[HN Gopher] Bouncing DVD Logo
       Bouncing DVD Logo
       Author : aloukissas
       Score  : 196 points
       Date   : 2020-04-15 19:54 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.bouncingdvdlogo.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.bouncingdvdlogo.com)
       | balazsbela wrote:
       | My wife's version uses SVG for scaling and is also responsive on
       | resize.
       | https://github.com/boglarkasebestyen/dvdscreensaver
       | lanius wrote:
       | Anyone know who the original creator of the bouncing DVD logo is?
       | kens wrote:
       | As a historical note, the bouncing logo wasn't just for fun, but
       | was important to prevent screen burn-in on CRTs. If you had a
       | static image on a CRT for a long time, it could damage the
       | phosphor. Sometimes you could even see the image when the screen
       | was off!
       | This was the original purpose of screensavers, which saved your
       | screen from damage. Displaying a dynamic image prevented one part
       | of the screen from being overused.
         | MayeulC wrote:
         | As to why they are not necessary anymore: we just turn the
         | screen off (some displays, especially OLED, are still prone to
         | burn-in).
         | This was not necessarily wanted in OLD CRTs, where the startup
         | sequence could take a while (and possibly other factors, such
         | as reducing the lifespan, but I'm not sure about this).
         | Funnily, we are starting to see a bit of a comeback of these in
         | OLED smartphone that have an always-on display to show time and
         | a few things: the illuminated portion generally moves over
         | time.
         | You can see some burn-in on old phones, in the notification
         | areas, the taskbar for computers, or sometimes the always-on TV
         | panels at airports or train stations.
         | hadlock wrote:
         | That you feel the need to inform us of this "historical fact"
         | makes me feel especially old... having lived through the CRT ->
         | LCD transition period when buying an LCD made going to LAN
         | parties a lot easier
           | fred_is_fred wrote:
           | It didn't even occur to me that this would need to be
           | explained. Up next we should talk about why it was bad to
           | leave VCRs paused for long periods of time.
         | katzgrau wrote:
         | Just following this thread to see if anyone here thought
         | screensavers were just for fun :)
         | Arbalest wrote:
         | DVD was also popular around the time that Plasmas were being
         | introduced, which also had burn in issues.
         | hkiely wrote:
         | This is key.
       | kleiba wrote:
       | Funny, just saw that same animation 10 minutes ago on my CRT.
       | [deleted]
       | tantalor wrote:
       | Why do people bother minifying code this small? It's 168 bytes
       | gzipped. The unminified source is probably under 1kb gzipped.
       | Just no point to minifying.
         | dewey wrote:
         | Probably more work to rip it out of your build pipeline than
         | just reusing the config you use for all your other projects.
       | ComputerGuru wrote:
       | In 1999, my DVD player could do this smoothly without any hitches
       | or glitches. In 2020, my Xeon can't render this fast enough to
       | avoid stutters. Either code quality has gone way down or my DVD
       | player had a faster CPU.
         | speedgoose wrote:
         | To be more specific about why the implementation is bad, it's
         | hardcoded to refresh around every 30ms but not precisely 30ms.
         | jefftk wrote:
         | Your computer is plenty fast, this is just written in a simple-
         | but-slow way. See discussion under
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22882747
         | paxys wrote:
         | "Code quality" is fine. This particular bit of code isn't
         | written very effectively.
         | ricardobeat wrote:
         | It's just a less-than-ideal implementation, your CPU is most
         | definitely not suffering. Here is a completely smooth version:
         | https://codesandbox.io/s/nostalgic-cherry-wwpzj?file=/src/in...
         | (I made the exact same thing last year as a joke for our team
         | monitors)
           | xenonite wrote:
           | I am sorry to say, but my MacBook Pro 2014 i7 is stuttering
           | in Safari 11.1 on a 4k external screen.
             | californical wrote:
             | It lags pretty bad on my Pixel phone too..
           | odensc wrote:
           | I have a 60fps + 144fps monitor setup and when I move it to
           | my high refresh rate one, it goes hyperspeed :) You should
           | calculate delta time with performance.now() and change
           | position based off of that.
             | ricardobeat wrote:
             | Haha, indeed. A correct implementation would calculate
             | (pixel) movement speed based on a delta from last frame,
             | left that out to simplify the code.
           | SergeAx wrote:
           | On my Chrome there are flashing scrollbars when logo hits
           | right or bottom boundary.
           | No wonder modern frontend is such a mess.
         | slau wrote:
         | Interestingly, it's smooth as butter on 3 year old phone.
         | ssalazar wrote:
         | Its not the right tradeoff for everything, but this took 10
         | minutes to code and runs on practically every modern computer
         | in existence.
         | BjoernKW wrote:
         | With these dedicated devices the engineers often were able to
         | cut corners or use custom hardware.
         | This probably wasn't the case with DVD players (because the
         | effort wouldn't have been worth it for a mass market consumer
         | product) but 1980s Amiga home computers for example in some
         | regard still outperformed mid-1990s PCs, which nominally were
         | several orders of magnitude faster.
         | They were able to pull this off by clever hardware tricks and
         | due to custom chips that were highly optimised for very
         | specific use cases.
         | Run-of-the-mill PCs on the other hand were standardised and
         | designed to perform good on average in most situations, not
         | just very specific ones.
       | monktastic1 wrote:
       | Gives rise to a quick brainteaser (perhaps depending on whether
       | you've given number theory any thought before): under what
       | conditions is it guaranteed to hit a corner (regardless of where
       | it starts)? Also assume it's traveling with slope 1.
       | twomoretime wrote:
       | I wonder how many children have been conceived to this logo.
       | pacomerh wrote:
       | a long time ago I went into my living room and saw my parents
       | very quiet sitting down looking at the dvd logo bounce. So I
       | asked, what are you doing, and they said, oh we've been here
       | waiting for the logo to hit the corner...:D
       | ChrisArchitect wrote:
       | add (2012) to title
       | brundolf wrote:
       | Makes me think of this
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOtuX0jL85Y
         | Groxx wrote:
         | I always think of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8NAlDOCG6g
         | when anything dvd-logo-related comes up
           | brundolf wrote:
           | That's pretty funny, but I think it's also fake
             | dewey wrote:
             | It's a pretty common template
             | (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuZP37qwzAE) for inserting
             | videos. You can see the original video on the corners of
             | the black overlay.
         | iamwpj wrote:
         | I watched the site for a bit just to see if it would hit the
         | corner.
           | tholman wrote:
           | Some shameless plugs, My take on the matter -
           | http://tholman.com/special-screen-savers/1/ ... and a 5ish
           | minute segment at a conference talk, explaining the math of
           | corner hitting, and my solutions
           | https://youtu.be/iGPzwotXgfk?t=415
             | lowdose wrote:
             | Right when you think now I know how deep the knowledge
             | pockets of HN go you get surprised by a comment like this.
             | Never imagined someone giving a talk about such an obscure
             | digital event.
             | What an awesome explanation. Thank you for sharing!
       | barbs wrote:
       | Is there a screensaver version of this? Or a way to turn this
       | into a screensaver?
         | egfx wrote:
         | Try https://gif.com.ai to turn it into a gif. You can set
         | timing with a bouncing </marquee> tag to make it move from end
         | to end. I'm not aware of any tools to turn gifs into
         | screensavers however. I'm pretty sure they exist though.
         | I made one a little while ago https://imgur.com/7t9svTV
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | That's got to be one of the least efficient suggestion I've
           | read in a long time. GIFs are horrible, except they are
           | awesome. In a 90s sense of awesome.
           | It would be much more efficient to turn it into a proper
           | video.
             | egfx wrote:
             | GIFs are sadly so misunderstood :]
         | dylan604 wrote:
         | Oh my, what is wrong with people?? Or maybe it's just me. I
         | have a PTSD like reaction instead. I was a DVD programmer for
         | 10 years, and every where I looked would be a screen with a DVD
         | player connected doing this. I'm so glad to not be in the shiny
         | round disc business any more.
       | pier25 wrote:
       | I was wondering why the animation was so stuttery and then I saw
       | they are using setInterval for the animation...
       | Jesus it's 2020 at least use requestAnimationFrame!
       | https://flaviocopes.com/requestanimationframe/
         | echeese wrote:
         | I wrote my own version - seems to run smoother
         | https://speets.ca/dvd/
           | [deleted]
           | herpderperator wrote:
           | It stutters for me, but less than the original.
         | [deleted]
         | aphextron wrote:
         | >I was wondering why the animation was so stuttery and then I
         | saw they are using setInterval for the animation...
         | setInterval isn't the problem. He's animating the CSS position
         | (top, left), which triggers a full reflow and causes the
         | stuttering. Always animate with translate3d, which is GPU
         | accelerated.
           | tantalor wrote:
           | Ooh you could even animate with a css transition from one
           | bounce to the next with a linear curve; then you don't run
           | any JS per frame, only at the bounces.
             | augusto-moura wrote:
             | The problem I think is that transitions have fixed amount
             | of time, both long and short travels finish with the same
             | amount of time giving a different velocity of movement.
             | Also executing Javascript every frame is not that heavy
             | [deleted]
           | ajflores1604 wrote:
           | As someone who's new to front end and css is there a good
           | resource on what properties are more costly, or which
           | functions are newer and meant to be more performant like
           | translate3d is mentioned as being gpu accelerated? I've seen
           | mentions of reflow, repaint, and layout thrashing but not a
           | comprehensive list of what functions are meant to replace
           | what other ones, or relative cost of each function in common
           | use cases. I've managed to grasp javascript fairly easily
           | coming from python, but css seems like this obscure black box
           | that I thought would be much easier to get a handle on.
             | ly wrote:
             | I have no great answer to your question, and you might know
             | this already, but while translate3d is indeed newer, it's
             | not a "new more performant" replacement for positioning
             | with top/left using the position property.
             | It's just another property which can sometimes be used to
             | do what you could earlier only do with 'position:', but
             | there are still many cases (the majority) you position
             | things using the "old" position property.
             | They have different uses, and for that reason one also
             | requires a reflow while the other does not.
           | jayflux wrote:
           | This looks like it's just 2D so translate() would be enough,
           | almost all of the functions under transform are GPU
           | accelerated.
             | nathancahill wrote:
             | Yes, they are now. Initially, only translate3d was
             | accelerated so there's a lot of code that uses that still
             | for 2D animation.
           | ricardobeat wrote:
           | That is not correct.
           | setInterval is definitely the main issue here, especially
           | with a 30ms delay, 33 or 16 would at least give it a chance
           | to sync with refresh rates. Absolutely positioned elements do
           | not trigger reflow, as the element is _removed from the
           | normal document flow_ [1]. See my example in another comment.
           | [1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/CSS/position#ab...
             | aphextron wrote:
             | Regardless of whether there is a reflow, translate() allows
             | you to do subpixel animation [0]. It will always be
             | smoother than animating CSS position [1].
             | [0] https://css-tricks.com/tale-of-animation-performance/
             | [1] https://www.paulirish.com/2012/why-moving-elements-
             | with-tran...
         | n_u_l_l wrote:
         | The source image is also pixelated[1]. Could've used a vector
         | instead[2]
         | 1. https://www.bouncingdvdlogo.com/logos/dvdlogo-01.png
         | 2. https://www.brandsoftheworld.com/logo/dvd-video-0
         | tengbretson wrote:
         | setTimeout would probably be fine if they used the diff in
         | elapsed time between calls to derive the position deltas rather
         | than assuming it is always going to be 30ms.
         | XaspR8d wrote:
         | Or alternatively, write it as a CSS animation and modify it on
         | collision.
         | kamikaz1k wrote:
         | It's a pretty simple page, setTimeout should work well enough.
         | Is the interval too high?
           | winrid wrote:
           | The issue's not setTimeout. Even with requestAnimationFrame,
           | you'd combine it with setTimeout to control framerate and cpu
           | usage.
           | The issue is the css properties manipulated, as commented by
           | another person.
           | kroltan wrote:
           | It's not just about speed, it's about timing. With
           | setInterval the alignment of the screen refresh and the code
           | to update will quickly become out of sync and cause periods
           | where 2 frames are the same.
             | jonny_eh wrote:
             | Which causes visual tearing.
               | [deleted]
       | isaidthis wrote:
       | Make the browser window real small and things get crazy.
         | thijsvandien wrote:
         | Thanks, I hate it.
         | echeese wrote:
         | It reloads the page when you resize
           | NullPrefix wrote:
           | For me it doesn't change the play area. If I reduce the
           | window size then the logo just flies off screen.
       | kroltan wrote:
       | Making this and not having a counter of corner bounces should be
       | inconstitutional! </humor>
       | aloukissas wrote:
       | Ha! Posted this randomly 2 hrs ago, came back to see it #2 behind
       | Apple iPhone SE announcement. We are all bored, aren't we? :)
       | nikital wrote:
       | A while ago I made a bouncing DVD logo that would actually hit
       | the corner every few bounces with high probability:
       | https://nikital.github.io/screensaver
       | (But then it would troll you just before hitting it)
         | pryelluw wrote:
         | I love this so much that am debating turning it into a native
         | screensaver.
         | augusto-moura wrote:
         | Damn I didn't read the troll part in time
         | krat0sprakhar wrote:
         | Haha that troll part is awesome!
         | [deleted]
         | 1123581321 wrote:
         | I love this. And for the first few bounces, I was worried the
         | real troll was that it would never even approach the corner. :)
         | mrzool wrote:
         | I spent way too much time watching this but eventually the
         | trolling part was worth it.
           | justwalt wrote:
           | It startled me a bit, lol.
       (page generated 2020-04-15 23:00 UTC)