bugs, etc. This is why Edtr.io (similarly to ReactPages, fka
         | ORY Editor) builds it own state management & layouting outside
         | of Slate. And let Slate do what they do best, editing rich-
         | text.
           | fourstar wrote:
           | Here's the problem relying on slate (I've used it and all the
           | others [quill, ckeditor, etc etc]) -- you are also relying on
           | Ian Storm Taylor and he's known for going on a streak and re-
           | writing things in a breaking manner. IMO you should just
           | build the entire thing yourself.
             | inyono wrote:
             | That's one of the reasons we only rely on Slate for our
             | text plugin. So we could swap Slate for some different
             | rich-text editor in the future if we need to. Though I have
             | to say, we are very happy with Slate.
               | fourstar wrote:
               | Nice. I honestly have been looking for something like
               | this for awhile. All the examples I found with slate were
               | either insufficient or outdated (i.e. canner editor) --
               | and in a focus on speed (being a solo founder), I
               | couldn't compromise. I'm going to try to implement this
               | for my editor on my site. Would be cool to be able to
               | publish content with custom components (closest I could
               | find for CKEditor [which I'm using] is: https://ckeditor.
               | com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/framework/guides/...) -- but
               | the implementation for that is rather clunky (more so on
               | the render side -- e.g. how do I save the data in my
               | database such that I know which components to call? CSS
               | classes? data attributes?) So the underlying structure of
               | having JSON for the data structure with Slate (and now
               | this) gives me more confidence as a dev.
               | inyono wrote:
               | Would love to hear from you on how it goes :)
       | andybak wrote:
       | Layouts seem broken. Dialogs that are mostly empty space and
       | icons that overlap borders.
       | tobr wrote:
       | Not sure how it's pronounced, `ed-trio`?
       | What is a "web editor"? Is that establish as terminology for this
       | type of wyswiyg editor?
       | Does it or doesn't it support mobile? It mostly doesn't work but
       | with some fiddly stubbornness I was able to get a few of the
       | controls to do something.
         | inyono wrote:
         | It's pronounced Editor IO.
         | Web editor in the sense that the editor runs as a web app, and
         | the default rendering output is React (although other output
         | formats are possible).
         | Mobile kinda works (minimum goal is to let users do simple
         | edits from mobile), but we mostly focused on the desktop so
         | far.
       | raidicy wrote:
       | This looks really cool but I think maybe an image on the landing
       | page might help
       | iforgotmypass wrote:
       | I was thinking of building something similar. Any other
       | alternatives to similar solutions?
         | curo wrote:
         | Prosemirror seems to be one of the most pluggable block editors
         | out there. For the vue.js community, tiptap is built on
         | prosemirror. Slate (which this is built on) is good too.
           | bhl wrote:
           | Slate is in beta and isn't stable yet last time I heard.
             | inyono wrote:
             | IMHO still the best there is, at least in the React space.
             | But yeah, stuck in beta for what feels like forever.
         | joking wrote:
         | Gutenberg, it can be decoupled from Wordpress. But you can
         | start searching for tinymce alternatives and you will found
         | hundreds
         | sam_goody wrote:
         | There are LOTS of competitors, but of course, not all are
         | apples to apples.
         | Here is a partial list of some of the more active wysiwyg
         | editors:                  Quill: https://quilljs.com
         | Slate: https://www.slatejs.org          Trumbowyg:
         | https://alex-d.github.io/Trumbowyg        ContentTools:
         | http://getcontenttools.com        SummerNote:
         | https://summernote.org        Squire:
         | https://github.com/neilj/Squire        Editor.js:
         | https://codex.so/editor        ProseMirror:
         | https://prosemirror.net/
         | I have personally been happy with Quill (the have their own
         | system for storing text which is interesting.
         | Many of these have active branches, especially in Vue or React
         | etc.
           | fourstar wrote:
           | Best I could find would be:
           | https://github.com/chanzuckerberg/czi-prosemirror but they
           | kinda stopped working on it.
       (page generated 2020-02-29 23:00 UTC)