[HN Gopher] Yes, I am still learning Rust
       Yes, I am still learning Rust
       Author : lukastyrychtr
       Score  : 84 points
       Date   : 2020-03-12 20:29 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (llogiq.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (llogiq.github.io)
       | klodolph wrote:
       | I'm still learning Rust, but I'm developing a deeper appreciation
       | for Go. I've already _learned_ Go. As far as I can tell, I'm a Go
       | expert.
       | Rust has a pretty large surface area. There's a ton of places
       | where you can get overwhelmed by choices. For example, when
       | you're working with slices, you might find yourself thinking
       | about the pros and cons of different approaches using indexes,
       | convenience functions, pattern matching, or iterators.
       | It's a big toolbox, and sometimes I wish I had a smaller toolbox,
       | even if it means giving up the choice of which tools to keep.
       | So, I'll still be learning Rust for a while, too.
         | chewxy wrote:
         | There has to be a learning strategy for kitchen sink languages
         | though.
         | Polylactic_acid wrote:
         | You could just pick the first option that looks good enough and
         | be done with it so you avoid having to understand them all.
         | 01100011 wrote:
         | They're not really the same thing, IMO. Sure, Go is pitched as
         | a systems language, but when Google themselves are rewriting OS
         | components written in Go with Rust, you know something is up.
         | Go seems like Python++... a more reliable and performant high
         | level language. The GC nature makes it inappropriate, IMO, for
         | low-level systems work. Sure, write apps in it. Fine. But I
         | can't see writing drivers in Go.
         | clktmr wrote:
         | Pretty much what I am thinking. When I use Rust, at the end of
         | the day I will have spent more time with the language instead
         | of my actual task, and I don't see this changing given the rate
         | Rust is still changing. It feels like you have to be a
         | "programming language afficionado" to use Rust properly.
         | Whereas in Go, there is always only one reasonable way to do a
         | specific task. You almost forget about the language and just
         | get stuff done.
           | metalliqaz wrote:
           | That's why I was drawn to Python, and I still haven't found a
           | good reason to switch to Go in my use cases.
           | cft wrote:
           | Here is a very practical example.
           | We chose Rust for the current project because our Python
           | program took more than 1TB of RAM. Rust program carefully
           | manually laying out memory takes 75G. Other choices in this
           | case are C/C++, but after you get a hang of Rust, it's
           | actually easier because you don't spend days inspecting core
           | dumps in gdb.
       | billconan wrote:
       | I am researching a backend programming language for a future
       | project. I am debating if I should choose rust fearing for the
       | difficulty of hiring.
         | adamnemecek wrote:
         | I think that you'll actually attract all the right people.
           | billconan wrote:
           | But we need to control the burning rate. (We are a startup)
           | the right people are expensive.
       | jaza wrote:
       | Rust is still new and shiny, and is still evolving at a rapid
       | pace. Everyone's still learning Rust, I'd imagine that even Rust
       | core contributors are still learning Rust! (The same can be said
       | for most other languages too, although not all to the same
       | extent). Anyone who is looking for Rust talent right now, and who
       | discards the CVs of people "still learning", clearly knows
       | nothing about Rust, nor about hiring good devs.
         | melling wrote:
         | 1.0 was released 5 years ago.
         | Swift is younger and I think it's a great language.
         | If the tooling is ready and I don't have to fight it, I'd be
         | fine using Rust. I just need a reason. Anyone using it for iOS
         | development?
           | steveklabnik wrote:
           | My employer, Cloudflare, is using Rust as part of the
           | app on iOS.
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | Is this code shared across platforms?
           | Klonoar wrote:
           | I've actually got a working set of bindings to AppKit/UIKit
           | that I'm trying to get to a release-able point. They run fine
           | on both macOS and iOS; for the former I've also got decent
           | support for sandboxed environments.
           | My goal is to write all my stuff in Rust, because I am sick
           | and tired of writing products for the Apple ecosystem and
           | then having to rewrite them if I want them outside of it.
           | I don't enjoy writing browser-wrapped applications (though
           | they have their place, let me be clear...). I don't want to
           | write in C just to be able to compile anywhere. IMO, Rust is
           | the future.
           | /end fanboy-ism I suppose
             | weiming wrote:
             | If you can share, how usable is your approach
             | boilerplate/types wise? Would love to go all into Rust but
             | the AppKit/etc. bindings get clunky very easily.
           | ElderKorihor wrote:
           | I love Rust, but it doesn't have a strong UI development
           | story yet.
             | gameswithgo wrote:
             | very few languages do, and those that do it is usually for
             | just one platform.
               | Polylactic_acid wrote:
               | Because native UI is on the decline unfortunately. Its
               | too complicated and there are too many different systems.
               | If you want a gui in rust you would be better off having
               | your program start a web server on localhost.
           | weiming wrote:
           | It's very easy to cross-compile and use Rust as a library,
           | leaving the Swift portion for display/views only. We are
           | looking at doing this for our next app (OS X, but would work
           | just as fine for iOS).
       | markmm wrote:
       | Rust is a terrible language. It has an identity crisis. Thinks
       | it's a high level but also system level language. You cant be
       | both. The unix philosophy always wins. Do one thing well. C is
       | the perfect system lang and Java/C#/Lisp/Python etc are the cream
       | of high level langs.
       | Bekwnn wrote:
       | I find this to be one of the reasons I didn't find rust that
       | appealing as an C++ alternative. Its safety is something I admire
       | and is highly valuable to many domains, but the two main things I
       | want to abandon with C++ are its complexity and its compile
       | times. Rust doesn't seem to get away from either of those.
       | As someone who doesn't really use Rust, does anyone who does find
       | the complexity detracts from it a bit as a language? Is there
       | effort to reduce complexity with the language or does it mostly
       | embrace it?
       | At this point I find myself mostly looking at modern C
       | alternatives--ones which manage to stay relatively simple the way
       | C does, but with a few additional features and better designs
       | (Zig, Odin, maybe Jai, etc).
       | All that said, I work with C++ and so I could see myself
       | potentially working with Rust in the future, so I'm curious how
       | people feel about its complexity, especially given that its
       | complexity will presumably only increase with time.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | > Is there effort to reduce complexity with the language or
         | does it mostly embrace it?
         | You're right that it isn't a "simple" language (in the Rich
         | Hickey sense of the word). And I don't think there's any effort
         | to actively _simplify_ it.
         | However, I do expect the rate of complexity _growth_ to taper
         | off fairly soon. Every feature that gets added to Rust is added
         | carefully and with a clear vision in mind. Up until now they
         | 've still been building out the foundations of what most people
         | will need when using Rust in different contexts. Recently a lot
         | of this has been ergonomics (like async/await). But I think the
         | rate of features being added is an S-curve, and I think we're
         | nearing the top. Given that, I have hope that it won't follow
         | the same path as C++ in terms of sprawl; it's certainly not as
         | complicated as C++ yet, and if it doesn't keep growing at this
         | rate, I don't think it will become that way.
         | Part of why C++ is so complicated is that it's had to tack-on
         | decades of language advancements, after the fact, as they were
         | invented/became prevalent. Heck, C++ itself is already a tack-
         | on of C. There wasn't a clear initial vision for the past
         | couple decades of "stuff".
         | Rust, on the other hand, a) has those decades of ideas to
         | incorporate from the outset in a cohesive way, and b) was
         | started from scratch, not an extension of an existing language.
         | This has so far meant a much clearer sense of vision and big-
         | picture design. These features were made to work together; the
         | roadmap was fairly clear from the beginning.
           | nunja wrote:
           | This. Exactly. Also, there is definitely an ongoing effort to
           | make the language simpler, not in the type system which
           | arguably is getting more complex, but in the way the borrow
           | checker is getting smarter. Might be imperceptible at first
           | but really brings a lot in term of ergonomics and
           | productivity.
             | brundolf wrote:
             | Simplifying the borrow checker is a slightly different
             | question than simplifying "the language" (meaning the
             | syntax and/or behavior of the syntax), because the latter
             | can break backwards-compatibility (which is why it likely
             | won't happen).
             | But the borrow checker is an interesting case because
             | simplifying its rules in such a way that they're more
             | tolerant (without sacrificing safety) might reduce
             | cognitive overhead while still being fully backwards-
             | compatible.
               | nunja wrote:
               | Yeah ! That's was the point I was trying to make. It was
               | a breath of fresh air when I switched from Rust 2015 to
               | Rust 2018, without obvious change in the language from my
               | point of view.
         | ragona wrote:
         | I find that I rarely touch the most complicated parts. Sure, it
         | has a rich type system with all kinds of magic you can do with
         | generics and such, but if you're just making an application you
         | often don't have to futz with it. You can also often get away
         | without even providing a type. If you're working on deep data
         | structures and libraries it gets more complicated, as it
         | should. It's a language that allows you to specify the behavior
         | of your program quite precisely, and in many cases you don't
         | have to worry much. Little things like allowing a clone here or
         | there when it isn't a tight loop go a long way towards
         | simplicity.
         | steveklabnik wrote:
         | The problem is that there's no standard definition of
         | "complexity," and so not only is it really hard to answer your
         | question, it's also really hard to compare one language's
         | complexity to another.
         | I personally subscribe to the "waterbed theory of complexity",
         | that is, I believe that the world is complex, and often,
         | attempts to remove complexity cause it to pop up somewhere
         | else. Rust's goals have an inherent level of complexity to
         | them, and so require a certain degree of complexity to
         | accomplish. There is an argument that if we had dropped one or
         | two of those goals, we could have made a language that is
         | _much_ simpler, but I 'm also not sure Rust would be as popular
         | if we did.
         | One thing we strive for with Rust is that features are
         | reasonably _orthogonal_ and work well together, without weird
         | corner cases. We also try to only add more features when the
         | cost is actually justified. We have said  "no" to a lot of
         | things. We have also tried and rejected a lot of things.
         | You also may enjoy this blog post of mine:
         | https://words.steveklabnik.com/the-language-strangeness-budg...
         | (I should also note that I'm not actually on the lang team, so
         | this is more of a statement about what I observe and my own
         | opinion rather than policy, strictly speaking.)
           | 01100011 wrote:
           | > attempts to remove complexity cause it to pop up somewhere
           | else
           | Yes, but sometimes the average brain is better at dealing
           | with certain types of complexity. C++, IMO, puts the
           | complexity in the wrong places. Programming is inherently
           | complex, but it shouldn't be any more so than it needs to be
           | and the complexity should be of the type humans can manage,
           | as much as possible anyway.
             | steveklabnik wrote:
             | I don't disagree! Well, I might disagree that they put it
             | in the "wrong" place exactly; I think that the committee is
             | doing the best that they can given their goals and
             | constraints. I do not have the same goals and constraints,
             | and therefore prefer to use other languages.
         | fogleman wrote:
         | A little weird that you didn't mention Go, which seems to fall
         | exactly in the category of "a simple, modern, well-designed C"
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | From my perspective, Rust is a lot less complex than C++. It
         | does still have a lot of features, but there are a couple of
         | mitigating factors:
         | 1. The features tend to be intuitive to use, and work in the
         | way you expect them to. 2. If you do make a mistake, this tends
         | to be a compile time error with a helpful error message that
         | explains what you've done wrong. 3. The most complicated
         | features are rarely used. Most of my Rust reads like
         | TypeScript.
         | Part of the problem with C++'s complexity is not only is it
         | difficult to work out the correct incantation, but it's
         | difficult to know whether you have or not. Rust almost
         | completely takes away that uncertainty.
         | The compile times are definitely an issue unfortunately.
       | wyldfire wrote:
       | > So, yes, I am still learning Rust.
       | I have always been very cautious about how much I tout my skill
       | with C++. Sure, I know a bunch. Probably a good bit more than the
       | average bear. But the scope of C++ is enormous (even if you stop
       | at C++03 there is a lot to know). And with new language standards
       | it keeps growing.
       | Despite ~two decades of experience, I list my skill level with
       | C++ as "intermediate" because "expert" paints a bullseye on your
       | forehead. I could imagine tons of C++ questions that I could not
       | answer off the top of my head. Those probably disqualify me as an
       | expert and would involve a lot of embarrassing backpedaling in an
       | interview.
       | I wonder how many times my resume was discarded because they
       | needed someone with more than "intermediate" level experience
       | with C++?
         | [deleted]
         | chris_st wrote:
         | At my last job, we were trying to hire an expert C++
         | programmer, and every interview our C++ wizard would ask, "How
         | do you rate your C++ knowledge on a scale of 1..10?" and pretty
         | much invariably get a "8 or 9!" kind of answer.
         | Then came the C++11 and C++14 questions, and yeah, they didn't
         | have a clue.
         | The guy they hired admitted that he _wasn 't_ a wizard, but
         | said that he really wanted to become one.
           | giovannibonetti wrote:
           | This self-assessment ignorance phenomenon is well documented
           | under the name Dunning-Kruger effect [1]
           | [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_ef
           | fec...
         | jerf wrote:
         | "I wonder how many times my resume was discarded because they
         | needed someone with more than "intermediate" level experience
         | with C++?"
         | Don't be afraid to write "expert" with an * with an
         | explanation. You pass the initial screen and anyone hiring an
         | "expert C++ programmer" who won't understand that caveat you
         | gave just there is probably someone you don't want to work for
         | anyhow....
           | [deleted]
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | I wouldn't hesitate to place "Expert" on your resume if you
         | feel you are exceedingly competent in many, but not all, areas.
         | No one should be expected to have rote memorization of all
         | language, compiler and platform features. That is just a
         | ridiculous standard (and I know many organizations interview
         | against it regardless). But, if you are a true master of your
         | craft, it should only take you a day or 2 to ramp up on one of
         | the more esoteric areas of your skillset. A master can quickly
         | swap hats, assuming they are all more-or-less the same brand.
         | This is a point I would try to drive home during an interview
         | if you feel the perception is slipping. "I haven't dabbled in
         | [XYZ framework feature] lately, but I could probably pick it
         | back up in a few days." If I were running the interview, that's
         | all I'd need to hear to put my mind at ease.
         | quadrifoliate wrote:
         | I wonder how much this over-modest attitude of us continual
         | learners is turning hiring into a market for lemons. That is,
         | you are an "intermediate", but the overconfident person who's
         | been doing C++ for two years and is touting themselves as an
         | expert gets hired instead and you get to fix their disasters
         | five years later.
         | And I bet this affects women and other minorities in tech
         | disproportionately.
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | I don't remember which talk it was, but it was comparing an
         | okay dev to a good dev; There was a slide where the "okay" dev
         | rated their C++ knowledge as a 8 or 9, the "good" dev rating it
         | as a 5 or a 6 and Bjarne Stroustrup rating it as a 7.
         | [edit]
         | Some googling later:
         | https://www.slideshare.net/olvemaudal/deep-c/255
           | phaemon wrote:
           | "The object does not know about it's functions"
           | That should be "its". Still, that's one way to force a fact
           | into my brain...
         | stephen82 wrote:
         | The best thing that could have happened to you is to get
         | interviewed in C (!!!) when then position is supposedly for
         | C++, and eventually you learned from people that worked for
         | that company, that they just wanted a WordPress webmaster LOL!
         | I'm not kidding, this is what happened to me 4 years ago.
         | Don't worry about your intermediate level.
         | For sure I can honestly say that I am more than honored to have
         | a 'PhD' in C++'s "hello world" :D
         | It's a language that I would love to work on exclusively for
         | the rest of my life, if I could get hired much like those
         | stories we read about back in the early '90s.
         | They were hiring pretty much anyone who had an interest in
         | computing, even if they were working on something completely
         | unrelated to technology, and they were willing to train them.
         | The fun times...
           | LeifCarrotson wrote:
           | That sounds like a disaster employment situation for someone
           | who actually wants to develop a career in C++. In what way is
           | that a win?
             | samatman wrote:
             | It sometimes happens that any steady paycheck is a win.
             | Hope it never happens to you! But yes, it can happen.
         | BubRoss wrote:
         | I don't think how you rate yourself should be based on the
         | percentage of features and caveats that you know, it should be
         | more based on how effective you are using it.
         | viraptor wrote:
         | My story for discovering that skill is not a single metric was
         | trying describe my c# some time ago, which I learned from a
         | completely different side than most people:
         | - I've done heavily multithreaded network server running on
         | mono/Linux
         | - I've implemented faster virtual method dispatch for a custom
         | CIL compiler
         | - I've never touched popular .NET frameworks or GUI apps
         | Do I know lots about c#? yes. Would I pass a c# test for an
         | average job? there's a good chance I wouldn't because I don't
         | know "that thing everyone else uses".
         | I started listing languages in the "what did I achieve in that
         | job" section rather than separate list.
         | dominotw wrote:
         | I learnt clojure _the language_ in a couple of hours.
         | Ofcourse, I am still learning the library and how to do things
         | better in a functional way. But I was good to go with the
         | language in a couple of hours.
           | ithrow wrote:
           | Me too, but I had already done SICP(scheme), without that I
           | guess it would have take me much longer. Your background
           | matters.
           | sdegutis wrote:
           | And by writing Clojure, you lose a lot of type safety and
           | compile-time efficiency. Not that that's a bad thing, just
           | pointing out that there's a trade-off that it makes in favor
           | of a simpler language to learn and implement. There's also
           | the matter of it being more verbose to represent certain
           | concepts in Clojure due to lack of syntax, but that's harder
           | to argue.
             | dominotw wrote:
             | > just pointing out that there's a trade-off that it makes
             | in favor of a simpler language to learn and implement.
             | I am not sure thats a tradeoff, ruby and python didn't gain
             | anything in terms 'lack of syntax' by trading off 'type
             | safety and compile-time efficiency.'
         | ohazi wrote:
         | There's the now famous anecdote that even Stroustrup rates
         | himself a 7/10 at C++ proficiency.
         | I've also worked on a handful of largeish (10k - 100k line) C++
         | projects both pre and post C++11, and also consider my C++
         | proficiency intermediate, even though I'm comfortable with the
         | language and know how to fill in the gaps when I need to figure
         | out something new, which now happens every 3 years.
         | The language is enormous and complicated, and most people will
         | forget how some of the rarer intricacies work if they don't use
         | them frequently. And since most features are very useful in a
         | few situations, but are not widely useful enough to change
         | daily programming habits, this is basically guaranteed.
         | The language is so big that intermediate is probably just the
         | top of the scale now.
         | Rust isn't _that_ big yet (although it is getting more
         | complex), but many more of the concepts in Rust are somewhat
         | unique to the language, so you 're not just learning new
         | syntax. I think the "always intermediate / always still
         | learning" feeling happens earlier with Rust than with C++
         | because of this.
       | tus88 wrote:
       | It's like C++ - no-one can ever know it all.
       | brundolf wrote:
       | I used to put every technology I had any experience with on my
       | resume.
       | Then I started only listing the ones I knew the best.
       | Now what I do is treat the list as aspirational. "Here are the
       | technologies that I'd like to work with (and which I'm familiar
       | enough with that I could figure the rest out on a job)." I try to
       | paint a story with those technologies: this combination of
       | technologies draws an outline around the type of work I want to
       | be doing.
       | I did this recently with Rust on the list even though I've only
       | done a couple of personal projects with it, and the presence of
       | it specifically made me stand out to a company that I'll soon be
       | starting a position at! They use Rust and are sort of a dream job
       | in a couple other ways too. They said the presence of that
       | language spoke to the personality of the developer, and the kind
       | of things he was likely interested in.
       | Takeaways: don't undersell yourself, and tell a coherent story.
         | sjtindell wrote:
         | That's tough because often I've had coworkers who give their
         | thumbs up or thumbs down based on "he had it on his resume and
         | I asked him basic question X and he had no idea, terrible".
           | brundolf wrote:
           | You should be able to answer the basic questions, but you
           | shouldn't need years of professional experience with
           | something to feel like you can list it without a "learning "
           | prefix
           | pselbert wrote:
           | During the coding exercise portion of an interview I let them
           | choose any language they like. The exercise is exceptionally
           | simple and doesn't push the boundaries of their language
           | knowledge at all.
           | If somebody can't do the exercise in their language of choice
           | I have doubts about their competency in general. That seems
           | different than asking arbitrary questions about specific
           | language constructs.
           | goostavos wrote:
           | "He used a for loop instead of a list comprehension. he
           | clearly isn't actually a Python programmer" -- actual debrief
           | comments :|
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | Everyone knew PEP 20 was feel-good baloney anyways. It just
             | took the Python programmers a bit longer to come around.
             | koyote wrote:
             | I flunked an interview in a similar manner several years
             | ago.
             | Hadn't done Java in around half a decade but the company
             | recruiter said that it's not an issue (they contacted me).
             | Then I got a 30-minute online coding test that I had to do
             | in Java. Took me a while to remember the syntax but
             | finished the required problem in time and without
             | issues/bugs.
             | In the end I got dinged for not using the Java Arrays
             | library for copying an array (used a manual for loop)...
             | brundolf wrote:
             | Personally I wouldn't want to work at a company like that
       | ryuukk_ wrote:
       | excuses
       (page generated 2020-03-12 23:00 UTC)