[HN Gopher] Show HN: Helm - A Flutter app that gamifies stress/a...
       Show HN: Helm - A Flutter app that gamifies
       stress/anxiety/depression management
       Author : chipneverdies
       Score  : 158 points
       Date   : 2020-03-18 11:44 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | solarkraft wrote:
       | Why don't you provide builds?
         | mdolon wrote:
         | Seconded, would love to send this to a friend to try out.
       | tom-thistime wrote:
       | This comment turns out to be a tangent. But has anyone looked at
       | whether gamification increases stress/anxiety/depression among
       | social app users?
         | perchard wrote:
         | for:
         | https://www.amazon.com/SuperBetter-Living-Gamefully-Jane-McG...
         | https://tim.blog/2015/07/28/jane-mcgonigal/
         | against:
         | https://mental.jmir.org/2019/6/e13717/
       | mmerlin wrote:
       | 99
       | tomcam wrote:
       | No. The correct answer is "shit on its name" and not to encourage
       | people to share cool projects. You fool!
       | Ed. note: I also upvoted for the same reason
         | smoyer wrote:
         | I think the (currently top) comment about it's name is actually
         | important ... I also wondered why it was named "Helm" once I
         | read the title as it didn't seem to fit what the application
         | does. But you're right in the sense a more constructive
         | activity would be to recommend other names. Wouldn't a name
         | like "Relax" or "Exhale" be better in line with "what's in the
         | package"? (note that these were the first two names that came
         | to mind).
           | airstrike wrote:
           | I personally would prefer something like Burrito or Ossobuco
           | /s
             | kempbellt wrote:
             | I can see it now. The get-togethers where you ask your
             | tech-illiterate friends and family, "have you heard of
             | Burrito?" and they all look at you funny. As opposed to,
             | "have you heard of Helm?", and only that one friend who
             | worked on a boat for a summer gets excited that he can add
             | something to conversation.
             | Language needs an upgrade
               | smolder wrote:
               | I'd be happy with cherry picking out all the
               | marketing/semi-literate pop culture influences making a
               | mess of it, but that's just as unlikely as any kind of
               | upgrade.
         | dang wrote:
         | Comments like that one are indeed a problem, but adding more
         | comments about them makes the problem worse.
         | If you see something like that sitting at the top of an HN
         | thread, you can flag it or let us know at hn@ycombinator.com.
         | We detached this subthread from
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22617516.
       | tomcam wrote:
       | Thanks for contributing a nice piece of work particularly
       | appropriate for tough times! I've been wanting to learn Dart and
       | Flutter on a real-life but manageable project.
       | trashface wrote:
       | As a person with anxiety and depression, its easy to come up with
       | dep/anx fueled narratives about how this could go wrong:
       | 1) The app might stress me out and make it worse
       | 2) I might become obsessed with the app and not do stuff I should
       | be doing
       | 3) My employer might get the data somehow and fire me
       | 4) A future employer might get the data and use it as a reason to
       | not hire me
       | 5) Google might get the data and add it my shadow profile, which
       | will then be sold to advertisers. I won't even know and won't be
       | able to delete it.
       | 6) A health insurer will use this as a reason to deny me
       | insurance or charge a premium.
       | Those are just off the type of my head. Don't want to think about
       | what my brain would come up with at 3AM.
       | matchbok wrote:
       | Oof, I thought Flutter was supposed to make programmatic UI more
       | readable/easy?                   body: Stack(
       | children: <Widget>[                 LayoutBuilder(
       | builder: (ctx, constraints) => Container(
       | width: double.infinity,                     height:
       | constraints.maxHeight - 67.0,                     padding: const
       | EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 0.0),
       | child: Column(                       mainAxisSize:
       | MainAxisSize.min,                       crossAxisAlignment:
       | CrossAxisAlignment.start,                       children:
       | <Widget>[                         Column(
       | mainAxisSize: MainAxis                          ....
         | tarkin2 wrote:
         | You can hide that in a smaller widget called
         | SomethingWidget(param:...) to make it more readable.
         | From my experience, using the above style with its data binding
         | is nicer than hunting through XML or whatever GUI you use and
         | seeing how that relates to your code.
         | Easier to navigate and debug. But I agree it can look
         | overwhelming if it's not split into smaller widgets.
         | merrvk wrote:
         | Yikes, that's quite something
         | Sileni wrote:
         | I built a few apps with it. It starts to feel more streamlined
         | once you work in it for a couple days, but whenever I go to
         | make an edit it takes me about an hour of saying "what in
         | the..." before it starts to click.
         | What I always wish I had was a better way to create functions
         | that build smaller units so I didn't have be so many tabs deep.
         | It can be done, but it's not fun or straightforward.
       | KaoruAoiShiho wrote:
       | How do you like flutter? What are your impressions of the
       | platform.
         | _underfl0w_ wrote:
         | Personally, I wasn't a big fan of having to disable the
         | telemetry in the SDK itself - thankfully there was a single,
         | small footnote about it in the docs. Not sure what I expected
         | from the Goog honestly, but it was enough to put a bad taste in
         | my mouth. But hey, M$ does it too with the dotnet core SDK, so
         | maybe that's "par for the course" these days. YMMV.
       | gdsdfe wrote:
       | I would suggest renaming 'anxiety credits' to something else,
       | reminding people they have anxiety won't help getting rid of it.
       | Funes- wrote:
       | We should be able to aid each other, in person, on learning how
       | to manage these ailments, which are frequently associated to a
       | lack of social fulfillment, as I've personally experienced on
       | myself. Gamifying it is literally the last option I would
       | recommend to anyone suffering from anxiety, stress or depression,
       | as blindly following an app's dictates goes essentially against
       | the hard, introspective, and highly critical work one needs to
       | put in in order to start leaning towards being at peace with
       | oneself.
       | I'm not even going to elaborate on how the "reward" function is
       | plainly ill-conceived, for intance.
       | Please, talk to those you love about their suffering; talk to
       | them about yours. Put yourself in the hands of a professional, if
       | you need it. Stop looking for crutches.
         | throwit-hey15 wrote:
         | When I was in high school, I had social anxiety and a tendency
         | to isolate myself. I was also seeing a psychologist at the
         | time. One summer, my mom and I decided (with professional
         | blessing) that I would get a "point" for every activity I did
         | with my friends. It worked, and was actually a big turning
         | point for me personally. If nothing else, it became a way for
         | us to talk about anxiety in a way that removed some of the
         | pressure I was putting on myself and turned it into a game: I
         | wasn't failing as a person any more, I was just playing a game.
         | Please be careful about dismissing an idea so absolutely.
         | Everyone is different. Sometimes crutches do help.
         | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
         | Nothing wrong with crutches. If they don't work for you don't
         | assume them useless to others. Ditto the _" reward" function_
         | that @throwit-hey15 used so successfully.
         | geoelectric wrote:
         | I have an anxiety disorder. Mine's co-morbid with ADHD, but
         | even if it weren't ADHD-like symptoms are well-known
         | secondaries of anxiety and depression. For people like me,
         | gamification helps greatly with incentivizing participation
         | until a habit is built. I have no idea if this particular app
         | would be what'd do it for me, but you're down on the concept in
         | general in a way that doesn't represent my own situation well.
         | I do hear what you're saying, and nothing replaces social
         | interaction, but I think you're making an assumption about this
         | being a be-all-end-all. Maybe it would be for some, but those
         | are probably the people who wouldn't adequately find in-person
         | on their own anyway. Maybe this gets them far enough to do so,
         | since just being functional enough to get help in the first
         | place is often one of the biggest problems.
         | On another note, everyone's different. It's one thing to say
         | what works for you, but your social fulfillment will likely be
         | higher if you don't tell everyone else what will and won't work
         | for them.
       | gigatexal wrote:
       | SEO clash with the popular artifact packager or k8s helm
       | baylessj wrote:
       | I'm a simple man -- I see an open source Flutter app, I upvote
       | it.
       | Thanks for publishing this, I always appreciate seeing examples
       | of full-fledged Flutter apps for reference! The app looks really
       | well built and intuitive to use.
         | rapnie wrote:
         | It is not technically open source, but 'source provided' until
         | there is an OSS license provided.
           | evv wrote:
           | True it may not technically be open source, but certain
           | rights are granted because the author published on GitHub,
           | according to the ToS:
           | > If you set your pages and repositories to be viewed
           | publicly, you grant each User of GitHub a nonexclusive,
           | worldwide license to use, display, and perform Your Content
           | through the GitHub Service and to reproduce Your Content
           | solely on GitHub as permitted through GitHub's functionality
           | (for example, through forking). You may grant further rights
           | if you adopt a license. If you are uploading Content you did
           | not create or own, you are responsible for ensuring that the
           | Content you upload is licensed under terms that grant these
           | permissions to other GitHub Users.
           | https://help.github.com/en/github/site-policy/github-
           | terms-o...
             | TylerE wrote:
             | That doesn't grant any meaningful rights at all.
             | Notably, it doesn't given any right to download or use the
             | code.
               | chalst wrote:
               | I think it does allow download, although it is a little
               | unclear; from the previous sentence:
               | > By setting your repositories to be viewed publicly, you
               | agree to allow others to view and "fork" your
               | repositories (this means that others may make their own
               | copies of Content from your repositories in repositories
               | they control).
               | If I clone a Github repo to my local machine this is
               | 'making my own copy in a repository I control'. But this
               | clause doesn't grant any further right, e.g., to compile
               | code in the repo. This isn't an unheard-of situation:
               | e.g., Knuth allows distribution of the TeX source to the
               | TeXbook but not compiling the source with a TeX engine.
               | TylerE wrote:
               | It later clarifies with "through the GitHub Service and
               | to reproduce Your Content solely on GitHub as permitted
               | through GitHub's functionality (for example, through
               | forking)."
               | That seems to deny any local rights.
       | asutekku wrote:
       | I don't know, gamifying stress/anxiety management sounds
       | extremely stressful.
         | airstrike wrote:
         | I can't wait to be ranked #1 most stressed in US servers
       | cameronfraser wrote:
       | Nice idea, but I don't think gamification works in this context.
       | https://mental.jmir.org/2019/6/e13717/
       | jolmg wrote:
       | This project name is so overused.
       | Helm - The package manager for Kurbenetes
       | https://helm.sh/
       | Helm - A functionally reactive game engine
       | https://github.com/z0w0/helm
       | Helm - Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing
       | framework
       | https://emacs-helm.github.io/helm/
       | Helm - A free polyphonic synth with lots of modulation
       | https://github.com/mtytel/helm
         | brudgers wrote:
         | Complaints about names tend to provide little in the way of
         | insightful feedback. Changing the name won't move the project
         | forward very much if at all. Mostly it's a distraction. Based
         | on evidence of multiple successful projects named 'helm'
         | listed, there's a good chance it's a good enough name.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | Who's heard of those? Should a project have a monopoly on such
         | a generic word from the dictionary?
           | jolmg wrote:
           | Among emacs users, the helm completion framework is also very
           | popular.
           | Among FP enthusiasts, the helm FRP engine is pretty
           | interesting, too.
           | So, at least the first 3 I mentioned are pretty well known in
           | their respective communities.
           | The last one is from the last Show HN I saw for a Helm
           | project.
           | rorymalcolm wrote:
           | Helm for Kubernetes is pretty huge ~17k stars on GitHub and
           | nearing an industry standard.
           | warent wrote:
           | That's not what they're saying at all. Imagine if there was a
           | line of blenders called Raspberry Pi, and a furniture line
           | called Raspberry Pi, shoes branded as Raspberry Pi, a laptop
           | model called Raspberry Pi (unrelated to Raspberry Pi or
           | Raspberry Pi), etc. It's just confusing.
             | ukabwlsbeux wrote:
             | Raspberry Pi is a really unnatural combination of words.
             | Helm is a pretty average noun.
               | smolder wrote:
               | That's exactly why it's a poor choice for a product name.
               | It's "greedy" to claim generic words for your products.
               | It works for the likes of FAANGs with stuff like "Google
               | groups", but at least they're coupling it with their
               | brand. To just come out and call your product "Sink" for
               | example, with no qualifiers, is foolish and bordering on
               | unethical.
               | dang wrote:
               | This is a fine comment. But could you please stop
               | creating accounts for every few comments you post? We ban
               | accounts that do that. This is in the site guidelines:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html.
               | You needn't use your real name, of course, but for HN to
               | be a community, users need some identity for others to
               | relate to. Otherwise we may as well have no usernames and
               | no community, and that would be a different kind of
               | forum. https://hn.algolia.com/?query=by:dang%20community%
               | 20identity...
         | tmitchell wrote:
         | Don't forget:
         | Helm - Personal email/calendar/file/photo server
         | https://gethelm.com
         | (FWIW, I love mine)
           | [deleted]
       | kempbellt wrote:
       | Real question:
       | Who can accurately assess and answer the question: "How anxious
       | are you?"?
       | Just reading this question triggers a bit of anxiety, as I go
       | into self-analysis mode to figure out what signs I've been
       | exhibiting that may indicate that I am "anxious".
       | "Well, I have been a bit jittery, so...7? But I just finished a
       | coffee, so maybe a 5?"
       | I would have a very difficult time answering this question
       | accurately.
       | sli wrote:
       | I'm not a fan of the "Buy something nice" one. It seems like it
       | might feed a harmful coping mechanism.
         | suzakus wrote:
         | I suffer from several of the conditions listed in the target
         | group, and have done impulse purchases online when the lows get
         | low.
         | Definitely a bad coping mechanism - not helpful for feeling
         | better (tend to feel worse when the product arrives), and
         | definitely a waste of money.
         | dinkleberg wrote:
         | I think earning rewards, in general, is kind of an awkward
         | thing in an app like this.
       (page generated 2020-03-18 23:00 UTC)