[HN Gopher] Show HN: Firefox addon that hides news articles abou...
       Show HN: Firefox addon that hides news articles about Covid-19
       Author : mailea
       Score  : 87 points
       Date   : 2020-04-04 20:12 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (addons.mozilla.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (addons.mozilla.org)
       | vardump wrote:
       | Direct link in English: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-
       | US/firefox/addon/phagocyte/
         | lihaciudaniel wrote:
         | Thank you, this is the best thing right now binging on the news
         | is unhealthy taking care of the community is better.
       | miked85 wrote:
       | How is ignoring a major event like this in any way good?
         | theferalrobot wrote:
         | You can stay informed while also not wanting to fall into the
         | 24hr news cycle drama.
         | I don't think it's healthy personally for me to read every bit
         | of information on it I see. I'm staying at home, I'd rather be
         | doing something productive and check in every few days.
         | innocentoldguy wrote:
         | It might be worthwhile if the media was reporting news, but
         | when you have CNN, ABC, MSNBC, ad nauseam stirring up idiotic
         | drama for ratings--like throwing tantrums over what the word
         | "our" means--what's the point? How is any of that useful?
         | arkanciscan wrote:
         | There is no possible way to ignore what is happening right now.
         | If you want a Cov-19 blocker, you know all you need to know
         | already.
         | chukye wrote:
         | How seeing a lot of news about an event that I can't do
         | anything is good? It just gets me depressing! Watch the news is
         | the worst thing at the moment! I'm encouraging everyone that I
         | love to stay away from this. Fear/depression is way worst than
         | this virus.
           | miked85 wrote:
           | There can definitely be information overload. But ignoring
           | everything is not good either.
             | chukye wrote:
             | I'm sorry, but I really don't understand why ignoring is
             | not good.
       | jasonv wrote:
       | I keep a long list of blocked words in Twitter, Feedly, and I
       | try... as much as I can, to only consume news on reuters.com (and
       | 4 print weeklies). I block CNN and Facebook in my hosts file.
       | And yet, I'm barraged on the web with celebrity news, popular
       | news, Tiger King (never clicked on it, never wanted it, can't get
       | away from it), whatever the foamy coffee thing that's big right
       | now.
       | I know about the shelters in place. I knew not to bring my re-
       | usable bags to the grocery this morning.
       | The whole of media, content, everything you see when you open
       | your browser and leave the house, is a monumental barrage of
       | trending, overwhelming, unavoidable content. Memes you can't get
       | away from but which you'll see hundreds, thousands of times.
       | Whatever people need to do to get away from it... you'll still
       | get it, but if you choose and are aware of the filters you use,
       | by all means.
         | AznHisoka wrote:
         | I saw the first episode of Tiger King, expecting to see some
         | epic, thrilling dramatic series, given all the buzz. I was
         | severely disappointed. Is this really what humans love to
         | watch?
           | laxd wrote:
           | I'm on episode 4 as we speak, taking it for what it is (low
           | brow entertainment). Still waiting for it to live up to the
           | hype. I've seen far more engaging junk.
           | fortran77 wrote:
           | Are you a cat? C'mon now. People who read Hacker News are as
           | human as anyone else. I personally love popular television
           | reality shows, and I bet you do, too.
           | jm547ster wrote:
           | It only gets worthwhile in the last episode when he's giving
           | the eulogy
         | twomoretime wrote:
         | Frankly, that's why I consume nothing but torrents. There's no
         | other way to avoid being assaulted by ads for the trash you
         | describe.
         | lethologica wrote:
         | Genuinely asking out of curiosity, but at what point does it
         | not become easier to just get off of those services than to
         | maintain something to make them useable (only just by the
         | sounds of it in your case)?
       | pauldelany wrote:
       | https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Joo_Janta_200_Super-Chro...
       | barrystaes wrote:
       | So you are saying, it would be possible to block news on the
       | latest trump thing that happened?
       | Its great to have a laugh but it gets old fast.
       | Would never block Covid-19 myself, but then again i think the
       | media in the Netherlands are quite informative and value quality
       | content above quantity.
       | dessant wrote:
       | I don't know. I think it's important to stay informed about the
       | evolution of the pandemic, and local news are also extremely
       | useful for staying prepared and anticipating certain actions that
       | you'll need to take.
       | It might be better to consume _all_ news in small daily doses
       | rather than blocking out potentially critical information.
         | agilebyte wrote:
         | Some municipalities/provinces (states) already have their own
         | channels where you can consume important news OR they send
         | emergency alerts to your phone (such as this morning in
         | Ontario).
         | qubots wrote:
         | > It might be better to consume all news in small daily doses
         | rather than blocking out potentially critical information.
         | I'd rather read the one news app on my phone - which basically
         | covers everything of what's interesting about the pandemic -
         | than trying to consume all news but ending up reading the same
         | thing on ten different platforms. This add-on could be a
         | solution to this problem.
         | crocodiletears wrote:
         | Keeping abreast of all news is important, but it's quite
         | impossible to do unless you make a conscious effort to break
         | out of the current news cycle.
         | If you follow the news, you know there's a pandemic going on,
         | and you know there's a wealth of information out there if you
         | need it. But if you're skimming headlines on most aggregators,
         | that's more or less all you get to know (with the notable
         | exception of gripe-pieces/love-letters concerning the Trump
         | administration).
         | The cognitive overhead of filtering out all that redundant
         | information, and the accompanying bullshit hot-takes by self-
         | aggrandizing bloggers masquerading as journalists can be so
         | exhausting that you risk giving up or developing tunnel-vision
         | around it.
         | It's hard not to remember to check for pandemic updates even if
         | you do deliberately filter them out of the news - it directly
         | effects you.
         | I think this plug-in is a very good idea, and should make it
         | easier to stay informed with respect to the bigger picture of
         | the world.
         | Missing a couple articles lamenting our circumstances isn't
         | really going to save that many lives.
         | [deleted]
         | catalogia wrote:
         | _Very_ little of what I 've read in the news has been
         | actionable, particularly national/world news. What am I
         | supposed to do with news about hospital supply shortages or
         | crazy shoppers two thousand miles away? My local government's
         | website and some local news stories have had more useful
         | information.
         | For examples, the top five headlines from lite.cnn.com/en/
         | right now:
         | > _This nurse demonstrates just how fast germs spread even if
         | you 're wearing gloves_
         | I'm not a nurse, and I don't have gloves, so this isn't
         | actionable. It might be if I were a nurse, but I'm not.
         | > _Fact-check: Trump says some states aren 't in jeopardy from
         | the virus, denies saying it would go away by April_
         | There is nothing I can do about Trump being an idiot. Not
         | actionable.
         | > _Opinion: Trump put American lives in China 's hands_
         | Ditto.
         | > _Supplies could be delayed due to confusion from the White
         | House, companies say_
         | Ditto.
         | > _Trump says HHS secretary meant the 'concept' of a pandemic
         | kept him up at night in 2019 comment_
         | Ditto.
         | chukye wrote:
         | How exactly consuming all news in small daily doses is helping
         | you? I don't think it's 'extremely' useful, actually I don't
         | think it's useful at all!
         | brokensegue wrote:
         | The only information you absolutely need to hear is "am I under
         | a stay at home order or not". Other than that you can probably
         | read no news until the election when you should figure out if
         | you think Trump did a good job handling COVID-19 (lol).
           | dessant wrote:
           | > The only information you absolutely need to hear is "am I
           | under a stay at home order or not".
           | I doubt that's the case for most people, unless they have the
           | luxury to completely isolate themselves for months.
             | brokensegue wrote:
             | I mean if you need aid you should actively seek it out not
             | hope the news talks about it in between updating you on the
             | death toll and such.
         | prox wrote:
         | I agree, I understand the sentiment, but shutting yourself off
         | is a dangerous head-in-the-sand strategy. Something to be used
         | responsibly.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | _This just in, from Washington: Donald Trump is racist! In
         | other news, we 're all going to die! Are masks effective?
         | Nobody seems to agree! #SocialDistancing! Next, we'll listen to
         | experts predict things! Maybe they'll be right this time! More
         | at 11!_
         | No, thanks.
         | moron4hire wrote:
         | That presumes that paying attention to the news is the same
         | thing as becoming informed
         | clairity wrote:
         | nearly all of the current wall of corona news on every news
         | site is designed to foment anxiety (entirely different from the
         | "fake news" naysayers) and garner future clicks, rather than
         | provide critical information.
         | the public is already doing what they need to do (physical
         | distancing, washing hands, self-quarantining if necessary).
         | medical professionals and scientists (and their suppliers) need
         | time and support to provide care, create/perform tests, and
         | develop new treatments and protocols.
         | beyond that, we need to get our houses in order and then just
         | relax as much as we can and wait until we get _substantial
         | evidence_ to do something different. all this corona hysteria
         | is entirely counter-productive.
         | KingFelix wrote:
         | I agree, staying informed is good. I also think taking a stroll
         | on the internet to read other things happening non C19 related
         | is also healthy.
           | behnamoh wrote:
           | Lots of good posts don't make it to HN's front page, and then
           | there's this meaningless, harmful "Show HN"...
       | dccoolgai wrote:
       | Document.write('')
       | Qahlel wrote:
       | ublock origin filter:
       | a:has-text(Corona)
       | a:has-text(Covid)
       | a:has-text(Epidemic)
       | a:has-text(Pandemic)
       | a:has-text(Virus)
       | a:has-text(Death)
       | a:has-text(ICU)
       | a:has-text(Social Distancing)
       | a:has-text(corona)
       | a:has-text(covid)
       | a:has-text(epidemic)
       | a:has-text(pandemic)
       | a:has-text(virus)
       | a:has-text(death)
       | a:has-text(social distancing)
         | lostinroutine wrote:
         | With ignoring case:
         | a:has-text(/corona/i)
         | a:has-text(/covid/i)
         | a:has-text(/epidemic/i)
         | a:has-text(/pandemic/i)
         | a:has-text(/virus/i)
         | a:has-text(/death/i)
         | a:has-text(/ICU/i)
         | a:has-text(/social distancing/i)
         | One-liner:
         | a:has-text(/corona|covid|epidemic|pandemic|virus|death|social
         | distancing|ICU/i)
         | Source: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Procedural-
         | cosmetic-f...
         | myroon5 wrote:
         | Are there not case insensitive ublock origin filters?
         | ovx99 wrote:
         | Will this remove just the word, or the entire paragraph, or
         | what?
           | lostinroutine wrote:
           | Just any a-tag containing the listed phrases.
         | iKenshu wrote:
         | I suppose that this only works with a-href right?
       | jonathanoliver wrote:
       | I'm seriously thinking I should develop a plug-in that blocks
       | news articles about the Kardashians.
         | kgwxd wrote:
         | I made and use this to do exactly that:
         | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ssure/
         | I recently added "covid" and "corona" to my desktop list, I
         | wouldn't have seen this post, or your comment (because you said
         | Kardashian) but I dont use my phone to browse much so I haven't
         | updated the list much.
           | thelittleone wrote:
           | I have the same plugin, it's very effective.. I blocked them
           | years ago and have largely forgot they exist.
       | [deleted]
       | chmanie wrote:
       | This means this Show HN link won't show when using the plugin?
       | Clever.
       | tomaszs wrote:
       | Thanks for the plugin. I dont know about other countries, but
       | here in Poland we receive SMSes with crucial informations. So
       | there is no need to read all the time about it. Unfortunately it
       | is very hard to read anything else these days. This plugin can
       | help. We need to take care of our mental health. And it is very
       | easy to go into panic mode. Especially since its very hard to
       | notice symptoms of this. It can be bad for our health also. So
       | again thanks. Appreciated
       (page generated 2020-04-04 23:00 UTC)