[HN Gopher] Malleable Systems: Software must be as easy to chang...
       Malleable Systems: Software must be as easy to change as it is to
       use it
       Author : pcr910303
       Score  : 197 points
       Date   : 2020-04-13 16:58 UTC (6 hours ago)
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       | mntmoss wrote:
       | The question to reconcile in my mind: Malleable systems with
       | reproducable builds.
       | It's very easy to get your hands dirty with the bytes and add
       | various assumptions and dependencies. Most "hack solutions" go in
       | that direction. But reproducing the modification in some larger
       | context changes the assumption: What if the dependency isn't
       | there?
       | What tends to make the system stable over the long term is the
       | thematic assumptions: Certain broad goals that never shift, even
       | as the specification does. I think that's the factor missing from
       | having malleability itself as a goal. You already have it, that's
       | software.
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | Web user agents do this the best. You can run code in the
       | console, delete elements, make that persist with an extension.
       | And there you see the best outcomes and the dangers ("This is a
       | browser feature intended for developers. If someone told you to
       | copy and paste something here to enable a Facebook feature or
       | "hack" someone's account, it is a scam and will give them access
       | to your Facebook account.").
       | saagarjha wrote:
       | I don't think this is a very popular opinion, but for those
       | shipping software, consider having at least one programmatic way
       | to "monkey patch" it. These are things like a plugin API,
       | dynamically linking it, or using a language with an exposed
       | runtime-things that allow programmatic injection of code, so that
       | users who _really_ care about tweaking the tool can do so. It
       | doesn 't even take much effort, either: my text editor has no
       | plugin interface, but one of the reasons I stick with it is
       | because I can hook its calls to libc to customize some of the
       | things I don't like. My preferred mail client happens to lack a
       | certain entitlement that most people don't even know about and
       | that enables an entire cottage industry of software for it.
       | Browsers let you specify some JavaScript to run on each page and
       | suddenly the balance of power on the web tilts significantly
       | towards the user. Even (or especially) if your tool is open
       | source, consider supporting such an interface: it's much nicer to
       | add on to piece of software than fork it.
         | bcrosby95 wrote:
         | The problem is support. Even if you put big caution tape around
         | it, if you break it or change it in a way that isn't backwards
         | compatible users will complain loudly about it. And if you have
         | users paying lots of $$$ relying on it, it might force your
         | hand.
         | Building a plug-able system in a way that doesn't blow up in
         | your face can be hard. Firefox got a lot of bad press for
         | redesigning their plugin system.
           | enos_feedler wrote:
           | This is a great point and something to consider when
           | designing runtime programmable tools. It should mean moving
           | slow, cautious with minimal surface area and opinions about
           | the future is probably a way to go. Having strong isolation
           | is probably good too. This is something that made me uneasy
           | about highly programmable/hackable platforms. I like when the
           | core maintainers understand _how_ a system wants to be
           | extended and shaped and provides precise hooks for doing so.
           | funkymike wrote:
           | It seems to me the key then would be to have that
           | programmable interface be used to actually implement the
           | features shipped as part of the project. It will be a lot
           | easier to get the API right if the developers are using it
           | themselves, plus that adds a lot more incentive to maintain
           | backwards compatibility as well.
         | jmercouris wrote:
         | I agree :-)
         | The user _should_ have the power. Also the interface should be
         | as powerful as possible. One such browser that embraces this
         | philosophy is Next https://github.com/atlas-engineer/next.
         | Source: biased author
           | denster wrote:
           | Very cool! I'll show this to our team [1]; we have a few
           | keyboard ninjas & I think they'll absolutely love it.
           | --
           | [1] team of https://mintdata.com, where we've been known to
           | appreciate a fine keyboard shortcut or 12.
           | [2] partly an inside joke to our team who reads HN, since we
           | recently shipped keyboard shortcuts for our top menu (Google
           | Sheets, we borrowed what we could to ease the pain :D )
         | denster wrote:
         | -\\_(tsu)_/-
         | Card carrying member of the disagree-club here (malleable
         | clan), but I think it's a tall order to ask users to write
         | procedural code.
         | Tools that are:
         | (1) declarative by nature (HTML, DSLs)
         | (2) based on direct manipulation (PSA: we're lucky to have Bret
         | Viktor on this planet)
         | is what will win out in my opinion.
         | Or will we be writing procedural code 30, 50 years out? :)
         | --
         | [1] YMMV, founder of https://mintdata.com here, where we
         | recently opened public access & are seeing the above come true.
           | slifin wrote:
           | Mintdata looks cool, what does the imperative layer that
           | drives the declarative layer look like? It'd be nice if this
           | was a platform where engineers could sell the imperative
           | layers
             | denster wrote:
             | Thank you! Genuinely warms my heart to hear it :)
             | We've been using our own "Visual SDK" to build large parts
             | of MintData for the past few years.
             | It's 100% written in TypeScript/React, using decorators
             | (cough: annotations!) and allows us to:
             | 1) add new spreadsheet functions in TypeScript
             | 2) wrap any React component
             | 3) we get the auto-magic property panel UI "for free" & it
             | instantly talks to/from the spreadsheet
             | For our cloud/backend imperative layer:
             | 4) we use our own real-time stream processor (think: Apache
             | Storm but minus the Clojure stacktraces)
             | 5) the SDK lets us quickly write flow blocks in Java using
             | annotations & connect to all sorts of enterprise-y systems
             | (SQL/NoSQL stores, Queues, File Systems, etc)
             | @slifin -- in terms of engineers writing & selling those
             | layers, we're open to it -- ping me if you have ideas & we
             | can give you access to the docs & SDK.
             | --
             | [1] I'd put a link here, but the flamethrowers have come
             | out on this thread :)
               | chrisweekly wrote:
               | Looks pretty cool; IMHO it's a good idea. (I once
               | participated as a consultant / dev on a project to
               | convert a Byzantine set of Excel spreadsheets into a
               | deployable application built on web technologies, and
               | this might have been a saner approach.)
         | bem94 wrote:
         | I agree that people would and do find such interfaces very
         | useful in many of their programs and tools.
         | Those with nefarious purposes find them extremely useful too.
         | It's a lot of work to secure those interfaces against abuse.
           | conradev wrote:
           | https://xkcd.com/2044/
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | This is why I believe it to be an "unpopular opinion" these
           | days as most computing platforms move towards being more
           | locked down and less extensible; for security or complexity
           | reasons these kinds of things seem to get little love or are
           | even axed completely. Usually, the hard part is not security
           | per se, but identifying user intent. You want to come up with
           | a process that ensures that the user who enables potentially
           | dangerous interfaces knows what they are doing. Preventing
           | the user from doing this entirely is an easy but fairly
           | disappointing "solution" to this problem.
             | bem94 wrote:
             | > Preventing the user from doing this entirely is an easy
             | but fairly disappointing "solution" to this problem.
             | For sure. And if individuals are happy with trading some
             | security for some functionality/flexibility in their
             | software, I'll support their right to make that choice.
             | It gets more complex when the people affected by that
             | choice aren't the people making the choice. Which is more
             | likely in the case of network programs.
             | > Usually, the hard part is not security per se, but
             | identifying user intent. You want to come up with a process
             | that ensures that the user who enables potentially
             | dangerous interfaces knows what they are doing.
             | Indeed. I'd add identifying developer intent to that as
             | well. What functionality am I trying to enable v.s. what
             | else am I actually enabling? Coming up with that process is
             | the herculean task there.
       | CapriciousCptl wrote:
       | I see this and then I think of all the success of strongly
       | opinionated things like Rails. Having one way to do things forces
       | you to focus on what's most important, make choices and get
       | things done. It keeps you away from premature optimization and
       | analysis paralysis. Yes, you could split things into 100
       | different pure pluggable microservices but should that really be
       | where you put your resources at the beginning? To me, engineering
       | and for that matter everything you do isn't any doing things the
       | perfect way-- it's about doing them the best way you can and
       | moving on to the next problem.
       | Some things work well together in a functional pipeline-- Linux
       | commands that do one thing for instance. EMRs are famously
       | malleable too, for better or worse.
       | But could you imagine being IT managing 1000 PCs all with
       | slightly different versions of word processors or something like
       | that?
         | denster wrote:
         | Here's a counter argument:
         | In college (17 years ago) a professor once told me that
         | databases largely outlive the apps that use them.
         | Imagine a world [1] where IT manages data centrally, but users
         | are free to interact with it how they best see fit?
         | Would this kind of a world be better?
         | (provided of course you have the right permission model & audit
         | trail for modification)
         | --
         | [1] Founder of https://mintdata.com, so I'm biased -- malleable
         | systems are near and dear to our heart
         | [2] Professor Franklin at UC Berkeley, if you're reading this,
         | I am very sorry for not being the most attentive student :)
           | acomjean wrote:
           | That's kind of how we design my web applications.
           | We store all the data in the database and the applications
           | query the data/ process and return. We actually have multiple
           | applications in various languages accessing the data (php,
           | java, perl...).
           | Its genetic data so a lot of tables are shared across our
           | applications. Gene symbol lookup for example).
           | When I started in this field I worked with Lotus Notes. Its
           | actually a shared nosql database which users can create
           | applications that query it as they see fit. I was clunky, but
           | it could be effective in making custom team tools.
           | philote wrote:
           | In this sort of world, how do you prevent users from making
           | bad queries and hogging all the database resources or even
           | crashing the database? How do you prevent users from wiping
           | out data? (I get that you could back it up and restore it,
           | but depending on the company, this could cause serious
           | downtime and loss of revenue).
             | denster wrote:
             | I think of this in two parts:
             | 1) Computing is cheap, human time is not.
             | 2) Competition in established industries is fierce
             | (finance, real estate, education, construction, etc)
             | -- To the extent possible, I'd:
             | a) time out bad queries
             | b) add more hardware where feasible
             | -- For the "wiping out data" part, I think:
             | 1) Mark things as "removed", delete when {GDPR,CCPA,etc}
             | requires it
             | 2) The UIs designed can/should have human processes in mind
             | -- that is, things like multiple people involved (async) on
             | what to do with a piece of data (flag it, mark it removed,
             | send it for approval, etc) -- what a lot of companies are
             | calling "workflows" and "workflow management platforms"
             | these days.
             | 3) Backup/restore should be used only as a last resort (DR
             | and the like)
             | 4) Versioning like Google Sheets of the UI is _paramount_
             | and integration with CI /CD systems is crucial to having
             | the cake (allowing people to create the tools they want)
             | while also eating it too (making sure IT doesn't drive the
             | above-mentioned dune buggy off a cliff in protest)
       | mtraven wrote:
       | Should include some mention of Richard Gabriel's "Habitability
       | and Piecemeal Growth", a really good essay on this topic from
       | almost 30 years ago...
       | https://www.dreamsongs.com/Files/PatternsOfSoftware.pdf
       | 0xDEEPFAC wrote:
       | In my experience, this line of thinking tends to lead to
       | inefficient and hard-to-manage large projects based on languages
       | which are convenient on a small scale.
       |  _Cough_ Electron _Cough_ https://medium.com/commitlog/electron-
       | is-cancer-b066108e6c32
       | I mean, what percentage of users are adept enough to change a
       | program they use and then what percentage of them would even
       | _want_ to go through the trouble of doing it. Moreover, why
       | should we go through all the hoops needed to encourage novice
       | /non-programmers to modify things they don't _really_ understand
       | anyway.
       | This seems like a solution/problem in search of a problem.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | Nobody said you need to bundle a Chromium engine to make a
         | program extensible.
         | danShumway wrote:
         | If you want to talk about text editors in that post, Emacs is
         | wildly, almost obscenely configurable (I'm currently using
         | Emacs as my Linux WM[0]). Vim has its own scripting language
         | that you can use to write custom bindings and configs, and they
         | can get similarly complicated. Sublime has a pretty good Python
         | API. Even Nano can have its syntax highlighting extended.
         | The extensibility of those systems are why they've stuck
         | around. The composability of Vim's keybindings are why people
         | keep reimplementing Vim modes in different pieces of software.
         | If you don't like Electron, fine, but what does that have to do
         | with building malleable systems? Can you name me any popular
         | native text editor that's used for serious work and that
         | doesn't support plugins?
         | > Moreover, why should we go through all the hoops needed to
         | encourage novice/non-programmers to modify things they don't
         | really understand anyway[?]
         | This is like asking why a programming language should have
         | power-user features in it. I mean, by that logic why would
         | anyone add pointers to a language like C? Pointers are hard,
         | and most programmers aren't very good with them. Why go through
         | the hoops needed to encourage programmers to use a memory model
         | that most novices don't understand very well?
         | If you design a system or program only for beginners and no one
         | else, then only beginners will use it. Once they've matured,
         | they'll leave so that they can find something else that meets
         | their evolving needs. Good software design considers the entire
         | life-cycle of how a user will interact with a program as they
         | develop and learn new features.
         | Many users will never get to the point where they'll want to
         | program extensions themselves, but even they will often benefit
         | from having extensions written for them by the surrounding
         | community.
         | [0]: https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm
       | twelvechairs wrote:
       | I have thought about this for a long time. For me the meaningful
       | change means it needs to work at the OS/GUI level.
       | What people miss in this thread is there 2 kinds of complexity we
       | deal with - one that is fundamentally understanding the field and
       | a second that is understanding the complex tooling required to do
       | things. The latter has been getting much more complex lately
       | (frequently multiple programming languages and multiple software
       | packages) and a good set of fundamental tools that can operate in
       | a loose environment is absolutely a big thing to aspire to
       | mrfusion wrote:
       | I always liked the extension system in browsers.
       | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
       | We had a moderately long thread on the question of scripting
       | versus "change the code" over on the ardour.org forums, starting
       | with a post from me ...
       | https://discourse.ardour.org/t/is-open-source-a-diversion-fr...
       | TLDR: i still don't know if most of our users would prefer a more
       | scriptable application even if it was closed source.
       | oliverx0 wrote:
       | This is the vision that Seliom, the startup I am working on, has.
       | We are still too early and don't have documentation to share, but
       | the idea is to give business owners the power to easily change
       | digitized processes in minutes.
       | bri3d wrote:
       | Wasn't this the idea of the 4GL and 5GL craze in the 1980s and
       | 1990s?
       | awinter-py wrote:
       | > software must be as easy to modify as it is to use
       | interesting metric, reallllllly bad target
       | austincheney wrote:
       | Does this article literally mean _easy_ as in hire somebody else
       | to do it for you or does it mean _simple_ as a one step change?
       | By no means is that clear from reading the post.
       | This subject of easy versus simple is frustrating, angrily so.
       | I frequently see people asking for things to make various
       | software tasks more easy. When I see anybody ask for easier the
       | only appropriate question is: _How easy does it need to be?_. The
       | question isn 't rhetorical, because I doubt (from experience with
       | this issue) that the person asking for easy has any idea about
       | what the end state of what that easy should comprise.
       | Here is a real life example:
       | At work there is a software component that has jQuery 1.x
       | embedded and this failed an internal security audit. To solve for
       | the audit failure version 1 of jQuery must be removed from this
       | application. My first thought is to simply remove jQuery all
       | together. You don't need it, but jQuery is easy. I was denied
       | from removing jQuery, so I have to upgrade it.
       | I upgraded jQuery and it breaks the application. I tried 3
       | different versions of jQuery Migrate and multiple versions of
       | jQuery 2 and 3 and no luck. The application is broken.
       | This quest for easy is wasting an absurd about amount of time, so
       | far a week, and its still ongoing. Knowing this is absurd I took
       | the initiative to simply remove jQuery. I removed the jQuery
       | library (about 12000 lines of code uncompressed and about another
       | 100 lines for AJAX prep in our application). I then added about
       | 20 lines of code for standard XMLHttpRquest handling. The
       | application works perfectly, but fails a code review. We must use
       | jQuery.
       | I tried to explain this to nondevelopers and couldn't do it in a
       | way that empathizes with the need for easy, because at face value
       | it seems irrationally absurd. No matter how I tried it always
       | sounded stupid. So, instead I have learned to explain like
       | driving a car.
       | Imagine you are a professional driver. You have been driving
       | professionally for 10 years and have quite the validated resume.
       | You have experience driving sedans, limousines, trucks, and so
       | forth. You can drive safe and fast. You come to the current
       | client highly recommended. A transport service dropped off an
       | extremely expensive super sports car at an import broker and you
       | are required to drive it to the client.
       | You hop into that driver's seat and are shocked to discover there
       | is this weird stick thing in the middle console between the seats
       | and 3 foot pedals. Remaining confident you put the keys into the
       | ignition but the car doesn't start. You sit there for 10 minutes
       | completely lost. You have never seen a car with 3 pedals or a
       | weird stick between the driver and passenger seats. Clearly, the
       | car must be broken. Never mind that somebody just pulled the car
       | up to you and never mind that its a standard transmission, which
       | is the default in most super sports cars.
       | Obviously the car is broken. The best recommendation is to
       | investigate the car for mechanical defects, swap out the manual
       | transmission with an automatic and after $18000 and 3 weeks it
       | will be ready to go. Easy, now any qualified driver can drive the
       | car.
       | Simple, conversely, is just putting your foot on the clutch while
       | engaging the ignition. The car starts without delay and allows
       | for greater speed and precision at no extra effort.
       | As a web developer most of the software I encounter is easy and
       | extremely fragile, but its certainly not simple. This is
       | especially true when you out grow your giant framework.
       | thesuperbigfrog wrote:
       | The Malleable software principles seem to be more of a "No Code"
       | / "Low Code" wish list with some similarities to the Four
       | Freedoms of the Free Software Foundation.
       | >> "Software must be as easy to change as it is to use it"
       | Easy is relative. I find command-line interfaces remarkably clear
       | and easy to work with, but others might not agree with my
       | opinions or preferences. How easy is "easy"? How do you know if
       | software is easy enough? How can we fundamentally simplify the
       | essential complexities of software development so that it is
       | approachable by "the man or woman on the street"? What incentives
       | do we have to do so?
       | >> "All layers, from the user interface through functionality to
       | the data within, must support arbitrary recombination and reuse
       | in new environments"
       | >> "If I want to grab a UI control from one application, some
       | processing logic from another, and run it all against a data
       | source from somewhere else again, it should be possible to do
       | so." source: https://malleable.systems/mission/#2-arbitrary-
       | recombination...
       | If you have the software source code then this might be
       | technically possible, but licensing restrictions may come into
       | play. Short of the source code, the "no code" / "low code"
       | software development pipe dream needs to become a reality and
       | then become standardized to allow for component interoperability.
       | It might be possible, but the question of incentives comes up
       | again. If I were a company selling a production-quality "no code"
       | / "low code" system, why would I make it interoperable unless I
       | was trying to undercut a competitor?
       | Compare to the FSF Freedom 1: "The freedom to study how the
       | program works, and change it so it does your computing as you
       | wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for
       | this."
       | >> "Tools should strive to be easy to begin working with but
       | still have lots of open-ended potential"
       | How do you define or measure "open-ended potential" from the user
       | standpoint?
       | >> "People of all experience levels must be able to retain
       | ownership and control"
       | Does this imply some kind of built-in DRM or is it merely
       | copyright and licensing? How would ownership and control be
       | enforced?
       | >> "Recombined workflows and experiences must be freely sharable
       | with others"
       | This nests pretty closely with the FSF Freedoms 2 and 3:
       | "The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others
       | (freedom 2)."
       | "The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to
       | others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole
       | community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the
       | source code is a precondition for this."
       | How does this principle combine with the previous principle about
       | retaining ownership and control? How is it different from
       | copyright and licensing that is currently used?
       | >> "Modifying a system should happen in the context of use,
       | rather than through some separate development toolchain and skill
       | set"
       | Using software and building software are different activities
       | that REQUIRE different knowledge and skill sets. This is roughly
       | the equivalent of wanting to modify your car without
       | understanding how the drive train or transmission work. If you do
       | not understand the underlying natural laws that govern how
       | something works then how can you expect to make changes that do
       | what you want? Lack of understanding leads to cargo cult
       | reasoning and magical thinking.
       | >> "Computing should be a thoughtfully crafted, fun, and
       | empowering experience"
       | It depends on the person, but actually learning how computers
       | work and how to program computers can be a fun and empowering
       | experience.
         | badsectoracula wrote:
         | > Does this imply some kind of built-in DRM or is it merely
         | copyright and licensing? How would ownership and control be
         | enforced?
         | I think this refers to the _user_ being in control (as opposed
         | to the developer) and having ownership of their computing
         | environment.
           | thesuperbigfrog wrote:
           | But in a Malleable System, the user becomes a developer or
           | something closer to a developer.
           | The links in the principles give more details:
           | https://malleable.systems/mission/#4-retain-ownership-and-
           | co...
           | For this principle, it says:
           | >> "A fundamental problem of today's software ecosystem is
           | that we do not own or control the software that runs on our
           | devices. In addition, much of the actual processing logic has
           | been passed off to remote systems in the cloud, so only the
           | inputs and outputs are observable."
           | >> "We must ensure that malleable software approaches allow
           | the customisations and personal workflows you create to be
           | owned and used as you see fit. If an approach relies on some
           | amount of remote functionality (perhaps to assist with
           | pulling apart an application or service), we must ensure
           | there's a clear path for anyone interested to keep those
           | dependencies alive so that their workflows are not disturbed
           | if the remote service were to shut down."
           | >> "This has many parallels with the ongoing movement towards
           | data ownership, which is gaining popular awareness. Although
           | the data ownership movement typically focuses on identity and
           | social data, the programs and customisations that authors
           | create are personal creative expressions. Authors must retain
           | ownership of their data, programs, and customisations just as
           | anyone would expect to have control over a book they wrote or
           | art they created."
           | The first paragraph definitely matches up with your point
           | that the user should be in control of their computing
           | environment. However the third paragraph certainly seems like
           | copyright and licensing are implied.
       | chrischen wrote:
       | Functional programming to the rescue!
       | pjc50 wrote:
       | Interesting to put this on the front page next to the "immutable
       | infrastructure for mutable systems" one.
       | The thing is, these drives pull in opposite directions. If it's
       | easy to change it's easy to break, and changes drive entropically
       | downwards as it's always easiest to make the quick and dirty
       | change.
       | Malleable systems are great for expert users, but can easily be
       | turned into a ball of mud by a non-expert. Hence the popularity
       | of Chromebooks.
       | Security also enters into consideration. Anything that can be
       | programmed can be attacked. Any program that reads external data
       | is an attack surface.
       | Look at the history of e.g. web browser extensions, and how they
       | have become more and more locked down to prevent abuse by bad
       | actors.
         | teodorlu wrote:
         | And in the intersection of mutability and immutability you have
         | fantastic experiences like live editing and time travel.
         | /Where/ the interface for mutability is located is essential.
         | rektide wrote:
         | I agree there's a tension.
         | There are strong engineering impetuses for control, for
         | provability, for ahead-of-time decisions, for immutability.
         | Engineers get woken up when things go wrong, they get blamed
         | when things go wrong, & they want, they have to deal with other
         | engineers code doing bad things with their code, & the software
         | world has a wide variety of strategies, tools, & outlooks that
         | all try to build safety, certainty, that restrict & constrain
         | systems, to keep anything unexpected from happening.
         | I feel, though, that characterizing malleable systems as being
         | for expert users alone is a great injury. At present this may
         | match expectations, but I don't think it's fair to make an
         | assessment of how or what computer-users want when, at the
         | moment, they don't really have the options. There are too few
         | malleable systems out there to judge. What general malleable
         | systems we do have require advanced expertise to use-
         | AppleScript, DCOP (Desktop COmmunication Protocol), DBus,
         | WebExtensions all require at least some programming style
         | skills to use. But I think this expertise is owing to a broad
         | lack of investment in building malleable software. Most
         | software strives to give the user a specified & specific
         | experience, not be a malleable system folks can get the
         | experience they want out of. I don't think we know how much
         | latent pull users have, how strong the tension is to be
         | released from engineer's certainty, because I don't think there
         | are even many testbeds, much less a broader societal view of
         | systems flexibility, systems adaptability, of softer software.
         | To me, I just think it's clear that, whatever valid concerns we
         | do have, whatever justification we have for building endless
         | arrays of rigid systems, it seems like it's not worth it
         | anymore. We keep making more and more software, the profusion
         | of software applications is a torrent of similar-but-different
         | applications, focusing on shuffling this or that kind of data
         | specifically, yet the generality, the inter-connectedness of
         | the pieces seems so weak, and it seems like we've shut users
         | out from having any creative capabilities & control of their
         | own.
         | I think WebExtensions are a very interesting case. The killer
         | aspect, to me, is that the extensions work invisibly. We can't
         | rely on everyone becoming an expert extension operator, but I
         | do think that some reporting mechanisms on what extensions do
         | would radically reshape how the community review's & socialized
         | the extensions they use. In many ways, it's that the extensions
         | are a means of exercising the malleability of hypertext, but
         | they themselves are rigid & unmalleable & opaque. A part of
         | being malleable- a precondition- is making yourself visible,
         | providing viewability into what is happening, such that folks
         | can reshape & redefine & redirect those actions that you the
         | software are enacting. So the circle needs to grow more, is
         | what it seems to me- rather than lock down extensions, rather
         | than rely on authoritarian centralized powers to moderate
         | extensions, my plea would be to make extensions malleable too,
         | to make their working visible too, and to try to let
         | consciousness & human adaptability start to take hold in this
         | realm.
         | You're absolutely correct that there are good reasons why
         | software is so rigid & inflexible & opaque. Security has been
         | nightmarishly cumbersome to the whole industry for the last
         | decade. And I think malleability does indeed open up a lot more
         | surfaces, endlessly opens surfaces. But at some point, we have
         | to develop systems that have a co-relation with their
         | operators, that respect the operators, that let them see what
         | is happening & let them work their own systems. Continuing to
         | try to push computers forwards entirely on the assumption that
         | the user is worthless, does not know anything, and can not
         | understand what is happening has cornered us, has cut off the
         | chance to try & explore other options.
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | On the other hand, malleable systems are responsible for
         | enormous increases in the productivity of computer users. We
         | may all hate kludgy excel spreadhseets with a nightmare of
         | tangled hacky VBA code, but you see that sort of thing in a lot
         | of businesses' critical workflow because that kinda of
         | malleability by "untrained" users was invaluable in the earlier
         | life of the business.
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | It's still invaluable in highly locked-down office
           | environments. It lets users automate things that they
           | wouldn't be allowed to automate otherwise (needing a full
           | development environment or the ability to run arbitrary
           | executables or access to Powershell).
         | ereyes01 wrote:
         | I can see immutable infrastructure and this concept working in
         | a copy-on-write model. For instance, if a service is up and
         | running, a modification can consist of duplicating the
         | infrastructure so you have your own copy and then making the
         | modifications. It localizes the change, and in theory keeps the
         | original unmutated.
         | I have no idea how this would work in practice. This manifesto
         | seems to go against the grain in other ways, as I'm not sure
         | how it can coexist the economic model of SaaS that has emerged.
         | Also, as others have said, the security and UX implications are
         | big concerns that threaten the feasibility of this idea.
       | rwmj wrote:
       | This is describing Smalltalk and Lisp Machines?
       | jshap70 wrote:
       | title makes it justifiable for systems to both be hard to modify
       | and difficult to use
       | dustingetz wrote:
       | "Mission... reset the balance of power"
       | Does any of the real economic activity want to reduce its power
       | and influence? that's the opposite of a startup
         | rektide wrote:
         | My guess is there's a lot of companies that would do very very
         | well, if we opened up software & made it flexible.
         | The entire era we live in/just left, the PC era, happened
         | because of Adversarial Interoperability. Massive economic
         | activity was created because "real economic activity" had
         | "reduce[d] its power and influence", as PC-compatible systems
         | emerged & created a robust, fast growing, competitive market
         | place.
         | Did IBM want to? No. But enough legal space was still there to
         | allow companies to create. While IBM could patent inventions,
         | they could not own the idea of an addition ops code to add two
         | numbers.
         | I'd content that the lack of Adversarial Interoperability, this
         | low standard we've sunk to in software world, is holding back
         | vast seas of economic activity. We cannot effectively build new
         | better more interesting, systems, when each piece of software
         | is a closed, inflexible box. We've got to open up to
         | possibility again, just as PC-Compatible opened the doors of
         | possibility that brought Very Large Scale Integrated circuits &
         | systems to us all.
         | Support Adversarial Interoparability. Support Malleable
         | Systems. Support an open future where people can have
         | meaningful interactions with machines & build meaningfully
         | better ones. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/10/adversarial-
         | interopera...
       | oblib wrote:
       | Ok... I am a self taught "app maker". Not CS grad. Not a
       | "software engineer".
       | I use tools that other's here create to make apps. What they do
       | is way over my pay grade but I can use well written and
       | documented APIs, especially when some example code is supplied.
       | I think I'm closer to the target this applies to. Compared to the
       | folks who create something like jQuery or PouchDB.js, I'm a
       | laborer working in the fields with the tools (APIs) they create
       | and provide.
       | What I do is more akin to a craftsmen than a "software engineer".
       | I'm sure some of what I've made is pretty crappy from an
       | engineering viewpoint. I struggle sometimes to get stuff to work.
       | But I also make software that some people love using.
       | It's a pretty low bar to learn how to use HTML, CSS, and even
       | tools like jQuery, Bootstrap, and PouchDB.js. What you can make
       | with them can be very useful, and very specific. And it can be
       | fast and easy to make too.
       | I guess what I'm trying to say is the bar is now low enough that
       | we can start teaching others how to make apps as a trade skill.
         | joe_the_user wrote:
         | Well, I think this is one of the "gatchas" in an idea like
         | this. The malleable system you're talking about is only "a bit
         | malleable", you can take it's elements and add a bit more. This
         | is something like a "producer-consumer" model. To build a small
         | or a medium-sized system from such standard elements is now
         | reasonably simple - the original component set seems malleable.
         | But once you've built your medium-sized system, changing it
         | actually becomes hard, the resulting product is no longer
         | malleable.
         | denster wrote:
         | (!) This!
         | First, big props for shipping stuff that people use.
         | Second, I've [1] often compared 90% of what we do in software
         | development to being highly trained baristas. Granted, this
         | buys me little love from engineers & even less from Starbucks.
         | To the point -- I think it's time we rise up & start to use
         | more powerful tooling.
         | Tooling that:
         | 1) Lowers the barrier for who can author software (really, web-
         | based interfaces that help us get stuff done, the way _we_ want
         | to accomplish a task)
         | 2) Doesn't introduce more chaos (disparate data spread across
         | 10 SaaS products, death by 1,000 spreadsheets by email or in
         | Google drive, no centralized/secure/managed storage, etc)
         | 3) Emphasizes that a superb user experience is table stakes for
         | such tooling.
         | Thoughts?
         | --
         | [1] founder of https://mintdata.com here, so just a tad biased,
         | take the above with a few pounds/kilograms of salt.
         | [2] oblib -- DM me, we're happy to give you free access if
         | you'd like -- the above wording just warms our collective
         | hearts.
           | taurath wrote:
           | > highly trained baristas
           | And its sort of an insult to training, since there is very
           | little actual formal training. Over 95% of the processes I
           | use in developing software and systems are ones I've learned
           | on the job, not learned while learning to be on the job.
           | An apprentice system would work extremely well with software
           | development.
             | denster wrote:
             | 200% agreed.
             | I learned to develop software [1] before the interwebs,
             | where we would just kind-of hack things together in C/Unix.
             | Manuals were our only (& best!) friend.
             | I then went to uni for a CS degree, and they had a very
             | "holy grail" attitude about the whole affair.
             | I agree that:
             | 1) an apprentice system would work better 2) we have _got_
             | to get more powerful tooling out there, into people 's
             | hands
             | --
             | [1] founder of https://mintdata.com here, which makes me
             | biased on the above
             | [2] I'm still reminded of a world where the bridge between
             | creating & using software was much smaller (not to mention,
             | user interfaces were much snappier!) Here's a virtual toast
             | to hoping we can one day come back to that reality.
           | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
           | I'm going to disagree here, though sort of understand what
           | you and the original poster are saying.
           | In short I've seen the mess that 'unsilled' people make using
           | complex tools. Tools such as databases (my area) are
           | presented as being easy to use by microsoft, who make a lot
           | of effort to make it easy to use. Too easy. Not because I
           | want to keep people out, far from it, but because if they
           | don't know what they are doing they get only so far, then
           | things go bad and they've no idea why. Drag/drop, point/click
           | only goes so far.
           | I guess no complex tool can be (or should be?) used with
           | concomitant levels of training. It's not an argument for code
           | gurus to make themselves a comfortable walled garden to
           | preside over and keep others out, it's an argument that tools
           | should come with training, always.
           | The problem these days is the hirers just want everything
           | (blah blah full stack blah) and don't understand the cost of
           | getting it wrong because it works - up to a point. MSSQL,
           | Spark, Kafka, down to failure to understand how CPUs work.
           | They all get treated as black boxes, and that's fine up to a
           | point. Then things break or don't scale. Out of my sphere I
           | see so many websites that have no basic understanding of
           | usability, or standards, or accessibility, security and by
           | web devs that barely understand HTTP.
           | If it's plain line of business, unimaginative gruntwork that
           | keeps a business alive with spreadsheets etc, then that's
           | what's needed and basic understanding is sufficient. I've
           | done plenty of jobs like that, they keep the economy going,
           | but if you want heftier dev work, I don't think that will
           | suffice.
           | I guess that makes me sound a snob. Not intended that way,
           | just saying complex tools may not be usable to their full
           | capacity without understanding them. I may be wrong too.
       | gatvol wrote:
       | The two aims of the argument are often at odds in my experience.
       | You can generally have one or the other, seldom if ever both
       | tmikaeld wrote:
       | Eric Elliot would probably jump on this, considering his books
       | and series https://medium.com/javascript-scene/composable-
       | datatypes-wit...
       | lerpapoo wrote:
       | open ended thinking on a framework level is basically R&D, many
       | companies don't have money for R&D, they just need something to
       | sell and get paid so you can get your next paycheck, but u can
       | try and find a sugar daddy or live off of foodstamps for a few
       | years and really put some thought into it lol.
       | AriaMinaei wrote:
       | Alan Kay: It was kind of like what we have today, but better. It
       | was a completely integrated system that was not made up of
       | applications, but "objects'' that you could mix and match
       | anywhere. You've got a work area and you can bring every object
       | in the system and you just start: You've got every tool, you've
       | got every object, and you can make new objects. It was
       | programmable by end user, and it had the famous GUI.
       | Larry Tesler: It was the first one that was graphically based-
       | overlapped windows, a mouse, stuff like that.
       | Adele Goldberg: It was very much a GUI demo.
       | Dan Ingalls: I was scrolling up some text and Steve said, "I
       | really like this display."
       | Alan Kay: At that time, when text scrolled, it did so discreetly:
       | So jump, jump, jump-like that.
       | Dan Ingalls: And Jobs said, "Would it be possible to scroll that
       | up smoothly?"
       | Alan Kay: "Can you do it continuously?" Steve liked to pull
       | people's chains.
       | Dan Ingalls: Because it did look a little bit jerky, you know?
       | Alan Kay: So Dan or maybe Larry just opened up a Smalltalk window
       | and- Bruce Horn: -changed a few lines of code in Smalltalk, and
       | in the blink of an eye it could do a smooth scroll.
       | Alan Kay: And so it was like, "Bingo!" And so Steve was impressed
       | but he didn't know enough to be _really_ impressed. The other
       | Apple people just shit in their pants when they saw this. It was
       | just the best, best thing I've seen.
       | Dan Ingalls: I think that sort of blew Steve's mind. Certainly,
       | just about anybody who worked on development systems responded
       | really well to that particular demonstration. It really showed
       | how the Smalltalk system could be changed on the fly and be
       | extremely malleable in terms of stuff you could try out in the
       | user interface.
       | Alan Kay: On Smalltalk you could change any part of the system in
       | a quarter of a second. These days it's called live coding, but
       | most of the stuff today-and virtually everything back then-used
       | compiled code, so your programming and editing and stuff like
       | that was a completely separate thing. You had to stop the system
       | and rebuild.
       | Dan Ingalls: So you had a regular sort of programming environment
       | sitting there in front of you with windows and menus and the
       | ability to look at code and stuff. But the neat thing about it
       | was that if you edited the code, it would actually change the
       | code that you were running at that very moment. The object-
       | oriented architecture made it really, really quick to make
       | changes.
       | Bruce Horn: Even today if you wanted to change something at the
       | level of the operating system in MacOS or Windows, it's simply
       | impossible unless they have decided to give you that option to
       | smooth-scroll or not. It's simply impossible to get to the source
       | code to do that unless you're an employee-and even then it would
       | probably take six months to get that feature in. Whereas within
       | Smalltalk, you pop up the menus, accept the change, and it's
       | working right now. You can't even do that today.
       | (from Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley)
         | goatlover wrote:
         | It's interesting how the ideas of the Smalltalk and Lisp
         | systems of the 70s and 80s get reintroduced over time, but
         | they're never fully embraced, even though some of their
         | features make it into the mainstream. Emacs would be an
         | exception. Makes you wonder where Smalltalk-inspired systems
         | would be today if they had the kind of support popular
         | languages have received. Imagine Smalltalk receiving the kind
         | of attention Java, Python or Javascript have the past 20 years.
       | ddevault wrote:
       | This is something I like about Plan 9 (and I like basically
       | everything about Plan 9). The entire OS's source code (the
       | kernel, userspace, everything) is available at /usr/src and can
       | be compiled and installed with these commands:
       | cd /         . /sys/lib/rootstub         cd /sys/src         mk
       | install
       | It takes about 5 minutes. Want to cross-compile for another
       | architecture?                   cd /         . /sys/lib/rootstub
       | cd /sys/src         objtype=arm64 mk install
       | If you haven't tried Plan 9, you really ought to spend your next
       | spare weekend messing around with 9front.
       | http://9front.org/
       | No other technology you could spend your weekend with will have a
       | larger impact on your way of thinking about computers than Plan 9
       | might.
         | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
         | Plan 9 is lucky - by design it is self-contained and has no
         | dependencies.
         | One of the hardest parts about building many complex open
         | source projects (particularly on Windows and macOS) is getting
         | their dependency stacks in order.
           | ddevault wrote:
           | All projects would be well served by carefully keeping their
           | dependency graph small and conservative.
         | qqii wrote:
         | Unfortunately I think plan9 only remains this way by keeping
         | the people who use it small, being elitist and somewhat
         | unwelcoming[0]. That's not to say I wouldn't also recommend
         | spending a weekend messing around.
         | I was recently having a conversation about the unix philosophy
         | on reddit[1]. As _nix and software built for_ nix became more
         | and more mainstream it becomes harder and harder to keep with
         | the unix philosophy and the philosophy of this post.
         | [0]: http://fqa.9front.org/ [1]: https://youtu.be/XvDZLjaCJuw
           | ddevault wrote:
           | The reading material is "unwelcoming" to discourage coming
           | into it with any preconceptions. If you go into it trying to
           | make it do $x, you'll have a bad time and send lots of
           | annoying emails to the maintainers. If you come into it
           | wanting to learn about it and derive an $x from your
           | experience, you'll have a better time.
       | gm wrote:
       | I think it's a pipe dream. Non-experts making changes to a system
       | an expert wrote will yield either: 1) very few little changes,
       | such as changing the color of an item, etc. Or 2) disasters where
       | it's better to throw away the changes and start over doing it
       | "the right way".
       | Just look at automobiles: They are malleable indeed. We've all
       | probably seen pics of modifications of all types, from the
       | hillbilly type VM bug/truck combination to the amazing Cobra
       | replica that few can tell from the real thing. In all cases, the
       | craftsmanship level (and budget) of the person doing the
       | modification directly affects the quality of the result. And how
       | many cars are there whose modifications simply failed and the car
       | never hit the road again?
       | The same in software. Give Annie in accounting the ability to
       | modify the inventory system and you will have a disaster in your
       | hands, especially if she does not know much about the
       | architecture of the system and/or she's not a matter expert on
       | inventory methods and procedures. In that case I'd much rather
       | trust my company to a hard-to-change system than one where
       | everyone can mess with and break it beyond repair.
       | I think the false premise here is that non-experts can build on
       | the work done by experts. And I'm talking about both experts in
       | programming who built the system in the first place (ie, add
       | shitty architecture on top of good architecture), and experts in
       | the domain the system is solving. If you get a smart your
       | developer who is a solid coder to make changes to the
       | aforemetioned inventory system, he will probably break the system
       | (at least in the edge cases), albeit with beautiful, readable
       | code.
       | I just don't see how it's possible unless the ability to expand
       | the system is severely limited (ie, not a "malleable system").
         | denster wrote:
         | Whoa! What do you have against hillbillies? :)
         | Jokes aside, imagine if Annie in accounting has the ability to
         | define her own malleable tools, on top of a solid/robust system
         | for centrally managing data? (version, backup, secure via IAM,
         | etc)
         | Or will we really be stuck writing procedural code for the next
         | 20, 30, 50 years?
         | --
         | [1] Caveat: chief hillbilly of https://mintdata.com here, where
         | we think you really can have your cake (create expressive
         | tools) and eat it too (centrally control, manage, and version
         | your data) .
           | chrisco255 wrote:
           | Hillbillies are some of the best mechanics.
           | ghayes wrote:
           | You've linked to your site on at least 4 comments in this
           | thread, which is really taking away from the comment
           | experience. I am glad you're enthusiastic, but make sure the
           | disclaimers don't take away from your (otherwise great!)
           | comments.
             | denster wrote:
             | Point taken :)
             | Is it ok to shill Roosevelt?
             | [1] https://youtu.be/Mm4epcGApnY?t=14
           | derefr wrote:
           | Sure, but that's not "modifying the original system" any
           | more. That's taking the original system (original
           | abstraction) as a fixed/static foundation, and then
           | expressing things in terms of it.
           | Which, I mean, if the tooling you've made is Turing-complete
           | (Excel, Unix) then you can certainly say that the person
           | working on top of your system is "programming"; but they're
           | not programming _your system_. They 're not writing plugins
           | that interface with it on the same terms that its components
           | interface with one-another (as you would be if you e.g. wrote
           | your own POSIX shell utilities in C); they're trapped "above"
           | that abstraction, in a sandbox, one from which they can only
           | access the narrow subset of the API surface that you
           | explicitly chose to expose to them.
           | Let me put it this way: you can get pretty far using e.g.
           | Postgres as a custom data platform, by defining custom
           | functions and types. But at some point, you'll need to write
           | a Postgres extension. There's a big difference between a
           | system that makes it easy for someone who's not a
           | professional programmer to work on top of it (PG
           | functions/types) and a system that makes it easy for someone
           | who's not a professional programmer to _extend_ it (PG
           | extensions.) I 've not yet seen a constructive proof that the
           | latter is even possible.
             | denster wrote:
             | I'll give you an example that mid-way [1] disproves the
             | above.
             | Think of a typical "product tour" in a SaaS product. We're
             | building the MintData product tour, in MintData itself. We
             | then "publish" this "product tour application", and include
             | it with the original blank design that a user gets when
             | they first enter MintData.
             | So, in a way, our MintData onboarding is built in/on
             | MintData itself, a bit like how you can have a
             | bootstrapping compiler (one that compiles itself).
             | So, is the above us "modifying the original system"?
             | I think to some extent yes, although we have special
             | spreadsheet functions that help jump the gap between
             | Onboarding Application and Blank User Design (akin to the
             | Postgres extensions [2] above).
             | So I think it _is_ possible to build a system that allows
             | you to then customize the system 's own behavior (earlier
             | versions of MintData could not build the onboarding
             | experience, similarly to how the first compiler has to be
             | built in a lower level language).
             | Genuinely curious -- derefr, do you agree or disagree with
             | the above?
             | --
             | [1] Chief abstraction wrangler at https://mintdata.com, so
             | YMMV on the above.
             | [2] As a person who was held at Grade-point and forced to
             | write PostgreSQL C code to "modify the original [Postgres]
             | system", I can only say it's an acquired taste :) Even Prof
             | Franklin at UC Berkeley I think would back me up on this :D
             | :D
               | GuiA wrote:
               | Seeing your product shilled so blatantly repeatedly as
               | one goes down the comments in this thread is pretty off
               | putting.
               | denster wrote:
               | Ouch! That hurts!
               | My only response is this:
               | https://youtu.be/Mm4epcGApnY?t=14
               | derefr wrote:
               | I think I get what you're talking about. Some systems are
               | designed in such a way where the "platform" is formed in
               | two layers: a low level, which exposes a set of
               | primitives; and then a set of _abstracting core
               | libraries_ , implemented in terms of those primitives.
               | Users are expected, idiomatically, to create business
               | logic by making calls into the core libraries; but
               | they're also free to call on the low-level primitives
               | directly. In such a system, the "userland" sits directly
               | on the primitives, with the core libraries as a sibling.
               | This is the pattern adopted by some, but not all,
               | "runtimes." For example, Erlang has the low-level BEAM
               | VM, and then has the Erlang "kernel" implemented as BEAM
               | bytecode, rather than as native emulator support code.
               | For another example, MOOs (object-oriented MUDs, e.g.
               | LambdaMOO) only had the barest object-graph
               | infrastructure specified in native code; everything else
               | about the foundations of a MOO was defined in terms of
               | objects and classes held in the MOO's state database.
               | In such systems, you have a sort of "intermediate" level
               | of access to the native API surface, greater than the
               | kind you have from the userland of a traditional VM or OS
               | kernel.
               | Still, this "intermediate" level of access still doesn't
               | allow you to break through the abstraction layer that the
               | low-level primitives are founded upon. If there are any
               | "complex" primitives implemented entirely natively (e.g.
               | Erlang's `term_to_binary` function), then you can't
               | "break into" that primitive to extend it unless the
               | native runtime has been extended with an explicit
               | "upcall" hook back into the VM userland.
         | taurath wrote:
         | > I think the false premise here is that non-experts can build
         | on the work done by experts.
         | I'll take a different side to that argument - it is dependent
         | on the expert to establish the bounds and rules of change to a
         | system. How a system naturally grows from people with less
         | context is one of the architectural traits of the system that
         | can be traded on.
         | I have often seen systems which can ONLY be worked on by the
         | so-called "expert" who wrote it. Even when you hire a new
         | "expert" level person to work on it, it takes forever and
         | success is not gauranteed.
         | On the other end - a system that actively works against doing
         | things the wrong way. It has an established core idea with
         | clear boundaries between the roles of interlocking parts. For
         | the intended usecase of the system, it is as extensible as it
         | needs to be, while still remaining within the bounds of the
         | intended usecase. It does now allow a vacuum cleaner to become
         | a microwave oven, but it does let you add custom attachments,
         | modify and swap out drive systems, adjust suction power, and
         | change body style and hoses for the vacuum. Those can
         | absolutely be done by non-experts, and the system is still very
         | malleable.
         | Think of all the code on github for libraries people use every
         | day that is added by non-experts, or hobbyists, or people who
         | are new.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | I strongly disagree, and I think your example actually supports
         | this position. Most people don't modify their cars at all, but
         | for the people that do find great pleasure in it. We see this
         | with software, too. I think that opposing people who would like
         | to mess with the things they use is limiting and fundamentally
         | somewhat disappointing. It's essentially impossible to make
         | software that caters to everyone's needs, but I think the best
         | you can do is make something that works for most people out-of-
         | the-box and let the few people who want to tweak things to
         | their liking themselves. (To extend your analogy, I don't know
         | the first thing about cars but I have very few complaints with
         | mine. If I didn't like something about it, locking me out from
         | changing it prevents me from taking it to my car-enthusiast
         | friend.)
         | megous wrote:
         | And yet there are tens of thousands of userscripts, even
         | without any "malleability" intended by website authors, just
         | because platform allows some introspection and extension:
         | https://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts.html
         | codr7 wrote:
         | Emacs makes a pretty good example from my perspective, but if
         | you haven't used it I suppose it makes little sense. Perhaps
         | AutoCAD from what I understand, but I don't have enough
         | experience with extending it to say for sure.
         | It's not that you have to extend it yourself, the point is to
         | make it possible.
         | Annie in accounting (can't believe you got away clean with that
         | one :) might ask someone else in the company to help her add a
         | shortcut or whatever, or the company might hire an outside
         | consultant.
         | There's an entire gradient from non-technical to expert that's
         | effectively shut out from modifying most software.
         | Now I'm as guilty as anyone, getting a client to pay for an
         | advantage they can't imagine the consequences of isn't
         | happening much. But I can certainly see the value.
         | oblib wrote:
         | >> from the hillbilly type VM bug/truck combination to the
         | amazing Cobra replica that few can tell from the real thing.
         | lol! I'm a hillbilly living in the Ozarks who used to make
         | custom cars for movie stars in Hollywood and race cars for guys
         | like Larry Fullerton and Tony Nancy.
         | Thanks for the laugh!
       | throw1234651234 wrote:
       | Our software always starts out as super-clean, easy to change,
       | human-readable, etc.
       | Then requirements change 100s of times, on a deadline, and that
       | it's no longer a pinnacle of those qualities.
       | mikejulietbravo wrote:
       | This would make a lot of sense for designing things around Web
       | 2.0 - it's as easy to create content as to consume it.
       | For software in general? This is insane. The key reason? Domain
       | knowledge.
       | aey wrote:
       | The unfortunate outcome is more yaml and less lisp or small talk
       | :(
       | hugozap wrote:
       | Complexity has to go somewhere. Because systems are just piles of
       | abstractions and conventions "easy to change" is very relative. A
       | compromise will always be required. A simplification here means
       | pushing complexity somewhere else.
       | What I think is a practical way to see it is to have a good match
       | between your audience mental models and the system conventions.
         | kccqzy wrote:
         | > A simplification here means pushing complexity somewhere
         | else.
         | And it is a good idea to concentrate complexity on a few small
         | pieces of software that only experts are contributing to. Think
         | your typical web applications and databases: your app doesn't
         | need to think about how data is laid out on disk and how on-
         | disk indices are implemented; all of those complexities are
         | pushed into the database. It's a good compromise.
       | searchableguy wrote:
       | I don't agree with it.
       | A good deal of complex software is abstracting away on existing
       | complex systems that you run on. without understanding the
       | underlying system, you can make guesses about what something is
       | doing but that wouldn't be ideal always.
       | For example, package management. Your package manager might
       | verify the files, check for existing configuration, setup
       | permissions, directories, do dependency resolution, and lot more.
       | In practice, it is just package manager install something.
       | How will you modify the package manager without understanding
       | what exactly is it abstracting away from you?
       | souprock wrote:
       | I do this. Just yesterday, I changed a large piece of software.
       | I didn't have any source code for it. I think it may have been
       | written in C++, but that didn't matter. I had the *.exe file,
       | which was all I needed.
       | I used IDA Pro to study the software. You could use Ghidra,
       | Binary Ninja, or Hopper Disassembler. They are pretty similar. I
       | used xxd and joe to modify the software. You could use dd and
       | echo, or a proper hex editor.
       | I found the function that was annoying me, practically causing
       | the software to be malware. I inserted the bytes 33 DB (a XOR
       | opcode) near the end of a function, then removed the bytes CC CC
       | (alignment padding) from right after the function.
       | I seem to have hit most of the points in that article. The big
       | miss was the unreasonable dream of "all experience levels". That
       | just won't ever be reality. Mastery of a disassembler is not a
       | beginner skill.
       | MaxBarraclough wrote:
       | This is just silly. No, a C++ compiler cannot be as easy to
       | change as it is to use. Come on now.
         | wtetzner wrote:
         | For compilers that are written in C++, changing the compiler
         | _is_ using it. ;)
         | amicin wrote:
         | Solution: make the C++ compiler harder to use!
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | I wouldn't go as far as to say it's (or should be) "as easy to
         | change", but making compilers that allow for modification is
         | not novel or unusual: Clang lets you load optimizer plugins
         | written in C++, for example; Rust lets you write macros in Rust
         | itself that give you access to the token stream, and Lisps, of
         | course, are homoiconic.
         | rubiquity wrote:
         | I leave this for you without comment:
         | http://nibblestew.blogspot.com/2020/04/your-statement-is-100...
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | FWIW, I consider posting a link that has a title matching the
           | point you're trying to make, without further clarification or
           | constructive feedback, fairly lazy.
             | rubiquity wrote:
             | My effort matches that of the person I was replying to. But
             | yeah overall a bit out of character for me. Extremely
             | polarizing examples to deter something could be progress is
             | a pet peeve.
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | When possible, I think it's nice to aim for something
               | better than that. While brusque, I don't think I the
               | comment was in bad faith, so I think it deserved better.
         | xkapastel wrote:
         | Of course it can. You can do pretty much anything you like with
         | software as long as you have the vision. A plugin/extension
         | architecture can certainly make modifying a compiler easy. What
         | makes you think it can't?
           | MaxBarraclough wrote:
           | Except it doesn't work like that. Sensible architecture
           | doesn't make compiler engineering trivial.
           | Compiler engineering is a highly technical area of software
           | engineering. Think an average C++ programmer could take an
           | old C++ compiler like OpenWatcom and make the necessary
           | improvements to make it comply with the latest C++ language
           | standard? Not a chance, that would be the work of a lifetime.
           | They might have a shot at making small contributions to a
           | compiler, but they'd have to set their sights quite low.
           | Another example might be operating systems. The abstractions
           | offered by modern operating systems are terribly easy to use,
           | but there's a high skills barrier to doing meaningful work on
           | the kernel. Similarly, the average web developer stands
           | little chance of making a contribution to V8 or WebKit.
           | This strikes me as analogous to discussing whether it should
           | be harder to design and build a car, than to drive one. I
           | don't like to be uncharitable but I stand by my earlier
           | choice of words: this is silliness. Difficult engineering
           | fields cannot be made easy.
           | I see that another commenter, 'gm', has done a good job
           | expressing similar points.
       | m0zg wrote:
       | Been in the industry for 20+ years and never once have I seen
       | anything remotely resembling what this manifesto describes. I've
       | seen several attempts to go in this approximate direction,
       | though, each ending in a disaster because what's described there
       | calls for a drastic, "be all end all" over-design that either
       | doesn't do anything useful at all (example: "zero code"), or is
       | so complicated that nobody can figure out how to use it (example:
       | one of the distributed systems frameworks I worked on at Google -
       | very general, reusable and modular, but you'd need a PhD to even
       | understand it conceptually).
       | This seems to be written by someone who doesn't really know what
       | they're talking about, but would like to "help" by "writing".
       | Reminds me of this scene from "The Fifth Element":
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYHO7FRsQAA
       | It's akin to looking down into a shaft of a coal mine and
       | suggesting that miners should breathe fresh air and stay above
       | ground, because what they currently do is not good for their
       | health.
         | goatlover wrote:
         | Smalltalk, Lisp, Cedar, Emacs, Hypercard and Lotus Notes come
         | to mind.
           | cosmotic wrote:
           | I'm sorry, how is emacs easy to use (as per manifesto)?
             | goatlover wrote:
             | There is a bit of a learning curve. I guess Hypercard and
             | Lotus Notes would have be the easiest to learn. Maybe throw
             | Excel in also since it can be used (or abused) for a lot of
             | things.
       | shalabhc wrote:
       | This isn't about building software similar to what we currently
       | have and just making it more end user configurable. This is about
       | rethinking software so that end user malleability makes sense.
       | What does such software even look like? We want some kind of end
       | user modifiable artifacts, still contained within some
       | constrained substrate. Think Minecraft or Excel - I can give you
       | a spreadsheet to calculate some taxes, but you can then dig in,
       | change the formulae, remix with other sheets, and so on. Most
       | software is not like this - typically you get some pre canned
       | views and switches, not a canvas of composition.
         | jcelerier wrote:
         | plenty of people use software such as Max/MSP, PureData to do
         | exactly that
         | denster wrote:
         | This is exactly what we built at MintData. [1]
         | A new way to construct software by using a spreadsheet to
         | define application logic, instead of today's spreadsheets which
         | breed chaos.
         | "A canvas of composition" - I really like that phrase to
         | describe this approach of re-mixable software creation and
         | usage.
         | ---
         | [1] I'd add a link here, but I think folks below might be
         | sharpening their pitchforks by now :D
       | duxup wrote:
       | I feel like I could spend infinite amounts of time coding and
       | recoding to make things easy to change ... and not get anywhere /
       | add a lot of unneeded abstraction.
       | I've certainly run into plenty of hard coded narrow code that is
       | brutal to change, but the changes I make are were probabbly not
       | obvious to the guy who wrote the code in the first place.
       | GuiA wrote:
       | A worthy mission, but if the best examples of it are emacs,
       | HyperCard, and a bunch of academic papers no one wants to read (I
       | say this as a former HCI academic :), the road ahead is long and
       | arduous indeed.
       | It'd be nice to see the authors of this manifesto make a small
       | program (image editor, chat client, etc) that embodies the values
       | they have in mind.
       | mwcampbell wrote:
       | Sometimes malleability can backfire. By coincidence, just
       | yesterday a friend of mine sent me this Joel on Software classic:
       | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/04/12/choices/
       | Particularly relevant here is the part about the user who made
       | their taskbar take up half the screen, making their computer
       | unusable.
         | vsareto wrote:
         | Hah, you can still do that on Win10.
         | I wonder why they even bother letting it go to half-screen?
           | mellow2020 wrote:
           | Why not? Maybe I have a lot of monitors and want to dedicate
           | a small one to a taskbar where I see the full pathname of
           | each editor that has a file open.
           | People who just randomly click things without even realizing
           | they're clicking may just as well delete random files or
           | worse, the taskbar taking up half the screen is about the
           | most harmless consequence I can think of. If it's really such
           | a worry, add a dialog that asks the user "are you sure you
           | want this?" for anything "weird", with a checkbox to "never
           | ask again". If people "accidentally" click _that_ , too, that
           | is really their problem.
         | marcosdumay wrote:
         | You know, there are plenty of drawbacks on the act of offering
         | options to the user, but the article touches on none of them.
         | It has really the wrong focus. It talks about pop-ups and
         | distracting messages; it talks about surprising interfaces; it
         | talks about actions that are hard to undo. But it doesn't talk
         | about any problem that options cause by themselves.
         | cptnapalm wrote:
         | Knew a girl who complained that her computer was too slow. As
         | it turns out, she had added every add-on toolbar to Internet
         | Explorer she ever came across. Her usable window was about two
         | inches tall. Yet, it was the speed she complained about, not
         | the utterly unusable web browser window.
         | fjallstrom wrote:
         | 20 year old article? still fantastic content. wow.
         | mellow2020 wrote:
         | > It's true that the first time they realized you could
         | completely remap the keyboard in Word, they changed everything
         | around to be more to their liking, but as soon as they upgraded
         | to Windows 95 those settings got lost, and they weren't the
         | same at work, and eventually they just stopped reconfiguring
         | things.
         | Who is "we"? That didn't describe me in 2000 and describes me
         | even less today.
         | Being able to moving the taskbar is bad because his friend shot
         | herself in the foot this one time, but "we all love Winamp
         | skins" -- because the person whose winamp turned unusable
         | because they double clicked the wrong file just didn't happen
         | to be friends with Joel. Sure, don't make software for me, but
         | don't try to rationalize it with such gymnastics.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | I disagree with the point made in that article:
         | > Every time you provide an option, you're asking the user to
         | make a decision.
         | The best-of-both-worlds is when you give users an option, and
         | then you pick a sensible default for it. Some of the best
         | options are the ones that 90% of people don't even know about,
         | but the 10% that do can find when they need it. I can't tell
         | you how many hidden "defaults" commands I have run that are not
         | even exposed to the UI but make my life much, much nicer.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | I tend to design software in what I call a "layer cake" fashion.
       | Lots of layers, with clearly defined domains, strict APIs, and
       | each with its own project lifecycle.
       | I also tend to "design with SDKs." I treat each module asn an
       | SDK, which means that I pretend I don't know exactly how it will
       | be used, and I use my "S.Q.U.I.D." methodology on it.
       | https://littlegreenviper.com/miscellany/bluetooth/itcb-04/#s...
       | hypfer wrote:
       | "a community space for those interested in redefining our
       | relationship with software by dismantling the boundaries of
       | contemporary applications."
       | "the collective's mission to get an idea of the revolution we're
       | working towards"
       | It's an art project, isn't it? This needs to stop.
       | fakedrake wrote:
       | I miss vimperator :(
       | save_ferris wrote:
       | I agree with this in theory, but doesn't this go against YAGNI,
       | agile, etc.?
       | In most commercial applications I've worked on, supporting every
       | type of interop or integration would never fly from an iterative
       | development perspective. Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding the
       | thesis here.
       | iopeak wrote:
       | When I read the concerns addressed here I cannot help but think
       | of the end user (not a developer per say). There is an entire
       | category of EUSE products that try to accommodate these concerns,
       | however fall quite short. We need to rethink the entire paradigm
       | of development, define sectors that need specialized product
       | concerns (embedded vs games vs cloud) and build holistic
       | ecosystems around them. There are startups doing this, yet how to
       | categorize these types of tools is still not established;
       | therefore hard to point at.
       (page generated 2020-04-13 23:00 UTC)