[HN Gopher] April Is Canceled
       April Is Canceled
       Author : dannymx
       Score  : 50 points
       Date   : 2020-04-01 22:32 UTC (27 minutes ago)
 (HTM) web link (aprilcanceled.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (aprilcanceled.com)
       | maxerickson wrote:
       | Or you know, just try to make it through to the other side in a
       | reasonably calm manner. That's fine too.
         | rad_gruchalski wrote:
         | That's what the post is talking about.
           | maxerickson wrote:
           | We have...different interpretations of _Annus mirabilis, the
           | year of wonders, that is the name of this period in which
           | calculus, law of gravitation, the color spectrum, these
           | discoveries changed the world forever._ and _Let 's all
           | become Isaac Newton this month._
       | 01100011 wrote:
       | Eh, some of us just have to keep working. No time to work on our
       | magnum opus, because we're trying to remain productive in the
       | ersatz offices we've cobbled together at home.
         | faitswulff wrote:
         | Some of us are stay at home parents.
           | maguirre wrote:
           | I was just explaining to someone that I have to be: a parent,
           | a teacher, an engineer and a husband. I feel I am doing all
           | of them equally badly _sigh_
             | na85 wrote:
             | That's okay, I was doing all those things badly before the
             | apocalypse.
       | mdonahoe wrote:
       | Issac Newton didn't have kids home from school, and didn't need
       | to attend Zoom meetings.
         | rad_gruchalski wrote:
         | Indeed. But you still have a job and you are (hopefully)
         | healthy. Think about it for a second. It could be much worse.
           | mdonahoe wrote:
           | I'm just saying I don't like the pressure of having to
           | compare myself to Issac Newton.
           | Also everything could always be worse, so it's a mostly
           | useless argument.
       | morphogenesis wrote:
       | I know I'm lucky to still have a job at a company that seems to
       | be doing just fine despite the pandemic but I kind of wish I
       | could have a month of time completely to myself
       | ck2 wrote:
       | Nice but sadly also May (what did Newton do in his second month?)
       | The IHME models they chose to use are too optimistic, too many
       | people aren't wise enough to understand or care how this works
       | and won't be told what to do, there are going to be rather
       | stubborn congregations for Easter.
       | https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections
       | Ventilators run out way before ICU beds.
       | tick_tock_tick wrote:
       | Love how the third paragraph starts all positive and reasonable
       | then suddenly segways into "Stop the Coronavirus Corporate Coup"
       | and then an article about how "Hyperbitcoinization" is coming and
       | how the modern economy is going to collapse from inflation.
       | Punkyou2 wrote:
       | I absolutely loved reading this! Thank you!
       | rad_gruchalski wrote:
       | Very inspiring, with a twist. Thank you!
       | thatfrenchguy wrote:
       | Sounds like a pretty privilege take by people like us that still
       | have jobs.
       | joncp wrote:
       | Or...if you still have to work, then find a way to help a
       | furloughed person be Newton for a month. Maybe a spouse or your
       | kids. Maybe a stranger (from six feet away). Doesn't matter.
       | mcv wrote:
       | I wish I had time for any of that. I keep reading ideas for how
       | to deal with the boredom of self-isolation, but nobody writes
       | about the stress. My wife and I have to homeschool two kids while
       | also doing our own jobs from home. We're lucky of course that we
       | have jobs, and we can do them from home, and we have two awesome
       | and healthy kids. But homeschooling while we work really is a bit
       | much.
       | etrk wrote:
       | In an alternate reality, Newton did five pull-ups instead of
       | inventing calculus.
       | ecopoesis wrote:
       | Honestly? Fuck this. Millions of people are going to die. It's
       | very likely some of your friends and family will be in that
       | number. It's okay to mourn. It's expected that we will all mourn.
       | The world we get out of this is going to be different and it's
       | going to be a worse one for almost everyone.
       | You don't need to write King Lear or invent gravity. Just
       | surviving will be a miracle enough.
       | steve-benjamins wrote:
       | You could also rest. You don't need to force feed yourself
       | creativity and productivity.
       | I don't mean to take anything away from the author, just seeing a
       | lot of this sentiment on social media. Thought it would be worth
       | voicing a counter balance.
       (page generated 2020-04-01 23:00 UTC)