[HN Gopher] Show HN: Export HN Favorites to a CSV File
       Show HN: Export HN Favorites to a CSV File
       I wrote a short JavaScript snippet to export HN Favorites to a CSV
       file.  It runs in your browser like a browser extension. It scrapes
       the HTML and navigates from page to page.  Setup and usage
       instructions are in the file.  Check out
       https://gabrielsroka.github.io/getHNFavorites.js or to view the
       source code, see getHNFavorites.js on
       Author : gabrielsroka
       Score  : 92 points
       Date   : 2020-04-05 20:08 UTC (2 hours ago)
       | abdullahkhalids wrote:
       | What is HN's GDPR compliant way of requesting a copy of all
       | stored data? Email dang?
       | simonw wrote:
       | It's a shame favorites aren't exposed in the official HN API:
       | https://github.com/HackerNews/API - this is a smart workaround.
         | gabrielsroka wrote:
         | Thanks Simon. I'd originally written this script to export my
         | DVD ratings from Netflix, since there's no API for that either.
         | It was easy to adapt it to HN.
         | I wanted to show people that it's possible (and easy) to get to
         | your own data!
         | dang wrote:
         | Our plan is for the next version of HN's API to simply serve a
         | JSON version of every page. I'm hoping to get to that this
         | year.
           | bhl wrote:
           | Are there plans for an export tool, e.g. a user downloading
           | all their comments and upvoted submissions? I tend to use the
           | submission upvote button more than the favorite one, and an
           | export tool wouldn't require a user API key for non-private
           | info.
           | death-by-ppt wrote:
           | Hi Dan,
           | That's great news! Is there a way to be notified (eg, via
           | email) when this comes out?
           | Thanks.
             | dang wrote:
             | If you (or anyone) want to be on an alpha-tester list,
             | email hn@ycombinator.com and we can add you. Send a
             | username and make sure it has the email address you want to
             | be notified at.
           | simonw wrote:
           | That would be amazing!
           | I've been having some fun with the API recently building this
           | tool: https://github.com/dogsheep/hacker-news-to-sqlite
       | dvfjsdhgfv wrote:
       | This is smart. I'm adding this to my HN favorites.
         | gabrielsroka wrote:
         | Thanks dvfjsdhgfv. If there's sufficient interest, I can easily
         | turn it into a Chrome extension.
         | (Edit: haha, I see what you just did there. A little recursive
         | humor.)
       | sbr464 wrote:
       | I made an API for favorites a while back.
       | https://github.com/reactual/hacker-news-favorites-api
       | Here's an example query:
       | https://reactual.api.stdlib.com/hnfavs/?id=sbr464&limit=1
         | gabrielsroka wrote:
         | Ok, now that's really smart!
         | Would a client using your API paginate to fetch, say, 50 pages?
         | When I tried it using ?limit=50, I got a 504 error.
         | Thanks!
         | (Edit, never mind, I see you explain it in the readme.)
           | sbr464 wrote:
           | I had made it pretty quickly, the limit would be too large,
           | thats 50*30, you may need to provide an offset and make a few
           | requests.
       (page generated 2020-04-05 23:00 UTC)