[HN Gopher] Erase your darlings: immutable infrastructure for mu...
       Erase your darlings: immutable infrastructure for mutable systems
       Author : grhmc
       Score  : 285 points
       Date   : 2020-04-13 14:36 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (grahamc.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (grahamc.com)
       | CaveTech wrote:
       | This is basically the setup we've been using with vagrant (and in
       | production) for years.
       | Vagrant launches a bare-bones VM. Local files mount on /vagrant
       | Chef-zero uses local mount to provision the systems and
       | configurations necessary.
       | On every vagrant reload, this process repeats. Chefs idempotent
       | nature means that any manual drift is automatically repaired.
       | In this setup there's no difference between `vagrant reload` and
       | `vagrant destroy && vagrant up`.
       | It's possible to package this so that it's simultaneously
       | "Infrastructure as Code" while also satisfying "Immutable
       | Infrastructure". Our stab at this is now 6 years old and we're
       | surely not the first to do it.
       | ghuntley wrote:
       | Check out the NixOS for existing sysadmins workshop over at
       | https://github.com/ghuntley/workshops/tree/master/nixos-work...
       | If you want a TL;DR overview of NixOS then start here
       | https://github.com/ghuntley/workshops/tree/master/nixos-work...
         | ghuntley wrote:
         | For an advanced example of overriding nixpkg and usage of
         | pinning/override layers (ie some mandate or reason to run super
         | old version of grpc) -- https://github.com/digital-
         | asset/daml/blob/master/nix/nixpkg...
       | crimsonalucard wrote:
       | I love immutability it makes things ten times easier. This isn't
       | really immutability? It looks like an infrastructure refresh on
       | deploy. If you are refreshing something by definition it's
       | probably not immutable. I guess the author means getting rid of
       | the mutation of state.
       | I'm just waiting for the day they can make the database
       | immutable. It'll probably look something like git.
         | Nuzzerino wrote:
         | > I'm just waiting for the day they can make the database
         | immutable.
         | Wouldn't event stores with CQRS effectively do this?
           | crimsonalucard wrote:
           | No. You still need a regular database due to read
           | performance. If I want to read the "latest" data, a search on
           | an event store for a piece of data that wasn't changed in the
           | past year would take an inordinate amount of time.
           | Additionally what if I want to look up a "row" of data that
           | was modified 5 times on 5 different "columns" at various
           | dates across 3 years? That's an aggregation job across 3
           | years of event data.
           | For event sourcing you still need to turn the "event" into an
           | actual operation and record that database operation in a
           | classic database.
           | Event stores just make the "event" the source of truth. It
           | doesn't get rid of regular databases.
           | Traditionally other services read a single entity
           | database/service and use that as a source a truth. Now a
           | single button click records data across several databases and
           | several services. It's not necessarily a better architecture,
           | just different/buzz-wordy, and definitely more complicated.
             | Nuzzerino wrote:
             | > For event sourcing you still need to turn the "event"
             | into an actual operation and record that database operation
             | in a classic database.
             | That's where the CQRS architecture comes into play. An
             | event is recorded to the event store, the projection
             | database is updated to the latest point in time, then any
             | further reads are done from the projection database.
             | waheoo wrote:
             | Look up database as a value rich hickey talk on datomic
             | which essentially does this.
             | Bottleknecks writes through an acid layer, makes reads
             | against any single database connection (the value)
             | immutable.
               | Scarbutt wrote:
               | Querying history(values of attributes in time) is very
               | very slow in datomic. It is meant for
               | auditing/troubleshooting, not to be used for your
               | application domain.
           | [deleted]
         | OJFord wrote:
         | > This isn't really immutability? It looks like an
         | infrastructure refresh on deploy.
         | The title says 'erase' rather than 'refresh', and does
         | acknowledge they're 'mutable systems'.
           | crimsonalucard wrote:
           | The HN title also says immutability, so I'm referring to
           | that. "Erase" and "immutability" are contradictory. The
           | author clearly can only mean one.
         | kristiandupont wrote:
         | >I love immutability it makes things ten times easier.
         | Me too. Mutable State is to Software as Moving Parts are to
         | Hardware :-)
         | https://medium.com/@kristiandupont/mutable-state-is-to-softw...
           | crimsonalucard wrote:
           | The next level after making your variables immutable is to
           | get rid of variables all together. Just function pipes from
           | IO in to IO out.
           | It's called the point free style.
         | jiveturkey wrote:
         | agreed. this is reproducibility, not immutability. When dealing
         | with such things, precision in language is important. I don't
         | understand the downvotes for you.
         | But, more than anything this is an ad for nixOS.
         | jedberg wrote:
         | > I'm just waiting for the day they can make the database
         | immutable. It'll probably look something like git.
         | Netflix had immutable databases back in 2012. I mean, as close
         | as you can get I suppose. We could lose 1/3 of the nodes and
         | keep running normally, and lose 2/3 and keep reading.
         | It was built with Cassandra and based on the Dynamo model.
         | There was also an open source, fully in memory database with
         | the same reliability: https://github.com/Netflix/dynomite
           | seb314 wrote:
           | you seem to imply that it is no longer like this? If so, why?
             | jedberg wrote:
             | Oh no I'm saying it was like that then when I was there,
             | and I can't speak to how it is now.
             | I assume it is still that way, because it would be odd
             | otherwise. But I just can't say for certain because I'm not
             | there anymore.
         | elbear wrote:
         | It's immutable in the sense that the system files are generated
         | by Nix and they're read-only. So, if you want to make a change
         | to your system, you change the Nix files and rebuild the entire
         | system. The old version of the system remains /nix/store and
         | you can rollback to it.
         | You could also call it "declarative infrastructure", because
         | you declare in your configuration.nix how the system should
         | look like: users, packages, file paths, etc.
       | sargun wrote:
       | I feel pretty strongly against the idea of immutable
       | infrastructure when you're "infrastructure" (shared systems,
       | running other people's software), but this article isn't about
       | that.
       | The beef I have with this article is the idea of:
       | > New computer smell
       | > Getting a new computer is this moment of cleanliness. The
       | keycaps don't have oils on them, the screen is perfect, and the
       | hard drive is fresh and unspoiled -- for about an hour or so.
       | In my observation (and in datasets that I have access to),
       | computers systems tend to follow the "infant-mortality" curve.
       | This means that if they run for a little bit, they're likely to
       | run for a long time (and in addition, if you have many of them,
       | they tend to die around the same time). My conjecture is that
       | many computer systems have initialization routines which are not
       | as thoroughly tested as the normal operating state of the system.
       | Due to this, we tend to run into more issues in "immutable"
       | systems than you otherwise would in "mutable" systems.
       | outworlder wrote:
       | So this is mostly about Nix, but I've used (in production!)
       | CoreOS, which implemented some of the same concepts.
       | You couldn't just update anything easily. Well, anything is
       | possible, but CoreOS made it very hard to do it the wrong way,
       | with the readonly system partitions.
       | But it made upgrades really easy. And you have a second, backup
       | system partition to boot from, if the update messed up things.
       | We had to move back to a 'standard' Linux distribution and now
       | all those old habits are creeping up. It takes a lot of
       | discipline (and enforcement) to avoid the applications of 'fixes'
       | which get eventually forgotten.
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | > We had to move back to a 'standard' Linux distribution and
         | now all those old habits are creeping up
         | That sounds very relevant: Why did you have to go back?
           | ecnahc515 wrote:
           | Most likely because Container Linux (previously CoreOS) is
           | nearing end-of-life. Your options are to move to Fedora
           | CoreOS or Flatcar Linux, so it's likely they decided to go
           | with a more vanilla distro instead of migrating to one of the
           | more similar options.
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | That's actually a fairly encouraging failure mode, given
             | that it means there's nothing inherently wrong with the
             | approach, just that particular implementation.
         | ghuntley wrote:
         | Updates are easy. For an advanced example of overriding nixpkg
         | and usage of pinning/override layers (ie some mandate or reason
         | to run super old version of grpc) --
         | https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/blob/master/nix/nixpkg...
       | solatic wrote:
       | As someone who loves NixOS and runs it on my daily-driver laptop
       | -
       | I can't see running NixOS in production.
       | We're running 100% Kubernetes, including for databases and other
       | stateful workloads. Kubernetes implements the author's pattern
       | just fine - any OS state is defined within the container image,
       | and any application state is defined within a Persistent Volume.
       | Unfortunately, NixOS doesn't have a good story yet for service
       | management (Disnix isn't nearly as featureful as the Kubernetes
       | scheduler and doesn't see nearly the same activity / community
       | buy-in as Nix / NixOS) let alone ensuring that networked storage
       | is re-attached to the particular node that runs the service in
       | the same reliable manner that Kubernetes offers.
       | IMO the way forward for Nix / NixOS in production is to:
       | a) develop a container runtime that would allow a Kubernetes node
       | to run pods that specify Nix expressions directly in the image
       | field, instead of the current workaround of creating Docker
       | containers from Nix expressions and dealing with the overhead of
       | external registries
       | b) improve the experience of running Kubernetes on NixOS such
       | that ease of installation more closely approaches that offered by
       | managed Kubernetes providers.
         | ghuntley wrote:
         | Use nixos to run your k8 cluster if you are insane (or have the
         | $$$ for salaries) enough to run your own k8.
         | See
         | https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/s...
         | Specifically "services.kubernetes.apiserver.enable = true"
         | My strong recommendation is to use nix to generate super
         | optimised and amazing docker images then use them with k8 on a
         | PaaS.
         | https://grahamc.com/blog/nixos-on-zfs
         | If using k8 (self host or PaaS), keep an eye on
         | https://github.com/xtruder/kubenix as it'll blow your mind.
         | Noyaml, infrastructure testing framework, deployment etc using
         | nix.
           | solatic wrote:
           | I'm familiar with that flag, I tried to use it to set up a
           | local development environment on my NixOS laptop. It forces
           | you to use easyCerts and Flannel, neither of which you should
           | use in production on AWS as a default. Disabling them to have
           | more control over rotating certificates and to use AWS VPC
           | CNI networking takes you well far away from a managed
           | experience.
           | Additionally, the channel ecosystem as it exists today does
           | not allow you to choose your minor version of Kubernetes,
           | which is another issue if you want to keep your underlying
           | system up to date but also want to make sure that you're
           | controlling when you adopt a new minor version so that you
           | can deal with deprecations as necessary.
             | ghuntley wrote:
             | Ah yeah, that was a toy example to highlight how services
             | are defined/enabled as k8 is notoriously known to be f'ing
             | hard, involved, complex and intense to setup.
             | "Services.<service>.enable" is very similar to freebsd and
             | /usr/local/etc except with standardised language to
             | configure every daemon.
             | As for channel ecosystem and having control. Pin and
             | override using layers -- https://github.com/digital-
             | asset/daml/blob/master/nix/nixpkg...
             | Then use https://cachix.org/ for stupid fast builds via
             | caching.
         | ris wrote:
         | > develop a container runtime that would allow a Kubernetes
         | node to run pods that specify Nix expressions directly in the
         | image field
         | Do you really want to give kubernetes the added responsibility
         | of building your images?
           | solatic wrote:
           | Kubernetes isn't building the image, really, it's just
           | passing the Nix expression directly to the container runtime
           | that Nix would provide. This is more or less how Nix works
           | already, as the Nix tooling takes Nix expressions and builds
           | derivations which are stored in the Nix store.
           | Spivak wrote:
           | I mean it's kinda the logical conclusion or else your images
           | become your darlings.
         | tazjin wrote:
         | > develop a container runtime that would allow a Kubernetes
         | node to run pods that specify Nix expressions directly in the
         | image field
         | https://github.com/google/nixery
         | I'm the author of this, and here is a talk about it:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOI9H4oeXqA
           | solatic wrote:
           | I'm familiar with Nixery and I think it's a really cool
           | project. It's extremely close to what I'd like but it's not
           | _quite_ it - it requires either relying on nixery.dev to be
           | online (unacceptable for production considering there are no
           | availability guarantees) or running my own instance (which
           | essentially means that I 'm maintaining a type of registry).
           | Why is there a need for an image registry? Part of the beauty
           | of Nix is that Nix benefits from remote binary caches, but
           | they are not _required_. Why not have a container runtime
           | that, instead of downloading image layers, instead fetches
           | from a Nix binary cache if possible and builds from source if
           | not (with the caveat that production nodes should basically
           | never be building from source)?
           | (Also Nixery is GCE-only and we're on AWS but leave that
           | aside).
             | ecnahc515 wrote:
             | Not OP, but a registry works anywhere, whereas a custom
             | runtime doesn't (managed node groups in EKS, GKE, AKS etc).
             | Additionally, once you use a custom runtime, now you have
             | to deal with multiple runtimes in your cluster. You can no
             | longer easily just run pods, you have to ensure they run on
             | the nodes with the runtime for the images you want.
             | tazjin wrote:
             | > which essentially means that I'm maintaining a type of
             | registry
             | Mhm, there's no state that can't be thrown away and
             | recreated, so I'd argue the overhead of running it is much
             | lower than a full-blown registry.
             | > Why not have a container runtime that, instead of
             | downloading image layers, instead fetches from a Nix binary
             | cache
             | It depends on where you want to do this - Kubernetes for
             | example has lots of opinions about images and how they're
             | downloaded, so just replacing the runtime wouldn't be
             | enough.
             | Nixery is an incremental step towards the end-goal, but
             | there's a lot of mindset shifting that needs to happen
             | first I think.
             | > Also Nixery is GCE-only
             | Nope, you can use a disk as the storage backend and then
             | there's no dependency on GCS. S3 support would also be
             | relatively easy to add by just implementing this interface:
             | https://github.com/google/nixery/blob/master/storage/storag
             | e...
       | ashishb wrote:
       | Why not use docker containers which will do this by default for
       | stateless portion of your infrastructure?
         | ghuntley wrote:
         | Docker containers are not reproducible and building the
         | containers takes bloody forever/poor cacheability.
         | Look at every Dockerfile
         | FROM Ubuntu/Ubuntu
         | RUN apt-get update (or apt-get install) # BOOM -- no longer
         | possible to reproduce the build
       | ghuntley wrote:
       | Here's my dotfiles for some of my nixos servers and home
       | computers.
       | https://github.com/ghuntley/dotfiles-nixos
       | Steal away and enjoy.
       | imhoguy wrote:
       | How that could work with suspend/hibernation when one doesn't do
       | reboot for weeks?
       | I rarely shutdown Linux desktop. I also keep desktop VMs with
       | project context suspended to just reopen it next day or in a
       | month to be at place where I stopped the work.
         | pas wrote:
         | Why wouldn't it work with suspend? NixOS works because it's
         | brutally up-front about its declarativeness. Since you have to
         | specify everything in your config that's not what the default
         | gives you, you'll have your own changes in your config file (or
         | files).
         | It's great because it separates /etc into vendor-provided
         | defaults and your own customizations. It's not so great because
         | it's not that automatic, you need to script it.
         | systemd/Lennart also explored this topic a bit:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL0AMLiwPj8
         | https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-vol...
       | jedberg wrote:
       | I would love to get to a point where my laptop can be managed as
       | immutable infrastructure.
       | All the big chunks of data are already isolated into redundant
       | partitions, but it's the system config that's tough.
       | I have a time machine backup, but that's still not the same as
       | being able to say "I'm gonna wipe my hard drive and start over
       | today".
       | So does anyone have have good suggestions on maintaining a MacOS
       | laptop in an immutable way?
         | abathur wrote:
         | I'm not as far along this curve with macOS as Graham is with
         | NixOS (and I'm a little jealous), but I'm approaching something
         | like what you ask for. Feel free to ask questions; I'll try to
         | remember to check back.
         | I have an air from 2013; I moved (regrettably, given the
         | keyboard) to a new air around this time last year and used the
         | process as an excuse to force myself to specify everything well
         | enough that I could recover everything I need from stock macOS
         | from a short bootstrap script.
         | I use yadm (~git) for my dotfiles, Nix for everything Nix can
         | do readily, brew bundle for a few mac apps around the edges,
         | and 3 small restic backups for some project files and such. My
         | dotfiles contain a longer bootstrap script that takes over the
         | heavy lifting once yadm is installed. This script configures
         | most of the settings I need on the way, and prompts me to do
         | the few bits I haven't found a good way to automate. It also
         | collapses ~/Downloads, ~/Desktop, and ~/Documents into a single
         | directory, so that I don't have out-of-sight/mind places for
         | state to hide.
         | It has been a lot of work, but it has bought me peace-of-mind
         | that I can replace my system quickly (i.e., be ready to work on
         | a new device in ~2h with maybe 20 minutes of actual
         | babysitting?)
         | That said, I think the basics here are actually fairly low-
         | hanging fruit. You can also make some really quick progress
         | once you know you've got everything _essential_ safeguarded if
         | you 're willing to take a dive like Graham has here and let
         | minor losses roll off your back. Access to a second mac also
         | helps a lot; iterating on problems in the actual bootstrap
         | process is slow, and best done while you have a working system
         | you can stay productive on.
         | I'm currently most of the way through building out the rough
         | inverse of my bootstrap script--a script that audits as much of
         | my "state" as it can; I hope to have it working for a living as
         | part of my backup runs soon. It cleans up and auto-commits
         | anything it can, tells me what is in a clean state, reassures
         | me not to worry about everything I've worried about during past
         | moves, and gives me an explicit checklist for anything that
         | isn't buttoned up.
         | I think the main things left are forcing me to deal with
         | downloads/desktop/documents as I go (with measures like
         | Graham's being on the table...), and figuring out if there's a
         | sane way to audit for drift in my macOS system/app settings.
         | asdf-asdf-asdf wrote:
         | you can use NixOS on MacOS.
         | i was planning to try it out (currently i use homebrew), but
         | with Catalina it seems things are somewhat complicated for
         | nixos+macos.
         | my understanding is that NixOS wants to live in "/nix", and
         | Catalina does not like that.
         | there are some solutions to this problem but they seem somewhat
         | incomplete (you have to make an unencrypted partition for Nix
         | etc..), though i haven't tried it so i might be wrong :)
         | https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2925
         | https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/3212
         | zimbatm wrote:
         | In the same vein as TA, nix-darwin[1] can be used to configure
         | macOS applications and services. It's not exactly the same as
         | NixOS because the whole system is not entirely managed by Nix
         | but it gets you closer.
         | There is also Ansible, Chef, Puppet, ... but in my experience
         | the overhead to write and test those config files is even hired
         | than using Nix.
         | [1]: https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin
           | jkachmar wrote:
           | In practice you can actually get extremely close to having
           | Nix manage your whole macOS system with the exception of
           | actual OS-level updates (and particular tools like Xcode, I
           | suppose).
           | John Wiegley's system configuration [0] is an example of
           | this, although it is extremely ambitious and definitely not a
           | good place to start for anyone who has used Nix before.
           | One of the interesting things that Wiegley does for further
           | reproducibility is to have Nix manage and install DMG-based
           | Applications [1] in addition to CLI apps, services, and other
           | system-level things.
           | [0] https://github.com/jwiegley/nix-config
           | [1] https://github.com/jwiegley/nix-
           | config/blob/bbad310daa1106f6...
         | bcrosby95 wrote:
         | I don't know if it's usable for a MacOS laptop, but I use
         | Ansible for my various Linux dev machines, and if you handed me
         | a fresh install, once I got my Ansible directory onto the
         | laptop I could get it completely up and running with a single
         | command.
         | jimbokun wrote:
         | I find iOS devices get surprisingly close to this.
         | If you have iCloud backups, do a final sync, then restore to
         | the device you just bought. This has been the process for the
         | last several iPhones I've bought for my family. At the Apple
         | Store, they walk you through this process so everything is set
         | up before you leave.
         | It's hard to tell the difference between your old and new
         | device, in terms of software and data, for the most part.
         | [deleted]
         | dirtydroog wrote:
         | Well, going by the functional programming crowd's take on
         | immutability, you just have to buy a new laptop each time.
         | gav wrote:
         | I'd love to get to make further inroads, but I treat my MacBook
         | as something that's disposable, there's nothing on it that I
         | care about.
         | - Pretty much all my software comes from brew or brew cask
         | - All my files are stored in either DropBox or Google Drive
         | (split is for legacy reasons mostly)
         | - All my work is in a remote Git repository
         | - My local config is also in Git
         | Anything else isn't backed up. I treat ~/Documents as scratch.
         | It's not ideal because it still takes some time to configure
         | and log on to a bunch of cloud services, but maybe it says
         | something about moving into management that I spent 90% of my
         | day inside of Firefox, Mail, and Slack...
           | gowld wrote:
           | But do you have a way to migrate to new hardware when the
           | time comes?
             | gav wrote:
             | Basically grabbing a saved Brewfile[1], running `brew
             | bundle install` and waiting a while.
             | [1]https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-bundle
               | jedberg wrote:
               | Do you know of an easy way to create a brew bundle from
               | already installed applications?
               | the_alchemist wrote:
               | In the readme it's mentioned. brew bundle dump
               | https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-
               | bundle/blob/master/READ...
               | jedberg wrote:
               | Thanks. Totally missed that.
               | Edit: Huh, only 90 packages. I was expecting more!
               | ChristianBundy wrote:
               | Fun trivia: the original implementation[0] was 17 lines
               | of Ruby, which was absolutely terrible because I didn't
               | know what I was doing. I'm happy to see that it's grown
               | so much!
               | [0]: https://github.com/Homebrew/legacy-
               | homebrew/pull/24107
               | gav wrote:
               | Projects are often like stone soup, it takes somebody to
               | kick the process off, and I thank you for that.
               | I saw that it now supports Whalebrew[1], which seems
               | interesting. One of the issues that I have with Brew is
               | that often my need is temporary and that I want to be
               | able to clean up afterwards (similar to `git stash`).
               | [1] https://github.com/whalebrew/whalebrew
         | j88439h84 wrote:
         | You can run nix and home-manager on mac.
         | joshspankit wrote:
         | In the world of commercial software that's essentially
         | impossible.
         | Any immutable infrastructure lights up license keys and demo
         | restrictions like a spotlight.
         | Take, for example, Apple's desktop OS: You used to be able to
         | drag-drop an application to install it. To uninstall you would
         | delete it. Simple. Easy. Stateless. They talked about it a lot
         | and so did Mac evangelizers. But it also meant you could walk
         | in to an Apple store, connect a USB drive in your sleeve to a
         | demo computer, drag, drop, and walk away with full versions of
         | very expensive software. So, the OS fell prey to the same
         | stateful pitfalls as Windows: places to hide keys, system
         | hooks, etc, etc, etc.
         | Your best bet these days is likely to manage all software
         | config through a system management tool, keep your data backed
         | up in Time Machine, and "reprovision" your laptop every X days
         | or months.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | > Your best bet these days is likely to manage all software
           | config through a system management tool,
           | Got any good examples? This is usually where I get stuck and
           | can't find a good solution that works well with MacOS.
             | mason55 wrote:
             | nix + home-manager will get you pretty good coverage for
             | non-commercial software. The learning curve is steep but
             | once you get there it's amazing.
             | joshspankit wrote:
             | I can't remember the particulars right now, but there's a
             | small team that remotely manages the macbooks of Google
             | employees. I suspect that their tools would be a great fit
             | here.
               | lstamour wrote:
               | They started using Puppet against Mac dev machines, then
               | switched to internal tools I believe. But it was one of
               | the first times it occurred to me that we should manage
               | and use DevOps and SRE practices against user machines
               | and user workloads where possible. The trouble is the
               | tooling isn't that mature yet, and we can't assume real-
               | time data or always connected machines, and we don't have
               | a herd because users only have one machine with them at
               | any time and remote state deletion only works when you
               | know you're not deleting critical state, which in turn
               | requires better tooling and a greater understanding of
               | user application state persistence behaviour than most
               | are willing to invest time in doing.
               | This is what makes Chromebooks so easy to maintain
               | though: web apps and sandboxed Android apps can all
               | easily sync to the cloud and compartmentalize their data.
               | sneak wrote:
               | I would pay real money for a linux distro that works as
               | well as ChromeOS or macOS that doesn't have all the
               | phone-home endemic to both (yes, Macs phone home like mad
               | even with iCloud and all of the analytics off).
               | nightfly wrote:
               | People have been doing this for a long time. My team uses
               | Puppet & and Ansible to manage Linux user workstations
               | for our university, and the Windows team uses SCCM +
               | other Windows tools. A big reason why we've stuck with
               | Puppet is is it's flexible enough to manage internal
               | systems + and user workstations fairly well, with a lot
               | of the code being shared with all systems Linux/Unix
               | systems we manage.
             | bradly wrote:
             | Does Homebrew not do this for you? You can install pretty
             | much any popular app use cask installs. If Homebrew works
             | for you, you can use a Brewfile similar to a Gemfile or
             | package.json to handle adding and removing apps from your
             | system?
           | lstamour wrote:
           | Given iCloud/Apple logins, though, which authenticates and
           | creates the keys necessary for the Mac to run signed apps,
           | wouldn't the process of wiping and reinstalling simply
           | include either not deleting preinstalled apps or starting
           | from a state that downloads the apps you need and signs you
           | in/enrols your Mac as necessary? The same would be true for
           | Windows, Active Directory, and any other state required to
           | run the system that has to sync or work with a third-party.
           | I guess to me that's what the /persist drive was in the
           | example, the need to customize system data beyond the basic
           | install steps. Think of your Application Support folder, or
           | apps that don't sync to the cloud, or system kexts you might
           | need to run apps.
           | The biggest problem isn't software like Apple's which use the
           | Internet to authenticate how many systems are in use with
           | generous limits, it's Software like iLok and such that use
           | various stateful properties of your system in an undocumented
           | way so it's hard to preserve them across installs. If that
           | software uses timestamps, for example, it might be hard to
           | preserve what it needs. Keychain might be another example, I
           | haven't fully investigated how that interacts with other
           | chips like the T2 in these scenarios.
           | The problem is that outside of servers, it can be hard to
           | distinguish between files I care about and files I don't.
           | What I'm hoping we get in the future is a filesystem and (on
           | Windows) a registry, that automatically containerizes all
           | saved state to the app and user it belongs to, ideally with
           | some kind of historical log metadata. I know it's asking for
           | too much and would never be perfect, but it's a nice thought.
           | Right now we rely too much on apps to be well-behaved, but
           | it's the apps that aren't well-behaved or that share data
           | between themselves and other apps that are the issue. Apps
           | asking for access is one approach, but I'm less concerned for
           | privacy in this scenario than I am for state cleanup. The
           | trouble isn't reading anywhere though, it's when an app
           | shared state by updating data in another "container", then
           | you'd have to create containers to represent files shared
           | between apps, or the container idea disappears and you're
           | left with metadata about file usage and global state as an
           | alternative... At that point you're limited by how much work
           | you want to do to keep the system clean, and it might be
           | easier to identify anomalies periodically than to keep a
           | whitelist updated with files to persist...
           | jkachmar wrote:
           | You can work around this in the event that your commercial
           | software provides a consistent interface for the license key
           | stuff; e.g. via the CLI, a key file (ideally plain text) on-
           | disk, or some scriptable interface.
           | Then you can store this info in separate key management
           | software (e.g. Unix pass for your local machine) at which
           | point bootstrapping your system could be done relatively
           | automatically.
           | EDIT: I should add that this is my view of how things should
           | work in the-world-as-it-ought-to-be, which isn't necessarily
           | the same as the-world-that-we-live-in.
             | joshspankit wrote:
             | Yes, I agree that would be excellent.
           | mixmastamyk wrote:
           | > But it also meant you could walk in to an Apple store,
           | connect a USB drive in your sleeve to a demo computer, drag,
           | drop, and walk away with full versions of very expensive
           | software
           | Security permissions/demo versions are the proper solution to
           | this, aren't they?
             | joshspankit wrote:
             | Permissions fails because if your user has the ability to
             | read the application's files, they can copy it. If they
             | cannot, then neither can the application itself (aka it
             | cannot run).
             | Demo versions (as in compiled to be a limited demo) are
             | viable, but was counter to Apple's image at that time (it
             | doesn't really show off the experience if you're getting
             | restricted or nagged).
               | mixmastamyk wrote:
               | Read yes, but not write to removable drives. This setting
               | is used on every machine in a VFX company I worked for.
               | Although, I don't know how supported it is across
               | platforms.
         | memco wrote:
         | I experimented with a version of this:
         | https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles. It worked ok. Still
         | had a few things I had to tweak, but if you have a few things
         | you want to keep it's easy. I basically only use a brewfile + a
         | shell script to set a few defaults and some configs for iterm +
         | kitty that I keep in my personal repo. Makes the most
         | repetitive bits a lot easier. The MAS homebrew stuff didn't
         | work too well when I migrated machines so I still had to
         | install some stuff by hand.
       | downerending wrote:
       | For years I've been doing this in a lightweight way with a shell
       | script (and cache of auxiliary data files). I suspect many others
       | do this as well.
       | The basic idea is to image with some lean/vanilla image, then run
       | the script to put the system into the desired state. Kind of like
       | Puppet, except far easier to understand and change.
       | Properly done, one can reimage pretty much at will, which is nice
       | if there are lot of people making local 'root' changes on boxes.
       | edit: typo
         | eeZah7Ux wrote:
         | > The basic idea is to image with some lean/vanilla image, then
         | run the script to put the system into the desired state.
         | Spot on. Much better than most CM tools.
         | The Nix setup is pretty hackish and does not track files
         | changed by running applications.
         | What we really need is automatic version history on whole
         | filesystems.
           | pas wrote:
           | ZFS (and btrfs) snapshot diff does that easily. Also any
           | overlay filesystem. But after a point combing through the
           | diff becomes an insurmountable task. Nix forces the user to
           | declare what goes where up front. (And yes, it's not exactly
           | a user friendly syntax/style. systemd has support for
           | WorkingDirectory, RootDirectory, RootImage, RuntimeDirectory,
           | StateDirectory, CacheDirectory, LogsDirectory and
           | ConfigurationDirectory, but so far most unit files don't take
           | advantage of that.)
             | eeZah7Ux wrote:
             | No, it's not automated and does not track changes with the
             | required granularity: what file is changed by what
             | application, what OS package and what reason.
             | downerending wrote:
             | This is nice to have, but it doesn't really distinguish
             | between the "logical" differences and the "physical"
             | differences.
             | As a trivial example, one step in one's setup script might
             | be "install package X". That can end up creating/modifying
             | a lot of files, but many of those differences aren't
             | necessarily meaningful or something one would want to carry
             | into future reimages. And as things progress over time,
             | those diffs might even be "wrong".
             | I liken it to whittling vs CNC. Either can be the right way
             | to go, but usually at scale we end up doing better with
             | CNC. And the best CNC program is a compact one.
           | eeZah7Ux wrote:
           | How comes that every time I post from this account I get few
           | immediate downvotes and when I use other accounts it does not
           | happen?
           | Interesting...
       | kreetx wrote:
       | Since my move to nixos I've considered to reinstall my system
       | every morning - since the entire system config is a few .nix
       | files (+ home-manager). Haven't quite found the determinism yet.
       | Perhaps I should do it tomorrow morning. :)
       | edit: If I get three more upvotes I'll do tomorrow.
       | edit: two more.
       | edit: one more.
       | edit: all filled up, it's going to happen!
       | edit: Some more context. Although I have a laptop (a 13" 2015
       | mbp) I don't bring it to work anymore, but have two desktops, one
       | at home and one for work. All three run the same nix
       | configuration, shared through a git repo. Whenever I discover
       | there is some program I need I add it to the config and after
       | switching machines run `sudo nixos-rebuild switch` - so the thing
       | I added becomes available on the current machine there, too. All
       | this just works (tm) and I'm fairly confident the re-install will
       | be painless.
         | sp332 wrote:
         | This reminds me of The Tiny C Compiler "tcc" and its ability to
         | recompile the kernel from source on every boot.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiny_C_Compiler
         | delusional wrote:
         | I wonder if this could be used instead of image based computer
         | management for enterprise settings. Basically the team managing
         | the systems have some settings, employees have their own
         | overlay (to account for personal preference in tools or
         | directory structure), and then you just install the entire
         | machine at the start of every day.
         | It seems really complex though, so I'm not entirely convinced
         | it's a good idea.
         | AgentME wrote:
         | Is using nixos not enough to have a deterministic install?
           | arianvanp wrote:
           | Read the article. It's the author exactly telling what parts
           | aren't deterministic for them yet. E.g. Bluetooth devices,
           | Networkmanager configs added by hand, wireguard keys, ssh
           | host IDs.
         | robbintt wrote:
         | *determination :-D
       | jackcviers3 wrote:
       | Git. Vagrantfile. Last pass. G Suite. I can work anywhere if I've
       | got a vm.
       | greymeister wrote:
       | Haha, nuke and pave as a first resort rather than a last resort.
         | rconti wrote:
         | Over the years I went from making fun of Windows Admins
         | rebooting to fix everything, to, say, 12 years ago rebooting my
         | unix boxes _any_ time I made a change.
         | Virtually by definition if I was changing something, it wasn't
         | in production at the moment, and I just learned my life was so
         | much easier if I made sure my changes were really committed to
         | state _at the moment I made the change_ rather than learning it
         | the hard way at 2am 6 months down the road, and desperately
         | trying to remember what I had  "fixed" and why.
         | Granted, these were still pets, but at least they were well-
         | trained pets.
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