[HN Gopher] Toki Pona: A Language with a Hundred Words (2015)
       Toki Pona: A Language with a Hundred Words (2015)
       Author : lelf
       Score  : 114 points
       Date   : 2020-03-26 01:00 UTC (21 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.theatlantic.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.theatlantic.com)
       | CarlRJ wrote:
       | For a humorous taste of a limited language, without venturing
       | outside of English, Randall Munroe (the XKCD guy) has a book
       | called, "Thing Explainer", that's a sort of encyclopedia written
       | using only the 1,000 most common words in English.
       | dang wrote:
       | 2015: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9914534
       | 2016: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11153406
       | 2017: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14191186
       | (Links for the curious. Reposts are ok after a year:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html)
       | jan_Inkepa wrote:
       | Here are some (IMO) silly/potentially interesting tech projects
       | in the Toki Pona world:
       | ---
       | ilo nanpa - a calculator using the Toki Pona number system
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgWCLg4H_4U
       | ---
       | linja pona - a font for the Sitelen Pona hieroglyphic system with
       | fancy character combination logic (goes way beyond the limits of
       | my rudimentary font knowledge) - the text is all entered in latin
       | but the font automatically converts toe Sitelen Pona (if you try
       | copy/paste some text from the second site linked somewhere else
       | you'll see it).
       | https://github.com/davidar/linja-pona
       | https://davidar.github.io/tp/ a website made with it.
       | ---
       | I worked on a R-Pi based word processor computer thing with a
       | custom keyboard/case/input system for the same writing system:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2nYoi2dAk4
       | (I ad enough time with quarantine to get it finished this week,
       | but it's not properly documented anywhere yet ).
       | ---
       | There's also been a long-standing effort to get the language an
       | ISO code ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toki_Pona#History ).
       | "In 2008 an application for an ISO 639-3 code was rejected, with
       | a statement that the language was too young.[22] Another request
       | was rejected in 2018 as the language "does not appear to be used
       | in a variety of domains nor for communication within a community
       | which includes all ages".[23]"
       | ---
       | For anyone interested in learning but too cheap/broke to get the
       | official book (http://tokipona.org), the next best thing (in my
       | educated opinion) is the course of jan Pije:
       | http://tokipona.net/tp/janpije/okamasona.php .
         | aasasd wrote:
         | > _goes way beyond the limits of my rudimentary font knowledge
         | - the text is all entered in latin but the font automatically
         | converts toe Sitelen Pona_
         | It most likely utilizes ligatures--like when you write 'ff' or
         | 'fi', the letters are joined into a custom glyph (in proper
         | software and context), so this font does the same for custom
         | longer sequences. This is popular lately with programming fonts
         | and such.
           | jan_Inkepa wrote:
           | Yip, it uses ligatures, but it also has a system where you
           | can say put a box around text by using the underscore
           | character w/ square braces ("[_mi_pilin]" has the "mi" and
           | "pilin" characters with a cartouche around them, like on the
           | second line of the linked page below), and also I think does
           | dynamic compounding of characters (see the current complete
           | character list here - https://davidar.github.io/linja-
           | pona/nimi - I haven't asked the author how they did it, but
           | my guess is that there's something fun/dynamic going on).
       | katsura wrote:
       | I learned it last year as a fun excercise, and found it pretty
       | interesting that there are so many things you can express with so
       | few words.
       | However, in the end you'll end up wanting to express much more
       | and the language is just not able to do that, you'll end up lost
       | in the compounds, and things become unclear pretty quickly.
         | jan_Inkepa wrote:
         | (long-time lurker here...)
         | Yip, there are definitely topics I butt into where I hit a wall
         | too -_- . But with time I got much better at navigating them
         | and have had several-hour-long conversations IRL as well as
         | online using just Toki Pona (without resorting to compounds
         | really - I don't know if it's what you're referring to, but
         | compound phrases with fixed meaning aren't really in the spirit
         | of the language). There are people online who I talk with
         | regularly exclusively using Toki Pona.
           | failrate wrote:
           | It may not be a concisely expressive language, but I like
           | that the small number of word units means it would be easier
           | to use as an intermediary language than Esperanto.
           | Another practical step could be to identify a specific
           | minimal set of language units required for any given popular
           | nonconstructed language. Is this already a thing?
             | Nzen wrote:
             | Presumably, that would depend on your conversatonal goal.
             | We could refer to the Apollo lander as a spacecar[0] in a
             | casual conversation but that could be tedious or misleading
             | if a NASA representative were trying to pigdin with an ESA
             | representative about the metal casing of a booster rocket
             | ballooning past the expansion tolerance of the o-rings,
             | using only the 3000 most common english words.
             | [0] https://xkcd.com/1133/
               | thaumasiotes wrote:
               | > We could refer to the Apollo lander as a spacecar[0]
               | This seems to be reaching for exoticism for the sake of
               | exoticism, given that the standard term is the
               | metaphorically identical "spaceship".
               | It can't even be justified by the restriction to "the
               | 3000 most common words", since ship is #1208 in COCA.
             | jan_Inkepa wrote:
             | >Another practical step could be to identify a specific
             | minimal set of language units required for any given
             | popular nonconstructed language. Is this already a thing?
             | You mean something like this question?
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19331307
             | urubu wrote:
             | Yes, those units are called 'semantic primes/primitives':
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_primes
           | chrisshroba wrote:
           | Could you give some examples of things you talk about and
           | things that you think would be difficult to talk about given
           | the language's limitations?
             | jan_Inkepa wrote:
             | sure!
             | Talking about daily life works pretty well (general chit
             | chat - asking people how they're feeling, what they've been
             | doing, assuming you know something about their lives
             | already there won't be many ambiguities). online, I often
             | share pictures as I go (they give points of reference). So
             | I can say "mi pali e pan suwi" (i made sweet bread) and
             | show a picture of a cake; my friend could say "ni li pona
             | ala pona?" (is it good or not?) and I could reply
             | appropriately. I could say if I plan to make it again,
             | maybe talk about the ingredient composition slightly.
             | Commonly also, sharing toki pona memes/making jokes,
             | finding deliberately silly ways to refer to things. (A
             | running game I have with a friend is referring to lots of
             | places as "tomo awen" (waiting house). Hospital? "tomo
             | awen", because most of your time there is waiting. Waiting
             | in line at a supermarket? "tomo awen". And right now, our
             | homes are also "tomo awen", because we can't go out...).
             | One thing I'm looking forward to doing when it gets
             | warm/we're not quarantined anymore, is going to the zoo,
             | walking around, and deciding how to describe all the
             | different animals "soweli pi lawa sewi" (animal with a high
             | head) for giraffe for instance. Going to a gallery or the
             | like would also probably work pretty well - you can point
             | at things, talk about how you feel about them. (It would be
             | more about immediate experience than prior knowledge I
             | guess). Any activity/situation with a lot of ready-to-hand
             | context is likely to work.
             | Doing activities where you have a fixed frame of reference
             | a language with limited vocabulary can work quite well. I
             | played 2-player local coop of Wilmot's Warehouse (
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAcyPIJYOx4 ), where the
             | sould of the game is categorising packages with various
             | random/abstract designs and deciding where to put them in a
             | warehouse. That would probably be a good exercise for any
             | language, but it worked in toki pona.
             | I met up with someone I didn't otherwise know and we talked
             | about our professions, where we grew up, etc. (One cheat is
             | that in Toki Pona's 120 word count, borrowed words aren't
             | included - but there are conventions for transliterating
             | words from other languages if you want to talk about
             | English (Inli) or America (Mewika)).
             | You can go shopping and cook with someone - trying to
             | describe what ingredients you're looking for is I guess a
             | game, and once you have them at home you can probably issue
             | instructions with enough accuracy using Toki Pona's
             | vocabulary.
             | What's difficult to talk about? Time and scheduling,
             | especially under time pressure. Trying to clear up a
             | scheduling confusion via txt messages with a friend was
             | absolutely zero fun, especially when misunderstandings
             | start creeping in that can't be quickly rectified.
             | Scheduling discussions have been the ones where I've hated
             | Toki Pona the most.
             | Talking about technical matters doesn't work - I can't talk
             | meaningful about maths in toki pona beyond the absolute
             | vaguest of euphemisms - and while people have tried to
             | state theorems/etc., it basically doesn't work in my
             | experience.
             | Talking without a concrete frame of reference can be hard.
             | If I can't see you, can't share pictures with you, can't
             | use emoji, etc., the range of what I can communicate is
             | severely limited. I can say I worked, I can say I'm feeling
             | good, I can say what country I live in. I can talk about
             | eating flat round bread with red paste on top (pizza), and
             | that my girldfriend didn't like it or whatever...which is
             | still manageable chitchit I guess, but much more limited.
             | (There are toki pona songs that work well at this level of
             | speech though - e.g.
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bjlwov4JiD0 ).
               | schoen wrote:
               | It's interesting to me that you focus on the 'high'
               | meaning of sewi, because I've always focused on the
               | 'religious' or 'divine' meaning. So I would hear "lawa
               | sewi" as something like 'religious head' or 'religious
               | leader'. Probably my first parse of "soweli pi lawa sewi"
               | would be 'the rabbi's cat' or something, rather than a
               | giraffe. Or I would imagine an animal whose head is
               | similar to some concept or representation of divinity.
               | :-)
               | mi wile e ni: tenpo lili la mi mute ale li ken tawa tan
               | tomo awen pi mi mute!
               | chrisshroba wrote:
               | Thank you very much for this write-up! This sounds like a
               | lot of fun, maybe I'll spend some of my quarantine time
               | looking into it. Any recommended resources for learning?
               | jan_Inkepa wrote:
               | My pleasure!
               | The best place to learn is from the official Toki Pona
               | book by Sonja herself:
               | http://tokipona.org
               | If that's too much of an investment, the next best thing
               | is the course "o kama sona e toki pona" by jan Pije:
               | http://tokipona.net/tp/janpije/okamasona.php
               | There are active discords, subreddits, telegram chats,
               | facebook groups, etc. - probably the handiest list is in
               | the sidebar of /r/tokipona:
               | https://www.reddit.com/r/tokipona/
               | There are a bunch of different communities/resources - I
               | learned a lot from the "ma pona pi toki pona" discord,
               | which is probably the best community for learning Toki
               | Pona (people are generally friendly and generous with
               | sharing knowledge). There's also a lot of music written
               | in Toki Pona on youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?
               | list=PL2eg_FknCSeoWL6tFBKOn... (some of them are
               | decent!), which is nice for passive consumption.
               | And, as I mentioned elsewhere the meme reddit mi_lon
               | https://www.reddit.com/r/mi_lon/ is pretty good as well.
         | BelleOfTheBall wrote:
         | Honestly, a language like this could be quite beneficial if it
         | was widely used (maybe even taught in schools) as a fallback
         | method for cases where you need to communicate with someone
         | without having a language in common. Instead of trying to
         | puzzle out what the other person is saying, you just switch to
         | Toki Pona and use these very basic concepts to slowly figure
         | things out.
       | dk8086 wrote:
       | It feels like taking a picture and converting it to the lowest
       | image format. Even if you know what was there previously, it's
       | impossible to convert it back to a meaningful piece of
       | information.
         | masukomi wrote:
         | having played with it i will say that it was an interesting and
         | valuable experience to try and distill something that's
         | emotional to you down into the basic basic concepts required to
         | try and express it, which is exactly the point of TP. It's not
         | for trying to have real conversations in.
         | jan_Inkepa wrote:
         | Trying to interpret sentences out of context in Toki Pona is
         | indeed tricky!
         | However, "sina wile ala wile moku e telo pimeja?" (Do you want
         | to eat black water?) can be quite accurately reconstructed as
         | "do you want a coffee?" if you know it was said outside of a
         | cafe.
         | With a given context that you can refer to (in a cafe, walking
         | in the park, cooking food), the expressive power/range of
         | reference of 120 words is vastly greater than, say, in a letter
         | to a stranger. This is probably one reason why the meme
         | community in Toki Pona is reasonably lively (
         | https://www.reddit.com/r/mi_lon/ ).
         | I don't know how you extend that metaphor to image-
         | decompression though! (I guess if you know you're decompressing
         | a picture of a face you can train your decompresser on other
         | picture of faces first :) ).
           | aasasd wrote:
           | > To view posts in r/mi_lon you must continue in Reddit app
           | or log in.
           | Ah, here's some new ugly stuff by Reddit.
       | toisanji wrote:
       | semi related ( and work in progress): https://concepts.jtoy.net
       | anselmio wrote:
       | It's weird to see so many words that I already "know" from the
       | Tokipona language just because I'm Finnish and lived a few years
       | in Poland. The words in Tokipona have of course a "wider scope"
       | in their meaning, but here's a few I spotted scrolling through a
       | Tokipona dictionary [1]:
       | "Kala" is a fish both in Finnish and Tokipona, "nena" is a nose
       | in Tokipona which is "nena" in Finnish, "sina" (you) is "sina" in
       | Finnish, "nimi" (name) is the same in both languages, "noka"
       | (leg) is "noga" in Polish, "ona" (she) is the same in Polish.
       | There's more that I'm easily able to remember like "linja" (line
       | in Finnish) which has a similar meaning in Tokipona, not to
       | mention numbers like "wan" and "tu" and words like "mama" (mom)
       | and "mani" (money) etc.
       | [1] http://tokipona.net/tp/janpije/dictionary.php
         | jan_Inkepa wrote:
         | There's a compiled etymology list here, for those interested.
         | http://ucteam.ru/toki-pona/
       | imglorp wrote:
       | This concept is used heavily in ASL (American sign language).
       | Simple signs can be grouped to make other concepts.
       | There are conjugations or tenses -- explicit number and time are
       | their own signs -- and articles and prepositions are usually
       | dispensed with, much like headlines.
       | Example "teacher" is TEACH PERSON. Plural would be TEACH PEOPLE.
       | Student is LEARN PERSON, etc. There are the equivalent of
       | modifiers indicated by motion, facial expression, etc.
       | This sounds wordy but in practice the bit rate is about the same
       | as spoken because some signs stand in for multiple things, plus
       | the omissions and modifiers as above are meaning multipliers.
       | elldoubleyew wrote:
       | In high school I was the founder of our (small) Esperanto Club. I
       | gave Esperanto lessons each week at our club meeting designed as
       | a one year course, usually by the end of the year if someone
       | attended each week and did moderate self study outside of class
       | they could communicate in Esperanto really well. We even had one
       | international student who really struggled with english that
       | after a few months of attending our club could communicate with
       | us in Esperanto more fluently than English!
       | We had one a freshman join during my senior year who was a huge
       | advocate of Toki Pona as a conlang. We decided to devote a month
       | of the club to Toki Pona instead of Esperanto and it was mind
       | boggling how quickly everyone was able to get a grasp of it.
       | Granted Toki Pona is much more "wordy" than Esperanto, you often
       | have to use many words to convey an idea that you could express
       | quickly in a language with a larger vocabulary. Regardless it was
       | an absolute blast to learn and I'm surprised by how much I
       | remember.
       | Once I got to college there seemed to be a severe lack of
       | interest in Esperanto, or any conlang for that matter, amongst
       | the student body. I could never really keep enough people
       | interested the same way I could in high school so I gave up after
       | my sophomore year. I really miss teaching people Esperanto. I
       | believe the club at my high school still runs to this day, I'd
       | love to be able to go back and visit one day.
         | qwerty456127 wrote:
         | I bloody wish there were good modern Esperanto courses. I've
         | found a Michel Thomas method Esperanto course once but it was
         | incomplete. I would really love to buy a complete one (even for
         | a price higher than what other languages cost).
         | [deleted]
       | gweinberg wrote:
       | I'm not sure how well this works in practice. Unless you already
       | know a horse is a wonder dog and a hippopotamus is a water horse,
       | when someone says "river wonder dog" will you know what he means?
         | godelski wrote:
         | This is actually really common in languages. Like the other
         | commenter noted in Chinese. I'll give another example.
         | Bear(Xiong ) + cat(Mao ) = panda(Xiong Mao ). There's tons of
         | these that don't make sense unless you already know. There are
         | also plenty that you might be able to put together with context
         | (electric + brain = computer). But we can go into any language
         | and find things like this. The article mentions "microscope"
         | which is already a compound word in English[0]. German has
         | "sick wagon" for "ambulance" and "finger shoes" for "gloves".
         | French has "animal companion" as "pet".
         | I'll also mention that German and Mandarin have a significant
         | amount of compound words. There's even a joke about German,
         | that if you want to make a new word you just smash two words
         | together. Animal that lives in my house? House-animal. Haustier
         | (pet).
         | [0] English is a "bastardization" of a bunch of languages.
         | There's plenty of words in it that are compound words from
         | other languages.
         | DonaldFisk wrote:
         | Like many languages, you'd have to learn more than the base
         | vocabulary. If you were learning Chinese, could you guess what
         | an electric brain (diannao, Dian Nao ), a vertical rise machine
         | (zhishengji, Zhi Sheng Ji ) or a cat head eagle (maotouying,
         | Mao Tou Ying ) was? Maybe not, which is why you'd learn the
         | Chinese for computer, helicopter, and owl.
           | jan_Inkepa wrote:
           | This is how many languages works, but the spirit of Toki Pona
           | is genuinely different (though many learners come in with the
           | impression). Learning compound phrases won't really help you
           | much.
           | One could say that the idea is to, if you have to refer to
           | something in a given context, you try to cobble together a
           | description, just enough to differentiate it from other
           | things. "sike tu" (two circles) will be useful to
           | differentiate a bicycle from a car, but if you want to
           | differentiate them from a pair glasses you'll probably need
           | to use a different term - "sike tawa" (moving circles) maybe!
           | What you have to learn, instead of set compound phrases, is
           | the ability to improvise names/descriptions for things on the
           | fly :)
       | miles-po wrote:
       | doubleplus-good
         | lidHanteyk wrote:
         | Exactly. Is "kute pona" somebody who is good at listening, or
         | somebody who is obedient? Like (Ingsoc) Newspeak, Toki Pona's
         | poor vocabulary and overloaded semantics lead to a very simple
         | and incurious language perfect for shrinking peoples' minds.
           | xena wrote:
           | Sed esperanto estas la lingvo kiu inspiris Ingsoc de
           | Newspeak. Esperanto ne havas vorton por "bad"; esperanto
           | havas malbona, aux "ungood". Simile maljuna por "old" ("not-
           | young") kaj malgranda por "small" ("not-big").
             | lidHanteyk wrote:
             | Sure; the Ranto [0] explains why this is a poor way to
             | build a language.
             | [0] http://jbr.me.uk/ranto/index.html
               | xena wrote:
               | Sed facila. Nenio malhelpas vin uzi vortoj sxati "vieila"
               | (de la ina formo de la franca por maljuna) por "maljuna",
               | sed multoj parolantoj de esperanto eble komprenos.
               | Lojbano probable havas sistemo por vortoj tiel. Vortoj
               | havas multojn lokojn en la "loko strukturo" de la vorto.
               | La vorto por iri estas {klama}, difinita kiel:
               | {x1 venas/iras al celita loko x2 el deirpunkto x3 tra
               | vojo x4 per rimedo/veturilo x5}
               | {lo klama} estas la viro de iri
               | {lo se klama} estas la celita loko
               | {lo te klama} estas la deirpunkto
               | {lo ve klama} estas la vojo de vojagxi
               | {lo xe klama} estas la ilo de iri aux la veturilo
               | Multoj lokojn por substantivoj signifas tion {klama}
               | estas kvin vortojn!
               | Sed Lojbano havas la senvocan veluran frikativon (/x/ en
               | la IPA aux "kh" en araba). Estas malfacila por
               | anglalingvanoj.
               | lidHanteyk wrote:
               | u'i coi nintadni .i xu jbobau
               | lo jbobau ku bridi bangu .i lo ka klama ku selbri .i pe'i
               | drata lo glibau .a lo sperybau lo ka bangu
               | ku'icu'i zo'oi "good" jbobau se smuni fi mi lo ka xamgu
               | ku .a lo ka vrudi ku .a lo ka zabna ku .a lo ka to'e
               | xlali ku ...i xu ma drani smuni?
               | u'i di'ai
       | elliotec wrote:
       | Check out this tokenizer for it as well:
       | https://github.com/Xe/x/blob/master/web/tokiponatokens/toki_...
         | xena wrote:
         | I used this for recompiling a subset of toki pona to a subset
         | of prolog: https://github.com/Xe/x/tree/master/cmd/la-baujmi.
         | This is something I wish I had more time/effort to develop out
         | more.
           | elliotec wrote:
           | Your blog has been a really exciting corner of the internet
           | for me the past couple months. Thank you, big fan, keep doin
           | what you're doin.
             | xena wrote:
             | Thanks! I'm working on a blogpost analyzing the speed gains
             | I got by porting my webassembly environment to Rust. So far
             | it's about 50x as fast on average, but most of the gain is
             | from using an ahead-of-time compiler instead of an
             | interpreter.
       | yongjik wrote:
       | I've said it before, but the problem with having only a hundred
       | words is that they are the _hardest_ one hundred words in any
       | languages. To a foreign learner, easy words are hard, and hard
       | words are easy.
       | To someone learning English as a foreign language, "banish" is
       | easy to understand: it has just one meaning, so once you memorize
       | it, you can recognize it whenever it's used.
       | "Turn out", on the other hand, has half a dozen meanings and you
       | have to rely on context.
       | In the extreme case, imagine explaining the word "the" to someone
       | whose native language doesn't have an article.
         | monadic2 wrote:
         | Sure but your "easy" words are useless in most sentences. Think
         | of all the words not in this sentence!
         | thaumasiotes wrote:
         | > imagine explaining the word "the" to someone whose native
         | language doesn't have an article
         | Much like "turn out", there are many different ways in which
         | "the" might be used. But as contrasted with "a" ("explain it to
         | someone who doesn't have articles"), it's not that bad -- "the"
         | is used to mark noun phrases that are already present in the
         | conversational context, and "a" is used to introduce new noun
         | phrases into the conversational context.
         | More generally, "the" and "a" are markers for what is known in
         | linguistics as "definiteness", with "the" being an
         | unspecialized definiteness marker and "a" being a more
         | specialized indefiniteness marker. But there are many other
         | determiners that require or mark definiteness -- possessives
         | like _my_ and _their_ are definite; demonstratives like _this_
         | and _that_ are definite; _some_ is a fully general
         | indefiniteness marker...
         | (Compare "there's some guy outside scaring customers away" with
         | "there are some guys outside scaring customers away", then
         | consider that _a_ would only be permissible in the first one.)
         | > To a foreign learner, easy words are hard, and hard words are
         | easy.
         | Yep. I've pointed out before that most people have the instinct
         | that when a foreigner doesn't know the language well, you
         | should talk to them the same way you'd talk to a small child.
         | But that's completely backwards. The typical small child only
         | knows common words and can handle any native grammar at all. A
         | foreigner will have trouble with common words, effortlessly
         | comprehend rare words (after looking them up), and have extreme
         | trouble with grammar beyond the basics.
         | I had a Chinese tutor once who was embarrassed when a rare word
         | came up in some reading, and assured me that this was a "really
         | fancy word" and it didn't matter if I didn't know it. The
         | assurance was not needed -- at the time, my vocabulary was
         | negligible; to me there was no difference between a really
         | fancy word and its dirt-common equivalent. It's taken a lot of
         | work to get to the point where I can be annoyed to encounter a
         | fancy substitute for a word I feel I should have known.
           | canjobear wrote:
           | > "the" is used to mark noun phrases that are already present
           | in the conversational context, and "a" is used to introduce
           | new noun phrases into the conversational context.
           | > (Compare "there's some guy outside scaring customers away"
           | with "there are some guys outside scaring customers away",
           | then consider that a would only be permissible in the first
           | one.)
           | This rule is OK but it fails for the following case: A man
           | you've never seen before runs into your office and says "The
           | President is outside!" Now, the President wasn't part of your
           | conversational context, in fact there was no conversational
           | context, nor any context with the speaker. But "a President
           | is outside!" is clearly wrong.
           | More generally, any attempt to give simple rules for this
           | part of English grammar will fail, and will not generalize to
           | other languages with articles. The rules of natural languages
           | are extraordinarily complex, although we have the illusion
           | that we can understand them explicitly. That's why rule-based
           | NLP systems have always seemed attractive, and have always
           | failed.
             | kaoD wrote:
             | > any attempt to give simple rules for this part of English
             | grammar will fail, and will not generalize to other
             | languages with articles
             | Why? GP's explanation was just wrong, but articles are
             | pretty well defined, easy to explain, and generalize well
             | to other languages.
             | - "The" (definite article) marks a noun that refers to a
             | particular instance of the class designated by that noun,
             | distinctly recognizable from other instances.
             | - "A" (indefinite article) marks a noun that refers to a
             | generic instance of the class that isn't explicitly
             | recognizable among other instances.
             | schoen wrote:
             | > Now, the President wasn't part of your conversational
             | context, in fact there was no conversational context, nor
             | any context with the speaker.
             | That's an awesome example! My proposed patch would be:
             | singular instantiated concrete nouns in English always need
             | a determiner, and we should use the most specific
             | determiner that pragmatics will give a plausible meaning
             | to. (So also "our mother lives in Boston" is preferable to
             | ?"the mother lives in Boston" but the second option is
             | possible in some contexts.)
             | > More generally, any attempt to give simple rules for this
             | part of English grammar will fail, and will not generalize
             | to other languages with articles.
             | Yeah, that's a great point. For example, Portuguese
             | commonly _requires_ articles with abstract nouns, where
             | English would _forbid_ them.
             | "O amor e um dos maiores prazeres da vida."
             | '(the) love is one of the greatest pleasures of (the) life'
             | Someone learning one language from the other might first
             | think "oh, great, this language has definite and indefinite
             | articles, just like my native language -- it's no problem,
             | I already understand this". But that understanding will
             | fall down when confronted with situations like abstract
             | nouns.
             | Ancient Greek has definite articles but no indefinite
             | articles, and I was taught that definite articles are
             | _mandatory_ with people 's proper names (o Platon, '(the)
             | Plato'). But it's apparently more complicated than that,
             | because for example in
             | https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atex
             | t...
             | sometimes he's called o Platon and sometimes Platon (for
             | reasons that I don't grasp). And similarly in Portuguese,
             | it's common to refer to people in the third person by a
             | proper name plus definite article (o Joao, a Maria) but
             | neither obligatory nor universal. My intuition is that it's
             | a very mild honorific and that it's only done when we think
             | the listener is already familiar with the person referred
             | to, but I'm not a native speaker and I bet that intuition
             | isn't quite right either.
             | So yeah! These rules feel super-simple, and they're really
             | not.
             | thaumasiotes wrote:
             | As I noted, there are many ways to use "the". You're
             | correct that the rule I gave doesn't cover most of them.
             | You're mostly wrong in the details:
             | > Now, the President wasn't part of your conversational
             | context, in fact there was no conversational context, nor
             | any context with the speaker.
             | This is very wrong; the President, like all proper nouns,
             | is part of the conversational context. You may validly
             | assume that your listener knows the identity of "the
             | President" in the same way you assume that they know the
             | meaning of the word "outside". For this reason, all proper
             | nouns, arthrous [= marked with "the"] or not, are always
             | definite.
             | Some English proper nouns are arthrous and some aren't;
             | there is no rule governing this.
             | > But "a President is outside!" is clearly wrong.
             | It's not ill-formed in any way[1], though it raises some
             | questions about how you know there's a president out there
             | without also knowing which president it is. But more
             | importantly, I restricted my comment to cases where "the"
             | contrasts with "a", and this is not such a case. "The
             | President" and "a president" are not parallel formations.
             | [1] If you insist on capitalizing President [referring to a
             | specific known individual], then it is indeed ill-formed.
             | Proper nouns are definite and "a" is indefinite.
         | canjobear wrote:
         | It's probably true that in real natural languages, the 100 most
         | frequent words are also the most ambiguous. Languages have
         | evolved this way because (native) speakers can easily
         | disambiguate, so there's no need to be precise all the time.
         | But Toki Pona is a constructed language, so it might not have
         | this property.
         | Florin_Andrei wrote:
         | Reading the article, I realized there must be some optimal
         | sizes for vocabulary. I say sizes, plural, because there must
         | be some layers there in terms of usage frequency. Toki Pona
         | clearly goes to an extreme of simplicity in vocabulary space.
         | But what is "optimal"? You would expect languages, in their
         | natural evolution, tend towards it all the time.
           | csa wrote:
           | Optimal for whom?
           | Any system is fairly trivial for native speakers -- they just
           | learn it.
           | For non-native learners, the optimum level is probably the
           | closest to what their native language is. Simple examples,
           | it's easier for a native speaker of Japanese to learn
           | Mandarin since their is substantial overlap in vocabulary via
           | the significant Chinese influence in the Japanese language.
           | That said, all other things being equal, the number is
           | probably on the low side. As a simple example, Indonesian
           | seems to be a relatively easy language for folks coming from
           | any language to learn, even if their native language is
           | linguistically distant. I believe this is due to the
           | relatively small amount of functional vocabulary.
         | csa wrote:
         | Totally agree, and I have data to support this buried in some
         | drive somewhere.
         | Interestingly, I had a famous SLA researcher/professor tell me
         | that this was a non-issue. I assume it was because she dealt
         | mostly with Dutch learners of English, but I found it to be
         | fantastically short-sighted.
       | Piskvorrr wrote:
       | Good. Ten times ten speak English also good?
       | ;)
       | In other words, it's a cute experiment.
         | bitwize wrote:
         | "If this end of the ship is pointed toward space, you have a
         | huge problem and will not go to space today."
       | RobertRoberts wrote:
       | What about an English version of Toki Pona? (maybe Eng-Toki
       | Pona?)
       | Why? Because English is very common already, and it seems an easy
       | way to not only have usable words in two languages (English and
       | Eng-Toki Pona) but also it would be useful to actually learn.
       | (foreigners could _actually_ use this for real)
       | This is the biggest hurdle I have with made up languages, they
       | have very little actual utility value.
       | As an afterthought, a simple charades like game where you have
       | the limited vocabulary on a board, card or print out where people
       | have to describe an event,book/story, object, movie, etc... using
       | Eng-Toki Pona. Everyone could do it right now (even kids), and
       | learn a new language at the same time. (one of the easiest ways
       | to learn something is by making it fun and a game)
       | Edit: A reverse of this - Japanese-Toki Pona, all the same words,
       | but in Japanese. Same with every other language (Russian, German,
       | French, etc...). Then, after you learn one Toki derivative, you
       | can easily pick up others. I figure it's possible you could learn
       | the choppy/odd sentence building technique in your native
       | language, and then add other languages later. Could also be fun
       | as a group game once the English version gets easy. And all of
       | these would be useful everywhere... not just speaking with other
       | Toki Pona speakers.
         | Complexicate wrote:
         | Ogden's Basic English [1] with 850 words [2] and a simplified
         | grammar was an attempt at making an international auxiliary
         | language from English.
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_English
         | [2]
         | https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Basic_English_word_l...
           | RobertRoberts wrote:
           | That's interesting. This seems like actual work to learn
           | though.. (850 words AND grammar rules vs Toki Pona's 100
           | words and grammar free-for-all)
           | The reason I made my suggestion is because it would be based
           | on Toki Pona itself, a subset of all languages as it's core
           | philosophy, which seems like a universally good idea.
           | But to increase adoption of this idea, I feel it needs to
           | have broader appeal and real world value (ie, actually be
           | able to use it somewhere). Otherwise it feels a bit like
           | trivia or a toy.
           | iaabtpbtpnn wrote:
           | I have long wondered whether it would be possible to identify
           | the most basic, core words of English, and construct a
           | dictionary such that all definitions eventually reduce to
           | those words. That way, a speaker of a foreign language could
           | learn the meanings of the core words by translation into
           | their native language, and then the process of learning a new
           | word would be: look it up in the dictionary, and if there are
           | any words in the definition that you don't already know, look
           | those up, and so on until everything is reduced to the basic
           | words you already know. The question then is, how many basic
           | words must there be, and which ones are they? I realize
           | nobody actually learns a language like this, but it's still
           | conceptually interesting, analogous to the idealized process
           | of reducing a mathematical proof all the way to the axioms
           | (which, of course, mathematicians don't actually do, but in
           | principle they could).
             | fbreton wrote:
             | This exists : https://learnthesewordsfirst.com/ is a "multi
             | layer dictionary". There are 360 base words, the very first
             | ones are explained with images, then each word is defined
             | using the previous ones. Then there's a list of 2000 more
             | words defined using only base words. The last layer is a
             | full dictionary whose definitions use only these 360+2000
             | words.
               | iaabtpbtpnn wrote:
               | Very cool, thanks for sharing! I knew I couldn't have
               | been the only person to think of this. :)
         | _abattoir wrote:
         | Most of Toki Pona sounds like English anyway:
         | wan: one
         | tu: two
         | meli: female, from Tok Pisin mewi, from "Mary" (as in, the
         | Virgin)
         | lukin: looking
         | ale: all
         | en: and
         | ike: icky
         | jaki: yucky
         | insa: inside
         | jelo: yellow
         | kalama: clamor
         | kama: come
         | ken: can
         | kule: color
         | lape: sleepy
         | lawa: law
         | linja: line
         | lili: little
         | lupa: loop
         | mani: money
         | mu: moo
         | musi: amusing/music
         | nanpa: number
         | nimi: name
         | open: open
         | pilin: feeling
         | sama: same
         | selo: shell
         | sike: circle
         | suno: sun
         | mun: moon
         | toki: talking
         | wile: will
           | schoen wrote:
           | The only one of these that I think doesn't work is lupa,
           | which is a hole or opening, which doesn't necessarily have
           | that much in common with a loop. I guess they _could_ both be
           | circular, but lupa applies to any kind of opening, circular
           | or not.
             | mrob wrote:
             | Same origin as loophole (hole in a wall), which can also be
             | any shape?
           | jhbadger wrote:
           | Indeed. In the book detailing the language, the author says
           | that the language was inspired by the various pidgins that
           | have formed around the world where English words are modified
           | to meet native phonology and combined with a simplified
           | grammar.
           | RobertRoberts wrote:
           | I know, I've studied it. But I gave up because no one else
           | cared to learn it with me.
       | richard_todd wrote:
       | It's funny that they only have 120 or so words, and one of them
       | (pu) means "interacting with the official Toki Pona book."
       | [deleted]
       | kazinator wrote:
       | > _In Icelandic, a compass is a direction-shower, and a
       | microscope a small-watcher._
       | In Latin, microscope is also "small-watcher", namely,
       | _microscopium_.
         | thaumasiotes wrote:
         | That's Greek. (Well, the -um ending isn't, but the rest is.)
         | Latin for small is parvus, and Latin for watcher is visor[1],
         | but Latin doesn't tend to form compounds the way the Greek
         | does.
         | [1] Visor is literally "watcher", an agent noun formed from the
         | verb videre "look at". _Microscopium_ just uses an ordinary
         | noun ending, not an agentive construction. I don 't know what
         | happens in Icelandic.
         | jhbadger wrote:
         | When I studied German I was initially amused that the German
         | word for television was "Fernseher" (far seer). How quaint!
         | Until I stopped and thought for a moment what "television"
         | literally means -- tele from Greek meaning "far", plus Latin
         | "vision".
         | godelski wrote:
         | In English "microscope" is "micro-scope", namely small-view.
         | I find it funny that many don't understand that this is how
         | languages work, until they learn other languages. Especially
         | with English, which is a bastardization of a lot of other
         | languages. For example, if you learn French basically anything
         | that is fancy in English is just the normal term in French
         | (e.g. "house" -> "mansion" or "famous person" -> "celebrity")
       | yiyus wrote:
       | I like the idea of a very small language and I think it may be
       | very useful for science and technology, but Toki Pona does not
       | fit the requirements. Eg: it lacks words to express numbers.
       | Lojban looks interesting for this purpose, but it's way too
       | complicated.
       | DapperZoom wrote:
       | As a student of Japanese, I often get confused when listening to
       | Japanese because there are so few sounds and therefore many
       | homonyms.
       | This gave me the idea of a language with only two sounds, "ku"
       | and "ka", being used to express everything. Sort of an analogue
       | to the idea of encoding everything using the binary digits of
       | zero and one.
       | kakakukukakakukukukuka, as the great philosopher once said.
         | firethief wrote:
         | Let's make that into a complete language:
         | ka := the S combinator
         | ku := the K combinator
         | Done. Now kakuku is as expressive as any other Turing-complete
         | language.
         | ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SKI_combinator_calculus )
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