[HN Gopher] Show HN: VS Code extension that fades out the colors...
       Show HN: VS Code extension that fades out the colors until you take
       a break
       Author : schneefux
       Score  : 81 points
       Date   : 2020-04-04 12:22 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | theelous3 wrote:
       | This looks extremely annoying, but the raw doing of the project
       | is interesting. I appreciate it exists but I hate it :D
       | dalfonso wrote:
       | I don't use VS Code, but I like that there's experimentation in
       | this space -- every X minutes, do something to the UI to remind
       | you to take a break.
       | I currently use Time Out on Mac and every X minutes it slowly
       | greys out the entire screen. The hardest scenario is if I'm in
       | "the zone" and super focused on fixing a bug, etc. and the
       | notification pops up. I end up feeling antagonistic towards the
       | break reminder.
       | This looks like it's a good balance.
         | palerdot wrote:
         | <shameless plug> I created a browser extension called
         | Remindoro[0] exactly for this purpose. Right now it is
         | available for Chrome and Firefox. It is also open source[1]
         | Edit: But I really like the idea of this VS Code extension and
         | will definitely try out. As I type this, I just got lost in
         | editor for like 2 hours and a VS Code extension like this would
         | have helped.
         | [0] - https://palerdot.in/remindoro/ [1] -
         | https://github.com/palerdot/remindoro
       | dhosek wrote:
       | I kind of need the opposite, something that pokes me with a stick
       | if I take a break before I'm supposed to.
         | unfocused wrote:
         | I wonder if an extension can be made to scramble your keyboard
         | for x minutes. Rendering your keyboard input unusable while you
         | take a break.
           | JacksonGariety wrote:
           | or just turn you keyboard off?
         | dsaw wrote:
         | Literally just came to post the exact same comment.
       | lazyasciiart wrote:
       | I feel like for me, this would end up just making me gradually
       | strain my eyes without noticing. I'd prefer it to try doing a
       | gradual change that didn't make it harder to see - maybe increase
       | the font size until I'm working in a 20character wide screen or
       | something, which would be annoying but not bad for me?
       | s_y_n_t_a_x wrote:
       | Why would you want to interrupt your code flow?
         | majkinetor wrote:
         | To "stay healthy" obviously, as by not doing that you may need
         | to interrupt forevever.
       | dim13 wrote:
       | As some one, who is back to no syntax highlighting at all, I
       | would like the opposite. From distraction-free to papagei-mess.
         | fbnlsr wrote:
         | I'm curious, why did you remove syntax highlight. I feel like I
         | couldn't function properly if I didn't have my Dracula themed
         | VS Code.
       | codingdave wrote:
       | It is an interesting idea, but I am not sure that a VS code
       | extension is a complete solution - When I code, it is rarely
       | typing in the IDE for 25 straight minutes. It is thinking, taking
       | notes, drawing, testing in the browser, looking at dev tools...
       | and then a few minutes of typing once I have figured out what I
       | want to do.
       | I also question the wisdom of breaks at specific intervals. Do I
       | really want to get knocked out of flow because a timer expired? I
       | take my breaks when I complete a task. Sometimes that is after 10
       | minutes, sometimes it is after 2 hours.
       | If I were in your position, I'd look for a different metric than
       | just time. Maybe measure the rate of activity across all running
       | apps, and provide a notice of, "Your typing speed has dropped,
       | and you are taking more time between mouse movements - if you are
       | slowing down, maybe it is time for a break?"
       (page generated 2020-04-04 23:00 UTC)