[HN Gopher] Talkyard: Open-Source forum software - a StackOverfl...
       Talkyard: Open-Source forum software - a StackOverflow, Reddit,
       Disqus hybrid
       Author : maelito
       Score  : 161 points
       Date   : 2020-03-27 12:29 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | [deleted]
       | tyingq wrote:
       | The ability to function as either a standalone forum, or as a
       | disqus style comment add on for an existing blog is neat.
       | Is there documentation somewhere? I can see it has some kind of
       | spam protection by skimming the source code, but I don't see any
       | docs.
         | mavsman wrote:
         | I believe Discourse can do this as well, as least they did
         | something like it for a while on their blog posts.
         | jasonv wrote:
         | I'm in the market for something like this right now... a
         | reddit/discourse hybrid.
         | Will check this out.
           | KajMagnus wrote:
           | Then maybe you'd find this interesting:
           | https://www.talkyard.io/-32/how-hacker-news-can-be-
           | improved-... _" How Hacker News [or Reddit] can be improved"_
           | (If / when you find things that don't work like you want, I'd
           | be happy for any feedback: https://www.talkyard.io/forum/ )
             | vthriller wrote:
             | Re: finding new comments, I've seen another solution on one
             | of the news site forums that I quite liked: messages are
             | folding individually (i.e. only content is hidden but not
             | the children), and when you enter the thread through the
             | "new" link, only new messages are shown in an unfolded
             | state.
             | jasonv wrote:
             | Thanks for the links. Will dig in more.
             | I'm looking to build a forum/discussion for a non-technical
             | audience with some of the policies that HN has implemented
             | well... community will be non-monetized, but it'll be
             | connected to a separate, sponsoring monetization channel.
             | I've not actually spent a lot of time on a Discourse forum,
             | but have liked some of the plug-ins they support, and the
             | wiki topic element, the ability to theme it, and the
             | ability to limit or lock categories based on karma and
             | groups. FYI on where I'm coming from.
         | KajMagnus wrote:
         | Sorry, there is barely any documentation yet.
         | What things would you want me to focus on, when adding
         | documentation?
         | (How would you like to use it / maybe integrate with sth else?)
           | tyingq wrote:
           | No worries. I was just curious, having done some forum admin
           | in the past...how you approached spam. I would guess a
           | "getting started" doc would be the #1 priority. Especially
           | since the server is Scala, and many may not have worked with
           | a JVM.
             | KajMagnus wrote:
             | Getting started, from the point of view of a site admin /
             | moderator?
             | (Rather than how to install the software? For that I hope
             | the readme file works ok.)
             | Hmm, you mentioned Scala and the JVM -- I'm wondering if
             | you have in mind "Getting started" with editing the source
             | code
             | (I'm curious about what forum software you used in the
             | past, as an admin, and how did you like it?)
       | shalabhc wrote:
       | I've been using the hosted version of this
       | (https://www.talkyard.io) on a blog for a while and have been
       | very satisfied. I like how the threaded discussion looks, and
       | also like the live preview edit box which works well for long
       | form comments.
         | vthriller wrote:
         | I'm not a fan of the style that threaded discussions have (too
         | much padding, and I'm not sure about arrows too), but I always
         | wanted to experiment with that sort of arrangement of messages,
         | where long chain of one-on-one replies does not get pushed to
         | the right but instead have some sort of linear representation.
         | Will definitely have a closer look on that software.
         | Edit: what this implementation of threads lacks though is an
         | ability to fold all sibling messages before the one that I'm
         | interested in, so that I can have a quick look at the context
         | and avoid a lot of manual scrolling and folding myself. Most
         | implementations (like here on HN for instance) only do folding
         | of child messages, which I personally find a bit less useful.
       | bearjaws wrote:
       | Love the idea overall, at my job we have a total mess of Jira +
       | Gitlab + Confluence + Confluence Questions + Sharepoint +
       | Mattermost.
       | I believe there are efficiency gains to be had from having a
       | unified platform that is self hosted.
         | pepemon wrote:
         | Have a look at JetBrains Space.
           | apocalyptic0n3 wrote:
           | Space looks super promising, but I looked at the EAP in late
           | January and it seemed far from ready for actual use. It
           | seemed like it needed another year in development to flesh
           | everything out. I really hope it comes together like they
           | plan for it to. It'd be nice to switch from our stack of
           | Redmine, 2 instances of GitLab, Slack, and a custom wiki
           | solution.
         | KajMagnus wrote:
         | And emails too? :- )
         | Looking at your list of tools, seems to me GitLab will stay
         | "forever", and... Mattermost is probably always going to be a
         | better chat,
         | I'm thinking maybe a Mattermost + Talkyard (+ Gitlab?)
         | integration somehow, could make sense
         | What about Sharepoint, you use it for document management?
       | sandGorgon wrote:
       | why does the code use reactjs AND jquery ?
       | https://github.com/debiki/talkyard/blob/master/package.json
         | castis wrote:
         | My blind guess is; one hand not know what the other is doing.
         | Ive left projects and come back to find the developer between
         | had done things like, pull in a library to handle slideshows
         | when one already existed. Things like that.
           | KajMagnus wrote:
           | It doesn't use or load jQuery any longer,
           | however the dependency was still there ... Now I'm removing
           | it.
           | In the beginning, there was only jQuery. .... Then, for a
           | while, there was also Angular, and for a short while, a tiny
           | bit Angular Dart (I got on the hype train?).
           | Then, there was a month removing all Angular things, and
           | switching to React. And then ... Another month removing all
           | jQuery things.
           | There's still a disabled way of laying out a discussion in
           | 2D, using the full width of the screen (nice with a 30''
           | monitor :- )) and then, for horizontal scrolling, jQuery was
           | used. But all this 2D stuff is disabled nowadays (I like the
           | 2D layout but it's a rarely used power user feature and I was
           | too short of time so had to disable it).
           | (The reason I removed jQuery, and use React only, was to
           | improve performance -- just parsing and executing the 30 kb
           | min.js.gz jQuery bundle took maybe half a second? on mobile
           | phones.)
         | alharith wrote:
         | What? Is this really controversial? Sometimes you need a UI
         | library, sometimes you need really quick interactivity to
         | toggle a menu. I use alpine.js on my marketing pages, and I use
         | vue/svelte within sections of my app.
           | sandGorgon wrote:
           | the problem is that react and jquery both need ownership of
           | the DOM. if you have code that mixes them, it is recipe for
           | disaster. subtle hidden bugs start creeping up.
             | KajMagnus wrote:
             | And performance, see my other comments nearby (jQuery now
             | gone).
           | dceddia wrote:
           | Using them on separate pages is fine, but using React and
           | jQuery on the same page is usually not a good idea since
           | React needs to "own" its slice of the DOM and changing things
           | in there with jQuery could cause weird bugs.
           | But anyway, it's impossible to tell from just the
           | package.json file whether React and jQuery are being used on
           | the same page, or just both used in different parts of the
           | app.
             | KajMagnus wrote:
             | Now jQuery is gone (see my other reply just nearby, in this
             | same comments tree).
             | Actually, when I was starting with React, then for a while
             | Talkyard did use both jQuery and React on the same pages
             | (not a good idea, I agree). I was careful to avoid the bugs
             | you have in mind from happening, so that wasn't a problem,
             | however, loading & using both libs wasn't good for
             | performance -- just parsing and executing the 30 kb
             | min.js.gz jQuery bundle took maybe half a second? a second?
             | on mobile phones, back at the time (2.5 years ago).
           | KajMagnus wrote:
           | Alpine.js looks nice, didn't know about it. Light-weigth
           | React/Vue/etc for just 7 kb :- )
           | I use Bliss.js, https://github.com/LeaVerou/bliss for some
           | parts of Talkyard nowadays, where React would be too much.
           | Bliss.js is sth like 3 kb min.js.gz. (But jQuery itself is
           | gone nowadays, it was too large.)
       | mavsman wrote:
       | Have you worked on Discourse as well or just borrowing heavily
       | from their styles because you like them?
         | KajMagnus wrote:
         | > Have you worked on Discourse
         | No
         | > because you like them?
         | Yes (the software, ... and the company & founders & employees I
         | like too, & their visions)
       | akvadrako wrote:
       | If only it was also a wiki.
         | KajMagnus wrote:
         | It can work as a wiki, if one edits the per category security
         | settings, which look like so:                   These people:
         | [All Members  v]         may do this:                :
         | [ ] Edit other people's topics           [ ] Edit others'
         | comments           [x] Edit one's own stuff           [ ]
         | Delete others' topics           :           :
         | This: ` [All Members v] ` is a choose-group dropdown. There're
         | custom groups and trust level groups, e.g. Full Members and
         | Trusted Members.
       | miker64 wrote:
       | Gets points with me for honesty in the comparisions page
       | (https://www.talkyard.io/compared-with)
         | KajMagnus wrote:
         | Thanks. (I suppose it's still a bit biased -- not so easy for
         | me to be completely impartial.)
         | (And also I'm less familiar with those other tools; there're
         | good things about them that I don't know about)
       | einpoklum wrote:
       | That's not a FOSS StackOverflow, it's a cross between several
       | platforms.
       | For those interested, There's already another initiative for a
       | free, non-commercial, community-governed StackExchange
       | alternative, called codidact: https://codidact.org/
       | I don't know that it's good (or bad), I just know there's been
       | planning work going on around it, following the recent upheavals
       | and resignations on the StackExchange network.
         | closeparen wrote:
         | Mamute is a FOSS StackOverflow: https://www.mamute.org/
         | kossae wrote:
         | Looking at that homepage, I have zero idea about what it does
         | or even looks like. It seems to be all mission statement fluff
         | and no description of the actual tool.
           | einpoklum wrote:
           | It's still in a very early stage. But there's a forum with a
           | bunch of activity, and it sounds like people are writing
           | code.
       | aklemm wrote:
       | Anyone know how the self-hosting experience is? Also whether it
       | has Activity Pub support? If this reaches it's potential, it
       | would be great if it were part of the Fediverse.
       | yamrzou wrote:
       | Looks great. Does it have multilingual support?
       | A few remarks:
       | - It would be nice to have a button to collapse replies for a
       | given comment, but not the comment itself.
       | - On mobile (andoid), it is bit laggy.
       | Thank you for open-sourcing.
         | KajMagnus wrote:
         | There's multilingual support yes, and user contributed out-of-
         | date translations to Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and Polish
         | (I keep adding new buttons and labels, and renaming things, so
         | the translations get out-of-date / fallback to English.)
         | There's RTL support but no Arabic / Hebrew / etc translations
         | yet.
         | * * *
         | > It would be nice to have a button to collapse replies for a
         | given comment, but not the comment itself
         | Yes :- ) Do you mean 1) for yourself only, or 2) for all site
         | visitors (so those replies would be collapsed by default, for
         | everyone) ?
         | Actually there was a feature for 2, in the past, but it's
         | disabled now though. The database fields are still there, plan
         | to make that code work again some time in the future. (Then you
         | could manually "curate" a discussion, by collapsing all replies
         | to certain posts, to make the reading experience better for
         | your site visitors.)
         | * * *
         | Can I ask which Android version and phone do you use? -- I
         | optimized Talkyard a while ago, by looking in Chrome Dev Tools,
         | but this was on my laptop.
         | What things lag the most? (Some specific button(s) or animation
         | or scrolling or ... ?)
       (page generated 2020-03-27 23:00 UTC)