[HN Gopher] Ode to J
       Ode to J
       Author : lelf
       Score  : 131 points
       Date   : 2020-04-10 11:31 UTC (11 hours ago)
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       | antigirl wrote:
       | We did J in university. I hated it. We also did assembly and I
       | much ordered that instead
         | 7thaccount wrote:
         | I think I would also hate J, APL, Prolog, Haskell, Forth, or
         | Lisp in University.
         | The problem is that those languages require a completely
         | different shift in software from the common imperative/OO style
         | to something more declarative or in Lisp's case, just a bit
         | different.
         | In a typical university course, there isn't enough time to
         | focus on learning those things and you stay so shallow with the
         | material that the language seems useless. It seems like 1/2 of
         | the Prolog subreddit is about homework assignments on things
         | like list reversal. If you can already do that in Python/Java
         | with a single method call, Prolog just seems like a really
         | bizarre and inefficient method. Now once you take another step
         | and see how it can figure out how to solve Sudoku without
         | explicit instructions...that is cool.
         | It's really the same thing with electrical engineering when the
         | professor is trying to teach us microprocessors and assembly at
         | the same time and it all seems like a waste when C is much
         | easier. The assembly method probably teaches better, but I need
         | more than just a few weeks to synthesize that information.
         | Especially when you're getting slammed by other hard classes
         | like differential equations at the same time. So perhaps you do
         | hate J, then again, maybe you just need to learn it on your own
         | schedule and not to answer arbitrary test questions about
         | something you can already do in Java.
           | aidenn0 wrote:
           | I don't know how it is in J, but having fielded Lisp
           | questions from students learning Lisp (usually 1/3 or 1/2 of
           | a semester class on "Programming Languages" or "Functional
           | Programming"), the assignments tend towards _terrible_
           | questions, to the point where I don 't think I could come up
           | with questions that were better suited to making someone hate
           | the language.
           | People come out of a class that used Common Lisp thinking
           | that Common Lisp lacks any looping construct (it has
           | several). It looks like the professor took a SICP (which uses
           | scheme, not common lisp) based class as an undergrad, never
           | looked at any language in the lisp family again, and then 20
           | years later made up a syllabus using the half-remembered
           | information using Common Lisp because they remember SICP had
           | something to do with Lisp and taught it without actually
           | trying to do any of the exercises.
       | smabie wrote:
       | It seems like array languages are really picking up steam on HN
       | lately; It's a positive development. Every developer should learn
       | at least one array language. They sound absolutely crazy before
       | you start, but then you start writing some code and you realize
       | there's a lot of wisdom in the coding style. It's not something
       | you can appreciate only from afar, though.
         | Zhyl wrote:
         | Similar logic as to why array languages are good can also be
         | applied to why Linear Algebra is a good thing to learn,
         | especially when you're in a calculation-heavy field. A lot of
         | stuff can be abstracted away in a robust way that makes
         | repetition unnecessary whilst also being able to reason about
         | your equations/code.
       | haolez wrote:
       | I like to play with array languages in my free time. I have a
       | doubt regarding readability:
       | For me, it's easier to read APL with the symbols than to read
       | J/K. Does it get better if you work a lot with J/K?
         | ThomasBHickey wrote:
         | Long ago I was doing some analysis on a Sigma 5/CP-V machine.
         | One of the few high level languages available was Xerox APL.
         | For those without an APL keyboard they provided ASCII
         | replacements (I don't rember what they were, but looked like
         | $NDX, $ASG). After learning APL with the awkward mnemonics I
         | was never able to read it with the special characters! J does a
         | much better standard-character APL.
         | kick wrote:
         | Absolutely yes for J and for k, but I wouldn't necessarily deem
         | it necessary to use one or the other "a lot" just to get an
         | intuitive grasp readability-wise.
       | klipt wrote:
       | Are there any open source compilers for J (and similar
       | languages)?
         | vchak1 wrote:
         | I'd also suggest looking at Pike's ivy as a simple example of
         | an apl like system in go. https://github.com/robpike/ivy
         | arabelladonna wrote:
         | J. J is open-source.
         | Also, for K:
         | https://github.com/kevinlawler/kona
         | https://bitbucket.org/ngn/k/src/master/
         | moonchild wrote:
         | J[1], ngn/k[2], oK[3], kona[4], and GNU APL[5] are the big oss
         | interpreters. The main closed-source ones are Dyalog APL, Kx k,
         | and Shakti k (which are still free for non-commercial use).
         | 1: https://github.com/jsoftware/
         | 2: https://bitbucket.org/ngn/k/src/master/
         | 3: https://github.com/JohnEarnest/ok
         | 4: https://github.com/kevinlawler/kona
         | 5: https://www.gnu.org/software/apl/
       | jim-jim-jim wrote:
       | It seems like this blurb of code has appeared on HN quite a bit
       | lately, and it's cool to see a breakdown of it.
       | The next time I write C, I'm tempted to do it Whitney style like
       | this. There really is something to be said about seeing
       | everything at once.
         | beagle3 wrote:
         | Indeed. Be careful, though, many people find they can't go back
         | to the level of verbosity they used to write (and which is
         | often expected in a team)
           | moonchild wrote:
           | Dyalog and kx are hiring
       | scythe wrote:
       | Since this flurry of APL/J/K/A+/Q articles started, I've been
       | wondering about the relationship between APLs and literate
       | programming.
       | They say that APL was developed to mimic mathematical notation,
       | and I see the resemblance. But real works of mathematics consist
       | of one or two lines of expressions separated by sentences and
       | paragraphs explaining the goal of those expressions.
       | So far in K "advertising" I only see the expressions and not the
       | explanations. The explanation is there, but it's not a comment in
       | the codebase; it's in a blog post that explains it. The code has
       | many lines of expressions on top of each other, and nobody writes
       | math that way.
       | I feel like I'm missing something, basically. It's clear how to
       | write K, but what are the best practices for making a large
       | codebase readable? I shouldn't have to invent that myself, right?
         | 7thaccount wrote:
         | Assuming you write your code for a certain domain, I think most
         | of your colleagues could follow along after learning a little
         | k.
         | I wrote a toy simulator for the domain I work in using
         | something like 6 lines of APL code and sent it to someone good
         | with APL. They replied back to the email pretty quickly with
         | some tips on how to improve it and could generally get the gist
         | of what I was trying to do while knowing nothing of the problem
         | domain. It was really an interesting experience. I think with
         | zero doc, a colleague of mine would immediately understand what
         | I was doing after going through a short APL tutorial. It isn't
         | magic, but not nearly as cryptic as people make it out to be.
         | Edit: people do comment their APL code. I think a million loc
         | project would be pretty difficult in APL, but the beauty is
         | that you should be able to do some pretty powerful work in a
         | few pages I would imagine.
           | eggy wrote:
           | I think you're right. Aaron Hsu's work in APL is inspiring
           | and awesome. The source code to his data parallel compiler
           | hosted on the GPU is 17 lines of APL! Read the abstract to
           | his paper here:
           | https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/24749
             | [deleted]
             | kd0amg wrote:
             | _The source code to his data parallel compiler hosted on
             | the GPU is 17 lines of APL!_
             | The co-dfns source I've seen[1] is much longer. Do you know
             | if there's a write-up somewhere of the differences between
             | that and Appendix B from the dissertation?
             | 1: https://github.com/Co-dfns/Co-dfns
               | ibdknox wrote:
               | The 17 lines don't include the parser or the code
               | generator, which most people would count as "part of a
               | compiler" in a practical sense. They are usually the most
               | mechanical parts of a compiler though, so there's
               | relatively little to be excited about in them.
               | vchak1 wrote:
               | I think its important to distinguish between something
               | that is a core piece vs all the other things that make
               | the system usable. For example once you start adding
               | error handling, and good error reporting, the complexity
               | goes up by an order of magnitude. And in many cases the
               | approach for the core does not necessarily scale out to
               | the other contexts.
         | moonchild wrote:
         | > APL was developed to mimic mathematical notation
         | APL was developed to _replace_ mathematical notation. Making it
         | a computer language was almost an afterthought. Indeed, there
         | have been some trivial mathematical proofs in j[1][2][3].
         | Perhaps those give you a better idea of the connection?
         | 1:
         | https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Essays/Trains#Proof_of_Compl...
         | 2:
         | https://code.jsoftware.com/mediawiki/images/8/82/A_Proof_in_...
         | 3:
         | https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Essays/Ackermann%27s_Functio...
         | clarry wrote:
         | It'd be interesting to know how large the largest K programs
         | actually are. And maybe see some code too.
         | I suspect the things that work ok in a <50 line application
         | start to work less well when you're approaching 500 lines.
           | ectoplasmaboiii wrote:
           | Not a large K program, but a company I used to work for
           | maintains a large, open source q framework
           | https://github.com/AquaQAnalytics/TorQ which is used in many
           | large investment banks and hedgefunds.
           | Funnily enough, the framework is actually a more expansive
           | version of a tick system developed by Kx (the company that
           | makes kdb) https://github.com/KxSystems/kdb-tick
           | The Kx one is incredibly concise. When I first started
           | working with it, it took me a while to figure out what was
           | going on.
           | The larger K/q programs get, the more they tend to look like
           | "normal" code, but you still see a lot of these clever one
           | liners hidden away in there.
             | clarry wrote:
             | > The larger K/q programs get, the more they tend to look
             | like "normal" code, but you still see a lot of these clever
             | one liners hidden away in there.
             | Yep, that's what I suspected. TorQ confirms it.. giving
             | everything a single-letter name will no longer do :-)
             | I'm a bit surprised at the number of comments that explain
             | what the next line does. I'm not sure what to think of
             | that, but it reminds me of beginner tutorials explaining
             | code for people who can't yet read it confidently; for
             | obvious reasons, not a popular style among more
             | conventional languages.
             | scythe wrote:
             | Thanks! This is the kind of thing I was looking for:
             | https://github.com/AquaQAnalytics/TorQ/blob/master/code/pro
             | c...
             | I could imagine working on a codebase like that.
         | eggy wrote:
         | Yes J does attempt to be a concise notation like mathematical
         | notation for working with concepts in a manageable way. Like
         | mathematical notation it takes effort to learn the meanings of
         | the symbols, however, once learned you require less boilerplate
         | to explain the meaning of those arranged symbols unless you are
         | teaching somebody how to code in J.
         | Because the code is concise and includes all the important
         | information, you can view most useful programs in one page, so
         | it doesn't take much to work through the logic again if you
         | have not touched it in a while. I put comments inline for
         | attribution to a source, or a quick mnemonic to unravel some
         | tacit J code.
         | I loved J the first time I saw it back in 2011/2012. I had
         | played with APL in the 80s. I have played with many languages
         | (asm, Basic, C, Haskell, Joy, Forth, k, Lisp, Pascal, Ada,
         | SPARK 2014, Python, Julia, F#, Erlang, R, etc.), and each
         | paradigm shift has taught me to approach problems from many
         | different angles. I use the language that suits my current need
         | at hand. Frink is on my desktop at work for all of my
         | engineering, unit conversion, small input program stuff.
         | R/RStudio is there for my statistics work. Julia is replacing
         | MATLAB for me. I wrote Blender 3D scripts in Python in the
         | early 2000s to make 3D wood carvings from 2D photos.
         | J is always open on my desktop, and is more than a desktop
         | calculator. It is my scratchpad for mathematical and whimsical
         | ideas or exploration. See Cliff Reiter's "Fractals,
         | Visualization & J" for fun [1], or Norman J. Thomson's "J - The
         | Natural Language for Analytic Computing" [1]. I just bought
         | Thomson's book three month's ago for about $35. There's now a
         | crazy $925 posting on Amazon! Somebody's creating sales from
         | HN!
         | "Mr. Babbage's Secret: The Tale of a Cypher and Apl" was also a
         | fun book. It's not really an APL or programming book!
         | [1] https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Books
         | vchak1 wrote:
         | While I really like array programming languages in general, I
         | think what is really an elegant balance of readability and
         | conciseness is the nile language and its application to
         | rasterization. Highly concise, yet very readable.
         | See this Bret Victor talk, at 25:03. https://vimeo.com/67076984
       | eggy wrote:
       | I love J, APL and the array languages in general. I am always
       | looking for exercises to practice my J skills. I found this
       | article by Tyler Limkemann called "Modeling the COVID-19 Outbreak
       | with J"[1].
       | I also follow tangentstorm and took some of this J-talks gui
       | code[2], and mashed it up with Tyler's as a J learning exercise.
       | I just put this up on my github. [3]
       | I highly recommend tangentstorm's YouTube videos too![4]
       | The concise J code, and the way it makes me approach a problem
       | brings me joy! Given all of my coding projects in J fit on one
       | page, I can revisit them later, and get right back in without
       | worrying about having too many comments or documents to
       | understand my code. I like refining the code over time for fun
       | and learning even after it works, or somebody much smarter than
       | myself shows me a different way to look at it.
       | [1] https://datakinds.github.io/2020/03/15/modeling-the-
       | coronavi...
       | [2] https://github.com/tangentstorm/j-talks
       | [3] https://github.com/rpherman/JLang/tree/master/COVID-19
       | [4] https://www.youtube.com/user/tangentstorm
       | okareaman wrote:
       | Am I weird because I have no interest in terseness that you have
       | to tease apart. It feels counter-productive. The programming golf
       | (Code golf) contests and obfuscated C contests just seem like a
       | waste of time to me. The whole point of programming languages is
       | to allow humans to produce machine code using a more natural
       | language closer human language that we are all already fluent in.
         | smabie wrote:
         | That's not the point of programming languages. The point of
         | programming languages is to be more productive, it has nothing
         | to do with natural language. In fact, natural languages are a
         | poor fit for programming languages (see Cobol).
           | ben509 wrote:
           | Counterpoint: SQL is incredibly successful and its syntax
           | uses natural language structures quite heavily.
           | The problem Cobol has is that uses some natural structures,
           | but then becomes very verbose because it only uses a few, and
           | they often can't be combined, so it is very repetitive.
           | It's not natural to say,                   I will buy eggs at
           | the grocery store.         And I will buy ham at the grocery
           | store.         And I will buy cheese at the grocery store.
           | > The point of programming languages is to be more
           | productive...
           | But you should be productive not only in initially writing
           | the code, but also in reading it later when you do
           | maintenance.
           | And what you see with most languages is extensive commentary
           | to help future authors understand what's going on, and that's
           | partly because terse languages tend to be cryptic.
           | okareaman wrote:
           | I wasn't advocating programming in natural language. Much too
           | ambiguous. I'm saying "closer" to natural language so our
           | cognitive load is reduced reading and writing in the language
           | so we can focus on what matters - to be more productive as
           | you point out.
             | AnimalMuppet wrote:
             | There was an attempt to do so, so that professional
             | programmers would be unnecessary. The result was COBOL.
             | I don't want "close to natural language" because it's too
             | _verbose_. It 's like reading an article in _The New
             | Yorker_ - it takes so long to get anything said that you
             | forget what the point was.
             | Of course, "too terse" isn't the answer either. There's a
             | sweet spot. I suspect that the sweet spot varies, depending
             | on the person and the kind of code.
               | okareaman wrote:
               | I'm not sure why ppl are misunderstanding what I am
               | saying. I'm not advocating COBOL-like languages. I'm
               | saying assembler is better than writing in machine code,
               | C is better than assembler and it would appear for most
               | programmers, Python and JavaScript are the best choice
               | but nobody who wants to keep their job writes code in the
               | style of minified JavaScript or obfuscated C.
               | eggy wrote:
               | To some APL and J are the equivalent of C to assembler.
               | It is not obfuscated, it is concise: brief but
               | comprehensive, and easy to understand if you take the
               | time to learn it like you would other PLs. I think Ken
               | Iverson's "Notation as a Tool of Thought" covers this
               | pretty well [1 PDF].
               | [1] http://www.eecg.toronto.edu/~jzhu/csc326/readings/ive
               | rson.pd...
       | kinleyd wrote:
       | Recently I've been dabbling in q and kdb+. Would there be any
       | benefit to dabbling in J instead?
         | anonu wrote:
         | Shakti seems to be the new flavor
           | kinleyd wrote:
           | I've taken a look at that as well. It seems to be heavily in
           | development at the moment, though I'm keeping my eye on it.
           | 7thaccount wrote:
           | The creator of kdb+, the k language, and the q-sql DSL sold
           | his share of Kxsystems (company that makes kdb+) to start a
           | new venture called "Shakti" with a new version of his "k"
           | language. Kdb+ is still around and developing, so I'd say
           | they're forked at this point.
           | smabie wrote:
           | When a q like language is implemented for Shakti, I'll
           | definitely switch. I personally find q a lot more
           | comprehensible than k.
         | kick wrote:
         | J is probably the best language in the world to craft native
         | GUIs (something k could never do very well, and now doesn't do
         | at all).
         | It also has a wonderful amount of books on it, most of them
         | Creative Commons-licensed now (as all/most of Iverson's books
         | are, I believe). It's significantly easier to learn for someone
         | new to array languages yet who doesn't have the sort of hands-
         | on training you can get with APL & k; you could go into the
         | woods with nothing but the J interpreter tarball for a week and
         | come out pretty having internalized the language, and it's even
         | easier with some of the other books available.
         | It's, of course, free software.
           | gaze wrote:
           | > J is probably the best language in the world to craft
           | native GUIs
           | How is that the case? I don't really see a grid system or
           | anything like that. I much prefer delphi or wpf or something.
         | 7thaccount wrote:
         | Same concepts for the most part. I think K is a bit easier to
         | understand and if you're lucky enough to work with a kdb+
         | system, I'd focus on k & q to be honest.
           | kinleyd wrote:
           | Thanks. I downloaded the 64bit "on demand" version of q, kdb+
           | and have been toying around.
         | Jorge1o1 wrote:
         | q and kdb+ would be the better choice in my opinion. I feel as
         | if there is better documentation, books, and resources for q
         | than J/k
           | 7thaccount wrote:
           | q and k are both part of the kdb+ database software suite. K
           | is the language and q is a DSL wrapper over k with SQL
           | primitives.
           | J is an entirely different language and I think the doc is
           | actually pretty decent. There are free books and tutorials
           | and books you can buy on Amazon.
       | 7thaccount wrote:
       | I've done a little J in the past and have been playing with APL a
       | lot lately.
       | It is definitely a different way to think. My programs are taking
       | a long time to write as I train my brain to think in this domain,
       | but the code is very concise and generally not hard to follow
       | afterwards. Everything is so interactive it's a joy.
       | In particular, I enjoy how the poster broke the code down as I
       | can only understand some of C code. It's cool to think I could
       | create my own little J interpreter this quick.
       | empath75 wrote:
       | About halfway through reading that, I was thinking -- it would be
       | fun to try and write this in Rust, and then i got to the bottom,
       | and he had aleady done it. Much easier to read in rust.
         | RodgerTheGreat wrote:
         | The C version is 41 lines, and 1749 bytes. The Rust version is
         | 295 lines, and 8289 bytes.
         | The point of the Incunabulum is not really what it does (it's a
         | REPL with a handful of half-implemented J verbs and no error
         | checking), but the style it demonstrates. I think that
         | rewriting a similar program in another language without even
         | attempting to reproduce the style is rather missing the point.
         | If you're interested in Rust, why not figure out what a
         | semantically-compressed style looks like for it?
           | tomp wrote:
           | How much of that is due to the C preprocessor though? In
           | theory, you could run the same preprocessor for Rust code (if
           | you figure out some sensible macro shortcuts).
             | clarry wrote:
             | Not much at all.
             | It's a completely apples to oranges comparison, with the
             | rust version having some error handling, support for longer
             | identifiers, tests, relatively idiomatic style with line
             | breaks and indentation where you expect it, variables and
             | type names longer than one or two characters, etcetra.
             | You could compress it massively before going for the
             | preprocessor. In fact, a few of the preprocessor macros
             | just make the C version longer (when measured in lines)
             | than it would be without those macros if lines were allowed
             | to be as long as in the rust version (<70 chars vs 100
             | chars). The printf macro (used only three times) actually
             | makes the C code longer both in bytes and lines (or equal
             | length in lines if you retain the 70 column limit).
             | There's really only one macro (DO) that expands enough to
             | save lines, but just barely. The shorthand for return saves
             | quite a few bytes (but not so many lines) given that it's
             | used everywhere.
           | empath75 wrote:
           | But why though. It's a terrible way to write code.
       (page generated 2020-04-10 23:00 UTC)