[HN Gopher] OpenTTD 1.10
       OpenTTD 1.10
       Author : app4soft
       Score  : 231 points
       Date   : 2020-04-03 18:28 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.openttd.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.openttd.org)
       | kragniz wrote:
       | In case anyone's thinking of running some multiplayer games in
       | the coming weeks and wants some more advanced economy metrics, I
       | recently started writing a set of patches to add a prometheus
       | /metrics endpoint to the OpenTTD server to use with a grafana
       | dashboard:
       | https://github.com/grand-central-garbage/openttd-prometheus
       | (warning: grim c++ code)
         | deadbunny wrote:
         | This is fantastic. Now I need this for Rimworld...
         | GauntletWizard wrote:
         | In a similar vein, I played a factorio game with
         | https://github.com/afex/graftorio - It was useful, but also un-
         | useful as I ended up spending more time making pretty graphs
         | than they could possibly have saved me in noticing resource
         | bottlenecks.
           | Twirrim wrote:
           | Argh. Just what I don't need. _More_ things to make me want
           | to play Factorio. The factory must grow....
           | NikolaeVarius wrote:
           | I wanted to be productive this weekend. Shit
           | kragniz wrote:
           | I think it's more interesting on an openttd server, because
           | you're competing against other players, so the graphs inform
           | you about their actions and how well you're keeping up with
           | their economy.
             | deadbunny wrote:
             | Could that be classed as cheating or is this info already
             | in the game?
             | Note: Not passing judgement if it is, just curious.
               | kragniz wrote:
               | It's added as part of the dedicated server, and available
               | for all players on the server. This kind of data is also
               | available in game, but not as detailed.
             | m4rtink wrote:
             | AFAIK many OpenTTD online games are cooperative with many
             | players building a very complex transport networks, usually
             | with some objective. Like all with steam locomotives, bus
             | network with transshipping, etc.
         | zwayhowder wrote:
         | I think you have won TTD :)
           | rantwasp wrote:
           | hold on. you need to feed these metrics into a slack bot that
           | tells you how much you suck in order to win
         | dividuum wrote:
         | That sounds pretty fun. I suggest you add some screenshots of
         | what a dashboard might look like. (If I missed them, I'm sorry
         | for the noise)
       | WilliamEdward wrote:
       | One of the best game soundtracks in the world
       | dang wrote:
       | Related and not as recent:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16725375
       | Recent and not as related:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19538715
       | transitivebs wrote:
       | The nostalgia is real.
       | Here's a link to their OSS GitHub repo for quick reference:
       | https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD
       | haolez wrote:
       | I love OpenTDD! The improvements over the original Transport
       | Tycoon's AI is insane.
       | jonathankoren wrote:
       | I tried this game before, because I wanted Transport Tycoon, but
       | with smarter train logic, but I found this unplayable. I tried
       | this new version, but the problem persists.
       | The graphics don't scale to modern resolutions, and so I
       | literally can not read the screen or see what's happening. I have
       | to sit six inches away from the screen to read anything. I've
       | tried wiki instructions before, but they didn't work. I ended up
       | having missized windows and text.
       | Such a shame.
         | lambertsimnel wrote:
         | Have you tried Simutrans?
         | https://www.simutrans.com/en/
         | It's a while since I played it, but it's similar to Transport
         | Tycoon and seems to have variants ("paksets") with different
         | levels of graphical detail.
         | Lammy wrote:
         | The graphics (GRFs) are configurable! If you're using the
         | original TTD GRFs it will look tiny and pixelated, but you can
         | get large smooth modern-looking graphics too. Search for a
         | "32bpp" GRF set :)
         | https://wiki.openttd.org/Playing_with_32_bpp_graphics
         | exitheone wrote:
         | OTTD hat UI scaling and font scaling for HiDPI displays. Just
         | need to enable it in the settings.
       | duluca wrote:
       | What would it take to get the executable signed? Windows 10 is
       | giving me hell for trying to run the installer. I reported it as
       | safe, but I guess every release would be subject to the same
       | limitations.
       | TylerE wrote:
       | Now if only there was a decent UI mod of playing on modern 1440+
       | screens. (Yes, I know there are mods that double the UI size but
       | they make everything super-pixelated)
         | ubercow13 wrote:
         | There are various sprite sets for OpenTTD that provide much
         | higher resolution sprites for everything so that you can zoom
         | further in and everything is still rendered using unscaled
         | sprites. You could probably use one of these on a high DPI
         | screen and use a higher zoom level by default.
           | TylerE wrote:
           | I'm talking about the UI, not the sprites. The buttons and
           | fonts are TIIIINY.
             | snazz wrote:
             | Another commenter says that there's a HiDPI option in the
             | settings now: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22773440
       | jabl wrote:
       | IMHO the annoying thing with (Open)TTD is the economics model.
       | In the beginning it can be a bit though, but once you get over
       | the initial hump you're more or less swimming in money for the
       | rest of the game.
       | Secondly, it's annoying how small trains become uncompetitive
       | later on in the game. Yes, you'll have much smaller number of
       | these megaroutes bringing in the megabucks, but you have plenty
       | of formerly cash flow positive routes that simply can no longer
       | cover their running costs. Yeah, maybe that mirrors reality with
       | rail transit, but dammit, I want to play with trains not run
       | trucks and buses.
         | hyperman1 wrote:
         | A long time ago, I found a trick/bug/cheat in the original
         | transport tycoon deluxe: When a new opponent appears, buy a 75%
         | majority share. Assume their identity as a majority
         | shareholder, loan the maximum you can and buy anything you
         | want, e.g. a ton of ships. Then sell the shares. The game
         | calculates the value of the shares on the opponents assets but
         | forgets to substract the loan.
         | Net result is your shares went up enormously so you made a huge
         | profit, the opponent can't do anything except go broke as it
         | has no more cash and spends a ton on the upkeep of the ships.
         | And you have a lot of ships drifting around aimlessly providing
         | some nice background views.
         | As a kid I loved this evil plan, but assumed it would never fly
         | in the real corporate world. Now I'm not so sure anymore.
           | Nr7 wrote:
           | There was another bug in the original Transport Tycoon (not
           | Deluxe) that gave an even easier way to make massive amounts
           | of money. If you built a tunnel through the whole continent
           | the price integer rolled over and instead of paying a ton of
           | money for the you actually received billions of dollars.
             | rantwasp wrote:
             | oh yes. from dirt poor to having billions of dollars. just
             | like the American economy :|
             | kubatyszko wrote:
             | Indeed, I had friends who used it (I never did), from what
             | I recall (this was over 20 years ago), the tunnel could not
             | be removed and in some cases would get in the way of some
             | construction later.
             | hyperman1 wrote:
             | Oh yeah, the game was amazing in what it did with limited
             | resources, but once you started pushing it, plenty of
             | interesting bugs surfaced.
             | Another fun one was trains drive 1 pixel of the rails
             | before turning around. So if an opponent has a huge profit
             | making railway station, you place one rail of your own at
             | the end and stop a train just before it turns around. Next
             | time his trains come around, he crashes into yours and boom
             | goes the money maker.
             | And then there was the fact that a train cant collide with
             | itself. If it is long enough you can push it through itself
             | at a crossing.
             | There were others, but that's all I remember.
           | objektif wrote:
           | Thats called Private Equity.
           | zwayhowder wrote:
           | Had to check I didn't post this in my sleep.
           | From memory you didn't even need to force them to borrow
           | money, they always did. As soon as they launched with the
           | $200,000 value buy 75%. They would within minutes borrow a
           | million and then you sell your shares turning $175,000 into
           | $750,000.
           | The buying ships etc was definitely evil :)
         | untog wrote:
         | I struggle with both Civilization and Transport Tycoon in this
         | way: the initial stages are so much more engaging than the
         | management phase that comes afterwards. At least in
         | Civilization I usually end up going to war with someone.
         | (but to be clear, Transport Tycoon/OpenTTD is an awesome,
         | addictive game all the same)
           | jle17 wrote:
           | Stellaris (a space grand strategy game) has "fallen empires"
           | which are powerful civilizations that you should absolutely
           | not challenge early and "crisis" which are galaxy-wide
           | threats that happen late-game to maintain engagement as you
           | progress (it does have a ton of micro-management though).
           | realradicalwash wrote:
           | civ 5 can be different with the right settings: when I played
           | on deity, half of the time it has been a struggle until a few
           | rounds before victory (conquest).
           | onlyrealcuzzo wrote:
           | It mirrors real life, if you believe Piketty. The more money
           | you have, the higher RoR you get on average.
             | pathseeker wrote:
             | First, RoR doesn't have anything to do with engagement or
             | even difficulty of the game. Second, Picketty's argument is
             | not even close to "RoR increases with money", it's that
             | return on capital outpaces economic growth, that's it.
             | If that were to be manifested in a game, there would be no
             | "management phase" at all. You would just buy stocks and
             | collect returns from them faster than other players could
             | get money from actual business ventures.
               | Y_Y wrote:
               | Already-Rich Tycoon
               | onlyrealcuzzo wrote:
               | Maybe I meant ROI. He analyzed the average returns people
               | get on their capital by how much capital they have.
               | I don't know the exact numbers, but I believe it was
               | something like:
               | Normal people: 4.5%
               | Wealthy people: 7.5%
               | High net-worth individuals: 9%
             | fennecfoxen wrote:
             | Consensus economics would have you believe that, unlike in
             | any video game, businesses experience diminishing marginal
             | returns on investment.
               | _jal wrote:
               | ...A fact which has only tenuous relevance to a small
               | part of Piketty's argument.
               | There are critiques of the work that make some reasonable
               | points, but this is not how they start.
               | fennecfoxen wrote:
               | This is a reasonable forum in which to discuss how well
               | video games' economics align with the real world.
               | I regret that it is a poor forum to discuss pop economics
               | with a political agenda. If you would like resources
               | which discuss and critique the various flaws of Piketty's
               | work, I can refer you to the scholarly publications and
               | the conferences associated with the American Economic
               | Association, the Economic History Association, the
               | Economic History Society, the Cliometrics Society, and
               | like academic organizations, as starting points.
               | In the meantime, I will continue to use this forum to
               | discuss the realism of video games.
         | adwww wrote:
         | Start a small railway running a tiny profit, go and have
         | dinner, return to heaps of money to take over the world!
         | exitheone wrote:
         | It's actually incredibly easy to print money early on. Take a
         | loan, build 2 airports reasonable far away from each other in
         | the larger initial cities. setup 2-3 planes between them. Wait
         | 15 minutes -> money printer.
         | Money earned is based on distance and speed. Planes are
         | incredibly lucrative in the early game.
           | rantwasp wrote:
           | yeah no. trains. lots of trains. past a certain point, only
           | trains.
           | jagger27 wrote:
           | There's a bit of a gamble that your planes will crash though.
             | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
             | Planes crash from time to time but they bring back their
             | costs in 5-6 flights, so your money making printer is only
             | limited by the number of available passengers, not by plane
             | reliability.
         | realradicalwash wrote:
         | you can tweak the settings to higher maintenance and higher
         | interest rates. but yes, even then, it becomes too easy after a
         | while. would be nice if the settings allowed it to make it even
         | harder (extra high maintenance costs, 6% interest rates, etc)
         | AaronM wrote:
         | There are some good economic mods like FIRS3. Really adds
         | challenge to the economic model.
         | fennecfoxen wrote:
         | I agree that this makes the moving-cargo game a lot less fun.
         | I therefore take a different approach to the game to find fun.
         | I use the 2cc trainset, turn on car speed limits, turn on Cargo
         | Distribution, spread out the map so it's a little less dense
         | than normal, find a nice town-growth script that I can tune
         | such that towns only grow when you move _lots_ of passengers
         | and mail -- then I focus on passengers and mail _only_ , and
         | try to connect everyone into one unified network.
         | It thus becomes a network-capacity management game rather than
         | an economics game. You need metros and suburban rail to collect
         | people to your high-capacity mainline rail corridors and long-
         | distance high-speed routes.
       | headcanon wrote:
       | This is an excellent game if you're interested in building
       | complex train networks, which isn't so dissimilar to programming
       | FWIW.
         | jonhess wrote:
         | That's what I like about this game too. It quickly turns into a
         | concurrency / lock contention optimization problem if you build
         | a very connected network.
       | kissgyorgy wrote:
       | This is a really complex game, don't let the "old school" graphic
       | fool you!
         | fennecfoxen wrote:
         | As far as I can tell, it's still the most complex railroad game
         | out there. You just end up with so many more trains than in any
         | of the others.
       | cheese4242 wrote:
       | By random chance I installed OpenTTD a few days ago out of
       | quarantine boredom so I am thrilled to see a HN post about it.
       | I was building up a local rail and road transportation network
       | then on a whim I built a few airports and setup some plane routes
       | between them. The revenue from planes started outpacing my
       | existing ground networks quickly. I then built two large airports
       | on opposite ends of the map and purchased a large jet to fly
       | between them. Before long I had more money than I knew what to do
       | with. A long distance air route between two large cities with a
       | fast, high capacity jet just prints money.
       | So I'm wondering, how do I get some more challenge out of this
       | game? What are some more fun things I can do? At this point I am
       | making money faster than I can spend it.
       | contingencies wrote:
       | Has anyone tried the new games in this genre? Any significant
       | improvements?
       | amadeuspzs wrote:
       | Ooof never before have I instantly lost 3 hours from one HN link.
       | Awesome blast from the past!
       | xwdv wrote:
       | Any people here want to play multiplayer?
       | mszcz wrote:
       | Oh, no. No. No. I vaguely recall the countless hours I've sunk
       | playing this... Please, don't drag me into this again... Why?!
       | EDIT: Just to be clear, the game is awesome and the comment is
       | made in jest ;)
         | xenonite wrote:
         | Same problem here. But luckily, on Macs it requires macOS
         | 10.12, hence I can't run it anymore with 10.11 :-)
           | mszcz wrote:
           | Lucky bastard!
             | xenonite wrote:
             | Actually if one downloads the ZIP instead of the DMG file,
             | it seems to start flawlessly on macOS 10.11.
             | I cheered to soon...
         | SheinhardtWigCo wrote:
         | If you like this, you'll love Transport Fever 2.
         | Apologies in advance.
           | mszcz wrote:
           | That looks nice but I think I prefer the "rigidity" (and
           | nostalgia) of isometric (?) games.
           | cheschire wrote:
           | I very much enjoy TF2, and the mod community in steam is
           | making it better everyday.
           | innocenat wrote:
           | I find OpenTTD just way more complex, especially with mods
           | and patches.
           | I play TF/TF2 mainly for the look.
           | Edit: in term of the transport network, not in term of
           | economy.
             | FalconSensei wrote:
             | For me it's the opposite: anything that's not isometric and
             | looks like rollercoaster tycoon or openttd looks bad/weird
         | vitro wrote:
         | What about Mashinky? Sorry :)
       (page generated 2020-04-03 23:00 UTC)