[HN Gopher] The chronic suffering of the VB.NET community
       The chronic suffering of the VB.NET community
       Author : myu701
       Score  : 85 points
       Date   : 2020-03-18 12:45 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (anthonydgreen.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (anthonydgreen.net)
       | manigandham wrote:
       | A decade too late. This is like complaining that Flash and
       | ActiveX are gone. The world has moved on. C# is easy enough to
       | learn and unless there's maintenance required on legacy code,
       | it's irresponsible to continue using VB on any new projects.
         | swiley wrote:
         | When was it ever responsible to use VB on new projects for
         | anything more than hacking excel?
           | smacktoward wrote:
           | Don't confuse VB with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications,
           | e.g. Excel's scripting language). VB was super-useful for
           | building things like graphical frontends for databases, back
           | when such things were typically delivered as desktop
           | applications rather than web applications.
             | benbristow wrote:
             | You can still do WPF/Windows Forms with C# if you wish just
             | as you would in VB. Drag and drop and double click to write
             | code, all that good stuff.
             | Probably better to just go web-based nowadays though for
             | the instant portability of targeting all of
             | desktop/mobile/tablet all in one go unless you have a
             | reason not to
               | smacktoward wrote:
               | Right, you _can_ do that stuff with modern tools, but
               | there 's just not nearly as much demand for it these
               | days.
               | And back when there _was_ demand for it, VB was among the
               | best tools available to do that job.
             | ptx wrote:
             | VBA is the exact same language as VB 6, with the same
             | implementation and the same IDE. It lacks some options
             | (like compiling to an executable and setting some module
             | attributes) and the forms library is different, but the
             | language is identical. Since diverging, VBA has had some
             | small revisions, with VBA 7 adding support for 64-bit
             | pointers.
             | You might be confusing it with VBScript, Microsoft's old
             | vaguely VB-like alternative to JavaScript that was used in
             | Internet Explorer and (I think) classic ASP.
         | at-fates-hands wrote:
         | Just started working on RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and
         | the tool we primarily use is UIPath. Ironically it's built on
         | VB.Net and requires VB syntax if you want to do anything mildly
         | complex.
         | Not sure why they went that route, but I've ran into several
         | issues when using REST services and other functionality that
         | would be easy to get done in C#, but are time consuming and
         | painful with VB.NET.
           | vb6sp6 wrote:
           | If you were going to train and support users that may not
           | already be programmers, it makes a lot of sense to use a
           | language that is similar to English.
       | alkonaut wrote:
       | VB is dead. Get over it. It was a concession to an army of
       | classic VB devs to not risk losing them to other technology when
       | .NET and C# were born.
       | Since then, every VB develooper has had _two decades_ to realize
       | that VB.NET never was a  "new VB", but just a C# dialect. It
       | offers zero value over C#, and it's so closely related that
       | anyone who knows VB.NET can pick up C# instead in literally no
       | time at all.
       | I don't see why the author brings up F#. F# is just as much a
       | second class citizen in the .NET world, but it is a project of a
       | great community and of ms research.
         | nradov wrote:
         | For better or worse, VB is still very much alive as an embedded
         | language inside Office. It hasn't been enhanced in years but it
         | probably won't be removed any time soon.
           | marcus_holmes wrote:
           | is VBA the same as VB.Net? I thought there were differences?
             | nradov wrote:
             | It's almost completely different. There is only some
             | superficial similarity in syntax.
         | tomashubelbauer wrote:
         | > It offers zero value over C#
         | I loved VB .NET XML literals. Less relevant today with JSON all
         | the things, but I did choose VB .NET a few times over C# just
         | because of these guys. Made for amazingly readable (to me) XML
         | wrangling code.
           | steverb wrote:
           | Used to occasionally import VB libraries into C# for that
           | sort of thing. :-)
             | uk_programmer wrote:
             | A little known secret is that in the VB namespace in .NET
             | full fat, there is a really nice CSV file reader/writer.
             | https://coding.abel.nu/2012/06/built-in-net-csv-parser/
         | runevault wrote:
         | F# is an interesting case. It's a second class citizen but it's
         | also the testing ground for a lot of features that end up in c#
           | niclo wrote:
           | In general, many of the "new" features introduced in the past
           | years, both in C# and in many other languages, simply come
           | from the world of functional programming. So yes, F# in the
           | natural playground for these new features simply because it's
           | functional first.
           | Also, in many other ways is an incredibly powerful language,
           | which leverage in a vry powerful ecosystem, sadly is kinda
           | left behind without big sponsors.
             | runevault wrote:
             | You're not wrong. I need to put more time in with F#. It
             | feels so elegant when I use it, I just have a bad habit of
             | defaulting back to C# when writing .NET code as that's what
             | I know best.
               | keithnz wrote:
               | that's F#s problem. C# is a good language, and while F#
               | has some great things ( discriminated unions,
               | computational expressions, pipline) that make for better
               | ways to create software..... they aren't so much better
               | that it justifies the learning curve to get good at F#
               | compared to just writing things in C# ( unless of course
               | you are a F# programmer and then you can't live without
               | all your toys... ). Also, good luck hiring F# devs. My
               | own experience at my company, I did a bunch of things in
               | F#, but upskilling people just proved too much of a side
               | track that I ended up rewriting all the F# in C#, and it
               | was actually amazingly quick to rewrite in C# ( I didn't
               | like the C# as much, but it's fine).
       | smacktoward wrote:
       | As someone who was a VB developer back when VB.NET first shipped
       | twenty years ago, I'm kind of surprised by this. VB.NET was very
       | clearly a second-class citizen in the .NET ecosystem even back
       | then. While Microsoft paid lip service to supporting it equally
       | with C#, it was very clear from the huge volume of documentation,
       | tutorials, books, etc. they put out for C# compared to the tiny
       | volume for VB.NET that C# was where they really wanted developers
       | to be. And syntactically VB.NET felt more like C#-with-training-
       | wheels than "classic" VB anyway, which reinforced the impression.
       | Given how big C# ended up becoming, I'm wondering why anyone
       | committed to staying in the .NET ecosystem would have stuck with
       | VB.NET all this time. What's the attraction? I could see it as a
       | transitional stage to get classic VB developers started on the
       | road to C#, but as a long-term solution it seemed doomed to
       | chronic suffering from birth.
         | 98codes wrote:
         | I recognized that I had to move from VB.Net to C# because
         | that's where the jobs were 15 years ago. Anyone sticking it out
         | now won't quit until they have zero options left.
         | S_A_P wrote:
         | I did a lot of VB6 around the time C# took hold. I initially
         | thought that switching to VB.NET was the move, but with the
         | .NET framework the whole paradigm shifted anyway so I figured I
         | would go the way of the curly bracket. I was also tinkering
         | with C/C++ at the time doing DSP/VST plugin development so
         | while VB was a great RAD/Line of business platform it quickly
         | ended up feeling verbose(most of the time, but sometimes not)
         | and clunky. I soon could parse curly bracket languages much
         | more quickly as well. Be it nostalgia or stubbornness I don't
         | see a problem with sticking with VB if that is your jam, but
         | you cant expect the world to not move on either...
           | nogabebop23 wrote:
           | We moved from vb6 to vb.Net and within about 2 years it was
           | clear that c# wa the path forward. We transitioned after that
           | but still have legacy apps that combine both. It was actually
           | the smoothest, least painful technology dead-end I've ever
           | experienced.
         | kogus wrote:
         | I think I must be the only person alive who actually prefers
         | Pascal-style syntax (VB, VB.NET, Delphi, PL/SQL) to C-style
         | syntax. There are lots of small nice things, such as distinct
         | keywords for end blocks ("End Try", "End Loop", "End If"), and
         | syntactic sugar like the "With" keyword. Intellisense in Visual
         | Studio still seems to work better in VB.NET than C#. It does
         | look comparatively simple; but I'd prefer the complexity of my
         | code to be mitigated by the syntax, not exacerbated by it.
           | tabtab wrote:
           | I have to agree: VB has better syntax, at least for my head.
           | In addition to better block-boundary-matching, I like the
           | type name coming after the variable name. It's silly to put
           | the type first, especially for long ones. And it has a much
           | better SWITCH/CASE statement. Having to use "_" for line
           | continuation can sometimes be annoying, but at least you
           | don't have to deal with semi-colons.
           | In C-style syntax there's often disagreement on how to format
           | blocks, but there's rarely a disagreement in VB: there's
           | naturally only one choice.
           | Maybe take the best of VB and Pascal, clean up the key-words
           | by tossing legacy inconsistencies, and produce a next
           | generation "word-oriented" style. #MVBGA!
           | Related: https://wiki.c2.com/?TheRightWayToDoWordyBlocks
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | You are not the only one. I can see a few around me, and
           | there aren't that many developers here :)
           | Personally, I think every balanced marker (parenthesis, block
           | beginning/termination, brackets) adds a maintainabiliy cost
           | and is better replaced by some unbalanced alternative (on the
           | case of blocks, semantic whitespace is the current winner).
           | The largest the thing inside the markers, the higher the
           | cost.
           | mattmanser wrote:
           | I've had to deal with a codebase that's part VB.Net and part
           | C# for the last 6 years.
           | I don't really feel any pain switching between them, apart
           | from VB.net is a bit annoyingly verbose and I always forget
           | how to do linq lambda functions in it.
           | One tip I would add is that you can change the colour of the
           | matching {} when you're in a block scope. VS actually
           | highlights the opening and closing of the block. Usually not
           | much of a problem due to auto-indenting, it can help a lot
           | with complex code.
           | For some idiotic reason the default is a very light grey, but
           | if you make it darker or a different colour, picking out
           | ending } or starting { becomes trivial.
             | aloisdg wrote:
             | You should try https://viasfora.com/
           | naavis wrote:
           | What makes distinct keywords for end blocks nice in your
           | opinion? I feel they are maybe overly verbose.
             | AndrewDucker wrote:
             | Harder to mismatch.
             | In C# the end to an if and a try both look the same. In VB
             | they don't.
               | 51Cards wrote:
               | This. I flip between both languages all the time and
               | without issue but I have to say in VB.Net I never have to
               | go looking for that random missing brace that is throwing
               | the entire structure off. I spent enough time doing that
               | in my LISP days. :)
               | As for the complaints of something being verbose, I see
               | people constantly adding comments to close braces to
               | indicate what it was they closed.
               | graham_paul wrote:
               | in my opinion, if you are having issues with mismatches
               | braces, you have too much code in your file. I have seen
               | this issue with God classes (which seem to be more
               | prevalent in VB codebases)
           | [deleted]
         | danielbarla wrote:
         | I remember this slightly differently; the change to C# was
         | swift and rather brutal, but VB.Net was very much the default
         | choice for most organisations transitioning from VB. In
         | 2001-2002, seeing C# in production eluded a response along the
         | lines of "wow, you guys are quite brave, kudos". By 2003-2004
         | though, the switchover had pretty much happened, nevertheless
         | there were still swathes of legacy code to be maintained. At
         | least, this was my experience in the handful of companies I
         | worked with around then.
         | I've seen several moderately large and active projects (5+
         | developer maintenance team) still surviving to this day,
         | running on VB.Net. In most cases though, these were started in
         | the mid-2000s, simply due to manpower questions, not language
         | advantages. I recall being moderately surprised even circa 2008
         | that the author of CSLA.Net (an interesting object-oriented
         | framework) was mostly using VB.Net. I guess from their point of
         | view, they were more proficient in that languages, and the cost
         | of switching was too high. I definitely don't see any rationale
         | for benefits, akin to say F# vs C#.
         | m0xte wrote:
         | I actually quit a company in 2004 because they decided to go
         | VB.net first. Was a good move because they are still on it and
         | up shit creek now. I'm not sure how they managed to retain any
         | staff as long as they did.
       | greatjack613 wrote:
       | As someone who started programming in VB.NET, this is so true.
       | It was a great language for beginners that also had enough oomph
       | to build commercial applications, everyone who I spoke to who
       | actually used it loved it.
       | Why a 1 trillion dollar company like microsoft can't hire 5
       | dedicated devs is beyond me.
         | aliswe wrote:
         | That goes back to if the decision to assign them is strategic,
         | or not. If they wish to deprecate the language, it will not be
         | done. Also one could argue that that small code change which
         | took 5 minutes could have cost the company hundreds of hours
         | supporting their clients if something happened. So that would
         | make that very small change a very big change, not based on
         | effort but on impact.
       | 60secz wrote:
       | > I am a PURE VB.NET developer. I have never used any other
       | language full-time for any significant portion of my education or
       | career--a client project here or there but nothing that somehow
       | made me NOT a VB developer. How am I supposed to engage?"
       | Every developer should be polyglot. Adapt or die.
         | smacktoward wrote:
         | I dunno, there are plenty of slices of the programming world
         | where you can quite profitably work in a single language for
         | most or even all of your career. If you specialized in Java
         | twenty years ago, you'd have skills that are still in demand
         | today and will likely still be in demand twenty years from now
         | (as long as you keep current with changes to the platform).
         | But betting your career on a single language is definitely a
         | big bet. And any bettor will tell you one of the key skills is
         | knowing when to cut your losses.
           | balfirevic wrote:
           | It's fine to happen to develop (or only have developed) in a
           | single language - you might have found your niche and all
           | that.
           | But the way the author of the article put it is just so weird
           | - choosing the word "pure" in all caps - like it's a point of
           | pride, or big part of their identity.
       | nxc18 wrote:
       | I'd advocate for the opposite: VB is never going to get first
       | class support. It was clear that I should jump ship when first
       | learning it back in 2010.
       | Microsoft should just kill it (aka put it into mature support)
       | and give clear guidance that developers should move on.
       | If you can learn and understand VB.NET you can learn and
       | understand C#. It's time to rip the band aid off.
       | kelvin0 wrote:
       | Imagine how the poor Fortan and Cobol devs feel.
         | vb6sp6 wrote:
         | I imagine they feel pretty good considering the type of money
         | they make
           | chrisseaton wrote:
           | Is there a lot of money in Fortran? Anyone could learn
           | Fortran in a week if they wanted, and there's tons of
           | research assistants who know it already. How's it lucrative?
       | uk_programmer wrote:
       | VB gets a lot of hate. But the language is perfectly fine for the
       | most part. One of the most annoying things about VB.NET is that
       | projects need to be configured with certain options out of the
       | box otherwise it allows you to write some very sloppy code.
       | I still use VB.NET for creating quick tooling for either myself
       | or non-technical users. There doesn't appear to be anything else
       | really these days for doing that. The newer options from
       | Microsoft tend to enforce a lot of patterns, which just slow you
       | down, when for small tools you don't really require all that
       | guff.
       | I hope with an open source .NET compiler it will be possible
       | VB.NET to carry on well beyond Microsoft's culling.
       | rufius wrote:
       | Why uhhh... why wouldn't people just start writing new components
       | in C#. Surely learning C# is not beyond them?
       | It's not like there's a compatibility issue. Just stop writing
       | it.
         | czechdeveloper wrote:
         | There are 1 to 1 transpilers between languages (with few
         | exceptions such as LINQ to XML in VB) that are really good.
         | I've migrated hundreds of thousands lines of VB to C# in past
         | years.
           | aljarry wrote:
           | Had similar experience - I transpiled a ~120kLOC legacy
           | winforms app in day and a half - mostly spent fixing build
           | errors between not exactly translatable elements / missing
           | rules in transpiler.
         | contextfree wrote:
         | what if they don't want to?
           | eropple wrote:
           | They're welcome to maintain their own ecosystem. Microsoft
           | made it clear over a decade ago that VB.NET was symptomatic
           | treatment at best.
           | chrisseaton wrote:
           | Are they going to pay Microsoft enough to maintain VB.NET
           | just for them?
           | Or they could re-implement and maintain VB.NET themselves?
           | Those are their options. You can't just demand that someone
           | provide you a product if they don't want to.
       | gus_massa wrote:
       | As a VBClasic user that never made the transition to VB#.NET, a
       | wish you the best but I loose my hopes a long time ago.
         | bluedino wrote:
         | I've ran into it at a couple jobs in the last decade, there's
         | more VB code out there than people might expect.
         | w3mmpp wrote:
         | Out of curiosity, do you develop professionally in VB classic?
           | vb6sp6 wrote:
           | I do. We build a desktop app used by businesses around the
           | world, including some mentioned regularly on hacker news :)
           | At the time we stared (1999), vb seemed like a great choice
           | for desktop apps: It had a ton of built-in controls for
           | building UIs, it was quick and easy to do so, and there were
           | tons of dlls and ocxes we could tap into from a ton of
           | different vendors.
           | The vb language was also appealing on a larger scale because
           | you could take existing knowledge to other areas of the
           | windows ecosystem: excel\outlook automation, classic asp if
           | you need web stuff, windows automation\administration, and ie
           | scripting.
           | MSDN was also an incredible learning resource
           | I attended a few small group sessions with microsoft in the
           | early days of .net and we were planing on migrating ~100k
           | lines based on what we were being shown. It looked awesome.
           | I managed to get hold of an early beta version and did the
           | obligatory "hello world" and was gut punched. It took a few
           | seconds to load took like 20ish mb of ram.
           | It seems laughable by today's standards, but in 2000 our
           | target customers were still clinging to win98 and the pc's
           | generally had garbage specs. IT people were _livid_ we were
           | _wasting_ 4mb of their ram to run the vb6 version of our app.
           | We lost sales and spent hours on the phone justifying our ram
           | usage (fun times). A 5x increase in ram was completely
           | unacceptable so we put it on hold in hopes that the release
           | would improve things.
           | Things didn't improve so we put the plans on hold in hopes
           | that vb7 would get released or they would reduce the runtime
           | requirements.
           | Then something really strange happened: We almost lost a sale
           | because the IT guy thought we were using .net and he refused
           | to install the .net framework because it "used too much
           | disk". I had to take 2 meetings with this guy and was
           | literally screaming into the "WE DONT FUCKING USE THE .NET
           | wasn't the only incident. I'd get pulled into calls and would
           | have to talk irate IT guys down from the ledge and assure
           | them that no .net framework was required to run our program.
           | Today, things are much different, no one cares about using
           | gigs of ram or hundreds of gigs of disk space. But there is a
           | new set of problems trying to explain how a desktop app works
           | to someone who only knows how to admin web apps.
           | And the .net framework eventually become ubiquitous via
           | windows updates and other, more critical software, starting
           | to require it. But the early days were really, really odd (at
           | least for us and our customers).
           | We aren't complete luddites though. We do utilize some .net
           | (asp.net\vb.net) on the server side for a few tools. We have
           | a mobile app (xamarin\c#) that has some companion features,
           | raspberry pi (python) for some "smart" displays, Arduino, and
           | have started to look at blazor to the replace the desktop
           | app.
           | I might still recommend vb6 for a desktop app with the caveat
           | that it is a pain in the ass to install on later versions of
           | windows.
           | tldr: vb6 mostly just works and is a great tool for desktop
           | apps
           | aliswe wrote:
           | Anecdote:
           | I remember in 2007 or '08 a colleague was assigned to
           | Ericsson, to work on a time reporting "application" made in
           | VBA, contained in a gigantic Excel spreadsheet. I also
           | assisted in some troubleshooting.
           | It was called Tratten, swedish for "the funnel", and I
           | remember him telling me that when he presented it to some
           | kind of stakeholder board and when said "sometimes, the
           | application gives a 'read error'" and the whole board
           | reverberated "read error?!" amongst themselves ...
           | foepys wrote:
           | I know somebody that does. It's working surprisingly well
           | considering that it has been deprecated since 2001.
           | Interop with C# is working fine and as long as don't have to
           | do too much in the VB part of your program, you can just use
           | it as a "library" (which is technically isn't because you
           | should only call C# from VB, not the other way around). The
           | only two disadvantages I know of are restriction to 32-bit
           | and no easy CI/CD support. Maybe also that it doesn't support
           | HiDPI forms and Windows just scales it up but who is really
           | expecting that from a 90s technology?
             | w3mmpp wrote:
             | Yes, and I guess it could also be ran into a VM with
             | Windows 95-98 or that other open source clone, can't
             | remember the name now and still be useful.
               | jacobush wrote:
               | Wine + Linux and ReactOS would work equally well.
               | Wine would probably be easier to setup.
       | asdfman123 wrote:
       | They make the argument that it would take very little effort for
       | MS to maintain VB.NET.
       | If that's true, I wonder if part of the reason MS is killing VB
       | is that it doesn't serve any necessary purpose, and it is simply
       | uncool. I wonder if "uncoolness" is a primary factor.
       | It sounds silly to write, but think about it -- technologies live
       | and die by coolness. MS is doing everything they can right now to
       | shake off their uncool past, and VB is certainly a relic of the
       | uncool past.
       | Developer share is crucial. You get a lot of developer share by
       | being cool. Thus, being cool is very important. Damn, _I_ want to
       | drop a Medium article on hackernews now with my hot new take.
       | Someone1234 wrote:
       | It likely takes 3-5 developers just to maintain what they already
       | have until end of life.
       | Whenever people come up with these tiny estimates for how much
       | "effort" things take they ignore the organizational overhead and
       | maintenance costs. For example, when changes are made to the
       | CTS/CLS[0] a lot of time is spent considering how those changes
       | will impact other .Net languages, that's a cost/overhead even
       | without actual work on those languages.
       | So it might take "3-5 people to keep VB.Net alive" but only if
       | you ignore the man-hours lost in other teams (.Net Framework,
       | Tooling, Libraries, etc) and the people already required to
       | maintain existing VB.Net Support (3-5~). 15-20 people is a more
       | realistic conservative estimate.
       | Plus the language's popularity is almost gone:
       | https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=%2Fm%2F0...
       | [0] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/common-
       | type...
         | nv-vn wrote:
         | With the interest fading so much, I think Microsoft probably
         | just wants to nix the project as something official. While it's
         | not expensive for them to maintain, I imagine they don't want
         | to be tied to a dying product like that. They probably want to
         | actively discourage development of VB because VB does not fit
         | into their vision of the .NET ecosystem anymore. I think that's
         | the point the author is missing here.
       | nv-vn wrote:
       | One thing the author failed to consider when discussing F# was
       | that F#'s community leans heavily towards compiler/programming
       | language people. Historically, MLs have been extremely popular
       | for writing compilers and a lot of the folks using F# today
       | either come from that background or have been exposed to people
       | from that background and learned about some aspects of compilers.
       | I would wager that maybe 25% of F# users are _capable_ of somehow
       | contributing to the F# compiler compared to maybe 5-10% for C#
       | and VB.NET. I also imagine the F# compiler's source code to be
       | drastically smaller and simpler given both its history and the
       | ease of writing compilers in F#.
         | josteink wrote:
         | Edit: disregard
           | contextfree wrote:
           | The VB compiler is written in VB: https://github.com/dotnet/r
           | oslyn/tree/master/src/Compilers/V...
           | [deleted]
         | Arnavion wrote:
         | >I also imagine the F# compiler's source code to be drastically
         | smaller and simpler given both its history and the ease of
         | writing compilers in F#.
         | I agree that the F# compiler's codebase is much smaller than C#
         | (wc suggests 417k lines for dotnet/roslyn:src/Compilers/CSharp/
         | vs 190k lines for dotnet/fsharp:src/, which is hopefully all
         | the right files).
         | But as far as simpler goes, the compiler is quite a bit
         | complicated by having to implement F# in terms of .Net. Enum
         | variants are actually classes inheriting from the class
         | representing the enum, modules are actually classes, core
         | library members being called by different names in F# vs not,
         | the desugaring of computation expressions into state machines,
         | ...
         | Then there's F#-specific stuff, like the core library, having
         | two different kinds of parsers (#light on and off), two
         | different kinds of generics, quotations, ...
       | ourmandave wrote:
       | My take away from this is either:
       | 1. Start a go-fund-me to get a VB.net team started.
       | 2. Start work on an open source VB.net to F# transpiler.
       | kstrauser wrote:
       | I worked for a shop that was heavily invested in Visual FoxPro,
       | after that time had come and gone. I spent a few years switching
       | most stuff to Python and PostgreSQL, then moved to another city.
       | When I checked in with some friends from there to say hi, I found
       | out that they'd replaced all my "weird Python stuff" with good,
       | standard VB.Net (starting in 2013). I didn't know whether to
       | laugh or cry (with strong leanings toward the latter). It's too
       | bad. I love that company and the people there, but I'd like to
       | smack the person who convinced them to go for that particular
       | rewrite, or at least make fun of them in public.
         | smacktoward wrote:
         | The hitch there is that there's not so much an ecosystem for
         | individual Microsoft products as there is a Microsoft
         | ecosystem, where all the products are puzzle pieces that snap
         | into each other. So if you're in that ecosystem and a Microsoft
         | product you're currently using stops being available, there
         | will be a strong gravitational pull drawing you towards other
         | Microsoft products to fill the gap. You can fight that tendency
         | by bringing in non-Microsoft products, but even if they're much
         | better than the MS alternatives, MS people are always going to
         | feel weird about using them. It's like telling them to defy
         | gravity by standing on a chair all day.
           | jonathanlydall wrote:
           | I think his dismay was that they chose VB.Net over C# for
           | their rewrite.
             | kstrauser wrote:
             | You're right. If they'd picked C# (again, in 2013 or so!),
             | I would have been disappointed but understanding. Hey, it's
             | not my project anymore and you've gotta pick what works
             | best for you and your team, not to satisfy my preferences.
             | But to finally be on an open non-Microsoft platform, and
             | then to change back to it _for VB.Net_? That 's just
             | mystifying.
         | eitland wrote:
         | The obvious choice for anyone who has tried a few languages
         | should probably have been C#, but personally, if it was my
         | choice to make and the team was experienced in Visual Foxpro
         | I'd probably choose VB.Net if they wanted it.
         | The alternative would be C#.
         | Full disclosure:
         | Languages sorted by when I learned them:
         | - Basic
         | - Visual Basic
         | - C
         | - Assembly
         | - Java (well, I "learned" that I was hopelessly ineffective
         | with it. Still got a B.)
         | - Javascript
         | - Python
         | - PHP
         | - AutoHotKey
         | - Java (actually learned it)
         | - Perl
         | - Delphi
         | - C#
         | - VB.Net
         | Reasons:
         | Once I actually understood the value of a real typed language
         | there's no way I'll go back except for scripting and small one-
         | offs.
           | kstrauser wrote:
           | Thing is, there was only one person there who was really
           | maintaining the VFP stuff. We'd already done the switch for
           | everything else.
           | I agree about strongly typed languages. I'd never give Python
           | and its strong typing to switch to a scripting language.
       | mellosouls wrote:
       | "Chronic suffering" seems a wee bit hyperbolic, especially in the
       | current apocalyptic climate. Perspective, please.
       | OT I remember when VB.Net first came out and some VB6 devs were
       | rather sniffily referring to it as "Visual Fred" due to the lack
       | of resemblance wth VB beyond keywords.
       | It was obvious from the get go VB was now a second class citizen,
       | and c# was the future...
         | wvenable wrote:
         | VB.NET's only purpose _should_ have been 99% compatibility with
         | VB6. Instead, it was too much like C# to be compatible and too
         | much like VB6 to be consistent.
         | I had lot of experience with VB6 back in the day but I moved
         | straight to C#.
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