[HN Gopher] Ask HN: How can I pick a side project and stick with...
       Ask HN: How can I pick a side project and stick with it?
       I'm a web developer and DevOps engineer. I know a few languages and
       frameworks very well, I can find my way around with a good deal of
       other languages and frameworks, and I'd like to learn a lot more.
       My problem is that I cannot seem to be able to pick a project (any
       project) and stick with it long enough to do any meaningful
       progress, let alone finishing it. It's been several years since
       I've managed to work on a side project for more than two days
       continually.  I sit before the computer thinking: I know! I'll
       write a roguelike in X! Five minutes later, I'm thinking: fuck
       roguelikes! I'll write a graphical solitar card game with Y! Five
       minutes later, I don't care for it anymore, and would rather write
       an isomorphic strategy game in Z.  The same thing happens with
       tools I might need, applications I think about, experimental stuff,
       etc.  Has anyone else experienced this, and, more importantly,
       found their way out? How?
       Author : corecoder
       Score  : 556 points
       Date   : 2020-04-06 11:44 UTC (11 hours ago)
       | LeoTinnitus wrote:
       | I've found keeping a spreadsheet of a lot of tasks and how
       | they're related helps. So say you have 3 projects, all with
       | varying types of task. I would make the spreadsheet as follows:
       | Due Date, Goal Date, Project (or class if student), Assignment,
       | Status.
       | Due date is definitively when I need to achieve it by (this can
       | be artificial if you want). The goal date can change as my
       | day/week gets hectic so I adjust according to the miscellaneous
       | things that are impossible to account for. Project is like the
       | Grouping of all tasks below it. Then the tasks are the
       | incremental things that need to be done in order for the entire
       | goal to come to fruition. Status tells me if it's completed,
       | partly, or not.
       | This has helped me because if I'm feeling very committal one day,
       | I can just crush a lot of stuff out. Then I can go "Well looks
       | like I have a week before I have to get that done" so then I can
       | freely budget fun time. It keeps me on track and helps me with
       | balancing pleasure and work.
       | I've recently started tracking my hours too. It's weird but I
       | think it helps with showing you how much you screw around when
       | you work from home.
       | wolco wrote:
       | Find something you want to do personally and do it. If It will
       | follow you around and demand you work on it when you should be
       | doing something else you found it.
       | pmontra wrote:
       | Self social engineering: tell everybody about it so you're going
       | to lose face if you drop it without a good reason. This doesn't
       | mean you cannot drop a project every week or two, but you must
       | accomplish at least something before doing it or discover it's a
       | dead end. And if you succeed people will cheer you.
         | tayistay wrote:
         | Apparently that's exactly not what you should do:
         | https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ulterior-motives/200...
           | _bohm wrote:
           | Don't know about the psychology behind it but I'll add a data
           | point in support of this.
           | Whenever I do any kind of creative work (programming, music,
           | etc.) I always stall out if I reveal what I'm doing to other
           | people before it's in a near-completed state. Something about
           | the knowledge that other people may be observing causes me to
           | think about a project in terms of how it will be perceived by
           | others as opposed to precisely what I want it to be. The sad
           | thing is that usually probably no one is observing and I'm
           | entirely psyching myself out, but this realization has
           | definitely led me to be more disciplined about secrecy when
           | working on anything.
       | Peteris wrote:
       | I had a similar problem until I knew I had to work on a start-up
       | and pick a market to go help. It took me ~2 years to choose that
       | market but I haven't looked back (crypto developer tools).
       | Look back, not forward.
       | Take all the things you have spent the past 5-10 years being
       | interested about. For me, it was coding, programming languages,
       | developer tools, design & minimalism, products, B2B, mathematics,
       | economics, investing, productivity. Crypto dev tools is the
       | intersection of those - a new field allowing me to keep doing the
       | things I'm already provably interested in rather than making bets
       | about the future.
       | beetwenty wrote:
       | I found my way out.
       | The thing I had to do is to find some _themes_ that I am
       | idealistic about and stick to those. The project is just a mode
       | of exploring the theme, which means that each project and my
       | skillset grows as needed to accommodate. The projects you are
       | describing are completely non-thematic and are just bundles of
       | features, so of course there 's no structure to them, no reason
       | to keep going and seeing what's next. And you are probably not
       | money-and-sales-motivated, which is the thing that drives a lot
       | of obvious business ventures.
       | The first step in finding the theme is in "knowing thyself", of
       | course - strengths, weaknesses, inclinations. Write and rewrite
       | the set of things about yourself that is maximally coherent and
       | self-reinforcing. Then drive down that road as far as you can go:
       | What types of projects does that support? Gradually you'll hit on
       | a common theme, and then you can really start building.
       | Another way to force this along is this art advice: "Draw the
       | same thing every day." This is a rather crushing challenge to
       | take on, for no matter the subject matter, you'll tire of it, but
       | it quickly brings out your inclinations and therefore the themes
       | you want to work with.
       | madoublet wrote:
       | Yes!!! My way out was to not focus on the product, but focus on
       | my personal benefit. I asked myself "what do I want to learn?"
       | not "what do I want to build?".
       | Recently, I completed a Shopify plugin
       | (https://apps.shopify.com/simple-pages). I wanted to learn more
       | about the platform. I researched it a bit and found a problem
       | that I thought I could solve. Each step along the way (setup,
       | build, approval) was painful. But each time I focused on my
       | personal benefit. For example, when the app got rejected a few
       | times, I convinced myself that I was learning about what Shopify
       | was looking for in plugin vendors. This kept me going until I saw
       | it through to the end.
       | everyone wrote:
       | Theres a lot of things you may _want_ to do, like you abstractly
       | think that would be good for you somehow, eg. learn the piano.
       | But for a project that you can stick with through the horrible /
       | boring bits, all the way to completion, pick something you are
       | _compelled_ to do, something you just naturally do and enjoy.
       | Eg. I make computer games, I think they are fairly pointless, but
       | I can happily make games all day every day. Its the kind of thing
       | I need to force myself to _stop_ doing and go take a break.
       | larzang wrote:
       | I find side projects useless. At work I solve real problems for
       | real people, often big problems. Some toy project doesn't feel
       | the least bit meaningful, and any idea I have for something that
       | isn't just a toy is something 100 other people have had as well.
       | So I help with their implementation instead. Instead of building
       | useless tech demos or starting primitive games I'll never finish,
       | I look up the projects I do actually find useful and see what
       | they need help with.
         | nurettin wrote:
         | Eight years ago I was really bored at work (they just asked for
         | a couple of SQL queries a day) so I made a poor man's automated
         | trading system for government bonds. The basic idea was to camp
         | for new bonds and look for new opportunities as soon as they
         | presented themselves. I had also done some rudimentary
         | backtesting to prove some simple strategies for buying and
         | selling. I made no money off of this, it was just for fun.
         | During development I learned how to acquire, store and process
         | financial data in a live streaming way as well as how banks
         | handle things, what the fees and taxes are, etc. Also helped me
         | learn web automation, making and deploying my own services to
         | my own servers, etc.
         | A year ago I started working on hedge fund software and all
         | this experience was a huge help. So if you are busy at work
         | making tools, great. But the benefit of side project stuff is
         | pretty situational.
           | shostack wrote:
           | Any chance you've written about this side project and the
           | areas you learned about and how to figured those things out?
             | nurettin wrote:
             | This is probably the first and only time it was mentioned
             | in public. I do have a private bitbucket graveyard where it
             | resides. Oh and this was done when mongodb was still a
             | thing, so I have some of that going in there for finding
             | sparse stock correlation matrices. And ruby was everywhere
             | at the time, so the bank interface was created in watir
             | instead of puppeteer.
       | aabbcc1241 wrote:
       | Seems you're picking up project idea from your interest. Would it
       | be better if you pick up a project because you deeply feel the
       | pain how it is currently without your solution?
       | Beefin wrote:
       | Keep an idea log and assess it weekly. I have a trello Ideas
       | board with the columns: - Concepts (stream of conciousness) -
       | Promising (have given it some thought, and could be interesting)
       | - Validated (have validated it in some way) - Building - Shut
       | down
       | [deleted]
       | redwoolf wrote:
       | Read Steven Pressfield's The War of Art.
       | antirez wrote:
       | Find a project that is useful to you.
         | yoz-y wrote:
         | I second this, I was project for a long time until I found out
         | an app idea that was mainly driven by the fact that I really
         | wanted it. Unfortunately this was quite a long process and now
         | that it's done it's back to square one. Lots of ideas but no
         | motivation to follow any through.
       | pogorniy wrote:
       | I have similar questions how people stick to projects and get
       | them done. And how can I do the same. I have so many unfinished
       | ideas, abandoned projects that I got tired of this. And after a
       | year I have an answer with a prove.
       | I've learned that I'm excited about idea of the project, but not
       | routine which gets that idea done. Also I know that usually I'm
       | excited about project for several days and then other ideas get
       | in my head and I loose focus. Another known pitfall is urge to
       | get too much functionality and then again focus is lost.
       | So I decided to stick to the routine of one project regardless of
       | circumstances. I defined wanted functionality. Intrinsically I
       | agree that time spent on the project is not worse than
       | alternatives.
       | Also I tried to record videos (in russian) on how I approached
       | the project. That helped a bit with external motivation as I
       | promised people to deliver video on Saturday. Made quite a number
       | (26) before abandoned this idea, as it wasn't popular, thus
       | rewarding for me.
       | Now in a year I call this experiment done
       | https://github.com/podgorniy/media-manager. I'm happy with result
       | and path I did to get there.
       | We can discuss details more. My first unfinished project dates
       | 2013. So I've being in this situation for quite a while.
       | matt_the_bass wrote:
       | How do you perform in your day job? Do you have the same
       | indecision or are you productive? If your productive at work,
       | then perhaps consider what you are looking to achieve in a side
       | project.
       | For me, my side projects are for fun and intellectual
       | exploration. I've been making art-piece wordclocks as gifts and
       | sell a few occasionally. This is totally orthogonal to my day
       | job. The orthogonally is what I really crave. It gives my mind a
       | nice refresh.
       | vorpalhex wrote:
       | Most of the advice you're getting here is to monetize it, find
       | what inspires, you, etc.
       | While well intentioned, that advice has been incorrect for me at
       | least. What has worked has been to work on small, fast side
       | projects. If you can only work on a project for two days, then
       | pick projects you can finish in two days. Cut scope aggressively.
       | Frankly, my most successful projects are the ones that have been
       | amonst the easiest.
       | papaf wrote:
       | As someone who has been failing on side projects for over 20
       | years, I feel qualified to answer this question.
       | - Have one private repository for random projects       - Work in
       | private repositories for random          projects that progress.
       | - Move to public repositories when the project         gets
       | somewhere.
       | These tips above make failure cheap. Success is built on the many
       | failures.
       | I also have general tips on side projects that make them more fun
       | and less like work:                 - Use a different editor/ide
       | to $job.       - Use a different programming language.
       | I also have these general tips based on mistakes I made in the
       | past:                 - Read other peoples solutions on github.
       | Its inspiring.       - If you get stuck take a break. Its not
       | work and you can slack.
       | edmundhuber wrote:
       | Have you tried journaling? It lets you get ideas out (adding or
       | remixing ideas from the previous days), without investing in
       | getting a project up, writing code, etc. A lot of times, for me,
       | I just want to explore an idea and I'm not actually interested in
       | working through it. But if I spend enough days journaling an idea
       | and I'm still interested in it, then I go for it.
       | The other thing that's helped me is realizing that anything
       | worthwhile is hard. If you want to stick with a project until
       | it's done, you're going to get bored, you're going to run into
       | roadblocks, and you want to cultivate a sense of "this is what I
       | want to do, and that is just a temporary issue that I will work
       | through".
       | Last thing that's helped me is finding a support group. I use
       | irc, specifically I hang out on irc.darwin.network (shameless
       | plug, I kinda co-run it), there I can chat with people about what
       | I'm working on, they can ask cool questions, etc, keeps the
       | juices flowing and reminds me why a project is worth sticking to.
         | Bekwnn wrote:
         | Re your first paragraph: What's funny is that I get almost the
         | same effect by avoiding writing ideas down. I find letting an
         | idea sit and stew in my head to be a good vetting process.
         | If I forget an idea, that's a feature of the system, not a bug.
         | If an idea survives for a while and I find myself coming back
         | to it often, then after a month of it being an idea I might act
         | on it. At that point the idea is a lot less nebulous and I have
         | a pretty clear idea of where to get started and an idea of
         | where it's going to go in the future.
       | kingkawn wrote:
       | Part of why people can't stick to projects is because their way
       | of self-motivating is too critical in nature and the emotional
       | life rightfully pulls out of anything where the ratio of +/-
       | reinforcement is skewed too much toward abuse and threat.
       | Rather than turning to self-loathing and criticism you can
       | interpret this resistance because you have not yet figured out
       | how to encourage and motivate yourself.
       | Find a way to get yourself to not feel under threat of failure
       | and you'll blossom
       | tayistay wrote:
       | My software side projects became my career.
       | I write down my various ideas. I then think about them
       | occasionally for months or even years before committing to
       | working, writing additional notes. This reduces the chance of
       | abandoning an idea for something else after starting development.
       | I tend to do multi-year projects, so I have to be careful how I
       | spend my time.
       | mschaef wrote:
       | The first thing I'd suggest you do is understand why you want to
       | do a side project at all. Unless you have a specific goal you
       | want to achieve and you actually value that goal, you'll have a
       | hard time convincing yourself to do the work you need to do to
       | make it happen.
       | You also shouldn't fool yourself about the amount of time and
       | effort it takes to achieve anything real. Developers tend to
       | underestimate the work involved in achieving a result. For
       | commercial projects that sort of estimation problem turns into
       | cost overruns and missed deadlines. For side projects (without
       | formal schedules) it turns into demoralization when the result
       | you want doesn't meet the timeline of your dreams. That solitaire
       | game may seem like an easy thing to do, but for every complexity
       | you see there's a dozen you don't, and you'll have do the work to
       | solve them all to produce something of value. So make sure it's
       | something you actually care about.
       | edw519 wrote:
       | 1. The WHAT should be something very important to someone else.
       | 2. The HOW should be something very important to you.
       | Many experts tell you that you should build something that you
       | actually need yourself. That may be good advise for start-ups but
       | not as good for side projects. Why? Because it's too damn easy to
       | just give up as soon as you hit an obstacle (and you WILL hit
       | obstacles).
       | But when someone else is depending on your work (and becomes a
       | trusted collaborator), they provide you with that extra UMMPH you
       | will undoubtedly need when the going gets tough. It's a lot
       | harder to bail out when someone is right next to you and
       | depending on you.
       | But by deciding on your own HOW you will build it, you maintain
       | an outlet for your passion. Believe me, I know. For me the
       | journey of building something is more fun than the anticlimactic
       | using of the finished product.
       | Works all the way around. Give it a try.
         | RMPR wrote:
         | I second this, for my current side project, I felt like giving
         | up many times, but the thought that someone is depending on my
         | work made me continue.
       | jbverschoor wrote:
       | Find a single paying customer
       | Cymen wrote:
       | I need an end goal with actual people using what I'm making to be
       | really motivated. And having achieved that on some open source
       | projects (one in particular with tons of usage, now deprecated),
       | I need some kind of personal increase in value to hold my
       | interest. Maybe that will change once I'm financially independent
       | but I think focusing on increasing value is a good thing and
       | value can mean different things (doesn't always have to be money
       | but often is -- there is some value from being one of the big
       | contributors on an open source project but, having been there,
       | the value is typically seems to be very low even if you have 1M+
       | downloads).
       | That said, deploy, maintenance and support can be a grind. I like
       | the challenge but your experience may vary.
       | probinso wrote:
       | do it for someone not for yourself. you can reach out to domain
       | experts over a non-technical topic you are interested in. offer
       | them your time and a final project in exchange for their
       | guidance.
       | Be intentional about setting up meetings. don't let the
       | relationship fall into the graduate student advisor communication
       | patterns, treated like a professional relationship and ask them
       | to the same.
       | wschlender wrote:
       | What happens when you play video games?
       | For me video games are fun and easy to focus on day after day.
       | I realized that this is because video games have done a very good
       | job of defining a goal --> FTL (my current favorite) == get to
       | the final sector and destroy the rebel flagship. The goal is
       | clear and you 100% know when you're done.
       | I've learned that I used to be really bad at defining goals. I'd
       | say things like... 'I want to make an XYZ sort of thing'... but
       | that's not a great goal. It's kinda vague... have you 'made' the
       | thing when you put down 10 lines of code as a prototype? When
       | will you be done?
       | If the goal is unclear I feel --> 1. like I might be signing up
       | for an everlasting slog 2. like I'm not really sure how to win
       | So I find that I need 'delivery' goals --> 'my app is in the app
       | store' or 'my article was published'. When you work for someone
       | else this is the kind of goal they give (when will you ship XYZ)
       | and you probably always make those.
       | Hope this helps!
         | ProZsolt wrote:
         | This is exactly me.
         | You not just need 'delivery' goals, but small goals as well,
         | like missions in a game. Where you see you are progressing.
         | Also in videogames you never hit a wall, you never have to
         | fight a boss that impossible to beat at your level. Side
         | projects are more like those pay to win games. Where the first
         | part is easy, but after that, the progress can be slow. You
         | have to get a big reward (for me it is usually scratching my
         | own itch) to make the grinding part work.
       | elviejo wrote:
       | I have the same problem.. too many ideas to develop... Shiny new
       | technologies to learn.
       | What I've done is:
       | 1. Just don't do programming side projects. Currently my side
       | project is making a couple of bookshelves for my house (Google
       | pipe furniture). They are easy to make, require very little
       | tools, my wife loves them... And miss importantly I have
       | something to show for my efforts. So basically get a hobby not
       | related to programming, where you have to make things,
       | preferentially in service of others.
       | 2. My other side project is a small prototype to create a startup
       | on that. We have been working on that for 6 months (the longest
       | I've worked on anything) the key, for me, has been have a pair
       | programmer. A junior dev that I can mentor, while we work. I even
       | pay him. I advertised it like an internship. So I'm very
       | committed to that project: pair programming for accountability.
       | Mentoring for social connection. Paying for financial commitment.
       | ronreiter wrote:
       | Side projects should always be in a position where you want them
       | to become your main project.
       | anderspitman wrote:
       | I struggled with this for years. Finally made it over the hump a
       | couple years ago and started finishing things.
       | The one key question for any side project I consider starting now
       | is:
       | "Will I use this myself?"
       | Building something that makes your life easier is a huge
       | motivator to get through the slog days. And if you're considering
       | trying to sell it later it's nice know you have a market size of
       | at least 1, which is more than many startups.
       | agentultra wrote:
       | I've been employing a tactic I've picked up from artists/authors:
       | _don't talk about your project_.
       | Talking about it tricks your brain into thinking you've done the
       | work and you lose motivation.
       | Sticking to a schedule can help as can ritualizing the process of
       | working on your project: have a certain place you associate with
       | the project or a particular genre of music that gets you excited
       | (it's important to not listen to that genre/album while doing
       | anything else). These tactics exploit the power of association in
       | our brains to form habits.
         | yboris wrote:
         | I've come across this tactic, I think there may be some
         | psychological studies backing up the suggestion.
         | There is an opposite suggestion that may work too: telling
         | others you're planning on _releasing_ an app at some date
         | (setting a public deadline). This way you may feel pressure (to
         | avoid the pain of 'losing face') to complete it on time.
         | Note, do not talk about "I'm working on this thing" (see
         | comment above why that may backfire), but instead talk about an
         | explicit deadline you think you can hit.
         | Needless to say, this is best when talking with people you
         | expect to interact with in the future (so you feel responsible
         | to finish), it may not help psychologically when talking to
         | someone you'll never see.
           | smilebot wrote:
           | I read that in the section Commitment and Consistency of the
           | book, Influence - https://sites.google.com/site/724ecialdiniw
           | iki/home/commitme.... If you commit to something publicly to
           | someone especially written, you are more likely to do it.
       | ErikAugust wrote:
       | Do you need to stick with it?
       | Side projects are a good way to harness raw energy to learn a lot
       | of things hands-on in a rapid amount of time. But it also might
       | be a good thing to not continue to venture deeply down a path
       | just because you have started something.
       | I have multiple personal experiences where I have tried my best
       | to develop my side project (or part-time business) into a full-
       | time business - with less than stellar results. Yes, I have built
       | a tool or service! Yes, it works and provides value! Yes, people
       | will even pay for it! But can it pay all the bills? Is it worth
       | the stress? Is it even the right tangent to be on, as a business?
       | In addition you have financial costs and there's can be a massive
       | opportunity cost (years of effort) to "sticking with it". Holding
       | your cards when you naturally feel like folding may not be worth
       | it either and it often takes years to find that out.
       | eismcc wrote:
       | A friend of mine once said about such issues, "you can do it all,
       | just not all at once". Slow down, pick something and work on it.
       | You can do the other thing later.
       | optymizer wrote:
       | The way I deal with this issue is by writing the idea down in as
       | much detail as possible.
       | I find that the process of writing gets the itch out of my brain
       | and also forces me to go through a planning phase before I decide
       | to commit my time to an implementation.
       | For example, if I wanted to make a game I'd write down the main
       | idea behind it, what game mechanics I would implement, how I
       | would structure the progression through the game, how it relates
       | to other games, any technical aspects that are relevant, I'd
       | sketch out any visual details like a map, game ui, etc.
       | I have a long list of semi-developed ideas I stored as notes in
       | Google Keep that has accumulated over the years - business ideas,
       | games, tools, etc. I have written prototypes for some, which was
       | fun.
       | I find that most ideas need to simmer for a while. I'll often go
       | back to add more details to an idea, because I thought of
       | something new. Those are usually my best ideas, but also the ones
       | that require the most time.
       | techbio wrote:
       | One thing that seems useful to me, in addition to determining
       | experimentally what I can actually accomplish on my own, is
       | determining the common components, and knowing that the more time
       | I put into the things that cross project boundaries, the more
       | useful I will become for my employers/clients, and the more
       | effective boilerplate I can DRY with. Future projects will more
       | likely require the core infrastructure than any specific, final,
       | perfect, finished UX I imagine ahead of beginning.
       | kjgkjhfkjf wrote:
       | Pick one of your unfinished projects, identify a way to make
       | progress on it, and then make that progress. Repeat this process
       | until all your projects are done.
       | tverbeure wrote:
       | Two things have helped me with that:
       | * I started blogging about my projects. And I try to keep a pace
       | of roughly 1 blog post every 2 months. * I have a mix of on-going
       | long term and short term projects.
       | (I've also submitted talk proposal for long term project for a
       | conference even though I had barely started that project. It got
       | accepted. The fear of a public failure was _very_ motivating! I
       | don 't recommend it.)
       | Forcing myself to write something every 2 months automatically
       | results in the need to do some short term stuff as well. 2 months
       | ago I made simple how-to video about how to solder with enamel
       | magnet wire and all the tools in my home electronics lab.
       | This weekend, I spend hours on disassembling, photographing, and
       | measuring the signals in a smoke detector with an expired
       | battery. (Writeup WIP.)
       | These are all things that only take a day or two to complete.
       | Meanwhile, I have a project ongoing to convert an FPGA-based thin
       | client into a retrogaming machine. I work on it on and off.
       | Sometimes it's idle for months, and then I pick it up again for a
       | few days. I don't know if I'll ever complete this project, but
       | it's all hobby stuff anyway, so there's no pressure.
       | mrfusion wrote:
       | I think it would really help me to have a partner in any project
       | I do. Someone to hold me accountable and to be excited about
       | breakthroughs.
       | It's just so hard for me to motivate myself. I used to think this
       | was a failing of self discipline. But working with people makes
       | things fun.
       | Look at the show "the office". They thought of the most boring,
       | unfulfilling type of work but it actually looks fun to work
       | there. It's all about the people.
         | brudgers wrote:
         | What projects are you working on?
       | klodolph wrote:
       | Hard deadlines. 48 hour game jams are great. Take Friday off from
       | work, make a game on the weekend. If you miss the deadline on
       | Sunday, you _failed the game jam._
       | For me there is usually a point about 24 hours in where it seems
       | like a hopeless amount of work, that I'll never finish. However,
       | I push through, and keep working, ruthlessly prioritize, cut
       | every feature I don't absolutely need, and finish making the
       | game.
       | The game itself is not a side project that I stuck with, but the
       | experience helps. Having the experience of "pushing through" and
       | finishing a project with a specific goal is the real takeaway.
       | Next time I'm stuck on a personal project, I can remember pushing
       | through the game jam project and getting it done.
       | And finally... I only finish something like 5% of my projects,
       | maybe. Don't try to finish a project just because you started it.
       | linuxlizard wrote:
       | I have the same issue. I try to remember a quote, origin I can't
       | remember, "If we want to do anything, we must not try to do
       | everything."
       | If you're interested, want to help me work on my web project? :-)
       | I'm not a front end web dev and am having a slow go at it.
       | Whazzzup wrote:
       | For me the best way is to remember that the time will pass and is
       | passing anyways. Might as well have just done literally anything
       | related to the project rather than not.
       | arkanciscan wrote:
       | It me
       | shireboy wrote:
       | Yes I have this problem. No I haven't found a fix. One thing I do
       | is keep a trello board of "product ideas". I have a couple
       | hundred. I review them and move the ones I feel are best by
       | various criteria (ease to build, value to others, income
       | potential, etc) to the top of a "I Keep Coming Back to These"
       | list. I only allow myself 5 on this list.
       | Really, I should just allow myself 1, and focus on that. I'm just
       | so bogged down with day job and family life, I haven't done it.
       | Some days I console myself that I'm doing the right thing keeping
       | a steady well-paying day job and providing for the fam. Other
       | days, I'm ready to toss it all and do my own thing. What I hope
       | will happen is a small break in day job where I can fit in and
       | focus on side gig.
       | brudgers wrote:
       | When you're imagining a rogue-like use a piece of paper and some
       | fat markers and make some of its artwork. That's where it starts.
       | Not with downloading a graphics library. Not with configuring
       | Travis-CI. Not with >git init. Those are pretend work. They are
       | non-progress. They are not creative work. They are not hard. The
       | hard thing is doing something poorly. The hard thing is barely
       | making progress. The hard thing is opening yourself up to someone
       | saying "that's inefficient." That someone is usually you. Good
       | luck.
       | nerder92 wrote:
       | Do It with a friend which is equally curious an committed as you
       | are.
       | gonzo41 wrote:
       | Learn a musical instrument. Guitar, Piano or Piano Accordion. You
       | won't be able to do that last one if your currently in a
       | relationship. YMMV. Once you start, you'll really suck at it for
       | a very long time but it's fun and it's a relaxing way to build a
       | skill that is calming and quarantine friendly.
       | Programmers program, writers write, doctors doctor? No doctors
       | work hard most of the week and a bit of the weekends but they do
       | that so they can have other stuff.
       | My job is Software and IT. It's less about code and more about
       | clear rational decision making. Not thinking about it all the
       | time makes it easier to think about it when it's time to do that
       | work.
       | westonplatter0 wrote:
       | What were you intensely curious about at 12 years old? Do that.
       | spodek wrote:
       | You describe focusing on the solution. The inspiration to make
       | your solution generally feels great, but doesn't endure. On the
       | contrary, you'll get caught up in more and more solutions because
       | you're mostly satisfying fleeting whims.
       | Focusing on the problem and the people who feel it will generally
       | engage and inspire you longer. When you ask someone about what's
       | missing in their lives or specifically what emotions they feel in
       | the area you want to work in, they tell you, you offer possible
       | solutions, and they say "when will you finish it, I want to buy
       | it?", that inspiration lasts a long time.
       | Whom do you want to make your project for? What emotions do they
       | feel that you want to address? Are they bored, frustrated,
       | confused, misunderstood, lonely, etc? Each emotion is different
       | and will lead to different solutions. Ask them so you hear in
       | their words what they want. Ask them to clarify.
       | The inspiration to help others is deeper and creates meaning and
       | purpose beyond just "I'm going to do something cool everyone will
       | love."
       | I cover how to make this happen in my book, _Initiative_
       | http://joshuaspodek.com/initiative based on project-based
       | learning entrepreneurship courses I taught at NYU. If anyone is
       | interested in doing the exercises after reading the reviews and
       | watching the videos but cost is a problem, email me and we'll
       | work something out. I suggest the book because of the results
       | people get from doing the exercises.
       | al_ wrote:
       | Whatever brings some joy, it's the signal.
       | elorant wrote:
       | For me the best way to stay focused on any given project is to
       | find clients for it. Even if it's just a handful. If you know
       | that there are people out there willing to pay for it, even if
       | it's ramen money, you have all the motivation you will ever need.
       | aww_dang wrote:
       | I've finished projects and earned continual revenue from them. If
       | it isn't compelling, then perhaps it is best to just let it go.
       | If you already feel proficient with your tools, you can't justify
       | your projects to learn these same tools.
       | You are not the problem here. The problem is your ideas are not
       | compelling enough for you. Think of something which will compel
       | you to finish. Break the project down into manageable stages and
       | execute. Don't make excuses for yourself. If you want it, you
       | will get it. Otherwise, what are we talking about?
       | lamename wrote:
       | This is common for most people, at least in the beginning. This
       | is the nature of creative projects because it's just always going
       | to be easier to think of an idea than execute it.
       | 1) you have to recognize that the dopamine rush of new ideas will
       | not carry you through the project to completion in the same way
       | it drove you to start. Inspiration is useful, but it's fleeting
       | or at best inconsistent. The sooner you stop relying on
       | inspiration to last, the sooner you'll learn to find other ways
       | of motivating yourself. That being said, it's useful for
       | inspiration to fade. This can help you decide the difference
       | between a project that's really useful or was just an idea you
       | had that is not necessarily worth your time.
       | It also depends on how you work. Some people prefer long bouts of
       | work and long breaks, others prefer a little bit each day. It
       | doesnt matter which or both you try, just keep moving forward.
       | 2) Nearly everyone who creates things has way more ideas or
       | unfinished projects or projects that didnt work out than
       | completed projects.
       | 3) finished projects rarely end up the way you expected and
       | wanted in the beginning. The sooner you accept this the sooner
       | you can be flexible throughout the process to bring what's
       | feasible to completion, rather than an idea that hit many snags
       | 4) related to #3 is learn to recognize asymptotic progress. In
       | other words, many projects are never "finished". You'll always
       | have more to add, and that's ok. You can keep adding, but dont
       | let that hinder taking a break or showing version 1 to the world.
       | Recognizing "good enough" is important
       | LeonB wrote:
       | Have you considered the possibility that you may have ADHD-
       | inattentive-type?
       | There are online tests based on DSM criteria that can show you if
       | it's worth looking deeper into, such as this one:
       | https://psychcentral.com/quizzes/adhd-quiz/
         | corecoder wrote:
         | I do score quite high (total 44, inattentive scale 19,
         | hyperactivity/impulsivity scale 25), yet I'm not convinced: at
         | work I almost always manage to get things done well and in
         | time, and I'm generally considered accomplished by my peers and
         | managers, though maybe strange and over the top.
           | LeonB wrote:
           | Yeh. That's a significant finding. Honestly.
           | People with ADHD can most definitely be productive and
           | generally considered accomplished. They just tend to have put
           | a lot of effort in, their whole lives, in order to get there,
           | and may have developed a lot of cool techniques to get there.
           | Treatment itself is about improving these techniques (and
           | finding helpful medications, the two parts work together.)
             | corecoder wrote:
             | Thank you very much.
             | I'm quite scared of medications, tbh, but I'd very much
             | like to explore improving techniques.
               | LeonB wrote:
               | The stimulant caffeine is a popular alternative (provided
               | you're not overly sensitive to it [it can cause heart
               | palpitations and anxiety], and don't take it too late in
               | the day) -- lots of people use it to self-medicate ;)
               | corecoder wrote:
               | Yes, I used to go really heavy on it. Had to quit it
               | almost entirely, for both heart palpitations and anxiety.
               | LeonB wrote:
               | Not to harp on about medications, but there are "non-
               | stimulant" medications used to successfully treat ADHD as
               | well, such as Strattera.
               | On the non-medicine side, techniques like bullet
               | journaling are useful, also having "accountability
               | partners" -- friends or groups you report in with each
               | week to check on each other's progress; things like that.
         | webmobdev wrote:
         | ADHD seems to be a popular diagnosis in the west (mainly US).
         | But it can just as well be that you have depression and anxiety
         | disorders or anxiety based personality disorders. (E.g.:
         | Obsessive Compulsive Personality disorder which includes
         | dysfunctional traits like perfectionism that can interfere with
         | your ability to complete projects).
         | What I am trying to say is that if you feel that psychological
         | counseling can help you figure out why you are stuck in life or
         | some other thing in life in particular, please do not try to
         | diagnose yourself. Go to a good hospital that specialises in
         | mental health and get a proper diagnoses by a qualified
         | psychiatrist.
         | It is very easy to go the wrong track and come to the wrong
         | conclusion while self-diagnosing yourself as many symptoms
         | overlap with many related mental ailments.
       | daotoad wrote:
       | Adderall
       | chucksmash wrote:
       | You can improve matters by a) scoping projects less ambitiously
       | and b) enforcing a novelty budget on yourself.
       | A very ambitious project which you will never finish might
       | actually be three small projects which you will finish and
       | seventeen small follow-up projects you'll decide to never take
       | on. Better to get the three under your belt than try to sprint in
       | 20 directions at once and bail with nothing to show for it.
       | Say that you decide "I'm going to write a personal ontology
       | engine flexible enough to store everything I know, with a snazzy,
       | super intuitive frontend written in <new-to-me framework X>, a
       | plug-in system for easily creating visualizations for specific
       | types of data (oh, like, what if my personal knowledge DB could
       | take FEN+PGN and let me replay and annotate interesting chess
       | games in-line, that'd be so sweet!), a bespoke query language,
       | the whole thing will be backed by <new-to-me storage backend Y>
       | and, hell, I've been meaning to start containerizing apps at
       | work, I wonder if I should be using docker-compose as I do this
       | or maybe like kubectl, ...also I need to dive into the literature
       | around building ontologies, knowledge graphs, etc. Also, it
       | should probably have emacs keybindings. Probably also support for
       | rebinding keys and defining macros too. Also, it should have a
       | pluggable module interface for scraping semi-structured data
       | sources containing things I don't actually know right now but
       | which I would like to learn at some point. Maybe I can use the
       | hyperlink structure of Wikipedia documents as a scaffold to get
       | the thing started. Oh geez, this is really going to need to
       | support multimedia as well, not just text. Really, this kind of
       | thing would be very valuable in many different contexts. It'd be
       | great if it could be used to automatically generate questions
       | about a topic. I could integrate a spaced repetition algorithm
       | with the question generating bit and then I'd have an amazing
       | study tool. Hmmm, I'd better keep the whole thing as flexible as
       | possible so maybe at some point down the road I can productize
       | it! Sure it's a long shot, but it'd be revolutionary if I could
       | pull it off. I'll start tonight!
       | To steal from Alan Perlis, "When someone says 'I want to build a
       | personal knowledge DB as a side project and I want it to have
       | perfect ergonomics, top grade discoverability, unlimited
       | extensibility, and unparalleled ease of use,' give him a
       | lollipop."
       | Even if you don't get stuck in feature daydreams or analysis
       | paralysis and manage to start the thing, your "gee it'd be swell
       | if" side project has a five or ten plus year "labor of love" todo
       | list attached to it. The mismatch will sink you unless against
       | all odds this actually is your labor of love.
       | As a personal example of the scoping into smaller projects which
       | were standalone (though not a good example of enforcing a novelty
       | budget) I wanted to make a personal activity tracker in 2018 or
       | so. Initial conception was the all-singing, all-dancing, kitchen
       | sink Swiss Army knife of personal data tracking and
       | visualization, implemented in all the technologies I'd been
       | meaning to try out. The backend would be a gleaming beacon of
       | modern infrastructure with everything containerized from the
       | outset, code written in Rust (in which I was a neophyte), phone
       | app written in Kotlin (in which I'd only done the Koans, and with
       | no other mobile dev background, but hey, "Anko" seems to be The
       | Thing to use now, hmm)...
       | Having been bitten by the bug you ask about in the past, I set
       | that aside. Instead, I did a bunch of smaller projects with each
       | on their own bringing a reasonable sense of completion:
       | 1. Two Python scripts - one to configure desktop OS notifications
       | to fire on a cron schedule ("Nag! Update your data for <x>") and
       | one for CRUD operations on time series metadata and data points
       | themselves. Just backed by local sqlite. Finished in <1 day. Hey
       | look, MVP! Time to start tracking data!
       | 2. Docker setup for building a Rust binary and then trimming away
       | build tooling to get a deployable artifact. 1-2 days?
       | Containerization itch: scratched. Could be a 101 level blog post.
       | 3. PostgreSQL docker image with CREATE/DROP TABLE scripts. Half a
       | day? I guess I learned about Docker data volumes. I can refer
       | back to this Dockerfile in the future, which is like 9/10ths of
       | how I make progress quickly on new projects.
       | 4. docker-compose setup for a Hello World level Rust binary that
       | reads a record from a postgres db running in a separate container
       | and writes it to stdout. Half a day? Hooray, orchestration.
       | 5. "Hello World"-as-a-Service web app that uses Rocket to send a
       | Hello World application/text response. Not very long to finish.
       | Novelty framework itch, scratched.
       | 6. Learn about Diesel. Use Diesel to make a single SELECT
       | COUNT(*) query against the DB. Send query result as
       | application/text response on a dummy endpoint. Done. Could
       | probably be broken off into a "Intro to X with Y and Z" type blog
       | post.
       | 7. Update SELECT-as-a-Service web app to make a meatier query and
       | serialize response to JSON. Learn about Rocket request guards for
       | managing DB connections. Another day or two? If step six wasn't
       | enough for a 101 level blog post on the topic, seven definitely
       | is.
       | 8. Port the Python CRUD functionality to a Rust REST API atop
       | Postgres. Deliverable: approximately all the backend we'll need.
       | 9. Update the Python CLI to use the REST endpoints. Another day?
       | Done.
       | 10. Start doing Android Hello World apps. Using unfamiliar APIs
       | in an unfamiliar dev environment in an unfamiliar (but nice!)
       | language. Eww, this sucks. I'm not having fun any more. Maybe I
       | should first learn vanilla Java Android app development, then
       | Kotlin, then build on that basis with Anko, then...
       | And then, at that point, I realized that aside from enjoying
       | daydreaming about the idea of a personal activity tracker, I
       | didn't actually give a crap about having an all-singing, all-
       | dancing personal activity tracker. While I'd been happily
       | chugging along building the thing, I didn't care enough about the
       | underlying functionality to bother taking two minutes a day to,
       | y'know, actually track the data when the MVP nag script ran on
       | its cron. When I bailed though, instead of "ugh, another
       | incomplete useless waste of time," I ended up with several
       | completed small projects and more knowledge about what I actually
       | wanted (to futz around building a personal activity tracker, not
       | to have one).
       | bambataa wrote:
       | Make a list of things you want to do but don't start it. Remove
       | them when you lose interest. If anything stays it might be a
       | goer. You will never have time to do everything.
       | Also, think about what you really want to achieve. When you think
       | "I'll make a roguelike in X!" do you actually want to make
       | something you or other people want to play? Or do you really want
       | to just have a cursory understanding of how a roguelike works? Or
       | to get a slight familiarity with language X? Do the initial
       | research without committing too much to it and see if you
       | maintain interest.
       | skocznymroczny wrote:
       | Same here. I am in very similar spot like you, I start a new
       | game/engine project every day and switch language every few days.
       | The best tip I can give you is to participate in competitions.
       | Like "make a game in 7 days". It gives you a set timeframe and
       | forces you to push the product into a usable/presentable state.
       | Better to have few working unfinished games than many unfinished
       | projects that aren't even playable.
       | 21stio wrote:
       | Keep the scope small so you'll be done fast
       | Become accountable, e.g. partner up with somebody else
       | tomcam wrote:
       | When that used to happen to me I realized the reason was that I
       | thought maybe I was making the wrong choice, no matter how
       | carefully I had thought it out. Later I would wish I had finished
       | the project because I understood my life would have been better
       | if I had.
       | Eventually I learned to accept the possibility that my choice may
       | be second best. It was an insidious form of perfectionism. It was
       | better to finish a project that may not have been the "best"
       | option than not to have done it at all.
       | devgoth wrote:
       | what has worked pretty nicely for me is working on something with
       | someone. its nice to know you are working on something and are
       | not alone. it also helps with accountability.
       | i know not everyone will be able to work with someone but this is
       | just from my experience.
       | paulintrognon wrote:
       | My way of overcomming this situation is to use the MVP process
       | for my side projects: your side project needs to be as simple, as
       | featureless as it possibly can, so it can be shipped to your
       | friends quickly, before you get tired of it.
       | It has worked really well for me: simple projects are more likely
       | to be finished, and when you show them to other people, their
       | feedback/enthousiasm fuel your energy to add more features and
       | spend more time on the project.
       | alexmuro wrote:
       | The best thing that you can do to give a project legs is to get
       | other people involved. Even if you don't have someone who can
       | work on coding with you, just sharing it and enrolling other
       | people in your vision for a project is the number one way to give
       | you the motivation to continue working on it.
         | RMPR wrote:
         | This is true, the feeling that someone is depending on your
         | work can give you the necessary boost to actually finish, or at
         | least reach a polished enough version.
       | formalsystem wrote:
       | I think it's totally OK, normal and beneficial to want to
       | experiment with different applications.
       | The main issue is after a few years you may feel like you have
       | nothing to show for it and the best solution to that feeling that
       | I've found is to document what you've learnt in a blog post. Over
       | time you'll end up with a large personal knowledge base on which
       | you can draw on when you want to and actally can finish a complex
       | project. You'll also attract the right kind of people that can
       | help you by putting your thoughts down in writing.
       | The idea is you want to slowly build yourself to be the kind of
       | person that can finish a complex project in a weekend and the
       | best way to do that is to constantly be in the high payoff space
       | you get when you're learning something totally new.
       | davidyu37 wrote:
       | It's great to see so many people sharing the same challenge I
       | have as well. As developers, we always want to build things.
       | Things we find interesting. Maybe we "finish" some of them. Maybe
       | we don't ever finish something because there's always
       | improvements to be made.
       | "Meaningful progress" also is hard to define. One day you feel
       | it's "save humanity level" meaningful. The other day is just
       | lines of codes that don't work.
       | Some companies like JotForm evolved from a side project, but not
       | all side project will become an actual business.
       | I think the reason why we even call side project a side project
       | is because we have options.
       | It's ok to fail. It's okay to explore, experiment, and create. As
       | long as it doesn't deeply offend your core values, side projects
       | are supposed to be fun.
       | If it blossom into something that you can't ignore, then you will
       | come back to it no matter what.
       | I wrote an article back in the days when I documented why I
       | couldn't start a side project here: https://medium.com/swlh/this-
       | is-why-you-will-never-start-tha...
       | willart4food wrote:
       | Check out the book "Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge
       | from Small Discoveries"
       | In a way it's the concept of MVP but really from the point of
       | view of picking up projects.
       | markus_zhang wrote:
       | I have the exactly same situation and I also made a half ass
       | engine for a 2d rpg with a map editor.
       | I don't know what's happening, but whenever I'm pushed to do
       | something, either by my parents or my boss or anything urgent
       | (say I have an interview in a week), I'm suoer focused and can
       | get tremendous amount of work done in a short period of time.
       | However, whenever I set up a target for myself, out of curiosity
       | or interest, anything non urgent, I'll just do a half asd work
       | for maybe a few weeks and then never get deeo enough to learn or
       | show anything important.
       | This really summaries my life since day 1. My dream is to have
       | someone pointing a gun at head and say "learn this or die" and
       | I'm sure I can finish it nicely and quickly. But in real life I
       | don't have this kind of luxuries...
       | orasis wrote:
       | Which one potentially benefits others the most? That's the
       | easiest one to stick with.
       | he11ow wrote:
       | I really like this question. If I'm honest, it rarely happens
       | that I don't finish stuff. But this wasn't some magical switch
       | that happened overnight. Rather, a bunch of stuff, so this
       | question kind of gives me an opportunity to reflect on what led
       | to meaningful change:
       | 1. Action vs Motion. A lot of comments alluded to this here, and
       | the best I've seen it articulated was in James Clear's book
       | Atomic Habits. You have 'Motion' which is thinking, imagining,
       | whiteboarding, planning, talking about...everything that goes
       | _around_ the doing. And you have  'Action', which is actually
       | doing. Motion is incredibly pleasant, but it's a trap. Action is
       | never as much fun. Because soon enough you're going to get
       | uncomfortable, stuck, frustrated. At the very least, recognize
       | when you're in Motion and when you're in Action, so you're not
       | trying to fool yourself. See also Shonda Rhimes' "A
       | screenwriter's advice" [0].
       | 2. The closer you get to finishing something, the greater the
       | resistance is to finishing it. This was articulated in Steven
       | Pressfield's "The War of Art". IT becomes a struggle, and it's
       | not fun, and anyone who tells you otherwise is flat out lying.
       | There is fatigue from the project, and there's also the fact that
       | it's not quite what you had in your head when you dreamed about
       | it. Because you couldn't dream the imperfections. This this is
       | not a fault of implementation (any creator will fess up to
       | feeling this way). So acknowledging all of these and fighting
       | through it is a crucial skill for getting things done.
       | 3. Without a Process, there's not going to be an outcome. I
       | started as a developer, then switched to writer, and now I do
       | both. It's the switching to becoming a writer that taught me how
       | to get stuff done, because I honed the process. I knew what it
       | would take to get a project from start to completion. Different
       | projects take more or less time, but the stages are clear. When I
       | tackle something now, be it in code or in writing, I set up a
       | roadmap. One that I can say definitively for each step, when it's
       | done, and what's next.
       | 4. Domain: it really, REALLY, helps to build up domain expertise
       | in something. The tech is the HOW, but the domain is the WHAT and
       | the WHY. Without a good WHY, odds are the project is doomed. A
       | domain is really about mining more interesting questions, and
       | staying engaged with ideas. So that even when you hit into
       | difficulties, the curiosity about the problem helps you push
       | through. I'm kinda not surprised you'd give up quickly on
       | building a solitaire with Y, cause who cares, right? And the
       | answer is...you don't care. You don't really want a solitaire,
       | because you know that problem's been solved to a good enough
       | extent that it simply doesn't matter. It's hard doing things when
       | you can get yourself to feel they matter. With a domain, this
       | happens less.
       | 5. So another thing writers say a lot is "Show, don't Tell". And
       | at some point in my life I decided to take that mantra seriously.
       | I felt I'm done with SAYING (on my CV and anywhere else) that I
       | can do X, Y, Z. I was going to SHOW it. It just makes life
       | simpler and easier when you can just shrug and say, "Yup, done
       | that, here's the link." So the point here is that even if I'm
       | doing something in order to learn, it HAS to have an outcome that
       | can be offered to others. Whether they like it, or buy into it or
       | whatever is a different question, interesting in its own right.
       | But my view on folders filled with half baked ideas is that it's
       | not good at all. If you've read "The Goal" (if you haven't, I
       | recommend it) - this is is inventory, and it's a liability, not
       | an asset.
       | 6. Saying No. This is REALLY HARD. There is more stuff you'll
       | want to learn than time to learn it. There are more projects
       | you'd like to get done than the time you're awarded in life. And
       | there is genuine pain in declining to do something you really
       | want to do, because you need to focus on something else. But the
       | alternative to this pain is, ultimately, those folders filled
       | with half-baked ideas. Though I am getting better at saying no, I
       | have yet to get better at not feeling the pain.
       | 7. Time management. Everyone has the same 24hrs in the day. The
       | only question is, how much of this time gets wasted. A lot of
       | people I respect don't spend time on social media. Author Michael
       | Lewis has talked about how it drains creativity out of you in
       | small bits, like air going out of tires. I wholly agree. [Right
       | now, with the covid situation, deep work is super hard. People
       | are just dealing with it however way they can.]
       | [0] https://zenpencils.com/comic/161-shonda-rhimes-a-
       | screenwrite...
       | vinyll wrote:
       | As many I experiment the same with __some __projects. Though I
       | 've been working on a side project for 7 years now!
       | The difference? It's purposeful to me and a long challenge for be
       | and the foundation that needs it. Because people depend on the
       | work I do, I must do it. Because these people can't do it, I must
       | do it. Because the purpose they serve is something that means a
       | lot to me too, I want to do it.
       | danans wrote:
       | Usually I start projects I want to start, but I tend to finish
       | projects because I have to finish.
       | The necessity/drive to finish can be internally or externally
       | driven, but there's no mistaking it, so don't sweat what you
       | don't finish. Take it as a signal that you've reached the limit
       | of your interest in that pursuit.
       | Of course, if the issue is something more fundamental (like
       | ADHD), none of this likely applies, and seek help from a
       | professional.
       | winrid wrote:
       | Right now financial independence motivates me. I just keep
       | imagining how if I had N customers what I could do with my time
       | other than work for someone else.
       | swiley wrote:
       | Maybe work on personal discipline, also I've noticed with myself
       | that sometimes a lack of motivation can be confused with a lack
       | of understanding. The more you practice your tools the longer
       | you'll go before you get badly blocked and give up, eventually
       | you'll have projects that you can hack on for years.
       | Here's what worked for me:
       | 1) pick a language (it doesn't matter, C, python, ocaml) and just
       | start writing small things in it. Do this so much that your inner
       | monologue starts speaking the language, that you have an
       | uncontrollable urge to sit down on Saturday and barf our
       | thousands of lines of bad code in it the way you might write a
       | rambling post on tumblr.
       | 2) understand problem decomposition: practice OOP for the broader
       | application (you don't need an OO language just use it to break
       | the problem down, write UML if it's your first couple times) and
       | FP for smaller problems.
       | 3) practice discipline. Clean your room, do your laundry, make
       | your bed, wake up at the same time every morning, go for a walk
       | every day, keep a house plant alive. It's almost unbelievable how
       | much this discipline with small things can make you more focused
       | and less compulsive.
         | RMPR wrote:
         | The point 3 really helped me to see some improvements. When I
         | complete those little tasks in the morning, I get the necessary
         | boost to get the next things done.
       | karterk wrote:
       | Since so many people are sharing their story, I will share mine.
       | 5-6 years ago, I started working on Typesense
       | (https://github.com/typesense/typesense), an open source, typo
       | tolerant search engine designed for speed and developer
       | productivity.
       | In the past 5 years, my journey has brought me through my
       | wedding, the birth of my first child, losing a loved family
       | member, a job switch and so on. Nevertheless, it has been really
       | great seeing the project gain traction and motivate me to keep
       | working on it through the highs and lows. Everybody differs, but
       | I think for me the following 2 things kept me going:
       | a) Pick a project that you are sufficiently motived.
       | b) Don't set deadlines but have a plan to work on the project
       | everyday. One some days it will be hours, on other days it will
       | be just thinking about a problem at the back of your mind for a
       | few minutes, but the idea is to keeping at it.
       | Now nearly 5 years later, I'm still not done yet but I'm amazed
       | how much I've achieved by just showing up every single day.
       | myhikesorg wrote:
       | Find a problem you want to solve for yourself and then build a
       | solution.
       | I created https://myhikes.org as my side project in 2015 because
       | I hated the existing public trail platforms at the time - a lot
       | of things have changed since then, but so has my skill set, data
       | set, the way I write, the way I think about features, the way I
       | weigh pros/cons of features and time.
       | Don't aim to solve the world's problems or make money with a side
       | project, aim to make your own life easier or more enjoyable in
       | some way. You never know what will come of it later if you
       | continue using, building, and growing your idea.
       | onion2k wrote:
       | Focus on solving a problem. Find something you actually care
       | about and _need_ to make instead of something that you think
       | sounds cool or that you think might make money. Let those things
       | happen organically. If you actually solve a problem people will
       | tell you that it 's cool, and they might pay you for the
       | solution.
         | inigoesdr wrote:
         | > Find something you actually care about and need to make This
         | is my problem. It's hard to find something that I care about
         | enough to spend time working on it. When I start on something
         | that I do care about, I often find something that already
         | exists that does what I wanted to make.
           | jayavanth wrote:
           | Do it anyway. Or think about how you can improve it. If it's
           | open-source look at their code and collaborate with them.
       | simonw wrote:
       | Ship early, ship often. Ship a version you are embarrassed by and
       | try and convince some people to use it.
       | I've had far too many side projects which languished in the "it
       | just needs one more feature..." zone. My productivity with side
       | projects shot RIGHT up once I learned to avoid this.
       | Remember: if you are disappointed that your project doesn't do
       | something you had planned and you ship it anyway... no-one else
       | will ever know!
       | Perfect is the enemy of shipped.
       | dznodes wrote:
       | I have a side project for you. There is currently a very
       | functional prototype and yet I need a technical co-founder to
       | build beyond this proof of concept.
       | ishjoh wrote:
       | What works for me is a step I find most people like to skip and
       | that's planning.
       | As a number of other folks have said, if you have small things
       | then you're more likely to get them done. Often though you'll
       | need a bunch of these smaller things to make a product that
       | someone might be worth paying for.
       | So what I do is I plan the project out into modules or blocks of
       | functions that take a few days at most. I know for myself I take
       | great pleasure in crossing things off lists (this is literal, I
       | write things down in a TODO and physically cross them out). To me
       | it's satisfying to see the list get smaller.
       | Seeing the list get smaller, and knowing there is an end, keeps
       | me motivated. Now I still have moments where it can feel like a
       | grind, the worst seems to be when something is just over half
       | done. That's when it's the most important for me to tell myself,
       | well I'll just work on this one thing and I grind through it.
       | Then when I'm about 80% there, that's when a lot of motivation
       | comes back to finish it.
       | Hope this helps.
       | victorMLL wrote:
       | gvhgvb
       | RocketSyntax wrote:
       | Do something small - write an integration package that bridges 2
       | tools you enjoy using.
       | bartq wrote:
       | Nothing wrong with your situation, you're just experimenting and
       | learning. Keep doing what interests you most, you'll eventually
       | settle on something for longer period of time.
       | [deleted]
       | themdonuts wrote:
       | Get people using it. Period.
       | Result: with every user interaction you will get a refreshment of
       | motivation. I've done it for 5 years.
       | Long version: I was all about starting projects and never
       | finishing, until one day I actually put one online and started
       | spreading the word through discussion boards.
       | So step 1) Launch and spread the word. You get 1 thing out of
       | this immediately: you WILL finish it to the bare minimum, because
       | what if someone actually tries to use your product?
       | You could argue: yeah, but when I give up on the project it's no
       | where near ready to be launched. I would argue back that if you
       | dropped it, it probably means you got something out of it - could
       | someone also benefit from it? Maybe, at that moment switch your
       | brain to: now let's launch this and spread the word.
       | Step 2) Put metrics in it You want to see if there's people
       | coming to your website. Crucial for step 3, read on.
       | Step 3) You will see people coming to your website and
       | interacting with your product. This is the best part, because it
       | gives you such a kick of motivation that will make you want to
       | continue working on it. It just keeps giving.
       | I've started a project 5 years ago and I put it out there and
       | forgot about it. 2 months after someone used it and I got my
       | first reservation. That was such a source of motivation!! It's
       | magical and it's a cycle. As I continue working on it as my side
       | project and as I start losing interest, I get a new user which
       | then sources me with more motivation to keep going. This cye
       | repeats
       | I've learned a lot in terms of business, technology stack and
       | devops, but all this applied to the same project I started 5
       | years ago.
         | neonmate wrote:
         | > Get people using it. Period.
         | Or find people that code with you, like a hackathon.
         | I recently wrote an application https://wintermute.app that
         | tries to connect coders.
         | @corecoder Maybe you can find a project you want to participate
         | in? Or at least you find some first users / supporters for one
         | of your ideas.
         | stared wrote:
         | I second that.
         | To combine with "starting small" it can be a simple single-page
         | app, or a blog post, or anything. At least for me, feedback is
         | the fuel (even negative feedback >>> no feedback).
         | RMPR wrote:
         | > Get people using it. Period.
         | This is a good TL;DR
       | mihirchronicles wrote:
       | I am also just like you!
       | It is indeed irritating and confusing at times. I like to do many
       | things and explore new ideas. Curiosity takes me in different
       | direction. At times, I question my personality and character.
       | Perhaps the feeling of "curiosity killed the cat" is applicable
       | when we are feeling this way.
       | But let's reframe this!
       | What if we start to accept this trait, not as a flaw, but as a
       | part of who we are? Once you come to the realization, you start
       | holding yourself accountable.
       | I have been working on a side project (www.wisecharlie.com) for
       | almost 3 years and continue to do so for many years to come. To
       | give you a background, I am a developer and I enjoy the creative
       | side of code and design. So, it is natural for me to keep
       | exploring new ideas, but I also know the importance of execution.
       | Following are the ways I have held myself accountable to this
       | particular project:
       | 1. No expectations (goals) other than a form of exploration.
       | I have a revenue generating product, but that does not mean, my
       | goal is to sell the most I can, get as many people to come visit
       | my project and get the most sign-ups. I care about the topic,
       | constant work-in-progress and iterate over it periodically. The
       | process itself brings me joy.
       | 2. Sticking to one project at a time removes a cognitive load of
       | finding new ideas.
       | For some, creative block is a real thing. From the creative
       | standpoint, I have built the website using plain JS/HTML/CSS,
       | then built the blog using Gatsby. I wanted to learn about webflow
       | so I re-built it during Christmas. I don't have to think about
       | new ideas every time I want to learn something new.
       | 3. Incremental steps as opposed to a giant leap.
       | I assign myself one task at a time on a monthly basis. That is
       | it. I don't set ambitious goals of 100k users or any of that.
       | This has allowed me to work on this project for over 36 months
       | without feeling burnt-out. It is a turtle race so take
       | incremental steps and make frequent progress as opposed to a
       | giant leap. If I complete my assigned tasks, I allow myself to
       | jump on to other ideas. This allows me to stay accountable and
       | execute consistently.
       | 4. Pick a hobby that has nothing to do with side project.
       | With lack of human interaction amid global stay-at-home orders, I
       | find myself to be draining my productivity (rarely, but it does
       | happen). To fix this, I picked up on sketching because I wanted
       | to forget about everything that is happening around me. Sketching
       | helped me with that because if I don't focus, my shapes don't
       | follow the desired form. Here is the link to my sketch work
       | https://twitter.com/mihirchronicles/status/12160752161594859....
       | I am sharing these resources so I can share real cases from my
       | own life and inspire you to take steps that may work for you.
       | Good luck! It is okay to feel how you feel, but I would suggest
       | you to make incremental steps, define your process and take a
       | long-term view.
       | The advice I share took many years of learning and doing.
       | Curiosity brought the cat back and you can too! :)
       | Cheers and stay safe!
       | voidhorse wrote:
       | I struggle with these tendencies too. For me, I think it usually
       | stems from being interested in the _product_ not the _process_
       | --that is, if I could snap my fingers and immediately produce
       | what it is I was envisioning (even though that initial vision is
       | usually fuzzy) I'd do it.
       | I think people who can stick with things long-term enjoy the
       | _process_ of what they 're doing at least on some level. What
       | enables them to stick with something is not the goal post, but
       | the _activity itself_. They 're motivated to spend x hours a day
       | building a roguelike not only because they're driven by the
       | vision of what they're going to produce, but because they
       | genuinely have tons of fun and get tons of satisfaction from the
       | _activity_ of writing a roguelike and solving the problems that
       | arise in that domain.
       | Personally, I've found that this love and enjoyment of process is
       | usually an acquired thing. It's just like going to the gym. Once
       | you make it a habit it becomes easier and easier and you become
       | so dependent on the rhythm and little boosts you get from going
       | to the gym that your dream body or whatever initially got you in
       | there pretty much becomes irrelevant--it morphs into an activity
       | that's fundamental to your way of life, you _need_ to do it, you
       | become dependent on it.
       | I've found that sticking to intellectual pursuits long-term is
       | analogous to going to the gym. If you force yourself to be
       | consistent and to show up every day and commit some time toward
       | your project, you'll soon come to love the process and it'll be
       | much easier to see it through to the end.
       | It's incredibly hard but really important to resist the idea that
       | you can bring your grand visions into fruition within a short
       | span of time--it just doesn't happen, and it's these sorts of
       | fantastic expectations that lead to eventual disinterest and burn
       | out. If you're constantly chasing the finish line and fire up all
       | cylinders to get there as fast as possible you'll never make it,
       | but if you run for the joy of running and do so consistently
       | you're guaranteed to get there eventually (the tortoise and the
       | hare).
       | zenhack wrote:
       | I struggled with this for a long time, I think a lot of us do. I
       | don't know how broadly applicable my story is, but: at a certain
       | point I basically cracked and picked a project and said "I'm
       | going to finish this if it kills me." It was one of the larger-
       | ish projects that I'd made a bit of progress on and put aside.
       | The project became an exercise in finishing things, which helped
       | motivate me through the times when I wasn't really interested in
       | the project itself.
       | It took me longer than I care to think about to complete it. I
       | think by the end I was pretty clear with myself that I wasn't
       | really that interested in the project itself anymore; the point
       | was to learn to finish something.
       | The result is here:
       | https://github.com/zenhack/haskell-capnp
       | Somehow this actually worked, and I've found myself not having
       | that much trouble sticking with projects when I decide I want to
       | build something. Most of my 2019 hacking was on a new programming
       | language, which is "close" to being ready to announce (the code
       | is up there if you look for it, but I haven't been too loud about
       | it since I don't know what I'd tell someone if they showed up and
       | wanted to help), though Sandstorm got active again and that's
       | diverted some of my time. ...and I've been hacking on Sandstorm
       | pretty consistently since.
       | Keeping myself organized and on track is still a struggle, but
       | something shifted and sticking with something long term doesn't
       | seem as hard.
       | csallen wrote:
       | Throw some extrinsic motivation into the mix. Intrinsic
       | motivation is great of course, but it's fickle. Your internal
       | emotional state changes like the wind depending on what's going
       | on in your life, what time of day it is, your mood, and even what
       | you've eaten.
       | Extrinsic motivation is usually more fixed and reliable. It's
       | what drives much of human productivity, and is responsible for
       | the major miracle that is billions of people waking up and going
       | to work every day to do things they may not even enjoy.
       | Some common sources of extrinsic motivation include obligation to
       | people (a boss, a partner, an audience, customers, users), social
       | consequences (shame, embarrassment, letting others down), and
       | monetary consequences (getting fired, losing a bet, etc.). On a
       | more positive note, there's also encouragement from people,
       | social rewards, and monetary rewards.
       | vishnuvis wrote:
       | I faced this. Start a website then lose it because I would be
       | losing interest in few weeks.
       | The thing which I followed is to fix my routine. Joined a Gym, it
       | helped a lot on focusing on things & made me mentally strong.
       | Take off time, started travelling & took a long break & then get
       | back to work. A step closer to nature made me fresh & met people
       | who are really working hard despite the lack of resources. This
       | made me think about how am wasting my time, despite having all
       | the resources.
       | Sat one day & written everything on things I wanted to do. Made a
       | weekly task, monthly, quarterly. Then started steps to accomplish
       | it.
       | At first it wasn't easy but slowly I made a habit & then finally
       | get used to it.
       | Just follow something for 21 days, it will be a habit.
       | All you need is 21 days.
         | [deleted]
       | GhostVII wrote:
       | I find it much easier if I pick projects that I actually could
       | benefit from. For example I started working on a note taking app
       | a little while ago, because I couldn't find one that I liked. I
       | know I will probably not get a complete return on my time
       | investment, but it keeps me motivated to finish since I know I
       | can make it exactly how I want and end up with a product
       | perfectly suited to me.
         | nukst wrote:
         | That sounds obvious but goes completely unnoticed, and it's
         | very smart. A good part of what keeps me motivated to work on
         | something is believing in the solution. This line gets a little
         | blurry when it comes to games, but the only way for me to
         | mitigate that is to make games I would play.
       | akavel wrote:
       | I like to think that my side projects are primarily _a hobby_ ,
       | which I understand as an important venue for "venting off" after
       | work. Notably, if they start to feel too much like work, they're
       | no longer hobby projects, losing their super important (for me)
       | psychological function! I mean, I still do feel guilt often, and
       | am still on a lookout for some way(s) to cope with it... But
       | interestingly, in my case, for one of the projects, my itch was
       | so strong eventually, and I was so often annoyed I don't have
       | this tool, that it kinda "forced" me to find the strength to push
       | through to the completion, even when it was becoming a chore.
       | Since then, I again abandon projects with guilt repeatedly ;) but
       | again also have one among them, that I'm coming back to on and
       | off, when I feel fancy, and trying to push forward. Again, I'm
       | kinda repeatedly getting annoyed I don't have it for myself; when
       | annoyance of not having it becomes bigger than my memories of
       | annoyance developing it, I'm getting back to it again :)
       | sometimes looking at it reminds me too much and is enough to
       | scare me away again, but sometimes I'm just so angry I say to
       | myself screw everything and sit and push through :) Still, also
       | as others said, I look at the unfinished "hobby" ones also
       | sometimes as some kind of research I wanted to do, thus honing my
       | skills or just randomly "playing with my mental muscles" in
       | various ways anyway - kinda as a kid plays in a sandbox however
       | they want. They don't ask anyone for permission to drop the toy
       | car and start digging a funny hole in the sand, just to fill it
       | back with exactly the same sand moments later.
       |  _edit:_ One more thing from what others wrote that also kinda
       | resonates with me, is that especially with the finished project,
       | I kinda did repeatedly cut corners, and I mean _a lot_ , like
       | freaking brutally, to get to the absolute minimum and absolute
       | most brain-dead simplifications and quick hacks, kinda like
       | taking the machete and just cutting my way through the jungle not
       | looking behind, just to get to the PoC. I cut _worlds_ of ideas
       | from it, leaving them as  "TODOs", scribbling in a notebook, or
       | just "manana-ing" with cruel premeditation, I still hear them
       | howling at me with angry remorse. Uh, sorry folks! Some day,
       | y'know, pinky promise, maybe!... I remember you, I really do
       | (mostly...), but, y'know, kinda different toys now that I'm
       | playing with, y'see... And suddenly, this PoC (wrapped in a
       | pretty readme and asciinema gif, which were actually the most
       | exhausting finish of the whole run... but I was so close, it was
       | like no way, if I don't do this, nobody in the world will know
       | how an awesome tool I made... but they _must know_... it will
       | help them sooo much... I think... I mean, it helps _me_ so
       | much... and let them just see the gif... gifs are pretty!!) kinda
       | proved to be enough, both to me and to tons of other people I
       | wanted to share with and thought may also like it, and closed my
       | eyes and published, saying screw possible bad reactions or just
       | crickets... sweet! :)
       | totemandtoken wrote:
       | Maybe try to stone soup yourself. Start a project where the bare
       | bones can be done in a couple of days but the possible features
       | to add are unlimited. For me, there's this implicit calculation
       | of opportunity cost. Like, if I work on this, I can't work on all
       | these other interesting things. But if you switch your mindset to
       | "working on this will help me work on all these other things,"
       | that opportunity cost disappears.
       | For example, just the blockchain data structure (not a full
       | cryptocurrency, just the data structure) is relatively small and
       | doable. Maybe a tiny perceptron or autoencoder. But there's a lot
       | of opportunity to make something with even such small toys.
       | And don't be afraid of making something that isn't a "true" or
       | "real" whatever. Yeah, it's not a "true" blockchain but it was
       | toy to test your chops on.
       | Also, whatever you do end up doing, regardless of whether you
       | finish it or not, write about it. Just a paragraph or two of what
       | you were trying to do, how far you got, what made you lose
       | interest. Informally as possible.
       | thibaultj wrote:
       | I used to be like you.
       | Back in my early career years, and even before when I was a
       | student, I used to have a lot of cool side projects that would
       | only interest me for so long. I would spend a few hours or days
       | on them, and then throw them out or forget them.
       | It was ok because I did not care about the project in itself. It
       | was interesting to try new techs, or methods, or just spend some
       | time doing something I loved.
       | It stopped being ok when something shifted in my mind : I
       | subconsciously decided that _I wanted to stick to a project_. But
       | it was for the wrong reasons. I wanted to make money. I wanted to
       | have a cool startup. I wanted to be able to stop working. Too
       | much Hackernews hype. But since I did not really care about the
       | project itself, I never managed to stick to it.
       | After years of frustration, I quit wasting my time and took on
       | some other non IT related hobbies.
       | Two years ago, I picked a side project for the first time in
       | years: it's a cool music theory related website.
       | https://www.mamie-note.fr in case you're curious.
       | I've managed to keep working on it (and being interested to do
       | it) since then. It's the longest time I've ever spent on a single
       | project.
       | Here are the things that are different for me today:
       | - I do care about the project in itself: it's the site I wish
       | existed when I started learning music, and the site grows as I'm
       | growing as a musician.       - I really enjoy the daily process
       | of working on it, I don't fantasize about how great the end
       | result will be in a few years.       - I don't care about the
       | tech, I care about the topic.       - I'm turning the site into a
       | business, but making a living with it will be a cool side effect,
       | not the main objective.       - Since I do have a family now (and
       | we are in lockdown), I have much less time to work on it. It's
       | easier to stay motivated when you spend two or three ours on a
       | project instead of 15 or 20.       - Working on this project is a
       | hobby, but it's not my only hobby, I take interest in other
       | things, so when I'm bored and don't sweat it and take breaks for
       | some days or weeks.
       | My two cents.
       | tunesmith wrote:
       | For me I think I just learned to stop being hard on myself for
       | not finishing. They're side projects, you don't owe anything to
       | anyone. I've also found that as time has gone on, certain side
       | projects have remained compelling to me even after getting burned
       | out on them the first time. Some of them I've eventually gotten
       | back to, gave up on again, and then gotten back to. Before long
       | it becomes clear that it's not that I'm perpetually undisciplined
       | and lack follow-through, it's more that I've made slow and steady
       | progress on those projects over the years.
       | Only other advice I can give is that when picking a side project,
       | find something where the process is as enjoyable as the outcome.
       | JoelMcCracken wrote:
       | I used to be in this position. Your question really resonates
       | with me.
       | I think I have broken the cycle, but it is hard to be sure of
       | something like this of course. I have certainly been able to make
       | more progress on projects than I have been able to in the past.
       | I think this has helped me:
       | - Make a Someday/Maybe list. Capture your ideas and put them on
       | the list. This can just be a text file. Feel free to add
       | implementation notes. Then, when you have time, you can come back
       | and see if the idea still compels you. The examples you give, for
       | example, sound like things I might have on my own "someday/maybe"
       | list.
       | - Evaluate your ideas/projects. Do they spark interests? What are
       | the reasons why you desire to complete the project? Do you think
       | that desire will carry you through to project completion?
       | I'll give you some examples of myself:
       | For a time, I was really unsure what I wanted to do after I
       | became dissatisfied with Ruby. I wanted to keep exploring
       | functional programming, especially pure functional programming. I
       | also really wanted to work with the actor model, and at the time
       | Rust 1.0 was just being released, so I started working on that at
       | the same time.
       | At the time I played around with a lot of things. But I ended up
       | focusing on learning Haskell, and my goal was to completely work
       | through this book https://haskellbook.com/. I was able to finish
       | this after several "false starts" with Haskell over the years.
       | Why did I keep working on this project, instead of any of the
       | other myriad shiny things that pop up on HN? Well, a few reasons:
       | - I really wanted to familiarize myself with pure FP. I had
       | become dissatisfied with OO techniques, slowly thinking of them
       | as an evolutionary "dead end", and wanted to explore something
       | else. IMO, Haskell was the best way to explore this.
       | - I also really wanted to be able to "read" Haskell. Generally
       | speaking, Haskell has become a sort of "lingua franca" in the
       | functional programming community. You often see snippets using
       | its syntax and read concepts explained using its ideas. When I
       | encounter terms like "typeclasses", I wanted to go from "eyes
       | glossed over" to "comprehension".
       | There are more reasons, but suffice it to say that I thought that
       | given my long term goals, not knowing Haskell had become a
       | stumbling block. So, I decided to change that, and working
       | through the cited book has worked for me.
       | I didn't _only_ work on this project. I did take a few breaks
       | here and there as needs must, and interest naturally waxes and
       | wanes, but the motivation held and the project is completed.
       | Having completed it, I have a few new projects that also have
       | compelling reasons for me to work on them. I have flip flopped
       | between them at different times, but there have been good reasons
       | for doing so, and the reasons have not been because I lost
       | interest, but because of external factors.
       | - Realize that you will still sometimes just desire to experiment
       | with something for a little bit. That's OK. The other day I
       | downloaded and messed with Electron. It was just something I
       | wanted to try out and satisfy my own curiosity for something
       | random. But you should think of this as being a time-boxed
       | experiment, and not something that you are committing several
       | years of your hacking life to. Unless, of course, it _is_ , but
       | in that case, count the opportunity costs before mentally
       | committing yourself.
       | -----
       | Edit:
       | I forgot to include this link; I think it might help you too.
       | http://blog.fogus.me/2015/11/04/the-100101-method-my-approac...
       | It has been discussed on HN a few times.
       | iKevinShah wrote:
       | Definitely not an expert in this but I have found that the bigger
       | the aim, greater the tendency to nope out of it (for me).
       | So one way of going around this is keeping short, simple,
       | achievable-today goals.
       | Example Target: I need to develop a CMS.
       | New target: Need to create that one method which will do X and
       | return boolean value.
       | Once that is done, on to next.
       | vcool07 wrote:
       | I read this somewhere that, instead of focusing on "what to do
       | ?", shift your focus to "why do you need to do it ?". If you
       | focus on the why and can convince yourself on the importance of
       | it, maybe it would get done. On the other hand, if your "why" is
       | shaky, then most probably somewhere in the back of your mind it's
       | marked as "not important". It's like one of those things that you
       | just want, but don't really "need", so no wonder you lose
       | interest pretty soon.
       | rjspotter wrote:
       | I'd suggest you try spending a little more time up front defining
       | the what and why of the project before you start. If you don't
       | define what winning looks like ahead of time it's easy to quit 5
       | minutes in when you're confronted with making tradeoffs but,
       | don't have any context to under-pin those decisions.
       | Additionally, don't start with big hairy audacious side-projects.
       | If all you've ever gotten to with one project is two days. Define
       | a project that will teach you something that you think you can
       | finish in three days.
       | harrisonjackson wrote:
       | Be realistic with what "done" is when you start a project and
       | force yourself to get to that point. It doesn't have to be
       | published or making money or anything specific, but define what
       | it is and do it.
       | The more often you get to "done" the easier it is. The same goes
       | for quitting though - every time you quit something it gets
       | easier to excuse yourself the next time and so on.
       | The last 5% of a project is always the hardest to slog through.
       | Being able to finish things is a super important skill and
       | something I'd say is worth cultivating.
       | james_impliu wrote:
       | Do it with someone else. You're then not just accountable to
       | yourself.
       | jackyinger wrote:
       | You have to know what you want to make before you can make it.
       | Embrace this challenge.
       | Allow yourself to develop your ideas before attempting to code
       | them up. Draw diagrams, take notes, think about how to implement
       | the systems and subsystems. Do lots of research. Make prototypes
       | to play with ideas.
       | If you want to make anything that is not trivial you're going to
       | have to spend a bunch of time on architecture and design before
       | you get to execution. Try to see this as a gift rather than an
       | impediment.
       | Best luck!
       | cityzen wrote:
       | I am fortunate that I can think of ideas pretty quickly but I get
       | overwhelmed with what tech to use. If you can just standardize on
       | a platform you know, set your ego aside and use that. You can
       | always iterate a working project but you can't do anything with
       | unfinished work.
       | If you want to learn new, shiny tech, do small proof of concept
       | projects and consider if they bring any value to what you've
       | already built with what you already know.
       | Aside from that... you just have to do the work!
       | A book I've really enjoyed for my motivation across not only work
       | and side project but also life in general is The Obstacle is the
       | Way by Ryan Holiday: https://www.amazon.com/Obstacle-Way-
       | Timeless-Turning-Triumph...
       | ollerac wrote:
       | In my experience, switching from task to task and not being able
       | to maintain focus is a minor form of burnout.
       | It takes energy to stay focused for a long period of time.
       | My advice: take a few months off. Let your mind wander. If you
       | come up with an idea, let it go if you can. If you come across an
       | idea you can't let go of, even after multiple days or weeks, then
       | maybe you're ready to commit to it!
       | OOPMan wrote:
       | The only personal projects I've ever done that I stuck with were,
       | unsurprisingly, the ones I dog-fooded.
       | In other words, I worked on them and developed them to the point
       | of usefulness because I actually needed to make use of them.
       | [deleted]
       | sodafountan wrote:
       | I understand this isn't exactly what you're asking for as it
       | seems like you burn out on the idea before you even get to the
       | implementation but I've found that for coding projects, keeping
       | my code clean really helps to motivate me to stick with the
       | project.
       | If I'm building something and the code gets messy I increasingly
       | feel frustrated while working with it which turns me off from
       | working on it - somewhat of a negative feedback loop, so when I
       | start to feel like the code is a hassle to work with, I switch
       | gears from writing features to refactoring the existing code-
       | base.
       | This gives me a nice change of pace, lets me think a little bit
       | differently than simply "add features", and when the refactoring
       | is done I have a much more thorough understanding of the code
       | I've already written and what needs still needs to be done.
       | It seems like a pretty simple and obvious suggestion but I can't
       | tell you the number of times I've let a personal project become
       | unmanageable just because I've wanted to keep adding features
       | which at least for me leads to burnout.
       | houssem_fat wrote:
       | Having exactly the same issue here, i have been working on many
       | software side projects since a while (for 7 years now) and never
       | launched a successful product. For the most of ideas i built
       | about 30/40 % of the platform (user management, profile,
       | authentication, backend apis, emails, architecture, messaging
       | systems, dockerization, other stuff, blogs ...). For me the real
       | obstacles (and what make me give up) were how to put the key
       | features that make my solution better than others. I feel
       | motivated and very exicited for some time but then it collapsed
       | because i need to digg more for the best solution. Examples:
       | 1-how to add e2e video/messaging encryption to an appointment
       | medical app. 2- how to use sms alternative solution to web/mobile
       | apps for farmers who don't have internet connection without using
       | other third parties. 3- build a learning platform for kids but
       | figure out how to provide the cheapest computer solution
       | (raspberry based maybe) because these kids cannot afford a
       | computer. I learnt a lot from these projects both in technical
       | and business aspects but i still feel the imposter syndrome every
       | time i talk about my ideas or when i see another solution similar
       | to my idea who works just fine. But i'm sure that hard things
       | need more hard work. Thank you for this thread.
       | abinaya_rl wrote:
       | I would suggest to make something over the weekend and set a
       | 7-day deadline and come up with the basic version of the idea.
       | Charge the user a fee, it can be anything.. just put a paywall.
       | - Release it on Product Hunt, corresponding Reddits, cold pitch
       | people on Twitter
       | - Get a few paying customers
       | - Signup for IndieHackers and celebrate your small milestones.
       | - Continue the above steps until you get 100 customers
       | - Play with the different pricing plans
       | - Explore how to get a word out of your product.
       | zw123456 wrote:
       | Why stick with it? My view is that the main purpose of side
       | projects (for me anyhow) is to learn and improve my skills and to
       | open up to new ways of approaching things. But even if your goal
       | is to work it into a side business, I still would argue that
       | sometimes sticking to the same side project too long can be a bad
       | choice. I have a fried who worked on the same side project for 7
       | years and I think it stifled his creativity because he was always
       | focused on the same narrow set of problems associated with his
       | project.
       | I am simply suggesting it is possible to go too far in sticking
       | to the same side project. For me I usually consider a side
       | project has run it's course if I have learned as much as I needed
       | to on it and then I try to move on to something completely
       | different.
       | gfxgirl wrote:
       | I don't have advice but am looking for some along a similar vain.
       | I've made lots of projects in the past but now not so much and my
       | fiction is that I'm super jaded by which I mean since I have lots
       | of experience I know all the things I want to do are relatively
       | huge projects and it's unrealistic to even start and further even
       | if I was to finish it's unlikely to be successful. Not that every
       | project has to be successful but I can't see investing 1-3 years
       | into it if I don't actually believe it it's likely to do well.
       | For a small project 1 - 5 days I there's no issue. Though often
       | when I'm finished I look back and think, "If I had spent that
       | time working on something that had more of a future then I'd also
       | have more of a future". Success buys freedom so when I don't
       | pursue something with a future I have only myself to blame for
       | having to go back and "work for the man".
       | So, how do I get over that jadedness and as Shia Labeouf would
       | say "Just Do It!"
       | trwhite wrote:
       | I recently read Angela Duckworth's "Grit" and from reading this,
       | suspect you might derive some value from it.
       | slothtrop wrote:
       | What hits me is a sense of meaninglessness.
       | I can be disciplined enough to stick with something as part of a
       | lifestyle, or whatever I find consistently rewarding, e.g. an
       | exercise regimen and cooking new things. When it comes to
       | creative projects, I'll get to the point of having a rough
       | outline but often just ditch the rest. Particularly with music
       | more-so than writing, the pursuit feels pointless or unimportant,
       | and I always got the sense that the special catalyst with music
       | is people, feeding off the passion of other musicians. I tend now
       | to skip the BS and just go straight to composition since that is
       | the aspect of music that most interests me.
       | bakhy wrote:
       | I've had lots of ideas like that, things I'd like to do which I
       | never get around to. The one I did go through with and still keep
       | working on it on and off is the one that had a connection to my
       | job.
       | I worked on a very concurrent system and thought maybe STM would
       | be a nice fit for it. I found the concept of STMs very
       | interesting. And I noticed that, although there were many
       | implementations for .NET, all were one-off projects, not
       | maintained, and in my opinion not very nice to use. So I ended up
       | writing one myself.
       | I guess that sweet spot for me was having a problem that I dealt
       | with on a daily basis, which gave me the drive and a clear
       | picture of what I'm trying to achieve, and the fact that it was a
       | fun challenge to implement and a learning experience related to a
       | concept that intrigued me. The other ideas I had would mostly
       | have just that second part - they're fun, challenging, but not
       | really solving something I deal with too often.
       | So, I don't have much experience, I don't have many side
       | projects, but for what it's worth, my advice is to try to find
       | something in your day-to-day which bugs you, and for which you
       | have some interesting idea that you'd like to experiment with.
       | jayfk wrote:
       | I'm the opposite. I love to work on side projects, often getting
       | carried away for several weeks/months until I finish them.
       | Once they are "complete", I'm loosing interest and get carried
       | away on other things, often times I don't even publish them
       | anywhere.
       | If someone wants to team up on this, let's chat.
       | gchamonlive wrote:
       | How do you approach planning the projects? Do you just sit and
       | start coding? I can only guess what are the issues are with the
       | information you provided, but I guess you discard your projects
       | because you are not invested in them. People tend to stick to
       | ideas they invested more time and effort.
       | I think you would attach more value to a project if you plan it
       | first.
       | Use something to test your idea first. If by meaningful project
       | you mean something that others can use and solve a real life
       | problem, maybe take a look at The Startup Owner's Manual
       | (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13557008-the-startup-
       | own...).
       | If your idea withstand the first tests and you want to commit to
       | it, describe in general lines what is to be done, describe some
       | general, doable deadlines, maybe use a Kanban board. You should
       | have at least an idea of the scope of the project before you
       | start. Do not think about a finished, polished product. Think
       | about something functional, that is shippable. You can polish it
       | later.
       | vtail wrote:
       | What works for me is enjoying the process, not the end result,
       | and making small incremental progress. I started blogging
       | recently - just little pieces of code or analysis here and there
       | - and found that a sense of making progress strongly motivates me
       | to tackle harder problems, while sharing my progress along the
       | way.
       | qaid wrote:
       | I was in your situation a few years ago.
       | I "found my way out" when I created a project that I really cared
       | about. It scratched multiple itches and I was constantly finding
       | new ways to improve the application. It got the the point where I
       | had to create a backlog for improvements I wanted to see.
       | My mind started to wander and I started thinking about my
       | newfound organizational skills. I started the high-level design
       | for a tool to organize my scatterbrain. Thankfully, I decided to
       | just keep it in my backlog and continue on what I was working on.
       | td;dr: 1. Add projects to backlog 2. Weigh benefits of each, rank
       | them 3. Work on #1 project 4. (Optional) Set a deadline to re-
       | evaluate priorities 5. When new ideas pop up, add to backlog.
       | Fill in as much detail as possible. The goal is to do a braindump
       | and get back to what you were previously working on.
       | mbesto wrote:
       | Solve a problem _YOU_ have.
       | Glench wrote:
       | Since I haven't seen this in the comments so far, I'll suggest
       | that you begin to reflect on what's truly meaningful to you. It
       | sounds like you're able to have a lot of ideas that aren't
       | particularly meaningful, which are probably ideas you got from
       | the values of your cultural environment. So try reflecting on the
       | following prompts: what kinds of experiences do I want to help
       | people have, that would be truly satisfying to see? What moves my
       | heart and gives me energy to keep going?
       | With deeper meaning and purpose it will be natural to want to
       | stick with something.
       | > Has anyone else experienced this, and, more importantly, found
       | their way out?
       | I wrote a little bit about that in these two articles:
       | Why I Quit Tech and Became a Therapist:
       | http://glench.com/WhyIQuitTechAndBecameATherapist/
       | Deep Listening at the Recurse Center:
       | http://glench.com/DeepListeningAtTheRecurseCenter/
         | nullspin wrote:
         | I have been contemplating a similar change. The dynamic for me
         | is interesting. When I go deep into tech studies or projects I
         | eventually feel a what-is-the-point energy take over. When I go
         | deep into exploring the mental/emotional/spiritual my
         | engineering creator brain will eventually agitate.
         | Figuring out how to express both has been a decades long
         | puzzle. A puzzle which has not been very productive for my
         | career. I have recently considered turning all tech into a
         | hobby and getting a Masters in Social Work.
         | rmac wrote:
         | just read your "why I quit" blog. thanks for documenting your
         | journey as it will help other travelers give themselves
         | 'permission' to explore new paths.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Yes, all the time, the time left for coding after work is very
       | little, family and friends always take priority.
       | Some of my hobby coding projects are more than 10 years old by
       | now.
       | The only ones I managed to stick all the way to the end were side
       | projects that had a real customer at the end, so I had to
       | actually deliver, or face the consequences of having someone
       | really unhappy.
       | riazrizvi wrote:
       | Make something you _need_ , so that you will actually use it
       | yourself.
       | coss wrote:
       | My friend said if you are having a hard time finishing a book,
       | it's probably not a book for you.
       | Same thing applies. You gave up on these because its not right
       | for you. Once you find someone worth spending your time on you'll
       | stick with it. Keep looking.
       | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
       | I have experienced this my entire life.
       | I'm interested in so many things that I cannot focus on one thing
       | for too long or to completion. This really sucks when people ask
       | what I do with my time because I have nothing fully realized yet
       | I did spend the whole time tinkering in my own way.
       | I overcome this a little with discipline. I just have discipline
       | and a clear path/plan and go step by step through to completion.
       | I'm probably going to pick up a book or two that is mentioned in
       | this thread.
       | yumaikas wrote:
       | So, I'll take a different tack: Are you interested in finishing
       | projects or are you interested in learning new things? Because
       | those goals aren't exactly 100% aligned.
       | It sounds like your motivation is more about learning new things.
       | If that's the case, lots of small, half-baked projects can
       | definitely be educational.
       | You're also mentioning projects that take significant ramp-up
       | time before they might start to get a life of their own.
       | So, that being said, I have a couple of book recommendations:
       | If what you want to do is learn software development in a growing
       | way, I highly recommend Mastering Software Technique:
       | https://software-technique.com/. It's all about using bursts of
       | time to learn new things as fast as you can. For your situation,
       | it sounds close to what you've been practicing, with just a tiny
       | bit more process.
       | If what you want to do is actually build something on the side
       | for people other than yourself (which is _not_ a requirement for
       | learning useful things), then I recommend
       | https://jessicaabel.com/growing-gills/.
       | For me, I've embraced the non-essential nature of my side
       | projects. I've had quite a few over the years, some large, some
       | small. Being able to put one on the back-burner and come back it
       | later has been very handy. Most of my sideprojects these days are
       | ones I can get to "done" in a day or two, and I have a couple
       | longer-running ones that I pick at off and on. My motivation for
       | a particular project varies, some are meant to scratch a _very_
       | specific itch:
       | - https://github.com/yumaikas/dirx was basically done in a late
       | night and a morning - https://idea.junglecoder.com/view/idea/274
       | I've done 3 times, first in bash, then in Go (in a rather late
       | night, to scratch an itch), and then again in Nim (to learn Nim,
       | and compare it against Go).
       | Some projects I have are a lot longer running. Both PISC
       | <https://pisc.junglecoder.com> (now on indefinite hiatus) and
       | Tabula Scripta <https://github.com/yumaikas/tabulaScripta> have
       | run a lot longer than my typical project. One quality of both is
       | that they have work at quite a few different levels of detail. Am
       | I tired of parsing work? I can work on prototyping a game in
       | PISC. Do I want to make the performance dramatically better for
       | my artificial Fibonacci benchmark? Great time to break out the Go
       | profiler. Do I want to make it way easier to concatenate strings
       | in a stack-based language? Maybe today I figure out how to write
       | an evalbot. (These are _all_ things I did in PISC at different
       | times).
       | Tabula Scripta is still early days, I haven't had the time to use
       | it for that sort of experimentation, but it will have a similarly
       | broad set of applications and problems to solve.
       | And, like other people have said, it definitely helps to do you
       | side projects in a different IDE/Language than your work. And if
       | learning is a big motivator, keeping your projects smaller, or
       | making them the sort of things that's easier to break into
       | smaller parts can be very helpful.
       | bobblywobbles wrote:
       | I think you need to ask yourself why you feel like you can't
       | complete something. When I hear you say this yourself, I feel
       | like you may struggle with too many good ideas or a lack of
       | discipline to see them through.
       | For me, my problem is I have too many ideas, and sometime the fun
       | of a new idea outweighs finishing an existing idea. This is where
       | I need to rely on my discipline to carry me through to
       | completion.
       | Most of my projects don't ever go past 2-3 months, but the one
       | that is now, well it's requiring my discipline so that I can
       | finish it. That isn't to say I just work on that, I have days I
       | do other things to give me a break as well.
       | _hardwaregeek wrote:
       | Get the stupidest thing done and finished. I started my compiler
       | with waay too much ambition. I planned out a Hindley Milner type
       | system but with row polymorphism. I planned out the entire
       | syntax, records and all. But I didn't actually have anything
       | done. I spent so much time trying to think about how to implement
       | x feature or y feature because I thought I should get it all done
       | at once. It took me maybe a year to figure out that I should just
       | get the stupidest thing working: arithmetic from parsing to code
       | gen. I had resisted this because frankly there's a million
       | tutorials online about making a calculator compiler. But who
       | cares? It doesn't have to be original. It needs to be done.
       | Also only learn one new thing at a time. Don't make a side
       | project where you're learning to write a compiler in a language
       | that's new to you. That's two new topics and therefore infinitely
       | harder.
       | alecbenzer wrote:
       | My therapist recently told me that often it's working on
       | something that sparks (or fuels) the passion for it, not the
       | other way around.
       | Sometimes you just need to decide to do something and make
       | progress on it, not worrying about the fact that it's not what
       | you're most interested in at this instant.
       | sebringj wrote:
       | The only reason I completed a side project was because I had
       | people that I cared about that wanted my side project done to
       | help them out. In other words, I had social motivation and
       | collaboration. For me, going completely alone on something is
       | much more difficult because its like the tree the forest making
       | no sound (perception) if no one is there to hear it. It doesn't
       | seem to have that connection or impact of meaning unless I have
       | others that care that I have direct interaction with.
       | zabil wrote:
       | I can relate to this. Here's what's worked for me. Don't work on
       | it alone. Get more eyes on it. See if other people find it
       | useful. Get feedback. It's quite motivating to see your side
       | project helping someone else. But it's also important to know
       | when to stop.
       | virtualritz wrote:
       | A friend of mine said to do a successful software product you
       | need three kinds of developers. Skip one and you will likely
       | fail.
       | 1. the kamikaze
       | 2. the soldier
       | 3. the sniper
       | Kamikazes start the project. They have a broad vision of how the
       | result will look (total victory, ofc) and they do not pay
       | attention to the mountain at the horizon or the road missing a
       | bridge over a canyon a few hundred clicks ahead. They just start
       | running.
       | Soldiers are those who march on day by day. Following in the
       | kamikazes footsteps they do the grunt of the work. Much more
       | thoroughly than a kamikaze ever could muster patience or care
       | for.
       | Snipers are needed when the army hits an obstacle. Like a booby
       | trapped rock in the middle of the road. They will shoot the
       | explosives from afar. They are highly specialized individuals who
       | care much more for the problem they solve than what means to what
       | end it presents.
       | Most developers I know have a little bit of all these three types
       | in them.
       | I did understood long ago that I am mostly a kamikaze.
       | Coming to terms with that when I do not finish yet another spare
       | time project ... that's a lifelong goal to overcome.
       | You are in good company. As others said: focus on the learning
       | more than on the result. This is what makes coping with not
       | finishing stuff much easier for me.
       | At the same time this change of perspective may just provide the
       | inkling of additional motivation needed to actually do finish one
       | or the other of those projects.
         | fudged71 wrote:
         | I had two cofounders, and this is possibly the best description
         | of how we operated... each with a different timeline and focus.
         | Although I can't say that it ended well between us
       | [deleted]
       | dutchblacksmith wrote:
       | It's normal, just count the comments on this post. You have
       | learned a lot on this "never finished" projects. Thats nice.
       | Sometime along this road jou find the right project and make it
       | work. Keep the projects (or parts of it) small, make a working
       | mock-up fast and keep expanding it. I just finished a project I
       | started 10 years ago and havent worked on it for several years.
       | That feels really good.
       | omarhaneef wrote:
       | There is one very simple piece of advice that I have found helps
       | me with this:
       | finish.
       | It doesn't matter how small the finish is, but whatever it is, at
       | least get it to a point where you have something finished. If you
       | are writing a book, and you want to switch, finish the outline.
       | If you start a chapter, finish it. If you start an app, have at
       | least a hello world page up.
       | If you don't feel like working on it now, and a new idea pops up,
       | feel free to start the new idea after you finish. Practice
       | finishing just as much as you have practiced starting.
       | somurzakov wrote:
       | find a customer for your side project. even if it is one
       | customer, even if she is a friend of yours.
       | getting a feedback from your early customer will be more than
       | enough to keep you motivated
       | Glorbutron wrote:
       | I do this, but I realized a while ago that most of the time, what
       | I want to do is learn how to do things, and not actually do them.
       | So that's all I try to do. Because after that, it's not fun
       | anymore.
       | ChipSkylark wrote:
       | One more to the pile. My method:
       | 1) Write down a clear S.M.A.R.T. goal or thing you want to do on
       | a piece of paper (OKR style), a clear definition of why you are
       | trying to do the thing, and when you should have it accomplished
       | by.
       | 2) On a separate piece of paper, define your expectations around
       | how chasing that thing will feel and what you expect to happen
       | when you accomplish it
       | 3) Put the second piece of paper about expectations in a paper
       | shredder - destroy it
       | 4) Create a google doc (or whatever) with large bold letters at
       | the top: My goal is to do X by Z because Y. Make accessing this
       | doc as low friction as possible (a bookmark icon on home screen,
       | a bookmark in browser, etc)
       | 5) Create a consistent schedule (1 hour every other day?) and use
       | the doc to track. Treat this as your personal standup doc: make
       | entries on the disciplined timeline, and plot out next steps at
       | the end of each entry. Review weekly (Sunday night?), take notes
       | on your progress, etc.
       | 6) Finally, at the target date, reflect on where you are, and
       | celebrate anything and everything that happened as a result of
       | your feeling inspired by an idea or goal and making tangible
       | progress in your life because of it. It's beautiful.
       | For the progress doc, viewing your progress makes it harder to
       | give up on - think of it like "We've gone 100 days without a
       | workplace accident" or "I haven't had a X in the last 50 days" -
       | you build up momentum and commitment to seeing something through
       | for the sake of not letting down the older version of yourself
       | i.e. You make quitting an increasingly bigger deal.
       | Regarding expectations - of course, I'm joking about steps 2 and
       | 3. For me, living life chasing the vision for something gets in
       | the way of actually getting after it, because by definition it's
       | dreamy, and each step you take closer that doesn't resonate with
       | the dream is another kick in the pants. Soon, you give up and
       | move on because the dream (expectation) is significantly
       | different from the actual experiences you have while taking steps
       | towards it.
       | For goal setting, I cannot stress the importance of setting
       | S.M.A.R.T. goals and detaching from the dreamy stuff. If the
       | vision is truly powerful and meaningful to you, it will be kept
       | alive and supported by material success on the smaller milestones
       | that you accomplish.
       | andremendes wrote:
       | You must pick something that is really meaningful for you in a
       | way that will make you feel good seeing the progress of the
       | project you are working on. What would a Roguelike have to be to
       | take your full attention? How a strategy game you really love has
       | to look like?
       | What you like beyond games? If you like gardening, make a game
       | about it. Are you a sports fan? Make a sport game. You get the
       | idea.
       | I'm saying this because it's working for me. Like you, I want to
       | make games on my own. I am also into politics, so I chose a
       | language and a framework[1] and started from the tutorial with
       | the goal of making a politically-charged infinite-runner[2].
       | After getting the basics I told my idea to a couple of friends
       | that kindly drew sprites for me to use in the game. It's been a
       | really cool experience. I'm doing it everyday and learning a lot
       | in the way. I strongly believe that the subject choice for the
       | project is what is getting me hooked to it.
       | 1: https://haxe.org and https://haxeflixel.com/
       | 2: https://github.com/fullynotanalien/bozorun (edit: formatting)
         | beznet wrote:
         | Came here to say this basically. If a project only has surface
         | level interest, I'll never finish it. The only projects I've
         | ever finished are ones that I found that would be legitimately
         | useful for me or other people. It has to solve a problem that,
         | like you said, is meaningful.
       | ferzul wrote:
       | yep. my solution uas simple. listen to my attention. if it's
       | boring (at that instant), why stay? eventually i found and
       | completed several projects, the need or interest driving me. and
       | sometimes, i pick something up off the backburner and bring it
       | closer to fruition.
       | awake wrote:
       | Instead of thinking I want to make this then immediately coding I
       | would take a step back and write/design what you are about to
       | make for a couple of sit down sessions. Writing and design work
       | are much easier to throw away and start over with than code. When
       | you do start to code try to write the bare minimum of code which
       | lets you play with your tool. Keep a running list of ideas you
       | have as you are making the project. These help keep the motor
       | running when you want to stop later on. Also always keep a
       | document tracking where you were when you put the project down.
       | What problems were you fixing? What is up next? Even if you leave
       | a project for a couple of months having a context building
       | document, an inspiration list, and design documents should be
       | enough to help you pick the project back up. Also if you never
       | finish that's totally fine. It's a process.
       | Insanity wrote:
       | There's a benefit to finishing things, but there's also a benefit
       | in quitting when you're bored.
       | You don't need to finish a frontend for it if you get bored
       | halfway through. Hell, you don't even need to finish the entire
       | app if you think of something else to do with Haskell. You'll
       | have learned something from the todo app even though you didn't
       | finish. And pushing through might have just put you off of the
       | entire thing.
       | That being said, I do think there is value to actually finishing
       | things. It will allow you to learn about the entire process.
       | I'm developing a Godot game now. I'm done with the logic of the
       | game, but I'm pushing through to publish it on an app store. Just
       | to have gone through the entire cycle of 'polishing for an app
       | store' even though the actual development was my main interest.
       | mtrycz2 wrote:
       | You sound like you like motivation.
       | "Motivation" is the "why?" of what you're starting. If you start
       | a project and exhaust the "why", it's ok to stop there.
       | Is it curiosity? Is it want to learn something new? Is it want to
       | check out a new technology? You could well answer these questions
       | without actually finishing a project (it the final project itself
       | wasn't the original "why").
       | If you want some real life "why"s, you could check out one of the
       | many Covid-19 project aggregators. Here is an aggregator of such
       | aggregators: https://covid19projects.now.sh/
       | billjings wrote:
       | I've been in the same boat my whole life. But I'm currently
       | working on a side project, and I've made substantial progress on
       | it.
       | It arose as a natural fruit of a daily writing practice I
       | instituted. That writing practice itself came out of a couple of
       | things:
       | 1. I owned my desire to create something. Instead of guilt
       | tripping myself for not writing, imposing the "If you only had
       | your shit together like everyone else, you'd etc etc etc" line of
       | thinking on my behavior, I honestly looked at myself and said,
       | "You know, this bothers you not because you're a bad person who
       | can't get anything done, but because you want to write. If you
       | decided not to write anything, you would still be a perfectly
       | fine person and you could live a happy life."
       | 2. I let go of the creative process as a way of achieving
       | outcomes I wanted, and embraced it as a way to happily spend my
       | free time and make things that satisfied my own standards.
       | A couple of months into my daily writing practice, it somehow
       | mutated into a programming project. My programming still operates
       | within the conceptual loop of my writing, but I suppose it could
       | have turned into anything else.
       | My advice would be to reflect on what you're doing moment to
       | moment and build a narrative around it. Sometimes it can be
       | invaluable to just write down what happened: "Well, I was working
       | on this roguelike in Rust, but then I saw some blog posts about
       | Common Lisp and decided I'd write a graphical solitaire game in
       | CL." And from there you can understand _why_ it is you are doing
       | what you are doing, which will probably be more effective than
       | castigating yourself for doing what you 're doing.
       | stared wrote:
       | I have a similar thing - too easy to generate an idea, too hard
       | to move them forward. Some die after opening a code editor, some
       | half an hour later.
       | First and foremost - if it is your style, try focusing on short
       | projects - something that can be done in a few hours. But once
       | you decide, make a rule that for 3 hours you stick for it.
       | For anything longer that one day, I try to find collaborators
       | (otherwise it is impossible). Importantly, they do not even need
       | to touch the same parts of code - it is enough that I get some
       | stimuli from time to time. Even for things that are day long, I
       | try to move checkpoint-by-checkpoint, to have a sense of
       | completion.
       | ...
       | In general, I really recommend diving in materials on ADHD,
       | especially "Driven to Distraction" https://www.amazon.com/Driven-
       | Distraction-Revised-Recognizin..., this attention-jumping may be
       | a symptom of larger issues.
       | Another thing that is worth nvestigating - WHY do you quit? Is it
       | like that there are too many ideas? Or maybe being afraid of
       | failure. (Vide perfectionism & procrastination.)
       | On the other hand, I strongly object to some pieces of advice
       | found in the thread, in the line of "if you cannot sustain
       | attention, it means it is not worth it". Well, it might be true
       | for the neurotypical population, but certainly isn't for AD(H)D
       | folks.
       | throwawaypa123 wrote:
       | Find a problem to solve. Don't focus on tools.
       | You want to do these side projects to show to yourself that YOU
       | can do it. Focus on the problem not on the skill.
         | zerr wrote:
         | This is hard. Either your problem can already be solved with an
         | existing tool or you are not interested in solving that problem
         | (hence it is not that problem:)).
       | sova wrote:
       | This is a great question and one that often goes unnoticed: I
       | observe my optimal work habits and patterns, instead of seeing
       | them as a drawback, how to turn it advantageous?
       | If your optimal flow is 2-3 days spurts on mini projects then
       | think of a big project and break it down into these mini-
       | projects. If you can build one power ranger, you can build the
       | mega ranger, just thoughtfully break the tasks into pieces first.
       | More importantly, you need a topic you are passionate about, and
       | then you can use all your computer knowhow to make tools with
       | that domain as a central focus or backbone. Again, you don't even
       | have to stick with the same toolkit as long as you can break your
       | work into meaningful mini projects.
       | Celebrate and rejoice when you complete mini projects, and keep
       | your eye on how satisfying it will be to make big projects come
       | perfectly together. If it took many people many days to build the
       | pyramids, it will probably take one person a while to build one.
       | I don't think that's unreasonable, the key is staying motivated.
       | Come to the desert and leave with a pyramid
       | fimdomeio wrote:
       | If it's a real project in my life and not something I'm just
       | playing around with I force myself into a mindset where "It's
       | only worth starting if I can get it out into the world". Start
       | less projects, finish more projects. When I start switching
       | things to do every five minutes, normally is because I'm tired,
       | want to do things but don't have the energy. Then I try to just
       | stop and rest, tomorrow's another day.
       | Snoddas wrote:
       | Find something that bothers you in your everyday life and make a
       | MVP that solves that problem.
       | henearkr wrote:
       | Build something that you need (like, scratch an itch).
       | Maverick073 wrote:
       | This works for me:
       | Let's say I have an idea and I spend a few hours researching
       | about it and get very excited. I don't start working on it
       | immediately. I sit on it for a few days and revisit the idea, say
       | after a week. If I am still excited to work on it, I'll start
       | working on the project, otherwise I drop it.
       | ryeguy_24 wrote:
       | I'm just like you.
       | I stumbled upon a book called Refuse to Choose and it's about a
       | personality type (that is definitely not ADHD) that happens to
       | want to do a lot of things (sometimes in parallel or in
       | sequence). It was very comforting to know others struggle with
       | this and this book helps you to be ok with it. I wouldn't say it
       | "cured" me but I think about it differently now and use it more
       | to my advantage. Worth a read at a minimum.
       | There was one very profound idea in this book that goes like
       | this:
       | "If you are no longer interested in a project you started, maybe
       | you already got what you came for".
       | In essence, maybe it's not the finishing of the project you came
       | for but maybe the learning or understanding of how it could be
       | done if it were to be done.
       | This realization is interesting for someone who exhibits this
       | behavior. When I was a kid, I loved to build legos but after
       | following the instructions and building a kit, I wouldn't touch
       | it again. As I think back now, it likely was because "I got what
       | I came for" (the challenge of putting it together was more
       | interesting to me than the end product).
         | droobles wrote:
         | This speaks to me on an almost spiritual level, I need to get
         | this book!
         | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
         | This seems to be answering "how can I stick with a side
         | project?" with "you don't need to." Maybe it's good advice, but
         | OP specifically emphasized asking folks how to finish.
         | > Has anyone else experienced this, and, _more importantly,
         | found their way out? How?_
         | [emphasis mine]
         | arosier wrote:
         | "maybe you already got what you came for."
         | As someone who frequently starts projects and doesn't finish
         | them, I've wondered if the part I enjoy about the project is
         | the dreaming about what could be. That little rush you get when
         | a new idea is upon you and it's all you can think about for x
         | days. Doing the initial research and formulating a plan.
         | This is a dopamine rush for me. The feeling of being laser
         | focused for those few days is invigorating. The start of
         | something new, the potential for life changing work.
         | It usually stops there. Maybe that's what I came for.
           | badloginagain wrote:
           | FWIW I've found that there is a cross section between
           | excitement of a new project and the momentum of that project.
           | Most projects fizz out when the excitement wears off before
           | the amount of work you've already done on it has enough
           | momentum to push you to do one more task.
           | When I push though that motivational hurdle, I find the
           | amount of work already done incentives to continue on with
           | it. The next task is obvious and relatively easy, because
           | there is something to work with.
           | Now, losing confidence that everything you've written is
           | garbage and refactoring the same systems over and over again
           | until you give up- that's the hurdle I choke on :D
             | tachyonbeam wrote:
             | > Now, losing confidence that everything you've written is
             | garbage and refactoring the same systems over and over
             | again until you give up- that's the hurdle I choke on :D
             | My recommendation would be to pick a very small project and
             | have specific goals for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Try
             | to define a project you can complete in a week or two. Keep
             | the list of specific features you want very short. Then,
             | remember that the code doesn't have to be perfect, it only
             | has to be good enough to implement those specific features
             | you wanted. It doesn't have to handle epic amounts of
             | traffic, etc. It's ok to cut some corners round as long as
             | it does the job for what you're trying to achieve.
             | Otherwise, just as a general mindset, I try to remind
             | myself that a lot can be done incrementally. Sometimes it's
             | important just to build a working version of your software
             | so you can try it out and learn some lessons by playing
             | with the working software. If you stop and refactor
             | endlessly in an attempt to try to build the perfect system,
             | you'll never get to the point where you're actually trying
             | a working version of your program... Which is the point
             | where you realize what's really important or not to achieve
             | what you want.
             | arosier wrote:
             | Agreed, I have found that as well. I have tried to define
             | how much momentum I need to stay engaged. For instance, I
             | started a YouTube channel. The process of creating videos
             | was a short enough feedback loop (a few days max to
             | start/finish a video) that I was able to stay engaged for
             | longer than normal. I fed off of each finished video as the
             | momentum to keep working on the project of "growing an
             | audience around a topic I was passionate about".
             | I have also found that I am able to stay engaged in other
             | applications where I have a shorter feedback loop, to
             | maintain momentum.
               | rchaud wrote:
               | That's a great example. I experienced something similar
               | with my side project, which was a music magazine app,
               | similar in concept to the (failed) iPad interactive
               | magazine projects that were all the rage back in 2012 or
               | so.
               | It was very challenging to build something that scaled to
               | phones and tablets while having a magazine-type aesthetic
               | (compartmentalized information on each discrete page).
               | In the end, I abandoned it, and decided to create mini-
               | zines and post them to Instagram as slideshows. Zero
               | interactivity, but they're orders of magnitude faster to
               | make, layout is constrained to IG's 1:1 aspect ratio and
               | and I already have the artboards as I used Sketch to
               | build my static mockups.
               | tartoran wrote:
               | I think you made a good saving of the initial investment
               | and still managed to to publish your content which is
               | mission accomplished. In fact you're likely to be
               | consumed from IG.
               | I also tend to go to the path of least resistance and do
               | things in batches and the simplest way possible but
               | concentrate on the most important aspect of it, the
               | content. In the end this is the winner solution for me,
               | if I were to take the long road I would most likely
               | stumble upon details that are not important. If they are
               | important there's a possibility to fix one aspect or
               | another.
               | rchaud wrote:
               | True, I was stumbling on details constantly. Page load
               | times, optimizing for screen sizes (this was a no-scroll,
               | pure swipe-based mag), and it was very discouraging.
               | And you're also right about IG, people actually saw it
               | and it would come up if people searched the tags. As a
               | passion project, that's 70% of what I wanted. That
               | remaining 30% probably wouldn't have been worth the
               | effort.
           | jasonv wrote:
           | I was reading a book called "You're Not Crazy - You're
           | Codependent" (not relevant, except the source of what comes
           | next in my comment) wherein the author made a distinction
           | between "dreaming" and "fantasizing", the latter being
           | destructive (in some cases) or unsatisfying.
           | I feel the distinction is valuable for me, but I've also been
           | helping my teenager work through his challenges wherein he
           | hits the first speed bump and invariably gives up on
           | something. Getting "through" the challenge has been a
           | learning process for him.
           | He realizes he doesn't want to kick things up over and over
           | again, only to hit the first roadblock and then lose
           | interest.
             | arosier wrote:
             | Interesting distinction between "dreaming" and
             | "fantasizing". Does the author define the two as the same
             | process with the only difference being the effect the
             | action has on you (e.g. destructive/unsatisfying)?
               | jasonv wrote:
               | I don't have access to the text right now, but when you
               | consider the literal definition of "fantasizing", it's
               | pretty heavy: "to imagine things only possible in
               | fantasy"
             | spookybones wrote:
             | I was thinking the same thing. The rush from the
             | possibility versus the actuality applies to relationships
             | as well.
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | I'd bet a few dollars that this is the most common answer. A
           | little piece of anecdata, being stuck, jobless and
           | confidentless due to too much of this dopamine rush theory, i
           | did propose to write something for my 'boss', at a food
           | store, a little single user vue app [0].
           | a few conclusion :
           | - i did actually deliver something functional (for a change)
           | - i still had twenty thousand dreamy ideas (as noted in a
           | lengthy TODO file)
           | - doing something for someone else changes our your brain
           | rolls. you dream less because you want to make them happy
           | - it was painful at times, dealing with constraints
           | - but solving these was a good feeling. a bit less exciting
           | but longer lasting. a feeling of knowing more and deeper
           | (much unlike dreamy brainstorming)
           | - it makes you operate for true progress, you aim at surgical
           | advances instead of abstract designs. that is a great thing.
           | sobering
           | my 2 cents
           | [0] the theory behind it was that I'd do something simple,
           | without pressure, that I may sell, or at least put on my
           | resume (vuejs being trendy)..
           | pharke wrote:
           | As someone who tends to do the same, I don't think this is a
           | good description of what is happening. The way I view it is
           | that any project has the same progression of initial
           | excitement, frenzied work and determination, discovery of the
           | real scope, the descent into the Valley of Despair as you
           | continue to wrestle with the problem and then the fork in the
           | road where you either give up and abandon the work or you
           | persevere through the Dark Forest of Unknowns where your
           | progress is often measured in inches until you climb the Hill
           | of Competency where you can again make meaningful gains and
           | catch a second wind until you enter the Swamp of Drudgery
           | where you again must slog your way through until you reach
           | the base of Mount Perfection where you can finally ship it.
           | StavrosK wrote:
           | I frequently think about how lucky I am that my dopamine rush
           | is linked to seeing projects finished. People ask me how I
           | get so much done, but there really isn't much of an answer
           | other than "I like doing them and I enjoy seeing them
           | finished".
           | Here's a beeping ball toy I made for my blind cat yesterday:
           | https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ml-2KgjsW/
           | quickthrower2 wrote:
           | I found having an ideas sheet is good for this. You can know
           | the idea is recorded and that removes the desire to
           | immediately work on it. And you can later logically choose
           | the best thing to work on from the list
             | itronitron wrote:
             | Yeah, I recommend keeping a sketchbook/journal to write
             | down and plan out the side-projects, then when you have
             | more available time pick which one to start on given how
             | feasible and interesting they are _now_. From my own
             | experience I have found that if something still sounds
             | interesting two months after writing it down then it 's
             | something worth spending time on.
         | corecoder wrote:
         | I'll definitely get the book.
         | > _"If you are no longer interested in a project you started,
         | maybe you already got what you came for"._
         | I don't know. It's one thing to leave a project unfinished, or
         | to loose interest when it's time to fix the UI, but it's
         | another thing to not be able to make progress at all.
           | brlewis wrote:
           | In my side projects I always keep todo.txt. There's a line
           | for each thing I need to do, in order. Putting new things in
           | that file and removing ones that get done becomes a kind of
           | game. Try that on whichever idea you find yourself coming
           | back to again and again.
         | wastedhours wrote:
         | > "If you are no longer interested in a project you started,
         | maybe you already got what you came for"
         | Very much this - I have very few finished side projects, but in
         | hindsight I can track the course from even my first personal
         | project in school to where I am today.
         | Madmallard wrote:
         | Yeah you're getting dopamine.
         | Those that are more successful can get past that and make
         | something more profound. There's a lot more than dopamine when
         | you make something you can be truly proud of, that can
         | potentially be a living for you as well.
         | trevorrr wrote:
         | I can recommend this book, too. Most helpful for me was the
         | concept of the scanner personality.
         | Sometimes it just seems as you are not finishing things, for
         | me, it's more like I'm letting some things rest for quite a
         | long time but pick them up again later. I'm just craving
         | variety to get fresh input for all the other things and I see
         | this as a skill. Today I am glad that I haven't unlearned to
         | play around.
         | It has its benefits, tons of it, I was only unhappy with it as
         | long as I've let others stigmatize me as lazy or undisciplined
         | for how I am.
         | ddelt wrote:
         | I'm also just like you. So much so that what you just described
         | speaks volumes to me. I'm going to read the book you just
         | recommended. Thank you!
         | naasking wrote:
         | > "If you are no longer interested in a project you started,
         | maybe you already got what you came for".
         | Agree, I've been through this myself plenty of times. I think
         | there's a way to turn this into a tactic though: a completed
         | project has loads of gaps and finishing touches that a learning
         | prototype lacks, and it comes with it's own interesting
         | challenges that are hard to predict.
         | So if you're interested in learning what a finished product
         | would entail, you can only achieve that understanding by
         | finishing a product. I've found that there are some products
         | where I'm interested in understanding all of the details, and
         | some which I'm not, and that's sometimes helped filter which
         | projects I should stick with.
         | The worst outcome is when I have to shelve a project because
         | the tooling just isn't mature or usable enough to make the
         | project fun.
         | globular-toast wrote:
         | > "If you are no longer interested in a project you started,
         | maybe you already got what you came for".
         | That's definitely the case with many of my unfinished projects.
         | My "operating system" is a good example. I have an OS written
         | completely from scratch for RPi3 that can run concurrent
         | processes (and pretty much nothing else). I started to look
         | into using the MMU but quickly realised that it's very hard and
         | I'm not really that interested in it right now. All I really
         | wanted to know was how to write an operating system. Now I
         | know, but I'll almost certainly never actually write a proper
         | one.
         | bmelton wrote:
         | > If you are no longer interested in a project you started,
         | maybe you already got what you came for
         | This line alone got me to go buy the book.
         | As someone who's constantly churning through ideas, and who
         | _feels_ afflicted by ADHD just enough to worry about it but not
         | quite enough to actually think I have it, I 've found myself
         | abandoning a bunch of projects when at a 'mostly done' state.
         | Generally, I tackle the interesting parts of a project, and
         | once I've gotten the proof of concept working (whether it's a
         | visual PoC or technical PoC) and the only parts left to do are
         | the boring user registration / billing parts, that's when I
         | lose interest.
         | I've watched my prototypes languish, and over the years I've
         | seen other people execute them after I have and go on to great
         | success, and have decided to make peace with the knowledge that
         | I'm probably not the guy that would have devised a strong
         | marketing plan, beat doors down or cold-called for sales, etc.,
         | but a part of me laments that I didn't bother finishing them at
         | the time so as to at least act as social proof to point to and
         | say "I did that first," even acknowledging the pointlessness of
         | it.
         | Thanks so much for the recommendation.
           | andrecarini wrote:
           | > I'm probably not the guy that would have devised a strong
           | marketing plan, beat doors down or cold-called for sales
           | Ever considered pairing up with someone from a nontechnical
           | background?
             | bmelton wrote:
             | I've tried a variety of things. The first big step once I
             | realized that I was sloughing off the boring bits was to
             | try tackling the boring bits first. Start with a basic app
             | that included user registration, an empty FAQ page, etc.,
             | but that generally meant quitting the project earlier
             | rather than later. Then I thought well, maybe I'll just
             | build up a library of reusable components for that, but hey
             | guess what? That stuff is _boring_
             | So, that's the long way around, but yes, I have partnered
             | up with people who might compliment my lacking skills, but
             | it's tough finding people motivated enough that I feel like
             | I'm letting them down if I don't keep up. I'm generally
             | great at getting projects going through the hard bits, but
             | in my experience, most other people fall off or lose
             | interest in the project before it even gets to the point
             | that I might.
             | To date, the only thing that reliably ensures I'll complete
             | a project is paying me to complete a project. Weirdly, if
             | I'm getting paid for something, my mind doesn't suffer any
             | of these ailments. I will still cherrypick the most
             | interesting work to do, but if there are features with
             | deadlines, so long as there's money in it, I have no
             | problems getting myself back on track.
               | agitator wrote:
               | I'm exactly the same way 100%. I've gotten incredible
               | things done at startups and companies, where my work
               | alone was floating the companies, and the products I
               | created became the main product of the companies.
               | But every time I realize "Why am I handing someone else
               | all this value", and venture out on my own, I can't seem
               | to motivate myself in the same way. It blows my mind and
               | I can't seem to figure it out.
               | Maybe I need to invent an imaginary supervisor to report
               | to at the end of the day.
               | andrecarini wrote:
               | > Maybe I need to invent an imaginary supervisor to
               | report to at the end of the day.
               | Heh, someone had that idea too and turned it into a
               | startup: Boss as a Service
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18512197
         | relativeadv wrote:
         | Awesome thanks for the book recommendation, just picked it up.
         | For me, this has been the defining struggle of my adult life.
         | I've only just become truly aware of it though but when I think
         | back to stuff like when I was a kid playing MMORPGs I would
         | utterly struggle to make a character to level 10 before re-
         | rolling for something more appealing.
         | Now it is almost a pathological issue I have where I just can't
         | seem to choose something that interests me because honestly,
         | everything is just as equally interesting. Painting, guitar,
         | cooking, lifting, game development, ios development, etc. Its
         | like paralysis by analysis to the nth degree. It's easy to say
         | "just try some things and stick with what you enjoy" but
         | eventually the going gets (slightly) tough and i just wimp out
         | and quit. Except for lifting...for whatever reason I've been
         | obsessed with that for almost a decade now.
           | slothtrop wrote:
           | Similarly I've managed to stick with lifting, and cooking.
           | The others aforementioned have faltered, but I am finding
           | enjoyment in reading and research, and games. I think when
           | I've reduced the pressure on myself to produce creatively at
           | my leisure, so too has the stress. But I still do want to be
           | creative.
           | lososos wrote:
           | >Except for lifting...for whatever reason I've been obsessed
           | with that for almost a decade now.
           | My hypothesis is that exercise, especially weight training,
           | is one of the few activities where the growth curve is front-
           | loaded with improvement. The phenomenon of "noob gains"
           | provides positive feedback much quicker than other
           | activities, and that feedback is much easier to get--just
           | look at how much you lifted this week compared to two weeks
           | ago, or how fast you ran that last mile.
           | By the time your gains start to slow down--whether that's six
           | months or a year from now--you've already developed a habit.
           | sopooneo wrote:
           | In my twenties, with no responsibilities and with some money,
           | I thought to get a motorcycle and learn to ride it. I stopped
           | when I looked at my room and saw the vast number of things I
           | was already dabbling with and deep-diving. I knew that if I
           | got a motorcycle it would consume my interest for something
           | like five years as I had to understand how every single part
           | worked down to the bolt.
           | That could be a great thing. But for me, then, I didn't want
           | to go into suspended animation for half a decade and wake up
           | with deep motorcycle knowledge. So I completely dropped it.
           | ryeguy_24 wrote:
           | I totally have the same issue. Now that I know this pattern
           | about myself, I pause before doing anything because I know
           | that the n-th state is me stopping the project. But I'm
           | learning to push through and just engage in projects, because
           | the paralysis is way worse for me than the doing and
           | stopping.
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | > "If you are no longer interested in a project you started,
         | maybe you already got what you came for".
         | I also realized this at some point but as a compromise I now
         | take the time to write some text to document some conclusions.
         | This helps with two things:
         | It feels more finished, which is important for my mental
         | hygiene.
         | And when I do come back to something at a later point I can re-
         | assess quickly what the circumstances and the value was, which
         | can be very practical, especially if it was just some small
         | exploratory thing.
           | ryeguy_24 wrote:
           | This is exactly one of the tips the book provides. Good
           | validation of the book I guess.
         | vladsanchez wrote:
         | I always attributed this behavior to undiagnosed ADHD, but
         | "Scanner" is a, unique but fitting, group I never heard of.
         | Thanks for sharing!
         | Zoom Party would be great! ;)
           | LeonB wrote:
           | ...unique, unresearched, vague, made up, not treatable unlike
           | ADHD, but lacking in negative stigma because it's new and
           | exciting and therefore even more likely to appeal to someone
           | with untreated ADHD...
         | slothtrop wrote:
         | In Myers-Briggs they'd call that either the INTP or ENTP type.
         | Similarly, I'm more interested in research, learning. I'm in
         | the wrong profession.
           | blueshirt wrote:
           | And in Ayurveda it's called a Vata mind!
           | abakker wrote:
           | INTP here. Starting projects and having multiples at once
           | sure seems comfortable, but, ADD does not. It is a measure of
           | rigor that there are projects that get done. Now, there's
           | something to be said for projects that were always "low
           | priority" and are waiting for the right moment, but there are
           | also ephemeral, same-day kind of projects that come from
           | having the tools/resources available to you to scratch
           | whatever itch you have.
           | IMO, OP's problem isn't that he/she can't decide which side
           | project to do, it's that they have already decided that the
           | side project involves coding, and they're already a good
           | coder. Doing your job as a side project seems...boring. Pick
           | something you don't know how to do, but wish you did. Learn
           | CAD, use a bandsaw, 3D print a D20, or just take your bike
           | all the way apart. This idea that every software engineer
           | needs to treat software as their hobby is frustrating to me.
           | Bankers, lawyers, and doctors don't do that, why should
           | software engineers?
             | slothtrop wrote:
             | I can agree that yet more coding as a hobby is the dullest
             | thing imaginable, when it's your job. Honestly between
             | reading/research, gaming, music and exercise/outings my
             | leisure time fills up quickly enough. That being said I had
             | long clung to the idea of having something to show, a
             | creative effort. I've tried writing and that's been
             | sputtering.
         | LeonB wrote:
         | I see a big disconnect between:
         | " I know! I'll write a roguelike in X! Five minutes later, I'm
         | thinking: fuck roguelikes! I'll write a graphical solitar card
         | game with Y! Five minutes later, I don't care for it anymore,
         | and would rather write an isomorphic strategy game in Z."
         | And:
         | "If you are no longer interested in a project you started,
         | maybe you already got what you came for."
         | There is no way that you got what you came for in those five
         | minutes.
         | There's several orders or magnitude that fit into this
         | disconnect and it just says "ADHD-I" to me.
         | ...and I feel my eyes roll back into my head when I read this:
         | "...a personality type (that is definitely not ADHD)"
         | ...because the invention of new personality types and the
         | stigmatic treatment of ADHD is just... very shallow.
           | imdsm wrote:
           | > "If you are no longer interested in a project you started,
           | maybe you already got what you came for."
           | I found a method for this which works for me. I have a book
           | labelled "Ideas & Inventions" and when I have an idea, I
           | write down everything that suddenly hit me, and I keep
           | writing until I feel I have exhausted the idea. If the idea
           | then goes, I leave it in the book. If the idea remains, I
           | write about it again, until, if it remains and I have to
           | implement it, I do so.
           | Sometimes it will be a game idea (I've spent time as a game
           | dev, the last idea cost me a couple of years & my family
           | before I realised it wasn't worth it), sometimes it's an
           | invention (electronics, mechanical, or both), and sometimes
           | it's just an idea in general.
           | I find that the feeling that I have to make something is my
           | way of preserving an idea, and to simply write down the idea
           | often fulfils this need. And of the many ideas I write down,
           | only the ones which really matter make it past the notebook
           | phase.
           | Hope this helps others out there, and if you do try this
           | method and find it helps, please let me know!
             | bugBunny wrote:
             | Thanks for the tip, will probably try to rewrite the idea
             | myself.
           | GuiA wrote:
           | If you weren't that serious about making a rogue-like in the
           | first place and what you really wanted was the rush of
           | starting a rogue like project, then sure you got what you
           | came for.
           | Much like a kid might say they want to be a footballer or
           | musician - what they really want is the fame and recognition
           | of being a footballer, not the 6 hours of intense training
           | every day for years without any fame and glory. We see this
           | much more in tech than we did 10 years ago, because now
           | everyone wants to be a rockstar CEO hacker startup founder
           | making a $1 billion exit at 19.
           | And in fact in some cases you can suck it up, major in CS,
           | get a prestigious tech job, and then after a few years burn
           | out because you realize you never really liked CS/programming
           | in the first place, you just liked the social stickers that
           | were on it. I've seen it happen many times in my career.
           | Often these people will pivot to being PMs or some "tech
           | lite" function and be much happier for it.
           | The fact that people suck at knowing what they really want
           | doesn't make the observation any less valid.
           | What that means is that you have to get really good at
           | knowing what you actually like and enjoy - not what you enjoy
           | on the surface of it not for its own sake, but for some
           | values attached to it.
             | markus_zhang wrote:
             | I can relate this to part of my experience picking up
             | stuffs and putting down in a couple of weeks.
             | Sometime I can feel that I'm in this or that because of
             | some ego or future bragging and they dropped dead quickly.
             | But then again this probably roots from my childhood as I
             | tended to appease to my teacher or parents to do a lot of
             | things I don't enjoy. So it's really difficult to tell
             | nowadays if I really enjoy doing this or not.
             | Gene_Parmesan wrote:
             | If this is a pattern that persists throughout this
             | individual's life, it's highly correlated with ADHD. We're
             | talking about someone who literally changes their mind
             | within about 5 to 10 minutes, multiple times a day. At
             | least, that's what would happen to me pre-diagnosis.
               | slothtrop wrote:
               | You don't necessarily need ADHD for this to be a trait.
               | Source: me. I don't change my mind every 5 minutes, I
               | just lose interest in certain projects.
           | Gene_Parmesan wrote:
           | I'm a guy who got diagnosed with ADHD-PI when I was 28 and it
           | instantly made so much of my life make sense. (I went from an
           | unfulfilling career I hated to self-teaching CS and software
           | dev & getting a job in the field within about three years.)
           | And yes, I also got very strong ADHD vibes from this post.
           | Having said that, I'm certainly not a doctor and there are a
           | lot of things besides "can't stick with side projects" that
           | go into a diagnosis.
           | But if the OP (or others reading) also experiences issues
           | with working memory, losing items like wallets or keys,
           | following directions (not because you dislike them but
           | because you just can't keep them straight), sleep issues
           | (generally, staying up significantly later than average),
           | physical restlessness such as restless legs, forgetting
           | appointments, lots of emotional impulsivity via outbursts, a
           | very strong pull towards stimulating things like reckless
           | driving, dangerous levels of drinking or drug use, etc.,
           | among others, they might benefit from discussing with a
           | doctor.
             | slothtrop wrote:
             | I have zero issue with focus or any aforementioned issues
             | (save occasional insomnia) but still identify with OP.
             | ilikehurdles wrote:
             | I'm scared of how accurately your second paragraph
             | describes me. Well, there are a few differences (I don't
             | lose things, mainly). Thanks for the glimmer of hope.
             | lyrr wrote:
             | My god, literally everything in that second paragraph is
             | what I do.
           | freehunter wrote:
           | Ignoring the fact that "five minutes" was probably just
           | hyperbole, you can absolutely get what you came for in five
           | minutes. Five minutes is long enough for me to validate an
           | idea from "wouldn't it be cool to do X?" to "man I really
           | don't want to do X". And I've just gotten what I came for,
           | validating (or invalidating) an idea.
           | Just because you _have_ an idea doesn't mean it's worth
           | pursuing that idea, especially if it turns out you're not
           | interested in that idea after all.
             | Davertron wrote:
             | I think this is a pretty important point. Often times I
             | think I'm interested in doing something or I like the idea
             | of it, but it doesn't take me very long to realize that I'm
             | completely disinterested because of the actuality of the
             | thing. I'm OK with that.
             | I think the parent is probably trying to say that you
             | definitely haven't done enough exploring on most subjects
             | in a short time to find and glean all the interesting bits,
             | and I agree with that as well. There are work projects that
             | I would have abandoned long ago if they were personal
             | projects that I have got A TON out of by sticking with them
             | and working on them for years. But in those years there has
             | been a lot of slog as well, and it's probably not the
             | optimal way to mine all the knowledge nuggets...
           | slothtrop wrote:
           | I read "five minutes" as being hyperbolic, but it could
           | simply be a rapid deflation of interest even without gaining
           | new knowledge. I've read about creating a roguelike but
           | didn't have the interest to really go forward with it.
           | HenryBemis wrote:
           | I dare to suggest meditation. We all get X number of
           | ideas/thoughts/images/etc flying through our brain every
           | waking minute. To be able to focus and do "deep work" we need
           | to either break through the noise/clutter on our minds, or
           | meditate/use yoga to teach our mind to be "quieter". I
           | managed that after "a while" with Iyengar yoga (I assume that
           | most types of yoga will do) but I liked this one better for
           | its discipline.
           | For the question, another simple way is to dedicate "X amount
           | of days". Increase the "5 minutes" to "5 days". 5 minutes can
           | be misleading. 5 days is enough time to (for sure) know if
           | you want to proceed or drop. You can try your period to be
           | fewer or more (days), but definitely NOT a 5-minute-cycle.
         | marianov wrote:
         | My pshrink told me the same "maybe you just like to learn the
         | new technique, not to finish". Like that I have welded a ton of
         | steel into a carport, then left it unpainted. Given the fact
         | that I always focus on the hard parts and the struggle to
         | finishe the "details" and that throughout my career I've been
         | inclined to do POCs, MVPs, and never finish things. That and
         | the fact that every single day it takes me several times to
         | cross the door because I forget the wallet, keys, phone, etc,
         | make me wonder about ADHD Is there a "cure" for it or is it
         | just a label to get and use as excuse?
         | edit: I got bored of the pshrink after 5 sessions
           | Kaze404 wrote:
           | ADHD isn't an excuse, there is treatment.
           | zenhack wrote:
           | ADHD is absolutlely a real thing, it is treatable, and there
           | is a large adult population that is undiagnosed. If you're
           | struggling and you suspect it may be related to ADHD, you
           | should look into getting tested.
           | My girlfriend got her diagnosis just a couple years ago
           | (she's 38 now). The impact Adderall has had on her
           | organizational capacity is immense.
           | mm89 wrote:
           | Hmm I do have ADHD but your first statement "learn the
           | technique, not to finish" definitely could apply to me both
           | in technical (software engineering and coding) areas of my
           | life as well as artistic (music, recording, mixing, etc.).
         | dinkleberg wrote:
         | That struggle is real. I've got a ridiculous amount of half-
         | finished MVPs that I simply got bored of. It often makes me
         | feel like an absolute failure, especially when I've told others
         | about something I'm working on. When they ask "Hey, how is that
         | project X you were working on 3 months ago going?" I'll have to
         | think about it because it was probably 3 projects ago.
         | But I think you're spot on. From each of these projects I've
         | gained something, and once I've hit that point the drive has
         | gone away.
         | While I often feel like a failure with all of my "failed
         | projects", in my day job people are often blown away by how I
         | seem to know a lot about everything. The truth is it's because
         | I end up trying most things in some fashion with one of these
         | many projects.
           | JackFr wrote:
           | I've been working on the same project for over 15 years. It's
           | been written in C, C++, Python, Ruby, Java and Scala. It had
           | an XWindows front end, Swing front end and now a simple web
           | front end (but there is talk of moving to Vue or React.) It
           | ran on the local machine, then shared web hosting, and now
           | AWS. It's used flat files, SQL and Mongo for storage.
           | Currently it's in the shop because I decided to rip
           | everything into microservices and deploy it using Kubernetes.
           | Along the way I learned 2 things. First, I like solving the
           | same problem over and over again with different technology.
           | You learn both the new technology and uncover aspects of your
           | problem you hadn't seen before. Second, it's important to
           | release. I've got a website with 75% of the links broken, and
           | the only visitors are me and the googlebot, but it's
           | released. There's an artifact I can show my wife or my
           | brother without firing up an IDE. It makes a big difference
           | with respect to a sense of accomplishment (despite the broken
           | links.)
             | dinkleberg wrote:
             | That's awesome! Maintaining the same project over 15 years,
             | having gone through many transformations, has got to be an
             | incredibly valuable experience.
             | I always try new problems with new technologies, but I can
             | see the benefits of sticking to one problem over and over.
           | transitivebs wrote:
           | I feel your pain.
           | If we can minimize the amount of time & effort it takes to go
           | from idea to launchable MVP, then all of these side projects
           | and future ones suddenly become significantly more viable.
           | I wrote about this goal in-depth here:
           | https://blog.saasify.sh/finding-your-passion-as-a-developer/
           | partisan wrote:
           | > in my day job people are often blown away by how I seem to
           | know a lot about everything
           | This has made my meandering journey worthwhile as well. I
           | don't have many completed projects under my belt, but I have
           | gathered quite a bit of design and coding techniques,
           | different languages, technologies, etc.
           | The one completed project (completed in a programming sense,
           | but not a business sense), was one that was done just quick
           | and dirty with no patterns, no architecting of any kind. I
           | resolved to not learn anything in the process (besides
           | understanding the dataset I was parsing for human
           | consumption). In this way, I was able to actually "finish"
           | something. That said, I did learn about deploying on digital
           | ocean, about the importance of having a repeatable deployment
           | process, etc, so it was actually a good learning experience
           | in the end.
           | have_faith wrote:
           | > half-finished MVPs
           | What I would give to have half finished MVP's! I have a long
           | list of ideas that I can't decide which one is the most
           | worthwhile to pursue, so none of them get started.
             | markus_zhang wrote:
             | at least you don't waste much time...
           | lancesells wrote:
           | I feel this comment. I always have multiple stacks of
           | physical drawings and notes for different projects that I'm
           | working on but don't always finish.
           | However, the best thing about all of these unfinished
           | projects is it gets easier and easier to learn different
           | things. Even when my interests don't have overlap they seem
           | to add value to each other.
         | aryzach wrote:
         | I used to be a lot like this too. Eventually I got tired of it
         | because I felt like I never had anything to show (mostly show
         | to myself and feel proud of).
         | For hobbies/projects where the goal is just to unwind and enjoy
         | myself, sure, I still do this. But that's often still not
         | satisfying to me. I started making the intention to just
         | complete the damn thing, even when it wasn't fun anymore.
         | Motivation is hardly worth anything tbh. I used to only work
         | with motivation, and while it felt good at the time, nothing
         | ever got completed and I probably felt how you do a lot of the
         | time.
         | Second, learning is hard. If you think you're comfortable with
         | a new language, framework, whatever.. but you lose steam when
         | working on whatever your building with it, you might not know
         | it as good as you think you do. It's a lot easier to keep steam
         | when there aren't roadblocks, but when you continually come
         | across roadblocks, it just doesn't feel like your moving
         | towards your goal with much speed. But this is generally where
         | the learning takes place.
         | And I've also seen, finishing one project to completion makes
         | it a lot easier to finish the next project to completion. It's
         | a skill you have to learn (to do a personal project even when
         | it's not fun, and there's nobody telling you you have to do it)
         | tl;dr: for enjoyment and relaxation, don't finish projects if
         | you don't want. For learning / creating, make it the goal to
         | finish and know that it'll probably be not fun sometimes
           | jvalencia wrote:
           | I might also add that you may want to scope your projects
           | small. If you try to boil the ocean, you'd never get done.
         | ryeguy_24 wrote:
         | Also, I'd love to share notes with you or others because I
         | haven't met a ton of people that struggle with this. Zoom
         | party?
         | CodeGlitch wrote:
         | My "projects" folder on my PC is scattered with numerous
         | projects that I've started and never finished. These range from
         | games, tools and webpages - written in every language that I
         | found an interest in.
         | I think you're right in that it's the journey that matters to
         | some, not the destination. As I've gotten older, I feel less
         | pressured to finish these side-projects.
         | When it comes to actual day-job work. The final 20% of a
         | project is always the hardest for me. As I just want to move
         | onto the next great thing. The last 20% is always the worst
         | part for me (testing, bug fixing, documentation). It's what
         | they pay me for though :)
           | corecoder wrote:
           | > The final 20% of a project is always the hardest for me.
           | I'd be more than happy to get to the 80%. It seems like I
           | used to be able to do that when I was younger. It could be
           | that I aimed lower.
           | akavel wrote:
           | I like the saying I read/heard somewhere, that's I believe
           | based on Pareto principle, saying more or less: _" After
           | getting through 80% of a project, what's left to do, is just
           | to complete the remaining final 80%"_ :)
         | hentaiD00m wrote:
         | I've got this problem except with learning / studying.
         | I realized I am a lot into science and engineering late in
         | life. Now I want to do all of the Khan Academy in Chemistry and
         | Physics; learn nano-/bio-tech; learn cybersecurity... and
         | probably should just stick to learning backend dev in order to
         | get a job.
         | People call this being a polymath, but I am seriously concerned
         | for myself. The best I can do is take it one subject at a time.
         | On the building side, I simply have no ideas I am interested
         | going for.
         | kbash9 wrote:
         | Yes, but I think successful entrepreneurs know when to move on,
         | when to pivot and when to stick with it and PERSIST. I have
         | quote framed at my desk that goes something like this:
         | "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent
         | will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men[women]
         | with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a
         | proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated
         | derelicts. Persistence and determination alone will bring
         | success."
       | kissgyorgy wrote:
       | It helps a lot if you pick something you think is important, not
       | just start working on some random ideas.
       | Or maybe you can accept that you like jumping from project to
       | project and that's okay too.
       | _-___________-_ wrote:
       | Instead of tools you _might_ need, applications you _think_
       | about, and experiments, build something that you definitely want
       | (or, even better, need). Find inefficiencies or deficiencies in
       | your day-to-day that you can eliminate or ameliorate.
       | Another way is to build something that someone you care about
       | wants or needs. Pay attention to how people close to you
       | (especially those that are not engineers themselves) use
       | technology, and notice when there's an opportunity to make it
       | easier/better for them. Many great projects were born this way.
       | [deleted]
       | melvinroest wrote:
       | I can tell what I figured out about myself so far. Sorry for the
       | long post, it's tough to write concise. It also doesn't help that
       | I'm describing insights that took me 10 years to get sharp.
       | I have thoughts and intentions.
       | I have behaviours.
       | It's always puzzling to me how bad I am at predicting my
       | behaviour purely with my thoughts and intentions. I guess people
       | who are addicted to something that want to quit can relate (my
       | addiction: gaming/YouTube/HN -- I'll get back to this).
       | Because of this weird mismatch I've said to myself: the
       | predictive value of my thoughts and intentions is 0, it's
       | actually negative even. So all I can do is observe myself
       | behaviourally. Humans are quite bad at this, and research shows
       | that friends help with this. People outside of you observe your
       | behaviour better than you do. So either (1) get help from friends
       | to do this or (2) observe your behaviour like a ninja. Luckily
       | for me, I happen to be an introspective person by default, so I
       | chose option 2 (you can also choose both at the same time).
       | So do not trust your thoughts and intentions.
       | So observe your own behaviours.
       | After 10 years, I found out 2 fundamental motivational triggers.
       | One I found out about recently, and I am still figuring out how
       | to (ab)use it, and the other one has been (ab)used for years.
       | 1. I work amazingly well under pressure and stress. This is
       | especially the case when my schedule has no minute of spare time
       | and has some vague accountability system.
       | Example: I was incapable of studying one degree at university,
       | but I was amazingly capable at studying 2 degrees, while working
       | on the side, while having a social life and a girlfriend. I had
       | too little time in my schedule, so I used 4 hour work week tricks
       | to get it manageable.
       | What I also did was define a priority list. A lot of priorities
       | on the bottom of that list suffered an ill faith. But my most
       | important priorities (and then some) succeeded.
       | There is one downside with this. Yes, I was motivated. But I also
       | was stressed the whole time, and while the stressed was
       | manageable, I don't think it was a particularly fun time. It
       | sometimes was, and sometimes wasn't, but the pressure felt
       | painful. And while it worked for my motivation, it does do a lot
       | of damage to me existentially.
       | However, the good part: I do now have skills that I wished to
       | have. And existentially that actually does really help.
       | So motivation-wise: it works amazingly well. Regarding life
       | decisions: mixed results.
       | 2. Remember my addictions? I realised that I'm simply motivated
       | by human contact. Not just any human contact, but I am not fully
       | clear on the conditions yet. I know that I must like the person
       | and feel a connection in some cases.
       | A couple of cases where I've seen this:
       | A. Making music with someone just watching me (I was super
       | motivated). Making music alone the next day (I didn't do
       | anything).
       | B. Same story with playing Hack The Box. I hacked 16 hours per
       | day for a month and my buddy was simply putting in a normal work
       | week of it. He said: "you're so much more motivated than me." But
       | I knew if he'd stop playing Hack The Box, then I'd stop playing
       | eventually as well.
       | C. I thought a lot of university courses were easy, but not easy
       | enough to do nothing about it and pass a test. So I would go to
       | the lectures and be bored out of my mind because psychology is an
       | easy degree :D However, those lectures did actually motivate me
       | to then engage with the course material after the lecture. And
       | the thing is, I thought I would be capable of doing that on my
       | own, but I never was. So I continued going to lectures and be
       | bored, in order to be motivated later.
       | I am still figuring out how to exploit this, because this
       | motivational factor properly exploited is me winning at life. It
       | has: connection, productivity and a sense of "we're in this
       | together." I'm noticing I find it a bit hard to make friends. I
       | can't just say: oh, I like topic x now and then befriend someone
       | in that topic. If I could, I would be a lot more productive.
       | (I'm now realising this should become a blog post, moving on :P )
       | Writing all this gave me a new idea. I'm basically like a
       | framework and I found 2 motivational 'hooks' into it. The thing
       | is, I don't have a lot of control over these hooks, things can
       | stress me out (which motivates me) or things can make me feel
       | connected (which motivates me). If something hooks into my
       | 'motivational code' and I don't want it to be there then I
       | basically tend to say I'm addicted to: games, YouTube and HN (fun
       | fact: I don't like playing games alone that friends did not
       | introduce to me).
       | This means my mind needs to figure out on how to exploit this,
       | but also it begs the question: how does this work? I am pretty
       | sure it's emotional and it's a need based thing (self-
       | determination theory _definitely_ comes to mind here).
       | My question to you is: what are your motivational hooks? How does
       | the environment hook into your motivational code?
       | BONUS FACTOR!!! (I'm not making fun of marketing people :P )
       | 3. I made a side project for a month called doodledocs.com. It
       | partially came out of motivation factor 2. I was interviewing for
       | a company and they gave the most boring 2 day take home exercise
       | that I saw (make tic tac toe). So I decided to make something
       | awesome instead with their technology, and it took me a month.
       | Just having someone judging my work and me being in the same room
       | as that person helped quite a bit. However, another motivational
       | factor was that _I am frustrated_! I am frustrated with how not
       | far we are with having a pencil natively on the web. So I made
       | this app.
       | But frustration is definitely less of a factor than the other 2.
       | Frustration on its own doesn't work, but it does reduce the
       | amount of stress (factor 1) or connection needed (factor 2).
       | So I guess you could say there are necessary motivational factors
       | and sufficient motivational factors. A bit of stress or a bit of
       | connection is necessary but doesn't make it sufficient. A lot of
       | connection, for example, does make it sufficient. Also, for
       | example, a bit of connection + a lot of frustration does make it
       | sufficient.
       | I hope my self analysis helped you a bit. And if you're curious
       | about why I wrote this all out in the open and not on my laptop:
       | I am motivated by people reading it and reacting to it. My sense
       | of connection (motivation factor 2) is definitely at play here.
         | shostack wrote:
         | Definitely blog post worthy. Thanks for sharing.
         | I've noticed similar triggers and hooks and such with myself as
         | a fellow introspective individual.
         | I suspect some of this is related to the dopamine hits that
         | come from easy/early successes in things. It's why I've noticed
         | when I get run down, the only games that really appeal to me
         | are idle clickers because they are essentially just dopamine
         | buttons with a front end.
         | I think you're on the right track with first identifying these
         | things and then figuring out how to harness them. In essence,
         | you have to understand an API's inputs and outputs before you
         | start calling it, and that's what you seem to be describing by
         | thinking of yourself as a framework.
           | melvinroest wrote:
           | Yep, that is what I'm describing.
           | One of the reasons it took me 10 years to be so opinionated
           | about it is because I didn't want to believe this was the
           | case. For a very long time I believed that if I thought I
           | would want to do something, then I would go on and do it. But
           | apparently that's not the case.
           | But I did notice if I observe myself and hook into it, then
           | achieving my goals works quite a bit better. It's not
           | perfect, but good enough.
       | gkilmain wrote:
       | I've been working on a side project now for about 8 months. By
       | far the longest for me. Whats worked this time is I don't work on
       | it every day and sometimes I'll only write a few lines of code if
       | only to keep the momentum going. I think anything you do for your
       | side project is a positive step. Once you give up its done.
       | jamil7 wrote:
       | It's pretty normal. Figure out first what you want from each side
       | project. If your goal is to learn or play around with new "X"
       | then it's fine to half-ass it, build the fun parts and then never
       | look at it again. If you want to try and build a business and
       | make money on the side then this is usually the time to not try
       | out new "X" and instead stick to boring tech you know well.
       | Edit: for practical tips on keeping some momentum, just start
       | with a tiny amount each day, like just 30-40 minutes after work
       | or before. The next week you can add a little more ect.
       | skinnyarms wrote:
       | Maybe you need to examine what your true goal is. Why do you want
       | a side project? Are you doing it because you feel like you are
       | supposed to have side projects, or because you actually want to
       | accomplish a goal? If it's the former, you could try to align the
       | side project with another goal of yours - say learning some new
       | language or framework.
       | If you are just trying to build a portfolio you can come up with
       | a (small) "SMART" goal, and commit to completing it. After you
       | reach the milestone you can make a conscious decision whether to
       | continue or not - but either way you have _something_ completed.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_criteria
         | crispyambulance wrote:
         | > Maybe you need to examine what your true goal is.
         | I think that's absolutely the most important factor here.
         | People don't finish things for a variety of reasons.
         | Perfectionism is a big one. It's tied to a fear of failure that
         | manifests as losing interest. If the root cause is
         | perfectionist tendencies, one thing that can help is to
         | collaborate with others. Just doing something for someone,
         | helping them out in some way will often de-fang the
         | perfectionism and self-criticism and drive you towards
         | something tangible.
         | It could also be boredom. If you're doing X at work day-after-
         | day, maybe it's not a great idea to _also_ do X as a side-
         | project?
         | I personally am allergic to SMART criteria-- too much
         | association with corporate performance evaluation fuckery, it
         | kills motivation and creativity for lots of people.
       | tablethnuser wrote:
       | I keep a log for each project and write down the problem I'm
       | trying to solve followed by the idea I think solves it. If I hit
       | a roadblock, I write that down as the new problem. Now I have to
       | solve that before I can pop the stack and get back to the
       | original problem.
       | On and on and on. I might be building a CI/CD pipeline for a
       | simple web extension cuz I've realized that manual deploys of it
       | are boring and it's keeping me from updating the project. Once
       | that's done I return to the original problem and geez it's
       | annoying to work in this vanilla js project structure. Let me
       | just set up a transpiler and organize the project...
       | I call it extreme yak shaving, cuz you do things you could never
       | justify in a workplace, but it's my personal time and it's what
       | works to keep me going on side projects.
       | Better yet by forcing yourself to write down why you're blocked
       | you can self reflect on trends. I learned that when the dev
       | experience gets too rough on a project, I abandon it. So now I'm
       | happy to pause project features to build out dev exp. Very
       | different than how I behave at work, where I guess the paycheck
       | motivates me thru the tough times.
         | shostack wrote:
         | Have you considered productizing some of these devops tools?
       | brianjlogan wrote:
       | No golden bullet for this problem I think but definitely one that
       | is widely shared.
       | - __Get rid of your smartphone __and go to a dumb flip phone
       | (avoid distractions).
       | - __Dump your ideas __into a system you can review later like
       | [RoamResarch](https://roamresearch.com/),[Trello](trello.com), or
       | a folder with Markdown Files Check out __GTD method __because
       | these thoughts qualify as something you should dump in your sort
       | bin /inbox bin to go through later. Other things like "I should
       | check the mail", "I should build a fort" all count as distracting
       | tasks to keep track of.
       | - __Meditate __and learn to recognize transitive thoughts. I
       | really recommend the [Calm App](https://www.calm.com/) although
       | you really don't need to use an app I found it's [21 Days of Calm
       | by Tamara Levitt] program helped get me started and gave me a
       | handful of techniques to get into a zen state.
       | - Use [The Pomodoro
       | Technique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique) to
       | focus on one task at a time and avoid over taxing your focus
       | muscle.
       | - __Build and Keep Track of your Habits __. Your habits are
       | extremely important to do deep and meaningful long term work. You
       | need to cultivate them. Check out [The Power of
       | Habit](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0055PGUYU)
       | - All industries that have REALLY important critical life saving
       | tasks use checklists. [HBR: Using a checklist to prevent
       | Failure](https://hbr.org/2010/01/using-checklists-to-prevent-
       | fa.html). I use app.everyday.app to do a Daily Habit Checklist
       | but I did this using a tiny Mole skin for a month and it worked
       | great as well. Side note you made me dig into looking up this
       | thing called [Seinfeld Chaining](https://lifehacker.com/jerry-
       | seinfelds-productivity-secret-2...) and I found out [Seinfeld has
       | nothing to do with it](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1uj
       | vrg/jerry_seinfeld...)
       | Personally all of the things I listed have some type of
       | associated tool but all can be accomplished with a timer, pen,
       | paper ,etc. Don't let yourself get caught up trying to find the
       | "perfect" tool. Just start doing the things so you build the
       | habits. They are far more important.
       | smarri wrote:
       | Another angle, maybe you have to churn through many (hundreds?)
       | of ideas before you get to one you really want to see through.
       | gentleman11 wrote:
       | I have been buried in side projects my whole life and I started
       | finishing more and more of them.
       | 1. Don't force it. The good ones, you will have a hard time not
       | working on
       | 2. Take some pride in finishing things. It gives the extra push
       | when 1 isn't enough
       | samsquire wrote:
       | I resigned myself to writing ideas and keeping side projects
       | small but sharing my ideas anyway. Every thing is harder than it
       | looks.
       | https://github.com/samsquire/ideas2
       | https://github.com/samsquire/ideas
       | https://github.com/samsquire/ideas3
       | johnstorey wrote:
       | I have battled this since programming became my profession. Over
       | years I was trained to create in ways that maximize income, and
       | stop when there is no income link. Decades later, this made
       | working for passion very difficult.
       | Here are a few ideas that seem to consistently help me.
       | * one, sheer willpower. It's a muscle that needs building, but
       | keep going when you don't have any further interest for the sake
       | of completing the task. Even when it feels like torture. It's
       | about forcing yourself to the finish line. Often the interest
       | comes back later.
       | * Move the finish line closer. Formally write down what you want
       | to develop with milestones, with a go/no go decision at each
       | milestone. If you decide not to continue at a milestone, that was
       | part of the plan, so you completed the project.
       | * work on things that develop skills you expect to bring to the
       | workplace and apply there. That's a pretty direct link to income.
       | * work on things you want or to keep current with younger hires
       | -- I'm learning gitops on k8s at home, and packaging charts to
       | self-host some things I've wanted at home anyways. Even though I
       | manage these days, it's important to understand how things work
       | to a decent degree in order to have meaningful discussions with
       | the broader team. I know managers who get by without that, but
       | I'm not one of them.
       | For what it's worth, continuing on because that's what you
       | planned to do sometimes leads to a renewal of interest later in
       | the project.
       | james_s_tayler wrote:
       | What if... Not finishing things was the norm?
       | All of us in the same boat act as if there is something wrong
       | with us such that we can't finish things.
       | If you layed out every one of the data points on developers side
       | projects, what would the aggregate say?
       | Would it say that 80% finish their projects through to completion
       | and there are this 20% who just can't ever seem to?
       | Or, would it say the opposite? That people who actually have
       | completed projects are somewhat rare?
       | I'd be interested to see. My gut tells me finishing things isn't
       | normal. The economics of it seem to be tilted in the favor of
       | starting and strongly against finishing.
       | raslah wrote:
       | This was me big time. You sound like you have more experience
       | than I did at the time, but what finally made it click for me was
       | taking CS50 on EdX. Not that you should take it, but that it
       | exposed what was holding me back. Any challenge I made for myself
       | I would end up saying 'screw it' when it got challenging because
       | internally I'd think that maybe my idea was messed up somehow.
       | CS50, which I only made it thru 5 assignments, exposed me to
       | having to stick thru a problem, possibly for days until I got it.
       | I felt pressured to complete them because I saw that my
       | classmates were completing them and that told me it was doable.
       | After that, something in my head changed and for the first time I
       | was able to complete my own projects and enjoy that feeling when
       | you build something you came up with yourself. In other words try
       | to get experience sticking thru challenges. Try leetcode or
       | hackerrank, those sites have advanced problems that might crack
       | that cieling for you if your problem is the same as mine was.
       | Just my experience.
       | redmattred wrote:
       | A few techniques that have worked well for me:
       | - Scope the project down to a size where you can achieve it
       | within a week. Launch it and either let it take on a momentum of
       | its own if others are interested in it (which will motivate you
       | to do more work on it more). The initial version of your project
       | could be as simple as a vision statement of what you want to
       | achieve.
       | - Have a personal backlog where you can put ideas for other
       | projects you're interested in working on. Resist the temptation
       | to just jump into your latest idea and instead write about it. If
       | its a compelling idea you will return to it. If not let it be a
       | passing idea.
       | - Practice personal Kanban where you limit yourself to X number
       | of concurrent projects. Wanting to work on a new project can be
       | good motivation to finish your current one.
       | - Team up a collaborator to help keep each engaged, interested,
       | and accountable.
       | - Find ways to create artificial deadlines for yourself. That
       | could mean signing up to do a lighting talk at the next meetup,
       | scheduling a meeting to get feedback with an end user or person
       | advising you, etc.
       | - Relax and enjoy tinkering for the sake of tinkering. Even if
       | you don't complete a project you're still learning something from
       | the experience along the way and sometimes what you learn is that
       | you like the idea of a particular project more than the reality
       | of what it means to work on it
       | WheelsAtLarge wrote:
       | You are looking at the situation from the wrong angle. Frameworks
       | and languages are tools you use towards solving a problem. In the
       | same way that mechanics don't spend their days wondering how they
       | will use their wrench but rather what tools they need to fix an
       | engine, you need to focus on a problem that needs fixing. Find a
       | problem in some subjects you like and fix it.
       | Also, make a plan so you see an end. Doing something without
       | figuring out when you will quit is a sure way toward quitting
       | before you get anything accomplished.
       | toohotatopic wrote:
       | Do you have the determination to read all those answers and
       | identify the true ones? How do you know which ones are true?
       | Finishing projects is the natural state of mind. The reason why
       | you don't finish is the idea that is most repulsive to you, the
       | idea that you try to avoid the strongest.
       | On the other hand, a comment can also be repulsive because the
       | idea is really bad. How do you know the difference?
       | That said, my advice to you is: _pick a customer_. Why would
       | _you_ write a graphical solitaire game but for the joy of
       | programming. However, that joy doesn 't need a target, there is
       | no need to finish.
       | If you write something for somebody else, you are out of the loop
       | of questioning what you like best. Then you are free to pursue
       | that goal without being distracted by the whims of your desires.
       | When you choose your customer and the project, maintain the
       | basics, especially: pick an achievable goal.
       | DrNuke wrote:
       | Use your skills for something or someone fighting for a cause you
       | care as a person? Inner motivation would come naturally, experts
       | say.
       | yizhang7210 wrote:
       | 1. I personally find it easier to work on things I'm passionate
       | about. So I think you need some kind of motivation to keep you
       | going. It could be that you want to show it to your friends, or
       | it could be you dream the possibility of turning it into a
       | business.
       | 2. You mentioned that you'd like to learn a lot more on languages
       | and frameworks. Presumably you need to actually do something
       | relatively substantial with the language/framework to learn it to
       | a reasonable level? So for me personally some of my personal
       | project I did were purely for learning. I think that's another
       | motivation that can keep you going.
       | 3. You talk about finishing project. I don't know if any project
       | can be "finished". So I think it's okay to recognize that you
       | want to leave a project in a particular state and move on and not
       | feel too bad about it.
       | alexashka wrote:
       | This happens when you know little and yet you aren't aware of how
       | little you know.
       | As a kid I self-learned photoshop and always struggled with
       | coming up with projects to do with my knowledge.
       | Little did I know photoshop is a _tool_ , not an end.
       | Web development is a _tool_. If all you know is how to hit with a
       | hammer, it is pretty hard to make good use of it. You need to
       | learn how to build a house, then your knowledge of a hammer will
       | become a useful _tool_ for accomplishing a well defined task.
       | Knowing how to build a house is much more difficult and isn't a
       | 'side project' for most people. Hence the solution to your
       | problem is realizing how little you know, how much it would
       | actually take to create anything remotely useful, and moving on
       | to learning something easier that'd have an actual impact in your
       | daily life, such as exercise, a new hobby that'd foster new
       | meaningful relationships, etc.
       | One last thing - if your motivation for a side project is money,
       | you're kidding yourself - just go enjoy your life :)
       | gitgud wrote:
       | There's a lot of advice saying "don't talk about your side
       | project".
       | I used to believe this whole-heartedly, but now I believe you
       | should actually talk about the project somewhat.
       | If you don't talk about your project to anyone, the project dies
       | with you. If you talk about the progress you've made, you can get
       | people excited and that excitement can motivate you and hold you
       | accountable (as they'll remember what you've done so far).
       | I guess the take away is to talk about side project progress, to
       | build excitement and motivation. Don't talk to much about plans,
       | as you are robbing your future self of gratification.
       | mnault000 wrote:
       | You know, I went through this a while ago. As a side idea, I
       | always wanted 1) an online double-entry accounting system (so i
       | could update my bookkeeping from anywhere in the world). And 2) I
       | needed a self-hosted site where I could put anything from my
       | kid's photos to my tax records.. ONE PLACE to look for anything.
       | You can see my site here: http://parallax.dns-
       | cloud.net/praetorian/
       | My point is, go slowly. Just like a game you enjoy playing but
       | get fed up after too long, put it aside; knowing you'll come back
       | in a while with a renewed drive :) Cheers!
       | littlecosmic wrote:
       | You've already done step one: realise the pattern. Step two is
       | don't do the new project. See it for what it is, not a great new
       | idea, but another step down the road you've been walking down for
       | years.
       | Just because an idea pops into your brain, doesn't mean you owe
       | it anything.
       | Something that may help is picking a smaller project, so small
       | you could do it in a day or two. Build up some endurance over
       | time.
       | Good luck
         | bloopernova wrote:
         | This is fantastic advice.
         | Just because we could possibly code some amazing concept
         | project, doesn't mean we'd enjoy it. Or that it wouldn't end up
         | causing us huge amounts of stress.
         | A lot of us are stuck at home, bouncing off the walls and
         | feeling like we're not doing anything.
         | THAT IS OK!
         | We're in a world that is both scary and new, we don't know
         | quite what is going on, _and we need time and effort to process
         | that_. By  "effort" I mean intellectual, spiritual, physical,
         | and emotional. (If you're not religious, think of a workout in
         | a gym: spiritual effort is stretching and flexibility, and
         | emotional effort is strength/weights. Or perhaps that spiritual
         | is subconscious and long-term, while emotional is conscious and
         | shorter-term.)
         | tl;dr - too much heavy shit happening, don't overburden your
         | head.
         | w0utert wrote:
         | It's funny because I did exactly that (sticking to one project
         | instead of jumping from idea to idea) because I had the same
         | problem as the OP, but these days I'm getting the feeling this
         | is also counterproductive. I spent a lot of time on a single
         | project, learned a lot of things along the way, but progress
         | was very very slow mainly because it started to feel like
         | 'work'.
         | For me, these kinds of side-projects are all about learning new
         | stuff, and sometimes to scratch some really small personal
         | itch. So what I try to do now is to find projects that can be
         | used a platform for trying out new stuff. For example, I've
         | been working on an iOS game since 2014, but by now actually
         | finishing it so people can play it is completely secondary to
         | the personal satisfaction of incrementally refactoring and
         | repurposing parts of the engine, using techniques and
         | technologies that interest me right now. Becase even that
         | started to feel like work at some point, I decided to also
         | start some other side-projects that go in completely different
         | directions, so I can switch depending on my mood and make slow
         | but steady progress in each of them. I try to also incorporate
         | some technology/techniques that pop up around my daytime job
         | but which I never have time to explore at the office, some of
         | that stuff is super interesting but I cannot justify spending
         | company time on it.
         | I think the main advice I have for the OP is to find one or two
         | interesting projects that are diverse enough to be a platform
         | for experimentation, instead of some very narrowly focussed
         | problem that will inevitably start to become boring sooner or
         | later. Unless you really want to create a product or something
         | to show off with, the main purpose should be personal
         | development/intellectual satisfaction, not reaching some
         | predetermined goal.
           | corecoder wrote:
           | > find one or two interesting projects that are diverse
           | enough to be a platform for experimentation
           | This seems promising, thank you!
           | Just a question: don't you risk to get stuck in a perpetual
           | refactoring/rewrite cycle?
           | [edit: fix formatting]
             | w0utert wrote:
             | >> _Just a question: don 't you risk to get stuck in a
             | perpetual refactoring/rewrite cycle?_
             | Yes, definitely, it's actually all I've been doing on one
             | of these projects for the past two years. Guess I just like
             | refactoring a lot it seems ;-)
             | Joking aside, refactoring is a broad term. Most of the time
             | spent 'refactoring' this project was to incorporate
             | interesting new ideas, increasing the capabilities of the
             | game engine etc. Not just the typical technical debt
             | cleanup. But even some of that was actually very
             | educational, for example I found out that the whole idea to
             | use object-oriented programming techniques to model the
             | game was a bad idea, and have slowly refactored the whole
             | thing to a hybrid between OOP and an entity-component
             | system. Just the act of incrementally applying such a
             | fundamental paradigm shift while keeping the engine mostly
             | working was quite an interesting challenge!
           | RMPR wrote:
           | > I spent a lot of time on a single project, learned a lot of
           | things along the way, but progress was very very slow mainly
           | because it started to feel like 'work'.
           | Can relate, my personal solution was to talk about the
           | project to people around me (often non-technical), some would
           | be interested to try, and when I feel like giving up, they
           | are the one reminding me they are looking forward to use it.
       | blizkreeg wrote:
       | Start meditating. It will help your restless mind.
       | jmiskovic wrote:
       | So many answers already. Here's my take. I have a decent sized
       | graveyard of one-day projects, half dozen serious attempts and
       | one published project with some 10k users. In line with some
       | other suggestions in this thread, the published project scratches
       | my own itch while scrapped ones were meant to be consumed by
       | other people.
       | If gamedev is your thing, try participating in a game jam or two.
       | They are awesome way to use same limited attention span and
       | actually finish something. If you see yourself spending too much
       | time on graphics/sound, try some heavy constraints. For example,
       | use just 3 colors for everything, or compose all graphics just
       | from single shape.
       | Introspection is good. Keep doing what you are doing, and keep
       | learning from what worked better or worse for you.
       | Treat your side project as small sandbox, a place to play. Don't
       | put deadlines, don't worry about sunk cost, allow yourself to
       | write bad code without much planning. You can incrementally get
       | to point where you want it to be. Try to see at which point
       | earliest you can wrap it up and publish as MVP.
       | I noticed that it is very easy to start, and gets exponentially
       | harder as you go on. When you set up the project, each
       | development time slice doubles the result. First you have
       | nothing, then it's "hello world". Then you put up some dynamic
       | text. Then you hook up some crafty mechanism behind the text. It
       | is exciting and motivating. But after a while the project slows
       | down. It is because there are already some mechanics in there,
       | and each new feature has to be aligned and connected with
       | existing ones. The complexity grows and more and more time has to
       | be invested in each new step. This is nature of software
       | development. Polish also takes surprising amount of time. You
       | have to be aware of it and plan your energy accordingly.
       | All this accumulated complexity makes your mind crave a new
       | project, a fresh canvas where everything is simple and new.
       | Usually it will manifest in form of new idea that is so much
       | better than the current project. What works for me is to take
       | hour or two and take some notes and flesh out this new idea, and
       | then archive it for time being.
       | Some more advice I got from other people: A good place to stop
       | the development session is when you are almost done with feature.
       | This will motivate you to pick up the project next day, and
       | you'll quickly get into mindset needed to start next feature.
       | Don't share with others what you plan to do. There's a
       | psychological effect where you get small amount of gratification
       | by telling others about imagined finished project. You want to
       | delay that gratification until you have something done because it
       | will give you motivation needed to put in the hours. On the other
       | hand, do share your progress on social networks. Getting feedback
       | boosts motivation enormously.
       | su8898 wrote:
       | My problem is quite the opposite. I am able to finish a side
       | project but I lack ideas.
         | RMPR wrote:
         | I felt like this for a long time, then I started to open my
         | eyes to all the problems around me. For example, I started
         | github.com/rmpr/atbswp because I used something like that on
         | Windows, and when I switched to Linux I missed it, on simple
         | solution was to start working on something similar...
         | outworlder wrote:
         | Please write down any ideas you may have, at any time. It's
         | rare that an idea will come the moment you sit down with a
         | blank screen staring at you.
         | I've talking to emailing myself with a specific subject every
         | time I have an idea. Doesn't matter how silly it is. I'll
         | revisit them in a month and sift through. Some still remain
         | silly, some will be upgraded given new knowledge.
       | bbayer wrote:
       | After several years of struggling with side projects I found one
       | thing that motivates me: money. I don't even start a project if
       | there is no possibility of some revenue. %99 of ideas got
       | eliminated immediately. Every people have their own motivation
       | though but having side income from a side project even you are
       | sleeping is different thing. I have limited time for side
       | projects. I always think I have one bullet so trying to use it
       | wisely.
         | sciencewolf wrote:
         | This is certainly a useful lens through which to help you
         | focus, but I've found that I'm now ONLY motivated to do things
         | because of the possibility of financial upside. Have you
         | encountered the same?
           | bbayer wrote:
           | Actually speaking yes. I spent a lot of time to think about
           | it. Here is my little thought process to keep my motivation;
           | Why am I working? Why am I spending my 1/3 of my time with my
           | daily job. Is career real thing or other words is it really
           | necessary to make money? Does it really matter to have high
           | work satisfaction even though you earn little? I am working
           | because of money. Money doesn't bring happiness but it brings
           | freedom. At the end of the day what I need is freedom. It
           | doesn't matter if I have shinny career if I can earn same
           | money with something else. I have limited time and more money
           | to become free. So I need to use my time wisely to get more
           | money to become free eventually. It doesn't matter if I am
           | using shiny programming language, technology or IDE. At the
           | end of the day nobody will give a shit about what I am using.
           | Quickest is the best because I have counted days in my life.
           | I don't have time to learn new things every time I start a
           | new projects. I already know everything I need to make money.
           | Learning is not a goal but it is a reward when I become free.
       | swanandkriyaban wrote:
       | Have you tried B J Fogg's tiny habits? It works like a charm and
       | I can see it can help in your situation. I was exactly like what
       | you mentioned, had (still have?) shiny object syndrome but
       | wouldn't stick with one topic for a stretch.
       | aprinsen wrote:
       | Hey OP, I have been exactly where you are, about three years ago,
       | and now I have a backlog of completed side projects of varying
       | size that I am very happy with.
       | Here's some quick advice:
       | * Start smaller. Your projects are probably too ambitious to
       | start. Graphical games are actually quite complex. Start with
       | small projects and work your way to larger ones. My first
       | projects were chrome extensions and silly command line tools.
       | They helped me build some resilience that I used later to
       | complete more complex projects.
       | * When you do tackle larger projects, do your best to see them as
       | a series of smaller projects. Each project should deliver some
       | value on its own. I recently built a web game about navigating a
       | randomly generated maze and avoiding monsters. Here's how I broke
       | it up: first I built a command line tool to generate mazes. Then
       | I separated the core functionality into a library. Then I
       | deployed an API wrapping that library. Then I built a simple UI
       | that allowed a user to navigate that maze. Finally, I started
       | adding enemies. Each enemy was its own project, each with more
       | complex path finding than the last. At each step in this process,
       | I had learned something new and had a deliverable to show for it.
       | * Your question suggests that the problems you are trying to
       | solve are not interesting enough. This belies a beginner mindset:
       | that you have to be interested first, and then work happens off
       | the fuel of your interest. The truth is that most interesting
       | projects involve a lot of days where the creator feels
       | disinterested, but shows up any way. The most important thing you
       | can do for yourself is cultivate the resilience required to keep
       | showing up, so you can reap the satisfaction of completing great
       | work later.
         | JohnL4 wrote:
         | Yeah, this. I'll add:
         | Keep a todo-list/journal sort of thing and document each work
         | item as you complete it.
         | I'm working on a stupid side project myself and every day I hit
         | a new hurdle, something I don't know, so (almost) every day is
         | a tiny victory over some immediate problem.
         | Make a plan, sure, but break it down into tiny pieces, even if
         | you have to keep lowering the bar.
       | 21stio wrote:
       | Keep the scope small so you'll be done fast
       | shoo wrote:
       | For me, the answer was to make software that I actually genuinely
       | find useful.
       | Once I got a rough prototype to the point where I was able to get
       | value out of the software as a user, the project seemed to stick.
       | I naturally return to use the software every few days or weeks or
       | months (because it is useful), and when I do, sometimes I have
       | ideas for improving the UI or what's going on under the hood. So
       | sometimes I knuckle down and spend a day or two enhancing it.
       | gavanwoolery wrote:
       | I have a graveyard filled to the brim with side projects, and
       | just ONE project that I keep coming back to (I have been working
       | on it for 20 years). Its getting to the point where I do fewer
       | side projects because I understand there is only one that is
       | worth working on. In the past decade, I only had two smaller side
       | projects.
       | The secret for me is to work on the hardest, most interesting
       | problems. This is not good business advice - mind that. But you
       | are probably doing side projects to get away from the boredom of
       | the thing that actually earns you money.
       | rriepe wrote:
       | It's an explore/exploit thing. You need rewards from both. Your
       | job focuses too much on "exploit" so you end up seeking "explore"
       | rewards from side projects.
       | You explore an idea, but after you select it, you're staring down
       | the barrel of a whole bunch of "exploit" work to do. You're
       | already burnt out on this reward system from work-work, so it
       | doesn't seem appealing to you. So you do more exploring instead.
       | My advice is to instead do worldbuilding or some other creative
       | hobby that has only the creative exploration side.
       | Uhhrrr wrote:
       | I would say don't even worry about finishing. Document what
       | you've got and move on. Eventually you might come back to it, or
       | steal parts of it for something else.
       | droobles wrote:
       | I was torn between making a game, or making something to aid my
       | musical endeavors.
       | I liked the idea of making a game, but as an adult I don't get to
       | play that much. When I do, I play older games that stoke my
       | nostalgia (JRPGs).
       | I play in an active punk band, and am a self admitted pedal
       | addict.
       | I decided to go with music, because that's what I spend most of
       | my passion time doing. Currently working on a really cool music
       | related side project and couldn't be happier.
       | Also, I think scope has a big part to play. A video game is a
       | huge endeavor that could take 5+ years developing solo, and most
       | of my audio programming ideas might take 2+ weeks.
       | rohansuri wrote:
       | For me I can only keep up my interest in a side project if I know
       | something like that doesn't exist. I've found reading new
       | research papers and implementing them to be fulfilling.
       | gurtgurt wrote:
       | This is definitely a common issue everyone struggles with. I've
       | noticed a lot of it stems from constantly changing my mind and
       | self doubt during the dev process (like you mentioned, you start
       | off building a roguelike, switch over to a solitar card game,
       | switch over to a isomorphic strategy game).
       | Something that helped me a lot is first spending more time than I
       | think I need figuring out what I want to build on a very high and
       | broad level, and not just diving into coding. Once I figure out
       | what to build I need to have the discipline not to change what I
       | have decided to build. Some implementation details might change
       | or some game mechanics might be tweaked, but on a high level (am
       | I building a roguelike or solitar type) can't be changed once I
       | start.
       | KentBeck wrote:
       | Don't. Most side projects aren't worth investing heavily in, but
       | you can't tell which is which without trying them. I had started
       | hundreds of programs before Erich Gamma and I programmed
       | together. If I had forced myself to "stick with" one of those
       | early projects, we wouldn't have written JUnit.
       | mysterydip wrote:
       | If you were given one of the projects for your job, you'd
       | complete it (and slog through the boring parts) because you
       | wouldn't have a choice. Maybe a "project manager" (real person or
       | virtual like a blog) to keep you accountable/on track would help.
       | That won't stop the urges to chase "the next shiny", but will
       | make resisting them a bit easier.
       | (I say this as someone with a hundred project folders, so I
       | should follow my own advice. I will say when given a deadline to
       | produce something, I deliver, warts and all.)
       | joeberon wrote:
       | I have this and it's caused a great deal of stress in my personal
       | life _and_ work life. Basically I get excited by the idea of a
       | new thing or project, but within a week or less I am totally and
       | completed bored by it. There are very few times I've managed to
       | keep continuously working on the same thing for a long time
       | TehShrike wrote:
       | For me the solution was to remove motivation from the equation.
       | I had to tell myself "this is your job now, you have a part-time
       | job that starts after supper." And then show up for work every
       | day (or every other day).
       | As long as you keep showing up for work, the work eventually gets
       | done.
       | I started thinking this way in late 2013 and shipped the 1.0 of
       | my first successful side project about 6 months later.
       | People who don't ship will tell you that side projects shouldn't
       | feel like work, but you can ignore them. Shipping feels
       | fantastic.
       | abnry wrote:
       | Find a problem in your life you can improve/solve with software.
       | Then work on that.
       | zulban wrote:
       | I've finished loads of hobby projects, despite full time jobs,
       | and I've been told that I'm a bit of an expert on this. I see
       | there's lots of comments already so I'll keep it short.
       | 1) If you can't focus on a project longer than two days, then
       | pick a project you can finish in three days. Honestly evaluate
       | how big such a project can be. I also see this as students learn
       | to code. They learn the basics then think they're going to dive
       | into a 2000 hour project. Instead, you need to ask yourself
       | "what's the biggest project of this type I've ever finished" then
       | add 50% to that. Like an athlete, you need to build up the
       | endurance for your self-motivation to survive longer and longer
       | projects. The payoffs are bigger but your human brain needs to
       | trust that a payoff exists based on past experience.
       | 2) I prefer not to talk about my future dreams for a project.
       | What happens is I get enjoyment out of talking about what I
       | "will" do, but without actually doing it. Then if I ever finish
       | the work, I get less enjoyment because I already talked about it.
       | In this way I'd be stealing enjoyment from my future self! An
       | exception is advice.
         | pdr2020 wrote:
         | Point 2 is such a golden piece of advice and so obvious in
         | hindsight, yet this is the first time I've encountered it
         | online.
         | If you have any online written pieces or blogs, please share
         | them.
           | pmohun wrote:
           | You might find this interesting:
           | https://philmohun.substack.com/p/work-with-the-door-open
           | tyrust wrote:
           | >Peter Gollwitzer, Paschal Sheeran, Verena Michalski, and
           | Andrea Siefert published an interesting paper on this topic
           | in the May, 2009 issue of Psychological Science. They argued
           | that important goals like pursuing a career path involve a
           | commitment to an identity goal. ...
           | >They suggest that when people announce an intention to
           | commit to an identity goal in public, that announcement may
           | actually backfire. Imagine, for example, that Mary wants to
           | become a Psychologist. She tells Herb that she wants to
           | pursue this career and that she is going to study hard in her
           | classes. However, just by telling Herb her intention, she
           | knows that Herb is already starting to think of her as a
           | Psychologist. So, she has achieved part of her identity goal
           | just by telling Herb about it. Oddly enough, that can
           | actually decrease the likelihood that Mary will study hard.
           | https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ulterior-
           | motives/200...
           | ucacian wrote:
           | Not a written content, but Derek Sivers' TED talk
           | https://youtu.be/NHopJHSlVo4
         | gwgundersen wrote:
         | This is good advice, and both parts rely on being aware of your
         | own mind and even tricking it a bit. This reminded me of a
         | Moxie story about nearly dying while sailing [1]:
         | > Strangely, I could feel myself drawn towards the temptation
         | of giving up, even though I knew failure meant certain death.
         | In hindsight, I think it's because the act of giving up feels
         | so similar to the sensation of success, at least in a
         | superficially immediate way.
         | Over the years, the mantra that "giving up feels like success"
         | has really helped me not give up simply to access that feeling.
         | [1] https://moxie.org/stories/brink-of-death/
         | japhyr wrote:
         | > I prefer not to talk about my future dreams for a project.
         | I feel this way as well, but my reasoning is different. I do
         | much better work when I feel like I don't have to do something,
         | but I can choose to do something. I've almost always done more
         | efficient work on my own side projects than on the things I've
         | been assigned to do.
         | When I talk about an idea that I haven't really built out yet,
         | it creates a sense of obligation to do that work. That sense of
         | obligation makes me not want to do the grunt work required to
         | get the project done. I do better if that obligation is all
         | internal. In that sense, writing in a journal about my ideas
         | and vision is much more beneficial to me than talking with
         | people about it.
         | That said, I try to be careful about recognizing when I do need
         | to talk with others. If I went too far in the internal
         | approach, I'd end up doing years-long projects without ever
         | validating that they're meaningful to other end users.
         | rootusrootus wrote:
         | With regards to point 2, I seem to remember reading once that
         | if you allow yourself to think too much about success in the
         | future, it steals away your motivation to complete the task in
         | the present. It gives your brain that satisfaction without
         | actually having succeeded at anything, and then you stop trying
         | because you are no longer motivated.
         | arkanciscan wrote:
         | #2 so much! When I tell people my ideas I can feel the
         | motivation dissolving. Trouble is, my ideas sometimes suck and
         | I need another person to tell me they are good. But if that
         | person doesn't get excited about the idea it takes the wind out
         | of my sails. I think this speaks to why I became a developer in
         | the first place; I want to solve people's problems. I want to
         | be useful. If I tell someone my idea and they aren't interested
         | I feel like everyone will feel the same so it must be a bad
         | idea. But what if they are right. Do you ever finish a project
         | only to find that nobody cares about it? Isn't that worse than
         | not finishing?
         | wcarss wrote:
         | My answer takes from the Feynman approach to problem solving:
         | have several projects laying around that you could easily pick
         | back up to work on a little bit. The progress may not be
         | constant, but it builds over time.
         | This is a variation on the parent post's suggestion of picking
         | a project you can finish in three days. I find that task can
         | itself be hard, and is work that gets in the way of the fun
         | work. In the past I've burnt out my excitement while trying to
         | do it.
         | So I have 5+ small games, a game engine, an interpreter and a
         | compiler, a few short stories, some music projects, a personal
         | website, some art projects, and several books to read, and most
         | aren't done.
         | When inspiration strikes, e.g. I'm feeling musical, I open up
         | my music folder and click around a bit. Or if I feel like
         | making a game, the first thing I do is go play one of my
         | existing half-built games, and pop open the editor. It is
         | helpful here to leave things in a working-ish state and keep
         | ideas around in text files about what you could do next. Make
         | picking the project back up easy for yourself.
         | I do also start new things or decide not to come back to old
         | ones, but I wound up here by realizing that my interests aren't
         | actually infinite. There's only about a dozen distinct things I
         | really want to do and periodically get excited about.
         | For years I had been starting and then totally dropping
         | projects, but I had "started making a game" a hundred times. My
         | plan became to treat random projects like turning a ratchet,
         | and I feel it's gone great from there.
           | hentaiD00m wrote:
           | I'm picking up this approach
       | Oxin111 wrote:
       | I need to say I have exactly like you. I was unable to finish
       | anything though many years. Than 1,5 year ago finally everything
       | changed. This is by small but significan tchange. I choose for
       | myself subject that is big enough that a lot of experimentation
       | can fall under it and specific enough that all experiments have
       | common denominator. Single guiding idea. For me this was enabling
       | my father to create application (emotional importance! we are all
       | animals after all. btw. he didn't care. I cared.). Since then I'm
       | experimenting with new stuff and doing the thing that interest me
       | but this theme is always there.
       | I'm doing tests of different stuff, writing prototypes, all good
       | stuff. First there was more strategy and later there is more
       | tactical planning and execution but I still more do what I feel I
       | want to do right now than follow so roadmap or something. I sit
       | down and think what I want to do right now and I write myself one
       | post-it with tasks to do, stick it to laptop next to the touch
       | pad. Than I do this fully or partially and than new post-it. I
       | think that my mind is telling me the place of maximum development
       | for my level of skills and I keep faith that this path will take
       | me to some destination that is original.
       | After 1,5 year and 3 throw away partially working prototypes I
       | have something that is quite cool I have something like creator
       | to generate application for production systems. I discovered my
       | own cool frontend architecture. Thinking about everything from
       | first principle and go to place of interest giving really cool
       | results in retrospect.
       | No I'm a bit forcing myself with last 2 post-its because I have
       | company that want to use this system and I need to finish details
       | that I didn't care about to do because I was going around it. But
       | now when I see it almost finished and useful somehow it goes
       | easier.
       | Soul of the explorer is a great gift, no need to change it.
       | Generally for me 30 yo it was mark of stopping being my own enemy
       | and started things that I always wanted. To this time I was just
       | doing this random stupid stuff and thought that it will all fall
       | together. (Disclaimer: It did).
       | ABraidotti wrote:
       | Ha, okay, just for some light-hearted context: it took me several
       | decades of trying so many projects to finally find one and stick
       | with it: web development. Now I'm a gainfully employed web
       | developer and DevOps engineer, and a great load has been lifted
       | off me. I am 15 years behind some of my peers but I no longer
       | stress about finding that one project I'm gonna stick with.
       | So yeah, I've found my way out and here's my advice: it's a
       | numbers game. Keep trying things. Even if you try to make a
       | roguelike for 5 minutes and move on, that's a valuable lesson.
       | Now try 100 more things and you might stick with 3 or 4.
       | RabbitmqGuy wrote:
       | I used to pick side projects based on all the things they say you
       | should; does it have a large addressable market, does it solve
       | customer pain points, are people willing to prepay before you
       | start working on it etc. And I would get to a point where I would
       | give up because the projects, chosen this way, were not fun
       | anymore and I would stop working on them.
       | So instead I now pick things that I find to be fun to me to work
       | on. Instead of solving customer pain points, I try and solve a
       | pain point that I have. I'm liking it thus far
       | ssss11 wrote:
       | Perhaps your passion is not the code, but setting up and
       | maintaining it - DevOps
       | gwbas1c wrote:
       | (Apologies for being glib, and apologies for not being the exact
       | answer to your question.)
       | Don't date, don't marry, don't have kids.
       | I approached my relationship, and later my family, with the same
       | zeal that I approached side projects. As a result, I have very
       | little time for side projects.
       | What does make a successful side project for me, is approaching
       | it with the goal of learning something new, not finishing it.
       | Every other year or so I get really into something, but I've only
       | finished one thing that had a very short-term result, It was a
       | simple experiment where I wrote up results instead of trying to
       | have a tool, framework, or product.
       | cientifico wrote:
       | After years of suffering the same problem, I found (so far) a
       | solution that more or less works for me. Assigns days to
       | projects. Max of 5 projects. The most important thing is: Don't
       | work in the project unless it's the day. If there is a need, add
       | it to the backlog of the project.
       | My curve of interest gets reduce over a day. After one week of
       | not working, it is restore.
       | Curious if this works out to someone else.
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