[HN Gopher] Introduction to D3
       Introduction to D3
       Author : kickout
       Score  : 272 points
       Date   : 2020-03-03 17:55 UTC (5 hours ago)
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       | kickout wrote:
       | Any other libraries (that are as low of level) as d3.js? Is D3
       | still being used heavily in production by people's experience?
         | stared wrote:
         | I used to use D3.js as the default go-to for data. Now I start
         | with Vue.js, and use D3.js only inside some components when I
         | need, animations between transitions.
         | D3.js, as someone else already noted, is "jQuery for data". And
         | yes, it has its good parts, but the same as for jQuery) the
         | problem is with:
         | - mixing static HTML/SVG with generated
         | - no modularization (every modularization is custom)
         | For the latter, while it may not be a big deal for small
         | projects, for bigger it sucks.
         | For big stories, I created a game in D3.js. Modularization
         | was... well, argument why I rewrote it a few years later to
         | Vue.js.
         | suyash wrote:
         | Vega lite comes to mind
         | kulahan wrote:
         | I started a new project using it for a project I was working at
         | my last job ~ a year or two ago. I got a few hits from
         | recruiters interested in it once I added it to my resume.
         | I liked it quite a bit. It's pretty fast and decently easy to
         | use. Plus, all the examples Mike Bostock has thrown around
         | online really helped for giving me examples of how to do
         | various visualizations I was interested in.
         | simonsarris wrote:
         | How low level? I make GoJS, a powerful diagramming library (the
         | focus is more on diagrams and interactivity, than data). It's
         | low level in that you can make a lot of different things with
         | it, but higher level in that it has things like an undo
         | manager.
         | https://gojs.net/latest/index.html
         | paulgb wrote:
         | D3 is still a useful library for visualization even if you
         | replace the DOM manipulation with React, Vue, Svelte, etc. I
         | think the trend is to use D3 as a library but use a more modern
         | framework to manage the DOM.
         | I have a browser extension (treeverse.app) where the entire UI
         | is D3. I probably wouldn't write it that way today, but the
         | codebase dates back to ~2014 and it's held up fine.
           | thibautg wrote:
           | I also mostly use d3 for its powerful helper functions
           | nowadays: scales and axes, colors, svg path generation,
           | geographic projections, array functions like d3.group
           | (formerly d3.nest), csv/tsv parsing etc.
           | I tend to leave DOM manipulation to Vue.js unless I need to
           | animate transitions between states. I find it easier to
           | reason about binding data to an html/svg template with Vue
           | than to mess with d3 data joins and enter/update/exit
           | pattern.
           | d3 is and stays an impressive piece of work.
         | sailfast wrote:
         | Used in production? Yes.
         | Alternatives at a low level? Hard to say - it really does allow
         | you to do a lot at a very low level if you want BUT...
         | - Vega Lite / Vega
         | - HighCharts (paid)
         | - ChartJS
         | - Raphael (unsure if this is still used as much)
         | - Leaflet / Turf for GIS visualizations
         | - Server-side? PyGal? http://www.pygal.org/en/stable/
         | If you don't want to go so low-level there are a huge number of
         | D3 abstractions that allow you to pick your chart and work with
         | the data. Britecharts from EventBrite is one example of an
         | actively maintained abstraction.
         | http://eventbrite.github.io/britecharts/
           | acomjean wrote:
           | Vega is low level, but built on top of D3.
           | https://vega.github.io/vega/about/vega-and-d3/
           | Vega lite is what I use as my day to day web graphing driver
           | (it exports to svg which is awesome...)
           | lmeyerov wrote:
           | We end up using some of the d3 helpers, like on axis &
           | scales, but go straight to chart libraries + custom
           | DOM/SVG/webgl for the rest, and normal React framework for
           | interactivity. The d3 functional helpers are still real gems
           | and IMO under-appreciated. I think it was rewritten a few
           | years to help expose those better (e.g., for tree shaking.)
           | As soon as you go to react & friends, most of the d3 model
           | does become redundant, and Yet Another Thing to burden the
           | team. There's still a temptation to reuse beautiful d3
           | gallery items posted by others, but generally, they're
           | annoying to patch up & now you must maintain them. Better to
           | use dedicated _maintained_ libs if that 's what you want.
           | There have been attempts to do Standard D3 Chart libs, but
           | afaict it's a graveyard of abandonware, and I approach most
           | efforts here with strong caution. (The trend for the last few
           | years has been each bigco to release their own NIH framework
           | and then abandon as the authors leave, and little incentive
           | for D3 design consultants to maintain old projects.)
             | sailfast wrote:
             | What "straight chart libraries" do you use? I'd be
             | interested in digging into that further.
             | I agree that React / Redux state can take the place of a
             | lot of the D3 models. That said, it's nice that D3 handles
             | entry / updates and changes so you can point to redux and
             | it "just works" and all the transitions, etc are handled as
             | your app state is handled.
               | lmeyerov wrote:
               | At this point... I think we only have Susie Lu
               | (Netflix)'s annotator, but good chance of it being
               | removed. For example, we had to do our own timeline to
               | get decently fast zoom rebinning on modern screen widths
               | that we abandoned a JS widget here, and histograms ended
               | up being so custom that we'd get little from a library.
               | The shortlist for GIS is DecKGL. Graphistry gets a lot of
               | requests here, so we helped the DeckGL folks on some
               | Arrow/GPU stuff and we had promising experiments as part
               | of it, but (if I remember right) we hit memory issues and
               | something else. We'll be evaluating that for GIS next
               | time it makes sense.
               | +1 to others on HighCharts team!
           | mrlala wrote:
           | ECharts has been very nice, it's free and open source
           | https://echarts.apache.org/en/index.html
             | duderific wrote:
             | Bonus is that it uses almost the identical APIs as
             | HighCharts. We switched from HighCharts to eCharts at my
             | work and we've been happy with it.
           | kickout wrote:
           | Thanks for this. Never seen HighCharts. Looks nice (pending
           | $$$)
             | vosper wrote:
             | We use Highcharts at work, and have for years. It's a
             | really good library, definitely worth the money. We had a
             | recent adventure with building new charts in Victory, but
             | performance was not good and we came back to Highcharts and
             | removed all our Victory code.
             | We're still happy with that decision :)
             | inferiorhuman wrote:
             | HighCharts is very nice if you don't want to invest the
             | time into honing your d3 skills.
       | suyash wrote:
       | Link to the actual course that mentions all the details :
       | http://vis.csail.mit.edu/classes/6.894/
       | boringg wrote:
       | I really enjoyed d3 for the most impressive data viz products.
       | However I always found the overhead to get d3 going and piping
       | data to the explicit locations to be burdensome for most
       | applications. My sense was that you would use d3 as a final
       | polishing step for any data viz project/product or if you wanted
       | to make a data product that had complicated requirements/display
       | needs. I would be curious to hear if anyone uses it for data
       | exploration or if the overhead has been lowered over the last
       | couple years (its been 3 years since I've used it).
       | Vaslo wrote:
       | Used D3 for a grad data viz course project a year or two ago.
       | Extremely powerful but unless you are doing custom visualizations
       | or are excellent in JavaScript and Visualization it's a bit
       | overkill. Much easier to do monthly reporting or even one off
       | stuff in Tableau, Power BI, or the like. Tableau or Power BI I
       | could pass to other analysts and without experience they could
       | figure it out. If I sent them my d3 code they would cry.
       | Again if doing advanced visualizations for a large newspaper,
       | commercial presentation, it's extremely customizable and makes
       | some really beautiful charts.
         | boringg wrote:
         | Completely agree with this statement. Wish it was implementable
         | similar to a tableau or something for more universal appeal --
         | or alternatively it had enough easily default applications with
         | the ability to go much more custom if you needed/wanted to.
         | sailfast wrote:
         | Using a non-proprietary platform also has the distinct
         | advantage of supporting whatever APIs you want to use and not
         | having to deal with extracts of data. Having to wait for one of
         | these platforms to support JSON from a web URL is really quite
         | silly when you could write the query quickly (in python or
         | whatever) and pass the values to your view.
         | Or, you know, use PyGal or another server-side charting
         | library: http://www.pygal.org/en/stable/
           | inferiorhuman wrote:
           | _Or, you know, use PyGal or another server-side charting
           | library:http://www.pygal.org/en/stable/ _
           | Is there much of a market for server-side rendering? I've
           | been putzing around with a d3-inspired charting library in
           | Rust mostly as a brain teaser though.
         | Mountain_Skies wrote:
         | Aren't Tableau and PowerBI both expensive for anything other
         | than the most trivial visualization scenarios?
       | warpech wrote:
       | Technically, D3 is a JavaScript library, but in reality it is
       | much more than that. In this article, it is called "visualization
       | grammar". I have heard it being called "jQuery of diagramming",
       | "declarative DSL for data visualization" and so on.
       | Since 2011, there were already numerous cycles of the best of
       | breed JavaScript SPA frameworks and libraries (I'm talking
       | everything from jQuery, through AngularJs, to React), but in data
       | visualization, D3 seems to hold its position very well.
       | What are the things that D3 did right to get the acclaim, and why
       | does it keep it for so long?
       | D3 is approaching 10 years since the initial release, did it
       | stand the test of time and will it keep its power for the next 10
       | years?
         | beetwenty wrote:
         | D3 does the Right Thing with respect to dataviz.
         | That means: it's conceptually overloaded for doing quick-and-
         | dirty conventional charts, where you just want to plug in a few
         | parameters and have it "just work" - but excellent once you
         | need to customize and make it work with your specific
         | requirements.
         | That it has the concepts, and a clear notion of them, is the
         | critical difference. Most libraries, most of the time, don't
         | add new concepts, they just have a premade black box of
         | features and functions. Sometimes you want a premade black box,
         | but often you want to open up the box shortly afterwards, and
         | that creates the inevitable trend towards either remaking it as
         | your own box, or being one of hundreds of people who gradually
         | grow it into a monstrosity that does everything.
         | But a library that is concept-focused doesn't have to get that
         | much bigger: it's just another kind of interface, like a
         | programming language or an operating system, and that puts it
         | on a more sustainable track.
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | Vega calls itself a "visualisation grammar" and I think it is
         | much more worthy of that title. I just wish it was efficient.
         | Sadly it represents every data point as a JavaScript object. In
         | other words it uses array-of-structs style rather than struct-
         | of-arrays which is an obviously bad choice in JavaScript if you
         | want efficiency.
           | warpech wrote:
           | Interesting what you say about struct-of-arrays, I have been
           | following this topic closely recently. Do you know any well
           | known JS code implemented using struct-of-arrays or have some
           | interesting resources about it? I am worried that SoA
           | codebase is difficult to maintain and hard to express in a
           | simple API.
           | I have been reading two resources about it,
           | https://ourmachinery.com/post/data-structures-part-1-bulk-
           | da... and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39799874/why-
           | does-javasc....
             | foota wrote:
             | It's in a different domain, but you might be interested in
             | unity (the game engines) data oriented stack. Basically it
             | serializes properties attached to an entity, which you then
             | write systems that map against entities with certain
             | combinations of properties attached. Seems like this could
             | be amenable to JavaScript as well.
             | mbostock wrote:
             | Here is a notebook on the subject. I'd also check out
             | Apache Arrow.
             | https://observablehq.com/@mbostock/manipulating-flat-arrays
               | TeMPOraL wrote:
               | Thank you for that. For the first time I finally
               | understood what the Apache Arrow is - until today, I
               | didn't realize it's just a way to do SoA in different
               | languages + a lot of buzzwords.
         | bauerd wrote:
         | Declarative data binding?
         | jcranmer wrote:
         | > What are the things that D3 did right to get the acclaim, and
         | why does it keep it for so long?
         | Once upon a time, there was an infovis library for Java called
         | Prefuse. Then the developers abandoned that library for a Flash
         | infovis library called Flare. A JS library called Protovis was
         | inspired by Flare, and then Protovis itself was replaced with
         | D3.
         | I've used 3 of those libraries (never wrote any Flash code).
         | The only one I would actually recommend people use is D3--it's
         | literally the first (honestly, only) infovis toolkit I've used
         | that doesn't feel like pulling teeth to get anything done.
         | What D3 does differently from its lineage is that it is data-
         | centric. Each datapoint is an object, corresponding to a DOM
         | node, and the layouts in D3 don't actually draw anything; they
         | just set properties on the object--you're responsible for
         | actually converting those into setting SVG properties for
         | display.
         | It sounds like this would be a nasty headache, but this way is
         | actually much better than the traditional way of handling
         | things (where the visualization is essentially treated as a
         | display widget in a normal GUI toolkit). Any time you want to
         | progress beyond a basic "display a graph with static data," you
         | start to need a lot more fine-grained control over display
         | elements. Want to link multiple displays of the same dataset,
         | so clicking on one in one screen highlights them in all the
         | others? That's _very_ hard in prefuse, but quite easy in D3.
         | moron4hire wrote:
         | In my mind, D3 is a DSL for ingesting structured data and
         | outgesting DOM. While it has certainly been a few years since I
         | touched it last, what I remember was that it basically didn't
         | touch anything in the data or DOM, it just made the piping
         | between the two super easy. So I think it was that approach:
         | not introducing new idioms for existing things, but instead
         | introducing the pipeline approach, with a very simple syntax,
         | all made it very amenable to learning very quickly and rapidly
         | iterating an idea, tweaking it until you get just the thing you
         | want.
         | inferiorhuman wrote:
         | _What are the things that D3 did right to get the acclaim, and
         | why does it keep it for so long?_
         | d3 (especially now that they've broken the bits and bobs into
         | discrete packages) takes a very unixy philosophy: do one thing
         | and do it well. d3 lets you iterate over your data and get
         | useful items back (e.g. scales that you can use to create
         | geometric shapes for a chart). It's intimidating for some but
         | offers a ton of flexibility you don't see with other charting
         | libraries.
         | Mike Bostock also put a lot of effort into making sure that d3
         | lets you create beautiful charts.
         | Every other charting library I've seen takes a very different
         | approach. Often enabling you to create ugly, inflexible charts.
           | appleiigs wrote:
           | In addition to breaking it up into discrete packages, the
           | devs are also OK with improving things even if it includes
           | breaking changes.
         | burticlies wrote:
         | They kept it really low level and didn't make many opinions on
         | how to join the dots. There are functions to manipulate data,
         | functions to make scales, and functions to and functions to
         | render svg (plus dom bindings). These decisions make individual
         | charts quite verbose, but the trade off is you can visualise
         | anything you want. Just look on npm how many charting libraries
         | use d3 as a base.
           | tenaciousDaniel wrote:
           | This is true. We decided to use D3 directly to render charts
           | at my job, and it was honestly kind of a terrible decision.
           | Ideally you would use a library that uses D3 to render
           | charts.
             | datashow wrote:
             | I had the same experience. It started great when you just
             | want a simple line chart, but when you need more and more
             | features, it will be like creating tons of abstractions and
             | writing a whole charting library ...
             | inferiorhuman wrote:
             | What made d3 a terrible decision?
               | rolltiide wrote:
               | each D3 project is an entire application of its own
               | adding the "simple pie chart" to your view is not simple
               | at all.
               | It needs independent UX planning, system architecture
               | planning, and multiple sprints to implement
               | All the example code and prebuilt charts are outdated due
               | to using old versions of D3 or other dependencies and
               | essentially have to be rebuilt from scratch
               | duderific wrote:
               | My guess is that d3 is too low-level to make reuse
               | simple, and that using a higher-level abstraction would
               | make the code more maintainable.
               | inferiorhuman wrote:
               | _My guess is that d3 is too low-level to make reuse
               | simple, and that using a higher-level abstraction would
               | make the code more maintainable._
               | In what context? It's not that hard to collect some
               | scales and axes into a JS object, mix it with judicious
               | use of CSS et voila.
               | I understand that d3 is low-level and verbose, but I
               | can't say that I've any regret over deploying it in
               | production.
               | tenaciousDaniel wrote:
               | It's too low level. For reference, I just re-implemented
               | the entire thing in React. _just react_ , with svg
               | elements directly. Not using D3 at all. And it was
               | roughly the same level of effort.
               | edit: saying that D3 was a terrible choice is _not_
               | saying that D3 itself is terrible. D3 is amazing. But
               | before choosing it, you should know exactly what it is,
               | and whether it helps in your specific use case.
               | xyz0 wrote:
               | That's the idea when you're using D3 with React: React
               | handles the DOM updates, D3 handles data wrangling and
               | math. You said you reimplemented your charts in SVG
               | directly - did you also reimplement scales, chart axis
               | generation, d3-collections, d3-time, etc?
               | nightski wrote:
               | I'm not sure how you'd implement scales, color theory,
               | etc.. in React (a rendering library). There are a lot of
               | useful parts of d3 which have nothing to do with
               | rendering to the DOM. In fact, React and D3 complement
               | each other quite well (maybe that is what you were
               | saying?).
               | D3 is slightly more verbose than the one liners, but with
               | that I get complete control over the scales and
               | appearance of my chart. In addition it's trivial to
               | combine multiple charts in a single diagram.
         | curiousgal wrote:
         | I think of it as the assembly of data viz.
           | [deleted]
       | jonathankoren wrote:
       | Maybe I'm the minority, but whenever I worked with D3 to do
       | anything beyond the simple barcharts this shows, I ended up
       | having to manipulate the SVG DOM manually, which quite frankly
       | sucks.
       | mkchoi212 wrote:
       | Cool library! I like it when libraries don't have too many
       | configurations set to a default.
       | e.g. https://github.com/danielgindi/Charts has so many default
       | options set for a graph that 80% of code is doing something like
       | chart.option.isEnabled = false
       | factsaresacred wrote:
       | I switched from D3 to echarts[0] and never looked back. Still
       | powerful and customizable but comes with a much easier API to
       | reason about.
       | [0] https://github.com/apache/incubator-echarts
       | stared wrote:
       | As much I try to like ObservableHQ, this "updates happen above
       | the code, sometimes a bit far, so you if you scroll too much, you
       | don't see them" is one thing that makes it less intuitive than
       | Jupyter Notebook style.
       | It took me some time to realize that running cells actually
       | change something in the country list.
         | pphysch wrote:
         | It's not just a Jupyter Notebook But In JS, though. Dynamically
         | interacting with the DOM is perhaps the core feature of
         | Observable, while Jupyter/iPython very much embraces the strict
         | imperative style (ipywidgets etc being more a nice hack than
         | anything)
         | While I do think there could be UX improvements, I don't think
         | this is a flaw in Observable.
           | stared wrote:
           | I think that in JS there is much more potential for
           | interaction (as frontend IS JavaScript; for Python and other
           | languages, it is this language + JavaSript). Yes, ipywidgets
           | are hacks (as many other interactive things).
           | So, I am surprised that there is no standalone REPL in that
           | style. The closest things I've found are ObservableHQ and
           | RunKit (the other is much more Jupyter-like, but still -
           | AFAIK runs code in the backend).
         | kickout wrote:
         | Always viewed this as a good feature, not a bug
         | TeMPOraL wrote:
         | It's a feature, not a bug. ObservableHQ notebooks are
         | _reactive_ - there 's a DAG underneath. It's not a Jupyter-
         | style execution log.
           | K0SM0S wrote:
           | > _there 's a DAG underneath_
           | Would you or someone care to elaborate? Do we mean the
           | 'linking' between 'nodes' (cells) as an interpreter/compiler
           | would do over a file/object structure?
           | Thus I assume, opening a world of options e.g. for
           | vectorizing performance, type checking and all?
           | If so, we have in one such notebook a true slice of "visual"
           | IDE the kind of which Microsoft could only ever dream about!
           | (so far) ;-)
           | [Side-related note: I'm amazed at the emergence of the
           | notebook paradigm over the last 10 years, accelerating for at
           | least 2-4 now. See how they do it at Netflix. There's a case
           | to be made that the notebook paradigm could really bridge
           | wide open the "programming rift" between nerds and, well,
           | everybody else, at least in skill-driven professional
           | contexts. There's a short way from here to a slew of clever
           | domain-driven script languages plugging straight into BI.]
       (page generated 2020-03-03 23:00 UTC)