[HN Gopher] Please stop recommending Gitflow
       Please stop recommending Gitflow
       Author : gortok
       Score  : 96 points
       Date   : 2020-03-04 17:06 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (georgestocker.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (georgestocker.com)
       | cpascal wrote:
       | > Have you ever _tried_ a complex branching model like gitflow
       | with multiple teams, and hoped for everyone to be on the same
       | page?
       | My company does exactly this and I am happy to report there have
       | been no issues. I think the key reason we don't have issues is we
       | are strict about maintaining backwards compatibility between
       | services and also try to maintain forwards compatibility where
       | possible.
       | > "What's in production" becomes an existential question, if
       | you're not careful.
       | We solved this by embedding the SHA's of a build's constituent
       | repos in the build artifact.
       | HelloNurse wrote:
       | Some of the criticism in the article is unfair.
       | Most obviously, the boundaries of source code repositories should
       | be aligned with released modules: if "the system becomes a
       | manifest of the different revisions of the different
       | repositories" the repositories are too fragmented (or the
       | releases too monolithic), if "teams are independent and
       | microservices should be independently deployable" disparate
       | components should not share a monorepo, and in both cases the
       | difficulties are consequences of bad architectural choices, not
       | of branching models.
       | contingencies wrote:
       | _We don 't use any branching._ Git is complicated enough to
       | explain to non-software engineers without branching. We treat all
       | commit versions equally for CI/CD. As most people are not
       | software engineers, this seems a reasonable course of action if a
       | project encompasses non software elements. We have non CI/CD
       | testing anyway (nontrivial hardware projects require much more
       | external process).
       |  _For releases we assign versions without tags_ , instead using
       | replication of a subdirectory tree under a version number. This
       | ensures all versions are available locally to all users without
       | adding any access complexity.
       | This is basically optimizing for simplicity for the users.
       | zokier wrote:
       | One would think by simply looking at the picture that gitflow is
       | not well suited for processes that do not involve distinct
       | releases. In other news, SaaS is not the only model in the world
       | and CD is not always possible.
       | Myrmornis wrote:
       | 100% agreed. The workflow suggested in the viral blog post is far
       | too complicated, even for experienced teams. But in practice what
       | happens is that the teams who are most likely to base their git
       | practices off some random blog post instead of off their own
       | experience are the least experienced teams.
       | rckoepke wrote:
       | I really wish the article covered some alternatives styles.
         | HelloNurse wrote:
         | It's of course possible to have a meaningful discussion about
         | different types of branches, releases, changes and about what
         | changes should be merged, when, and where, but ultimately there
         | is only one good branching strategy: thinking.
         | Thinking about the purpose of branches, thinking about whether
         | everybody is on the same page and what mistakes are possible,
         | thinking about useful rules about changes and merging (possibly
         | on a branch by branch basis), thinking about when to break and
         | how to adapt the rules, and above all thinking about the
         | objective of making correct and low-effort merges.
         | Adopting practices because a blog post says so is the opposite
         | of maturity. As Gitflow is presumably a good fit for the
         | project it originated in, any "alternative styles" are suitable
         | for someone else's particular needs and should be treated as
         | examples and anecdotes illustrating general principles.
         | merlincorey wrote:
         | I default to recommending either Github Flow[0] or Gitlab
         | Flow[1] these days.
         | Both of these models simplify Gitflow by dispensing with the
         | long-lived development branch and therefore the complication of
         | needing separate hotfix vs release workflows.
         | The difference between these models is that Github Flow expects
         | you to deploy to environments within a pull request before
         | merging to master, whilst Gitlab Flow expects you to merge to
         | long-lived environment branches for deployment (presumably
         | using Gitlab's CI features).
         | [0] https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/
         | [1] https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/gitlab_flow.html
         | numbsafari wrote:
         | I highly recommend Trunk Based Development:
         | https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com
         | "A source-control branching model, where developers collaborate
         | on code in a single branch called 'trunk', resist any pressure
         | to create other long-lived development branches by employing
         | documented techniques. They therefore avoid merge hell, do not
         | break the build, and live happily ever after."
         | In my experience, new/small teams do well if they stick the
         | "Scaled Trunk-Based Development" model until a legitimate
         | reason to deviate is discovered (e.g. needing to back-port
         | changes to an older release may imply making commits to non-
         | trunk/master branches...).
       | somacert wrote:
       | I will admit I would not know the difference between gitflow and
       | a hole in the ground. But that diagram looks an awful lot like
       | the workflow you tend to pick up when using fossil.
       | * The primary dev branch       * branch and merge for feature
       | development       * long term branch for each release.
       | The authors only real concern appeared to be no rebase, and
       | rebase is already a big no-no in any sort of distributed
       | development, just adopt that attitude for your personal
       | development.
         | dvdgsng wrote:
         | > The authors only real concern appeared to be no rebase
         | This is my take as well. That blog post has not much to say
         | about anything, mostly weak points stemming from personal
         | distaste of some things, but it boils down to 'i like rebase
         | more'.
       | elyobo wrote:
       | I have two long lived branches, develop and master.
       | * major features are done in feature branches, w/rebasing prior
       | to merge
       | * minor stuff directly in develop
       | * master is auto deployed following successful CI, whenever we
       | merge develop in to it
       | * we merge frequently, but not automatically
       | * we tag releases manually when we do merge
       | It's a more minimal version of git flow. Small teams so not much
       | problem.
       | We could probably just drop the develop / master split and still
       | be fine, but would force all changes to be in feature branches
       | instead.
         | crgwbr wrote:
         | This is pretty much exactly what we do, except add in a third
         | "qa" branch between dev and master, for the purpose of manual
         | testing before things go to prod.
         | babayega2 wrote:
         | Indeed. i have been using Gitflow for the last 4 years on more
         | than 14 repositories with teams spanning from 2 to 30 commiters
         | and it worked. I honestly do not see what is the problem with
         | having the code running on production on master, develop
         | harboring the code deployed on review branch, and release/tags
         | branches deployed on QA environment. Moreover each team can
         | adapt the model to it's own workflow...
         | chrisweekly wrote:
         | Cool! This is almost exactly what I've been doing and
         | recommending for many years.
         | cactus2093 wrote:
         | This still sounds like an anti-pattern to me, at least in a
         | typical web app. I've seen a very similar workflow used in a
         | previous org, and the main benefit was that it limits the
         | number of times you have to cross your fingers and hope for the
         | best (which is obviously masking other reliability problems).
         | Merging each feature branch wasn't scary because it wasn't
         | going to deploy yet, but that means it incentivizes somewhat of
         | a "not my problem" culture. Then at some point someone builds
         | up the courage to merge the develop branch to master and you
         | hope for the best. Repeat every few days.
         | There was also some wishful thinking about doing more qa
         | testing than anyone actually did. The develop branch would
         | immediately deploy to the staging environment, so someone might
         | have tested new features there before they ship to production.
         | But if there's no rigorous process around exactly what needs to
         | be QA'd and whose responsibility it is, then let's be
         | realistic, it's not gonna happen.
         | The downsides are that release times were less predictable,
         | deploys were bigger which means potentially more difficult to
         | trace down bugs that do show up and roll back when needed, and
         | things would get delayed for no reason. Oops, I thought I
         | shipped that thing for marketing a few days ago but nobody
         | deployed the develop branch since then.
         | Developing small features right into develop sounds like a bit
         | of an issue on its own too. Seems like you're not quite
         | confident enough to deploy it right away, but it's also
         | presumably circumventing the regular code review process so
         | it's not going to get reviewed.
         | The only reason I can see for why these downsides would be
         | worth it, is if you have some hard constraint that you can't
         | deploy very frequently (for instance releasing a downloadable
         | desktop app or mobile app), and/or you have a formal, rigorous
         | manual QA process when merging from develop to master.
       | oweiler wrote:
       | git flow never made sense for me. Because of the complexity some
       | devs would always mess things up or ignore the branching
       | altogether. Merging all the related branches into master when
       | doing a release took multiple days and often introduced subtle
       | bugs.
       | Switched at some point to GitHub flow and never looked back.
         | combatentropy wrote:
         | > Merging all the related branches into master when doing a
         | release ...
         | --- doesn't sound like Gitflow. In Gitflow, the topic branches
         | have been merged into the develop branch first, as they were
         | finished. In contrast, merging into master is a merge from a
         | single branch. You branch from develop into a release branch.
         | Then you merge the release branch into master.
         | rimliu wrote:
         | That's not the problem with git-flow, that's the problem with
         | discipline.
           | ulisesrmzroche wrote:
           | Gitflow is not robust enough to handle human error and is way
           | too complex to onboard.
           | It's a mediocre branching model incapable of handling a
           | modern workflow, like continuous delivery and so on
           | We gotta tendency to excuse bad software as long as it's old,
           | especially on HN
             | anon73044 wrote:
             | I've have 400+ devs acoss several states working with 25+
             | repos, all using a modified Gitflow. It took a month of
             | negotiation to get buy in, so far, it's been working for
             | the last 2 and a half years.
             | And the beauty is, if a team wants to be more "agile"/more
             | continuous, all we have to do is kill a few branches, and
             | start building/releasing directly from master.
       | cs02rm0 wrote:
       | I think gitflow _might_ be suited to mature product work where
       | development is ongoing.
       | It keeps coming up in my consultancy work, usually on short term
       | projects that either die or generally just get left to tick over
       | where it's wildly unsuitable. Mostly because of the way it
       | violates that principle of short lived branches.
       | CurtBurbinger wrote:
       | "Any branching model you choose is ultimately meant to make
       | humans work together more easily to produce software"
       | There are things in this article I agree with, and things that I
       | don't, but the quoted point is something that I wish could be
       | universally understood. Some developers commit to the dogma of
       | one blog post or another and forget about the fact that the whole
       | thing is for the _people_ who are writing the code. Branching
       | strategy should help to optimize workflows and minimize friction,
       | regardless of how badly bastardized your approach is vs. its
       | source material.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | I can't seem to get people to agree on the point of unit tests
         | either.
         | Nowhere is this more apparent than when we argue about test
         | coverage %'s. There's a whole bimodal distribution of people
         | very wrong for very different reasons.
           | zokier wrote:
           | I feel unit tests are difficult to swallow to some people
           | because they are not used to (or able to) develop code in
           | distinct and definite units. And without units, unit tests
           | are sort of meaningless.
           | gumby wrote:
           | I find about half the people don't see the point (mainly
           | can't be bothered). I can cut that group by about a third by
           | telling them "the tests keep other people from breaking your
           | code"
           | (Personally I think tests keep _me_ from breaking my and
           | others ' code, but I don't tell them that)
       | cryptonector wrote:
       | +1e6.
       | Rebase workflows are the best. We used the at Sun long before
       | anyone called it rebasing, long before even any VCSes had the
       | feature in any way. It's the only workflow that works in large
       | codebases (monorepos, repo forests) with thousands of developers.
       | Merges stop being interesting very quickly once you've got a) a
       | large number of developers, and b) a high rate of commits on the
       | same codebase -- it's just too much metadata.
       | Linear history works like a charm and is super easy to understand
       | (because it's linear).
       | Nobody cares about the internal history of a feature branch that
       | has delivered. One should only care about what mainline bugs were
       | fixed and what features were added -- bugs that never made it to
       | the mainline are simply not interesting at all to developers on
       | the mainline (though admittedly they might be to someone studying
       | developer performance, but then, feature branch history can be
       | kept and archived, just not on the mainline).
       | eindiran wrote:
       | I've been swayed to the side of believing that rebase should
       | rarely be used, so that's not much of a downside. See:
       | https://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/doc/trunk/www/rebaseharm.m...
       | deckar01 wrote:
       | Most of that blog post's workflow seems like pretty normal merge
       | request development. Separating develop and master is where most
       | of the complexity arises. The reported advantage is "the develop
       | branch is cleared to receive features for the next big release".
       | I have never ran into a problem with features needing to land in
       | master before a release is cut, likely because I have never
       | scheduled releases and I think most projects don't. Even if they
       | did, the project has to be pretty massive to have a feature
       | ready, but scheduled for a future release and also be blocking
       | the development of another scheduled feature... If your project
       | is that busy, it is seems like a reasonable workflow. Everyone
       | else can probably just treat master as their develop branch and
       | everything else in the article is pretty good advice.
       | The only other oddity I see is treating hot patches different
       | than feature branches. In my experience, hot patches are no
       | different than feature branches in projects that use master as
       | the branch to deploy from. In projects that perform manual QA, I
       | use a branch for each deploy environment to stagger rollouts, the
       | final branch being for the production environment. In that case
       | it makes sense to start a merge request on the production branch
       | before master.
       | combatentropy wrote:
       | Gitflow didn't just pop into the head of Vincent Driessen. It
       | seems he curated an opinionated selection of the options from the
       | book _Pro Git_ (https://git-scm.com/book/) and I wouldn't be
       | surprised if many projects were already using something like it
       | to various degrees.
       | I went for many years with only a master branch and sometimes a
       | develop branch, because I often worked alone. It took me years to
       | venture into branching at all. Before Git I used Subversion. I
       | don't think we branched once. But easy branching is one of Git's
       | distinguishing features. For me, branching was like learning a
       | programming language. At first it's mindbending and intimidating.
       | But with reading, practice, re-reading, and more practice, it can
       | eventually become second nature. The crazy diagram that George
       | Stocker holds up makes perfect sense to me now.
       | I was forced to adopt Gitflow when I joined a bigger team. But
       | now that I have learned it, I kind of like to use it even when
       | working alone. Topic branches remind me of functions, in that
       | they are small and encapsulated. I can concentrate on a narrow
       | range of code and feel safe. The eventual merge might have
       | conflicts, but they are soluble. And the way that feature
       | branches stem from develop while bug-fix branches stem from
       | master, and how you have a release branch to freeze features
       | without freezing work --- I don't know, it feels very safe and
       | structured.
       | However, yeah, like Stocker says, it may be too much ceremony,
       | especially if you're just starting out. I like to tell people to
       | ease into it. Stop when it hurts.
       | bavell wrote:
       | It seems to me that most of the authors objections stem from 100%
       | strict adherence to git flow, which IMO is the wrong approach.
       | I loved the concept of git flow when I first read that legendary
       | blog post. I learned a lot and adapted it into my own development
       | workflow. I've bounced back and forth over the years in how
       | strictly I adhered to the One True Way (tm) based on how well it
       | worked for me in actual projects.
       | IME I think the best approach to git flow is to learn and
       | understand it and then adapt it to your project's workflow, as
       | opposed to strictly adhering to every tenet of git flow. I have
       | multiple projects using different "amounts" of git flow - e.g. a
       | large project with dev, qa, hotfix and release branches vs a
       | small personal project with only master and dev.
       | ryanackley wrote:
       | This cycle seems to repeat endlessly in our industry:
       | * Early adopter independently comes up with an idea that works
       | well for his/her team.
       | * Writes an innocent well-written article or book.
       | * Idea somehow becomes dogmatic. Even for situations that don't
       | make sense.
       | * After some time, people rebel against dogma because they
       | realize it doesn't make sense for every situation.
       | * Original idea now considered anti-pattern even though it may
       | still make sense for some people or situations.
         | andrewstuart2 wrote:
         | Our industry? I think the problem goes well beyond any
         | industry; it's just a human thing.                   1. See
         | success         2. Want success         3. Copy behaviors
         | 4. Behaviors were only part of success
         | Dirlewanger wrote:
         | Yup. It's a byproduct of software not being grounded in
         | anything compared to, say, every other engineering discipline.
         | They all have the laws of physics. Software has...a bunch of
         | different mantras and paradigms, and for every one out there,
         | there's one that is its direct opposite.
       | hinkley wrote:
       | I used a watered down version of gitflow on a project with heavy
       | customer involvement.
       | Instead of doing the whole thing, we had feature branches (which
       | I still hate), master, and one more branch for the stuff we were
       | showing to the customer. Who sometimes would decide they didn't
       | like what they asked for and please don't push this to
       | production.
       | With the exception of hotfixes, master was always just a certain
       | number of commits behind the working branch.
       | Very aggressive use of dark launching of features could also
       | solve this problem, but we've had our share of problems with that
       | strategy too (Sprint-obsessed thinking makes it difficult to go
       | back and clear out old conditionals once they've settled)
       | iamleppert wrote:
       | I agree 100%. I too tried Gitflow on many different projects,
       | with different skill levels of teams and we ended up pulling the
       | plug on it and going back to "master is always
       | deployable/production". Developers work in feature branches that
       | are small and atomic, with frequent merges into master with
       | corresponding deployments. Breaking master is a critical blocker
       | issue. There's no need for tags, complicated release schedules or
       | processes following this model and it scales from a team of 1 to
       | a team of 1000, I've seen it done.
       | Gitflow doesn't work in a CI environment on a modern software
       | application that has good testing culture and systems that are
       | resilient to failure.
       | Tools and processes work a lot better when they work for you, not
       | the other way around. KISS.
       | an-allen wrote:
       | Source repositories are all about managing complexity. The more
       | unmerged code you have from your releasable branch... the more
       | complexity you have being held in the source repository.
       | In the field I've seen git-flow lend itself to having trouble
       | handling releasing some features and not others that have already
       | been merged into a release or environment branch. This leads to
       | cherry picking or more complex merging trees. With trunk based
       | development, once a thing is merged to master it is shipped.. so
       | it keeps the complexity being held in unmmerged branches to a
       | minimum.
       | platz wrote:
       | As far as I can tell, the only difference between git flow and
       | not git flow is whether you have a Develop branch or not
       | gwbas1c wrote:
       | There's nothing wrong with gitflow... The problem comes with how
       | it's managed. The problem comes when a risk-averse manager wants
       | to follow a 1990s release cycle, and release and feature branches
       | live forever.
       | Release branches should be created shortly before release, and
       | shouldn't deviate too much from develop. Feature branches also
       | shouldn't last very long.
       | If a feature is going to be under very heavy development before
       | shipping, a better strategy is to #ifdef the feature. This helps
       | avoid accumulating merge conflicts that happen when there are
       | long lived branches.
         | ulisesrmzroche wrote:
         | There's a lot wrong with gitflow. For one, the very existence
         | of a release branch.
           | crgwbr wrote:
           | In real world software dev, I fail to see how a release
           | branch is a flaw. It's completely reasonable to want to test
           | something in a "gold-master" state before shipping it to
           | prod. Regardless of how many tests you have, that's just a
           | good idea.
             | dhimes wrote:
             | Yeah it's what we call staging. I have a project now that
             | doesn't have a staging environment that's well integrated
             | and it's very nerve-racking. I use hg but it's the same
             | idea.
       | tootie wrote:
       | I don't understand the argument here at all. Git flow seems
       | pretty orthogonal to concept of branching lifespan. We did the
       | "merge early, merge often" approach with SVN 15 years ago and it
       | was fine. We do git flow now and it's fine. It meshes perfectly
       | with agile development where you work on the smallest feature set
       | that adds incremental value. That means your branch only ever
       | lives long enough to do one tiny thing and it gets merged as soon
       | as it's working and no sooner. I've been following this approach
       | for years with dozens of teams and it's very successful. And I've
       | never run a rebase on purpose in my entire life.
         | danw1979 wrote:
         | Exactly this. Whatever you call your branching methodology, if
         | they last too long that's when the fun stops.
         | This article is full of bluster about how bad gitflow is, but
         | very little actual reasoning why.
         | I don't like the ceremony all that much, but its working really
         | well at my current large corporate gig across thousands of
         | repos and engineers.
       | snapetom wrote:
       | When I first researched git, this blog post came up. It's been
       | around forever.
       | My first thought when reading it, though, was, "huh, we seem to
       | be doing that with SVN already." Indeed, gitflow just seems to be
       | a popular SVN flow ported to git.
       | Looking at the diagrams, there seems to be a lot of branching and
       | merging, but in practice, it's far less than merge early, merge
       | often. In using SVN, though, you can see why. SVN thrived in a
       | day with more large, monolithic codebases. Further, branching in
       | SVN was _heavy._. It made a copy of the entire codebase. It wasn
       | 't fun because it took so long. Gitflow emerged from an SVN
       | world.
       | Nowadays with microservices, modular codebases, and CI/CD, a
       | merge early, merge often approach with git makes more sense.
       | There isn't nearly the overhead or pains of branching and merging
       | with git as there is with SVN.
       | Ixio wrote:
       | Are people really calling this specific model of git branching
       | THE Gitflow model ? For me this was a gitflow amongst others, a
       | gitflow being a git workflow.
       | In the original article "A successful Git branching model" I
       | don't see a single mention telling people they should call this
       | specific model Gitflow.
       | For me the word gitflow has the useful meaning of a git branching
       | model, am I in the minority ? Using it as a noun for a specific
       | model seems like a waste of the word.
       | In regards to the article, sure this gitflow is one of the most
       | shared images on the subject. However I recommend that every team
       | use whatever gitflow makes the most sense for them and their
       | project. I was not aware that our industry had a problem with
       | teams cargo culting that specific git workflow.
         | amenod wrote:
         | +1. We use as many branches as it makes sense on a particular
         | project. Simple ones might have just master (and temporary
         | feature/bugfix branches). Only when we need to have a LTS
         | version do we introduce another branch for it.
         | I always thought this is _also_ Gitflow, but reading this
         | article, I 'm not so sure anymore.
         | daxelrod wrote:
         | Interesting. I have only ever heard "gitflow" used to refer to
         | the specific model described in
         | https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ . The
         | author also wrote a tool, "git-flow", to assist with this model
         | https://github.com/nvie/gitflow .
         | I have heard the terms "git branching model" or "git workflow"
         | used for the concept that you call "gitflow".
           | danw1979 wrote:
           | nvie/gitflow is a long dead project. There's an active fork
           | at https://github.com/petervanderdoes/gitflow-avh
       | daenz wrote:
       | Speaking for myself, git flow _is_ intuitive. It is something you
       | also have to practice discipline to adhere to. That is not simply
       | "additional cognitive load", it is just like any other process
       | worth following.
       | Their criticism about "tripling the number of merge conflicts"
       | because of the number of branches doesn't make any sense. As long
       | as developers are doing development work and committing,
       | regardless of what branch they're committing to, there is
       | potential for conflict. It might not be a "merge" conflict in the
       | sense of two separate branches, but it will manifest as a merge
       | conflict in pushing the local to the remote. The potential for
       | conflicts stay the same. What git flow gets right here is it
       | isolates logical workflows from each other, so people working can
       | work for as long as necessary without conflict.
       | >Gitflow abandons rebasing
       | Rebasing is a nightmare for distributed work, and in my opinion,
       | only makes sense in limited circumstances where your code is not
       | already pushed and pulled in multiple locations.
       | >Continuous delivery is a practice where the team release
       | directly into production with each "check-in" (in reality, a
       | merge to master), in an automated fashion. Look at the mess that
       | is gitflow and explain to me how you're going to be able to
       | continuously deliver _that_?
       | Every modern CI/CD framework can run automated jobs after a merge
       | into master, so I'm not sure what the criticism here is?
       | >Have you ever _tried_ a complex branching model like gitflow
       | with multiple teams, and hoped for everyone to be on the same
       | page? Can't happen.
       | That is less a criticism of git flow and more a criticism of any
       | software organization that tries to have repeatable deployments
       | with many services. It's a difficult problem in general, and not
       | one that git flow is attempting to solve in the first place. You
       | will have that problem regardless of if you use git flow or not.
       | I could go on but there's a lot here. It sounds like the author
       | is very frustrated and annoyed with git flow, and perhaps is used
       | to cowboying code (the desire for frequent rebasing give me a
       | hint to this) without regard for the impact on other developers.
       | I've worked with people like this, and they often provide no
       | alternative solutions, just frustration and resistance to
       | following an imperfect process. It's a rant without much
       | substance.
         | zokier wrote:
         | > Every modern CI/CD framework can run automated jobs after a
         | merge into master, so I'm not sure what the criticism here is?
         | The criticism (and the one thing I can sort of agree on) is
         | that with git flow you are not merging to "master" on a
         | _continuous_ basis. Select quotes from the nvie post describing
         | gitflow:
         | > When the source code in the develop branch reaches a stable
         | point and is ready to be released, all of the changes should be
         | merged back into master somehow and then tagged with a release
         | number
         | > The essence of a feature branch is that it exists as long as
         | the feature is in development, but will eventually be merged
         | back into develop (to definitely add the new feature to the
         | upcoming release)
         | > By doing all of this work [release prep] on a release branch,
         | the develop branch is cleared to receive features for the next
         | big release.
       (page generated 2020-03-04 23:00 UTC)