[HN Gopher] Using VueJS Alongside Django
       Using VueJS Alongside Django
       Author : tkainrad
       Score  : 73 points
       Date   : 2020-04-14 19:19 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (tkainrad.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (tkainrad.dev)
       | sireat wrote:
       | Would be nice to see a semi complete project using VueJS with
       | Django integrated as closely as in the article.
       | Something along the lines of:
       | https://github.com/gothinkster/realworld which covers front-end
       | and back-end separately
       | Stephen0xFF wrote:
       | I feel the only way these two will play nicely is swapping Django
       | for a DRF approach. Vanilla JS could be, and perhaps should be,
       | used in place of Vue for small use cases. There's no need for the
       | extra abstraction when AJAX could work.
         | mythrwy wrote:
         | Well you "could" spit out data from the views as JSON into
         | <script> blocks in the Django templates and they would play
         | nicely together.
         | But then you would be limited to various manipulations of the
         | initial data so "could" is certainly not "should".
       | rurp wrote:
       | This is a great read. I had considered using React with a Django
       | side project a while back, but it just seemed like too much added
       | complexity for the gain I would get in a small app. The approach
       | in this article though looks great.
       | pier25 wrote:
       | TL;DR: the idea is basically to write the Django data from the DB
       | into a JS object and then use that to feed Vue components. I
       | imagine they do this only for the stuff that uses Vue and not the
       | whole page markup.
       | Vue is a great option to combine with server rendered markup
       | (PHP, Python, etc) because it can read the templates directly
       | from the DOM and doesn't need a build step like JSX does.
       | It's not the only option though. You could also use Preact + Htm
       | (JSX in string templates) which doesn't need a build step either
       | and is much smaller than Vue.
       | https://github.com/developit/htm
       | willio58 wrote:
       | This is great, thanks for writing it!
       | I have recently stepped out of the seemingly never-ending spiral
       | of using React/Vue for everything frontend, and also discovered
       | Django along the way.
       | For building prototypes, Django is the fastest framework I've
       | ever used. After building out prototypes in Django I've come to a
       | realization that at most 10% of my websites need to be truly
       | reactive to user interaction without page reload. Turns out when
       | I dropped this requirement when building something, I can
       | actually finish the projects I start. And also turns out for the
       | end-user, they don't even notice page reloads for most sites.
         | wiremine wrote:
         | > For building prototypes, Django is the fastest framework I've
         | ever used.
         | I worked with Django full time for about 6 years. It scales up
         | and out pretty well, too.
         | There was a peer comment about Rails. I'm a big fan of Rails,
         | and Ruby is one of my favorite languages. But one thing I've
         | noticed is the lack of magic inside the Django codebase vs.
         | Rails' codebase. Spelunking in the codebases feels night and
         | day different: I found Django very intuitive and Rails... less
         | so. I think that was a combination of my lack of skill with
         | Rails' internals, and the different in languages and
         | communities. Python (and Django) try to follow the Zen of
         | Python. Rails felt like every other method was monkey-patched
         | and reduced to a single line or two. It was odd: I think the
         | expressiveness of Ruby was actually a negative at large scale
         | (sort of like Lisp vs. Go)
         | For 99% of use cases, you never need to get to this level of
         | the frameworks, but it was an interesting experience.
           | airstrike wrote:
           | I echo this sentiment. I've learned a ton of Python from
           | reading the Django source code. There's definitely something
           | to be said about the DSF and the many contributors over the
           | years who've worked tirelessly to push the envelope with the
           | framework (and the ORM, in particular) while also keeping the
           | codebase sane. It's not all perfect, but it's about as good
           | as it gets for FOSS with so many people chiming in over more
           | than a decade
         | jkcxn wrote:
         | I totally agree. Full page rendered app are way easier to code.
         | It's like an immutable function - request in, transform, html
         | out. I think as soon as you want to add some niceties with
         | React you end up setting up a load of front end stuff. You
         | suddenly need APIs, create-react-app, webpack, babel, build
         | scripts, redux, routing etc. And you also end up losing out on
         | some of the Django side, forms+validation, templating, views,
         | urls. And often you end up having business spilling over to
         | your front end.
         | I'm working on a project that lets you build your Django app
         | like you normally would with templates and views but you get a
         | React app and all the benefits of a single page app. You don't
         | need to write any APIs or use redux etc. It will have a bunch
         | of components built in and if you don't need any more then you
         | don't even need to build the javascript yourself, you just
         | include the already built file. At the moment I have a sort of
         | Django Admin equivalent example working and I'm looking for
         | some feedback. If you or anyone else has any ideas about it I
         | would love to hear, feel free to PM me (email in profile).
           | [deleted]
           | davish wrote:
           | Looks like your profile just has an hnchat verification code,
           | but would love to check out the project and help out if I
           | can. It sounds really interesting!
           | cugs wrote:
           | Interested in giving this a try; If you need testers, I'd be
           | happy to try it out.
           | jedieaston wrote:
           | Is it in a state that you could do a Show HN? I want to see
           | this, could be very useful for me trying to avoid writing JS
           | ;)
           | andybak wrote:
           | Are you aware of pjax, turbolinks and (stepping up a bit from
           | this really minimal baseline) intercooler.js?
           | Curious how you feel your project fits in at this end of the
           | ecosystem.
         | Lunrtick wrote:
         | I totally agree about not needing to make the whole page
         | reactive, it definitely drops the amount of work required.
         | Regarding the page loads, have you looked at Turbolinks?
         | https://github.com/turbolinks/turbolinks/blob/master/README....
         | It's basically a drop in upgrade, makes the whole site feel
         | like an SPA with none of the work. Lovely.
           | chocolatkey wrote:
           | Django + Turbolinks + Stimulus.js (also by basecamp,
           | intentionally works great with turbolinks) is my goto
           | nowadays.
         | Scarbutt wrote:
         | Now try Rails and get enlighten.
       | dpau wrote:
       | There seems to be a similar migration path for projects in
       | Laravel: Replace existing jQuery with Vue (or other js framework)
       | components but still use the backend templating engine, then
       | start consuming data from backend via API rather than as
       | variables passed through templates, maybe add some Vue routing so
       | the page doesn't have to refresh all the time, add data
       | validation to components, end up writing entire forms in
       | components, realize you now need authentication and authorization
       | data within components, and suddenly you have a Frankenstein
       | application that would be much cleaner if it the frontend were
       | completely written in js and the backend simply a json api...
       | jilles wrote:
       | I am currently working on a personal project using Django and
       | Django Rest Framework purely as the back-end. My front-end is a
       | React app.
       | Because I just use django+drf for the api, I thought about using
       | Flask + Flask REST.. However, after having worked with Django
       | over 3 years, I found the learning curve quite steep.
       | Do you intend to use Vuex and/or Vue router at some point?
       | wilsonfiifi wrote:
       | I really love Django and Wagtail but I just can't stop writing
       | Go(lang) code, it's just so addictive. It's a pity there aren't
       | any WSGI servers written in Go that Would allow you to intermix
       | Go and Python code seamlessly. Kind of like what Roadrunner does
       | for php [0]                 [0]
       | https://github.com/spiral/roadrunner
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | mythrwy wrote:
       | Vue and Django (with Rest Framework) are a great combo and I've
       | used them together to build two reasonably sized apps recently.
       | I don't know if I'm doing it wrong but I still use Gulp to
       | compile everything. I use Django for the routing and intermix a
       | tiny bit of dynamic server-side data (like login user or
       | breadcrumbs) in the Django templates before they go to Vue.
       | Doing it like this I skip all the component complexity (I do use
       | mixins) and can build front end with simple tools I understand.
       | Possibly I could avoid a little repetition by using components,
       | but the increase in abstraction I don't think would be worth it.
       | This is fast to develop. I've seen less complex single page apps
       | using React or whatever take what seems like a lot more effort.
       | But like I say, maybe I'm not doing it right. It works really
       | well though.
       | dtjones wrote:
       | Vue and Django work very well together. However I'd recommend
       | completely decoupling the frontend and backend source code - and
       | avoid using django templates entirely. Instead expose REST
       | endpoints using django rest framework
         | CameronNemo wrote:
         | Why? Server side rendering is often fast and well suited for
         | pages with mostly read-only content.
         | rahimnathwani wrote:
         | The article mentioned this approach:
         | "When you google for Django + Vue, most results will be focused
         | on using Django for your backend and Vue for a separate
         | frontend project."
         | There are times when this makes sense, but there are times when
         | you just need to sprinkle a but of Vue magic onto part of your
         | site, without turning the whole thing into an SPA.
       | sgt wrote:
       | Been using Django alongside VueJS as well. It's a very efficient
       | way of building your web app.
       | That being said, mostly it's just a couple of pages that need
       | VueJS such as e.g. a dashboard and such (depending on your app of
       | course!).
       | If you use standard Django with Turbolinks it will give you the
       | SPA "feel" that you require.
       (page generated 2020-04-14 23:00 UTC)