[HN Gopher] Audacious 4.0 released, switches from GTK to Qt 5
       Audacious 4.0 released, switches from GTK to Qt 5
       Author : jrepinc
       Score  : 127 points
       Date   : 2020-03-22 19:18 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (audacious-media-player.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (audacious-media-player.org)
       | rubyn00bie wrote:
       | Kind of a tangent, but why switch from GTK to Qt 5? Or rather,
       | why Qt 5 rather than some other cross platform UI framework or
       | even GTK 3? Is it ease of porting it for new features compared to
       | something else? And/or is Qt just that much nicer to use?
         | kitotik wrote:
         | Curious, what would you choose?
         | For whatever reason, the cross-platform UI story seems dire as
         | ever if you don't count web.
         | paride5745 wrote:
         | GTK3 is becoming very GNOME3 specific, while Qt5 is still
         | agnostic and easy to port on different platforms.
           | cycloptic wrote:
           | Can you elaborate? If you're talking about the client-side
           | decorations in GTK, those are up to the app developer to
           | choose if they want them or not.
             | ori_b wrote:
             | As a user, I don't want them, and I don't want the app
             | developer to make that choice for me.
               | arghwhat wrote:
               | The developers makes _every_ decision on how an
               | application works and looks (It 's _part of the code_ ).
               | The top row of pixels is no different.
               | rixed wrote:
               | The developers of Qt applications do not force how the UI
               | will look like. Users can customize it with local style
               | sheets (usually from the desktop environment).
               | [deleted]
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | GTK also supports customization via local style sheets.
               | In Qt it's absolutely possible for applications to force
               | client-side decorations and force a certain stylesheet.
               | Maybe it's not common in the apps you use, but again,
               | it's up to the app developer if they want to make use of
               | those things or not.
               | dependenttypes wrote:
               | > GTK also supports customization via local style sheets.
               | They also break them at every release.
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | That's just plain FUD. The only release I remember
               | breaking CSS was 3.20, and that was because all the CSS
               | was refactored to allow for way more theming
               | possibilities.
               | Regardless of that I don't see anything based on
               | "cascading styles" as lending itself to a stable theming
               | system anyway. The CSS is probably going to change any
               | time a widget is added/refactored/bugfixed, this holds
               | true on the web as well once you build up a complex
               | library of React components or whatever. The point of it
               | is that there are multiple styles from multiple sources
               | that can cascade together. It's powerful but it can
               | result in a lot of complexity, anyone who's had to add
               | !important directives can attest to that. It needs to be
               | strictly managed by the developers to really work
               | correctly and to prevent the style overrides from getting
               | out of hand. Allowing custom user CSS is only for power
               | users who understand the caveats.
               | arghwhat wrote:
               | You can do that under Gtk3 too, but like with Qt5 it only
               | allows small adjustments in line with how the developers
               | built the UI. You can affect layout and style of
               | _certain_ components, but that 's it.
               | From the perspective of making design decisions, it's
               | somewhat equivalent to swapping the phone shell on a
               | Nokia 3310.
               | infinity0 wrote:
               | It feels like everyone someone voices an opinion about
               | GTK3 explaining why they don't like it, some GTK3 fanboy
               | has to chime in questioning the opinion and implying it
               | isn't rational. Yeah, this makes me want to stick with
               | GTK3 even less.
               | People don't have to explain their preferences in a
               | rational way, they will just switch away from GTK3. It's
               | cheaper.
               | Successful developers will try to interpret these users'
               | feedback in a self-critical, introspective and positive
               | way, and tweak their product based on the feedback. As
               | opposed to continually challenging the giver of the
               | feedback to explain their opinion in more detail, as if
               | by repeatedly digging deeper and deeper into an opinion,
               | you will at some point find some fundamental logical
               | contradiction in their views that will make them re-
               | evaluate their life philosophy on why they just don't
               | like GTK3.
               | I for one think the two opinions given above are
               | perfectly clear ("GTK3 is becoming very GNOME3 specific",
               | "As a user, I don't want them") and can't see why further
               | clarification is being requested. If you really need
               | clarification on these perfectly clear opinions, it is
               | your problem.
               | arghwhat wrote:
               | No clarification at any point was necessary. Despite your
               | rant here, I made no claims as to which was better, or
               | whether a users opinion on that particular aspect was
               | valid. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so one
               | cannot claim right or wrong.
               | What I stated was that development decisions, whatever
               | they are, are up to the developers, including which
               | frameworks they wish to use, and how they wish to use
               | them. Saying in any form that you don't want developers
               | to make decisions is nonsensical, as they would not be
               | able to write anything then. Decisions have to be made,
               | compromises chosen, and ultimately, not everyone will get
               | their will.
               | If you don't want other developers to make decisions for
               | you, you're stuck writing all the software you want to
               | use yourself.
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | A toolkit unfortunately can't enforce that. You have to
               | ask the app developers to change their design.
       | Paianni wrote:
       | Cross-platform toolkits are the lazy way. Good quality graphical
       | apps are available in derivatives that match the interface
       | guidelines and optimum toolkits/APIs of their platforms.
         | betenoire wrote:
         | I think I have a similar preference, but lazy and good are not
         | mutually exclusive
           | DagAgren wrote:
           | In this case, though, they are. There are no good cross
           | platform UI kits, and there probably never will be.
             | dependenttypes wrote:
             | > There are no good cross platform UI kits
             | Qt is one.
         | simonh wrote:
         | Good quality graphical apps sounds great, but do those exist
         | for every single use case? Unfortunately not. It doesn't matter
         | how great the native graphical sketching apps on MacOS and
         | Windows are, that isn't going to help me when what I want to do
         | is analyse packet captures. That's when I reach for Wireshark,
         | and do do full of appreciation to the devs for the excellent
         | tool they have provided.
         | Would it be better us every platform I use it in had an equally
         | high quality fully native port with full feature parity across
         | platforms? Sure, but I also understand the huge extra
         | commitment of resources that would require, so I'm content to
         | let them choose the trade off that works for them.
       | randyrand wrote:
       | Any screenshots?
         | jccalhoun wrote:
         | there's one on the front page: https://audacious-media-
         | player.org/
         | MawKKe wrote:
         | I just built it on ubuntu 18.04. It looks pretty much identical
         | to the native 3.9 version, except for icons.
         | FYI anyone reading this, take a backup of your
         | $HOME/.config/audacious before trying the new version. It did
         | something funny there and no files would play on the old
         | version anymore...
       | overgard wrote:
       | GTK integration in terms of look and feel on windows and macos
       | has been so bad for so long that I think the only valid use case
       | for it is if you're targeting gnome specifically.
         | edgarvm wrote:
         | Qt's license and cost is another valid reason to continue
         | developing on GTK
           | emilsedgh wrote:
           | Qt is free and LGPL for Audacious, any other FOSS app, or any
           | other project that is not looking to ship a patched version
           | of Qt.
             | slavik81 wrote:
             | It's even free if you want to ship a patched version of Qt,
             | as long as you also share the modified Qt code.
           | mixedCase wrote:
           | All the important parts of Qt are available under LGPLv3.
           | This only makes a difference to you if you want to do
           | Tivoization of your software (Gtk uses LGPLv2, this being the
           | only major difference AFAIK). In which case you still have
           | the option to buy a commercial license.
             | jjoonathan wrote:
             | Yeeeeahhh.... at the moment. They have gotten really
             | aggressive about commercial licensing recently, and even a
             | conservative extrapolation should give one pause.
             | Today they might limit themselves to forced registration,
             | SEO, and spamming business contacts with carefully crafted
             | statements designed to stir fear, uncertainty, and doubt
             | around free licenses by strongly suggesting (without
             | actually claiming) that commercial use without a commercial
             | license is illegal. But tomorrow? Also, keep in mind that a
             | business partner who isn't already familiar with Qt and
             | LGPL is going to be about 10x more susceptible to the FUD.
             | That's the whole idea.
             | My guess: 30% chance of an ugly fork and lots of drama in
             | the next few years. Then, absent a change in direction,
             | another 30% chance in the few years after that, and so on.
               | nabla9 wrote:
               | Qt will be free because there is agreement with KDE Free
               | Qt Foundation
               | https://dot.kde.org/2016/01/13/qt-guaranteed-stay-free-
               | and-o...
               | jjoonathan wrote:
               | The Qt Company went over my head and tried to deceive my
               | boss (as I perceive it).
               | We don't even use Qt. I was just evaluating it. A year
               | before they "reached out."
               | I still see that as a strike against Qt, even though I
               | understand that the existence of a technically free fork
               | is effectively guaranteed.
               | stormdennis wrote:
               | Yes, there is a lot of FUD about the licensing for Qt
               | when you search online, definitely not helped by how
               | unclear the Qt site's explanation of it is (to me at
               | least)
               | jjoonathan wrote:
               | > unclear
               | That's charitable. The FUD is consistent, persistent, and
               | targeted enough that I'd call it "intentionally
               | deceptive."
               | Monetizing open source is hard. Maybe this is necessary,
               | and if it is, maybe that's fair. But it's also fair to
               | stay away because of it.
               | Frondo wrote:
               | I don't find this unclear at all. I'm not sure what you
               | would do to make it clearer. Thoughts?
               | https://www.qt.io/download-open-
               | source?hsCtaTracking=9f6a217...
               | jjoonathan wrote:
               | My boss looks at this page, he sees that open source
               | programs can use Qt for free and that commercial programs
               | need to pay. That's not the case, but the page is
               | carefully worded to prevent him from confidently coming
               | to the correct conclusion.
               | If this were the extent of the shenanigans, I wouldn't be
               | mad. I like having a "help me sell this to my boss" page.
               | But it isn't the extent of the shenanigans. They went
               | around me to shake someone down on my behalf (as I
               | perceive it). Last time it was my boss. Next time I
               | choose a GUI framework for an open source side project,
               | I'll primarily worry about it being my users.
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | >he sees that open source programs can use Qt for free
               | and that commercial programs need to pay.
               | Where does it say that? Can you mention what he is having
               | trouble with? I just took a quick glance at that link in
               | GP and it seems to spell out the obligations of the LGPL
               | pretty clearly.
               | minraws wrote:
               | > Make "open" consumer devices
               | So Macs are out of question... Can't be signed can they?
               | What if we get a commercial license? Apple disallowes
               | GPL...
               | Can't support GTK either, Expat Licensed GUI alternatives
               | please...(I suggest Godot but it comes with a bit of pain
               | and some baggage as well)
               | There are also other corner cases that they might want to
               | cover, with more documentation.(Not sure if I have missed
               | something)
               | If anyone has more info pls do share it. :)
           | arendtio wrote:
           | I thought the license issue was one of the past?
           | cztomsik wrote:
           | Both reasons are why I'm trying to develop an OSS alternative
           | with easiness & platform-independence of the web but much
           | lower system requirements than what electron has.
           | I'm currently close to prealpha, if you're interested.
           | https://github.com/cztomsik/graffiti/
             | wccrawford wrote:
             | A friend and I were just wishing something like this
             | existed. "pre-prealpha" is a bit too early for me, but I
             | definitely wish you luck in this.
             | jamesgeck0 wrote:
             | Under project scope, there's this statement:
             | > To name just a few things you usually don't need: ...
             | flawless i18n & accessibility
             | Lack of basic accessibility support is (or should be) a
             | complete nonstarter for any serious project.
           | simias wrote:
           | Qt being C++ also makes creating language bindings often
           | harder so not all languages will let you build a Qt
           | interface. GTK is C so it's more straightforward.
         | jamesgeck0 wrote:
         | Switching to Qt isn't automatically a slam dunk on Windows.
         | I can tell when an app uses Qt because it opens in a
         | microscopic window on my Surface. VLC users have been waiting
         | on a fix for Qt-related fractional DPI scaling issues on
         | Windows for years.
           | joezydeco wrote:
           | All Qt developers have. I wouldn't put all the blame squarely
           | on Qt. Windows high DPI support is just awful on top of Qt's
           | neglect.
           | Have you ever hooked a high-DPI laptop to a low-DPI second
           | monitor? What a freaking headache that is.
           | Say what you want about MacBook owners being brand snobs, but
           | they _never_ have to deal with this nonsense.
             | akiselev wrote:
             | As someone who regularly uses a 15" MacBook Pro (for work)
             | and a workstation desktop + Thinkpad X1 Extreme with
             | Windows 10/several Linux distros (for hardware and software
             | personal projects, respectively) with lots of expensive
             | brand hardware for both laptops, I loathe them all with a
             | passion.
             | MacBooks get the hardware DPI consistency sort of right,
             | but multimonitor support is still flaming garbage to the
             | point where I have to run caffeine 24/7 and use rigid
             | window manager layouts configured per scenario (coding at
             | my desk, pair programming at someone else's desk, meeting,
             | presentation, etc.) to be able to efficiently context
             | switch between the modes and keep the screensaver from
             | mutilating my layout. Windows gets the window layout
             | consistency between monitor configurations mostly right if
             | you ignore chrome and Electron but multi-DPI support is
             | flaming garbage. Linux is completely hit or miss for me
             | depending on the monitor and drivers I've got configured
             | but in a desktop you can at least make Linux reliably _not_
             | flaming garbage.
             | I just now realized that my 20th anniversary with computing
             | must have passed in the last few months and looking back,
             | all I can remember is how much every operating system I've
             | ever used has gotten in my way.
             | /rant
       | toastercup wrote:
       | Audacious is pretty slick (especially with this latest release),
       | but lacks the features that Foobar2000 has that I need (namely, a
       | directory/folder view that can replace the active playlist when
       | clicked).
       | If anyone is looking for a decent Foobar2000 alternative, Foobnix
       | (https://github.com/foobnix/foobnix) has worked really well for
       | me. It has some rough edges and doesn't seem (that) actively
       | maintained, but it gets the important stuff right. Haven't come
       | across anything else quite like it for Linux yet, unfortunately.
       | If there was a Foobar-like folder view plugin for Audacious, I'd
       | switch to it in a heartbeat.
         | Arnavion wrote:
         | I just run foobar2000 under wine. The font rendering is a bit
         | iffy (some lines of text get clipped horizontally and
         | vertically, as if the calculated dimensions are smaller than
         | the rendered dimensions), but it doesn't bother me enough to
         | investigate.
         | That said, most of my music listening these days has been
         | pointing mpv at an internet radio steam.
       | modzu wrote:
       | just posting to say thank u and share some love for audacious
       | Naac wrote:
       | Looks like this is moving from GTK2, not GTK3 ( latest ).
         | MuffinFlavored wrote:
         | Does this mean GTK2 and GTK3 are... to be avoided for new
         | projects / dead?
         | How do Qt projects look + feel when ported to Mac OS X? Do they
         | look near native or can you tell it's a Qt project and not a
         | Cocoa project?
           | empyrical wrote:
           | Qt5 can be made to look pretty close to a native Mac app, but
           | one thing I haven't figured out yet is if there's a way to
           | get that "bouncy" effect you get when you scroll to either
           | end of a list.
             | syockit wrote:
             | Is this "bouncy" effect the elastic one pulling against the
             | end, snapping the list back to position when you release
             | it, or is it the the one where the scroll ricochets off the
             | end when you apply great force in order to quickly scroll
             | to the end? The former is a very nice UI cue, but who on
             | earth thought the latter was a good idea? As an Android
             | user, I wish there was a way to disable the ricochet on all
             | apps.
               | empyrical wrote:
               | I am referring to both styles of "bounce". Would be nice
               | to have the former to implement "pull to refresh"
             | unixhero wrote:
             | Well if that's the means to an end, then this world has
             | gone just crazy.
           | kelvie wrote:
           | They don't look quite native, but I feel the trend is moving
           | away from native-looking apps anyway (like via electron, or
           | forgoing an UI at all and just doing a web UI).
           | jcelerier wrote:
           | > Does this mean GTK2 and GTK3 are... to be avoided for new
           | projects / dead?
           | not dead but... here's for instance how Wireshark looked on
           | macOS when it was using GTK :
           | https://blog.wireshark.org/wp-
           | content/uploads/2013/10/osx-x1...
           | and here's how it looks now that it is using Qt :
           | https://news-
           | cdn.softpedia.com/images/news2/wireshark-3-0-re...
             | lazka wrote:
             | Here is how a gtk app looked in 2014 on macOS:
             | https://i.imgur.com/1e669Tp.png
             | ori_b wrote:
             | Yeah, nobody set a theme for GTK in that screenshot, and
             | GTK themes tend to look different from the native theme on
             | non-Linux OSes regardless.
             | But, the trend is towards Electron, which also integrates
             | poorly with the OS -- so, I'm not sure how much looking
             | native matters any more.
               | LaGrange wrote:
               | Eeh. It might be perception, but I feel like it was the
               | other way around -- around the time iPhone came out, a
               | lot of apps eschewed compliance in favour of achieving
               | clearer identity. I think that cleared the way for
               | electron -- I actually vaguely remember some people
               | talking about using html-based apps because they made
               | achieving a specific visual design easier, not because of
               | the portability benefits.
               | And for example AFAIK the new Apple Music app is using a
               | web view for some parts of itself, and as much as I like
               | having "light" apps, I generally prefer interacting with
               | Electron UIs over most QT apps.
             | ducktective wrote:
             | not bad-looking for gtk?
             | gray_-_wolf wrote:
             | I like the first one more, am I weird?
               | toast0 wrote:
               | The first one isn't Mac like --- the menu bar doesn't go
               | on the top of the window. I don't necessarily think
               | that's great, but that's the way it should be on a Mac.
           | pojntfx wrote:
           | NO. GTK has really been getting more and more import for
           | FLOSS as the Librem 5 and the vast majority (Ubuntu switched
           | to GNOME by default, so GNOME is now the default on
           | - Ubuntu - Fedora - OpenSUSE - Debian - CentOS - ...
           | GTK+ since version 3 is really neat. They rust re-did the
           | site as well: https://www.gtk.org
           | chrisseaton wrote:
           | > How do Qt projects look + feel when ported to Mac OS X?
           | They're in the uncanny valley.
             | bjoli wrote:
             | a lot of apps look non-native on os X, with apple starting
             | the trend of ignoring their own HIGs about 5 years ago.
             | I don't really mind, since osx happens to be my daily
             | driver since about a year, but whenever people claim that
             | osx is visually coherent I can't shake the feeling they are
             | stuck in 1998 and Mac os 8.
               | chrisseaton wrote:
               | Looking _different_ is ok.
               | The problem is that Qt and other cross-platform
               | frameworks tend to look _glitchy_ , as in their
               | differences are non-intentional and jarring.
               | They also tend to just look pretty old-fashioned, because
               | these frameworks are pretty old now and the controls,
               | layouts, and workflows they provide are a bit old-
               | fashioned.
               | So the first impression you get for software using Qt is
               | old and glitchy. Which isn't great.
           | aasasd wrote:
           | > _How do Qt projects look + feel when ported to Mac OS X?_
           | I haven't seen any cross-platform toolkits that abide by Mac
           | standards. Funny enough, the closest is Mozilla's toolkit.
           | Other than that, there are always telltale signs--e.g. no one
           | seems to grok Mac's toolbars even though they're organized by
           | the basic laws of proximity and grouping. Qt apps have the
           | lazy grid toolbars just crammed from left to right,
           | occasionally with extra-large icons for the 'designy' look,
           | and always with colorful icons unless something app-specific
           | is made (like in Calibre). Plus the noisy dividers.
           | Also, since Qt handles all the graphics and input, it has to
           | reimplement everything high-level that the systems provide
           | out of the box, and presumably to track changes in all of
           | that. Hence the past bugs of one-pixel offsets between
           | elements where they can't be in the system. And the present
           | non-support for system-wide key rebinding on Mac--e.g.,
           | home/end instead of cmd-left/right.
           | But yeah, Qt is better than something like not-obsessively-
           | tuned Swing. As for GTK, it seems to depend a lot on the
           | author specifically not forgetting to bundle the native-look
           | theme.
             | torstenvl wrote:
             | wx seems to be sufficiently Mac-like...
               | matthewbauer wrote:
               | Doesn't wx just use GTK under the hood?
               | zerr wrote:
               | On Linux, yes. On Mac it uses Cocoa and on Windows -
               | Win32 API. i.e. it is a wrapper for native controls.
           | baybal2 wrote:
           | > GTK3 are... to be avoided for new projects / dead?
           | Despite rooting for GTK, I think this is where it is going.
           | A lot of criticism as of late was that GTK is turning from a
           | Gimp ToolKit into a Gnome ToolKit, and you can see how
           | dramatic was the drop in mindshare has been since that trend
           | started.
           | Just like Gnome didn't really survive the 3.0 transition
           | because the project been really stolen by thew few people who
           | force fed Gnome Shell onto the wider community, the GTK did
           | not survive the transition from GimpTK to GnomeTK.
             | pengaru wrote:
             | It's more like the gnome people picked up abandoned
             | torches.
               | bronson wrote:
               | The existence of MATE indicates the torches were never
               | abandoned.
               | pengaru wrote:
               | Only if you conflate the users with the existing pool of
               | GTK/GNOME developers and maintainers of the time.
               | I'm thrilled to see that fork attract enough new talent
               | to apparently maintain itself and meet the needs of
               | what's a relatively small fraction of linux desktop
               | users.
             | markstos wrote:
             | Didn't survive? The most popular desktop distro, Ubuntu,
             | switched their DE from Unity to Gnome.
           | cycloptic wrote:
           | I think GTK3 will still be viable for a least a few more
           | years. It's currently in maintenance mode -- no new features
           | will be added, and all feature development is happening in
           | git master in preparation for the GTK4 release. The first
           | release of GTK4 is currently planned for this fall.
       | aasasd wrote:
       | It's alive!
       | Which reminds me, foobar2000's Mac port seems to be chugging
       | along--though not open-source.
       | ssivark wrote:
       | Back in the day when I used desktop music players on linux I
       | cycled through a whole bunch: Audacious, Rhythmbox, Banshee,
       | Amarok, Songbird(Mozilla!), Moc(Oh, so minimal!), Cmus, mpd
       | (server/client), and probably more that I'm forgetting now.
       | Feel a touch nostalgic for the uncomplicated time when I had
       | music on my devices, regularly "organized my music library" and
       | could play whatever whenever, and shared them with friends. I can
       | still rummage through my old disks and spin up some of that music
       | from time to time.
       | Mostly use cloud players these days; crazy to imagine that
       | there's nothing I can do if my favorite song/recording today is
       | not available ten years later!
         | nine_k wrote:
         | Buy music, don't rent it. Pay for downloadable files, or for
         | physical media if you are into it.
         | This is rather widely available.
           | RussianCow wrote:
           | It's significantly more expensive if you listen to a wide
           | range of music. Buying albums, or even just individual songs,
           | can very quickly surpass the $10/month you pay for Spotify.
           | Maybe that's worth it to you, but I can't blame most people
           | for just paying for a subscription.
             | KozmoNau7 wrote:
             | The issue is control. Albums are regularly disappearing
             | from the Spotify catalogue, sometimes reappearing later.
             | Sometimes specific albums in a band's history are missing
             | because that particular label doesn't have an agreement
             | with Spotify. And you never know if it's a crappy modern
             | brickwalled remaster. Not to mention the woefully bad
             | curation, mixed up artists, incorrect genres/years, you
             | name it.
             | With music you buy, _you_ are in control.
             | It's about quality over quantity.
           | organsnyder wrote:
           | I bought my first music on Bandcamp a couple of days ago
           | (they had a day when 100% of sales went to the artists). That
           | seems like one of the best ways to support artists while
           | still having a cloud-hosted library.
         | aasasd wrote:
         | If your library of favorites doesn't amount to a couple
         | terabytes like in, ahem, some cases, then it's pretty easy to
         | dump the selected bunch with `youtube-dl`.
         | Death of a couple sites with not-widely-available music, in the
         | past few years, has distinctly shown which of those two
         | terabytes should be more closely guarded. 'It's all on the
         | web', I've been told--well, not quite so anymore unless I
         | upload it somewhere first.
       (page generated 2020-03-22 23:00 UTC)