[HN Gopher] Show HN: Screen - screen sharing for remote work, by...
       Show HN: Screen - screen sharing for remote work, by the cofounder
       of Screenhero
       Author : jsherwani
       Score  : 259 points
       Date   : 2020-03-24 16:34 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (screen.so)
 (TXT) w3m dump (screen.so)
       | ganstyles wrote:
       | Nice! I've been using screen for many years, switched to tmux
       | though as I thought it was easier to manage.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Zing! I see what you did there :D
       | hashamali wrote:
       | How does this compare with Tuple (https://tuple.app/)?
       | Interestingly, Tuple was inspired by Screenhero and motivated by
       | it's closure.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | I can't speak to other products and their performance, but
         | we've worked hard on performance and wide platform support
         | (Mac, Windows, Linux apps to host screen shares, and web
         | support for joining meetings). Do try Screen and let us know
         | what you think!
           | mritchie712 wrote:
           | why can't you speak to other products?
         | frizkie wrote:
         | This was my immediate thought as well. The obvious benefit, and
         | the thing that I think holds Tuple back the most - is that
         | Tuple only supports macOS. That, and they don't seem to have
         | taken the pandemic as an opportunity to lower prices at all.
           | mritchie712 wrote:
           | why would they lower prices when people need the product
           | more?
             | frizkie wrote:
             | Because when the barrier to entry is getting your company
             | to spend more money to try a product that you've never used
             | before, it might help to sacrifice a little bit of revenue
             | up front in order to keep them as a customer in the future.
             | That's how I see it, at least.
       | bluebur wrote:
       | Just tried it out and it works great! It seems to be fast enough
       | so pair programming can work and gettinf started was
       | straightforward. I would maybe like to see a feature where you
       | could disable someone's access (kind ok f like silence, but for
       | yhe multiplayer control). Can't wait to try it out for real this
       | week.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | We've heard this feature request a few times, so it'll likely
         | make its way into the product soon.
       | marcinzm wrote:
       | At work we use USE Together but it's not too tolerant of
       | intermittent internet connection issues (ie: WiFi in any
       | congested area). I wonder if Screen is any better on that front.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Screen has worked really well for us and a handful of companies
         | that use us daily in our private beta. If you do have any
         | issues, let us know and we'll fix them asap!
       | jsherwani wrote:
       | Just to address the naming issue -- we (myself and the other
       | engineer, that comprise the entire Screen team) honestly have not
       | used GNU Screen for more than 5 years, and didn't even remember
       | it existed until today's post. I'm sorry for the oversight, but
       | this is the point of a public beta -- to help us unearth issues
       | we may have overlooked ourselves!
       | I'm open to finding a new name -- in fact, a few days ago, I had
       | reached out to Slack to see if they'd be open to letting us use
       | the Screenhero name since they're not using it. If that doesn't
       | work out, and and there's still significant distaste for the
       | name, we'll change it. 99.9% of the time we've spent to get here
       | has been on the product, getting it to work on all the platforms
       | it supports, and making sure it's performant and fast. The 0.01%
       | of time we've spent on getting our name and domain is something
       | I'm happy to revisit before our GA release.
         | vntok wrote:
         | Don't bother, the people who you are going to sell this product
         | to have never heard of the GNU utility and they do not care the
         | least about it. You'll be just fine.
           | phil_folrida wrote:
           | You are right, it is odd (at least I think of it is), people
           | don't really care about the name, though to be fair some
           | people really think it is important, .com is so important, ok
           | it is true for you, but reality is nobody cares, just focus
           | on the product capabilties.
           | multiplegeorges wrote:
           | Totally agree. The people who have heard of GNU screen will
           | learn the difference and those that haven't are blissfully
           | unaware.
           | abraae wrote:
           | And if you do change, don't change to Windows.
           | tjoff wrote:
           | One thing I hated with GNU screen was how hard it was to
           | google. I knew there was a certain fix for a special edge-
           | case but the generic name made it hard to search for.
           | This project don't even have the GNU keyword to help.
           | I guess this is an aspect where search engines are much
           | better today, to get the context. But still, the issue
           | remains.
         | fangorn wrote:
         | What about the remaining 0.09% ? ;)
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | Good catch! Hopefully our product is better than my math :D
           | lightwin wrote:
           | I see what you did there ;)
         | drenginian wrote:
         | The name is too generic. Think searchability.
         | What was that product name? Screenmaster screenlord turboscreen
         | are all more likely to get potential customers to remember and
         | find you.
         | It's a terrible name as is.
           | rvz wrote:
           | Perhaps Slack was a terrible name then, maybe Zoom was also
           | extremely generic as well and couldn't get any users or
           | customers to find them. /s
           | All your other suggestions are even more horrific, you might
           | as well call it TurboScreenMaster 3000.
           | 'Screen' and 'Screen Inc' is fine as it is.
             | pfranz wrote:
             | When I have issues like this when searching my next search
             | is usually "slack chat" or "zoom video." Now that they're
             | popular, you don't need these qualifiers. What would
             | someone add to "screen"? "screen sharing"?
             | IggleSniggle wrote:
             | I don't know if I'm a weirdo but I am _so_ interested in
             | learning about TurboScreenMaster 3000, but it needs to be
             | inherently at least as good as BattleChess 3000 and Class
             | of 3000
         | wilg wrote:
         | Forget GNU Screen, we recently launched a professional video
         | player called Screen. Check it out!
         | https://videovillage.co/screen/
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | Looks great! :D
         | Androider wrote:
         | The name is great, as is the slack command /screen, just keep
         | using it. Saying this as a user of GNU Screen. It's OK,
         | approximately nobody is going to be confused by this in the
         | real world.
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | I first expected a "screen -x" tutorial (which attaches
           | multiple clients to the same session; screen sharing, if you
           | will) when skimming HN titles, but yeah the "by the cofounder
           | of X" tipped me off when I read a little closer. Going to be
           | hard to google, though. For reasons unrelated to GNU screen,
           | I dislike product names that appear in a dictionary with the
           | most common words. Not saying that /screen would be a bad
           | Slack alias or whatever, so long as that isn't taken why not,
           | but as a product name there might be a nice thing to tack on
           | that you can abbreviate to Screen but still allows you to
           | google for the right thing or clarify when someone is
           | confused.
       | enilsen16 wrote:
       | Tried to install on Arch. Excited for to test the product(loved
       | screenhero) but the installation is a pain. Would be great if
       | there was a AUR package.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | We'd ideally like to create one or two distributions that are
         | most widely useful, instead of having to support every single
         | option out there -- we picked Snap for this reason. Slack also
         | supports Snap + Debian as their only two options, from what I
         | understand.
         | Could you please post this as a feature request on
         | https://support.screen.so so we can follow up with you and
         | update you on our progress?
       | Cu3PO42 wrote:
       | Everyone seems to be talking about the name, and for the life of
       | me I can't figure out why. I'm well aware of GNU screen, but it
       | hadn't come to mind until I saw all the comments. Keep the name--
       | or don't; maybe ask someone who know more about marketing than
       | most engineers ;)
       | Now I've been doing it as well... What I really wanted to say is
       | thank you for launching this product in a time where it's
       | desperately needed by many people and making it free. You said
       | elsewhere that you're bootstrapped and I really don't want to
       | think of the server costs coming your way, so I seriously do
       | commend you.
       | One thing I always do first with products like this is take a
       | look at the privacy policy: I probably care more than the average
       | person, but I feel like people, or at least companies and
       | institutions, also care quite a lot in Germany. The policy
       | mentions that video data is transferred through third parties and
       | not stored, but as far as I can tell it doesn't say anything
       | about whether the data is analyzed in real time nor about the
       | privacy policies of the third parties applying (or not). I want
       | to assume the best and I understand that legalese can be a kind
       | of a pain, but it would be wonderful to get some clarification
       | here.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | It's exactly as you described -- no one in the chain is
         | analyzing the content of the data being transferred. Both our
         | infrastructure providers (Daily is our primary, Twilio is an
         | opt-in secondary) care deeply about security, and both are used
         | even in healthcare settings.
         | If you have suggestions of what we can say and do to make this
         | better, please let me know. I will be looking into improving
         | the language before we do our GA launch.
           | Cu3PO42 wrote:
           | Wonderful to hear, thank you for the reply! Given this I'll
           | be sure to pitch this at work, I think it looks like a
           | wonderful solution.
           | While I do take a lot of interest in law, I am by no means a
           | lawyer. Personally, I would feel good about: "Neither Screen
           | nor these third parties store or record media data as part of
           | the Service, nor process it other than necessary to provide
           | the Service to you."
           | I'm sure corporate will have opinions on this when I propose
           | it, and I'll be sure to pass those on. As an additional point
           | of feedback, it would be wonderful if you listed payment
           | options somewhere. Although maybe it's an artefact of your
           | early launch or by design that you don't.
           | EDIT: changed "our Service" to "the Service" above for
           | consistency
       | quartz wrote:
       | Just tried this out, really cool concept and something we want at
       | our 100% remote company. Sadly it didn't work out for us on the
       | first test.
       | Here's our experience in case it's helpful:
       | Signup:
       | - There's no concept of user provisioning or inviting users, so
       | when I first signed up and started a session in slack everyone
       | was a little confused about if they needed to individually sign
       | up or if they should be expecting an invite to their corp email.
       | - I'd also like some degree of user management at a corp level if
       | for no other reaosn consolidated billing and basic auditing.
       | Screensharing:
       | - One of our cofounders is on linux and tried to do a
       | screenshare. He has 3 monitors hooked up and even though screen
       | asked him which monitor to share, it still shared all 3 at once.
       | - On my side from a macbook as a viewer the app wedged all 3 of
       | his monitors into view on my tiny 13" monitor and this completely
       | destroyed the aspect ratio of each of his monitors (ha, it's
       | really hard to write this without using the word screen), also
       | the resolution was super low, likely because one of his monitors
       | was showing a twitch video and the screen app was trying to keep
       | up.
       | - I tried zooming in on the one monitor where he had code open
       | and it was super pixelated.
       | - I tried drawing and there was a very noticeable delay for both
       | of us even though we're both on high speed connections.
       | - I tried to take screenshots of all this but every screenshot I
       | took just resulted in a grey image (not sure if screen
       | intentionally blocks screenshots but they're pretty important for
       | us).
       | ...sadly there was no way for us to do anything like remote
       | debugging under these conditions. Will keep an eye out for
       | updates since this is something we really want!
       | Systems: Mac OS 10.15.2, Arch (Manjaro)
         | [deleted]
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Sorry about that!
         | Looks like a bug in our Linux multi-monitor code. I'm going to
         | look into this right now! It's been a while since we touched
         | that code, and it's likely that bugs may have crept in since
         | then.
         | Also, corp level user management is something we've got in the
         | works, but we wanted to get the product out so that people
         | could start using it, and then add admin tools on top of that.
         | For instance, if you're on G Suite, everyone should be able to
         | OAuth in. But I hear you on the need for better tooling around
         | users.
         | Were you able to try screen sharing from your Mac to his Linux
         | computer?
           | quartz wrote:
           | Yep I believe mac -> linux was fine but we didn't do much
           | deep testing in that direction.
       | chairmanwow1 wrote:
       | Two things:
       | 1) GNU Screen exists and people use it everyday to do something
       | similar. 2) Why do you mention that started Screenhero and that
       | Slack acquired that company in the banner? That's great for you,
       | it just comes off a little haughty, because it's pretty
       | irrelevant to a new user reading about this product imo
         | burrows wrote:
         | Are the screenhero guys making you feel like a little man? It's
         | okay little man.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | This is day 1 of our public beta, and we're looking for
         | feedback on things we may not have considered. The name is one
         | such thing -- based on the response, we'll think about changing
         | it.
         | The point of the intro is to convey that I've built a similar
         | product before, and have experience in the videoconferencing
         | space, and that this product builds upon the ideas of the
         | previous products I've worked on. Sorry if it came across as
         | haughty, I didn't mean it that way.
       | troquerre wrote:
       | I've been wishing for a ScreenHero replacement for years. It
       | seems odd to me that no one came out with a replacement earlier,
       | but I'm super excited to try this out now!
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | I hope we exceed your expectations!
       | vietjtnguyen wrote:
       | Something I've done before to share a screen with coworkers is to
       | work in tmux and start a web tty service like gotty
       | (https://github.com/yudai/gotty). After you resolve the standard
       | network issues (port visibility and whatnot) you just need to
       | configure it with `tmux attach` as the starting command. tmux
       | already supports shared sessions if multiple terminals attach to
       | the same session, the session window size simply shrinks to the
       | minimum of all clients. If you've established trust then you can
       | use --permit-write with gotty to actually work in the same
       | terminal. Hop into a voice chat and you've got pair programming.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | If text editing is all you need, and both sides are comfortable
         | with the tools, then what you've suggested is definitely faster
         | than Screen (tmux sends text, we send pixels).
         | But if the guest needs to see something else on the host's
         | computer (if you're working together on a webpage, or a desktop
         | app), then whole-desktop screen sharing is the best approach.
         | Screen definitely isn't the best tool for every job. But it's
         | great for when you want everyone on the same page, seeing the
         | same thing, and able to talk about the content of your screen
         | and even control it together.
           | vietjtnguyen wrote:
           | I guess I should have qualified my post, I did look at Screen
           | (OP) and it definitely does more than just sharing a
           | terminal. It also just reminded me of something I've done
           | before (Screen -> screen -> tmux -> gotty, the mind is so
           | good at connections) which I thought was apropos and worth
           | sharing.
       | jsherwani wrote:
       | Hello HN!
       | I was the co-founder and CEO of Screenhero, and after its
       | acquisition by Slack in 2015, I led the team that built Slack
       | Calls (voice, video and screen sharing in Slack), and left Slack
       | in 2018.
       | Today, we (myself and another engineer) are launching Screen,
       | which is in many ways a successor to Screenhero. Our goal is to
       | help you work with others like you're in the same room.
       | Like Screenhero, it supports low-latency screen sharing with
       | multi-mouse control. How low? It has the lowest screen sharing
       | latency of any product we've tested: 30-50ms best-case end-to-end
       | latency between screen capture and render, vs. 100ms-150ms in
       | regular WebRTC. This means it's great for remote pair
       | programming, which was Screenhero's biggest use case.
       | We have voice, video, multiplayer drawing and control, and
       | ephemeral messaging, and we integrate with GCal and Slack.
       | We have native apps for Mac, Windows, and Linux (Screenhero's
       | top-requested feature was Linux support). We use custom native
       | code to make multiplayer control work, and a heavily-modified
       | custom fork of Electron to minimize latency. It's WebRTC-
       | compliant, so you can share meeting links that anyone can join
       | with a WebRTC-compliant desktop or mobile browser -- no download
       | required. Daily.co is our primary WebRTC-infrastructure provider
       | (they've been amazing to work with!).
       | We're hoping Screen will be useful for engineers (pair
       | programming, live debugging), designers (review with stakeholders
       | - they can draw on your screen to give feedback), students and
       | teachers, and anyone collaborating remotely.
       | You can view a 1-minute demo video by clicking the play button at
       | https://screen.so, and there's a longer article at
       | https://screen.so/about, if anyone's interested.
       | I'll be around to answer questions and welcome any feedback. I
       | hope you'll find Screen useful, especially during these times!
         | thisplacesucks wrote:
         | Congrats on vesting your Slack stock and thanks for bringing
         | back Screenhero. It was one of my essential tools before the
         | acquisition.
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | Thanks for being a supporter! I hope Screen can take the
           | place left by Screenhero.
         | dvtrn wrote:
         | _Today, we 're launching Screen, which is in many ways a
         | successor to Screenhero. Our goal is to help you work with
         | others like you're in the same room._
         | Question for clarity sake, have I read this properly that you
         | all still are _with_ Slack, does this mean Screen.so is  "A
         | Slack Company" or just leveraging that relationship for tightly
         | coupled/efficient integration as a wholly separate company?
         | Thanks!
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | I left Slack in 2018, and Screen has no formal relationship
           | with Slack outside of the fact that it uses the Slack API.
           | Screen is a heavy user of Slack, though!
             | dvtrn wrote:
             | Appreciate that! Good luck to you all
         | munro wrote:
         | > - __Speed matters __. The main reason why Screenhero was
         | loved was because it was fast. We did a lot of work to reduce
         | latency and increase responsiveness -- which is critical when
         | working remotely. We weren't able to bring the speed
         | improvements over to Slack (because of the constraints
         | described in the previous point), which made it far less
         | useful.
         | This resonates with me, and is definitely why I loved
         | Screenhero so much, it felt VERY fast, and visually looked
         | crisp. Even the initial connection speed was fast, while Slack
         | takes about 3-8 seconds to connect. And also why I was so
         | disappointed with Slack's product, now it's back to the same
         | level as Google Hangouts.
         | It's surprising that having the same lead, and access to the
         | same source code, that the product was unable to achieve the
         | same level of quality & performance. What would you say the
         | culprit is? And if I may lead the question... Bureaucracy
         | inside Slack? Managing a new team? Having to rewrite on
         | presumably a new language & software stack? Rushing to meet
         | deadlines?
         | Anyways, awesome to see your back at it again, and that you
         | have such care about latency, people do notice & care!
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | This is a really good question, and the simple answer is that
           | Slack uses an unmodified version of Electron, and it's not a
           | good idea to make custom modifications to that project for
           | such a small, niche feature. The cost/benefit just doesn't
           | make sense for Slack, neither to me, nor to Slack management.
           | But Electron didn't even exist when Screenhero was acquired,
           | and so the constraints we eventually faced were not possible
           | to predict when we got acquired.
         | brightball wrote:
         | I'm excited to see this because I was a big fan of ScreenHero.
         | The Slack equivalent was never up to the same quality.
         | But to echo other comments, you really need to change the name.
         | bdcravens wrote:
         | I was a paying customer of Screenhero, and disappointed that
         | Slack left out so many features, so excited to see this.
         | Curious: I assume you can't just sell your company and rebuild
         | it in most cases. Was there an embargo on the amount of time
         | before you could build this?
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | We had a non-compete for 2 years (which expired in late
           | 2016), and I left Slack in 2018. The reason I decided to re-
           | enter the space was after Slack sunset interactive screen
           | sharing, since my earlier hope was to see it thrive within
           | Slack. Once that wasn't possible, I decided to build it
           | myself!
             | toomuchtodo wrote:
             | Congrats on the exit (money helps live life on easy mode),
             | but after being left to hang out to dry with the
             | acquisition and losing access to Screenhero (which was
             | absolutely essential at the time at a fully remote org), I
             | would never consider a non OSS solution again for this use
             | case.
             | I would absolutely pay for any open source competitor to
             | this type of product, preferably one that integrated with
             | Jitsi (which itself is open source). Fool me once.
         | levidxyz wrote:
         | Do you perceive this to be a direct competitor to Tuple? I
         | recall Ben Orenstein saying on his podcast that he reached out
         | to you about creating a "successor" to Screenhero and you were
         | all for it. (FWIW I think more competition in the space is
         | good.)
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | I believe Ben spoke with my co-founder Faraz, not with me.
           | Screen's goal is to support remote work of any kind --
           | including engineering & pair programming, for sure, but
           | extending to many other uses cases, such as creative review,
           | education, and beyond. And yes, I agree competition is good!
           | :)
         | MonkeyIsNull wrote:
         | Next to crying right now .... I've been whining for YEARS that
         | ScreenHero was gone. This is like Xmas all over again! Thank
         | you thank you thank you!
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | So happy to hear this <3
         | scorchin wrote:
         | Congrats on launching!
         | Are you able to share further technical details on what you've
         | had to do to get the speed gains you're describing?
       | Y_Y wrote:
       | The name
       | threedots wrote:
       | This is cool. I've been searching for a better screensharing tool
       | but it always seems to be an afterthought in the conferencing
       | tools we've tried so far. I usually couldn't care less about
       | seeing the other person/people on the call but i usually care a
       | lot about being able to see their screen.
       | Gave it a quick spin immediately and looking forward to using it
       | more in future. Pricing looks about right for us too.
       | My feature request would be to make it easier to have it always
       | on. For us friction to initiate is one of our biggest annoyances,
       | if the whole team can have it on then knock (like sneek) to get
       | the attention of the other(s) that would be great.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Check out our roadmap, with the two items for virtual office.
         | One has a small screenshot, and the other has a Figma prototype
         | that walks you through the idea. Please post any feedback there
         | so we can have it in one place, and so you can be updated as we
         | make progress.
         | https://support.screen.so
       | multiplegeorges wrote:
       | Hey jsherwani! I just tried it out and it works amazingly well.
       | Nice job.
       | Can you go into some detail on the tech stack you used to make
       | this?
       | The UI seems non-native, but there must be native layers for each
       | platform in order to link into the accessibility features of
       | each.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Sure!
         | It's built on a private fork of Electron, but the UI is all
         | web-based. Electron handles most of our native needs, and where
         | it doesn't, we have a node module to connect into the OS. A lot
         | of our secret sauce is on the native side, but honestly,
         | there's a lot of complexity across the product.
         | If you have any specific questions, ask away!
           | fareesh wrote:
           | How do you get the latency so low :D
       | dvduval wrote:
       | Do you know if you can share screens between China and the United
       | States? Are there some geographical limitations?
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | As long as you can make a network connection between the two
         | hosts (either directly or mediated via a server in the middle),
         | you should be fine. We haven't tested specifically between
         | China and the US, though.
       | mushufasa wrote:
       | `GNU Screen` I use every week for remote sessions on a server.
       | Confusing especially if you're targeting programmers.
         | rozab wrote:
         | Right. What were they thinking?
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | If the name continues to be a source of confusion over time,
           | we'll happily revisit it.
             | exhilaration wrote:
             | I'm going to get downvoted for this but the corporate folks
             | that will eventually pull out their credit cards and pay
             | you for this service have never heard of the screen command
             | much less used a command line interface. I think you should
             | stick with the name.
             | scrollaway wrote:
             | My weasel words alert is ringing.
             | For it not to "continue to be" a source of confusion, then
             | it has to "stop" being a source of confusion. What makes
             | you think it'll stop?
             | GNU screen won't stop being on millions of machines, nor
             | will it suddenly stop being a popular tool.
             | I suggest a cute acronym, instead. How about "SSH", for
             | "Screen SHaring"?
               | vntok wrote:
               | The HN crowd is not a representative sample of the
               | market. People here on HN will hate for a day or two,
               | then they will turn their anger and cynicism to another
               | cause, therefore that name will stop being a source of
               | confusion :) Seriously, a few days from now noone will
               | complain anymore.
               | scrollaway wrote:
               | The HN crowd is a fairly representative sample of a
               | significant portion of the product's potential users.
               | Otherwise, this would not have been a Show HN.
               | mrlala wrote:
               | No it's not.. I am a developer but my god it seems that
               | 90% of the people here are of the extreme privacy + low
               | level programmers who think that any programmer outside
               | of a phd in computer science isn't doing it right because
               | they doing dissertation type work everytime they code.
               | This is basically slashdot with a different color
               | scheme..
               | vntok wrote:
               | I don't understand how your second sentence logically
               | follows the first. Where does the "significant" adjective
               | come from?
             | mushufasa wrote:
             | Speaking from my own experience as a founder, it's hard to
             | change your name once you have an ounce of traction. If
             | you're just launching and anticipate a problem I would
             | recommend considering taking advantage of the opportunity
             | now.
             | It will also be very hard for you to trademark your name.
               | vntok wrote:
               | Is the GNU screen utility trademarked? In what capacity?
               | danieldk wrote:
               | IANAL, but in most legislations you do not have to
               | register a trademark for it to be valid. It is important
               | that you defend you trademark, and you will lose your
               | right to a trademark if you fail to do so.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trademark#Enforcing_rights
               | I do agree with those saying that in the wider audience,
               | GNU screen does not mean anything, including (probably)
               | the large armies of Windows developers. Besides that you
               | should use tmux anyway ;).
               | mushufasa wrote:
               | the issue is that you can't easily trademark a common
               | word. It's possible (e.g. Apple for computers) but you
               | run into problems. Apple ran into some notorious
               | trademark problems.
               | Trademarks don't need to be officially filed to be real
               | in common law -- you just have to use a distinguishing
               | mark for a certain period of time. so the GNU/FSF screen
               | would have rights to Screen in the computer program
               | industry even if they haven't officially filed. Filing
               | just helps you defend a trademark, it's not strictly
               | necessary.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | I just posted a top-level comment to address the naming issue,
         | which a number of people have now brought up. Sorry for the
         | confusion!
         | rconti wrote:
         | And they specifically advertise it for people pair programming.
         | _facepalm_
       | Reubend wrote:
       | Looks good to me. The one thing is that the name is really
       | confusing to talk about.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | If the name continues to be a source of confusion over time,
         | we'll happily revisit it.
           | stratosgear wrote:
           | The audience that you posted this at will never get over that
           | unfortunate product name, as I bet they are heavy users of
           | the real screen program, (or tmux)
           | Has there been no real research that your chosen name is
           | already taken?
             | jsherwani wrote:
             | I've posted a top level comment addressing this issue since
             | it's probably best to have the discussion in one place.
             | But yes, we didn't hear from anyone in our private beta
             | that there was any confusion regarding our name, and we
             | ourselves completely missed the fact that GNU Screen exists
             | with this name. I'm sorry for the confusion, and we will
             | revisit our naming decision.
               | mritchie712 wrote:
               | dude, don't worry about it.
       | faitswulff wrote:
       | I'm really glad to see you back in action! I was so sad when
       | ScreenHero shuttered. May I ask what makes this time different
       | from ScreenHero in terms of running a sustainable business?
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Longer story here: https://screen.so/about
         | Summary: we were sustainable ($1MM ARR), but chose to join
         | Slack since we felt we could get to our goal (have everyone use
         | our product) faster. We didn't foresee our product getting
         | dropped.
         | This time around, the company is 100% bootstrapped, and I have
         | no intention of taking any investment. We just want to be able
         | to keep our burn rate low, build a product people love, and
         | stay independent forever. I believe we can do that as long as
         | we continue to make something people want.
       | hartator wrote:
       | Still sad that Slack killed ScreenHero. Why this time will be
       | different?
       | I feel it's like 1 step forward and 2 steps back kind of thing.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | It's only "1 step forward and 2 steps back" for the users using
         | the product.
         | For the share owners and everyone involved in the acquisition
         | it's loads of dollars in the bank. So who cares about the
         | users?
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Short answer: we have no intention of ever getting acquired. We
         | are 100% bootstrapped, and we plan to become and stay
         | sustainable, so we can be in it for the long haul.
         | Also, regarding acquisitions, I've been there, done that, and I
         | wouldn't be building this company just to do the same thing
         | again (life's too short for that).
         | I love Slack as a company and as a product (I spend many hours
         | in it daily). However, in hindsight, it's not possible to
         | integrate one complex piece of software into another complex
         | piece of software. We ended up with a union of two separate
         | sets of constraints (from each product) which made it
         | impossible to make it all work. We didn't know this when we
         | started. I really value my experience at Slack, and it was
         | through that experience that I learnt this lesson, along with
         | many others, that have helped us make Screen what it is today.
         | For Screenhero users, I feel that with Screen being publicly
         | available today, the Screenhero -> Slack -> Screen transition
         | has been one step forward, two steps back, and three steps
         | forward again. I'm committed to continuing the forward steps
         | from here on in.
           | hartator wrote:
           | Ok, I will bet this is true! Sorry you weren't given more
           | latitude in Slack. Anyway you have my support. Starting
           | tomorrow we will be giving a full try to screen.so.
           | Why not making a Slack-like chat system as well? It seems a
           | natural expansion. (I am the CEO of SerpApi. Feel free to
           | email me at julien at serpapi.com)
             | jsherwani wrote:
             | We don't want to reinvent the wheel. Slack is great for
             | what it does! And if you read through
             | https://screen.so/about, I have lived the experience that
             | it's impossible to do two things well. So in an ideal
             | world, Slack continues to innovate on the messaging side,
             | we continue to innovate on our side, and we mindfully
             | integrate with each others' platforms to give our users the
             | best possible experience.
       | beagle3 wrote:
       | There is already a product for that use by that name (GNU Screen,
       | installed on millions of machines already).
       | You cannot get a trademark on it, or at least shouldn't be able
       | to if the USPTO observed its rules.
       | You really need to change the name.
         | dsabanin wrote:
         | I get your point, and I agree with the poor naming, but one can
         | hardly call "screen" a product.
           | gombosg wrote:
           | or Windows, right? :P
         | marcinzm wrote:
         | There was a company we used that had to do a massive re-
         | branding after they realized they couldn't trademark their
         | company name. Doubt it helped their brand visibility to do such
         | a switch.
           | [deleted]
       | jacobkg wrote:
       | I was a Screenhero customer for about 3 years. I used it daily
       | for pair programming and it was far and away the best screen
       | sharing tool I have experienced. Being able to have both people
       | use the mouse and type on the same screen was a game changer. I'm
       | extremely excited to try out this new product.
       | bdcravens wrote:
       | Is this product connected with Somalia?
         | CraftThatBlock wrote:
         | Seems like .so is the new .io. Another product using it is
         | Notion (which is pretty awesome)
           | jsherwani wrote:
           | Notion was what inspired me to get our domain!
       | scaredpelican wrote:
       | I love this idea, this is a wonderful thing you're doing. Really
       | clean design, great featureset. I genuinely think it has the
       | potential to be a powerhouse.
       | I think it's perfect for businesses, and large companies, but
       | might not be something suited towards somebody like me.
       | TeamViewer is the current tool of choice as I do volunteer work
       | remote-teaching art to students and I'd just be a little worried
       | about migrating everything over while it's free, only to suddenly
       | not be able to afford it.
       | This is of course no fault on your end, and I just think while
       | this is aimed at a certain demographic, others might be more
       | suited to working elsewhere as 'Free' and 'Free for a period of
       | time until we decide to start charging' is a little intimidating.
       | Brilliant program, brilliant work, and I wish you the absolute
       | best of luck <3
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Our plan is to charge $10/u/mo for unlimited use. If you're
         | using Screen for educational purposes, we'll likely be able to
         | work out a non-profit / educational discount down the line too.
           | stevenicr wrote:
           | Thank you for putting this out there. 10 a month per user
           | puts me in the 'likely never' category.
           | I suppose people that use it a lot will benefit and those who
           | have big budgets won't think about the price.
           | I loved screenhero and bemoaned it's disappearance into the
           | slack neververse. Glad to see you are able to bring something
           | back that was good before an aquihire gone blank.
           | If there's ever a version where I could pay a hundred bucks
           | to use the code on my own servers for as much as the servers
           | can handle, I would jump on it.
           | I like the way the privacy policy it put together. With my
           | bit of research into webrtc, am I assuming that "In 1:1
           | meetings with two participants, media data is sent peer-to-
           | peer" - would mean a direct connect shares each person's ip
           | address with the other person's system - and this does not
           | happen when going through the third party servers(?)
           | No big deal when screen sharing with friends, creates an
           | issue for some people who don't know about these things and
           | they get stalked by someone who suddenly knows what city and
           | internet provider you are using, for some people.
           | scaredpelican wrote:
           | Real talk, tho. I'd sell a kidney and pay whatever you ask if
           | it could suport pen pressure from the Windows Ink API.
             | jsherwani wrote:
             | No need to sell kidneys... :)
             | Could you post this as a feature request on
             | https://support.screen.so, along with some context to your
             | use? That way we can follow up with more questions, others
             | can vote for it, and we can update you on our progress.
             | Thanks!
       | SamBam wrote:
       | Will there be a free/lower price tier for open source or non-
       | profits?
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Yes! We've been laser focused on getting the product right, so
         | the discount model hasn't been fully fleshed out, but you can
         | expect something similar to what other SaaS companies do in
         | this space, but leaning to the more-generous side of that
         | spectrum. I don't know exactly what other companies do just
         | yet, but that's the philosophy we'll use when we get to this.
         | For now, it's free for everyone, of course.
       | cjbprime wrote:
       | I guess it's closed-source. That probably means I can't use it.
       | Are there any plans to open-source at least the client?
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | There are no plans to open source our product, sorry!
       | orware wrote:
       | Does your solution allow for Administrator Escalation assistance
       | on Windows?
       | Over the past few days we've been transitioning our higher ed
       | staff to working remotely and are able to use Microsoft Teams or
       | Zoom already to see another staff member's screen and walk them
       | through basic things, but if the user needs to install a program,
       | which would normally require admin rights on the machine, it
       | appears that neither of those two solutions allow for that type
       | of assistance from our IT staff.
       | Does Screen provide a solution for that situation? If so, we can
       | give it a shot with our IT staff ;-).
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | You may be able to install and run Screen on Windows, although
         | to be 100% honest, we haven't spent a lot of time outside the
         | assumption that the user has the access they need. If you can
         | drop us an email at team@screen.so, one of us will make sure to
         | follow up with you once we try it out.
       | jen20 wrote:
       | I've just tried this, and by far the biggest issue I've found so
       | far is a lack of ability to turn off remote control while
       | sharing. This is important for lots of reasons - not least if you
       | want to step away from a machine for a second without signing
       | everything out without remote users having the ability to do
       | whatever they like. Other than that, the experience is quite
       | nice.
       | droopyEyelids wrote:
       | Hey, LOVE to see it! Screenhero was an amazing tool, and I
       | absolutely loved using it for pair programming and desktop
       | support.
       | I waited with bated breath for the features to show up in Slack,
       | and when they did I was basically satisfied until they shut it
       | down, where I was crushed again.
       | Here's hoping the lawyers don't beat you up!
       | Guess what color I'd paint a bike shed? Any color at all if it
       | worked!
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | I felt the same way, and then decided to build Screen!
         | Your bike shedding comment made me laugh out loud :D
       | maxired wrote:
       | Serioulsy it rocks ! happy to see it works without any problem on
       | linux, and can join a session in the browser.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | We worked REALLY hard to make sure we had Linux support this
         | time around! It's in beta, and there will likely be issues.
         | Please report them to us, and I promise we will try to solve
         | them asap!
       | incog_nit0 wrote:
       | Congrats on reinventing your baby (again) and props for making it
       | free during this pandemic.
       | Can you shed any light on what WebRTC server you use? ie. Jitsi,
       | Janus, etc.
       | This is HN after all - be great to get a nutshell description of
       | the tech stack and after all your experience at iTeleport,
       | Screenhero, Slack, etc. the things you've learned from a
       | technology and even bootstrapping/product market fit standpoint?
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Sure!
         | WebRTC server: Daily (primary), and Twilio (secondary)
         | There's no shortcut to the performance side of things, so we
         | had to do a lot of custom work on Mac, Windows and Linux to get
         | screen sharing to be super fast. The high level bit there is
         | the boring-but-correct advice: measure everything, start with
         | the biggest bottleneck, optimize, repeat.
         | The desktop apps follow a Slack approach (with a slight twist).
         | Like Slack, we use Electron, but in our case, we've heavily
         | modified it to make screen sharing super fast. We then use the
         | standard Electron model to have main & renderer processes. The
         | renderer process fetches the UI from our website (hosted on
         | Firebase).
         | Almost everything (other than our custom node module) is in a
         | monorepo. Even our modifications to Electron are stored as
         | patch files, which just makes it easy to keep things aligned
         | between our app and our modifications to Electron.
         | Our website/webapp (they are one and the same) are built on
         | Ionic/Angular (we started before Ionic supported React). We
         | used Ionic because I didn't want to have to create new
         | different UIs for each platform -- I think the user is served
         | by having a low cost product where the effort is spent mainly
         | on performance and quality, rather than a slightly different UI
         | for each different platform (which has significant cost). We've
         | tried to maximize code re-use wherever possible, which is how a
         | 2 person engineering team was able to build this product
         | (granted, it took almost an entire year, or more if you count
         | the project we pivoted from).
         | Happy to dive into details if you'd like!
       | fooblat wrote:
       | I would seriously consider renaming this. Many of us have been
       | using GNU screen for very similar tasks of terminal sharing and
       | pair programming.
       | The name you have chosen requires an explanation just to discuss
       | this with my coworkers. Perhaps it is a generational thing, but
       | in a quick survey asking around "Have you heard of the new tool
       | screen?" the response was 100% "screen isn't new and yes I've
       | heard of it... have you heard of tmux?"
         | bryanrasmussen wrote:
         | I think it's generational, knowledge domain, and probably also
         | sort of being jerks in that if their response is "screen isn't
         | new and yes I've heard of it... have you heard of tmux?" it
         | sounds like typical programmer one-upmanship.
         | I mean either they think you are significantly less informed
         | than them and you actually think GNU screen is new, or they are
         | using the chance to make a quick joke of not particularly
         | startling originality.
         | Because if they do think you know what GNU screen is then they
         | must think this new tools you're referring to isn't it.
           | fooblat wrote:
           | In our department everyone has had the debate of tmux vs
           | screen with just about everyone else (most of us have moved
           | to tmux). The question was interpreted more like "(hey tmux
           | user) have you heard of the new tool screen?"
             | jsherwani wrote:
             | I can see how that would be confusing. Sorry about that!
             | I just posted a top-level comment on the naming issue,
             | where we were coming from, and that I'm open to changing
             | the name.
             | bryanrasmussen wrote:
             | ok, so again I'm back to thinking your department is very
             | much not like most places.
               | fooblat wrote:
               | We like to think so :)
         | pgt wrote:
         | We live in an HN bubble. Most people have no idea there exists
         | a GNU utility called `screen`.
           | rvz wrote:
           | This is the same reason why HNers at the time failed to see
           | why Dropbox succeeded and curl + git + sftp on Linux isn't
           | sufficient for end users to solve their problem [0]. They
           | just don't care about your GNU tools, even if it does better
           | at SEO.
           | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9224
             | [deleted]
             | blast wrote:
             | That analogy doesn't hold. People aren't saying that you
             | should just use GNU Screen instead, they're saying that the
             | name creates confusion. Totally different.
               | rvz wrote:
               | Well that 'confusion' is between developers and there are
               | many other business tools out there with similar names
               | which from the perspective of an average customer, they
               | will still use it and won't care about a name clash with
               | a decades old developer tool used only by software
               | engineers.
               | For the majority of businesses looking at 'Screen' now,
               | they won't bat an eyelid and will use it along as it
               | 'just works' no matter the name conflict. If they saw GNU
               | Screen they'll just say 'What's that' and forget about
               | it.
               | vntok wrote:
               | "People _here_ are saying... " is the parent's argument.
               | The situation is very similar: people here, on this
               | forum, aren't a representative sample of the market,
               | outside. That statement holds _even_ when said market is
               | comprised of developers.
           | skocznymroczny wrote:
           | Me and my coworkers know screen but we don't call it "screen
           | sharing", it's more of a "tool that makes processes not die
           | after you quit ssh".
           | blast wrote:
           | One of the main audiences he's pitching this to is developers
           | (for pair programming etc.) so it's more of an issue than it
           | would be for a pure consumer tool.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | We're a 2 person team, and neither of us uses Screen (the last
         | time I used it was more than 5 years ago, and until HN's
         | response, had completely forgotten about it).
         | Also, nobody in our private beta mentioned GNU Screen.
         | A public beta helps us get feedback on issues that we have
         | missed before, and this is one of them!
           | fooblat wrote:
           | I rarely use gnu screen anymore but when I see "screen" on HN
           | that's what immediately and searingly comes to mind for me.
           | I think what you've got looks great. And it's a great
           | opportunity to claim a name of it's own!
           | iffybookmark wrote:
           | I'll throw my voice in that "screen" 100% refers to GNU
           | screen in my friend circle. Tmux and dtach still don't quite
           | supplant the specific slot that screen has occupied for
           | decades.
             | rvz wrote:
             | > I'll throw my voice in that "screen" 100% refers to GNU
             | screen in my friend circle.
             | > 1M Developers: GNU Screen exists you know.
             | > 90M+ Customers and Businesses: Take my money now! Let's
             | use 'Screen' to screen share!, Yay!
             | I'm pretty sure that 'Screen' would appeal to businesses
             | and customers who really just want to get on and instantly
             | collaborate with who ever rather than to know that
             | something called GNU Screen exists and would be less likely
             | to be confused by the conflict anyway.
             | jsherwani wrote:
             | Yeah, I can totally see how in some circles, "screen" is
             | synonymous with GNU Screen, and that our choice of name
             | would be confusing. Sorry about that! I've posted a top-
             | level comment about the naming issue, in case more context
             | is helpful.
       | harrisonjackson wrote:
       | This is really exciting. I loved screenhero and I thought the
       | screenhero acquisition was going to play out differently at
       | Slack. However, the features they adopted never worked as well in
       | slack as they seemed to before the acquisition.
       | Were there any issues from slack corporate with you launching
       | this? Seems like it competes pretty directly with the features
       | they already bought from yall...
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | I only decided to re-enter this space after Slack announced it
         | was sunsetting interactive screen sharing. It ended up being
         | too expensive a feature for Slack to support for a niche
         | audience.
         | I can't speak for the company, but I imagine they'd be happy
         | that another collaboration tool has launched that integrates
         | with their platform to give their customers even more choice in
         | how they work.
       | gregwebs wrote:
       | On Ubuntu Linux using Xmonad my screen goes black. Other screen
       | share programs do work for me.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | We'll look into this! Please post a bug report on
         | https://support.screen.so so we can follow up with you with
         | questions and update you on our progress to fix it.
       | dguo wrote:
       | I'm looking forward to trying it out!
       | I'm surprised by how much attention the name is getting. I don't
       | think I personally know anyone who would use GNU Screen over
       | tmux. And disambiguation doesn't seem hard in this case anyway.
       | One thing that does mildly concern me is the prospect of Screen
       | just turning out to be another Screenhero in terms of being
       | acquired and then neglected or discontinued. But hopefully that
       | won't happen based on the lessons learned in the founder's
       | post[1].
       | [1]: https://www.notion.so/Screen-Making-WFH-
       | Work-57df16351a884bc...
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | FWIW, I believe life's too short to be doing the same thing
         | over again. I'm building Screen because I want to see where we
         | can take it independently, as I think we had some great ideas
         | that weren't able to see the light of day. Screen is already a
         | far more useful product IMO than Screenhero was.
         | Having experienced an acquisition, there's not much value in
         | going through the same experience again.
         | What's personally interesting to me is: can we make something
         | that helps all knowledge workers work together remotely in a
         | way that they couldn't before? We were onto something with
         | Screenhero, and I'm excited at the chance of following that
         | thread again, and seeing where it takes us!
         | Having said that, I know trust takes time to build, and I hope
         | to prove this to you with actions rather than words.
           | dguo wrote:
           | Thanks for the reply, and good luck! I'm particularly excited
           | about trying it out since you've already implemented cross-
           | platform support.
       | rvz wrote:
       | > *Free, so you can stay healthy & productive during the
       | coronavirus outbreak
       | As a former and early Screenhero adopter, I'm not sure why they
       | had sold to Slack and have now come back with the same, if not a
       | worse reincarnation of Screenhero.
       | At least they have Linux support this time since Screenhero and
       | Slack repeatedly refused to port Screenhero to Linux. But again,
       | having no web support would reduce the friction for new users
       | having to install something rather than downloading a specific
       | electron app.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Could you elaborate on why you think this is a worse
         | reincarnation of Screenhero? Are there specific features we're
         | missing?
         | Also, there is no way to make a web app that does what Screen
         | does. If there were, we'd have built a purely web-based app.
         | With Screen's desktop app, you can share your screen TO someone
         | on the web, but they need the app to share their screen, since
         | multiplayer drawing and control can't be done otherwise.
       | xemoka wrote:
       | Hey, so I can't imagine you've never used or heard of GNU's
       | Screen: why did you choose to use a conflicting name for software
       | that's essentially in the same space?
       | PS edit: this isn't glib. I'm genuinely curious why, who and how
       | this choice was made.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Until this post, I hadn't thought of GNU Screen at all. It
         | isn't a tool that I've used in more than 5 years, and is not
         | top of mind for me at all.
         | Also, no one in our private beta ever raised this concern.
         | Screen just switched to public beta today, and the idea is for
         | us to get feedback on issues we may not have seen before. This
         | is a great example of such an issue! And as I've said
         | elsewhere, if this continues to be an issue, we will change it.
         | It's not in our interest to have customer confusion either.
           | xemoka wrote:
           | Thanks for the reply. What kind of market analysis did you do
           | before building this, err, again (and better)?
           | You support Linux (well!), I'm surprised your beta testers
           | didn't say anything. That's an interesting problem --I wonder
           | what other blind spots like this can be avoided.
             | jsherwani wrote:
             | The main market analysis was asking users what their pain
             | points were and solving them. Screenhero didn't have robust
             | drawing, for instance.
             | Admittedly, we only had a handful of Linux users in our
             | private beta, but still, none of them mentioned the GNU
             | tool.
           | ycombobreaker wrote:
           | Why would it "stop" being an issue? GNU screen is not going
           | anywhere. Maybe you'll stop hearing complaints once all
           | initial grievances are aired and it's obvious that you don't
           | care, but it will continue to cause confusion in the
           | workplace.
           | Just today I was recommending (GNU) screen to a coworker to
           | address transient outages with a remote connection. It would
           | get pretty annoying to constantly clarify which screen I
           | mean, as they are both used in the same circumstances.
             | holler wrote:
             | Probably 99% of their users will either have never heard of
             | gnu screen, or don't care. It's such a common word that
             | it's silly to think one thing "owns" it any more than the
             | next.
           | e12e wrote:
           | That's a little bizzare, but ok. Gnu screen has low latency,
           | works well on Linux and bsds, works well with vim and emacs,
           | works well for pair programming? I'm not sure how good the
           | mouse support/sharing is - but I think selection and cursor
           | is shared fine?
           | Don't get me wrong, I've got lots of colleagues who use
           | various other editors, like vs code - but... This isn't
           | _just_ a case of pre-existing software with a similar name -
           | combined with ssh, gnu screen is arguably superior for pair
           | bugfixing in production, for example (multiple ppl can ssh
           | into the same server).
           | I get that this is "like gnu screen, but for xorg/Wayland -
           | and without any support for resuming remote sessions" - just
           | sounds like an odd pitch - as you say you especially want to
           | target Linux support...
         | dstaley wrote:
         | I honestly don't get why people are getting so caught up on the
         | name. The number of people who use screen is so small compared
         | to the target market (which encompasses anyone doing work on a
         | computer) that I highly doubt any significant number of people
         | will be confused.
         | If you're intelligent enough to use screen, surely you're
         | intelligent enough to understand the difference between a
         | terminal app and an app that shares your screen.
           | xemoka wrote:
           | Because it sticks out like a sore thumb, and has trademark
           | problems irrespective of its reuse. And you know, everyone
           | deals with naming things, so we can all relate and pull from
           | our own experiences.
             | dstaley wrote:
             | > sticks out like a sore thumb
             | Again, the number of people who this impacts is so small
             | that it's hardly significant. Sure, here on HN I'm sure it
             | seems that everyone is confused, but we're hardly a
             | representative sample here.
             | > has trademark problems
             | Honestly I don't buy this. When you trademark something,
             | you do so in a very specific manner, and I think Screen's
             | market is specific enough as to defend a trademark in the
             | screen sharing/collaboration segment _should they even
             | choose to trademark the name_, which they can easily choose
             | not to do.
               | jsherwani wrote:
               | To be honest, I've never considered trademarking the
               | name. We just want to build a product that works and is
               | loved by its users. It's really quite simple! :)
       | bluebur wrote:
       | Tried it out - really good! It's fast enough that it may actually
       | work for pair programming and was super easy to use. Thanks and
       | can't wait to test this with my team mates this week.
         | jsherwani wrote:
         | Happy to hear that! :D
       (page generated 2020-03-24 23:00 UTC)