[HN Gopher] Show HN: ActionsPanel - Manually Trigger Your GitHub...
       Show HN: ActionsPanel - Manually Trigger Your GitHub Actions
       Hi all!  I wanted to share a small project that I've been working
       on with a buddy.  https://www.actionspanel.app/  One of the
       problems that currently exists with GitHub Actions is the fact that
       there is no way to easily trigger your Actions unless you cause
       some kind of GitHub event. This could be pushing a new commit, or
       creating an issue on a repository. But if you just want to run an
       arbitrary action, there's not currently a good way to do that.
       This is a well known feature request:
       GitHub somewhat recently added an API for `repository_dispatch`
       which is an available trigger for a GitHub Action. There are many
       blog posts that explain how you can create a Personal Access Token
       to send your own `repository_dispatch` via some curl command or
       postman request.  For example:
       ActionsPanel uses this same API but does so with a GitHub App token
       so that you don't need to worry about managing your own PAT. This
       also makes it much easier to trigger your actions across teams with
       multiple people. Then you don't need to share the PAT with each
       other or each create your own PATs.  You configure your buttons
       with a declarative yaml file that you leave in the repo, and
       ActionsPanel will read that file and dynamically create your UI for
       you to trigger your actions.  We'd love to get your feedback on
       this project. It's very simple still but solves the core problem of
       triggering your actions.  If you do have feedback or any questions,
       feel free to post in this thread, or email us directly at support
       (at) actionspanel (dot) app  Looking forward to your feedback!
       Author : abatilo
       Score  : 32 points
       Date   : 2020-03-28 16:03 UTC (6 hours ago)
       | csullivan84 wrote:
       | I'm one of the creators of ActionsPanel. As an early adopter of
       | GitHub Actions, this was an obvious feature gap that made it
       | harder to switch off of other CI/CD systems (Jenkins, Circle,
       | etc).
       | It's been great having a centralized place for all of our code
       | and deployment related activities. The GitHub Actions ecosystem
       | is maturing quickly and we'd like to help with that momentum.
       | --Charles
       | v_paliy wrote:
       | Nice!
         | abatilo wrote:
         | Thank you!
       | eMerzh wrote:
       | Nice I was looking to test this at work... But not sure if login
       | does not work for me (and my buddy) or something else.... But we
       | kept beeing redirected to the login button
         | csullivan84 wrote:
         | Sorry about that. It seem like we have a small bug in our
         | redirection logic for new logins. If you hard refresh the page
         | after you've logged in with GitHub it should work.
         | We'll get this corrected shortly. Thank you for the feedback.
           | eMerzh wrote:
           | hum, still stuck at https://www.actionspanel.app/auth/sign-
           | in?next=/app ... trying to go to /app but redirect there
           | again... clicking the button "does nothing" (goes to github
           | and back in a glimpse).
             | csullivan84 wrote:
             | Just pushed a fix to the login flow. Let me know if you're
             | still having issues.
             | Thanks!
       | thecodrr wrote:
       | Hey, very amazing tool. It was one of the features I missed the
       | most. Thanks a lot!
       | warmuuh wrote:
       | you can also use https://greasyfork.org/de/scripts/394032-github-
       | deployments-... which adds a button for repository_dispatch event
       | directly in your repository, no need to visit a 3party page.
         | Mattwmaster58 wrote:
         | Here's the english version of the same link:
         | https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/394032-github-deployments-...
         | abatilo wrote:
         | That's a really cool idea that I never thought of.
         | One of my concerns would be that now you need every developer
         | on your team to install this to their browser, but if you're
         | working alone, this could absolutely be an easy solution!
           | riquito wrote:
           | I saw it working with teams too, it becomes part of the
           | onboarding, and as soon as you have one feature used everyday
           | nobody forgets (or anyway everyone else will remind you soon
           | enough).
         | warmuuh wrote:
         | on the same note: it would be nice if you could add buttons to
         | a readme.md which trigger the actions, maybe via
         | https://www.actionspanel.app/, but also the buttons then are in
         | the repo?
           | abatilo wrote:
           | We've thought about this feature actually. What we haven't
           | quite figured out is how to deal with the authentication of
           | making sure that someone SHOULD be able to run the action.
           | That being said, on the website, we do give you a markdown
           | snippet to add to your README to make it easy to navigate to
           | the correct page of your repo in ActionsPanel
       (page generated 2020-03-28 23:00 UTC)