[HN Gopher] Windows has a new wormable vulnerability, with no patch
       Windows has a new wormable vulnerability, with no patch
       Author : vo2maxer
       Score  : 170 points
       Date   : 2020-03-11 12:14 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (arstechnica.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (arstechnica.com)
       | ck2 wrote:
       | block port 445 inbound, it's more than nothing
         | pixl97 wrote:
         | The vast majority of desktop computers will not need 445
         | inbound. If you happen to have some enterprise tool that does,
         | just add an allow rule for those particular servers. This
         | protects you against a large number of other attacks such as
         | ransomware over the local network too.
         | gruez wrote:
         | You'd want to block 445 outbound as well, in case your computer
         | tries to connect to an external server (eg. social engineering
         | and/or UNC paths)
       | andrewflnr wrote:
       | They just casually mention that Talos pulled their advisory
       | without any indication of why. Does anyone know? Did MS just ask
       | them to?
       | jra_samba wrote:
       | (Copy of a comment I posted on ars):
       | Microsoft hasn't contacted us (Samba) so this almost certainly
       | isn't a protocol level bug (they're _very_ good about being
       | proactive on these), but an error in their implementation of the
       | SMB3 compression transform.
       | In other words, a typical buffer overrun in a compression
       | library. Gee, wonder where I've seen these before.
       | Currently Samba doesn't implement the SMB3 transform header, an
       | example where being slow to implement a feature is an advantage
       | for once :-).
       | So most Linux-based SMB3 servers and NAS boxes (which use Samba)
       | will not be affected by this (I believe - things may change as
       | more information becomes available).
         | gsam wrote:
         | Have you seen any signs of which compression algorithm might be
         | the one affected? Presumably it's one of their more snowflake
         | ones. If it is in a library, surely SMB isn't the only affected
         | resource? Perhaps it's not the library, but the plumbing or the
         | headers and such.
         | kazinator wrote:
         | Are you saying that Samba would use the same compression
         | library as the Windows file sharing implementation, and so hit
         | the same flaw?
           | jra_samba wrote:
           | No, I'm saying that these kind of bugs in compression
           | libraries are very common. We'll pick an open source one of
           | course (we don't want to be in the writing and maintaining
           | compression library business, just like we don't want to be
           | in the crypto business), but we'd also be vulnerable to bugs
           | in upstream if the compression library we use has them.
           | I don't know what compression library Microsoft is using -
           | probably they wrote their own.
           | oneplane wrote:
           | If the bug was in a library supply by MS and used by SMB and
           | Samba would use that library then the vulnerability would
           | also be present in Samba. But that isn't the case, Samba re-
           | implements the SMB client/server code in it's own library.
           | A vulnerability that would transfer between different
           | codebases would be protocol-level because all clients and
           | servers that are to be compliant would have to implement the
           | same protocol(s) and perhaps would easily all write identical
           | state machines. Those kinds of errors are often range errors
           | and logic errors as far as I know, which is a different kind
           | of error as far was I have seen written about this
           | compression bug.
       | upofadown wrote:
       | >Windows users who have SMBv3 exposed on the Internet ...
       | Is that something that ever happens on purpose?
         | olyjohn wrote:
         | Azure Files is exactly this.
         | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage...
         | T-hawk wrote:
         | No, but that just means the internet isn't the attack surface.
         | If a machine on an intranet gets compromised by some other
         | means, this is a vector for that machine to attack anything it
         | can reach with SMB.
       | EvanAnderson wrote:
       | Blocking TCP port 445 on servers and clients where file sharing
       | isn't necessary is a good idea anyway. Windows Firewall and Group
       | Policy are sufficient to get that rolled out.
       | Unfortunately, Active Directory Domain Controllers must expose it
       | to function properly, so hitting those machines with the
       | workaround registry value is a good idea.
       | christophilus wrote:
       | Another buffer overflow bug. I'd love to see a running tally of
       | the cost of buffer overflows.
         | ThrowawayR2 wrote:
         | > " _I'd love to see a running tally of the cost of buffer
         | overflows_ "
         | Buffer overflows don't even show up in OWASP's list of top 10
         | vulnerabilities, most of which are language agnostic.
         | Aside from that, a tally of the cost of buffer overflows is
         | dwarfed by a tally of the cost of CPU cycles, RAM, and other
         | system resources wasted by the inefficiency of safe languages
         | and their ecosystems.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Apparenltly quite a bit,
         | https://msrc-blog.microsoft.com/2019/07/16/a-proactive-appro...
         | 70% exploits leading to a few billions in salaries to everyone
         | involved fixing those holes.
         | johnr2 wrote:
         | > I'd love to see a running tally of the cost of buffer
         | overflows.
         | It's probably a lot lower than the cost of never implementing
         | the software in the first place.
         | ksk wrote:
         | Well if they would have written Windows in a dynamic language
         | 26 years ago, nobody would be using it, and the cost would be
         | zero.. :P
         | SteveNuts wrote:
         | The number of buffer overflow vulnerabilities is probably
         | starting to overflow itself by now.
         | vmchale wrote:
         | > Another buffer overflow bug.
         | time to shill ATS
           | heartbeats wrote:
           | I don't get why ATS isn't more popular. It's a really cool
           | language.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | It is very cool, but the type system is quite complex.
       | speedgoose wrote:
       | Perhaps one day unsafe programming languages will be forbidden to
       | use.
         | ksk wrote:
         | 'Banning' things you don't personally like is not a great
         | tactic to convince people. Other technologies should keep
         | making things easier for the C folks to migrate to...
         | msla wrote:
         | Every programming language capable of expressing arbitrary
         | recursion or looping is unsafe.
         | Doesn't matter what kinds of checks you put in. It might matter
         | what kind of runtime you have, but a runtime isn't a language,
         | is it? We're talking about the language, and any language
         | sufficiently expressive to allow you to say "loop until you are
         | done" instead of "loop precisely 20 times" is inherently
         | unsafe.
           | andrewflnr wrote:
           | It is not the case that every Turing complete language allows
           | certain inputs to cause the program to break the bounds of
           | the language's semantics and go rampaging through its
           | simulator. That's what unsafe means in the context of memory
           | vulnerabilities. Yes, Rice's Theorem is cool, but so are
           | sound and complete type systems.
         | johnr2 wrote:
         | > Perhaps one day unsafe programming languages will be
         | forbidden to use.
         | That would mean ruling out a whole lot of performance-critical
         | software (including that written in unsafe Rust). Be careful
         | what you wish for.
           | speedgoose wrote:
           | I'm quite sure the performance hit will be fine in a few
           | decades.
             | fl0wenol wrote:
             | That kind of thinking made sense twenty years ago where you
             | could assume Moore's law was going to hold into the next
             | decades.
               | speedgoose wrote:
               | You don't think we will have budget for a few safety
               | checks?
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Back in 1961 Burroughs introduced an OS, nowadays still sold by
         | Unisys.
         | Guess what, their system language ESPOL, an Algol derivative
         | later replaced by NEWP, already had unsafe code blocks.
         | Binaries that made use of unsafe were tainted and required that
         | the admin would given them permission to execute.
         | This almost 10 years before C was created.
       | rfoo wrote:
       | Don't worry, #itsjusttheblue.
       | okareaman wrote:
       | I'm an old asm/C/C++ programmer (retired) who wanted to learn
       | Rust but didn't make the effort because of all the stories about
       | how hard it was to deal with the borrow checker. Then I realized
       | that for a programmer like me that was used to managing memory in
       | my head, the borrow checker would be a piece of cake. I wrote my
       | first program in it and it was not hard at all. I get it that
       | JavaScript/Python etc... programmers who always had a garbage
       | collector might have trouble.
       | It was so nice to have the compiler catch several stupid errors
       | for me. If I were King of the world I would decree that all new
       | public facing software with real world consequences had to be
       | written in Rust. I'm pretty sure I read that Microsoft is looking
       | at Rust to mitigate some of these issues.
       | Edit: added "new" to make it clear I don't mean rewriting
       | everything in Rust.
         | fortran77 wrote:
         | There's no reason Samba can't be user-mode and written in
         | C#/.net. Even safer!
         | jimmaswell wrote:
         | I really wanted to give Rust a chance for the memory management
         | but I just don't have the motivation to get past the absolutely
         | bizarre syntax, naming conventions full of weird abbreviations
         | like it's the 80s, and the inscrutable replacement for the OO
         | everyone is familiar with. Every facet of the language feels
         | like an exercise in NIH syndrome and it's just too much at
         | once.
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | Bizarre syntax? It's almost identical to
           | JavaScript/TypeScript syntax. You know, the #1 most used
           | language.
             | jimmaswell wrote:
             | JS, C++, C# are what I'm coming from. There was no need to
             | put things in strange orders and otherwise do so many other
             | things different from C style for no apparent reason. Sure,
             | you can find some example of another language doing
             | something any way, but that doesn't make it a good idea.
             | What tangible benefit is there to having to put the type
             | after the function declaration?
               | TheDong wrote:
               | You've given one concrete example, the type after the
               | function deceleration.
               | I'll respond to that because there is a concrete benefit.
               | For what it's worth, typescript, go, SML, haskell, and
               | many other languages follow this pattern too.
               | In C, there's the "clockwise spiral rule"[0] to read a
               | complex c declaration. Let's take an example from that:
               | void (*signal(int, void (*fp)(int)))(int);
               | In rust, that would be:                    fn signal(i:
               | isize, fp: Fn(isize) -> ()) -> Fn(isize) -> ()
               | In rust, the clockwise spiral rule is more simply the
               | "read left to right" rule, which follows more naturally
               | for most people.
               | For what it's worth, C++ also includes alternate function
               | syntax [1], which matches rust's ordering of return
               | values.
               | The reason it was added to C++ is because there were
               | actual expressions the old syntax could not unambiguously
               | express. Even to a machine the C-style declaration is
               | more confusing.
               | With no offence meant, you're sounding a little
               | blub[2]-ish in that complaint.
               | [0]: http://c-faq.com/decl/spiral.anderson.html
               | [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++11#Alternative_func
               | tion_syn...
               | [2]: http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html
           | simias wrote:
           | A lot of the syntax was borrowed from C++ for better or
           | worse. It does make the transition from C++ a lot easier but
           | of course if you're not familiar with the language there'll
           | be some friction. Beyond that there are things that Rust
           | needs syntax for that simply doesn't exist in many other
           | languages such as the Trait-based generics, modules (that
           | didn't use to exist in C++) and of course lifetimes.
           | Beyond that I can't help but feeling that you're following
           | this (IMO) counterproductive cargo cult that holds that
           | sigils are teh 3v1l and everything should be alphanumeric
           | only. Python was at the forefront of this movement but it's
           | now very popular. IMO it's completely counterproductive, even
           | in Python case. It's form over function. You end up with a
           | language where you have to be careful when you refactor
           | because indentation becomes significant and no way to scope
           | your variables properly. Or a language like JS where somebody
           | genuinely thought that having arcane rules to automatically
           | insert semicolons was a reasonable idea because "ewwww
           | semicolons look ugly". It sure looks good if you want to get
           | them tatooed, but in practice at best it's pointless and at
           | worst it gets in the way.
           | I'm all for descriptive variable and function names but the
           | core syntax of the language is repeated all over the place
           | all the time and benefits from concision. Having Rust spell
           | out "function" instead of "fn" wouldn't disambiguate anything
           | since you're exposed to it within 5 minutes in the language
           | and you'll be super familiar with it very quickly. Having a
           | shorthand means that it doesn't pollute the code listing and
           | leaves more room for the actually important stuff.
           | A lot of people like to point out Perl as an example of
           | "sigil soup gone wrong" but I'd argue that it's not even the
           | real problem here, Perl can become an unreadable mess because
           | of all the "magic" it allows, meaning you can write code that
           | seems to do absolutely nothing but actually does a whole lot
           | (with things like the implied variable $_ for instance). If
           | you look at an exhaustive list of Perl operators there are
           | only a handful I'd personally consider questionable (like `x`
           | and maybe `<=>`. Also some of the quoting q{} qq{} and qx{}
           | are really obtuse).
           | empath75 wrote:
           | i actually really enjoy the syntax and trait system and
           | dislike the memory management stuff -- i'd rather have the
           | rust syntax in more of a scripting language.
           | It's a joy to write rust code for the most part.
           | vmchale wrote:
           | > Every facet of the language feels like an exercise in NIH
           | syndrome and it's just too much at once.
           | Not really, a lot of things are taken from sensible theory
           | (e.g. traits and typeclasses).
           | skykooler wrote:
           | Coming from Python, Rust feels like C++ with a stricter
           | compiler. It depends on how you look at it.
           | steveklabnik wrote:
           | Almost all of these things come from other languages, some
           | that have existed for decades. It's probably unfamiliar
           | because you haven't run across them yet, which is fine!
             | [deleted]
           | wrs wrote:
           | > an exercise in NIH syndrome
           | Don't fall into the trap of thinking the entire world is like
           | what you can see from where you're standing. It's not really
           | "not-invented-here", it's "not-invented-there", where "there"
           | is wherever you're used to being. There aren't many
           | unprecedented ideas in Rust.
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | This is really misleading and I wish people would stop but for
         | some reason everyone is like "Rust is actually easy! You
         | already have to think about borrowing and lifetimes in C/C++ -
         | Rust just makes it explicit.".
         | I love Rust, but that is nonsense. First of all it's a
         | reasonable complicated language even without lifetimes and the
         | borrow checker, but let's ignore that. My issue with this
         | sentiment is that it ignores the fact that the borrow checker
         | isn't smart enough to prove that loads of perfectly valid
         | programs are valid.
         | A simple example: `a[0].foo = a[1].foo;`. Perfectly valid. No
         | memory errors. But Rust isn't smart enough to know, and so it
         | really does make things harder than in C/C++.
         | This isn't a criticism of Rust at all. I think it is a
         | worthwhile tradeoff to get memory safety. I just wish people
         | would stop pretending that it isn't a tradeoff at all!
         | fpgaminer wrote:
         | > but didn't make the effort because of all the stories about
         | how hard it was to deal with the borrow checker. Then I
         | realized that for a programmer like me that was used to
         | managing memory in my head, the borrow checker would be a piece
         | of cake.
         | Yeah as you've alluded to Rust _feels_ harder, but is easier if
         | one considers the entire effort curve of a project. Rust front
         | loads the problem solving so the hard work is at the beginning
         | of the project instead of C/C++ with its long tail of debugging
         | that takes up 90% of one's effort.
         | Of course, if you don't know that the hard work at the
         | beginning is going to pay off it's hard to commit to it. And
         | coders don't know that until they've tried it. It's why I think
         | Go is a good stepping stone to Rust.
         | Go is easier to get into and useful in its own right, but most
         | importantly it introduces the concept of "if it compiles, it
         | runs" to coders who are used to compilers that fight against
         | them (ala C/C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, etc). Once someone
         | has a taste for helpful compilers I think it's easier for them
         | to swallow Rust. In particular that idea that the borrow
         | checker is there to _help_ you and the supposed "difficulty" of
         | working with it is more about the compiler being transparent
         | with you, instead of the C/C++ way of looking at your broken
         | program and just shrugging and going "Okay, if you say so...".
           | Terr_ wrote:
           | > front loads the problem solving
           | Indeed, and I think this principle applies to other things,
           | like statically-checked type systems. You have to decide
           | types early, but it means a huge class of bugs becomes a non-
           | issue.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Not only Go, any memory safe with AOT to native code
           | toolchains.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Currently the biggest issues with the borrow checker are valid
         | codes that it marks as invalid (polonius might fix those when
         | it arrives), and self referencial structures like those using
         | in UI frameworks callbacks.
         | londons_explore wrote:
         | When you already have 10's of millions of lines of code written
         | in C++, migrating to rust is no easy task...
         | Microsoft already tried to migrate bits of userspace to C# in
         | 2008 with windows vista, and that didn't exactly go well...
         | They also tried to migrate UI stuff to HTML in 1998 (Windows
         | explorer, Active desktop). Didn't work out great either.
         | Perhaps 10 years is their corporate memory-span and we're
         | overdue another try tho?
           | okareaman wrote:
           | I'm not suggesting re writing everything. I'm suggesting that
           | it's irresponsible to start a new project in an unsafe
           | language when an equally efficient safe language is
           | available.
             | Thaxll wrote:
             | Rust is not equal to C++, not even language wise and
             | certainly not from a tool / pipeline / libraries /
             | knowledge side.
             | When you have legacy code, with millions line of code you
             | just don't swap for something else for the sake of it might
             | be better.
             | Adding a new language in a medium / large company is not an
             | easy task.
             | I think Rust is a good contender for C++ "replacement" on
             | the long term but it's a really difficult task and you need
             | proper planning.
               | jodrellblank wrote:
               | > _for the sake of it might be better._
               | There are a billion Windows computers on the planet. Each
               | time we have a buffer overrun which gives attackers
               | access or lets them exfiltrate user data, real people are
               | at risk. At risk of ID theft, of money theft, of
               | scammers, of crypolockers, of extortion and blackmail, of
               | company collapse and job loss, of stolen business
               | secrets, of fines, and of wasted time. Each time we have
               | an urgent patch, tens of thousands of IT people around
               | the world have to hurry to
               | patch/bodge/remediate/mitigate/educate systems with
               | little warning and little testing, dragged away from
               | whatever else they were doing.
               | Microsoft have proven they can't do this competently in
               | C++. Are we not long past the "might be better to have
               | tools which check" speculation, and far into "definitely
               | definitely definitely is better" by now?
               | If not by now, what will it take to convince you?
               | (I'm not saying "Definitely Rust", but something -
               | Microsoft make implementations of C++, T-SQL, C#, F#,
               | JS/TypeScript, VB.Net, and employ many top Haskell people
               | at Microsoft Research, and various other languages, they
               | aren't inexperienced at languages).
               |  _it 's a really difficult task and you need proper
               | planning._
               | Then they should hire good developers and plan properly?
               | They are one of the richest companies on the planet who
               | make some of the most popular programming languages and
               | tools on the planet. They're not a poor-me charity case.
               | Thaxll wrote:
               | Because one issue doesn't mean hurry we need to switch
               | language. Especially not on the OS side where unsafe will
               | be used and has not yet to be proven that is safer than
               | C/C++ with various tools.
               | If you think that's possible why no-one is actually doing
               | it?
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Microsoft is fully aware it is reached the tipping point.
               | https://msrc-blog.microsoft.com/2019/07/18/we-need-a-
               | safer-s...
               | https://msrc-blog.microsoft.com/2019/11/07/using-rust-in-
               | win...
             | vlovich123 wrote:
             | This isn't a new project. Also tooling is a thing & in
             | bigger companies you have to deal with inertia (retraining
             | people is hard). I think at some point the bullet has to be
             | bitten. I also think there's some value in figuring out how
             | to write C/C++ -> Rust translators to automate some of this
             | process. That's the only way we can get ahead of the curve.
               | HideousKojima wrote:
               | It's possible to migrate C to Rust function by function,
               | not sure if anyone has figured out something similar for
               | C++ yet though:
               | https://github.com/carols10cents/rust-out-your-c-talk
               | steveklabnik wrote:
               | There is also https://github.com/immunant/c2rust
           | ancarda wrote:
           | How about this - every time a problem like this is found, the
           | affected component is rewritten in Rust.
           | Kinda like how a bug should ideally be fixed by reproducing
           | the issue with a unit test first - the test ensures that
           | particular problem won't come back.
           | AFAIK that's possible for C - a project can be rewritten in
           | Rust one function at a time - but I acknowledge it may not be
           | possible or practical for C++ or other languages.
           | Thing is, there's going to be tons of old C in Windows that
           | is perfectly safe. That code doesn't need to be changed - and
           | with this model, it wouldn't be. What needs to be changed is
           | components like SMB which has been the source of a few high
           | profile vulnerabilities before.
             | muricula wrote:
             | When Rust calls into C code it completely loses almost all
             | of its safety guarantees. Having a codebase which is half C
             | and half Rust sounds worse to read and reason about than
             | all either.
             | Additionally, most Windows code is C++ with Windows
             | specific language extensions (COM, Structured Exception
             | Handling, and others).
             | I think most C++ code should be rewritten in Rust library
             | by library, but most software is not properly constructed
             | as a series of libraries. And asking a business to rewrite
             | working code in a brand new language instead of fixing a
             | buffer overflow is a difficult ask.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Microsoft is already had an internal Rust summit,
               | https://twitter.com/ryan_levick/status/122583705718600089
               | 6?s...
               | and are doing other experiences as well,
               | https://www.infoq.com/news/2019/11/microsoft-exploring-
               | rust-...
               | https://msrc-blog.microsoft.com/2019/11/07/using-rust-in-
               | win...
               | Kenny Kerr, the original author of C++/Winrt, which
               | replaced C++/CX, has now turned into Rust.
               | https://kennykerr.ca/2020/02/22/rust-winrt-coming-soon/
               | They are also motivated to actually make C safer, with
               | Checked C project, something that ISO C doesn't seem to
               | care that much.
               | https://www.microsoft.com/en-
               | us/research/project/checked-c/
               | As per MSRC advisory, new code should be a mix of .NET,
               | Rust or Core Guidelines compliant C++, depending on the
               | use case.
           | gpderetta wrote:
           | I believe 10's of millions might be quite an underestimate.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | > Microsoft already tried to migrate bits of userspace to C#
           | in 2008 with windows vista, and that didn't exactly go well..
           | If there was an actual support from WinDev they would have
           | managed to pull it off, instead they sabotaged the effort and
           | went on redoing those C# classes as COM objects in Vista
           | until we got UWP instead.
           | These kind of reboots do require a change of developer's
           | generation to pull it off.
         | ksk wrote:
         | Why limit developers freedom? If it were so simple with no
         | negative consequences, people would be using Rust already.
         | JackC wrote:
         | > I get it that JavaScript/Python etc... programmers who always
         | had a garbage collector might have trouble.
         | FWIW, as a JS/Python programmer I didn't run into borrow
         | checker issues on my most recent Rust foray -- I think it's
         | gotten easier over time with stuff like non-lexical lifetimes?
         | What I did run into was differences in error handling. If
         | you're used to exceptions it takes a while to get a feel for
         | the variety of idioms that replace them, particularly the
         | chains of
         | and_then().unwrap_or().map().filter().ok().filter_map() that
         | are more familiar for folks coming from pure functional
         | languages.
           | twic wrote:
           | > FWIW, as a JS/Python programmer I didn't run into borrow
           | checker issues on my most recent Rust foray -- I think it's
           | gotten easier over time with stuff like non-lexical
           | lifetimes?
           | It also varies hugely according to what kind of program
           | you're writing. Some programs naturally have borrowcheck-
           | friendly structures, others don't.
           | For example, i wrote a program which processes network
           | packets. There is a main loop which reads packets, then
           | passes them down a pipeline of filtering, extraction, and
           | other processing, eventually sending out more network
           | packets. From the compiler's point of view, the pipeline is
           | just a series of nested function calls. Each call can safely
           | borrow from any of the enclosing scopes. Some of the stages
           | are stateful, but they manage their own state, copying data
           | to and from the packets. There's nowhere in a program like
           | this that you run into a problem with borrowing, it all just
           | flows naturally.
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | > If you're used to exceptions it takes a while to get a feel
           | for the variety of idioms that replace them, particularly the
           | chains of
           | and_then().unwrap_or().map().filter().ok().filter_map() that
           | are more familiar for folks coming from pure functional
           | languages.
           | Coming from JS, this felt familiar to me too: It's virtually
           | identical to how handling errors in Promise chains works.
       | technion wrote:
       | I built an Active Directory template to deploy Microsoft's
       | mitigation:
       | https://github.com/technion/DisableSMBCompression
       (page generated 2020-03-11 23:00 UTC)