[HN Gopher] Show HN: I made a chat roulette for remote workers
       Show HN: I made a chat roulette for remote workers
       Author : Pete-Codes
       Score  : 102 points
       Date   : 2020-03-13 16:01 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.remoteroulette.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.remoteroulette.com)
       | [deleted]
       | arjawn wrote:
       | something related (but not real-time like chat roulette) is
       | https://standups.io/ "Insta Stories for Remote Workers"
       | FabienHerfray wrote:
       | Loving the idea! On a different angle and for a more niche Indie
       | Hacker audience, I've been building https://www.frenl.com around
       | the same concept :)
       | crimsonalucard wrote:
       | Make this for groups of people. One on ones are too intense!
       | jadbox wrote:
       | For people interested in talking about politics and local
       | community civic projects, I made a chat roulette service to
       | connect people with similar topic interests:
       | https://dinnertable.chat/
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | It says you should prepare for the debate with sources and that
         | the next round will start in 1.5 hours... but no topic is given
         | and when I click guest access I get a message saying that
         | dinner is already over. The last tweet is from a few weeks ago,
         | no topic announced there either to gauge whether I'm interested
         | in the first place. Not sure how I should get involved other
         | than showing up unprepared and seeing if anything is going on.
       | phnofive wrote:
       | Five dollars? Yuck.
       | If it's a barrier to entry against creeps, it's got to be higher.
       | Maybe a deposit of some kind?
       | Also - since you made the bizarre choice to directly reference it
       | below the "50% off till Monday" tag - it's coronavirus or
       | COVID-19, not corona virus.
         | KaoruAoiShiho wrote:
         | > barrier to entry against creeps,
         | If they just put this sentence on their homepage the reaction
         | on this thread would be totally different.
       | eganist wrote:
       | https://slack.com/apps/A11MJ51SR-donut
       | for anyone that wants something distantly close to this, but
       | baked into slack.
       | Not mine; I'm just familiar with it from past employers.
       | lgeorget wrote:
       | 10 or 15 years ago it would have been a giganticover-engineered
       | distributed XML-based chat protocol that would have been
       | proposed...
       | Instead we have a down-to-earth simple subscription to a
       | centralized list of email addresses and an automatic pairing
       | service. For 5$. What have become of our dreams...
       | Just kidding. I wish you success but I personally won't pay 5$
       | for this, even if it's my first time working from home too.
       | thrownaway954 wrote:
       | _cough_ IRC _cough_
         | roflchoppa2 wrote:
         | what channel we in dawg?
       | itakenaps wrote:
       | Neat idea, but unwilling to spend $5.00 on something I don't
       | need. Perhaps use affiliate links or some other type of not
       | intrusive advertising.
       | yingw787 wrote:
       | How many people have signed up so far?
       | Honestly, just having a Zoom call going for the entire day, with
       | different breakout rooms and multi-person screenshare, would go a
       | long way towards companionship. You don't even need your own
       | platform! $15 / mo. for 100 people for a 24 hour long session :D
       | If it's something like that, and you have DevOps and Full-stack
       | people signed up, and we can switch breakout rooms by host
       | request, I think I'd sign up!
       | Pete-Codes wrote:
       | I thought I'd put something together for people working from
       | home.
       | I've been working remotely since July and honestly, the lack of
       | social contact gets old fast.
         | jyriand wrote:
         | I usually just have a twitch programming stream running in the
         | background. I can participate in the discussion via chat if i
         | feel like it or just focus on my work while hearing someone
         | typing in the background. Not sure why but it gives me a sense
         | that I'm not totally cut off.
           | mey wrote:
           | I have also found Twitch to be a great way to feel a social
           | connection while WFH as a freelancer working solo.
         | trwhite wrote:
         | By that do you mean you dislike the lack of social contact? I
         | started a remote role in November and I'm just starting to
         | appreciate how much I miss spending my day in the company of
         | others.
         | Seth_Goldberg wrote:
         | Did you choose the stock photos for your front page profiles?
         | Are they random? Are you trying to be all 'modern' and
         | 'diverse'? I'm always curious about those ones.
         | vasco wrote:
         | Working remotely for almost 4 years here. Whenever I join a
         | call with co-workers to "hang out" there's no work being done.
         | If someone is there I will speak to them or I'll want to hear
         | what they're saying. And if we're just quiet, my work just
         | becomes the same as if I weren't on the call except I can't
         | have Spotify on.
         | I think there could be a demographic for this tool, but I'd
         | wager not a lot of work will be done while connected to it.
           | ryneandal wrote:
           | We leverage pair programming to alleviate this issue. It
           | works incredibly well, but YMMV
       | itsangaris wrote:
       | Our team ended up creating a Discord voice channel that we can
       | each chime in on as needed. It gives us a "ambient chat" as one
       | of my colleges put it and helps simulate working in the same
       | environment.
         | EGreg wrote:
         | Can someone recommend some good Discord channels to hang out
         | with on diff intellectual subjects?
       | NikolaeVarius wrote:
       | This thread has so much optimism considering what chatroulette
       | is/was/became.
         | hocuspocus wrote:
         | Interestingly, Chatroulette's founder is trying to reboot his
         | platform. He built a small team over here in Switzerland and
         | named a new CEO.
         | shaneprrlt wrote:
         | This tool upgrades #metoo for the remote workforce era.
         | crusty wrote:
         | Immediately thought... So I'm chugging along with work and
         | ready for a little endorphin hit from a social interaction and
         | Bam, a penis. Skip, Bam, an A-hole screaming the N-word at the
         | top of his lungs. Why again did I... People suck, I don't even
         | want my to work anymore.
         | thrwaway69 wrote:
         | exactly my thought.
       | waltbosz wrote:
       | Hi Pete,
       | Some questions:
       | 1. Is the price $5 for life? Or is that monthly fee?
       | 2. Do you get to switch buddies if it doesn't work out?
       | Also, I enjoyed your interview on the IH Podcast.
       | iandanforth wrote:
       | If you're looking for a reputable service of "someone to help you
       | work" I highly recommend https://www.focusmate.com/
       | It's not about meeting new people, in fact, socializing is
       | discouraged, but it _is_ about real people helping each other by
       | just being there.
       | Wmamouth wrote:
       | Should probably make it free to use to get a faster test on your
       | assumptions. It is a very novel assumption that people will
       | actually use this as intended and return everyday.
       | I see more revenue opportunity for advertising, partnerships, and
       | affiliate relationships than a flat membership fee.
       | You can have a premiere membership that has special features like
       | improved vetting and ability to refine matching specifications,
       | after a person ends up liking it, and it's usage becomes routine.
       | You should give users the opportunity to try, because again, its
       | a novel assumption.
       | For the free tier, the 728X90 leaderboard above the chat screen
       | would be highly valuable real estate.
       | trhway wrote:
       | sounds like WFH version of WeWork :)
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | A few thoughts:
       | 1. This is a really neat idea. I love the creativity.
       | 2. But for $5 you're not giving me a whole lot more than what I
       | can get for myself on Reddit, HN, Social Media. What do I get
       | exactly that I can't get by just asking on social media?
       | 3. Call me wrong, I'm not actually sure how I feel on this. But
       | it kind of slightly maybe smells like profiteering. Do you really
       | need $5 per person? Does the price really need to go up if I
       | don't act fast? (I'm anxious enough, thank you) Maybe make it
       | free and ask for server donations?
       | 4. The two bios on the front page feel so fakey fake fake that it
       | turns me right off the service. Maybe that's just me.
       | 5. I really _do not_ want to discourage you. I really hope this
       | feedback is constructive enough.
         | irl_zebra wrote:
         | Uh yeah, especially on the 4. Tineye shows they're stock
         | photos, which seems incredibly shady because you know the
         | quotes are totally fabricated as well. This seems very
         | opportunistic, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but
         | opportunism + shadiness is a bad look.
           | pvg wrote:
           | They're generic usage scenarios and clearly intended as such.
           | I can see how someone might find this off-putting or
           | unappealing but calling it 'shady' is a bit overwrought.
           | There's no intent to deceive here.
             | irl_zebra wrote:
             | The quotes next to them make it strongly seem like they're
             | real people endorsing the product. Coupled with this "Show
             | HN" post, one would think they're genuine people. If this
             | were some corporate blog, I would disagree.
               | pvg wrote:
               | I don't see quotes, just descriptions. They're quite
               | obviously stock photos. This sort of thing is common on
               | all sorts of product pages, tv advertising, etc. It's not
               | my favourite practice and I do think it gives off a kind
               | of low-rent vibe. But it's not intentional deception and
               | is well in-line of typical phoned-in marketing.
             | alasdair_ wrote:
             | >They're generic usage scenarios and clearly intended as
             | such.
             | Based on what? I assumed they were real users because there
             | was no indication otherwise. This is why we have words like
             | "actor portrayal" displayed at the bottom of our screens
             | when a person makes a claim about using a product and it's
             | actually just a person reading a script.
               | pvg wrote:
               | Based on, I dunno, browsing the web? Seeing an occasional
               | TV ad on an airport TV? I don't think it's quality stuff
               | or anything but if you found these confusing, I suppose
               | we move in entirely different media environments.
               | Edit: And, of course, it's also a typical way we often
               | talk about generic scenarios outside of advertising.
               | Alice and Bob are not real people trying to establish
               | secure communications. There is no specific Johnny who
               | can't read, etc.
         | jchook wrote:
         | Re: $5
         | Money makes for an interesting barrier. For example,
         | SomethingAwful charged $10 to sign-up and it basically weeded
         | out all the trash and spam.
         | You could have a tier system. E.g. $5 for general meetings and
         | $100 tier to talk to whatever person will pay $100 for this.
         | Not even sure how I feel about a free tier, but even a $0.01
         | fee paid in crypto would instantly transform the type of people
         | you might encounter on the service.
         | EamonnMR wrote:
         | $5 should discourage the lowest of low effort trolls and for
         | that it's probably worth it.
         | simonskoog wrote:
         | It's just a cash grab. Created yesterday, stock photos, a '50%
         | off' deal at $5 since inception with no demo of how it works. A
         | lot of people will pay $5 and just not think more of it, but
         | that can turn out pretty nice in these times.
         | I do like the idea, but I feel that a Discord chat with
         | separate rooms where multiple people can hang out and find
         | eachother again would be cheaper and more useful.
         | Edit: Actually, if someone feels like setting one up, just ping
         | or reply here. I'd love to join and talk to all sorts of devs
         | from all over who are remoting. My best coworker just had his
         | last day today so doubly interesting personally.
           | romes wrote:
           | I'm interested!
           | Just created a brand new empty one, i'm setting it up, join
           | whenever whoever
           | https://discord.gg/CVgKmaZ
             | tapland wrote:
             | Seems to be taking off, and saving HN users $500. See you
             | there monday.
         | wlesieutre wrote:
         | For $5 you get the knowledge that the other users have also
         | paid $5. I imagine that cuts out a whole lot of troll accounts
         | and people waving their dicks around.
         | Unlike Chat Roulette, there's a financial consequence for
         | getting banned and you would need to pay for a new account.
       | larrywright wrote:
       | I wish I could be optimistic that this won't be abused by creepy
       | guys to show off their junk, but I'm not.
         | larrywright wrote:
         | I somehow missed that this was a paid service. That is actually
         | probably enough of a barrier to adoption that it could minimize
         | junk-showing. It also removes the anonymity a bit (credit
         | card), so it could serve to discourage that behavior.
       | roflchoppa2 wrote:
       | everything for money now days. catch me on freenode ##chat
       | lostgame wrote:
       | What? It's a _paid_ service? Based on one of the crappiest places
       | on the Internet?
       | Get off my HN feed.
       | gczh wrote:
       | Love how this might create a positive spin in light of all the
       | pessimism in these trying times.
       | You're awesome Pete!
       | yani wrote:
       | I like the idea. We will try it out Monday
       | Disruptive_Dave wrote:
       | Oh man, we did this (MVP style) about 6 years ago, called it
       | Collabo. Tested it with a Facebook group, then we manually
       | connected random people together and scheduled them video chats.
       | We called it "the water cooler for solopreneurs." Really just a
       | fun experiment more than a business. Happy to share whatever
       | learnings I can dig up.
       | Edit: Just found the homepage mock. "A first-of-its-kind virtual
       | water cooler for freelancers and solopreneurs." It was invite
       | only, too. At least at the start.
         | azhenley wrote:
         | What happened with it? Why didn't you continue with the
         | concept?
         | cedricium wrote:
         | Sounds interesting! I, too, would like to know why you didn't
         | continue with this. Also:
         | > scheduled them video chats
         | Does a service exist where you can programmatically schedule a
         | video-chat/meeting for two parties?
       (page generated 2020-03-13 23:00 UTC)