[HN Gopher] The Power of Prolog
       The Power of Prolog
       Author : fogus
       Score  : 124 points
       Date   : 2020-04-07 15:27 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.metalevel.at)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.metalevel.at)
       | collyw wrote:
       | Prolog look like it would be the correct tool for the job for a
       | certain class of problems, I wish I had time to learn it. I
       | always wonder why it doesn't get more attention.
         | sacado2 wrote:
         | Nowadays, ontology-management systems like Protege and SPARQL
         | can more or less solve all problems prolog can solve, while
         | providing higher-level formalisms and with the guarantee your
         | query will terminate.
           | baq wrote:
           | i've never used prolog seriously despite having a few
           | problems very well suited for declarative solutions -
           | variants of job shop scheduling, rule based workflows, etc.
           | most reasons for why prolog didn't take off in my job are
           | non-technical - it looks weird, it's hard to debug,
           | integration with python isn't obvious and one worry i had
           | (never tested) was that while the idea is to tell the
           | computer about the problem, the real art was placing cuts.
           | tejtm wrote:
           | Hmm programs terminating because Protege is guaranteed to
           | slag your machine is a feature had overlooked.
         | Avshalom wrote:
         | > I wish I had time to learn it. I always wonder why it doesn't
         | get more attention.
         | pre-answered your own question really. Prolog 'died' in the AI
         | winter, so no one knows it and no one knows anyone who knows
         | it. Every time you think "huh I bet this is like 100 lines in
         | Prolog" it doesn't matter because writing 2000 lines of Java
         | (or whatever you know) is still going to be faster than
         | learning Prolog.
         | This is also the problem with literally any comment about
         | "using the right tool for the job" with regards to programming
         | languages.
           | triska wrote:
           | Complementing this, neural nets shared the same fate in an AI
           | winter, in fact in the AI winter preceding the one you
           | mention, and yet they now attract significant attention. In
           | large part because the hardware is better, and also because
           | the approaches are now better.
           | We may see analogous developments with Prolog when our
           | current hardware gets better or changes its characteristics,
           | and when Prolog implementations get better and use better
           | approaches that are now becoming available.
           | I think one difficulty we are facing when judging
           | developments in this area is that complex software projects
           | such as implementing a Prolog system happen on time scales we
           | are not yet used to.
             | Avshalom wrote:
             | Personally I think Prolog is great* and I'm learning it for
             | funsies but neural nets are a specific approach that people
             | have been writing in Python, because they already know
             | Python. Prolog is a whole thing. Kind of an apples and
             | oranges problem.
             | * I mean seriously it's fantastically expressive: parsing,
             | constraint logic, expert systems, database interaction--
             | all look and _feel_ completely native, it 's beautiful.
               | triska wrote:
               | Absolutely, I fully agree!
               | In fact, I think precisely due to this elementary
               | difference, it is reasonable to expect it to take longer
               | for Prolog implementations to reach the practical
               | applicability we are now seeing in neural networks after
               | a few decades of research and improvements.
           | [deleted]
           | deckard1 wrote:
           | I think the reason no one uses Prolog is simply because
           | generalized backtracking problems (i.e. the problems you
           | would use Prolog for) are too computationally expensive and
           | infrequent enough that:
           | a) You would never train staff or hire experts on Prolog for
           | such few problems and...
           | b) You could probably do much better with a heuristic
           | algorithm anyway. Especially on hardware of the day when
           | Prolog came out, but even today I imagine this holds true.
           | Prolog may be useful for quick exploration of a problem
           | space. But for code that needs to run frequently, there just
           | isn't a great need for what Prolog has to offer.
         | girzel wrote:
         | I'm guessing because it's so fundamentally different from most
         | of the other programming languages out there, which I sometimes
         | think are just variations on the variable/function/control flow
         | theme (and yes, I've gone fairly far in Lisp).
         | I've been teaching myself Prolog, and it's sufficiently
         | different that I feel like I'm learning to program all over
         | again. You can sort of pretend that predicates are just funny
         | functions, where you have to put the return value's container
         | into the argument list, but that's not really what's going on.
         | I loved reading the docs for SWI-Prolog, where most of the
         | predicate docstrings start: "True if...". You can say that the
         | length predicate returns the length of a list, but really it
         | returns true if the given list has a length equal to the given
         | integer. It will tell you the length of a list, sure, but it
         | will also do the reverse:
         | ?- length(List, 5) -> List = [_,_,_,_,_]
         | Nuts!
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | ever seen Friedman and Byrd talk about kanren ?
           | ? evalo(e, 6)                   (+ 3 3)
             | girzel wrote:
             | Double nuts!
         | galaxyLogic wrote:
         | A related question is why do we still have SQL databases when
         | everybody could be using Datalog?
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datalog
           | jplane wrote:
           | Take a look at datomic, it uses datalog.
       | downerending wrote:
       | I absolutely loved Prolog and CLP(R) back in the day.
       | The one thing I never got past was its difficulty in dealing with
       | large, mutable sets of data. So, for example, given an array of a
       | million or billion elements that are being rapidly modified, even
       | the most trivial sorts of backtracking become infeasable. Maybe
       | there's some elegant way to do it, but I never got it.
       | (And difference lists need to die.)
       | haolez wrote:
       | I've found this channel a few months ago and my wife thinks I'm
       | crazy when I'm watching it. "This looks like work, but harder!!".
       | Awesome content! Thanks for posting it :)
         | triska wrote:
         | Thank you so much, and you are welcome! That's an awesome
         | slogan!
         | Some things are hard, yet have no pay-off or are even
         | detrimental. On the other hand, things that pay off are often
         | proportionally hard.
         | It is not may goal to make it hard, in fact I am doing
         | everything I can to make it as easy as possible. I am very
         | interested in didactic approaches, and always welcome feedback!
         | I would like to make it worth the effort for viewers, and --
         | beyond that -- exceed the required effort in value.
           | haolez wrote:
           | You do a very good job making it approachable. I'll make a
           | PoC this year using Prolog in a specific application
           | regarding contract generation (LawTech). It's surely thanks
           | to your insights!
           | Now that I know your handle, I'll ping you when I have some
           | news :)
       | dang wrote:
       | Earlier versions were discussed in 2018:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17121028
       | and 2017: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14045987
       | (Links are for the curious. Reposts are ok after a year:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html)
       | triska wrote:
       | Thank you very much for your interest, I greatly appreciate it!
       | I hope you are all doing reasonably well. Please take care!
       | This book was most recently discussed here in May 2018:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17121028
       | Since then, I have added a new chapter, _Logical Foundations of
       | Prolog_ :
       | https://www.metalevel.at/prolog/logic
       | Also, I have made several other additions and improvements. You
       | can see most of the changes since the last discussion in a public
       | git repository:
       | https://github.com/triska/the-power-of-prolog/compare/8a94ed...
       | Currently, I am working on several videos that will eventually
       | form the core of the book. Here are a few previews:
       | https://www.metalevel.at/prolog/videos/logic
       | https://www.metalevel.at/prolog/videos/timetabling
       | https://www.metalevel.at/prolog/videos/sparrows_on_eagles
       | These videos are all work in progress, and they may be replaced
       | by better versions at any time. Hence, if possible, please use
       | the links above to refer to them: They will always point to the
       | latest versions.
       | Alternatively, please use the following overview page that shows
       | all videos:
       | https://www.metalevel.at/prolog/videos/
       | Also, I have published a comprehensive journal paper about my
       | CLP(B) system, i.e., a _SAT solver_ with some nice algebraic
       | properties, seamlessly integrated into Prolog as a specialized
       | form of unification:
       | https://www.metalevel.at/boolean.pdf
       | For Prolog application programmers and system implementors, the
       | paper's appendices may be especially interesting. They formalize
       | a few important concepts that are also a major theme in the book.
       | As of October 2019, the CLP(B) system is also available in Mark
       | Thom's Scryer Prolog. Scryer is a Rust-based Prolog
       | implementation that is freely available, conforms to the Prolog
       | ISO standard, represents strings efficiently as lists of
       | characters, and includes important features for implementing
       | Prolog-based constraint solvers:
       | https://github.com/mthom/scryer-prolog
       | As of a few days ago, Scryer Prolog also ships with my
       | implementation of CLP(Z), Constraint Logic Programming over
       | _integers_. This is a very useful declarative paradigm for
       | solving combinatorial tasks, in some ways superior to SAT solving
       | because it allows more convenient modeling, easier
       | experimentation with different formulations, and reasoning at a
       | higher conceptual level. The chapter on declarative integer
       | arithmetic contains more information, and further pointers:
       | https://www.metalevel.at/prolog/clpz
       | For illustration, here is an example page where you can solve
       | _timetabling instances_ with this approach:
       | https://www.metalevel.at/prolog/timetabling/
       | I welcome all comments and suggestions about the book, these
       | videos, and Prolog in general. Also, I would like to take this
       | opportunity to thank all readers for your thoughtful comments and
       | endorsements. Your feedback and encouragement are making this
       | work especially worthwhile.
       | Enjoy!
         | wwweston wrote:
         | > Scryer is a Rust-based Prolog implementation that is freely
         | available
         | !
         | As well as an exclamation I suppose that's the cut on my "write
         | a prolog to learn rust" predicate, backtracking to finding out
         | more about this, especially since I just came across a little
         | puzzle for which integer constraint programming is perfect this
         | week.
         | carapace wrote:
         | I want to say _thank you_ , for your book and for all the work
         | you're doing promoting and improving Prolog.
           | triska wrote:
           | You are very welcome!
           | I greatly enjoy all your postings about your Prolog-based
           | interpreter for Joy:
           | https://osdn.net/projects/joypy/scm/hg/Joypy/blobs/tip/thun/.
           | ..
           | I impulsively upvote this every time I see it. Thank you for
           | sharing such an interesting project!
       (page generated 2020-04-08 23:00 UTC)