[HN Gopher] RFC: Adopt a modern JavaScript framework for use wit...
       RFC: Adopt a modern JavaScript framework for use with MediaWiki
       Author : aliveupstairs
       Score  : 266 points
       Date   : 2020-03-19 08:17 UTC (14 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (phabricator.wikimedia.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (phabricator.wikimedia.org)
       | austincheney wrote:
       | Do they really need a large framework? It is possible to write
       | fast elegant applications in JavaScript without a framework.
       | MatthewPhillips wrote:
       | This is a bad idea. If you look at the list of advantages to
       | doing this only 1 is user-centric (things would be reactive). The
       | rest are all related to how it makes development easier. When you
       | choose a developer-centric workflow your users will suffer.
       | You only have to look at the numerous server to SPA conversions
       | to see how consistently bad of a choice this tends to be; Reddit
       | is a big and obvious example.
       | They could take a half-measure and move away from the brittle
       | jQuery based front-end they are currently using by adapting those
       | to use something like Preact, while leaving the rest of the page
       | alone. This would give you more dynamic and more maintainable
       | page widgets without the sacrifices that inevitably occur when
       | you move the entire site to being front-end rendered.
         | brabel wrote:
         | It's not just a bad idea... it's a horrible, dangerous idea.
         | All of their points can be easily addressed with a static site
         | generator or just some CMS that lets you write pages using
         | templates instead of just pure HTML. That's absolutely
         | declarative, a lot more than a JS-framework based app. The only
         | point that would be missing is the reactive part as you
         | mention: but who the hell expects a wiki to be reactive?! I
         | expect it to be as close as possible to the printed version! A
         | Wiki is NOT a web app!
           | otterlicious wrote:
           | > a static site generator
           | You really think 140,000 people are going to learn git all of
           | a sudden?
             | Fnoord wrote:
             | Learning Git (there are GUIs for it as well) can aid one in
             | so many additional ways though.
         | EvanYou wrote:
         | Who said they are going to make the entire page SPA? They
         | picked Vue specifically because Vue allows them to
         | progressively enhance parts of the page with interactivity
         | without going full SPA (AND without hard reliance on a build
         | step).
           | MatthewPhillips wrote:
           | They listed SPA capabilities as a requirement when choosing a
           | framework.
           | Every framework allows only rendering to part of the screen,
           | but all of them also allow and encourage the building of
           | SPAs, including Vue. Building SPAs is the overwhelming norm
           | when using any of these frameworks.
           | If they are bucking the trend here, that's great, I
           | encouraged using a declarative library for the truly dynamic
           | parts in my above post. However this post contains a lot of
           | red flags such as the term "Server-Side Rendering" that are
           | unnecessary if using it not for a SPA. So it's worth pointing
           | out the risk.
       | longtermd wrote:
       | A warm Welcome to the Vue family! :)
       | heinrichhartman wrote:
       | At least the content is freely available, so I can stand-up my
       | HTML-only Wikipedia clone if they render the official version
       | unusable with this reactive JS madness.
       | Turns out HTML over HTTP is GREAT way to deliver encyclopedic
       | content.
       | speedgoose wrote:
       | I have used react and vue and I prefer vue. React is fine but it
       | has a few issues such as having to write className instead of
       | class in the html templates (yes I know why). It's not a big
       | difference between all these new frameworks though, and it will
       | be a huge improvement over html generated from PHP with some
       | jQuery.
       | cheapsteak wrote:
       | >Better support for usage without Webpack/Babel/front-end build
       | tools
       | It looks like it's reasonably easy to setup run-time JSX
       | compilation by using a service worker with babel to intercept and
       | transpile .jsx files. I imagine the performance tradeoffs would
       | be similar to using Vue with string templates? Could be faster
       | actually since you could memoize/cache in the service worker
       | HumblyTossed wrote:
       | > The need to evolve our platform is very evident when it comes
       | to how we design, develop, and deliver experiences to users in
       | the browser.
       | > Requirements:
       | > The framework allows UI elements to be defined in a declarative
       | way
       | > UI elements created within the framework are reactive (update
       | automatically in response to changes in data or user input) by
       | default
       | > The framework is open-source, widely used, and has a thriving
       | community (and we anticipate this will continue to be the case
       | for years to come)
       | > Flexibility: the framework supports the widest-possible range
       | of use-cases (client-side as well as server-side rendering,
       | progressive enhancement as well as full "SPA" usage, build step
       | as well as no build-step etc.)
       | > The framework is heavily optimized for performance.
       | Only ONE of those has _anything at all to do with the user_.
         | untog wrote:
         | To be blunt, this is an extremely common thing in web
         | development and it makes me very sad. But whenever I raise it
         | I'm rebuffed with the vague argument that "developer
         | productivity = more features = better user experience". Which
         | sounds great in theory but a crappy experience is a crappy
         | experience no matter how many features you put on top.
         | Go look at the lighthouse scores for pages that use React +
         | Redux + whatever + blah blah and tell me the user experience
         | isn't sub par. Especially for an organisation like MediaWiki
         | page load time is absolutely critical. I really hope they are
         | sensible enough to choose something lightweight.
           | anchpop wrote:
           | > Go look at the lighthouse scores for pages that use React +
           | Redux + whatever + blah blah and tell me the user experience
           | isn't sub par
           | I looked at the Lighthouse score for my blog (written in
           | React and all that blah blah). It got a 100 for performance,
           | 100 for accessibility, 100 for best practices, and 100 for
           | SEO. So I am happy to tell you the user experience is not sub
           | par.
             | untog wrote:
             | Serious question: why are you using React for a blog? What
             | interactive elements are there on the page that require it?
             | EDIT: Saw the link in your profile. I see lower numbers
             | than you, though not by much. But I also see 2.6 seconds
             | time to interactive with 3.1 seconds of main thread work.
             | Broadly speaking, that's fine for your blog. But if it was
             | a site that you expect to add more and more features to
             | over time that number is only going to go up. 3.1 seconds
             | of main thread work to render an _entirely static page_ isn
             | 't _good_. It 's acceptable at best.
               | anchpop wrote:
               | There are no interactive elements, I just enjoy using
               | React more than the alternatives, even for static
               | content. Instead of asking "what requires react", a
               | better question is "what are the tradeoffs of using react
               | in this situation". In my case React allows me to use
               | Gatsby, a wonderful static site generator, and it also
               | makes it easy for me to add any interactive content I
               | want in the future.
               | My site will load fine without javascript, so it's hard
               | to imagine react is slowing things down much (although if
               | you've visited before the PWA will mess it up if you try
               | to turn JS off).
               | For something like Wikipedia, time to interactive isn't
               | that important (which is good, because lighthouse tells
               | me that this page [1] has a TTI of 7.4s). First
               | meaningful paint matters much more. I really disagree
               | with the narrative that anything written with React is
               | going to have a much worse user experience compared to
               | the "old" stack.
               | [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthias_Hansen_House
               | untog wrote:
               | I'd say your use case isn't really all that applicable to
               | how React is normally used. Zero interactive elements and
               | doesn't require JS... that really isn't typical for a
               | React deployment.
               | > I really disagree with the narrative that anything
               | written with React is going to have a much worse user
               | experience compared to the "old" stack.
               | Why only compare to the old stack? When you're evaluating
               | a brand new solution would should be looking for the best
               | one, not any solution that improves your current
               | situation.
             | sequoia wrote:
             | Go look at the lighthouse score on my blog:
             | https://sequoia.makes.software/
             | Also a 100 on performance & time to interactive 0.9
             | seconds. What are the key features of React that you use to
             | set your blog apart from mine?
           | [deleted]
         | Richicoder wrote:
         | That's because the issue they're trying to solve is being
         | slowed down by _existing JavaScript_ tooling and infra. This is
         | very explicitly to improve Dev UX. And they already called out
         | the most important concern when switching to a new lib:
         | > The framework is heavily optimized for performance.
       | Kiro wrote:
       | Vue is just like Angular 1 but with less boilerplate. As your app
       | grows you will run into the same issues. Never had the same
       | feeling with React.
       | jeroenhd wrote:
       | What does this mean for Wikimedia? Will they extend file
       | uploaders and such with some fancier animations and code or will
       | Wikimedia turn into another one of these God-awful Javascript
       | applications running an HTML renderer inside the browser's HTML
       | renderer?
       | Don't get me wrong, Javascript web applications have their place,
       | but Wikimedia is a website and not a web application.
       | Will Vue and React work on 2G cell phones running super basic
       | browsers? Will screen readers support all elements created by the
       | Javascript framework?
       | I have seen too many sites collapse into an empty white page
       | because whatever javascript they were running couldn't access a
       | resource and the shitty JS framework just stopped, leaving me
       | with an empty page. I hope the Wikimedia foundation can stay
       | clear of unnecessary javascript development as long as possible.
         | k__ wrote:
         | I'm a React fanboy, but I have to admit, the Svelte performance
         | and code size is impressive.
         | Maybe that would be a feasible way to get a modern developer
         | experience without the bloat?
           | marcus_holmes wrote:
           | One of their criteria is widespread adoption. Svelte isn't
           | there yet. One day it probably will be, but today is not that
           | day.
             | slantyyz wrote:
             | I think that's a chicken egg thing. If Wikimedia adopted
             | it, adoption rates would skyrocket.
           | ivanfon wrote:
           | Svelte is my favourite framework right now (it's really
           | reignited my love for web development after using React for a
           | long time), but unfortunately one of their criteria/use cases
           | was "build step as well as no build-step", which doesn't work
           | since Svelte is a compiler.
           | While I thought dropping the "no build-step" requirement
           | wouldn't be a big deal nowadays, they later say:
           | > We should still explore introducing a full build step in
           | the future (including full support for module bundling, ES6+
           | transpilation via Babel, etc), but this is a non-trivial
           | change to the architecture of MediaWiki.
           | I can see why going with something that doesn't need a build-
           | step could be appealing.
           | There's also the other factor (mentioned below) about
           | community. If MediaWiki chose Svelte, they would definitely
           | have to invest a lot into the framework and it's community,
           | and I'm not sure if that's something they want to or are
           | capable of doing. The biggest pain point with Svelte right
           | now (at least for me) is the tooling, it's real bad.
           | This is the only mention about Svelte:
           | > Svelte, Inferno, and Preact are aggressively optimized for
           | performance but have much smaller communities of users
           | (Preact suffers from this issue to a lesser extent, but only
           | as long as it maintains a very high level of compatibility
           | with mainstream React, which may not be the case forever).
           | I'd be interested in seeing a bit more discussion about it.
         | joshwcomeau wrote:
         | A lot of the questions you're rhetorically asking are answered
         | in the RFC you're commenting on.
         | Specifically, they had real problems with their current system,
         | which they documented here:
         | https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T225453. Then they explored
         | the available options in the ecosystem and came up with the one
         | they thought would best fit their needs.
         | If you're gonna be critical, at least take the time to
         | understand what they're doing and why.
           | draw_down wrote:
           | HN will never pass up an opportunity to shit on JS or
           | especially web frameworks, without fail. It's actually sort
           | of entertaining.
           | jeroenhd wrote:
           | I understand them wanting to rewrite their old javascript
           | code. After all, in the frontend world, the toolset currently
           | used is ancient.
           | However, almost all of my experience with any Javascript
           | framework describing itself as "modern" is a white page with
           | no content of {{ placeholder }}a everywhere text should be.
           | Several comments on the RFC already seem to state the
           | intention to slowly change Wikimedia into a more
           | "interactive" experience. What I fear is that a framework
           | such as Vue will make it _too_ easy to make everything flashy
           | and modern and suddenly you end up with another SPA where a
           | website should be.
           | The RFC talks about this shortly and mentions server side
           | rendering but not much about what should be rendered server
           | side and what shouldn't. The overview of problems seems more
           | like a lack of structure than a need for a heavy JS library.
           | I am very cautious of anyone claiming they need JS for a web
           | page. Applications such as the editors and turning into
           | javascript programs is not something I worry about, but
           | several annoyances new Wikipedia features have already
           | brought me (especially on mobile) make me cautious of any
           | suggestion to add even more javascript.
             | spyckie2 wrote:
             | At a certain level of complexity of web application, it
             | becomes impossible to not have javascript without
             | compromising on your user experience.
             | I'd argue the opposite - I'm extremely cautious of anyone
             | claiming they don't need JS. People can very easily forget
             | the terrible, terrible experience that a full page refresh
             | brings, and having only full page refreshes as the option
             | greatly limits the kinds of experiences you can give users.
         | t0astbread wrote:
         | The proposal stresses the need for Server-Side Rendering so I
         | suppose they're thinking about this.
           | otterlicious wrote:
           | Yeah it's very clear that they still plan to have the website
           | work without JavaScript.
           |  _In the longer term, adding support for a frontend build
           | step in deployment and for server-side rendering (SSR) of UI
           | components are two tasks that would be particularly useful
           | here...
           | Until such features are in place, use of Vue.js would be
           | limited to cases where server-rendered elements can be
           | progressively enhanced within the user's browser._
           | marcus_holmes wrote:
           | No idea why you were downvoted - this is the answer to that
           | question
         | hombre_fatal wrote:
         | > but Wikimedia is a website and not a web application
         | Check out the /edit mode for any page. It's already a non-
         | trivial JS app.
           | bawolff wrote:
           | The edit view that most power users use is definitely not an
           | spa.
           | There are multiple "editors" in use on wikipedia et al.
           | Visual editor and mobile edior are more SPA-ish, however the
           | old fashioned <textarea> full of code, editor is still very
           | popular among users.
           | Disclaimer: work for wikimedia, but not on stuff related to
           | this. My opinions are my own.
             | mch82 wrote:
             | Another interesting note is that Parsoid, the nodejs
             | service that turns wikitext into the Visual Editor, is
             | being ported from js to PHP.
             | folmar wrote:
             | The texarea is also currently the default, at least on
             | English edition.
           | est31 wrote:
           | I'm ok with their interactive editor being written in SPA
           | style. Most of Wikipedia's billions of users aren't editing
           | pages though. For them, WP should focus on rendering speed
           | which means lowest complexity possible, which means keeping
           | the serialized DOM technology.
         | aww_dang wrote:
         | >I have seen too many sites collapse into an empty white page
         | because whatever javascript they were running couldn't access a
         | resource and the shitty JS framework just stopped, leaving me
         | with an empty page.
         | It is even worse when these pages are basically images and
         | text. SPAs have their place and people can develop them as they
         | wish, but I fail to understand why these frameworks have become
         | the go to solution for every page.
         | nwsm wrote:
         | >Will Vue and React work on 2G cell phones running super basic
         | browsers?
         | Yes
         | >Will screen readers support all elements created by the
         | Javascript framework?
         | Yes
           | untog wrote:
           | React won't work _well_ on 2G cell phones with slow CPUs.
           | It's a giant library both to download and parse and most of
           | it is entirely unnecessary.
       | layoutIfNeeded wrote:
       | Please don't make Wikipedia a JS monstrosity :(
         | k__ wrote:
         | Contemporary framworks all allow for server side rendering and
         | build time rendering.
         | Sure, you won't get 100% of the goodies, if you disable JS,
         | some stuff simply can't be done with HTML/CSS, but at least the
         | important parts would still work.
         | Also, solutions like Svelte are rather fast and small, compared
         | to Vue/React but also compared to previously known small
         | frameworks like HyperApp.
       | jcarlosweb wrote:
       | I think you should have supported Web components
       | Alex_P13 wrote:
       | Top 20 free and premium dashboard template in 2020
       | To track all the performance on your website, these free
       | dashboard templates come very helpfully for your website. With a
       | dashboard template, you'll know exactly how well your online
       | project is doing. For example, track sales, new members, likes,
       | profits, tickets, you name it, it can all be done inside your
       | ultimate dashboard.
       | https://is.gd/P7BmMm
       | lwansbrough wrote:
       | We adopted Vue for the same reason. We had a large ASP.NET +
       | jQuery code base which we were able to enhance with Vue.js over
       | time. Eventually we built an SPA code base and porting over our
       | existing components was a breeze.
       | I've used React extensively but I agree with their assessment
       | that the API is a moving target, which ends up being horrific DX
       | when you're using third party libraries.
       | user34234 wrote:
       | I have the opinion that Vue and React are ideal when you do need
       | a SPA (example: when you want to make something that works
       | offline, uses a lot of browser side storage, etc).
       | For every other application, my favourite tool is
       | https://unpoly.com/, and alternatively Turbolinks + Stimulus.
       | Most applications do not need Vue or React there is a HUGE abuse
       | of client side JavaScript these days.
       | ddevault wrote:
       | This thread reads to me like the engineers went into it already
       | knowing they wanted Vue.js, and retroactively doing the necessary
       | mental gymnastics to come up with a rationale. A better
       | justification would have started with "these are our pain points,
       | and this is our evaluation of how these options address our
       | problems." Instead, it's full of weird things like this:
       | >Better support for usage without Webpack/Babel/front-end build
       | tools
       | >We should still explore introducing a full build step in the
       | future (including full support for module bundling, ES6+
       | transpilation via Babel, etc), but this is a non-trivial change
       | to the architecture of MediaWiki.
       | A non-trivial change to the architecture of MediaWiki, such as,
       | for example, overhauling the frontend JavaScript with Vue.js?
       | 90%+ of all software has a build step, this is a well-understood
       | problem and has been since before Wikimedia existed in the first
       | place.
       | They also mentioned that they want a framework which "has a
       | thriving community (and we anticipate this will continue to be
       | the case for years to come)", then picked the framework which has
       | been the underdog since its inception (not that I think any of
       | the other choices they evaluated would have been wise, either).
       | They wanted to use Vue, so they're going to use Vue.
       | For a website like Wikipedia, it would have been better to
       | consider the alignment with their core mission. A lot of new
       | technology doesn't work in older browsers whose collective market
       | share is still ~5%. A project like Wikimedia is used by
       | effectively 100% of the population, which means that designs
       | which eschew 1% of the population are eschewing tens of millions
       | of people. That's not to mention that these technologies, even
       | when supported, require more computational resources to work,
       | which will make Wikimedia harder to use on low-end or older
       | devices. They considered performance - but only as far as the
       | libraries they "evaluated" compare to each other, not to their
       | baseline.
       | These kinds of kangaroo court evaluations of technologies for use
       | in a software engineering team make me sick, especially because
       | I'm guilty of having done this before.
         | ricardobeat wrote:
         | I'm happy to see another big project commiting to Vue, but
         | found the rationale funny to say the least, having seen the
         | same kind of analysis multiple times. For example, these
         | requirements:
         | - UI elements created within the framework are reactive (update
         | automatically in response to changes in data or user input) by
         | default - The framework is heavily optimized for performance
         | should automatically exclude React itself, but it seems to have
         | been the second option. Despite appearances React is not very
         | reactive, especially with hooks where you do dependency
         | management yourself. Performance is not a given either, nothing
         | is memoized by default and it's all up to the implementer (or
         | the state management system) to actually optimize rendering at
         | all.
         | The 'large community' mindset which automatically dismisses
         | Svelte and Preact all the time is the most heartbreaking. If we
         | worked with the herd mentality five years ago, neither or React
         | or Vue would have been born and some variant of Backbone would
         | still be the most used view library.
         | unionpivo wrote:
         | They expect to have server side rendering, so end user will get
         | just HTML (except the parts that require js even today), so
         | older browsers should still work
           | ddevault wrote:
           | Server-side rendering isn't a panacea. I would be surprised
           | if they were using it to do more than bootstrap an
           | interactive frontend web component, which would then inherit
           | all of the problems I'm referring to. That's how everyone
           | else does server-side rendering, at least.
         | azangru wrote:
         | > A lot of new technology doesn't work in older browsers
         | But given that, how do we move forward? We shouldn't be stuck
         | in the past forever. We shouldn't probably even be stuck in
         | 2013, when IE11 was released. If their site requires heavy
         | client-side code, and if they want to build it in a fast and
         | reliable way, they have almost no other choice but to think of
         | frameworks.
           | TeMPOraL wrote:
           | > _But given that, how do we move forward? We shouldn 't be
           | stuck in the past forever._
           | Wikipedia is essentially a public utility now. It's not their
           | responsibility to move technology forward by forcing their
           | users to upgrade their machines. There's loads of other
           | players that do that already.
           | > _If their site requires heavy client-side code_
           | It doesn't.
             | tcd wrote:
             | It's _our_ collective responsibility to decide what user
             | agents work with what platforms.
             | The beauty of the internet is that any website is free to
             | decide as they see fit - if they don't want to support
             | IE/Edge/etc then that is their choice.
             | No website is a 'public utility' bound by laws which
             | dictate what browsers _must_ be supported - that remains a
             | free and open decision.
             | IE11 is a dead browser, and the sooner it breaks for good,
             | the better.
               | darkcha0s wrote:
               | You seem to completely have missed what the foundation is
               | about.
           | ddevault wrote:
           | Wikipedia is just hyperlinked documents. The WWW has been
           | suited for this from the start. Not everything needs to be
           | new and shiny forever.
             | azangru wrote:
             | > Wikipedia is just hyperlinked documents.
             | Wikipedia at the very least has the editor for all those
             | documents.
         | tln wrote:
         | I agree that no build step is a false economy. With a build
         | step writing Vue and react are better... Use up to date JS,
         | minified and split bundles, single file components, etc
         | Points 2 and 3 I agree with though. Vue is more complete than
         | react the library and the Vue stack has had less churn.
         | I see your point about potentially leaving behind very old
         | devices. I don't know Wikipedia's compatibility stance. It may
         | not be fair to say it's overlooked as the decision within this
         | RFC is only about modern JS frameworks. The decision to adopt
         | could take that into consideration
         | I have to disagree about the Kangaroo court accusation, that
         | seems unfair
         | draw_down wrote:
         | Hmm, in principle I would agree but in practice, I think it
         | wouldn't make a difference here. Even if it were more even-
         | handed the contenders they would be choosing among are
         | acceptable substitutes for one another. Like, I couldn't see
         | this being a failure with React but succeeding with Vue. In a
         | lot of these sort of situations, you just need to pick
         | something. I agree that those criteria sound contrived, though.
         | Personally, I work in React all day and I'm comfortable with
         | it, but I could just as easily use another. There would be
         | minor differences that may annoy to some degree, but it
         | wouldn't make a huge impact. They all do basically the same
         | thing.
         | spyckie2 wrote:
         | no offense but it sounds like you're doing a kangaroo court
         | evaluation of their evaluation by making assumptions to what
         | they did and didn't consider and not looking deeper into the
         | context of the RFC.
       | aliswe wrote:
       | Technology isn't an argument IMO. I know that is misrepresenting
       | the rfc a bit.
       | As a joke, why not wait for the hype to go full circle and then
       | pick vanilla javascript/es6?
       | noodlesUK wrote:
       | Just in time for v3.0!
         | [deleted]
       | katabasis wrote:
       | Hi HN - I'm one of the authors of this proposal. I'd like to
       | clarify a few points here:
       | * Wikipedia is not becoming an SPA
       | * Wikipedia is not dropping support for non-js users
       | * This proposal is not about changing our current browser-support
       | matrix[1] (which includes IE11 as a first-class target; Vue.js
       | ecosystem still supports IE 11)
       | * This proposal _is_ about changing the way we develop enhanced,
       | JS-only features across our projects; many such features exist
       | already, but they are written in jQuery and an in-house framework
       | called OOUI
       | * These features will continue to be delivered in a
       | progressively-enhanced way on top of the PHP-rendered baseline
       | for the forseeable future. We are interested in how server-side
       | rendering of JS components can integrate with this but we're
       | still looking into how this might work
       | * We will continue to prioritize accessibility,
       | internationalization, and performance in everything we ship
       | I don't think that Vue is "better" than React, but I think it has
       | some features which are especially helpful in our progressive-
       | enhancement, ES5 (for now, anyway) use-case. But it's great to
       | have so many amazing tools to choose from.
       | Previously we've been using a framework we created in-house for
       | complex JS features, but it's a product of an earlier era of the
       | web and is increasingly out of step with the current paradigms in
       | UI development. We think that one big benefit of moving in this
       | direction is lowering barriers to contribution (both for new
       | developers at the foundation, as well as folks in the wider
       | community).
       | [1]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Compatibility#Browsers
         | trynewideas wrote:
         | For context about OOUI and OOjs:
         | https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI/Using_OOUI_in_MediaWiki,
         | https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOjs
         | A deeper dive presentation into the move into OOUI (which
         | started meaningfully plotting and happening ca. 2013) from
         | storing state in DOM elements, and challenges implementing it:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_CUN2o4faw
       | tjpnz wrote:
       | Not knocking Vue but what exactly is meant by modern? I work on
       | the backend and hardly (if ever) see frameworks described in
       | those terms.
         | aliveupstairs wrote:
         | Needless to say that this is subjective, but I think Single
         | Page Applications and components-based UI in webdev is fairly
         | modern as opposed to imperative, jQuery-esque Front-end
         | development.
       | oleskiewicz wrote:
       | I have been donating to Wikimedia for years, but have sent an
       | email to let them know that I will stop the day Wikipedia becomes
       | inaccessible without JavaScript.
       | Wikipedia is a unique project because of how reliable it is -- in
       | both its merit and its tech. It would be sad to see it go.
         | Richicoder wrote:
         | The intent of this RFC is to improve the places _where
         | JavaScript is already used_ like management tools and editing.
       | superkuh wrote:
       | Reminds me of when archive.org "improved" their site with
       | javascript a year or two back and it stopped working entirely if
       | you don't run JS and don't use a modern commercial browser.
       | They can say whatever they want about how this won't happen but
       | likely it's not up to them (because it's a corporation and
       | because they won't control the decisions of the JS framework they
       | pick). Wikipedia isn't broken. Fixing it is bad.
       | maps7 wrote:
       | Isn't Vue 3 vastly different to Vue 1 and 2?
       | Also why not Svelte?
         | rk06 wrote:
         | It is not. The devs initially wanted to make some drastic
         | changes. But Community feedback was very vocal and very
         | negative. Since their main source of income is the
         | community(not FAANG), they reverted their stance
       | alphachloride wrote:
       | What's wrong with plain old JS? Wikipedia is not a software
       | company that it needs to use <insert-word-of-the-day> framework
       | just to look hip.
       | EvanYou wrote:
       | Team lead of Vue.js here. Clarifying a few points being raised in
       | this thread:
       | - This does not mean Wikipedia is becoming an SPA. One of the
       | reasons they picked Vue is because Vue can be used to
       | progressively enhance a statically rendered page (just like
       | jQuery, but with a declarative development paradigm), and it
       | allows you to do so without a build step (while keeping the
       | going-full-build-step option open).
       | - Wikimedia is not just Wikipedia. There are many other use cases
       | across the Foundation where heavy interactivity is needed. Even
       | within Wikipedia, there are cases like the editor / edit mode
       | which can be considered non-trivial JavaScript applications.
       | - Adopting a new framework !== More JavaScript. Wikimedia already
       | has an in-house framework which has become outdated and difficult
       | to maintain. Adopting Vue allows the team to implement the same
       | features with less code. It will shave off instead of adding to
       | the bloat.
         | cptskippy wrote:
         | > This does not mean Wikipedia is becoming an SPA. One of the
         | reasons they picked Vue is because Vue can be used to
         | progressively enhance a statically rendered page (just like
         | jQuery, but with a declarative development paradigm), and it
         | allows you to do so without a build step (while keeping the
         | going-full-build-step option open).
         | I was not aware of this. That's actually really cool. I've
         | dabbled a little in Vue and Angular but haven't taken the
         | plunge and deployed an actual App because I prefer to have
         | sites that degrade gracefully.
         | abbe98 wrote:
         | Exactly this. Currently MediaWiki and many of its extensions
         | have its interactive parts (editor/maps, etc) written in jQuery
         | and the in-house developed framework OOUI. These are the pieces
         | which might slowly be replaced by Vue.
         | Hopefully this will also make it easier for new contributors to
         | get started with MediaWiki development.
         | BiteCode_dev wrote:
         | This is IMO one of the killer features of vue.
         | Sure, you can plug react components in a progressive way, but
         | you still have to move the HTML into the JS file. And you
         | certainly won't ship the babel behemoth to the client so, no
         | JSX.
         | With Vue, you have a friendly migration path, with a style
         | close to angular 1, if you need.
         | It's also awesome for prototyping or making quick and dirty
         | projects.
         | Evan, every time I use Vue I can see how you pondered seriously
         | those things. The docs are amazing. The API is full of little
         | details that show you care (I smile every time I see you can do
         | '.prevent" - "oh right, they though of that!").
         | It's not just a great product. It makes you feel the authors
         | are your friends.
         | Thank you.
           | ng12 wrote:
           | > The API is full of little details that show you care (I
           | smile every time I see you can do '.prevent" - "oh right,
           | they though of that!").
           | I tend to have the opposite reaction. I want a framework with
           | a small API I can keep cached in my head. I don't want to
           | worry about finding the magic switches to get it working the
           | way I want.
             | BiteCode_dev wrote:
             | I see that a lot in the JS world, "libraries over
             | frameworks" and all that.
             | The result is that when you go from project to project,
             | people solve the same problems, again and again, in a
             | different way. And create their own custom abstractions,
             | badly tested and documented.
             | Eventually, the API you could "keep cached in your head"
             | lead to a system you MUST keep in your head because it's
             | very hard to follow how things work and you need to
             | remember it all to be productive. Debugging, extending and
             | onboarding suffers.
             | Another consequence is that there is still no Django/RoR
             | equivalent in JS. Building any medium size app is a total
             | waste of time, doing the same boiler plate over and over
             | for problems solved 10 years ago.
             | Everybody has a boilerplate one of course. Nothing is
             | standardized, so the ecosystem is not reusable. Any
             | pluggable library must carefully chosen, then be manually
             | integrated in your own Frankenstein creature, not to
             | mention you end up with a TON of dependencies.
             | Vue doesn't have a big API. I learned the entire of vue in
             | an afternoon.
             | It took me 2 weeks to understand react, and much more to
             | actually write decent code with it. Practically, react is
             | very unproductive without something like create-react-app
             | because you have to take so many decisions about it for
             | every new project. Simple things like placing a
             | setInterval()/clearInterval() at the right place, or
             | conditionally settings classes on stuff is not
             | straightforward, anything more complicated must be
             | meticulously though.
             | Because of this, when I give a training in react and one in
             | Vue, the people from the vue training will immediately be 3
             | times more productive: their projects move faster, it
             | rarely hit a read block later. I also get way, way less
             | questions in the vue training.
             | Let's not confuse "barebone API" and "easy API". It's not
             | the same.
               | ng12 wrote:
               | > It took me 2 weeks to understand react, and much more
               | to actually write decent code with it. Practically, react
               | is very unproductive without something like create-react-
               | app because you have to take so many decisions about it
               | for every new project.
               | I won't argue that bootstrapping a React project is more
               | complicated than a Vue project. I will argue that React's
               | developer ergonomics are much better.
               | > Everybody has a boilerplate one of course. Nothing is
               | standardized, so the ecosystem is not reusable.
               | Not sure what you mean. We use CRA at my company and I
               | can comfortably drop into projects I've never seen before
               | with complete confidence.
               | > Simple things like placing a
               | setInterval()/clearInterval() at the right place
               | This doesn't make sense to me. The pattern for
               | setting/clearing an interval with the class-based React
               | API is identical to Vue. With React's hook API it becomes
               | even easier.
               | > or conditionally settings classes on stuff is not
               | straightforward
               | How? It's just JavaScript, write a conditional. This is
               | exactly what I'm talking about: you don't need to know
               | how to conditionally set a class in React, you just need
               | to know how to conditionally set a value in JavaScript. I
               | get really tired of the "how do I do task X in Framework
               | Y". I want to ask that question as few times as possible.
               | My go-to example to explain why I find React so much
               | simpler is Vue's slots. It's an entire API that many
               | people find confusing to replicate something that comes
               | for free in React.
             | TheDong wrote:
             | Unfortunately, javascript web frameworks build on top of
             | the javascript APIs browsers expose.
             | If you're starting from a set of APIs that are too complex
             | for someone to keep in their head, it's hard to end up with
             | a much simpler API.
             | Especially since people do use a large portion of the web's
             | APIs.
             | For example, "prevent", the thing in the parent comment, is
             | needed if you use javascript to submit your forms, but
             | isn't needed if you have a form that is expected to be
             | submit by the normal browser mechanism.
             | Webframeworks rarely are prescriptive to the point where
             | they can default in one direction or the other on that
             | point.. and thus we end up with another option.
             | That repeats many times over and we end up with a large API
             | surface.
         | est31 wrote:
         | As long as there is no accepted non-vue replacement for the
         | server side rendering technology, one has to assume that WP
         | will replace php based rendering with Vue templates on a large
         | scale, even for the static content. However, Vue templates
         | require usage of node.js. I couldn't find any standalone
         | serverside vue template parser/renderer written in something
         | like C++, Rust or Go. So if they adopt Vue, they'd still be
         | locked into a project ran by a single company, namely v8, which
         | they listed as one of the things they wanted to avoid.
         | Also, why does the hn clone that claims to be statically
         | rendered using vue still display spinning icons during page
         | load [1]? I'm asking because it's not just any vue js app, but
         | one mentioned in the official server side rendering docs of vue
         | [2]. Edit: doing view-source on the hn clone shows that it's
         | really just loading the comments from the network. Not sure
         | what definition of server side rendering the docs are working
         | with, but that demo doesn't give confidence.
         | Will I get spinning icons on wikipedia pages in the future?
         | Will it be like discourse where the scroll bar is hijacked?
         | [1]: https://vue-hn.herokuapp.com/item/22625556
         | [2]: https://ssr.vuejs.org/
           | spyckie2 wrote:
           | I don't get the impression that WP will replace php
           | templating. That just doesn't make any sense to do. First the
           | code is already written (no need to rewrite), probably well
           | tested, php is extremely fast already, and I'd imagine their
           | php development does not have dated tooling that makes
           | development painful. There's little to no reason to switch
           | php code out.
           | However, it does make sense to replace JQuery snippets or
           | custom in house dated JS frameworks, especially if they lack
           | modern tooling surrounding it like pipelines, code splitting,
           | etc. In that sense, vue and vue's paradigm is a perfect fit
           | because of it's ability to play well with the primary goals
           | at any level of JS-ification, from simple JS actions to full
           | SPA.
           | [deleted]
           | EvanYou wrote:
           | AFAIK there is currently no plan to replace existing php
           | rendering with Vue SSR. They just wanted to make sure the
           | framework they went with supports SSR so they are not locking
           | themselves out of the possibility.
           | The HN implementation renders the comments on the client side
           | because it was using the Firebase HN API which doesn't
           | provide a friendly API for fetching the entire comment tree.
           | Notably, some other HNPWA implementations were using a custom
           | API endpoint. We didn't switch to it because the Vue HN was
           | built as an educational demo rather than a benchmarking
           | subject.
       | eknkc wrote:
       | Well I guess you can not go wrong with either React or Vue at
       | this point as they have mature communities.
       | However I feel like while React is just fantastic on its corner,
       | Svelte seems like a better built Vue than Vue. It lacks the
       | community but technically feels like a refinement and enhancement
       | of Vue's ideas. I wish it would gain more traction.
         | darkcha0s wrote:
         | Why would the WM foundation use a relatively unknown framework?
         | They don't just care about the actual coding itself, the have
         | to concern themselves with community, support and longevity.
         | You said yourself you wish it would gain more traction, and
         | that's something an Org like that doesn't take a gamble on to
         | be fair.
         | sdan wrote:
         | +1 on Svelte. Seems like the better/faster option.
           | MaxBarraclough wrote:
           | Is it really faster for real-world uses?
           | I know Svelte does clever things to avoid a virtual DOM, but
           | is the difference in practice really appreciable?
             | kreetx wrote:
             | The bigger the virtual dom the larger the performance gap
             | is supposed to be. But, true, would like to see some
             | benchmarks from the real world, i.e rewrites and such.
               | MaxBarraclough wrote:
               | Perhaps not a great comparison, but here are the Svelte
               | and Vue HackerNews feeds. Not a great deal of difference,
               | but perhaps it's too simple for performance to really
               | matter.
               | https://hn.svelte.dev/top/1
               | https://vue-hn.herokuapp.com/top
               |  _Edit_ This site says the Svelte one wins on load times:
               | https://hnpwa.com/
           | wildpeaks wrote:
           | I was tempted by Svelte for a while, but in the end Preact
           | remained the best fit for our needs because the output
           | filesize grows slower with Preact than Svelte.
           | I like keeping things small because it delays having to add
           | complexity (and simple is easier to maintain, especially when
           | you have better things to do) and saves on bandwidth.
           | Of course I'll keep evaluating new versions as they come
           | (given nothing is sacred in my pipelines), so that might
           | change in the future.
         | woutr_be wrote:
         | To me the difference is that Svelte is a lot more pure
         | JavaScript than Vue. I haven't had the chance to use it in any
         | larger project, but in my small playgrounds, I've definitely
         | enjoyed it more than Vue.
           | NetOpWibby wrote:
           | If you wanna see Svelte in production, I'm using it for my
           | homepage: https://webb.page
           | I'm glad to see Svelte growing in popularity here.
             | benbristow wrote:
             | That page could literally just be a static web page or
             | built using a static site builder like Jekyll/Hugo etc?
               | NetOpWibby wrote:
               | Of course it could but once you have a starter template
               | setup it becomes an easy to jump right in.
             | leadingthenet wrote:
             | What exactly are you using Svelte for? It seems to
             | literally be one HTML page...
               | NetOpWibby wrote:
               | To put it simply, I like it. Plus, I have a starter
               | template project that makes it easy to just code and go.
             | cmroanirgo wrote:
             | Viewing the source shows an html page without a closing
             | body nor html tag: it's probably not the best case for
             | showcasing it seems.
             | The layout it all over the place too using FFox, (it's fine
             | on Chrome and Safari) so it also seems to be lacking in
             | some basic cross browser testing, which again, is not good
             | news when show-casing a framework, as a frameworks' prime
             | responsibility is to ensure cross browser/platform
             | uniformity.
             | Hopefully this all boils down to a simple 'oopsie' in your
             | project, rather than svelte.
               | woutr_be wrote:
               | > Viewing the source shows an html page without a closing
               | body nor html tag
               | It's actually not required to close those tags, the
               | browser will interpret them correctly. (You can see this
               | when inspecting the elements on the page, not just the
               | raw source)
               | currysausage wrote:
               | https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#option
               | al-...
               | slantyyz wrote:
               | If you use Svelte with Sapper, you will get the "best of
               | both worlds".
               | The first page you hit has the content baked into the
               | HTML, and all subsequent content "pages" load like a
               | single page app.
               | [1] https://sapper.svelte.dev/
               | NetOpWibby wrote:
               | Interesting, Firefox is my main browser and it's always
               | looked fine to me.
               | I also built https://socii.network in Svelte/Sapper but
               | that's in need of a rewrite. Just a smidge.
             | woutr_be wrote:
             | Is it open-source? Otherwise it just looks like any other
             | website, the code would be a lot more useful.
               | NetOpWibby wrote:
               | Yup! Here it is: https://code.webb.page/Webb/Homepage/com
               | mits?branch=primary
         | omnimus wrote:
         | But react and vue are underneath much closer to each other than
         | Svelte. Sure vue and svelte use templates and react doesn't but
         | that's about it.
         | Anyway since svelte must be compiled i dont think it's good
         | choice for something like mediawiki where you might have
         | plugins and addons that want reuse core components and connect
         | to each other in runtime.
           | twsted wrote:
           | > Anyway since svelte must be compiled i dont think it's good
           | choice for something like mediawiki where you might have
           | plugins and addons that want reuse core components and
           | connect to each other in runtime.
           | Compiled Svelte components are highly reusable and cross-
           | framework like few others.
         | KaoruAoiShiho wrote:
         | Actually using Svelte its main downside is the giant file size.
         | I consider it unusable for that reason alone. Any minor speed
         | advantages is entirely negated.
       | rutierut wrote:
       | As someone who has been using Vue for a long time and recently
       | fell in love with Svelte, I really hope they wait for a bit and
       | go with the Vue 3 version. It brings a lot of huge advantages to
       | Vue that make it much much more maintainable.
       | belval wrote:
       | I'm not a frontend dev, in fact I know little about the current
       | "cool" JS framework.
       | That being said, I donate to Wikipedia/Wikimedia every year and I
       | will reconsider if this goes through. This is exactly the kind of
       | bloat that no one needs.
       | The Wikimedia sites should be seen as a public library where
       | accessibility is the most important thing. Creating a web app
       | with apparently no measurably good impact is pure idiocy.
         | whycombagator wrote:
         | > I'm not a frontend dev, in fact I know little about the
         | current "cool" JS framework.
         | > That being said, I donate to Wikipedia/Wikimedia every year
         | and I will reconsider if this goes through. This is exactly the
         | kind of bloat that no one needs.
         | The latter seems an overreaction given the former.
           | belval wrote:
           | It is absolutely an overreaction, and I don't see myself
           | going through with something like that. I use the site
           | probably daily and feel like I have to donate.
         | tantalor wrote:
         | Page Previews is a great example of leveraging "web app" that
         | solves many problems at once:
         | - quickly inform on a topic without clicking through (lower
         | latency)
         | - increase scanability (hence readability)
         | - decrease expensive whole page loads
         | - eliminate need to open many tabs
         | https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Page_Previews
           | enriquto wrote:
           | Whatever, but if wikipedia somehow becomes unusable without
           | javascript, it will be a real tragedy.
             | jdlrobson wrote:
             | You dont need to be worried about this. Our morales and
             | principles are not changing.
             | I built the Wikipedia mobile site and there's a reason our
             | hamburger menu, lazy loaded images and editor actually work
             | without JS. We are for everyone regardless of internet
             | connection speed, device value and internet stability.
             | That's a a hill at least I as an employee am prepared to
             | die on.
               | belval wrote:
               | If that's the case then I am sorry for my earlier
               | comment, Wikipedia is a treasure and you are doing
               | amazing work!
               | enriquto wrote:
               | I cannot express how reassuring your words are, and how
               | happy I am to hear them. Thank you very much!
               | Well; it turns out that I can: just made a donation.
           | vorpalhex wrote:
           | Page Previews, specifically Hovercards _can_ be implemented
           | in a very simple way with plain JS [^1] and is clearly an
           | enhancement - everything works just fine if hovercards don 't
           | load.
           | But most features on Wikipedia aren't like that, and would be
           | really hurt if you had to a JS bundle or otherwise deal with
           | the usual bloated webapp nonsense. Wikipedia primarily needs
           | to load quickly and be semantic with preferably simple
           | infrastructure to help their budget.
           | [^1]: See Gwern.net for an example of an easy pure JS
           | hovercard - https://www.gwern.net/DNB-FAQ
             | majewsky wrote:
             | Each such feature _individually_ can be implemented in a
             | very simple way with vanilla JS. All such features taken
             | together create a horrible unmaintainable mess. Speaking
             | from experience.
           | [deleted]
       | 112 wrote:
       | I've loved Vue for a long time, worked two years with it almost
       | daily, but right now I avoid it as much as I can, as I can't
       | stand working with JavaScript without TypeScript. The TypeScript
       | support in the current version of Vue is crap, and the simplest
       | things, such as creating a (typed) component library, are hard
       | and require numerous hacks.
       | If I were to use something that lacks TypeScript support, it
       | would be Svelte, because it brings unique advantages. By adding
       | hooks, React became the winner for me.
       | Angular has never been an option for me.
         | fraktl wrote:
         | What you wrote is blatant lie, particularly the part with
         | creating a typed component library. I've created 7 components
         | as of yesterday, using TS, zero hacks and zero problems.
         | It's so annoying when a person with clear lack of understanding
         | decides they're competent to critique a tool and then they
         | literally - lie.
         | Keep using React, it's awesome you like it but please - do some
         | fact checking. I know you want to believe that Vue and TS don't
         | play together, but that's just not true.
           | nullc wrote:
           | Would it be so hard to start with an assumption that the
           | person you're responding to is working with outdated
           | information or that they're just confused?
           | Even if they were _intentionally_ lying (why??) it would hurt
           | no one to humor it and be polite, and it would do a lot
           | towards making this a more enjoyable place to read.
           | Your post was informative, too bad it made me just want to
           | close this tab.
             | fraktl wrote:
             | > Would it be so hard to start with an assumption that the
             | person you're responding to is working with outdated
             | information or that they're just confused?
             | Yes.
             | > Even if they were intentionally lying
             | Never wrote anyone lied intentionally.
             | > it would hurt no one to humor it and be polite, and it
             | would do a lot towards making this a more enjoyable places
             | to read.
             | I'm a programmer used to relay information in least words
             | possible, so I just refer to factual observation. Whether I
             | used word "lie" or had I masked it in a wall of text to
             | spare feelings of flowers - meaning is the same. I consider
             | all people my peers so I don't do to them what I don't want
             | done to me - saying pretty words to hide the meaning.
             | > Your post was informative, too bad it made me just want
             | to close this tab.
             | But you had to type what you have before you closed it. I
             | mean, you're calling me out for being impolite by being
             | impolite. I get the whole hypocrisy move and SJW reflex,
             | but my stance is that IT and developers need to relay truth
             | to one another in form of information, not prettify the
             | stuff so people's feelings don't get hurt.
             | Your feelings got hurt? You didn't get coronavirus because
             | of my text, you'll be ok.
             | Take care :)
         | baybal2 wrote:
         | A reverse situation here. I deal with strict no typescript
         | policy, so besides a problem of finding typescript devs, we
         | have a problem of having to "de-typescript" a lot of 3rd party
         | code.
         | Typescript has a lot of adoption within with ex-Java devs, and
         | with that comes a lot of "Java-think." It's hard for these
         | people to adapt to not doing things "the Java way" and vice
         | versa.
         | And another part of the problem is that people have burnt
         | themselves badly with Coffeescript, Clojurescript, and few
         | other *scripts that were coming and going trends, and were an
         | enormous LTS burden because of tooling that breaks as fast as
         | you fix it.
           | manigandham wrote:
           | Why? Typescript just compiles down to JS, and type
           | definitions are used IDEs so they still help when writing JS.
           | How does removing typescript help you?
             | baybal2 wrote:
             | > How does removing typescript help you?
             | https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues
             | Please count the number of open bugs
             | JS tooling is already an enormous jenga tower as it is,
             | with tooling breakages eating a double digit of developer
             | time. Adding typescript on top of that would be the real
             | madness.
             | Typescript will not help us a dime with type checking for
             | most of devs we hire are long past the stage when typing
             | errors are a thing for them.
             | On the down side, even certainly not cheap to hire devs
             | with 6-7-8-10+ years of experience have to battle JS
             | tooling every day.
             | Like half of all genuine bug triage time is already spent
             | on webpack, bable, and other things in the tooling stack.
             | 200 hours a month for $30-$40 per hour devs.
             | Imagine doubling that digit when they have to also spend
             | time on learning typescript, and fixing it.
             | No, it does not pay off at all
               | cageface wrote:
               | I would never hire a JS dev with this attitude towards
               | typescript nor work for one.
               | I've done JS with and without types. I'd find a new job
               | before going back to working without them. That's how
               | dramatic the benefits have been in my code.
               | smichel17 wrote:
               | I like going type-less for prototyping (pun intended),
               | then converting to or rewriting in typescript for
               | anything I'm going to need to maintain or refactor.
               | williamdclt wrote:
               | This is the weirdest and least convincing thing I've read
               | about Typescript. I won't comment on such experienced
               | devs spending so much time struggling with tooling that
               | shouldn't change all that often, but I have to react that
               | "fixing Typescript" means "fixing your code".
               | If you're saying that you can't handle the overhead of
               | Typescript config because your devs already spend so much
               | time struggling with the rest of your tooling, by all
               | mean get your shit together with your tooling, this
               | amount of time spent on it isn't any sort of acceptable.
               | You have huge problems.
               | > most of devs we hire are long past the stage when
               | typing errors are a thing for them
               | This is just not a thing.
               | miffy900 wrote:
               | > https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues > Please
               | count the number of open bugs
               | You do realise the large number of open issues almost
               | certainly relates to Typescript's compiler and language
               | implementation? When a project is written in Typescript,
               | it does not mean all those bugs will inevitably plague
               | the project itself. If I wrote "hello world" in
               | Typescript with a Webpack + Babel project starter, it
               | doesn't suddenly mean I now have thousands of open
               | Typescript bugs to deal with.
               | Also: the number of closed issues outnumbers open ones by
               | almost x5. Moreover, the total number of issues exceeds
               | 20 thousand; the number is only so high because so many
               | people have already adopted Typescript into their dev
               | workflows. It's a sign it's been battle tested
               | extensively.
               | > Like half of all genuine bug triage time is already
               | spent on webpack, bable, and other things in the tooling
               | stack. 200 hours a month for $30-$40 per hour devs.
               | Half? This just seems totally implausible; this could
               | only be true if you were constantly modifying your
               | webpack and babel setup and config files and breaking
               | things.
               | SaxonRobber wrote:
               | Sounds like you need to raise the bar on hiring if
               | learning static typing is an impediment. I recommend less
               | JS monkeys and looking for actual engineers.
               | cvlasdkv wrote:
               | Their 6+ year engineers are getting paid less than many
               | interns do in America according to said poster. The big
               | tech monopoly means that hiring good senior engineers is
               | nearly impossible. :)
               | manigandham wrote:
               | Yea bugs exist, yet there are still thousands of teams
               | using it to build very complex projects with _less_ bugs
               | because of Typescript safety and features.
               | TS tooling either replaces JS tooling or interacts with
               | it seamlessly. It's not like you're skipping JS
               | altogether and there's no type-checking in JS anyway so
               | where's the interference?
               | Can you give a concrete example where TS is a blocking
               | issue for your development?
               | baybal2 wrote:
               | If you get less bugs because of type checks and you are a
               | serious JS/web dev with 5+ years experience, then your
               | skills are plainly not good enough.
               | People who spent time with JS and webdev in general got
               | to learn that JS is a minefield of a language, and they
               | work with that in mind. Typing discipline is pretty much
               | the first thing people learn when they try doing JS
               | seriously.
               | How to say. There is no way just adding typing to JS will
               | make JS less of a JS. You still have to be a very
               | disciplined dev to work with a typescript for it
               | retaining many other tricky parts from JS.
               | > Can you give a concrete example where typescript is a
               | blocking issue for your development?
               | Typical example: the tsc transpiler plainly dies, and you
               | know nothing how to debug it, you know nothing of its
               | internals, and you loose the rest of the day doing
               | fruitless email exchanges with typescript dev team, and
               | trying to trace a breaking commit.
               | Second example: you got a prod breakage report in some
               | hard to reproduce case. You fire a debugger in chrome
               | through vscode, and then you find out that the debugger
               | completely loses the execution flow in transpiler/tooling
               | garbage, and broken source maps. Having a debugger pick
               | code that went through webpack (be it cursed) is already
               | a 50/50 lottery, and additional layer of tooling makes it
               | even worse.
               | rpastuszak wrote:
               | > If you get less bugs because of type checks and you are
               | a serious JS/web dev with 5+ years experience, then your
               | skills are plainly not good enough.
               | What about linters, static analysis, code highlighting,
               | IDEs? Should we skip those too? Should I dig out my "made
               | with notepad" badge?
               | Types and good static analysis tools allow me to focus on
               | more important things, such as business logic, scale,
               | planning. We don't pay developers for mental gymnastics,
               | but solving real world problems.
               | baybal2 wrote:
               | Of course we do that, and I looked at Flow a few times.
               | But typing errors are such a minor thing in comparison to
               | everything else, than "everything else" is of much higher
               | on the priority list
               | [deleted]
               | kashug wrote:
               | When I am writing plain JS I often end up having to write
               | loads of tests to check that I don't to wrong things with
               | types. Did I remember to consider null/undefined? What if
               | I sent in something totally different?
               | With TS I don't need to spend as much time with these
               | types of tests. I just let the compiler do it for it. If
               | my function says in it's signature the argument can't be
               | null I don't need to do null-checks.
               | sbergot wrote:
               | Do you still put your seat belt in your car after 5+
               | years of driving experience? If yes, would you say that
               | you do that because your driving skills are "plainly not
               | good enough"?
               | Typescript allow you to spend less energy on minor issues
               | like typos and more energy on design. It also provides
               | you with the ability to reason locally about some code.
               | When you inspect a function in js, you cannot know what
               | are the contracts that it has to deal with. To be sure
               | you have to unravel all the calling and called functions.
               | Typescript also enables better intellisense.
               | About your issues:
               | - I never had tsc dying on my hand in 5 years.
               | - About the transpilation noise: it can be as noisy as
               | you want. Have you checked the default result for the es6
               | target? It litteraly look like your source code with only
               | your type signatures stripped. The noise comes from the
               | transpilation to lower versions and bundling and those
               | are independent of typescript.
               | thawaway1837 wrote:
               | Considering typescript compiles down to JS, and
               | incredibly readable JS at that, the fact that your
               | developers are unable to debug the JS directly may
               | indicate that they are not as amazing at JS as you may
               | believe they are.
               | scrollaway wrote:
               | You're removing typescript because you think it's
               | creating bugs...
               | You realize you're probably creating bugs yourself by
               | removing typescript manually, which is a thing..
               | typescript itself can do, by compiling down to JS?
               | This is some prime dailywtf material.
               | afiori wrote:
               | Well not exactly, the parent said something quite
               | different, in the comment they were comparing tooling not
               | languages and they say that the tooling makes for a
               | significant part of the bugs they have to solve so they
               | want a build process as slim as possible.
               | Nothing was said about whether typescript code is more or
               | less buggy, just that the typescript tooling had issue to
               | work with other tooling.
               | MaxBarraclough wrote:
               | > long past the stage when typing errors are a thing for
               | them
               | Nonsense. Static type systems help you write correct
               | code. They're also extremely helpful for refactoring.
               | They also help readability. Outside the JavaScript world,
               | they also help performance. The list goes on.
               | No-one is too smart for type systems to be helpful.
               | > it does not pay off at all
               | You've entirely ignored that TypeScript helps reduce
               | bugs, and helps catch them earlier.
               | matthewmacleod wrote:
               | _Typescript will not help us a dime with type checking
               | for most of devs we hire are long past the stage when
               | typing errors are a thing for them._
               | It's genuinely terrifying to think that people out there
               | with this attitude are producing software that I might be
               | at risk of using.
               | karatestomp wrote:
               | Seriously. "We manage OK without static types" is one
               | thing but "LOL we're not n00bs so we don't need your
               | productivity-killing static types" is... wow. WTF. Keep
               | anything that team writes far away from important data
               | and processes, please.
               | blackoil wrote:
               | Ratio of open/closed issue is a very strong indicator of
               | how active a project is. My perspective, with 21k closed
               | and 4k open issues, shows a very active project where I
               | should not be finding major blockers if I adopt it. If it
               | has an issue 1000s of people are actively looking at it
               | and it will be caught at beta stage or will be solved
               | quickly.
               | inertiatic wrote:
               | >Typescript will not help us a dime with type checking
               | for most of devs we hire are long past the stage when
               | typing errors are a thing for them.
               | Who are these mythical people?
               | Do they just magically decipher what interface an
               | argument conforms to? What methods are accessible on a
               | returned result from any random library they're using?
               | 112 wrote:
               | These mythical people are dinosaurs that have lost (or
               | never had) their love for the work they do, and are not
               | interested in improving.
               | danShumway wrote:
               | N=1, but type errors are extremely rare for me in
               | Javascript. I don't think I'm a magical or exceptional
               | programmer. I think it's just if you spend a lot of time
               | in dynamic languages, there's a certain style of
               | programming some people end up adopting that makes those
               | errors much less common.
               | If you held a gun to my head and forced me to recklessly
               | provide conjecture on what the difference is, I would say
               | that static languages encourage devs to build large
               | interfaces that take tons of options and pass around a
               | bunch of parameters. This is highly, highly subjective,
               | but:
               | I think there's a grain of truth in what other people are
               | saying about how Typescript projects tend to be kind of
               | verbose. People start reaching for interfaces that are
               | split across multiple files, people start reaching for
               | classes. When you have really rigid types that need to be
               | formally extended all over the place, this also
               | encourages a lot of casting, which tends to be error
               | prone.
               | I've seen some really complicated logic/type flows in
               | Typescript that _would_ be extremely error prone in
               | Javascript, but there 's basically no reason for them to
               | be that complicated in the first place. There are
               | paradigms in Javascript the codebases are not taking
               | advantage of which are forcing them into these over-
               | complicated logic/data flows. Basically, the more crazy
               | boilerplate, casting, and giant interfaces that a
               | codebase has, the more type errors will occur. The more a
               | project is split up into dozens of dependencies and
               | modules and whatever, the harder it is to reason about
               | what a method or class needs passed in. But Typescript
               | projects tend to grow in that direction very quickly, so
               | the need for Typescript tends to become a self-fulfilling
               | prophecy.
               | As a comparison, most of the personal projects I work on
               | don't have classes at all, they're using a lot of
               | functional interfaces, and they don't include a bunch of
               | random libraries. Most of the dependencies in my projects
               | are libraries that I've personally vetted. Most of my
               | projects are careful about where state is being stored
               | and how its being passed around.
               | I dunno. All of that is pure conjecture, but people in
               | general are very dismissive of dynamic typing, but it's
               | just not a real problem for me. There's a general
               | consensus that dynamic languages were a mistake, and I
               | don't dismiss the people saying this, but I also pay a
               | lot of attention to where bugs are coming from in my own
               | code, and I can't get past the point that typing really
               | doesn't seem to matter that much in most things I build.
               | I was on the Typescript train for a while. I still use it
               | in some projects, there are some org structures where it
               | makes a lot of sense. If I'm working with a Java-to-
               | Javascript dev, I want strong interfaces for them. The
               | projects where I don't use it are because I've spent a
               | long time paying attention to where my bugs are coming
               | from. I can't prove to you its not a problem, I can only
               | speak to the experiences I've had.
               | orange8 wrote:
               | I'm not a myth. Some of us started JS programming over a
               | decade ago, with no strong typing and IDE to hold our
               | hand and tell us every time you make a mistake. The key
               | is just discipline, good design patterns and a good
               | linter.
               | I see TypesScript as a VERY opinionated linter that
               | affects how you think and write JS. JS is a dynamically
               | typed language, which means you loose a lot of its power
               | and flexability by shoe-horning it into strongly typed
               | languange patterns. Yes, I get it, many programmers think
               | best and are most productive using strongly typed
               | languages, but for those of us that can think dynamic or
               | both, TS just gets in the way.
               | >> Do they just magically decipher what interface an
               | argument conforms to?
               | This is a good example of the object oriented, strongly
               | typed way of thinking. Explore languages that follow
               | different paradigms, where interfaces just don't apply.
               | >> What methods are accessible on a returned result from
               | any random library they're using?
               | Do not use random libraries. A good library should have
               | even some basic docs outline its API and how to use it.
               | inertiatic wrote:
               | >This is a good example of the object oriented, strongly
               | typed way of thinking. Explore languages that follow
               | different paradigms, where interfaces just don't apply.
               | I'm not sure whether you intended this to sound so
               | patronizing, but wow. What languages should I explore
               | while talking about Javascript?
               | You are called to edit a function that takes 2 arguments:
               | function handle_req(request, options):
               | What is request in this context and what is options?
               | What makes me more productive, going up the stack and
               | seeing who might call this function and with what
               | argument, or instantly knowing what the domain of values
               | it operates on is and being able to treat this as a
               | separate unit?
               | >Do not use random libraries. A good library should have
               | even some basic docs outline its API and how to use it.
               | A whole lot of the time, especially in Javascript land
               | you will join projects where libraries are being used,
               | and where documentation is lacking. Your advice here is
               | basically to not be part of those projects? Instead of
               | developing and using tooling that will ensure that these
               | situations no longer happen?
               | Okay.
               | orange8 wrote:
               | > I'm not sure whether you intended this to sound so
               | patronizing, but wow. What languages should I explore
               | while talking about Javascript?
               | Why would the suggestion to explore non OOP, strongly
               | typed languages sounds patronizing to you? The more
               | different languages you play with, the broader your
               | mental modelling toolset becomes. It is painfully obvious
               | to me that someone worried about interfaces in JS is not
               | very familiar with more dynamically typed or/and
               | functional languages. JS is a VERY FLEXIBLE language
               | which can be coded in any style, which is why I've
               | suggest playing with something more opinionated to get
               | the gist. Languages like XSLT, Erlang, LISP, Haskell etc.
               | > You are called to edit a function that takes 2
               | arguments:
               | > function handle_req(request, options):
               | > What is request in this context and what is options?
               | The fact that you can edit handle_req means it is
               | application code. So how you figure that out comes down
               | to the structure and patterns you and your team use (if
               | any) and the available documentation (if any). You'd be
               | surprised how far Eslint and JSDoc will take you.
               | TypeScript accomplishes the same, and I've no problem
               | using it within a team that needs it but personally, it
               | feels like an overkill I don't really need to.
               | > A whole lot of the time, especially in JavaScript land
               | you will join projects where libraries are being used,
               | and where documentation is lacking. Your advice here is
               | basically to not be part of those projects? Instead of
               | developing and using tooling that will ensure that these
               | situations no longer happen?
               | The decision to use TypeScript or any other tooling
               | should really be made at the BEGINING of a project, so
               | why are we talking about projects that already missed the
               | boat, and even worse lack documentation and tests? This
               | just proves my point, what you really need is discipline
               | (documentation, tests, best praise etc) and a good
               | linter, not a whole new language or programming paradgim.
               | danShumway wrote:
               | > that will ensure that these situations no longer
               | happen?
               | Well... but Typescript _doesn 't_ ensure those situations
               | won't happen, ironically because it's a superset of
               | Javascript and it's not strict enough. Typescript is just
               | documentation that compiles. If a library has bad
               | documentation, it's likely to have bad Typescript as
               | well, and bad Typescript can be a giant curse.
               | Typescript will happily allow you to force a typecast
               | that doesn't reflect reality -- it will happily allow you
               | to say that a method always returns a string when
               | sometimes it returns a number, and it will happily
               | compile in those scenarios.
               | Tracking those bugs down are a giant pain. I don't hate
               | Typescript, but people who look at this and think, "I
               | don't have to care about what libraries I'm using, I can
               | just trust the interface" are fooling themselves. I've
               | debugged plenty of errors in Typescript code that ended
               | up being the result of me trusting an interface that
               | didn't reflect the reality at runtime.
               | There's value in Typescript for some projects, but it
               | does not remove the need to be careful about
               | documentation and dependencies, because it's _so easy_
               | for both dependencies and downstream code to circumvent
               | the protections Typescript gives you.
               | Udik wrote:
               | > it will happily allow you to say that a method always
               | returns a string when sometimes it returns a number
               | Just replace "say" with "assume" and you have the
               | javascript situation: javascript is just typescript with
               | documentation stripped off.
               | > Typescript is just documentation that compiles.
               | Exactly. And we're arguing whether code should contain
               | documentation or not.
               | danShumway wrote:
               | This is kind of a subtle idea, but in some instances, the
               | illusion of safety can be harmful. It is occasionally
               | (not always) better not to give people the illusion of
               | safety when that safety doesn't actually exist. Sometimes
               | putting an ineffective railing along a mountain path
               | increases accidents, because it's human nature for people
               | walking on that path to watch their footing less when
               | they see the railing.
               | >> Do not use random libraries. A good library should
               | have even some basic docs outline its API and how to use
               | it.
               | > A whole lot of the time, especially in Javascript land
               | you will join projects where libraries are being used,
               | and where documentation is lacking. Your advice here is
               | basically to not be part of those projects? Instead of
               | developing and using tooling that will ensure that these
               | situations no longer happen?
               | I'm not here to hate on Typescript, I think it has its
               | uses. I use Typescript in some places. I generally avoid
               | it for personal projects, but I would probably encourage
               | it for larger orgs.
               | But the idea that Typescript protects you from needing to
               | care about interfaces is exactly the problem with over-
               | reliance on Typescript, and is the source of a lot of
               | really badly written code that treats interface design
               | like an afterthought. If you're using Typescript for
               | documentation and you're treating it like a tool, you can
               | write some really elegant code, you can catch some
               | shallow bugs around types and assumptions, you can
               | integrate your documentation into your IDE. If you're
               | looking at Typescript and saying, "this is an efficient
               | way for me to document what my code does", then this is
               | all very good.
               | But if you're using Typescript and saying, "now I can
               | pull in any dependency I want", then Typescript is doing
               | you more harm than good.
               | The specific advice orange gives in those two sentences
               | is _good advice_. If Typescript is giving you a false
               | sense of confidence about using random libraries, then
               | that 's a real negative.
               | I use both pure JS and Typescript almost daily, and I
               | consume plenty of dependencies written in Typescript. I
               | still occasionally need to debug the stack traces in
               | those dependencies. I still occasionally need to read
               | through their source code to figure out what they're
               | doing. Badly documented dependencies are not a problem
               | that Typescript solves.
               | Udik wrote:
               | > in some instances, the illusion of safety can be
               | harmful
               | > you can catch some shallow bugs around types
               | > If Typescript is giving you a false sense of confidence
               | about using random libraries
               | > Badly documented dependencies are not a problem that
               | Typescript solves.
               | Seriously, what is your claim? That if you have a badly
               | documented third party library with wrong typings then
               | typescript doesn't help? Well, that's some news! Try the
               | same library with no documentation at all then, so you
               | won't get a false sense of safety. If that is your
               | problem, why don't you just avoid importing typings for
               | libraries?
               | And I don't get this insistence on bugs and safety. Sure,
               | typescript probably prevents you from doing really stupid
               | stuff sometimes, but that's not the main reason I use it.
               | I use it because it both allows me to write much more
               | complex code _and_ speeds up dramatically the
               | development- because the tool takes on itself what is
               | otherwise a heavy cognitive load: remembering and
               | inferring interfaces and signatures that are there all
               | the time, even if implicitly.
               | orange8 wrote:
               | > javascript is just typescript with documentation
               | stripped off.
               | JS, at its core is a dynamically typed, functional
               | language. Typescript aims to model a strongly typed, OPP
               | language. The two programming paradigms have their own
               | strengths, weaknesses and most importantly: _patterns and
               | best practices_.
               | If the only difference between your pure javascript code
               | and your typescript code is the annotations, you are
               | doing it wrong.
               | Udik wrote:
               | > Typescript aim to model a strongly typed, OPP language.
               | Do you think? I just take TS for what it gives me,
               | documentation and static code analysis. I can write down
               | my knowledge and expectations about the code and have the
               | tool keep track of it for me, removing the cognitive load
               | of doing it myself- which I'd have to otherwise.
               | Can you give me an example of a pattern that is "good" in
               | JS and not in TS, or the other way round? I'm curious.
               | manigandham wrote:
               | Typescript is as strongly typed as you want it to be. You
               | can easily work with dynamic types and it will fill in
               | where it can.
               | danShumway wrote:
               | Eh... people say this, and in theory it should be true.
               | If you actually use Typescript with a lot of
               | dynamic/unsafe types, in practice you will very quickly
               | end up with a lot of code littered with `any` casts, and
               | those unsafe code blocks will end up (for lack of a
               | better word) infecting the rest of your code and making
               | the compile-time errors much less useful.
               | For whatever it's worth, my advice is in the instances
               | where you decide Typescript is right for you, commit to
               | it. For the most part, use interfaces, and use strict
               | types that don't get recast a whole bunch.
               | You don't want Typescript to be guessing too much about
               | your code, because some of those intuitions are fragile
               | and can turn into bugs later if you assume Typescript
               | just knows what you mean. I've had code that works until
               | it gets refactored and Typescript stops being able to
               | intuit what a type is. At that point, going back and
               | retroactively trying to make things more explicit becomes
               | a lot harder and a lot more error prone. The temptation
               | there is to just shortcut the entire process and force
               | Typescript to accept that a type is what you say it is --
               | and that can lead to very subtle bugs that are hard to
               | track down.
               | The best Typescript code I've seen is code that embraces
               | the rigidness. When I see a Typescript project with a lot
               | of `any` casts, I start to get kind of nervous.
               | giantDinosaur wrote:
               | I don't even get this criticism - the problem with
               | Typescript is that it's far too easy to bypass the type
               | system and allow the dynamic parts of JS to do whatever
               | you want. You can lie about your interfaces all day and
               | <any> to your dynamic heart's content.
               | For what it's worth, my experience with programmers who
               | think like you is that rarely they're actually genuinely
               | talented and right, and mostly they just spew forth bugs
               | which often sit dormant until they rear their ugly heads
               | years later. Most people are better off thinking about
               | their API's _before_ they implement them, much like one
               | would do in a real engineering discipline. Types are
               | often (and yes, not always) a good way to draw the effort
               | out to the front of your process.
               | orange8 wrote:
               | Wow! What a mature, thoughtful response \s
               | Only the first and last sentences actually addressed the
               | topic, the rest was just an angry emotional attack on
               | those who think differently from you. Hope you're feeling
               | better now.
               | boomlinde wrote:
               | _> Explore languages that follow different paradigms,
               | where interfaces just don 't apply._
               | Interfaces as a general concept applies whether there is
               | a type system to ensure that they are satisfied or not.
               | Do you have function parameter lists? Do you have
               | expected shapes for function inputs and outputs? Do you
               | have distinct types? Then you have interfaces. Your shit
               | breaks when they aren't conformed to. It has nothing to
               | do with strong typing or object orientation. Strong,
               | static typing is just a way to ensure at compile-time
               | that the expected interfaces are satisfied.
               |  _> Do not use random libraries. A good library should
               | have even some basic docs outline its API and how to use
               | it._
               | Hearing this assurance from someone who just complained
               | about their jenga tower of tooling causing issues, I'm
               | not convinced.
           | ThePhysicist wrote:
           | Why do you have to de-typify Typescript dependencies? You can
           | mix typed and untyped code with a gradual typing approach,
           | and tools like webpack make this very easy?
           | capableweb wrote:
           | I'm also avoiding typescript as much as I can, but not
           | because typescript itself, but because of how typescript
           | projects tends to be outlined. Lots of the projects are way
           | over-engineered for where they are on the timeline and
           | typescript makes people reach for classes too early. Seeing
           | the same with vanilla JS projects now too when `class` been
           | introduced.
           | Instead I'm stricly using ClojureScript as the tooling is
           | really solid in everything Clojure, backwards compatibility
           | is a huge selling point in everything Clojure and projects
           | using Clojure/Script tends to be just of the right size and
           | think more about the data structures themselves instead of
           | what many refer to "proper engineering" (SOLID patterns and
           | other nonsense)
             | christophilus wrote:
             | I'm spinning up a few new projects at the moment, and was
             | sooo close to doing them in ClojureScript. I ended up going
             | with JavaScript, Preact, and Rollup just because of
             | familiarity allowing me to move faster. That, and my build
             | times are sub-second, something that was not true of my
             | previous Webpack and typescript projects. My total
             | application bundle size is still smaller than React alone.
             | ClojureScript is really good, though, I gotta say. How are
             | your production bundle sizes? Are you using shadowcljs? If
             | not, what tooling are you using? Also, what editor? I'm a
             | VSCode guy, and last time I used Clojure (a year or more
             | ago), Calva wasn't up to snuff. I wonder if that's changed.
               | capableweb wrote:
               | > How are your production bundle sizes?
               | Application I'm working on is not that complex, 20
               | something different pages with multiple sub-sections
               | themselves, bundle ends up being 1.5MB or something like
               | that, 300kb gzipped. Main weight comes from using
               | multimethods which pulls in a lot of cljs.core, so not
               | using that would make it a lot smaller.
               | Also gonna start splitting the bundle per page but
               | haven't yet.
               | > Are you using shadowcljs? If not, what tooling are you
               | using?
               | No, using figwheel-main, project was started before
               | shadowcljs starting to look as good as it looks today.
               | Starting a project today I would probably look into
               | shadow-cljs first. But we're not using any npm
               | dependencies, but shadow-cljs seems to have better
               | introspection properties than figwheel-main (like seeing
               | partitions of bundle size easier, we're currently doing
               | it by looking at the sourcemaps...)
               | > Also, what editor?
               | Using vim + fireplace which been working really well for
               | me.
               | > Calva wasn't up to snuff. I wonder if that's changed
               | Haven't used Calva myself but tons of people in the
               | community swear by it, so I'm thinking it's been
               | improving since the last time you tried it.
               | I'm not sure when was the last time you tried Calva but
               | Calva been in at least two Clojurists Together
               | (https://www.clojuriststogether.org/) funding cycles, so
               | if you tried it before mid-2019, give it a try again (and
               | report back :) )
               | LandR wrote:
               | IntelliJ with Cursive is a very good Clojure IDE.
               | capableweb wrote:
               | Tried it out before (and your comment actually triggered
               | me to try it out again just to see) but I'm struggling to
               | find anything it does that vim + fireplace doesn't do
               | while vim is way faster and takes less screen-estate so I
               | can have my browser + editor side-by-side.
           | 112 wrote:
           | Every language comes with its own culture, and with its own
           | stereotypes. Java's over-engineering and boredom,
           | JavaScript's throwing shit on the wall and see what sticks,
           | PHP's developers that do stackoverflow-driven development.
           | There are experts, average people, and bad people in every
           | field. TypeScript brings sanity that is valuable for both
           | experienced developers and less experienced developers.
           | The peace of mind that you get with types when doing
           | refactoring is invaluable. I would never be able to go back
           | and write vanilla JavaScript, because it's broken.
           | You can over-engineer and write crap code in any language.
           | Also a comment on anyone that says experienced devs get no
           | benefit from types: you think you're good, but you're not. As
           | good as you think you are, if you seriously deny the benefits
           | of static typing, you're probably shit as a developer. If you
           | understand static typing and it's benefits then you agree
           | it's a good trade, if you don't understand it and still have
           | a strong opinion against it, then you're just a lazy human.
           | Kiro wrote:
           | Sorry, but that's just crazy. I would avoid your company like
           | the plague.
             | W4ldi wrote:
             | I've worked with both. And I have to say: It depends.
             | Mostly I feel like typescript slows me down A LOT. In my
             | opinion, the better your code style, guidelines, linting,
             | infrastructure, error reporting and tests - the less you
             | need typescript. I worked in a team that had about 150
             | micro-apps and services, it was maintained by roughly 15
             | devs. Each microservice had it's very small scope and it
             | was very very easy to work with it. Everything was very
             | predictable, which made it easy to work without having
             | types.
               | watwut wrote:
               | I mean, I would be willing to work in company that does
               | not uses typescript.
               | But a company that goes to irrational length of rewriting
               | dependencies because they use typescript? A company that
               | assumes that seniors don't make simple mistakes? Those
               | are warning flags.
               | anton_gogolev wrote:
               | > ...the better your code style, guidelines, linting,
               | infrastructure, error reporting and tests
               | Doesn't TypeScript kind of solves (at least partially)
               | those issues?
               | wues wrote:
               | "We have problems, let's introduce some code style
               | guidelines, linting, error reporting and most importantly
               | tests!" "Nah, let's just switch to Typescript, it will
               | solve all those problems. At least partially."
               | gherkinnn wrote:
               | It's not either/or. Nice strawman you put up here.
               | wues wrote:
               | No I didn't. The statement was that Typescript solves the
               | listed issues, which is obviously not true. There may be
               | of course discussion whether TS _helps_ to solve such
               | issues but you won't be able to convince me that TS
               | _solves_ e.g. lack of testing.
               | sbergot wrote:
               | I mean, look at the number of tests needed to replace a
               | few lines of types. You have to check the behavior of
               | your functions for all kinds of invalid inputs. With
               | typescript you still need tests but less of them. And
               | also you can get rid of a lot of input validation in your
               | production code.
           | [deleted]
           | bregma wrote:
           | To be fair, cargo-cult programming is a scourge in any
           | domain. Since the cult many folks started with when they took
           | their college (or free online) programming course was Java,
           | all cargo looks like Java.
           | Vinnl wrote:
           | > we have a problem of having to "de-typescript" a lot of 3rd
           | party code.
           | What do you mean by this? npm packages at least are _already_
           | "de-typescripted", in the sense that they're just .js files
           | with accompanying .d.ts files describing the former to people
           | using editors with TypeScript support.
           | (Also, it feels like you've experienced a weird subset of
           | TypeScript code. It also happens to be an enormous help when
           | doing things "the Javascript way", which is what it's
           | actually designed for. But I can imagine that encountering
           | bad apples can sour the experience for you.)
           | chvid wrote:
           | I agree with this.
           | TypeScript makes Java and .NET developers think they
           | understand the language and platform and causes a lot of
           | irrelevant design to be copied over into the JS world where
           | it mutates and becomes absolutely poisonous.
           | Just look at Angular where the boilerplate and crazy
           | dependency injection completely surpasses anything seen in
           | the Java / .NET world.
             | dynamite-ready wrote:
             | It's especially apparent when Java / C# developers are
             | introduced to a simple idea like a Flux pattern store.
             | Store structures, despite the initial difficulty in
             | learning the pattern, simplify things enormously, but can
             | somehow become nightmarishly complicated in the hands of a
             | developer who expresses API/client relationships in terms
             | of Factories and Services... When it's not hell to work
             | with, it's actually quite interesting to observe.
         | marcus_holmes wrote:
         | I use Vue without a compile step (I abuse Go's templating
         | engine to achieve this). Mostly to avoid the security nightmare
         | of Webpack's 434583593e4735683 dependencies (and most of the
         | other options are not much better) so Typescript is not an
         | option. I love that I can do this with Vue (I can't with
         | React).
           | STRiDEX wrote:
           | so what you're saying is you avoid vue's poor typescript
           | support by not using typescript
         | izelnakri wrote:
         | ember with typescript should be an option for you
         | z0mbie42 wrote:
         | I would love to know why are you saying this.
         | I use Vue2 + Typescript, and for me it works great!
         | Even Auto-completion works.
           | fraktl wrote:
           | Because he never used Vue with TS. It's a blatant lie and
           | utter bullshit.
           | 112 wrote:
           | It's OK for the most common scenarios, I didn't comment on
           | the regular "build a web app" case, but more complicated
           | ones. I think @vue/cli is very nice, but I've had many issues
           | dealing with the magic behind it, so much that it became
           | easier to swap vue-cli-service with rollup and custom setups.
           | I'm sure Vue3 will fix all this, and it will be awesome. Very
           | much looking forward to it
         | mcny wrote:
         | I've only used angular but I'm curious, why has angular never
         | been an option for you?
         | I've never used react but I think you can use typescript with
         | react if you wanted to, right? it just isn't the default but if
         | you're in react land, you probably don't care much for
         | defaults?
           | 112 wrote:
           | React with TypeScript is a joy. I have the utmost respect for
           | Angular, and for the way it pushed forward progress on
           | frontend. Vue itself has taken many great ideas from Angular.
           | It hasn't been an option for me because I found it quite
           | opinionated for personal projects, and in my work context I
           | didn't enjoy / respect the people that were working on
           | Angular projects. This is not about Angular, it's about where
           | I was working and the people there.
           | It's easy to judge a tool by it's users, but we mustn't.
         | se7enzer0 wrote:
         | Vue 3 is not too far off and has first class TypeScript
         | support.
         | manigandham wrote:
         | Vue 3 will change all that. It's written in typescript with
         | first-class support and the composition API is like React hooks
         | but better for most cases.
         | Vue's templating is standard HTML which means it can be
         | delivered by any server-side language/framework. This is where
         | Vue shines in adding interactivity to many typical apps without
         | going fully SPA.
           | sebazzz wrote:
           | Vue 3 is getting delayed, isn't it? Not weird for a community
           | project, but still something to note.
             | manigandham wrote:
             | I don't know, there's no hard deadline but you can check
             | the official roadmap:
             | https://github.com/vuejs/vue/projects/6
           | DanielBMarkham wrote:
           | Apologies, I a bit confused. SPA stands for Single-Page
           | Application, does it not? So if you have a single page that
           | works as an application, it is a SPA, no?
           | I understand the desire to use webkit, Typescript, and so
           | forth to develop modern apps, I'm just confused at why Vue in
           | a stand alone page delivered by ftp or usb drive isn't a
           | "full" SPA
             | oefrha wrote:
             | You can mix and match traditional server-rendered content
             | and JS framework (in this case Vue)-rendered components on
             | the same page (not considering SSR here). Going full SPA
             | means using the latter exclusively.
               | frosted-flakes wrote:
               | You can easily do that with React too. In fact, that's
               | how Facebook first used it, using it for just the chatbox
               | (or something) with the rest of the page as it was.
               | manigandham wrote:
               | React with JSX means you can easily mount a component
               | into an element, but you can't easily add interactivity
               | to all of the existing HTML on the page as delivered by
               | the server.
               | DanielBMarkham wrote:
               | Got it. Thanks. We have several content-delivery
               | pipelines at work. It had been so long since I used
               | server-side dynamic content creation that it had slipped
               | my mind.
           | StreamBright wrote:
           | >> This is where Vue shines in adding interactivity to many
           | typical apps without going fully SPA.
           | That is good to know. I wasn't aware. Most of the apps we are
           | working on cannot be SPAs easily, so it matters if the JS
           | framework supports operating without it.
           | williamdclt wrote:
           | It is standard HTML in the sense that it's valid HTML, which
           | React JSX isn't, of course. But without the JS runtime it
           | won't do anything, so in the end what's the advantage over
           | React? You can add interactivity without going full SPA with
           | React too after all
             | manigandham wrote:
             | It's a subtle but huge difference. In React, using JSX
             | means you can create components and mount them _on top_ of
             | the existing elements on the page.
             | With Vue's HTML templates, the page itself can be the
             | component and everything can become interactive. For
             | example, you can easily output a HTML table from server-
             | side code, then Vue can convert that into a interactive
             | component while using the existing structure and data.
             | This lets you render the page using existing web
             | frameworks, it's faster because the server puts it
             | together, it's progressive enhancement and works without JS
             | and on slow devices, and Vue can seamlessly add on top with
             | nothing more than a single JS tag and no compilation step.
               | honopu wrote:
               | I think you're talking about universal or isomorphic
               | rendering, but each of these allow for it.
               | manigandham wrote:
               | No, I'm talking about using hundreds of existing server-
               | side web frameworks that output HTML, not Node/React SSR
               | which is far more limiting.
               | azangru wrote:
               | > In React, using JSX means you can create components and
               | mount them on top of the existing elements on the page.
               | I am not sure this analysis is entirely correct.
               | In case of server-side-rendered React pages, React takes
               | the html that arrives from the server and makes it
               | interactive ("hydrates" it, according to the common React
               | community parlance), provided that that DOM generated
               | from that HTML corresponds to the virtual DOM that React
               | generates. It doesn't throw the original DOM away.
               | manigandham wrote:
               | This is only if you use SSR and is the opposite of being
               | able to render with any existing web framework.
               | kumarvvr wrote:
               | Fantastic point.
               | Vue has a bit more flexibility in that regard.
           | keithnz wrote:
           | you can use the composition api already in Vue2, which is
           | what I have been doing, and I'm using typescript for
           | everything. There is a chance the api may change, but it
           | seems pretty stable. I combo this with using tailwindcss and
           | I think that makes for a pretty productive combo.
       | TekMol wrote:
       | Can someone give a quick code example for the follwing?
       | The framework allows UI elements         to be defined in a
       | declarative way
       | How can you use Vue so that what you do is more declarative then
       | when using a template engine like handlebars?
         | aliveupstairs wrote:
         | I believe the templating is what's declarative, here. For
         | instance, in Vue you can insert logic such as for loops,
         | conditionals, event listeners, two-way data binding and so on
         | right in the template with directives (HTML attributes).
         | <Todo v-for="(todo, index) in Todos" :key="index"/>
         | Instead of an imperative JavaScript for loop.
           | otabdeveloper2 wrote:
           | How in seven hells is moving imperative loop constructs from
           | Javascript to HTML supposed to be "declarative"?!
           | If anything, it's the opposite - you're now polluting HTML
           | with imperative programming features where there previously
           | were none.
           | TekMol wrote:
           | It is the same with handlebars. You put your todo element
           | between {{#.}} and {{/.}} which means "do this for all
           | elements" and then pass only the "Todos" array to the
           | template. No loop in Javascript either.
       | tannhaeuser wrote:
       | The requirements listed for a "modern JavaScript framework" are
       | completely generic. Of course, if you include requirements such
       | as "declarative" and "broad mindshare", you can only arrive at
       | React, Angular, or Vue - at the moment that is.
       | Is this for internal Wikimedia apps or intended as a long-term
       | replacement for Wikipedia/MediaWiki? If the latter, a prime
       | requirement surely would be to support MediaWiki markup wouldn't
       | it?
       | The problem with this kind of assessment starts with the
       | deliberate decision that you need a JavaScript "framework" at all
       | in the first place (that isn't just motivated by a junior dev
       | seeking to pad his/her resume). Going from there, since you
       | desperately want to persuade yourself that today's frontend
       | landscape isn't just a result of big media influence (Fb,
       | Google), you necessarily choose Vue (I know several companies who
       | settled on Vue because they couldn't stand the React hype).
       | In other words, decisions for a particular JavaScript framework
       | are as generational as ever, and the hope for a choice with a
       | long-term perspective is futile, because a new generation of
       | webdevs will soon re-invent their generation's framework since
       | maintaining daddy-o's web framework isn't fun, and because every
       | developer wants to carve out a niche for creativity.
       | torgian wrote:
       | This looks like a backwards solution to a modern problem.
       | pier25 wrote:
       | So I've been working with React/Vue/etc since 2015 and I agree
       | that if you are looking for an ES5 jQuery replacement Vue is the
       | best candidate of the most popular options. You can work old
       | school, just import it via a script tag and start writing ES5 .js
       | files.
       | That said, ES5 is going to die at some point and big projects
       | like Wikipedia need to prepare for that. Making long term
       | decisions that do not take that into account will be essentially
       | flawed. It would be better to adopt TS than to keep writing ES5
       | in 2020.
       | jeswin wrote:
       | I looked at Vue.js and came away with the impression that it
       | requires me to learn a lot of framework-specific implementation
       | details. For instance, a list requires that you know the v-for
       | directive, while in React it's just JavaScript's Array::map().
       | Couldn't see the value there.
         | manigandham wrote:
         | These directives take less than a day to learn. 99% of the time
         | it's far easier to write HTML tags with data and event binding
         | directives than hack around with JSX and passing all those
         | props.
         | You can also use JSX with Vue if you want. Just add a render()
         | function to the component. That's what happens anyway when you
         | use a normal template, the Vue compiler turns it into a render
         | function the same way JSX is compiled by React.
           | shirshak55 wrote:
           | and using promises with vue is nightmare.
             | manigandham wrote:
             | Using promises where? And what's difficult about them?
           | idoubtit wrote:
           | Using Vue's pseudo-HTML directives might be easier for many
           | cases, but it is less powerful than JavaScript. In some
           | cases, these restrictions leads to workarounds or rewrites. I
           | agree with the grand-poster that the added value is
           | controversial.
           | As for JSX with Vue, it's clearly a second class citizen. For
           | instance, last I checked, JSX + TypeScript was broken, though
           | both are officially documented with Vue.
             | manigandham wrote:
             | Yea, the 1% of the time you need that extra control then
             | you can easily use JS render function or JSX. The
             | documentation covers all of this:
             | https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/render-function.html
             | mmis1000 wrote:
             | I actually found make it restricted (compare to js) improve
             | general code quality as you don't have too much items to
             | abuse. Probably not ideal for personal project because it
             | won't let you fly as you want. But it is awesome for
             | collaboration because you can't really write something way
             | too off with it.
             | keithnz wrote:
             | I haven't found it very limiting, however, because it is
             | very well defined, in Vue3 they are looking to actually use
             | this to make massive optimizations in rendering that you
             | simply can't make when you use javascript anyway you like
             | to assemble things.
         | rk06 wrote:
         | do you want to see the value? if so, here it is:
         | By itself, there is no inherent value in either v-for or
         | Array::map(). However, these choices do not exist in a vacuum,
         | they are other decisions in place, which do provide significant
         | value:
         | - React, allows full power of js when writing template. and
         | easy to express and decompose components into functions. while
         | Vue does not allow the fine-grained in template unless you go
         | into Vue's JSX) - Vue, via template-based approach, enables
         | Developers to deploy apps without a build step, while React
         | forces devs to add a build step(and a compelx one at that) to
         | pipeline
         | untog wrote:
         | > Couldn't see the value there.
         | When you're choosing a JS framework you need to factor in the
         | experience the user has along with the experience you have. I
         | don't know much about Vue but React comes with a huge amount of
         | bulk. A lot of JS that has to be parsed before anything can
         | even be done on the page.
         | If you're choosing React because it allows you to fall back on
         | what you know rather than learn something new you're making an
         | ill-informed choice.
         | martin_a wrote:
         | Right now, Corona made some time for that, I'm rewriting
         | something I tried to do in Vue. I don't work with Vue daily and
         | that makes it real hard to do even the simplest things. I'm
         | back to vanilla JS, few sprinkles of jQuery and HTML5. Works
         | well for me.
           | shirshak55 wrote:
           | exactly. React works so well with js. And vue claims to be
           | simple but tbh its hard. working with async await function,
           | promises are so weird. And you need packages for simple stuff
           | also.
         | boobsbr wrote:
         | That feels like learning Angular template syntax, and I really
         | dislike it. React has its warts, but I find JSX very readable,
         | much more flexible.
           | ptrwis wrote:
           | I dislike both. Most readable template syntax for me is PHP's
           | "alternative syntax for control structures" (the one with
           | colons instead of braces and closing keywords).
             | boobsbr wrote:
             | That feels like JSP to me, and I don't have fond memories
             | of JSP.
               | imtringued wrote:
               | JSF somehow managed to be even worse than JSP.
       | pmarin wrote:
       | Most of Wikipedia works perfectly without Javascript I hope it
       | will continue to do so.
         | k__ wrote:
         | Modern JavaScript runs on the server just fine, they will
         | probably use server side rendering and build time rendering.
           | vorpalhex wrote:
           | Server side rendering is _slow_ and _expensive_. Wikipedia
           | needs to be fast for all of it 's users, and needs to be very
           | cost centric.
             | karatestomp wrote:
             | Weird, most of the fastest-feeling sites I use are server-
             | side rendered. Though I doubt they use any JS in that path.
             | Maybe basic html Gmail does but probably it's Java or
             | something.
             | k__ wrote:
             | Static site generation is very cheap in terms of generation
             | and delivery.
               | vorpalhex wrote:
               | Yes, SSR and static are not the same.
       | b34r wrote:
       | The developer experience of working with Vue is significantly
       | worse than React in my personal experience...
       | Too much file separation, "magic" in the templates, etc.
       | [deleted]
       | otabdeveloper2 wrote:
       | Good, I needed a reason to stop using Wikipedia.
       | Good bye.
       | a_imho wrote:
       | It reads as a solution looking for a problem.
       | lwh wrote:
       | Not needing JS is a key feature of MediaWiki. It would be great
       | if the old CSS+HTML skins still worked with this.
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2020-03-19 23:01 UTC)