[HN Gopher] Redwood: An integrated, full-stack, JavaScript web f...
       Redwood: An integrated, full-stack, JavaScript web framework for
       the JAMstack
       Author : mojombo
       Score  : 179 points
       Date   : 2020-03-10 18:13 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (redwoodjs.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (redwoodjs.com)
       | swyx wrote:
       | congrats on the launch! I've been hoping for someone to make a
       | "Rails for JS" for a long time, with the performance capabilities
       | of JAMstack apps (prebuilt, served from CDN). This is a peek into
       | the future!
       | as a React dev as well, I particularly like the integration of
       | GraphQL into the Cell format. This will work especially well with
       | render-as-you-fetch React Suspense. I think if you throw in
       | scoped css you'll have the ultimate vision of the React Single
       | File Component format.[1]
       | 1: https://www.swyx.io/writing/react-distros/#what-other-
       | react-...
         | pistoriusp wrote:
         | Thanks! I was very nervous about how people would receive the
         | concept of Cells, but people seem to like it, and we'll improve
         | the implementation!
         | I personally love styled-components and I had tighter
         | integration with it in the start, but we decided to not be
         | opinionated about CSS frameworks... That may change ;)
       | mojombo wrote:
       | Hi! One of the Redwood authors here. I'm really excited to launch
       | Redwood today and happy to answer any questions you have about
       | the framework and what makes it special!
         | btown wrote:
         | This is amazing - I'm very much in Django land right now, but
         | I'd love to see a successor that combines all its productivity
         | strengths with the modern world of JS/Typescript-all-the-way-
         | down.
         | A few questions:
         | - Do you intend to have strong typing (Typescript) all the way
         | through? Most of the examples seem to be in plain JS. Not that
         | that's a bad place to start, but I have a dream of typing a
         | schema for a new model once and having it immediately typecheck
         | all the way to the frontend code.
         | - Will there be an ability to automatically generate admin
         | interfaces, form and all, from database schema? Django's
         | ModelAdmin is annoying to customize, but it's unparalleled in
         | getting a GUI together in minutes for a trusted operational
         | team. And React-Hook-Form's support for dynamically generated
         | fields could be really powerful in this regard.
         | - Both Rails and Django have patterns of "as long as this file
         | is in the right place and/or has the right inheritance
         | hierarchy, I won't need to write boilerplate." Is this a goal
         | of this project as well? For instance, for the service file in
         | https://redwoodjs.com/tutorial/side-quest-how-redwood-works-...
         | seems to be something that would be nearly identical, save for
         | the name of the model, across a number of things. Rather than
         | scaffolding, could there be a way to inherit from a generic
         | superclass (or the functional equivalent), fully overrideable,
         | similar to how
         | https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/class-based-vie...
         | allows any view to inherit from a ListView or DetailView?
           | thedavidprice wrote:
           | Thanks for the kind words and questions! Others from the team
           | can go into more detail, but here's some high-level for now:
           | - Typescript is definitely a priority for us. But
           | implementation so far is starting with the backend (see
           | https://github.com/redwoodjs/redwood for current), which
           | isn't inclusive as of yet. We are looking for community
           | involvement here as well.
           | - Admin interface: ah, very interesting. Could definitely be
           | on the roadmap in the future. We're off to a great start with
           | the Scaffold generator, which uses the schema to create all
           | the pages necessary to run end-to-end CRUD operations on a
           | database table. See https://redwoodjs.com/tutorial/getting-
           | dynamic
           | - Boilerplate: The short answer is "yes indeed"! It's not
           | 1-to-1 with your example, but there are lots of cases where
           | you'll find this thinking+implementation. Again, the tutorial
           | walkthrough is the best place to see some of this in action.
           | hokumguru wrote:
           | I think Prisma, the database layer of Redwood, plans on
           | shipping their admin solution later this year.
         | dmead wrote:
         | why do so many JS frameworks exist?
           | pistoriusp wrote:
           | If you asked me a few years ago if I could imagine building a
           | framework, let alone a JS one, my answer would've been "hell
           | no!"
           | But here I am... There was a lot of time spent trying to
           | figure out how to use these technologies, and we're glueing
           | those technologies together with our personal taste.
           | mojombo wrote:
           | I think it's a natural consequence of new possibilities
           | existing in the JS world. Build tools like webpack,
           | transpilers like Babel, type systems like TypeScript;
           | deployment architectures like JAMstack; all these things mean
           | we can do new and interesting things with code, and
           | developers are excited to explore them. It's a good thing! We
           | want to explore the domain as much as possible to find the
           | best solutions. Eventually you'll see consolidation around a
           | smaller number of the best projects.
         | msoad wrote:
         | Why it was not written in TypeScript? (Sorry for fanboy type
         | question)
           | pistoriusp wrote:
           | We're working on full Typescript support for Redwood and we
           | would like tot take it all the way from the DB definitions to
           | GraphQL to the frontend!
           | It's on the way!
         | rgbrgb wrote:
         | This is awesome, congrats! I love Rails but it does seem like
         | nextjs has left it in the dust in terms of making it easy to
         | build simple, performant front-ends in react and there's no
         | official Rails graphql solution yet either. What next is
         | missing is a blessed omakase way to deploy it with a DB.
         | Can you talk about or point me to docs on the different
         | philosophies between this and nextjs? In particular next
         | already makes bundle optimization, splitting, lazy-fetching and
         | serverless deploys pretty automatic. Why not start with next
         | and work on incorporating the DB/business logic functionality?
         | Related: why Prisma?
           | veeralpatel979 wrote:
           | > there's no official Rails graphql solution yet either
           | I use https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby!
         | ordinaryradical wrote:
         | What level of site complexity do you think would justify using
         | your framework versus a simpler approach? (wordpress with
         | wp2static, for example) Is there a concrete level of
         | interactivity or architecture at which you think a framework
         | like this starts to shine?
           | mojombo wrote:
           | We're looking to be a modern replacement for something like
           | Ruby on Rails, so think full-on web application vs a blog or
           | simple eCommerce site. Another way to think about is: do you
           | have a lot of custom business logic you need to implement in
           | order to drive your application? If so, then Redwood is set
           | up really well do deal with that.
             | garysieling wrote:
             | Do you intend to have built-in support for user management?
             | Setting up stuff like Oauth / Okta / etc and handling
             | things like who can access admin screens seems to consume a
             | lot of time on new projects - it'd make for an awesome app
             | platform if some of that was well-supported out of the box.
               | thedavidprice wrote:
               | You bet. See our roadmap list here
               | https://redwoodjs.com/tutorial/wrapping-up And if you
               | haven't read the README yet, that will help with the
               | overall vision + direction https://redwoodjs.com/docs
               | pistoriusp wrote:
               | Totally! We wanted to have a way of doing auth included
               | in the launch but we ran out of time. It's definitely on
               | the roadmap. Our goal is to make it "just work!"
       | wmichelin wrote:
       | Interesting the documentation uses the term "generators" to refer
       | to scaffolding tools. I read that word and got excited that they
       | had python-esque generators.
       | yatsyk wrote:
       | Congratulation on launching!
       | I like rails, but in js world may be not so good idea to
       | reimplement or integrate everything related to ui, routing etc.
       | Meteor.js was not very successful with this model. I think
       | routing or UI on react-native/web/blessed/VR is too different to
       | be part of one framework.
       | But I see the usefulness of framework with functionality related
       | to data fetching and business logic.
       | I consider perfect stack for this things is Postgress->Hasura (or
       | also Prisma)->mst-gql->mobx-state-tree. You create database
       | schema and everything up to models on client is autogenerated and
       | each part of this stack could be updated, customized or
       | completely rewritten. This stack could be used on react-native or
       | web or any other js platform.
       | jaredcwhite wrote:
       | At first I thought "oh great, this looks very nice but why does
       | it exist when Next.js, Gatsby, etc. are already a thing?"
       | Then I saw Tom Preston-Werner's involvement and my interest level
       | raised considerably. I'm still not sure if there's a market for
       | this per se, but the bone-fides of the dev team is certainly a
       | good sign.
         | rvz wrote:
         | > Then I saw Tom Preston-Werner's involvement and my interest
         | level raised considerably.
         | I would have agreed with you already until I read the above
         | sentence. Having a famous programmer isn't really a great
         | reason or argument to adopt yet another N + 1 web frameworks.
         | Sure, some have reasons to exist but appealing to authority is
         | hardly any valid reason here.
         | Even that aside, if everyone were to adopt this by the time it
         | reaches v1.0, someone will complain via writing a Medium blog-
         | post and introduce another web framework on top of Redwood or
         | introduce some other improvement for Redwood but as a fork of
         | the project rather than a contribution back to Redwood.
         | Here we go again.
         | mojombo wrote:
         | Thanks for the kind words!
         | Redwood started as an experiment, and we'll see where it goes,
         | but my intuition is that it will fill a need that many React
         | developers currently have (namely: the lack of integrated
         | solutions to all the technologies available in the ecosystem).
         | It's certainly something that _I_ want!
           | tobr wrote:
           | How tightly is it tied to React? Would it make sense to try
           | to use with another client side layer?
             | bunsenhoneydew wrote:
             | This was my first thought too. I much prefer Vue so would
             | love it if you could choose the client side layer. Not
             | taking anything at all away from this, it looks awesome and
             | I can't wait to give it a try. I get that this is an
             | opinionated framework and the effort to achieve multi
             | client side options is likely pretty high. I'm also
             | conscious that releasing something and have people say "I
             | want it to be different" straight away is annoying so
             | really trying not to be 'that guy'. Knowing the js
             | community, someone is probably already working on it
             | anyway. Loving the innovation in this space!
             | mojombo wrote:
             | Quite tightly at this point, as really nice integration is
             | a primary goal. That said, it's not impossible that another
             | rendering layer could be used, but it's not our focus right
             | now.
               | freehunter wrote:
               | I appreciate the focus. React might not be everyone's
               | choice but what the JS world is missing is super tight
               | integration between multiple tools. We forgot everything
               | Rails taught us. People who want to pick their own
               | technologies already have the ability to do so today,
               | what's missing is one off-the-shelf convention-over-
               | configuration solution to be the Rails of JavaScript.
               | Good luck to you guys.
       | zaiste wrote:
       | Congrats on the launch, Tom & the team!
       | I'm working on something similar. I hope to pick up some ideas ;)
       | My project is about helping create more traditional JavaScript
       | applications, not necessarily JAMstack. It is inspired by the
       | Self programming environment created at Sun Microsystems in '95,
       | so it's not a framework per-se, but a combination of a framework,
       | an editor (VS Code plugin) and (in the future) infrastructure.
       | The project is called Huncwot:
       | https://github.com/huncwotjs/huncwot
       | * it supports TypeScript out of the box * it provides background
       | processing (via Postgraphile Worker) * it aims to support _only_
       | PostgreSQL, so that we could conveniently use all those beautiful
       | PostgreSQL features that are usually <<hidden>> by ORMs * I 'd
       | also like to make SQL more popular ;) * there is a bit of
       | inspiration from Clojure * it favors the function composition,
       | e.g. for handlers * it comes with a built-in
       | authentication/authorization, which you shouldn't probably use in
       | production just yet * it is still very alpha * for the front-end
       | you can use React, but also Vue.js and possibly Angular or Svelte
       | * and many other things which I haven't yet described in the
       | README as I work on this on the side, mostly alone
       | There is also fantastic Dark Lang (https://darklang.com/) in the
       | same, quite similar yet different.
         | mojombo wrote:
         | Cool! I'll take a look and see if there are any ideas we can
         | pick up from YOU! I love that so much area is being explored in
         | the JS world right now.
       | insomniacity wrote:
       | > For now, you need to set up your own database, but we are
       | working with various infrastructure providers to make this
       | process simpler and more JAMstacky.
       | I recently stepped through this tutorial, which does somthing
       | similar, and uses FaunaDB - turned out pretty nicely.
       | https://egghead.io/playlists/building-a-serverless-jamstack-...
       | Code for the DB part is here - I know it doesn't use Prisma,
       | would be great to see Redwood support this:
       | https://pastebin.com/aJvFSjsa
         | thedavidprice wrote:
         | FaunaDB is definitely on our radar. Thanks for the link -- will
         | check it out now.
           | insomniacity wrote:
           | Just saw your TODO list at the end of the tutorial - that
           | egghead course also covers Identity, and it also works really
           | well!
       | ctb9 wrote:
       | Could someone explain how this compares to Next.js?
         | swyx wrote:
         | next is primarily focused on the rendering layer, capable over
         | static, server, and serverless rendering. it makes it easy to
         | set up api routes but doesnt have any opinions whatsoever on
         | data layer.
         | redwood is full-stack, has an opinion on graphql/prisma as part
         | of your data layer, integrated into Cells for declarative
         | loading states. its still super early days but you can feasibly
         | view it as doing the same thing Rails does in terms of
         | organizing and picking techs for you for all parts of a stack,
         | including setting up scaffolding for you.
       | spamalot159 wrote:
       | Congrats on the launch. Looks interesting coming from rails
       | stack. I hope you guys can develop a good community around this.
       | kostarelo wrote:
       | Congrats on the release, you've certainly done a great job
       | documenting it and creating a great webpage. Hope I will put my
       | hands on it soon.
       | One question, is the React app being pre-rendered at all before
       | being stored on the CDN? If not, how does it qualifies as a
       | JAMstack project? If the React app is being completely rendered
       | on client side, then I don't see any difference with a regular
       | Next.js (without generating a static site) project but I
       | certainly see lots of differences with Gatsby for example.
         | mojombo wrote:
         | We are currently not doing any pre-rendering, but it's on the
         | roadmap to enable pre-rendering on a route-by-route basis. Even
         | so, Redwood is still JAMstack because it's JavaScript, APIs,
         | and Markup; it's just that we're delivering the entire client
         | via JavaScript, and the API is our entire backend. Our goal is
         | to let you build a full-stack web app but still deploy in the
         | JAMstack style. We're pushing the boundaries of JAMstack
         | intentionally!
       | chaostheory wrote:
       | Typescript support? Javascript is just too hard for larger
       | projects.
         | mojombo wrote:
         | Yes! Our intention is to support TypeScript as a first-class
         | citizen in Redwood apps (while still supporting JavaScript as
         | well). We're currently working to make sure all of the
         | framework code is written in TypeScript.
           | latchkey wrote:
           | Cool. Are named routes typesafe? In other words, if I change
           | the name of a route, does it cause some sort compile time
           | error?
             | pistoriusp wrote:
             | I've created this issue to keep track of this:
             | https://github.com/redwoodjs/redwood/issues/206
             | [deleted]
             | pistoriusp wrote:
             | Nope, they're not, but you're right that they should be!
       | kingpiss wrote:
       | Damn this looks pretty promising.
         | pistoriusp wrote:
         | Thank you!
       | doctorbuttes wrote:
       | Really big fan of everything in this stack; I've been building my
       | product on React/Apollo/Prisma/Postgres and it's been a pleasure.
       | It's nice to see a well-thought-out architecture added to the
       | process. Great work.
       | Zaheer wrote:
       | The latest update from Next.js [1] seems to cover all that
       | redwoodjs does. In particular, the Static Site Generation
       | portion. Next.js already supports API's in the same monorepo.
       | [1] https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-3
         | yatsyk wrote:
         | Next is limited to browsers and doesn't prescribe how you
         | access data. I would compare redwood to meteor.js but not
         | next.js.
       | sytse wrote:
       | Congrats on the release. This feels like Rails for the javascript
       | age. Moving from: REST => GraphQL, Sprockets => Babel/webpack, VM
       | => Lambda, Caching => Static site, ERb => React, Active Record =>
       | Prisma, Rspec => Jest, routes.rb => Routes.js
       | Edit: The twitter thread from the author is a great summary of
       | Redwood and its benefits
       | https://twitter.com/mojombo/status/1237441122097487873
         | ljm wrote:
         | I agree this is super exciting but those things come with a
         | significant operational overhead that your traditional full
         | stacks don't have.
         | one vm => many lambdas/microservices
         | react => server side rendering and state hydration, throw redux
         | in there too
         | prisma => you can't beat the DB with code. Learn SQL and remove
         | the middleman.
         | Jest => fair enough I guess, but I wouldn't use rspec when Ruby
         | had minitest out of the box
         | Caching/Static site => wut? ... wut? there's much more to
         | caching than HTML.
         | routes.js => probably great on the server, not so much on the
         | browser.
         | And the best for last...
         | graphql => not a replacement for REST. You can do more with
         | less by just making your client do the work or going with
         | backend-for-frontends. If you don't understand your network
         | then graphql is an easy vector for DOS (speaking from
         | experience).
         | Meanwhile I can spin up Laravel, Rails, Spring or Django up and
         | get a solid application running in a fraction of the time while
         | in JS land, client server arch is a seemingly unsolved problem
         | mojombo wrote:
         | Yes! That is precisely how we see it. Well said!
         | thebradbain wrote:
         | Super exciting, I've always believed a Rails-like philosophy of
         | convention-over-configuration and the Javascript ideal of
         | perfectly-tailored customization could supplement rather than
         | compete each other. Redwood looks like a big step toward that,
         | and I think it speaks to the overall growth of the Javascript
         | ecosystem as a whole.
       | gnalck wrote:
       | Is there a plan for how backend jobs would work in this "Rails
       | for the Javascript age"?
       | I find that JAMstack is great until the need for recurring or
       | out-of-band processes comes up. In Rails of course there are jobs
       | that can be backed by Sidekiq or what have you, and additionally
       | on a VM one can always set up a cron job to invoke some Rails
       | tasks.
       | For JAMstack there is no clear alternative, as far as I can see.
       | Manually setting up a recurring lambda function (granted, I have
       | not yet done it) seems to be annoying enough that I would rather
       | just deal with a VM instead.
         | keithwhor wrote:
         | If you're interested in setting up easy scheduled functions, I
         | can recommend checking out Autocode:
         | https://autocode.stdlib.com/new/?event=scheduler.daily&event...
         | This link will set up an automatically scheduled script /
         | endpoint you can deploy in a click. Disclaimer; I built a lot
         | of it. (Founder.) Warning is that there's a signup wall right
         | now but it _is_ free to use. Based on feedback we might be
         | removing the signup wall at some point just so more people can
         | check it out.
         | I'm previously the author of Nodal [1], a Node.js API framework
         | that had quite a bit of early popularity -- we transitioned to
         | building Standard Library [2] to focus on easily building APIs
         | and combining them for simple backend workflows / integrations.
         | Fits with JAMStack pretty well, generally, and our users aren't
         | just developers; it's accessible to business users as well,
         | provided they don't mind learning a little code. :)
         | [1] https://github.com/keithwhor/nodal
         | [2] https://stdlib.com/
         | pistoriusp wrote:
         | My personal hope is that your hosting provider would offer a
         | solution that's configurable during deployment.
         | Then we could undoubtedly abstract this into something and deal
         | with it at deploy time.
         | k__ wrote:
         | As far as I know, at least GitHub actions can be triggered with
         | a interval/cron.
         | williamdclt wrote:
         | Not using JAMstack, but I did set up recurring lambda functions
         | and it's dead simple. It's a few clicks in the web console, of
         | course you'll want some provisioning/deployment that's more
         | solid than "click in the web console", but it's still probably
         | way easier (and exposes way surface for bugs) than managing an
         | entire server
         | godot wrote:
         | My understanding is JAM stack refers to mostly the frontend,
         | being a statically generated site, and talks to server via API,
         | but doesn't dictate anything about your API server or server
         | side jobs, etc. You can still run serverless/lambdas, or actual
         | backend API servers, or whatever else you want to do.
         | I guess Redwood's model is a little more than JAM stack, since
         | "Rails" for JS would imply it does a lot more than the JAM
         | part, and that's what it looks like on the site.
           | thedavidprice wrote:
           | We are stretching the definition of "JAMstack" here. But the
           | primarily intended emphasis is not just React+API -- it's
           | making structure+design choices that target serverless
           | infrastructure out of the box. It's not perfect and we have a
           | ways to go, but being able to deploy fully serverless is what
           | RedwoodJS is all about.
       | msoad wrote:
       | Kind of unrelated but love how we moved on from Docker in
       | development. Most of these new frameworks are not suggesting you
       | run the app in Docker.
       | I hate docker in development!
         | k__ wrote:
         | How come?
         | pxtail wrote:
         | I'm on the opposite side - maybe thanks to Docker I got lazy or
         | something but when I don't see docker (or even better - ready
         | to use docker-compose file with whole required stack prepared)
         | then I think I'm like 10 times less eager to give it try.
       | yingw787 wrote:
       | Congrats on launching! I'm super jealous of that quality landing
       | page. Is it built from scratch?
         | pistoriusp wrote:
         | Thanks! That's https://twitter.com/cannikin 's amazing work!
         | thedavidprice wrote:
         | That's all @cannikin doing!! Here's his framework, opinions
         | included :) https://github.com/cannikin/cameronjs
       | z3t4 wrote:
       | The further from the metal you are the harder it will become to
       | do even the most simple of things. In this case, the code will be
       | "compiled" up to ten times before it hits the metal. And every
       | time some information will be lost, and unnecessary extra
       | instructions will be added. / Debbie Downer
         | ArchReaper wrote:
         | >The further from the metal you are the harder it will become
         | to do even the most simple of things
         | >And every time some information will be lost
         | Maybe from an embedded systems/OS point-of-view, but these
         | statements are just not true on the web.
         | pistoriusp wrote:
         | The last time I wrote an ALU was ~4 years ago when I did NAND
         | to Tetris... Whilst that was fun I can't say that it was
         | simple! (:
       | cfv wrote:
       | While this looks great I'm having trouble fitting it to any of
       | the projects I'm already working on.
       | We already have all those pieces in place, along with the ability
       | of swapping any one piece with a different one; say, if we wanted
       | to go RESTful we only need to swap one block.
       | It does look gorgeous tho; how would one go about gradually
       | adopting it?
       | rmetzler wrote:
       | Please excuse my ignorance, what is JAMstack? I couldn't find an
       | explanation on the landing page or the README.md.
         | bryanrasmussen wrote:
         | When I go to https://jamstack.org/ the title element is
         | <title>Jamstack | JavaScript, APIs, and Markup</title>
         | so, I guess that's good. I was afraid the M was going to be
         | Meteor.
         | undefined-1 wrote:
         | JavaScript, APIs, and Markup.
         | https://jamstack.org/
           | nojvek wrote:
           | What does the markup stand for ? I get JavaScript and Apis.
             | paultannenbaum wrote:
             | Markup refers to html, or the fully rendered result.
           | rmetzler wrote:
           | Reading about it, I realized I've built stuff like this for a
           | long time. I built websites with Hugo and other static HTML
           | generators before that, adding React components to make some
           | pages dynamic and calling into an API for some of the user
           | interaction. The simplest case of this was a contact form in
           | React which posted to /api/contact, a simple Ruby server
           | which sent emails.
           | Some "dynamic" server side content was also easily included
           | in a cronjob. That way I fetched the Twitter feed of a few
           | accounts and rendered this into the static HTML.
           | I did it, because it was really fast to build, could scale,
           | development and deployment was easy for the HTML, etc.
           | What I didn't had at the time was FaaS and I think the
           | architecture could benefit from this. I had Docker containers
           | running the API and the reverse proxy needed to do some
           | routing, so I still had a server running, but I didn't need a
           | database. I had to teach the marketing department how to
           | write Markdown in GitLab editors, though.
       (page generated 2020-03-10 23:00 UTC)